HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-06-29, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2017. PAGE 3.
Vacation Bible School
to run July 10-13
A two -vehicle collision at the intersection of County Road 25 and 4 at the south end of Blyth
on Wednesday resulted in traffic being interrupted while emergency services cleared the
scene. No serious injuries were reported. (Denny Scott photo)
Blyth, Brussels suspend services
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, June 25
was Lorie Falconer. Ushering were
Andrew Wharton and John Stewart.
Marilyn Scott was pianist and Katie
Dockstader choir director. The
Power Point duties were shared by
Katie Dockstader and Lavern Clark.
Lavern Clark welcomed everyone
to church. He reminded everyone
that there will be no service at Blyth
United for the month of July and
services will start again on Aug. 6 at
9:30 a.m. He also reminded
everyone of some of the caterings
coming up with which Sharon needs
help. They are July 11, Aug. 17 and
18 and Sept. 2 plus Threshers
weekend. If you can help call Sharon
at 519-523-9421.
The craft group will have
workbees July 3, 17 and 31. You
don't need to be crafty; just come
and join in on the fun.
Lavern informed everyone that the
renovations are coming to an end
and that there is a lot of dusting,
clean up and vacuuming to be done
before the floor can be laid.
Volunteer hours are available for
Lavern lit the Christ candle on the
altar table and he invited everyone to
greet one another. The first hymn
"Let All Things Now Living" was
sung followed by the call to worship
repeated responsively and the prayer
of approach repeated in unison.
Hillary MacDonald gave the
scripture reading from Micah 6:1-8
Municipality of
ito,% Huron East
Property owners are
reminded that the due date
for second installment of
interim taxes is June 30th,
P. Michiels
Treasurer -Finance Manager
Walton Landfill Site
Closed July 1, 2017
and the Gospel reading from
Matthew 5:1-12.
Hillary told the story of a little boy
called Joseph and his blanket.
Joseph took his blanket every where
and his mother thought it was
getting tattered and torn so she told
him it was time to get rid of it.
Joseph said that he would take it to
grandpa. Grandpa snipped and
sewed and made him a jacket out of
the blanket. Sometime later, mom
thought the jacket was getting old
and soiled and it was time to get rid
of it but no, Joseph took it to
grandpa and grandpa snipped and
sewed and made him a vest. The
next time Joseph took the vest to
grandpa, he made a tie out of the
The next time Joseph took it to
grandpa, made a handkerchief out of
the tie and then grandpa made a
button out of the tie. Joseph lost the
button and came to grandpa but
grandpa told Joseph he couldn't
make something from nothing.
We have lots of wonderful things
about us. We can find joy and
blessings all around us. The next
hymn `Blest Are They" was sung
followed by the choir singing the
anthem "In My Heart There Rings a
Melody" before the next stage.
We watched a video of an ad for
Apple technology about people
thinking differently in order to push
forward. Apple changed the 20th
century with its inventions that
encouraged people to think
differently. In the Gospel reading
Jesus tells us that blessed are the
poor and the poor in spirit for theirs
is the kingdom of Heaven.
The beatitudes have an effect on
all of us. Jesus blesses the people
from the mountain. We can find
happiness through the Beatitudes
and they are a road map to the
Christian life. Jesus tells us that it is
what is on the inside not what is on
the outside that counts. Let us think
we can change the world and make it
a better world.
The hymn `Be Thou My Vision"
was sung. The offering was received
followed by the offertory response
"Grant Us God the Grace", the
offertory prayer, the prayers for the
people, silent prayers and the
singing of the Lord's Prayer. The
benediction was followed by the
singing of the response, "I am
Walking the Path of Peace, Love and
Joy". Everyone was invited for
coffee or tea and fellowship.
Change of Council Meeting Date
Please be advised that the Regular Meeting of Council that was to be
held on July 3, 2017 has been rescheduled for:
Tuesday, July 4, 2017 @ 5:00 p.m.
in the
Council Chamber, 23 Albert Street, Clinton, ON
43079 Hullett-McKillop Rd.,
R.R. #4 Walton
',,,' Ready for
Canada Day?
Pick up last minute
red and white
annuals and perennials
Spruce up
for the IPM!
Happy birthday to Larry Blake
who celebrates July 2; Eileen Barrie,
Kitchener and Stephen Thompson,
Clinton, July 3.
Shoot winners for Tuesday June
13 were: first, Louise Hammond;
second, Joann MacDonald; third,
Mae Ritchie; most shoots, Mary
Ellen Taylor. Shoot is played every
second and fourth Tuesday of the
month in the Trinity Anglican
Church Hall at 1 p.m. Come out and
enjoy the fun. The hall is air-
conditioned and there are no stairs to
Winners of he June 19 euchre
were: first, Mary Bell, 74 and Lillian
Appleby, 65; second, Susan
Harman, 68 and Harold
McClinchey, 64; lone hands, tied,
Dawn Climie, Doris McClinchey
and Pauline McMicheal, three; share
the wealth, Veronique Harman and
Pauline McMicheal. The next euchre
will be in the fall on Monday, Sept.
18 at 1 p.m. in the Blyth Legion Hall.
See you in September and have a
safe and happy summer.
Vacation Bible School is coming
this summer to Blyth Christian
Reformed Church. This year's
theme is Maker Fun Factory.
Imagine the world where curious
kids become hands-on inventors
who discover they are lovingly
crafted by God. There will be
singing, Bible stories, snacks, games
and more. This is for Senior
Kindergarten to Grade 6 from July
10 - 13 from 9 -11:45 a.m. Register
at http://tinurl.com/blythvbs2017.
Vacation Bible ISchool is supported
by the churches in Blyth and area.
Come join the Blyth Ministerial
Committee on Sunday, July 30 at
10 a.m. in the Lions Park for a
Blyth community worship service.
Following worship there will be an
old fashioned picnic, so bring lunch
for your family and join in the fun
and games.
Motorcycle Chaps
Old Mill
Downtown Blyth
Hold your hand in this fire!
(Ralph Venning, "The Plague of Plagues!" 1669)
"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is
uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give
account!" Hebrews 4:13
Take heed of what men call secret sins. There are only too many who
continue in wickedness, because as they think, no one knows how wicked
they are. They are drunkards --but it is in the night. They are immoral --but
it is in the dark. Their mystery of iniquity trades in the works of darkness
and in the dark. Indeed, if men could sin and no eye see them --then they
might sin securely; but this is a falsehood as well as a mistake.
Once a young maiden was tempted to be unchaste. The person who
solicited her, promised to do great things for her if she would yield.
"I will," he said, "do anything for you!"
"Will you?" she said, "then hold your hand in this fire!"
"Oh, that is unreasonable!" he answered.
"But,: she replied, "it is much more unreasonable that I should burn
forever in Hell for your sake! Who would venture his soul to eternal
torment --to gratify his own or another's pleasure and lust?"
We cannot escape God's sight --any more thatn we can escape His
judgment. He sees us, though like Adam and Eve we cover ourselves with
fig leaves. And He will one day call to us, as He did to them, "Sinner --
where are you?"
You cannot flee from His presence. You may more easily hide from
yourselves --than from God.
I hope you will say, for I am sure you will see cause to do so, "How shall
I do this wickedness --and sin against God!"
"Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him? Do not I fill
heaven and earth?" Jeremiah 23:24
A Grace Gem
Submitted by Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956