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The Citizen, 2017-08-31, Page 18
PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2017. Festival of Wizardry seeks volunteers for event Maybe you missed out on buying tickets to the festival, maybe you like helping out or maybe you really want to get a snazzy t -shirt. Whatever the reason the Festival of Wizardry still has a way for you to get into the festival: volunteering. Volunteering for a four -to -five- hour shift gets you a weekend pass to the festival, access to the Slugclub VIP room and a festival t -shirt. The Festival of Wizardry sold out all 9,000 tickets in early February leaving many disappointed and wishing they could have come. This doesn't mean that more locals can't attend. High school students 17 years old and older can earn their school community hours at the festival. Parents can even do multiple shifts to earn passes for their kids as well. For those with carpentry or crafting skills there are opportunities before and after the festival so one can be free to enjoy the festival. Volunteers can apply online at transfi guredtown. com. Volunteering isn't the only opportunity still available; there are still opportunities for sponsorship ranging from $150 for a high profile sign on the Quidditch pitch to $3,500 which gets your company's logo front row, centre in everyone's pictures by placing it on the Deathday Party Ice Bar. With 9,000 attendees, over 500 volunteers, over 100 vendors, seven national and 20 local and online media outlets companies will get plenty of attention and help the Festival of Wizardry reach its fundraising goals for assisting the Huron Food Action Network. Those interested in discussing sponsorship/advertising opportunities should contact Event Coordinator Sally Litchfield at slitchfeild@transfiguredtown.com. 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