HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-06-29, Page 21PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2017.
Council approves $400,000 homes pipe replacement
By Shawn Loughlin
The Citizen
Huron County Council has
authorized a large-scale renovation
project at both its Huronlea and
Huronview Homes for the Aged in
light of continued challenges with
their sprinkler system piping.
At council's June 21 committee of
the whole meeting, Ron Mercer, the
Homes Environmental Services
Manager spoke to council, saying
that the piping used in the homes
when they were constructed 25 years
ago is decaying. This has been
evidenced by the pipe burst event at
Huronlea in Brussels several
weeks ago that resulted in the
flooding of one resident's room
as well as other parts of the building.
Mercer told councillors that while
the wholesale replacement of piping
throughout both homes would be a
"very big" and "disruptive" project,
he felt it was better than the
alternative of dealing with
catastrophic failures on an as -needed
basis as the pipes at both homes
continue to decay and result in leaks
and split pipes, which, under the
right circumstances, can cause major
flood events in the homes.
He said that the project would not
have any impact on the county's
budget because it would be paid for
out of the homes department's
reserve funds. It is anticipated that
the project will cost $245,000 plus
HST to install galvanized pipe
throughout Huronview. The cost will
break down to $18,800 per wing
with a lifespan of approximately 35
Several councillors inquired as to
why the project wouldn't utilize
plastic piping, but Mercer said that
the pressure the piping is under is
too high for plastic pipes. Black
thick -wall pipe could be used at a
cost of $300,000 and a lifespan of
45-50 years, but Mercer said that
due to the complexity of the project,
contractors have said that galvanized
pipe is easier to work with.
The same galvanized piping is
estimated to cost $170,000 plus HST
at Huronlea for a total impact on the
homes department's reserve of over
$400,000 plus HST.
Get cracking
The Grey division of the Huron East Fire Department was hard at work serving breakfast to
hundreds of hungry diners on Sunday — an annual June tradition with the department on the
Sunday after Father's Day, when the Brussels firefighters do the same. (DennyScottphoto)
Enlist your partner's help: Dow
Continued from page 20
properly exercising authority ought
to drive us dads to our knees!
Jesus teaches, "Again, I tell you
that if two of you on earth agree
about anything you ask for, it will be
done for you by my Father in
heaven. For where two or three come
together in my name, there am I with
them." (Matthew 18:19f) He wants
His followers to ask, to plead, to
implore, to beg the Father's help in
all our situations. How did Paul put
it? "Pray continually..."
(1Thessalonians 5:17)
When we and our prayer -partner
come to agreement in Christ's name
on what we need to be requesting
from our Heavenly Father, God
looks at that, sees His Son involved,
and views it as if the request came
directly from Jesus Himself.
Because the Holy Spirit has been
guiding the process.
Fathers, who is the person closest
at hand that God has given you to be
a lifelong prayer -partner? Your wife,
of course! Enlist her help in
spiritually leading and interceding
for those young lives under your
care. Together you can become a
dynamic duo surrounding your
youngsters in protective prayer.
Discipline, authority, and duality
in prayer are important ways that
dads can provide protection and a
secure nurturing environment for
their children. Father of
psychoanalysis Dr. Sigmund Freud
observed, "I could not point to any
need in childhood as strong as that
for a father's protection."
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Central Huron Mayor Dave Jewitt
said that while he hesitated to bring
it up and that it's part of a much
larger conversation, he wondered if a
needs assessment should be done on
the buildings before the county sinks
hundreds of thousands of dollars
into them.
The county is currently
undergoing a building review and
Jewitt said he would hate to spend so
much money on buildings that the
county might not need in 20 or 30
Several councillors jumped to the
defence of the homes, saying that
they are great facilities and that they
are assets to the county. Jewitt
agreed, saying he wasn't suggesting
that the county close any homes, but,
just like the current governance
service delivery review council
approved, it would be good to
review the buildings and ensure the
county is doing the best job it can as
efficiently as it can before spending
over $400,000 on them.
Bluewater Mayor Tyler Hessel
agreed with Jewitt, saying that
council often gets caught not
looking far enough down the road,
so a needs assessment before major
projects are proposed is likely a
good step to take in the future.
Council approved Mercer's
recommendation to replace the
sprinkler piping at the two homes,
authorizing the home department to
use its reserves to pay for the
project, which will likely run into
2018 before it's completed.
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