HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-07-06, Page 21THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2017. PAGE 21. Riley chosen as Hullett Central Valedictorian A big day Jeylin Riley was chosen as Hullett Central Public School's Grade 8 Valedictorian for the 2016/2017 school year. His selection came as a suprise to the students at their graduation last week, when Riley was revealed as the school's choice the night of the ceremony, held in Blyth at the community centre. (Shawn Loughlin photo) By Jeylin Riley Good evening peers, teachers, administrations, family and friends, it is my pleasure and honour to speak on behalf of the class of 2017 on the night of graduation. Tonight, we bring closure to one chapter of our lives and embark on a journey into another. Tonight, we recognize the many hardships, achievements and accomplishments that unified our class, bringing us closer together. As one of my favourite movies once said, "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that's why they call it the present," but enough about Kung Fu Panda. Today our hearts are filled with joy and excitement and for some of us sadness and uncertainty for the unknown that lies ahead. However, I'm here to tell you that we all once experienced those same feelings when entering Hullett's doors for the very first time. Walking down the hall on my first day at school, while reading the teachers names on the classroom doors, I stumbled upon Mrs. Pickell's room. At that time, I read her name as "Mrs. Pickel" and had visions of veggie tale characters being my teacher. Just as we realized Mrs. Pickell was human and not a fermented cucumber we were off to Mr. Caldwell's class. Although I have a hard time remembering that far back, I do remember Mr. Caldwell's upbeat attitude and wise cracking jokes. I also remember Mr. Caldwell informing my parents at the parent/teacher interview that I was "reading too much in class". What teacher scolds a Grade 2 child for reading a book? A book with chapters at that! Once I mastered the art of reading, it was time to move on to Grade 4 to Mrs. Elder's Pythagoras math class. On several occasions, I can remember Mrs. Elder desperately trying to explain area and perimeter and for some reason our class could not grasp this concept and after the 10th try around we observed what Mrs. Elder calls a "math spazz". By the end of her class the desk was cleared off and we all now have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For those of you who only had the pleasure of dealing with it once, six other students and myself had the once -in-a-lifetime chance of enduring it twice. Whoa. Moving along to Grade 6 in Mrs. Fritzley's class. Did you know we weren't actually in a class? According to Mrs. Fritzley we just spent the duration of that year out in "the cottage". Although the math wasn't as advanced as Mrs. Elder's, we did learn how to become experts at Minecraft. As my Minecraft career came to an abrupt halt, I began to enter the Star Wars era. While some classes count down the days until Christmas or summer vacation, in Mr. Coups' class, we counted down the days until the Star Wars movie was released. The day after this movie came out, Mr. Coups ensured that the force was with us, we had to watch the movie as a class. For me, that year was my favourite at Hullett. Once we left the galaxy, it was time to move in with Mrs. Gerber for Grade 8. The second I walked through that door I began to question whether I was at public school or veterinarian office. This woman's desk was "littered" with pug artifacts. Mrs. Gerber even went as far as to incorporate dog terminology into her vocabulary. So, thank you Mrs. Gerber for "grooming us" for high school. Along with our homeroom teachers, there have been many more staff who have influenced us graduates. Madame Workman always encourages us to speak French, which is why we call her Madame. "Merci beaucoup pour ton travail difficile Madame." The only teacher who has been by our sides since Grade 1 is Mrs. Barnett. Not only did she serenade us with her musical talent, but she also brought out the Leonardo da Vinci in all of us Thank you to all the past and present Hullett staff for your words of wisdom and encouragement throughout our educational careers. As we sit here together, we can be proud of the young adolescents we have become. Take Reid for example, last year he couldn't say underwear without giggling and just last week he completed our Grade 8 growth and development class. Way to go buddy! As we sit here excited about graduation with summer vacation on its way, September will be here before we know it. Heading into high school means new surroundings, new adventures and new friends. Parents, this also means girlfriends, boyfriends, late nights and driving. In Grade 8 language, this means high school is going to be lit! I encourage you all to remember your roots, your childhood friends and to make wise decisions that support positive outcomes. My advice to each and every one of my fellow students is, don't try to be better than someone else, but strive to be better than you were before. Take every obstacle or challenge as an opportunity for learning and growing and finally, live in the moment and embrace change. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours. Today we close the door to the past and open the door to the future, take a deep breath and step on through and start a new chapter in our lives. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. 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