HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-02-23, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2017. PAGE 3.
World Day of Prayer on March 4
From Marilyn's Desk
Shiver me timbers
As part of the Family Day celebrations hosted by North
Huron Township, the Blyth Business Improvement Area
(BIA) and the Blyth 140th committee, face -painter Jennifer
Black was plying her trade at the Blyth and District
Community Centre on Monday. Shown is Mackinley Ryan
having the "pirate special" done, which includes mustache,
beard and eyepatch. (Denny Scott photo)
By Marilyn
Greeting at Blyth United Church
on Sunday Feb. 19 were Terry
Richmond and Lorie Falconer,
ushering were Hope Button and
Emily Phillips, Marilyn Scott was
organist and Katie Dockstader was
choir director and Fred Hakkers ran
the power point.
David Onn welcomed everyone to
church. He drew everyone's
attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin with special
attention that Mary Ross, co-
director of Camp Menesetung will
be at the church next Sunday for the
children. He also reminded everyone
that World Day of Prayer is on
Saturday, March 4 at the Living
Waters Christian Fellowship. Rev.
Gary Clark will be the guest speaker.
The opening hymn "Draw the
Circle Wide" was sung followed by
the prayer of approach said
responsively. Rev. Gary Clark
invited everyone to greet one
another. The choir sang the anthem
90 and 9 with Bodie Craig singing
the solo part. The scripture reading
was from Luke 15:3-10, the story of
the lost sheep. The hymn "The
Lord's My Shepherd" was sung.
Rev. Clark's message to the
Wheelie bins popular in survey
By Denny Scott
The Citizen
The garbage and recycling survey
circulated by North Huron Township
brought in more than 200 responses
by the deadline. The results will help
the Public Works department focus
on how to improve the service.
At council's Feb. 6 meeting,
Director of Public Works Jeff
Molenhuis reported that 210
responses were received by the
deadline and, after the deadline, the
total had raised to 365 submissions.
A comprehensive summary of the
survey will be prepared for council
next month, however five of the 20
questions' most popular answers
were provided to council in a report
by Molenhuis.
Sixty-five per cent of the
respondents for the survey were
Wingham residents and the same
amount of respondents did not like
using bag tags. Wheeled collection
bins were a popular option in the
survey with 71 per cent of the 210
respondents saying they would like
them. More than 80 per cent said
they generated one bag of garbage
per week. As far as recycling goes,
45 per cent of submissions generate
two "blue boxes" per week.
Deputy -Reeve James Campbell
asked if 210 respondents, or just
under five per cent of the
approximate population of North
Huron, was a good response and was
told by other council members it was
sufficient. Having 365 responses, or
more than seven per cent of the
population, was exceptional
according to Councillor Bill Knott.
Reeve Neil Vincent said those that
filled out the survey online may have
run into a situation where there was
only one allowed per computer
address. He said each online
response can represent an entire
family, which could increase the
number of respondents.
Council received Molenhuis'
Several NH increases approved
By Denny Scott
The Citizen
North Huron Council will be
undergoing a review of its fees in
hopes of making specific services in
the municipality rely on user
funding instead of tax dollars.
The issue was raised when an
updated fees and charges bylaw was
presented to North Huron Council
during its Feb. 6 meeting, however
Councillor Bill Knott felt the
accompanying report lacked
The document presented listed
only the fees that were new or
changed and not the entire list of
"I would like to see all the fees in
a chart," Knott said. "This is
insufficient information."
Knott went on to say that there
was a consumer price index (CPI)
increase being applied to some fees
while he felt it should be applied to
all possible fees. He also requested
to see the revenue generated by each
fee, stating some might not be worth
including in a bylaw if they weren't
being charged.
Director of Finance Donna White
explained there were only a few
changes to the extensive document,
and asked if Knott wanted to see
every single fee the municipality
charges, and he said yes.
Chief Administrative Officer
Continued on page 8
If f//""
The Township of North Huron will have trees available on a first-
come, first -serve basis, limited to one (1) tree per urban property
and two (2) trees per rural property. Residents are responsible for
picking up trees, planting and maintenance of these trees. Bare
root trees available include Sugar Maple, Silver Maple, Red Oak,
and Colorado Blue Spruce which are bagged. Specify type of tree
when placing order, and place order early as supplies are limited.
To order your free tree or for further information,
please can the Municipal Office,
at 519-357-3550 Ext. 121 by March 28, 2017.
congregation was "Rummaging
Through the Lost and Found." Jesus
invited sinners to come and sit and
eat with Him. Jesus also tells us that
we should seek the lost and celebrate
the finding of them. Jesus tells us
that we are responsible for the lost,
the 99 will be fine while we look for
the lost one.
God cares for us all even the lost.
We are surrounded by the lost and
they will test us time and time again.
You can see the joy on someone's
face when they realize they are
found and are part of a community.
"Just a Closer Walk With Thee"
Craig says
enjoy warm
Happy birthday to the following
people who will celebrate their
birthdays this coming week: Heidi
(Craig) Martin of Gowanstown will
celebrate on Feb. 24, Sharon
Bromley on Feb. 25, Joann
MacDonald on Feb. 28 and Dana
Weber will also celebrate on Feb.
28 but her actual birthday is Feb.
What glorious weather we are
having. I keep waiting for the other
shoe to fall. This being the last full
week in February and temperatures
are forecasted to be well above
normal. Enjoy this spring like
weather while it last.
was the next hymn. The offering was
received, followed by the offertory
response "In Gratitude and Humble
Trust" the offertory prayer, the
prayers for the people, silent prayers
and the singing of the Lord's Prayer.
The last hymn "The King of Love"
was sung followed by the
benediction and the singing of the
response `Amen, Hallelujah" and
everyone was invited for coffee,
snacks and fellowship.
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
He has a perfect knowledge
of all His subjects!
(William Dyer, "Christ's Famous Titles")
Oh, brethren, earthly kings and princes do not know their subjects; nay,
they know very few. Alas! they do not know a quarter of them! They are
not acquainted with all the troubles, and needs, and miseries that their poor
subjects lie under.
The Lord Jesus infintely excels all other kings - in that He has a perfect
knowledge of all his subjects! He knows them by name. He knows...
all their thoughts,
all their needs,
all their ways,
all their conditions.
So say I to you, brethren, Your king knows...
all your necessities,
all your sufferings,
all your troubles,
all your fears.
Yes, and "My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in
glory in Christ Jesus!" Philippians 4:19. Oh, this is a sweet Scripture!
Oh, poor souls, Christ knows everything about you! This is our great
happiness, that we have a King who knows us so well. Oh, here is the
excellency of our King!
(Charles Spurgeon)
The Lord thinks as much of one of His people - as if there were nobody
else for Him to think upon!
Poor needy one, the Lord thinks upon you as intensely as if you were the
only being now existing!
The Lord has such an infinite capacity, that each one of us may be the
centre of God's thoughts - and yet He will not be forgetting any other
beloved one!
The Lord's tenderness and His care for His people, baffle all our thoughts
and expectations!
"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you!" 1 Peter 5:7
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956