HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-02-02, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2017. PAGE 15. UCW to meet at Folkard's PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE Great job Kaleigh McCallum, bottom left, and Emily Burkholder, bottom right, were the co -winners of the David and Joan Perrie Award at the Brussels Fall Fair, which is awarded to the participant(s) with most points in the junior section of the fair. The girls were awarded by the Perries themselves Friday night at the Brussels Agricultural Society's annual meeting. (Shawn Loughlin photo) By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 Brian and Rita Potter greeted worshippers on Epiphany 4 Sunday, Jan. 29 and handed out the bulletins. The minister, Brian Hymers welcomed the congrega- tion and went over the announcements. On Tuesday, Feb. 7 the UCW meeting is at the home of Nancy Folkard at 2 p.m. In December, 1995 the House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History Month. Come to the meeting and learn more about this topic. If anyone would like to begin receiving The Observer, please let Elizabeth Procter know. The cost is $25. Please continue to save your milk bags to be made into sleeping mats. Brian lit the Christ Candle just as the Creator has given us a gift - the gift of comfort and confidence an awareness that you are always with us. "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace" was the Call to Worship - What does the Lord require of you? We are to do justice for all around us, to love them and care for the needy. We should worship our creator and walk humbly with God. After the senior choir sang a selection, the congregation sang the children's hymn "It Only Takes a Spark." For children's time, Brian commented on beatitude which is the highest form of heavenly happiness or supreme blessedness. Beatitudes are blessings spoken in regard to particular virtues. When we are blessed we feel happy. We listened to the word of God as Kim Walker read scripture from Micah 6 Verses 1-8, Matthew 5 verses 1-12 and Psalm 15 responsively with the congregation. Brian reflected on the Beatitudes. We are all God's children and we are blessed because we have our faith. As Christians we have another belief - that Jesus is the son of God. God created all the creatures on the earth. Jesus preaches the Beatitudes to us and God blesses us all. We are all people of God. The Hymn of Response was "Eternal, Unchanging We Sing". Nancy Jardin reported on the Minute for Missions. Don Shiell and Doug Walker took up the offering which was dedicated. The closing hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," Benediction and Blessing "Go Now in Peace" concluded the worship service. The flowers adorning the piano were placed by the family of Mary Procter in loving memory of her. The community extend sincere See histories and historic photographs on the Huron History section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca sympathy to Betty and Jim Ross in the loss of Betty's brother. The community extend sincere sympathy to Ross Procter in the loss of a dear wife Mary who passed away on January 19. Sincere sympathy is also extended to Cam (Laurie), Louise (Tony), Don (MJ), Christopher and Anne in the loss of their mother, and also to her grandchildren and great- grandchildren. There were three -and -a -half tables of shoot in play on Friday, Jan 27 at the community centre. The winners were: high pink card, Louise Hammond; second high pink card, Mae Ritchie; most shoots pink card, Lillian Appleby; high white card, Judy Hahn; second high white card, Charlie Shaw; and no winner for most shoots, white card. The next shoot party will be on Friday, Feb 10 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. 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