HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-05-18, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2017. PAGE 3. Blyth, Brussels United Churches welcome minister 519-523-4224 www.blythunited.org SUNDAY SERVICE and SCHOOL: 11:00 am WELCOME HILLARY MAC DONALD A new face Hillary MacDonald has been selected to pick up the torch from Blyth and Brussels United Church Minister Gary Clark who recently left the charge. MacDonald will act as a part- time minister until September when she starts a full-time internship within the charge to become ordained. (Denny Scott photo) By Denny Scott The Citizen Hillary MacDonald officially began her time with Blyth and Brussels United Church on Sunday. The student minister will serve as a part-time minister for the two churches until September when she will start an eight-month internship at the two churches, which is a necessary step towards becoming ordained. MacDonald finished her Masters of Divinity last year at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax and said that Blyth and Brussels offered a unique opportunity for her to match two of her greatest desires for pursuing a life in the ministry. "I was longing for a rural charge and longing to be close to my home in London," she said. "Blyth and Brussels provided that opportunity." She said she met with former minister of the two-point charge, Gary Clark, and said everything seemed to work together. "My learning goals match the needs of the congregation," she said. MacDonald will begin her full- time internship in September and she and her partner Kevin VanSpronsen, a mechanic at Argo in New Hamburg, plan to move to the area then. She is currently commuting from London. After the eight-month internship, MacDonald will be ordained and, at that point, between herself and the congregations, her future within the two churches will be determined. "There is the possibility that I will be called here after ordination," she said. "It's really up to what's best for the congregation and me." MacDonald was born and raised in London and has attended Riverside United Church for most of her life. Her candidacy came out of that church. She decided to pursue her current career after feeling a stirring while working within the ministry. "I can remember it happened on July 7, 2011," she said. "I had always been involved in the church through camps, conferences and youth groups and I never thought I would work in a church. It was on an eve of spiritual practice with a program I was running with the church when God called me to continue that work." She said the calling, which came while she was working with a youth program called The GO Project, made her realize that teaching doesn't necessarily have to be in a classroom and can be done through the church. MacDonald completed her undergraduate studies at Brock University where she studied Child and Youth studies with minors in Sociology and Psychology before she started working with the United Church of Canada. With her first services under her belt, MacDonald said she was impressed by the communities she had experienced. "Both Blyth and Brussels are small towns and people care for one another," she said. "Yes, everyone knows each other's business; that happens in a small town, but there is a deep longing of care for one another." She said both communities may be small, but they are filled with joy and possibility, pointing to the recent renovations at Blyth Memorial Hall and the Blyth Cowbell Brewing Company in Blyth and the construction of the Four Winds Barn Market, Bakery and Event Centre being built in Brussels. MacDonald said she is looking forward to getting to know the community and can be reached at through e-mail macdonald.hillary@gmail.com FROM BLYTH MacDonald reaches out to children for first service From Marilyn's Desk By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 Greeting worshippers at Blyth United Church on Mother's Day, May 14 was Marilyn Craig. Lorie Falconer ran the lift. Ushering were Rob Mason and David Onn and Fred Hakkers ran the Power Point. Deb Hakkers welcomed everyone to church in the basement of the church while the renovations are taking place in the sanctuary. She wished all the mothers a Happy Mother's Day. Deb drew everyone's attention to the announcements printed in the bulletin. She drew attention to the catering on May 20 and that servers and dishwashers are needed. Call Sharon Bromley at 519-523-9421 if you can help. Deb invited Cole Mason to come to the front to light the Christ candle. The first hymn, "Come In, Come In and Sit Down" was sung. The call to worship was said responsively. The scripture readings were from John 14: 1-14, the story of Christ comforting His Disciples and from 1 Peter 2:2-10, the story of Peter telling the people they are building a cornerstone of the church. The new student minister, Hillary MacDonald was introduced. Hillary called the children to come to the front for their story time. Hillary See histories and historic photographs on the Huron History section of our website www. north h u ron.on.ca asked the children what was needed to build a house? There were many answers — wood, nails, a roof, pavement, windows and doors. She explained to them that a house must have a good foundation on which to be built. She also explained to them that our bodies are like a house, it is a spiritual house. God tells us to go out into the world. Hillary said a prayer with the children and they went into their room for their time of fellowship. The hymn "What a Friend We Have In Mother" was followed by the choir singing the anthem "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Hillary's message to the congregation was "Building a Church." What is Blyth United Church? Why do we come to church? We all come to church for different reasons but we are a community of friends and families. In the scripture, Peter accepts the community of Faith as the church. He tells the people to be Holy and how to be people of God. Peter tells us in the letter to be a people of God and to be a church. Peter tells us to live the way God wants us to live. He encourages us to be a community and to live together. Today we have individualities and not so much community. Peter tells us to be the cornerstones and to build our lives together as a community. The stones form a foundation on which to build. Each stone is put together for a common purpose to build a church. People of the church come together to build a church. The church is the bridge between God's people and the community. A community will grow together with God's help. The church is full of action and people working together. The hymn "Come to My Heart" was sung followed by the receiving of the offering, the offertory response "What Can I Do?" the Reading God's Word "There is nothing more important in the Christian life than the way in which we approach the Bible, and the way in which we read it." (Martyn Lloyd -Jones) "God has given the Word to us as a revelation... of Himself, of His character, of His government, of His requirements. Our motive in reading it, then, should be of become better acquainted with Him, with His perfections, with His will for us. Our end in perusing His Word should be learn how to please and glorify Him; and that, by our characters being formed under its holy influence, and our conduct regulated in all its details by the rules He has there laid down." (Arthur Pink) "Our knowledge of God's Word, and delight in it, must be directed to practice!" (Thomas Manton) "The Scripture is given to establish our faith, and comfort our hearts, and sanctify our lives --but not to amuse us and gratify our curiosity." (William Jay) A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 offertory prayer, the prayers for the people, silent prayers and the singing of the Lord's Prayer. The last hymn "Behold, Behold I Make All Things New" was followed by the benediction and the singing of the response "I Am Walking a Path of Peace." The children presented each mother with a carnation for Mother's Day. Everyone was invited for coffee, tea and treats and to meet Hillary. *** The Blyth Swinging Seniors are meeting on Wednesday, May 24 at the Blyth Legion Hall with a potluck lunch at noon. Come out and enjoy the food and entertainment. The lift is available for anyone who needs it. Happy birthday to Ian Caldwell who celebrates May 19 and Candice Abell-Rinn, May 22. Laundromat Blyth Laundromat 191 Westmoreland St., Blyth 519-523-9687 The Citizen offices will be closed on MONDAY, MAY 22 for Vir The deadline for the May 25 paper will be Friday, May 19 2 pm in Brussels and 4 pm in Blyth 413 Queen St. Blyth 519-523-4792 541 Turnberry St. Brussels 519-887-9114