HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-02-23, Page 7Family Day fun
While Family Day was officially held on Monday, there were
activities all weekend throughout northern Huron County
including a community breakfast and free skate at the
Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre on Sunday.
Shown spending some time on the ice are Harper, Henley
and Diamond Terpstra. (Denny Scott photo)
Goderich, Huron East
weigh in on OPP site
By Shawn Loughlin
The Citizen
A motion from Goderich Town
Council late last year and a response
from Huron East Councillor John
Lowe has turned into a back -and -
forth discussion looking to involve
the provincial government.
Several letters were in front of
Huron County Council at its Feb. 8
meeting, with the most recent
coming from Goderich Chief
Administrative Officer Larry
McCabe asking for a study on road
closures in Huron County.
The discussion by way of council
motions began when Goderich Town
Council penned a motion featuring
a list of amenities Goderich offers
as justification for the construction
of a new OPP detachment in the
The motion cited news reports that
the OPP is looking to build a new
detachment facility and suggested
Goderich would be an ideal location
for it.
That motion, however, resulted in
a response from Lowe, which was
supported by Huron East Council,
stating that a new OPP location
should consider all areas of Huron
County, not just Goderich, and that
the detachment should perhaps be
located more centrally for a variety
of reasons.
Lowe and Huron East Council
also cited the frequent winter
closures of Hwy. 8 and Hwy. 21 as
another reason why Goderich should
not be considered as a potential
location for the new detachment.
McCabe then responded by
sending correspondence to
Infrastructure Ontario and its
Interim Chair Linda D.
"This is to advise that we have
received a resolution from Huron
East pertaining to the location of the
proposed new OPP detachment
facility...," the letter states. "We
further note that one of the reasons
Huron East supports the resolution
is because they state Highway 21 is
closed more than other highways.
We believe this to be not necessarily
true and a detailed analysis should
be undertaken as to road closures
over the past number of years by
Infrastructure Ontario to verify their
McCabe then also included a list
of Huron County roads that were
closed at the time of his writing the
letter, which included a number of
roads throughout the whole of
Huron County.
Council took no action on the
correspondence, but a final location
for the new development has yet to
be announced.
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The f,1•
Weather could hurt sap yields
By Jo -Ann
The big news is the great weather
for February, which brings us
another week closer to spring! We're
down to the last four weeks before
the official start of spring, which will
fly by I'm sure! A great glimpse of
spring was the weather on Sunday
for the Brussels Lions Club
breakfast held at the Brussels,
Morris and Grey Community
Centre. It was wonderful for the men
setting up, cooking and cleaning up
with the warm temperatures and
bright sun. They did a fantastic job
with a fantastic crowd attending!
Great work Lions!
The warm weather also had those
who tap trees for maple syrup
quickly getting into gear. According
to some of the seasoned pros, this
early start may mean a shortened
season, as the trees move their sap
up the trunks. One large producer
thought he would have enough sap
to start boiling, last Sunday, after
only a few days of the warm weather
last week. There may be a smaller
supply available this year, so if you
love syrup, better get it early!
If you want just warm weather,
that is what you would enjoy if
going to the Azores Islands. Rick
and Margaret Mclnroy and Graeme
and Helen Craig have just returned
from a holiday there. The
temperatures range from just 16 -
20°C and they had just around 16°C
most days. The Azores is a
collection of nine islands about 800
miles off the coast of Portugal and
are part of the Portugal's territory.
The main city is Ponta Delgada on
the island of Sao Miguel Island, is
where they stayed. It is part of the
chain of the underwater volcanic
mountains that runs from Iceland to
Earthquakes are quite common,
but that was an experience the group
did not have to endure. The hilly and
wooded terrain produces corn,
grapes and citrus fruits. They have
more cattle on the island than people
and they did not have to export any
dairy products. Cattle are always
tethered and are kept in small fields
that are fenced by stone walls to
keep them safe. The island is high
above the sea level and have some
very dangerous drops . The farmers
live in town and go to the fields to
milk the cattle with portable milking
equipment in the back of their trucks
The roads are very narrow and the
cars are very small. The group rented
a car and journeyed around the
island. Farmers herd the cattle from
field to field and while touring one
day, they had to wait for the cattle to
get where they were going.
While waiting, Graeme got out to
stretch and visit with another vehicle
stopped and met some folks from
Napanee! Roadways are also lined
by stone fences in some areas, and
the rented cars have lots of scrapes
and scratches on them, none of them
due to Rick's driving, he reports, and
Graeme was happy being
chauffeured! They also toured the
city on a small tour bus that looked
like Thomas the Tank Engine. A very
comical and colourful looking
machine but they had a great tour
guide Flavio, not the famous Fabio.
They report beautiful flowers
grow wild like cala lillies, azaleas,
bird of paradise flower and
hydrangeas bloom from July to
September everywhere. A neat and
tidy island with friendly people,
good food and beautiful and
picturesque lakes, mountains and
parks. They found one park that was
maintained by the local Lions Club,
complete with the Lions
International sign. The roadside
parks had barbecues and picnic
tables for everyone's use.
The group went to the local market
where everything was available for
sale. It sounds like an amazing place
to see and welcome back to the
Neil McDonald has returned to
Vancouver after his week's holiday
in Ontario. He had visits with many
old friends and family while here
and will be back again in the spring.
We send our get well wishes to
Kaye Smith as she is a patient in
hospital at this time.
Celebrating birthdays this last
week include Murray Houston,
Monica McNichol, Brian Dolmage,
Shawna Terpstra, Helen Brenie,
Steve Blake, Kathy Clark, Tyler
Williamson, Steve Knight, Joel
Dalton and Kevin McNaughton.
Happy birthday to all.
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