HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2018-07-05, Page 21THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 2018. PAGE 21.
From the Minister's Study
Develop further in your role as a disciple
By Rev. JoAnn Todd, Rector
Trinity and St. John's Anglican
Loving and Gracious Lord: Open
our eyes to see you, our ears to hear
you, our hearts to know you and our
minds to understand you. The
scripture reading Mark 3: 20-35 is a
really interesting one. It's full of
name-calling, accusations of
literally being in league with the
devil and an apparent disowning of
family members! This was not one
of Jesus' better days!
Mark's gospel tells of a time when
Jesus has come home, after a longish
journey, having been round the Sea
of Galilee and Capernaum, with
stops in villages along the way. He's
been choosing disciples, preaching
and teaching, exorcising demons,
forgiving some people of their sins
and healing others. And his
reputation has grown to the point
where people follow him
everywhere, he has so many
demands on his time that he doesn't
even have time to eat, so demanding
was the crowd that had gathered at
his doorstep. And he's being
harassed too!
It must have been quite a
commotion, because even Jesus'
family comes out of the house and
gets involved. Jesus is in conflict
with the religious authorities, this is
getting pretty serious. In fact, so
serious that Jesus' family try to grab
hold of him and restrain him. It was
being said that he was "out of his
Wow, Mark's not pulling any
punches, no politically correct
language here: like he's just
mis-guided, or unique or different.
Nope, Mark flat-out says they
thought Jesus was crazy. Very
different and so contrary to the
traditional way of living, his
behaviour so "abnormal" for that
culture. And his family was trying to
get him under control!
Jesus was thought to be crazy; out
of his mind (what with all the many
healings, and you know, the
commanding of demons and evil
spirits to come out of people). He'd
been seen eating with sinners,
hanging out with the less than the
socially acceptable – the unclean
and forgiving their sins to boot! He'd
countered the Jewish laws about the
Sabbath – he actually told the
synagogue leaders that the Sabbath
was made for people not people for
the Sabbath! Imagine the nerve!
Jesus challenged their thinking
and their laws, the very essence of
what they did and why and how they
did it.
He was turning their world upside
down! All this in just the first three
chapters of Mark! What Jesus was
doing was strange, unusual,
different, never done before, beyond
the pale. He literally lived and
worked on the "wrong side of the
tracks", and welcomed and
encouraged "those people" to come
to him, definitely living and
encouraging others to live to the beat
of a different drum, his drum.
Word of this upstart and his ways
had come to the knowledge of the
religious authorities, so they felt it
necessary to come down from
Jerusalem and put a stop to this
fellow. The religious authorities
were so threatened by Jesus' words
and deeds that as far as they were
concerned, there was only one
explanation – "He's possessed by
Satan, the prince of demons, that's
where he gets his powers." (Mk 3: 22
Why possessed by Satan? Because
they couldn't possibly believe Jesus
had the power of God. Why not?
Because he wasn't doing things their
way! And they were the teachers, the
authorities on God and how to do
things the way God wanted things
done, and to whom and with whom.
They knew what was the right way;
and their way was God's way.
Jesus was not adhering to the
traditions, to the way it was always
done, he was doing things
differently, his teachings were
different and it was as if he was
flaunting it in their faces. This new
way was disrupting the status quo.
They were so concerned for
maintaining the traditions and their
place in it, maintaining the propriety
of society, they couldn't see that the
Spirit of God was in their midst. Not
only couldn't they see the Spirit
working in Jesus, they actually
spoke against it, calling it Satan.
That is the blasphemy that Mark
says Jesus is decrying, the denying
of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' works,
and in this story, in Jesus himself. Is
this really unforgiveable as the
writer of Mark so blatantly states?
For those living in the time right
after Jesus' death, who are
desperately hanging onto a new way
of living in the Spirit of Christ, being
persecuted for following Jesus the
Christ, to blaspheme against Christ's
Spirit, the Holy Spirit, I can see how
this would have been the line in the
sand and thought to be
unforgiveable, a way to eternal
But, I have to admit, I'm not so
sure. To forgive – this is the very
nature of God, of Christ. To declare
someone completely irredeemable,
well, that's not our job. Our job is to
forgive as Jesus forgives us, and
that's best done with the Spirit of
Christ guiding us. Because some
things are really, really hard to
forgive. It is God's job to judge who
is and who isn't irredeemable, and I
don't think anyone is irredeemable,
unless they truly choose to be. And
maybe that is the issue here, the
scribes, the religious authorities and
many others chose not to see what
was happening right before their
eyes; refused to believe that the
power Jesus had to do these things
could only come from God. And that
was blaspheming God in Jesus.
So for the religious authorities
who refused to see or acknowledge
God's Spirit in Jesus, the only
explanation could be the power of
Beelzebub – Satan – the prince of
darkness. Jesus quickly counters that
United Church
Join us July 8 at 9:30 am
Worship leadership by pastors
from Huron/Perth
Meet us at our Hospitality Booth at
"The Barn" every Friday from 2 to 6 pm
Everyone Welcome
We will be closed for the month of July
Reopening for worship on August 5th
Fridays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Soup & More 2
- a free community meal held in Melville's basement, and
made possible by the Brussels churches working together.
Nursery care available
Life is full of choices and every choice you make will either take you in the
progressive, life-giving direction God has planned for you or rob you of the
opportunity to know the full life God intends for you to live.
This Sunday: "The Choice To See Life Differently"
argument, saying the power of evil
cannot be used against it own self, it
would just kill itself. Even Satan
wouldn't do that to himself. In fact it
was Jesus who had bound up
Satan—remember the story of the 40
days in the desert? Jesus overcame
Satan's powers. Interesting that
when he exorcised the demons that
controlled people, the demons
themselves recognized who Jesus
was – yet the religious authorities
couldn't see it!
But still, for the argument to be
made, Jesus must have been
spouting off some pretty shocking
viewpoints. Jesus over and over
again presented a radical view of
living that was contrary to the ways
of the letter of the law-abiding
Jewish society of the day, where
adhering to the law was more
important than caring about the
people. When people's core values
and beliefs are challenged, and they
feel threatened, well—it can get
pretty uncomfortable and pretty
heated! Jesus was creating quite a
scene, much to the distress of his
family! It seems the kingdom of God
just doesn't always fit society's
definitions or categories.
Let's face it, Jesus was a social
misfit. I have absolutely no doubt
that his family was convinced that
they were doing the right thing by
restraining him and maybe even
questioned his sanity too. But at this
point in the story, his family just
didn't get it either, just didn't
understand where Jesus was coming
Continued on page 25
The Regional Ministry of Hope
Everyone Welcome!
Trinity Anglican Church St. John's Anglican Church
9:15 am Closed for the month of July
Rev. JoAnn Todd, Rector
email: revjoann@hurontel.on.ca
The Regional Ministry of Hope
You're Invited
to come worsh p
with us
Sunday, July 8
at 10:30 a.m.
650 Alexander St. (former Brussels Public School)
Sunday School for children
4 to 12 years of age at 9:30 a.m.
Childcare provided for infants and preschoolers
during the sermon.
Coffee & cookies after the morning service.
Summer evening service 6:00 pm at various homes
For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621
Steve Klumpenhower 519.292.0965 Rick Packer 519.527.0173
Jou re cinvited Jo Join `us 1n Worship A \
Morning Service
Evening Service
10:00 am
7:30 pm
Minister: Pastor Gary van Leeuwen
Hwy. 4, Blyth www.blythcrc.ca 519-523-4743
All are invited to join us for the Community Outdoor Service
at the Blyth Lions Park at 10 am on Sunday, July 8th.
Please bring lawn chairs.
Blyth United Church
Est. 1875
Worship Service
at 11:00 am
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
blythunited @tcc.on.ca
Accessible Facebook: Blyth and Brussels United Churches
OFFICE: 519-523-4224