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From the Minister's Study
Royall recounts brush with God in Red Bay
By Rev. Mark Royall
Huron Chapel Evangelical
Missionary Church, Auburn
I don't know what you are
struggling with or negotiating with
in your life right now as you read
this article, but what I am about to
tell you is probably the most
profound thing I could ever say to
anyone facing any trial. Here it is,
"Having a high view of God is the
solution to most of your problems."
There is nothing we could ever
face in our life that would catch God
offguard. There is nothing we come
up against here in our life that finds
God in heaven wondering what to do
or how to overcome our problem.
The Bible declares this fact, "0
Sovereign Lord! You made the
heavens and earth by your strong
hand and powerful arm. Nothing is
too hard for You!" (Jeremiah 32:17).
So while you may feel overwhelmed
and tempted to worry, God isn't.
He's got this. Nothing is too hard
for Him. You and I can still make the
same choice today King David made
many years ago when he faced
uncertain times. He said to God,
"But when I am afraid, I will put my
trust in You" Psalm 56:3
One of the biggest problems
facing Christians today isn't a
secular government or illness, or a
lack of money, or finding the right
person to share our life with or the
right job to make a living. The
bigger problem than any of these is
how little a view we have of God.
Let me share with you again a
story that happened to me when I
was a young pastor which always
reminds me how big our God is,
especially when we feel particularly
small and insignificant in this world.
Along with myself, two pastor
friends of mine, Dave and Doug,
were given the use of a cottage up on
the Bruce Peninsula in the Red Bay
area. Normally in the summer this
place would be packed with tourists
and cottagers, but we were there in
the month of May. There was no
one, and I mean no one, to be found
but the three of us It was so deserted
there I could have laid down in the
middle of the road while reading a
book without any worries of being
run over by a car. It was that quiet...
which was good for us because we
were there to pray, to read, to share
and recharge our batteries.
One morning after making
breakfast at the cottage, we went for
a walk together. As we walked by a
nearby summer campground we
noticed the restaurant there had a lit
`open' sign in the window. We
thought to ourselves this must be a
mistake. Someone must have turned
the sign on accidentally because
why would a restaurant be open
when there is absolutely no one
around who would come to dine?
However, we vowed that if the sign
QLiving 1Vater
July 23: Rom. 8:31-39
"Slaughtered but Unstoppable"
Evangelical Missionary Church
July 30 - Blyth 140 Community Church Service,
10 a.m. at Lion's Park
10:30 a.m. - Worship & Sunday School
at 308 Blyth Rd. (former Church of God)
Pastor: Ernest Dow - 519-523-4848
was still lit the next morning during
our walk, we would check it out.
The next morning we walked by
the restaurant and sure enough, the
open sign was lit so we walked up
the campground's lane to go in. We
were pleasantly surprised to find the
door was unlocked. The three of us
eagerly stepped into the restaurant.
As we entered, a middled -aged
women appeared, looking out at us
through a serving window from the
kitchen. She looked more surprised
than we were as we found our way to
a booth and sat down.
We sat alone. We were the only
patrons there. A few moments
passed by when the same woman
who had looked at us coming in
appeared with menus in hand. As we
browsed over the breakfast
selections she began to tell us rather
apologetically, "I don't do the
cooking. My husband does and he
went into town this morning to get
supplies. I'm not sure what I can
really do but I can try"
I could tell she was really nervous
about cooking us breakfast so I
spoke up and asked, "What if we
came back to the kitchen and helped
you cook breakfast?" She broke into
Kate Snell was one of the many area young people who
took advantage of the Blyth Christian Reformed Church's
annual Vacation Bible School, which is funded by all of the
village's churches. Here, Snell flexed her crafting muscles
with some yarn and popsicle sticks. (Denny Scott photo)
United Church
July is vacation time at Brussels United
worship with Melville Presbyterian at 11:00 a.m.
See you at Brussels United on August 6 at 11:00 a.m.
To reach Hillary MacDonald during July
Call: 905-246-7386
Email: macdonald.hillary@gmail.com
,Trinity, St. John's
lAk C1� 9:15 am No service
Church Office month
1 519-357-4883 Of July
Everyone Welcome!
We invite you to join our church family in:
Worship & Sunday School - 11 am
Coffee & Snacks following the service
Fridays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Soup & More 2
- a free community meal held in Melville's basement, and
made possible by the Brussels churches working together.
Nursery care available
a huge smile and said, "You
wouldn't mind doing that?" "No," I
said. "We would love to." And with
that the three of us got up and
headed back to the kitchen.
Dave, Doug and I got the coffee
going, began frying eggs, cooking
bacon, and making toast. We were
laughing and joking having a good
old time cooking our breakfast in the
restaurant's kitchen. The woman
stood off to the side watching us as
we joyfully went about doing our
work. Then looking at me she asked,
"What do you gentlemen do for a
living?" I gave her the same answer
I always give someone when they
ask me this question. I told her, "We
have the greatest jobs the world."
Now, when I tell people this no one
has ever guessed what I do for a
living. There has only been one
exception in my 28 years of
pastoring and it happened in that
restaurant kitchen that morning. Her
eyes lit up and she asked in
astonishment, "Are you pastors?"
Now it was my turn to be astonished.
"Why, yes we are," I said. Then she
began to cry which caught us off
She began to tell us how she and
her husband had just moved from the
Kitchener area and bought this
campground. She was a follower of
Jesus and she had been recently
diagnosed with cancer. When they
moved from Kitchener she had to
say goodbye to her church and
Christian friends there. It was
different living where they do now.
She went from being surrounded
with support to be isolated. On this
particular morning, all alone in a far
off place, she began to think of her
illness and she was growing
discouraged. So there in the kitchen
she began to pray for God to send
someone to encourage her that day.
It seemed like a hopeless prayer
because she knew no one was even
in the area during the off season, let
alone a fellow Christian who could
Continued on page 19
10:30 am
Every Sunday
in Auburn
10.06 AM
This Sunday at
Huron Chapel,
that actually
help yo
in your li
Y'au re 9nvited a join 2.1s Jn GWors/iip
Morning Service
Evening Service
10:00 am
7:30 pm
Minister: Pastor Gary van Leeuwen
Hwy. 4, Blyth www.blythcrc.ca 519-523-4743
tad4eed, eeoeffatedtv Vac, &god
You're Invited
to come worssrtiy
with us
Sunday, July 23 - 10:30 a.m.
650 Alexander St. (former Brussels Public School)
Sunday School for children
4 to 12 years of age at 9:30 a.m.
Childcare provided for infants and preschoolers
during the sermon.
Coffee & cookies after the morning service.
Evening Services July 9 to Sept. 3
6:30 p.m. at various homes
For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621
Steve Klumpenhower 519.292.0965 Rick Packer 519.527.0173
Blyth United Church
Est. 1875
Visitation Sundays
for the month of July
please worship
at a church near you
Regular weekly services resume
August 7th at 9:30 am
All are welcome
OFFICE: 519-523-4224