HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-12-08, Page 7'4 ea 4 ou Can't Beat Lip; Your " First Cupful gill . Not Be Your Lac i f • '1 ORLD'S MARICErS 4 P4zHTs PROM Tilt: LI tDIxo Vitt i GEN aE K • . • t'.rlece.,ot gattto, .Grain, Cheese Alla Other Dairy. Produce. at nome, and Abroad. • •BRE ADSTUFJfs,. Toronto, Uec. "6. -Flour --Winter wheat -90 per Cent. patents,. $3;40 to: $3.45, outside, in' •buyers.. .sacks: Manitoba flours leirst -patents, a . $5;40; second patents, $4. g.0, and strong' bakers', $4.70, on ,track, TO: ronto. Manitoba wheat-- -No. `1 `"North ern, 97Rel. c, Bay`..:ports.; No, 2 Narth= ern ' 9534e Bay' ports.and N' 3 at y2%Bay• o' ac,. porta. Ontario Wheat, --84%' to: $5c out side for Re: 2 •white. and. red ter' .T : . Barley -56 ,to 58c. '. outside, and feed 18 to••49cout.ide. • e • d a s tchr` f om' Ottawa :sa Elie report of the• .penitentiaries• branch of the• department of `'ustice tabled din the commons on:. Thurs, d. a b.`' y Y Hon, "A.- B. A -1e8 0" • y wrthl, gives the 'a r ..' .the _....�?!e a Q:_51 '• ._.: Q atioii g -311y p I?m, of':the Canadian' penitentiaries dur- ing the last !fiscal year'as 1824 as tom ared w' ' . , , .._ p ..._. ,. - . nth. • 1625 .an the ' •previ- otis year, and•1407',adecade ago. g , . Tables are submitted to show 'that of: the .1 859 •convicts who constitute -`the penitentiaries population;of the' Dominion, 1392 tiere-'.born in Cao- , great .Brit in, or.,ether. Brit- • ''ish- ec,untries. ; • a, .,.�,d nada: heads the hst`with1071,, the other countries- rankin . as' fol= g England. 208, Ireland 50,: Beet-, land 39,._other•:conntries24. Of ..the, foreign -'torn iiipiiates .of' the n lio ^ iexlf. uuet _ •i -i . w,e s__..bSrn._ , United:; States,'. 98 in Italy,36 in • Austria, ;'•36 in Russia,,,, 32 :in Ger-'. 3 rn-lea •3='- • . Yxfe , inn-GYrin . and 4'5 gin other countries •.::. While'. ° the number of foreign- _ born 'nvicts -:generally lies in- erect +P' rem 11 per cent in'1900,, to cent.: in, 101D, those, born.: in sited Stn es ha • .increase e'ss than 2 per„ cent ; and:still eon stitrite-1e'ss than.1D par cent. ;of the- peni'tentiarics", popu]ation, The creeds' o ,lie- pen tentianes'�; inmates• aro•' iven as 'folowe': , lio g .. man Catholic 931, , Church of Eng- land'344; Methodist' 199," Presbyter- • r• morml,"`1" sP TLEss" TOWj o1 ";rs, Russell Sage's Meworial to. lier lusband. " • Plans for;a model,. suburban: city an providing healthy and beautiful homes. for persons of moderata'. means, have -just been made public: by Mrs. Russell', Sage ,as her' mem, orial •to her husband:. -.Nene mrleo-• from. New. Yorkit7.714.% acres. -of • land at Forest Hill Gardens, Long Island, has beet;►" laid out by'. a. landscape gardenerras a real. "spat landscape gardener as a real ° 4Isptrt'letrtfth; rItiia. here can be. obtained-: idea'l : homes. at. a :mini- mum cost, v' a bette;l° construction and in an"c, nvironnient'that the av- crags individualcould riot ' afford. The 'en terpri se is.;not'a°charity", but at an estimatedcest,of ,$25 a`inonth' for principal 'and, interest` to ' pur- 'chasers the investment is expected: to yield a., fair return, The railroad'stationwill be sit uated, in '.the: public' square, -.form frig the entrance to the community. This square will _ be surrounded • with ornaren•tal buildings contain - Hal 'becn Came 'a'a fayorit . Yeast, ever*quarter .Of a. century. Enough.for 5. Cts to. produce 50!' largei�loaves._ of fine wholesome nour- . ailing, ' hoa .e -made 'bead. Do not experusnent_ : ,there is nothing "just as good" B. W. CILLETT'CO,,L„TD_.., Wnnntp@ TOROWtO, QP1T. Mlontrea• Awnrdesl h;gl est honors at' alt ,Cposi6.ons" from $7,24:, to • $7.4Q a -cwt. , steers; 40 to 530 , :Co*, :.;-3Y1C to •4c, bulls, 31-3c to .3%e, sheep, • 4;rc; lambs, $6, to $6.10, and, calved, $4 to $9: n' Toronto, Dec, : 6 =Somer ''bu11s ai +.k -were =.bough.t::at $5Jier ,cwt. butcher .y .�C:a ..•.,•w -w y`55 ¢.s �1 a°tU i' j"' y%S'�vl�•,µ�ri `..r °�"rlYP9;u No. 3 at 36 c, �B&Y ports, mon, $4 50 to $4.90; medium cows'. a wa rom 3 - :Cern-OId 11rto."'2' at 40% to 60c, to'good cows; ll they f $, Toronto freights:; New Nei, 2 Am-• .51/to $5; bulls, 3.50 to $4.80. Short-, er pan' _h3?/ '54c fail?. el' r..ke.ep' feeders- $5..15'"ta ery, anis 50%' to 51e, 'December de fe ders ' at •$4.70 to; $4.90,• and Iivery, Toronto `freights.: ' tockers; •at, $4. to $.4:65. • Milch Peas -Good: No. 2, , free from cows .aiid ;springers $65.up; Sheep'. Ian - 83,, a. t st . 72" Lutheran, :51- bus 84 to 85e o i - • ewes -were .. uotedxat . ,._ . _ 1 , ,B .p � .. ,. . � bugs, . uts de. q $4,50�to $4.60 .other dello In nations . 21; Blislslluat...:.Ryer-_.,Ntx..._._2_at_ 61• to-62e-outside,-,thd.. rains at •$3:.to 83 50 ' 'Ho.gssez,- 17, 'Hebrew"` 17,. 'Unitarian 2`,.. no Buckwheat=:No. 2 at 47e:ontsiilo. 1ectEd; fed'and watered at the xnar- creed 22.. '" . ,Bran-Manitobas, '.$19, in bags,. ket,' were $6,85 'a ewt., he .most_' e ort the' a ole officers-: osonta '_ •, _. - re - • T1iex p,,_• of- P..r , • . andshorts; $21,.,..-xil._.bags,..._ P.entative value, and _$6;50_ - show that:,2,86 paroles and, ;17 par- Toronto. Ontario bran,, $19:50, 'in,:f.o,b,'•at country points. vclons were, granted -during the year, sacks, Toronto, ;and shorts;50',: � . as compared with 244 paroles and In car, s. 1.4 pardons granted in the prev.i-===" LARGEST IN: ONTARIO. ous, ear. It is observed .:the y , bY. COUNTRY •PROD ..: _ UCE S t A.PP1es=Sp s : 4 50' parole officer; that the result of the - . e of. Chines Ordered. by Peter- y ., $ . to 5.50 , parole :-.system continues to be s n• , bot.o Cittzent�_Committee._ . _.. .l�a1d :rns _ .- ss •w Oto. isfacttiry ':'�� _-' ^ _. � . , ...: ... .� s _$ $4:7.5,.,,. Greenrngs; � , $ •.• despatch from 'Peterboro • 4 to• 4:50 • Na, '2.:asfiorted $3.50 A• $ e's :' In this, =connection ?the opinion is; lye • : Y i_ per Barr el.: expressed'. that-the,.time. has. err w � :13•eans�-Ca _ - r' lots, .$1.60 -to:' $1.70.. ed when_..the. over.sr ht b tbe__PP: _ _-._ _.__:.. i i �_.•.,. _ _ le snit small l 80_� . _ : _ re- $1 to 90 mm3,on parole- o�`icer should, be �• < Ilonfy 1�4;rae�ted-' in tines `. $ st acted % diose re ens , ronx 11c er lli h lesa1e al:istitti' Some of the tom , w o• western provinces have: already ate. pointed-�rarule-officers• to' loci, after the_interests• of rlsoners released -- pr.._, . _ from •;provincial . jails and , refornla teries,, and ::the -view • is: taken that it..would ;be, but right for . the • east- •ern; provinces to,.'undertake, `thhe .supervise # its. prisoners. . The gross expenditure on pens tentisrie :for, -the year -was $536�U2 and tthe net' .revenue was $45,686; `• .s $2 . to: $2.25, pe.r dozen ; No.', 2, comb wholesale; x:75 -to $1`85 per (loze Baled -H'a -No: ' 1 at 12. 0 to "44$410S- op; track,.. and: No, 2 'at $1't1 1. Baled: , Btraw-$6.5.0; . to $7, on track, Toronto Potatoes Car' lots 65 to�. 70c•per; 'murmurs .GRADE.S. )e- ineoluntites-to Tie :Inge 130. -ton 'IocomotiVe teak' bailtt at the Angus: shops'asi ani-experinientar !filti•dher"'" on We, heavy grades •ian the . Rocky' .Monn- same type' to' be', built for .delivery early nod.. year.,', These Jerome- , Alves 'will be adOpted 'is `the stand- Theit•hauling 'capacity 'is .twiee that trai-n was passing „thiough it. Seyeral..of those op' the train were killed. and many. wore injurgd• .The rivers thronghout -the . province. 'have overflowed 'their_ /banks. At Menforte many hOuses-have 'been :Donabison Eine Freight Warehouse -A ifebpateli.froni St, 4.mh;i.„, Eiayp,,f,, 'The, Donaldson S. -S., • Line , Waiehonse Imre was practically( de - heavy... The steamer Albania .ofthe Donaldson, Lite • On Thursday.: the- committee repre- sentirg tlie citizens sent ,a cable ei ;' _,. d to Ta lor,&-nie;', Lou ilb ro ' t ai.£'h;me of ,to be the':largest and ,heaviest in, Ontario except ' '��� erha . s, those `:of t: - es :: T :on �` ',weight ...am .. , ox ter.. The ;total ht. is I4 :, e g ,000 .pounds, .the leis ;est bell 'being" 3,000 ands elite :are- to be,.know:n asp, a eo "le.'s .h p,p s chimes," as ',the cost, '$5,600,. was contributed by Citizenn-generally of all cres. They *ill be placed in 1te -t we i'" t: ""John s ..'nights 'Church, the 'oldeest .in the „city,_ which, from its lofty site,; Iias . for 75 years dominated the outlook over: the city. • nave ' • won f • r ' 1>l it er><ts. a popular avo on. i� e .. , #o ;day and. you: will be ; charmed t.MS�lru�.,w.f.uw.+o.+,C'+'x..yy ,f.•«;.k N , a 111P -1146:e! Will 'add o the pictur . esqueness of the entrance gate and square. Bridges will connect with the`rai a --station .and entrances to .a artments so that risen era i? r P g may, enter^ and leave trains; .from 'thei:r• apartments without 'exposure. in stormy :weather. . A. plica:nts_forhb.mea::must...sub P mit to :an 'examination as to ;their character , and antecedents,, so• it is'expected--that.•the coinriiunit will. form -.a real• aristocracy; as';. Money *ill be; a .secondary •consid- eration.:• . • Though•1and values at 1�Fores Gardens. prevent provision there for the workingmari,''further plans ..-_ _. .. .. ,. ,. ,.. • , Ade'for.-hiin,. Cnnese to Kilhn .�noher-- hind _pp cstimale,' but it -w4.11 he Very, -'. 'A ,despatch faman. Montreal' says: There was rejoicing sounianist twb .'lurniared betel 'and .s.a.-"ii-4teepers. ,,missioners .handed dawn...their first. , -put thete, are about. two hundred 'find ,,itjaiikely-that-thtrilOitalitY azilZingtit these Will.. be 0eVere„ as the Coniinissioners are Viing:to get breaehes of %the law will be eharp- ehrtiging'ir; ear o' • . :fast=liseopt•,18-46.484,ei-batxlssisea "A 'CHOLERA Sj.ISPECT4, grant, in"Quataiitine.• . A. despatch 'from Cumberland, a Russian ,e1:111grapty :who is i,n quar- antine hi -the Russia -n- settlement, in' the ,township of Almena„ twelve miles south o city as thought to be aff ecte,d „with „Asiatic cholera. Considerable alarm • manifested who have .been exikosed. Jenschke froni Taganrog, Russia; find sia. Ile landed .at Quebec, and was taken. ix/to the!...thaited_-_States oar Dei o� E • •.: ...1 1 x1. .,. ,.:e en. s' • - an a ex ase , an i omCalgary . -says , y he'd. The olice had been; wath-, The :;.iiiquest on the•..rema''ns 'Of -a . p in Robertson, _.Who ' was `a brakes in. n foutnd 13 g •.._ _ , ... Bow diver,. near D n _man m the G P. R , .ruii ant- bei:; boW East on ;June last, terium- ° ._ . : ..,. tween• Field and .:Medicine •Hat, ,ted. tragically 'on Wednesday,` at bkotOks, wheoi _Thomas' Mitchell. and Robertson claimed to have. lound --was headloss;--but---the, head was oun A 'couple .of weeks ago 'purchased his raneh, The head was identified. -by -cotton in the •detfri while, ow the staid at the in - Carbon to arrest Fisk.... • ear sockets .11.ober.taciii,.....1 €0.N:DENsED• VMS NEWS 11-.4'14.12-NIN4l'i FROM 'ALL OcEll • Telegraphic Briefs:ream Our .OLva and. other Canntries ' " Events. prise at puelph has been organis- ••Kingston is 'heading a movement Fert Wil' mattilaSclauyltrt, Sftetei.nMo6bal.!..,sbanrriChikrit .5:114.earte, Rnssiaris who travelled With- him -/r1 SU aTeann&r*larailand. .EXPLORING ,ANTARPTIC: . Porcupine' properties.. . German Expedition to Start_Nekt •Four C,anadian 'boats have been' granted an extension, el check the wilcicat'-.speculation • house, which was.owned by the.cit /3178124-4688 tially:iiititted:"; Thebriii lit up the. whole „city and harbor; and a gen- eral. alarm broUght the whOle fire dePartment and .many lugs te..the. 'teene; and the fire was under'con.i Verlft .of Triune! vicillS Several on A ,clesliatith from Madrid pais: The heayy „rains; pretailing in the '• Province ofcLt ugo bave resulted in TIIE CHRISTMAS RECESS. Conn/Omni* Will Adjourn ,on, bee. 14 144% It will reassert:hie on Jan: 10;; Canadian Western,..39% .to 39,4e; 2 Canadian Western, 38A to 38 2c, eal 37Xci ; No.. 4' local white -48---to 4834e; lifanitoba feed barjeY,-, spring Wheat patents, 'seconds, 0.- V5 Manito straight rollers, $4.35 to $4.50; straight rollers,' in -bags, $2 tO $9.- nitoba Shorts, $21'; Manitoba bran, 08; . pure grain. friouillie, $31 to Chcese-AVesterns, 11 5-8' to 11%e, arid eriStetti 1-8 to But- • ter-Choicest-fall,maker 25 -to -95%c„. and seconds,' 241/2 to 25c. Eggs -Se, lected stopk, 29 to 30e; No. 1 stock 'Spring' Under -Lieut, Filcher. • A despatch from Berlin:, ,f3aye: Lieut. 'Wilhelm Filther of the, gen- eral staff of the army and leader of the piOiceted GermaEL Antarctic $175'000 has been .-sontribilted to, - tbitt he' Norwegian sailing vesiel is, being overhauled: fer the use .of the ex- oters and the olheers and 'crew; are ,.being c osen. Filcher will PAsh forward as far as possible in' the Weddell Sea; beteri•the :win- ter . of 1911 •ieti, in:. when he will establish hase ler further opera - Telegraphie inquiries ,are reaching nos to what , effect the Emperor's' .11/Liely-nridertakeri temperance ern- . Sado having in Germany. navy, to whieh the Kaiser's most *dreatted, the consumption of Mee" - creased, ':respectivelY, in 1006, 30. per cent: The, decrease in 'the atmy is- nor heliefed-tki have been so marked; -.hut -the; -Kaiser is doing his best to, popularize the use of tea and milk, instead. of beer, among mice, ri ton ursten erg, howevet, eoritinues to sell beer pro- duced hin 'brewery in *the llltiek Forest. Under a label hearing the legend, "the table beverage of the white, 93e5 No. g mixed, 92c. Corn _55e 60 • traok, through- billed, Minneapolis - Dee. 6.-Wijeat rAVE STOOK MARKETS. IVIontreai, Dec. O. -Hogs breight years •Of ago, ' FISHING FLEET DISASTER. SuppOsed:Loss• of Fifteen' Figher. South Carolina, says:: Fifteen fish: Mac Upward on 'Wednesday";4 • :bIa•de splintered, .tf/Otli'of his hors - .es ,were and 'the 'waggon • Trunk to expropriatethe Cemetery :where the .Victima 'of ship cholera opposed, ,before 'the 'Railway ;Com- •RECORD RECEIPTS. Customs Duties at Montreal Reach, s. • ern fetal , of 10 838885:::: (The • six months of 'operi water, in to the poste -in -Popsy nfielicin this receipts; the largest ' ainomat re, torV'of Montreal, arid the ftraetikae in history . that -the reeeipts litve in_line with the increase. in Ment - traffic ae the years Pass by. In ne ,one line !of dutiable imports has there ;been,- a noticeable increase' which . woold in any' Way accOvni for the -large gain, and the Ctistores .officials Say ,:the figures `Merely in- dicate the eithent7 •43.f Mentrfal's • Winsten • Churchill. ;wail attacked while at Cokhester. -have 'decided I& niaintain : present •A'general reductiOn-in rates of „Ptillinan.„'berths made in Dr. .Cook, the Arctic :explorer, hairwritten•a confession of his f . Forty;sik accidents and twenty deaths .are reported as result deer -hunting in the States, n United States to be.100,000,000'. Grahame;White the British avia- The Cabinet h'as' connanited priiorier at- Belleyille, to life The ,eity of Lendon's offer of $100;000 for 'the London Electric' Baigne,.N.ationale: Will Get aaelt Some of 'Stolen .Money.. . A: despatch from 'Quebec . says: don- With Aare robbery-Of:the-Banque Nationale at„St. paeohie,' was sen- teneed to five years•in penitentiary on'Wednesday.moiningin the Court Of Sessions. When arrested Mar- try- had. in, his possession -131,4q2-.1' '•Which -was :confiscated' and, will "-het . 'TWENTY YEARS' SEN- TENCE. 'O. -estimates -the- •popu o of the • Corn Pan? s plant twiI1-7.15e,`-.1aid'--lie-: a- and AnieriCarTTrii--- John Sniitir was drowned in Lake W,,innipeghe' And it Conipanion, Leslie Moffat wai'run into by a in at a_ereseing_near..gamiltoA,-- The inauguration. of President D'ia.z took place on l'harsday 'eh° arid the' POrtirguese troops .demand eXpillsitin" of the. 'ft.!' FARMER BURNED TO DEATH. ed When Barn 'Teak Fire. A wealthy farmer, Plylhp O. Du five miles from. he , was utried to death in his barn early: on Thurs. day,onorning, aleng with' 0, 1111111-, bet of- c,Ottle, horses and the tea, son's- crop. Deceased WO abeut Pne of the biggest ofitecent por- cupine deals was tonstunniated here on:Thursday: -Mr. Thomas Reilly sold the Getle,a3urns group of elaims in Shaul° township to bnyerS repre- senting „.atrong Toronto financial interests, although. the 1) ich aSdrs' Ogee,. which was dose te oat, hun- dred thousand 'dollars,' is spread over' a period of ten Months. Un- usual 1604 interest attaches to this deM, About three moliths ago the diskoVeried were Made knom, and A. despatch hon. HalifaX, says; - At Truro,. Judge Drysdale; Oh Wed- . tentiary for killing -la Wife,on the jury took two Iowa,. to delibeLrate slaughter. "When asked i- f'he had . anything th say before sentence'was pronounced, Perry addreased the Judge. and in. a; lrgthy speech ask - he case, whs Purely circumstantial. -' Two, Chieage Men Foreed to Post- pone Visit to Toronto.' says-5,-BecauseAliey,.pould. not` pro:, ba eensiderable attentien has *since lor° and ether. townships in the re.' Serve) ' stimulated 'through the abdc-RurriS-finds, in ;which 'a dyke sonic fifty feet in width is shown With ,rich vein. natter, with.. free gold some three feet in Width; Thomas, turns 'was formerly cm - George, Oode WAS orderly at the mints hospital, and, they decided tO try, prospeeting, 'with the result of • 10 authoritiei, TheSt stated they 'Were CuStonis 'Receipts for Natember A despatch from Ottawa ',says.: . • $5.10(,?2,761.02 in the wrresponding'" month "'bit year, an increase 'of For. tho, eight Months - the zath, period last .yeart