HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-08-31, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2017. PAGE 3.
Sept. 10 church service set for Shed 3 at reunion
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, Aug. 27
was Marilyn Craig. Ushering were
Donna Moore and Marilyn Craig.
Susanna Lyman was guest pianist.
Hillary MacDonald welcomed
everyone to church on this sunny
morning. She drew everyone's
attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin. Special
mention was that Sharon Bromley is
still needing help for the Threshers
weekend. If you can help in any way
please call her at 519-523-9421.
Hillary also mentioned that meat pie
making will be starting in October. If
you wish to order pies please call
Donna Moore at 519-523-9855. The
list is already started.
The ladies are looking for help to
stock the kitchen with pickles,
brown, white and icing sugar, Jellos
and tomato and apple juices. These
things can be left in the kitchen on
Tuesdays and Thursdays between
9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. or on Sunday
morning. Hillary also reminded
everyone that there will be no church
service at Blyth United on Sunday,
Sept. 10. You are invited to join the
service at the Thresher's Reunion at
9:30 a.m. in Shed #3.
Hillary lit the Christ candle on the
altar table. She invited everyone to
greet one another. The opening
hymn "Precious Lord" was sung
followed by the call to worship
repeated responsively and the prayer
of approach. The scripture reading
was from the Gospel of Matthew
16:13-20. The hymn "The Church's
One Foundation" was sung.
Hillary's message to the
congregation was "Who Do You Say
I Am?" Each of us have a different
name and we look different. We all
have a special gift, some make pies,
others learn from doing, some are
grandparents and so on.
Jesus tells us that we are strong
and that He loves us all the same no
Marking five years
Irene Kellins, left, marked five years running Stitches with a Twist with a special celebration
over the weekend. Kellins had draws and activities to mark the occasion and welcomed visitors
to the store. Above, Kellins is showing Mary Passchier how to arm knit, a practice that Kellins
will be teaching larger groups in the near future at the Blyth Library. (Quinn Talbot photo)
Hildebrand to
head up IPM
church service
Sympathy is extended to Don and
Doug Scrimgeour and families in
the death of their Aunt Marg
(Scrimgeour) Marks of Windsor,
who passed away this past week.
Happy birthday to Connor Brooks
and Hannah Boven, who celebrate
Sept. 1 and Keldon Pawitch, Sept. 6
Happy Anniversary to Lavern and
Joan Clark who celebrate Sept. 7.
Everyone is invited to the worship
service at the 100th International
Plowing Match and Rural Expo on
Sunday, Sept. 17 at 3 p.m. in the
great outdoors under the cover of the
entertainment tent at the match site
located at 82823 North Line
(County Road 12) Walton. Liturgist
is Steve Hildebrand with a mass
choir of 150 voices drawn from area
churches. Come out and enjoy the
music and fellowship.
The Citizen
offices will be closed on
Monday, September 4
The deadlines for the September 7 paper
will be
Friday, September 1
2 pm in Brussels
4 pm in Blyth
413 Queen St., Blyth
541 Turnberry St., Brussels
email: info@northhuron.on.ca
matter what our name or what our
special gift is. Jesus teaches us that
God loves all of us just the way we
are. We are made up of all kinds of
people in this world and we all have
different opinions. Some may be
right and some may be wrong.
In the scriptures many people had
different opinions as to who Jesus
was. Jesus asks His Disciples who
they thought He was. Peter answers
the He is the Christ, the Son of God.
We should ask ourselves who Jesus
is to us? We grow up in the church
and we are taught to believe in Jesus,
to give our hearts to Him. Our
actions often speak louder than our
words. We share the stories of Jesus
with others.
The next hymn "What a Friend We
Have in Jesus" was sung. The
offering was received followed by
the singing of the offertory response
"Grant Us God the Grace," the
offertory prayer, the prayers for the
people, silent prayers and the
singing of the Lord's Prayer. The last
hymn "We Are Pilgrims" was sung
followed by the benediction and the
singing of the response "I Am
Walking a Path of Peace, Joy and
Love." Everyone was invited for
coffee, treats and fellowship with
one another.
Township of North Huron
Regular Council Meetings: 7:00 p.m.
Location: North Huron Council Chambers
274 Josephine St. Wingham ON
Tuesday, September 5
Monday, October 2
Monday, November 6
Monday, September 18
Monday, October 16
Monday, November 20
North Huron Police Services Board Meetings
Location: Police Station Board Room at 7:00 p.m.
Dates: September 19, October 17, November 21
Sanctifying grace, as well as pardoning mercy!
("Every day!" Author unknown, 1872)
"You shall call His name Jesus --for He shall save His people from their
sins!" Matthew 1:21
Jesus! Precious name, how sweet it is! How well it befits Him who bears
it --and how glorious is the salvation which He accomplishes!
Misery is the natural consequence of sin. Everything that God enjoins is
good --and everything that He forbids is evil. Jesus saves His people from
their sins --and so saves them from misery. He died to atone for
transgressions. He ever lives to save His people from the power and
practice of sin --yes, and eventually from the very presence of sin.
My soul, let your whole trust be in Jesus, not only for deliverance from
guilt and its consequences --but from sin in its manifold workings. You are
powerless against your inward corruptions --but Jesus is "mighty to save."
He can subdue your iniquities. Trust Him then, for sanctifying grace, as
well as pardoning mercy!
Dwell much on all He did and suffered for you. In His agony in the garden
of Gethsemane, and on the cross at Calvary --see something of the
exceeding sinfulness of your sins, from which He died to save you.
"He will subdue our iniquities --and cast all our sins into the depths of the
sea!" Micah 7:19
Jesus' blood, for sinners spilt,
Shows my sin in all its guilt.
Ah, my soul, He bore your load,
You have slain the Lamb of God!
Farewell, world --your gold is dross!
Now I see the bleeding cross!
Jesus died to set me free,
From the law, and sin, and thee!
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956