Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-12-22, Page 4�A T .7 t-0911or -4; jnqi io1V �. Tw­­ '44 *K p taff* �Ixo Weat ra M a V fa "0 .6" If 7w, isbod, 0_0 .1W all ed 1 '71 Itoin, Mot, 1 40, M-0 W 0a is 00104, 10-N _W4 they M"V74* 4, Wet M, A. s r NOW i*cV W hj4 wel -Sp ic W may J�e466ui it �"14 Am per 11110,�40W,; nK'®rU4fW'! *4�, s o �IM40 tL 6 *111 b -4 11M, 'b + t qt bs qw,44 th amoo,-tW 'POww at 0 r Orhe, ffr 144 1 b �� r ,, , Q A 4 Uglite r IL—A lou" -A t Uri =10 I _Aw with 0 ft" )i ',,I A, e1r, *Vlin W WRAITH' rfiv '4"* of"! ed, W11 X� C ave a . p Al � 1 .1 1 , CA 14,44 x MtMA very 'IOUs, g GG d We. now 14 *96A eri-�Q Ma Sine � liriat W-ak q4'e, - "Y' - ig otmerry-ma Ch' is Qffe.n Advor %g,,;Ra �jfi kis tea,—Ugal 4ag othqr It vro dq uAladvertiftiritnta Od #er vomoariel: '#S r lWe; for fQr the Child lige' for first insertion, 4,C: Ile rOU � X , . r ''' r , * q, . -, 'ipagimii eVer. got -A 11#10 o inqq taking, -p4ch subsequeu� insortioul Q 4 or o rer and e business: #An Pr ilea!, ve, c GOODS BOOKSs. �'NOYIO be, bag "Pil leal JL Jjj�^ A(lyerti XV, _A�q' __,uC,td ape TO.. sementp, tk the I Co"Am'XiSr.' Ott f are charged 7c,pek. JJuq*fQiArst insertion, -giving I'Lu Q. 191,111101fi& spagras."', ano� �,q�per nt in'. T .4he for each ®rubseqlge of,late, Chii LE" DAGM, I" serjtjou�.. iregm1s; advertisers 5c pet: � I' 'eek-, -a - stispo 44' w W-lu"ME stma; has expandpd,,"til PER op- #pp 'it t, �lu �: -A , _­'; ­ � I ipAde. ki qntra4t 3 ti 3o," ca !�w C ti eapeAk Of the: *alk, froni. St.��,,."Vitus�;'. of son, 6'�hq�d set lopla a'd�vktl4emont tleg , y� g whic we UeA "so fiastea .-Agrin bot to es of advertipgait 0 4 Nervinlpr entire bat _1dq -NA NIE "'LAN ns �the, (;hee n initeu sDrug S .4, Pe U1161, -niiy $Qn nold hi`hid,fit T, T g,rthe Christ 'aurin U�_ JU 'ia it not a MRS. �'R*. YOU', �hq';O000 not, 0 en �'Pr q# pirWilfred La SWely,# W per T U: d h au r '"d re will happe0l That, �.,the, qu6ition.­ w geat mission 'of- QWAma D R, rm I Log��; M IJAL ,,T qa4 Alro6st aill gew -'models f6r this. eeMou.;in� tss for all the year, ihe Tudhop. �qt4. whi& awriterjjj� urd4y A#Le, "eririt e _OUSINESS.'and g4gge ded -�q -aAW 'The: step was.too, gr _c tte i Q, t u: po., pi 11 Wig r. n Night condq ROf th b�p,t4eh. a �a. western on' Kh akdaj;, the 4 bq- ed- by fire in Sept. 190% from which.c�u.. .a$, wet* 4ele to O�tawi..� �nce;itb6gan wx A Fa �6u r drd rg. it The a44 the'AeM V,, Varmetsi, eight. �,fiuiidr6d otton I on. in came, a.wAso' In Jri C'ony ang, of IS fo4 h6iiri laying, anobok oqQ,6f tho ways, ikwhick.thif,- Spirit- -Of 4t 66k solis� 91T L n9r- t B lock qi I re ust" W .,. -A t --�d k h So an a,, yerhmen"heir -befior6iM-Go -7-devjji d UeS AS'Mak ... ... .... iujjnbei �f e, -...s �.ei e- %640 jar ofilisind. f We I mouialpigh A4uqkni) U. e e -sie -w-fil-fifid-Oat- N "tie Y. Sat of a Mg 73 RM, esp" d �mqasurq --b -ordinary wo 2hese. I * 11 no gr.'el foill,kindi,of '0 hair hejxv�ly-� W IM, t4hing amo p"IF o er a ei Will, 60 rie, C tb reply gtis T4e e r 0, er- z - 4eateni d the ai icle 7:7 7 7 7� "aw 77 nie&b ra !6�..nego 0, to Pu you Go , 't, V9111. .9 rig in '91WW A e ernw; ht ''t ',ba4g'�Und and,your men dU mi. ke" dista G DRE than d. IL on, as q. or goverdIn efit�, ega df :' h qwAirship,au --operation-of-a-ra, son Bay.. Sir, Wilfre �Said.:he_,',� *0,, Qnly� compfj� tea the beat' -men are,pt d "aa. S 'r� e art6i t sh, no 'er Block jc go '�ir 6a agy foT jo,�' W F '�lt ejs to ih .;ie.,-. may -cbnelude'. to Own. V, at. ev probibly1he,;,ou y go ur. exis apreis 'n?. i tO �gjkt It e, m6nt to build t e ou V and rdelity Insurance, 7 that the,int6ti6ii is 4 iovern �iesCn t�r' j,6 dACkiXZia -the. 'T t E Uf e'' -blit h, ­qrtt are oe e e: I;Ig di oyerfqr q 'ratidn,4o one coml*nles�.' Anclu, what are you goin to give a t e tisemen pb -eve desdiption," bqugh j, ljose, -your "book .0 a eoMp&nieS.r r 4itate:, 'of ry -;Is on jainA 'the .--of tljj� abld, or C t exchangid. .-Money loined' ;L & d ti"Id y Q U" 04U U17 7A 'gW estat- V - p the,, h �VWj� 'whem Jew,seeds You Ca&ii6* a' Of 0y:r 10 wtin, Box 34j'Killear ne� Sit Wilf&d'� ao YOU eley-atox AU oil- gA-,-e ve Sep &nct ''th A of ne �_n_f orLa�__� a MW W W: tag-L"orgian 4'- 1 T keip. .0 t b rem r6me &rt.'VoU Willing Stj Office i4icit, Lu�krji,6 Ao" jin4, sMonopo coulsidlei. Me ee hildren eniftens I Modern methods 'used. bb et, 4ould b6' k to.,iemem'ber- t4' &naterij! fornish6d. Crown, afi&% no lion r;, g Tho'delegation.'Oked, that ��th re ov, 5o, I eaa o poop e, W4 Q PAiules6 eitracHug,,btL Oii,* Britis g increa L Simple g old_� f the Isteati bt. mind si eat rent pe� cent.'. Sir Wilfred said t y idst arrive est SoijisioiOlim... Newfe thing In cl qUa i ty, teetti Alu -hreakr abl. pa 'd our I . . n eii'qualit the, *;-Inubh. your winas New sitk m -re in, emaridI e e fi' v Ir.:befor h 'Pre!er- 9 q6op asking. ho, y -sell, the ,�tever�'wher6. Love u, nd no e. encevould not"be int f N�tes reyo an or riLde mething U qr iffir Briiiiii, wit 'j11r-,Whe4 -i�d_ ;;�L`a I t peo-jk, t -try a sackr� and us prove, The delVlti�n 4664 U love LIA0112, e'�oitjh, d so every 'ieq re P n en--ywA, _. I r _:__, '_ ment.'.. Sec re r6* I ear ts,,: 1N6U1kANdE- this Si 'Vid!6rafand. *111b, "t Set W an their THERLM, I0 prepar r1k The Di yo, ay ;mAR iiiy N the same Ou's d' ea U- E A w�iu W, U wa] I 9 :tpro 7GUELPH- jj4 Lrim; your in� -=V, I a W the Governmena air. wor ing. tell. YOU; kind bf SlU no J_T Ila an w give more- fig t an isi anio e, -00 iiwf�. sh est s ate and 96 dnt"SOL a your 4 urer a socis ion.�- M0Wii4o 18 the' andi t.0' IV in, r ney Lo orgjni2�ed ManufaCtUr o. I r. ail rdra maintainedthe sha&1* behl d you; poomako ,jIAth th'! L 0,Ughb&,,,and NOW nLucx' ONT. a grdiVe for your ugly -1 jt'�h 08 M Ve;.Conne III 06n -r I r. . . r JeA foi aofo, h. tie d if tS4 , , kinoy �e Money to loan on; first, and I V 1Wni prqpe�tyr 'to "do a e, ol>en—aXe YOU willing t't4e q1dotat!on. _eV i and joint notes. sale notes also policy the Fire insurance in allits btanah-i 0 rVative: pirtY.P is t6l Sem. The, News: knows.., Mtha a-d4l Then ,le T h thoe�a�­Min 13 en; td� Can c�q k riot h 820CM low F_yG3r&. 1c:t an MOID pitn' rabl, as, S opping, 11as chang e the las, libir 06 believ k 4' 0S 4jiingAn., thq, W 6n r6lled the Gov6rm xj�ent under Lite* Vild ie the -strongest' e .. .... CIETIEL ibe'4 "Ir . .......... gtx--tb a t,6- h J)-- ..4 tlilo Ifuck 140 _ear�,au _0" ste ie�Vgi*ie_minag6mentI__', Cy Oofie wy _eU sim th 1119s, , 9 -::o�iated, 'merelyr �t e qli:4;4 ,s a- got into nothi and gi, t a's 1i h _Nv partit r� I ceme 0 le&sed, 1, e - w. to egAll e i�a , , Independent ne.tee ndre yars. Ogo, 'is e Low 00 mor 'arid. f tradre; and why two, Of Foreaters'nige Op! now.aIrd4ys I k e f3r the' sensible, onize ree reform ets fit ta ifi ro pe -Oon thb Linage and brightnegh of the.,,et� 060060004" the Oddfellows! IWI tibnA of the: tariff, 6ne under lei 4 now* --Grocery p r� 8dfVA;tjy6 Mid sty of eacli,jjuoni� uc -be,-a. OnI' thi-, last T I& Pk ardood wtinaa. Jeft the manu __M —Now era all the. facWr­ with, all the. O'clock.- Visiting bre of 'An(! U�-ytI can'kep M forr a day, at, r nd t ne give . thren petu r eM' vintages they ha& beftore, bd the er Cordis ly why not, aLwaYd itivited to attend., their victim; n t c meS to' as 0 a --w _'ten ency this as much e An d W' it gee, anufadtur Is wer -the-TO: op, er Rioc 'L " . , t r x C.'s sce int' res't, and 5 Up. �atge ft L 'n e Ihij W� "e 0 sort,, Our stote, takes o n a w, 6hin'd the Govemmen , and the fa�rmeia P, e will never get their. demands. unti itr. IS Ohb J41GHV 1;61163t in the-estiMation oFholiday, shop ',Reoreeentatli-i Goderich A. 0. A Mr pqrs e prep tea ot' the driven from that � poq ion. And' Ah�d tb,fill, your oi�, lers f6r hll we: ar kinds, e BY.* y. Thttfaday� delegafion'r ovi 611� rid Xb,KiA;dp T­&phorii 's u'ch as. P Juil the P&49ou t us Ight-on 'of , before; the. era epresents III The farbi ee of Christmas G6ods, ss: Raising, ,owma,confe'rred Wi(jjh� i the Town JF&tb- ifig S 1111C 'fie* power that is comin into politi�s, The Iiems .,below ..'are. 9p cia y ada/' ed 9 urrants, '1c etC.. pt -to� holidq giving:: ial L ug.a _e! 1, Havel Stree ers on' :k6ndaIy e%eifing an a. 'miatter. pir eapec the E ly in nglish Speaking Lucktiow. oPie K Bruah countnes—that found expressio' fir-�O.N A Ora ges, of th geiwon are here, ARCHIBALD 11A1116UR A., j§,L,M flor Lampa nivos� n in the. pIWy Libe The av 11 er ase Carverg 1$qU Telep4wie.- Cot- #150 Ip -8 in �tephblican insUrgoficy, '-Yood,-Choppers United StAtc sNew Figso 11�nging. tamp�s . z,.Clold Meat, .- _.Ldmons, I!Aaaftnas, Almr.4a 4 02nuta pa au td i 7and" thit ji' and ­t6 odr4tic'vi� ry; ext-Va daffi for. a a I. UCKNOW New Dates Nuts and Confectionery of all ki'nd,§. 10 'It 1,16yct 'enal de 0 . ewingLampg 6,,rTable an4.'L Razors 'Shot GunrA am, findsa 010 1 GeorgO, t� tiral-.� It equirea.topay,nioi� 11L 'The Would W. more tip Burns And.Chur6 . hi day of.. the tha VbO the say it, URIT Y "Five �Rdse L to 11L' 1 , atcowel" 'NoI, 119 tneets ��cjons NickleTraya Rifle try M an�d 'Itti6know" 11o,urs ry De8sert Sh6flield Cti�le' S grajj� horts, 0hop, 8 Old cirder;. governmenta are Made Mrdf ii.tIdble to on hiindi also w.. oat, 0 clock fS CUtlefy Hwidled' Nickle Tim Pots Carpqt �Swee'pekg tbeir (Alltn; afha", R' lt�vkng pe.&b ind., Barrel Salt, afid- �Bmt A All: brethfEn c6rdlill t e u of fair Spoken, gentlemen, doing the.: merican Poal Oil. Y rl�vi e P in;aU(I tba't the bal,peole contem- Mble:Qrand�D. I McT4PAiq� Vice Grand—& eq D' Po 1. 6vdty TifeadSYL, and -MCCAU04t' BorrV p6on 9 and Forks - didMb, Tra and Itoadt'14-& biddifig 04, the rich, is', near y, over. 1g.1 prices fttr -Live or resSed U c mmon, Man' who 4kA for the ajl�S. for the Tht .9&6 now 1 " hig . pl, ex�e- :,Tlin, d' RL ay ec. see.y.—A. HL. goyD ailon wires -'into 401inedv,' And 4squaie deal" i� going, to.hae his in - 11 . L I of, thei)r riahurer—& Ross, h6rd wor0. Vi IeOXMT S61. ore t)hia can 'be Aone, We tm. sHustwo6p X6. -Th no danger., thoe, thb: move. bY taie\, B 11 RANK,� TAT flow ' Meets, every AiAt Mon4y of Mi t bet' su, h, ela nd, Im E dhJdyed tih in m6nt. for the sq�tato deal.stat by. the diusirve fta JIM Visiting JpI Jy Wrffiers,, And _1WK �WGPW-r OR QL are CO 110W L L �,Yejar bfi4 a, e0:6BIA by those of the east� Will s�b4de., meraBell 00. OXford Ranges. eir gripyances are rea ana-the M _1OUr phones, -for tho Credit OVe., . P I Cqsh 19u ilig P h 6 11 i0hal, oaffioftt in 4 vrl%tek�jgeo they, enjq, 01'k1l ttlit XO'W's. MCI mix, EpIr Me