HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-08-31, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2017. Sponsored Content The Plantagenets Respond "In an age of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell In the July 13, 2017 Citizen, I postulated 're -energized' original goals for a Queen St. `stakeholder' and her Plantagenet partners whose descent from 50+ royal thrones was long -known by the municipality, as was their longer known economic potential, for Blyth and the Thresher's site, in a planned, "outsized project" comprising the sub -projects of a wheelchair accessible gallery, studios, a permanent, community, educational, arts project and related production facilities with community participation and alternative models of ownership. All was impeded by the municipality, and some of it's sworn ad hoc agents. Also, I cited how (like most of the `probables' in a 2004 document sent to North Huron) "the foreseen" had been shown to be accurate by the announcements of 14/19 inc. in 2013 and of the Festival of Thrones in July 27, 2017 which, still, may have been a surprise to some. It was no surprise to those who, in 1999, were planning, a `Medieval Faire' with a jousting re-enactment, birds of prey displays and endlessly adaptable historical themes and demonstrations designed specifically for the Blyth Theatre and the Thresher's site and it's, aggressively proposed, attached amphitheatre, all within the village. Studies indicated the 'customer creation' of a few hundred (possibly many more) desirable, lifetime, Blyth area livelihoods. Laura's Plantagenet partners hope to, literally, demonstrate this. Also "not surprised", was HUB - the Historic Usgirls Bevy - ("We never Quail!" TM) Assemblers and Disseminators of Accurate History, and Blithe, Historic Pillage. But they were disappointed that the venue for the `Festival of Thrones', and other `family fare', and the site of the construction of the `Blyth' Amphitheatre, will not be the community of Blyth. I'm sure that their disappointment is shared by the chair and past chair of BiG - The Blyth idea Group - Volunteers In Support of a Sustainable Blyth, the Historic Village. On October 2, 2012, they wrote a scathing missive, marred by discredited, neoliberal, economic nonsense. (See: EconoNotes, later, below) Their raw, publically distributed text was a Statement in Response to North Huron's displeasure with the controversial Blyth Business Retention and Expansion Survey (from which, unbelievably, Laura, the "designated denizen" was excluded). I quote from BiG's own text > "It's important that council remember, this is about ..stakeholders.. not homeowners, service clubs and not -for -profits, but business people. We ask that every investment be effectively managed. And as the manager of these investments, Blyth stakeholders expect NH to leverage them, and earn a return. We want to hear NH say, "Here is our forward-looking strategy - and it is ruthlessly positive. Here is our plan to solicit and book 2 or 3 events per month at the campground, which is owned by NH, because we know it's good for the economy" -etc. Signed, 'In Community' - The Chair ; and - The Past Chair The ambiguous "And as the manager of these investments, Blyth stakeholders expect..." is, perhaps, a product of haste or Freudian foreshadowing by an irrepressible compulsion, captured in five trenchant pages of ruthless urging, that presents many arguments, which, as a matter of record, Laura and partners, with pleasant generosity, then stoic resignation, had been presenting (by 2012) for fifteen, long, 'punished - above -their -weight' years, with one telling difference - Laura's arguments stressed planning by the community as central to everything, while BiG's specified the exclusion of the community. There you have it. Uncompromising dedication to Blyth sustainability and events hosted at the campground, and the unequivocal distinction of stakeholders from other, expressly excluded, community members. It is a distinction used by local, provincial and federal governments; promoted by municipal Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) - allegedly, democracy -undermining, legitimacy -challenged, products of the neoliberal occupation of universities with business schools and other embedded agencies that Chris Hedges calls `whorehouses right in the middle of our universities'. John Ralston Saul laments that they 'have turned out several generations of technocratic monsters, many, wielding MBAs. Professor Henry A. Giroux insists "neoliberal occupation makes a mockery of the very meaning and mission of university as a democratic public sphere. It controls all of those cultural apparatuses and pedagogical sites that function to produce identities, desires and values that mimic the market. It is a mode of governance that controls the market and all of social life in a nightmare scenario that will reinforce a totalitarian tendency toward a society dominated by thoughtlessness, stupidity and diverse modes of depoliticization." Unlike, social, political and self -identified economic elites, the United Nations insists that citizens of communities are stakeholders. Legal opinions indicate that foisting 14/19 inc., onto the community of Blyth, is, by 14/19's own disclosures, almost certainly, a violation of the United Nations definitions and standards for "proper engagement of the citizens in any community in regard to the decision making process regarding any commercial and/or social changes that could affect their lives or essential environment for life." In The Citizen's July 25th, 2013 issue, 14/19 was described as "the project, which has been cloaked in secrecy until it's release day of July 28". A spokesperson, called the coming announcement "county wide, country wide" adding it "will encompass the entire community of Blyth, and will spread even further, impacting all of Huron County, and the entire country". Four weeks of front page ads, by 14/19, have exhorted excluded citizens to "Be part of it. 7.28.13." - The Citizen invited residents to "come out to hear" the "July 28th... announcement...that could change the face of the Blyth community forever." The Citizen's Aug.1.2017 issue said "The great mystery of the 14/19 campaign was finally unveiled." A 14/19 spokesperson called the creators of 14/19 "a small group of people" that, now, needs the excluded majority of the community to labour and donate money to realize 14/19's plan. 14/19's front page ad instructed citizens - "It's time to get involved." To foist is to introduce someone or something surreptitiously or unwarrantably into a situation. The UN continues - "An underlying principle of stakeholder engagement is that stakeholders have a chance to influence the decision-making process. This differentiates stakeholder engagement from communications processes that seek to issue a message or influence groups to agree with a decision that is already made." As happened in Blyth. It's likely that forced entrepreneurialism is in store for unsuspecting residents of Blyth, including the few recruited to `participate', unwittingly, in the simulation of inclusiveness and creation of, both, odd plans and a corporation unaccountable to a community, most of whom were excluded from participation until critical decisions were already finalized. Forced entrepreneurialism, for many, necessitates leaving home to join those whose fate is intended (by neoliberal structural impediments) to be the informal survivalism already being lived by hundreds of millions as described in Planet of the Slums by Mike Davis. (As Hermione knew, in The Order of The Phoenix,' - "We must educate ourselves") EconoNotes: Contemporary scholarly investigations of the texts of economist Adam Smith clearly reveal that: "There are numerous statements in The Wealth of Nations that can be quoted to support, most dramatically, that Smith was cynical about the motives of business people." (Who misquote or ignore 99% of Smith's work because it's `inconvenient'). Steve Keen is celebrated as being among the few economists to first expose neoliberally tailored economics of Friedrich Hayek as calculated nonsense (still taught in complicit universities). It's manipulative tripe furthers the New World Order goals of corporate, capitalist greed. As part of it's deceit, it suborned others to create a Nobel Prize for economics to con the world into believing that economics is a science, when, in fact, it's a mash -up of many, seriously discredited, models, theories and notions. It's reported that parties within the Nobel Institute refer to the economics prize as The Phony Nobel Prize'. Steve Keen states that "Politicians need a complete alternative to neoliberal economics which is basically a First Year Economics textbook re -written as a political manifesto. It is a ruthless, global tyrrany of enslavement and betrayal championed by - Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Brian Mulroney and Mike Harris whose tactics and techniques have been copied by venal conservative, liberal and labour governments, alike, ever since. John Ralston Saul notes that "The rise in the respectability of self-interest in the Milton Friedman era, from the late 1960s on, was followed by a sharp rise in corruption in both the public and private sectors everywhere in the democracies." He called Friedman's economic theories the product of "childish logic". Saul adds, "In spite of the paternity offered to Hayek, Friedman and a crowd of free trade neoliberal economists, the real core of the (neoliberal) theory is - boringly - much more about two administrative elements: management and risk avoidance. The third element has been an obsession with the accumulation of wealth, as opposed to competition, innovation and production." Risk avoidance is why CAOs function as facilitators for unimpeded, safe, P3s, and infrastucture privatizations, and why unimaginative capitalists copy each other or pilfer ideas as they reel from their own holdings being seized in humiliating take -it -or -else raids by the class -cannibalizing `really big fish', obeying capitalist logic in the climax to the 2008 assault on the world economy. (all foreseen in 2004 letter to N.Huron). Laura, possibly the 'Most Impeded and Excluded Stakeholder in the History of Blyth', was, indeed, excluded from that controversial Blyth Business Retention and Expansion Survey. The long list of her exclusions, in Blyth, cannot be the product of coincidence. Her assertion of brutal, malicious, unethical, immoral and illegal treatment is legitimate. In between assaults, she's treated as if she doesn't exist. Noam Chomsky states "The basic principle, rarely violated, is that - what conflicts with the requirements of power and privilege, does not exist." There will be more on these exclusions, another time. Plantagenet's Respond Installment #1 - questions from July 13th ANNOUNCEMENT. 0: Is it an original narrative work (a Plantagenet partner's literary production) functioning as the fertile nexus of a creation of virtually limitless productive capacity as described in communications to the municipality? Does it utilize unique features that are possibly a first in modern genealogy? A: Yes, to all of that. Q: Are these Plantagenet partners really descended from more than 50 ancient royal houses? Does the municipality really know about them and their leveraging potential through natural affinities to existing cultural attractions in Ontario and elsewhere? A: Yes, that number is accurate. In 2011, a, then, municipal councillor (#1) and a current Blyth Ward councillor (#2), were advised that we (partners) were descended from the Scottish kings and `related' to the Plantagenet kings of whom Shakespeare had written eleven (11) plays. Councillor #1 was also told that Laura and her father used to say, of us, that Blyth could tease that Stratford had the plays but Blyth had the real thing. Councillor #1 was also told about our outsized project, and that the working title of Laura's ugly duckling building was "Building #1 of the University of Blyth - the global village." Some profoundly disturbing back stories, related to that working title, need a wide telling. Q: Is there really a youtube record of the municipality sabotaging an opportunity to meet and converse with these people? If so, what was the Plantagenet partners response? A: A video can be accessed on youtube > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg6- vz7LNns Or by searching youtube for - 18August2014 North Huron Council Meeting. It's not yet possible to prove sabotage. One can watch the video and draw one's own conclusions, from Laura's presentation to the North Huron council. The talk, very gracious considering the circumstances and the fact that no one on council apologized for the omission, is at 4:14 -17:44. Laura delivered her address on precarious employment and countering strategies. Because of the omission, we were not able to present our complementary address on strategies of the Universal Basic Income. The council had no questions but councillor Vodden requested a copy of the talk and it's comprehensive list of resources. Shortly thereafter 14/19/CCRC announced a discussion scheduled for the following year concerning the future of rural employment. Laura said that our Netherlands cousins visiting Goderich this summer received a warm reception. We share many thousands of known Royal forefathers over nearly two thousand years and a few thousand for much longer than that. At Laura's talk, there was not a royal -watcher to be seen. Not one. Let no one ever say that an absence of advertising does not work. We will submit a more significant response next time, when more questions will be answered. © 2017 Usgirls Edging All rights reserved. "We never Quail!" TM