HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-12-08, Page 5Fb'
Thursday ::ember nth ;9z
Tile WORLD "
Tb, -'greatest eataraut in, the world
le Mora. by issuing .freta Lake.
x tbo river. is only hbont, ,hies:
quarte'of a .mile bread, and for' the.
first two; iniles is: somgwhat swift, It
then divides eni1 passes around Grand
islaud,, : broadens end ass c es , the
tranquilityof a''lake 'until the coin.
merkcomeut of the:lr p d>rr where it
suddenly narrows and. ,lakes-, a de;
• cent f' a u
a o ,Elft two-. ee to the
yf t
,lolls befera its ;hurried ' waters .are
TA'Selpitated oast ar lofty'o'basw,,` form
ngr •fade 6f '''VhflwarOPlecl . ,grandeur:.
Tile breadth of the -river, immediately
'before making the leap "is . f out•', thoa:
sn�ld, seVea Irindred`and, fifty .feet,:
but the ;centre `is. occupied - by Gust
Talapd, rirnng'aboat forty feet abpve.
the, water and oecupying a; breadth of
Ki,ploss..; ownsbip OoJiricil met op
Nov,;2i t; ,-; A,li members Present :'ex'
cepa .Toho:.. eDiermick;' The minutes
et 44010004 welre, read and, Signed,
% Ql eines ise'uear Joaeph Johnston,
lieg ' lout Csxm.,9; bet, .7,_ 43 54-
er 1,1;.12 lade d tell et -Re per.
rod,. Con 92-10t3-0, 60. VV.in,' Mc,
Burney,- 40 Wards.: gravelling; at 40c
per yard, .vii 30th S, L, $1.6 00.' Jo,
septi' Tiffin • gra.'efling Oniross bona
daryi 1Q6 yards ,ati 40c less- Itispee.
tion, $4147: . Jahr, .V1eBun:irey, , 5
days! -inspection ,at .$1.50, $7050.
,Abe.T3urns,•, $ 12 -in.: tile at60c,.$t 80.
Thos..ploffat, covering culvert with
cedar,' 25th sicletine, �$L0;00 -Jas,
Mcgreg or, Axing bridge un, l'iL' Eis't
:Kennedy, 5 rods ditch at• 20w per rod,
of Langside. Church, $ :OQ, . •Wait,
'gss.v01, $5 46; Damages, $? Qoi ir7 .40.
A04Qant trent Lticknsw Council laid
over till next Meeting.
• MQ ed by ft, Mkthersi seeended by
A. • t Kienanathat uhaClerk clrpVV up,
. ;a i3y .w 6x1n; theealaries. of .the
'Deputy :returning; •o19cers at ;MO for
attending at M:unicipa Bicgtione, and,
abie,that the owners 9f Rolling. Places
be -paid• $3,00 ler- - the use-•thereiol°;-:.-.
Moved by J, Hodgins; seconded 'by'
•; 1. Mathors, that Wesley Boyle,. b
appointed Deputy for 'Polling Sub-
division No. 2, .aud:`:.that the. Polling
be field in the Orange Sall K plough,
11 •othet '.Deputies., and polling
pl+aces, to: be, the, Same aa, in, former
years,: --Carried,'-. • , •
-• -B -Law inaccording therewith,
i. Was duly paEse�-1, • .
n .to meet again �n
�: 'boy"uoil'adJotiur ad _ meet � a
Dec 15th at 10.. a. m., asrequired by
.Quin, lot 32,'81.00 :Davi.i•*oft, Statute.
covering•eutvert;.CUu; 12,.lot ;+,t.$2`.00. •a. Gso, :`ltlo»AT,.Clerk.
;fames Webster, work oil hill on -5th 1
Sideline; $.7' 50, ;Q.1 ,dbert Webster,
•outtin ;brush• and .rep ,Sul vett .on:,' .sli i•J0 f'S V'a
;about oi[8 thousand feet. The;,height r�ieldhoiiudury,_$2"50` Thosr0Phi►llips, ;1Jive :hundrecFthousan' ol• lot s,
of the fall on • the -American. side Xa. 15001 irt. file at $15•'poi thpu$and, as foliow4.-- rd ai]d e, 1e,; Ii rc it
• 3: - as. Baeotr i3asswoad, r1sh; Rock , El,, Soft 1~im,
$ 7 00. Ch
psi+ Hill, ' 40 "lag'
cYS�ie3ii 1;'f
one hundred and sixty-four. feet; 00
the Cagadian siil,;e, one hundred an,,,0
a] y>is abou4 1r—rhu�ndred�.` a to
.e1te : "tla cha appiozrinti+ra1?
teen. million } o f eb per pn4
le►, _lufnbet• as .FIemlock;'and a limited quantify of good
J•-•,,f17:.,k,......,....__. , Beed for 'which 'I .:Will pay highest
"f -'t' ut:.,&2Q3` ^ '_., ; ,of&ce
NArzty arrosiohouttd
odgTcinsoir, Y:6
Ala -fit
t'i vel;1 rs tae ors c1#1.4101;;3 x
o$n Bitten,.,
• Z$O
NGV1 MR R $4; QR4 °REP' .RTS
• Sr. IV:--Mary,Pickering, Mar;ar-
et **Tunes? Margaret Clar4oci,. Earl
Jr;IV,-0-Ernio. Clark, La11e, :Mac-
Kenzie,:.11knerson 'Towle,. Fiances
Macl'nnesi,Diana MacLennlin.•
Sr.: II1 -(Calvin Towle, Lorne
Raeuilton,) ties, tant Macpiarrnid;
Melvin, Clark, Lillian' Raynard,
Frank Clark; -Eldon Henderson,'
Jr, I1<I:--Berthr Clarkson, Edith
MticInnes, , Annie . Pickering, Eddie
AndreAndrew, Adam' MacAdam, • Earl
Smith, ' Margaret
• Me Donato 31rank Ketol ahaw.
Jx T1 t= -Rae ,:MacDiarmid; Janie
4-etchabaw, Jennie Towle, Sadae•Mac.
Donald, :.Johnnie,' And'rew,,*%,l arpld.
Mai Donald,Aelville Rtynard..
Sr Pt. I StanleyT` Mae! enzie,
Willie, Ketchabaw, Auet�ta,• Towle,,.
Nelson. Raynard,,°i eitl} Webster..
Jr. Pt. •"T: —Acta . Piot orina, •,l=Tele
1V1aeIYonaid, a,.r•
No on roll, 39; h erage attendance
for* th+e month, 35. �, •
B•cxn ltlealm�rtE, I`etirsli'er
to quickly hoes the 'time
lie that '‘""*Cliii-Sinias is
ands-appii„ _thousands of_
'numerous little gifts
.usefill -and beautiful art -
a tomparatrviely, small ex-. •
for the -.Xmas dematids,
suitable for: --presents is- ,-
display: vOur advice is:
easier thanif -on. left
thiil:a large array0of very
-.ides may be purchased at._
-pencliture of money- if ;..so
articular re aration.s
'.and, our stock, in gooass.
larger and. bitter.. than.
-these article's arenow on
* -find the problem* 'Much
-until the last Week.
ast week we gave' you some idea of otix large stock of Christnias
___VCe.:_touch on, Some other this week.
Hat Pin Holderi,iiiinty-aiirliteilirt6i.:20;
"Hair Ratratslaiige• variety -4 10,
JeWel'Boxei, 25c.up to $2450:
Fancy' gin cushions; sitin,' cove,re_d, hind.
, painted, lace trireme -13'0.25,, 40i, and 75e;
rhotii Frames, .15 and -25o; ,0
ed 2.11 p0 and 75c;
ShitVinr' Itlirrors; oval ',and, square on strong. •
Men's Tie Racks,..p.relity and useful at 25 -and '
Anality 251. '
and It.
*mist 'strain
Fourth Clasa:-,•-Valetta, Tiffin,'. 20;
Alex. DaWson, 241; Roy itutison,120;
• 'Hugh MeMillan, 206; John Kennedy,
4,92; .A.lbert Jewitt, 180; Maggieipll-
.liet,031;,Ma'ticiu Gillis, 123.
Third .Sernor,t-7Annie McMillan;
,138; Ella 0,UcTntosh, 126; Alex. Mc,
Jiewitt;i:4-2;;; Charlie Patterson, 31.
306;.,David Seat, 100; Neil KeMillan,
7,SeTitt, ,200; Duncan 187;
pa-ulitgi".;. John Gillies; 48.
Part I.Junior:,,,LHaryey:cott; 27i;
L D. 1,1PDoutaird,, ,Teacher.
seriously il1:0 with pneuniOnia Being
well advanced ja, yeara his •ehanee of
...9fTeepwateor.left lYkoo40-y. Of. last
week for Calgary; Tleis acco.npanied
hy wife; and they spend' the
winter in the West. 0 ,
"Tp,-.- had sad' .his-fspcii-nn- the- Oen, =
'move heit spring to Teeswater„. where
A question that wOuld grieve' the. r
• hearts of Liacknbw and. Kincardine
citizens; was:. asked 'WednOsclay .mern-
Pie *w hen tin flag Was-iieen fiyingfrom
the staff at the.p'ost office To judge
from the' Of times it wasusked
thero are' not -many here who eaPr hag
How,many oak trees are there here,
stove for the' We -have a, fine selection.
. We are agents for , the, largest _stove makers .
under the British Flag and can., give roll, a.
They have Probably, not noticed. that.
, puts .the number. at twO, a veil and': a .
white oak. And hesays that the red
°plc leaf and' still ijuit&
We ventueete.saythat net
been ftppoiOto:',Shetiff,of `Rhine -in -sac ;,
„cession:An:the la;te.Ehdrife Parks. This
.annsinecenient :which waS made
Government, reeently brinas `Ai it close
Stretch,: Dr.: dlappipres,sing his"
of Paisley. ..Inariy=e4e- the. Coinit,
9.7,Vjgisiti• 61.2.
tun,. and- ,hit'ff. contested
which:his to be. wolf id 1.1p, Mt.
beforP ITC II -able. to take 0u p
• Manent 'residence' in
COok Stove, Range or Heating gove
If:youri,furnace .requIres Overhauling for the'
Le lye* you? order noW•and we. Win attend tO
ished. 868
'The folloWing, is the 'report '-ef
'No: 4, Aslifield 'rownaltip, for: the
month 'Of November. •The names are
-giyon. in order of Merit: Those inark-
ed'* were algsent 'km% one or more
Sr..' .Bain to. four people fr9m- while
.13arkWelt-AleX.' Camp • ret urn him, • libn)e.froh, • •,.V alker ton! ;last
•'' length., di-getissioh., it- was. agreed:. that'
in vain fOr -the old' patriarchs , tO
couple' had got strayed- er''faggect .9ut,
and turning -.they • a:coming:1y
Meanwhile the Ordl.etentleinen7trudgel •
brave -171,74 the youths ,
the old ;saying; "that. , grandparra'e
'together , been, verified, pi this •daSey
Ernest Gannt,
'• Sr: !III:—Wiltrect Mcquillin, Ewalt
MeKenlie Webb; Roy SiMith,....13battie
Ethel cAnderson,0, GladyaiWebb, Clara
,' Carlyle McDonald, Versa. Woods,. Eddie.
Forster, Madjeska Gana:Herbert Md -
Forster, Willie McQuillin,, `7'
;Madeline Gaunt, Emma, 'Alegi:titbit.
Reeve "Medd tlie4chatr:0 ,
_he_ marl_ w o wants to keepLposted oi,•the world's,
happeningi ft-.orn day to day will find the news presentid' in a
Then there ,are the most interesting of liovae Pages—the
social and. personal news—Madge Merton's page—and illustrated
,EverY line sparkling with interest- and information—nothing,
sensatiOna.1—leanwholesome—and'relishathe reading about
Send' your. subscription to,day
„paper and the tor-onta:Pitily
jiir One year 4t2:,e.O
&tidy gee' and Too Darners, 15c,
.T3attenburg. D'oyles 20, 25 and .35o.
Ratteilberk Centre Pieces,.25,' 35, 40, 75. an&
gn,„ibrOideitd Silk Centre: Nees,' 50, 65, and •
back,l all reit to slip in pillow, and but.
lma, filth.
Average attendance 42
Of Montreal. May* justly he called: a
db.-lea:9e with which brut been lnificted
pitbdieme, Tinsited Rot Springs and other
mineral water resorts.,but-oniv
of the glands: paling of tlie bands Sealing.
vert on 0'On inetit it et ,
and Aitehesen, the' inatter. Was left'
in the hands et.,tWatson and 'Thant)
sou; With po`wer• to act if riceessary,
number of cOin likidtiOrli 170.14',
Guelph, re the Gueiplisjunetion..
;; Way Co.i.a.td .011 ipo of Wilson ilea
•I`Famtly Affair, Ler- in "its 32 pages f.tumllmull,"-tiw "and 0011, ‘k.ere
matter that interests every member ot
a family, whether old or yining, and
however numerous they may be,
the best combination Amily paper
I printed, and any family 110tmoW reccitr-
next year which will make it aven more
valuable,, dr,
the ,necessary papers signed, thi
the Railway Board. -Orders Or .the
,paythatit Of accaunts- to the- ain,onnt of
$190.000, were poled on Motion' of
on, . conned adirrurneil to Meet on;
Dig:4.150x at 10 o'clock,
tnitines.; of fte, skill, :ayspeptie stoma-041,AI rt; , itaefit:aiesiiiits.... gill;
pt font, ths
ed 7 vett o
your Hood be.4,1keasen; Have Vii rely weaknest4. Our NaW ,,Ditrrtion
TrInAlrlinsT will elm! •,s on. 'What 1t.Iias done f6r others It Will do •foe you. totirultation-
Free.. No limiter 5 lir) l'i's •1reated you 'Write for an honest opinion Fr,' of Cbareno0
Otlitrges reasonable, Books Frear.:(Illustrated) on diseases ef :N•fee0:„, , , . ''• '
faUettiOn list and, cost Of Homo Treatment. FREE. . ' • ,•
' insramarsissumam tnent iu Windsor, Ont. 'If you desire -to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit. as we ste awl treat
no patients in our Windsor ofAces which, are for otropondent and
Write for ant:private ad4reafrr.-