HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-09-01, Page 4Sweet,; Nutritious 1 areh t a F o s a Be •: H�Yeio�� :end Sepoy • �;� t test, Pdre Mal tuba , 2oper 8 lbs. fabled ltver,Y TintraditY MoriOg' I,uckitgw Ont. rtrw'rW kttcruua 1f paid,�in advance, ,,V,,,0, peri antxunx : All ><I, S: aul scriptione $ .50 aper annum strictly in advance, . A. D. l cKnwZx1 . Editor and,, Publisher (B1ended) " "$2.75, per 98 lbs, en cents less in oiri•: own sacks at. the •l i>11, NV, I. wz:nrTH Managing >`,ditoX Advertising Rates:--14egal• anc4 .other•: dual advertisements 8a per nonpariel. line dor first insertion, -lc per line for eachsubsequent insertion, Advertisements in the local 'colu ' s are c,largea 7c per line for first insertion, and 5:c per line for; each subsequent in- sertion,,regular advertisers 5c per line: Contract rate made known on , app1 ' cation,. . - . -. All hand set displa)i advertisetlents and changes of advertisements must' be in. the printers' hands, not later, than . 6 put. 'on , Mbnday of the •'week for *deft intended.. • . . . THURSDAY; SEPT 1, 1910: Closing the Lotteries Vit, 1s said..' that the,; lotteries ofr 4racfir_ Qng`Hetxbl.•ishe. d. institution • of .the. countryarerabout. to be;clos,. it 14 pyR sushi t.:forbkt the 'baztusing of la• duatriea . by municipalities. hia 1 would 'lie nothh mcg tbanl .protecir iiag thoen who. are beim .de" rived o€ t dla�r 00,f t ` Withoeir Weir Oil; sent; . would • put • a11. tnun ci?a,ittie; ;on `an equal fa,otmg and .put "at1 �ba to,.tliie.ritinouit cbtnpetition.. A, D MaK, 1”, 'ra.!M•._+'AC'=firAS,Wda�.'=R'4•L':_F.?•'TK ,5iul✓.pA.il early:' Spell: flow about your P.umps? .; We have Cistern' Pumps Wa'PumpS, Sink :Pans, all kindS 'and dirnension4 ,,,,Xott, Can male bettednvestM6t, ii...presepves health, and _beauty., We ean Sapply, you with 'a hammer from 25" Cents t0,90 CtS:, a good handsaw for $1:90 and a fiesi .Clas brace fOr.5cP .cts:- oat WO.haVe onir Shed bill -and a larue Chianti* outside. eh. is have onenrclerS. Tr Scranton Ceal, the Standard anthracite. Demand For Taxation Reform Theie'ig a demand for Ittatilenreforni • in Nevi .':Ontat'io, Not to1�g sincethe. reeves . oWnshi . lerka. of ' '.Southern' an�lt.. pe Temiscamtng held a meeting to' discuss the'subject •oftaxation: Their circum, stances; As actual ''settlers males, very peals'a thenp a great, . ink ustice in gur ntuni4lpal assessment and taxation sy stem • They'And, thst the,xp re, a s man'. improve.his farm the. , ptore, he has. to pay In taxes, while "his, neighbor -who• `lea +es,.his land uniinpioved,gets off with, 'the paynierit' of a 'nominal fee. • The working' prop essive' farmer is penalized while the speculator is -bonused, - The ..same system is: invogue through; out the:. pmbvir ce bttt i4 the • older parts the' unfairness of it ;is • not `so evident. hold d t titiewtrs:irtcl tiG. k,Y . r r �.,, a--- rover Inn 16 . , . ,... . . _,. _ . -'•.-._ ... _ .., ._.. _ , m4, emt s he. w a -n tlt'""'� n . e as arm . ancC, T"u�u'"'� e," ui, on rocu �abTe. And remoTii�ba►�-; rs .m,e .nom t.�, of these rs the best • p a for School I.i d with. •a ,cola 1 to .1'inc of �!. ae ,are �� y Scribblers �t,d other. su ppl c school boas) s '� Dr, Spence s Drug Store • CHAPTER III. AM, , i ' �p Pills ,obit h v ' been reading about MneKKtn4t; s . Coculnin tttt or the I310 cl and. Kidneys,.ancl • about :Mac o�1� e`Y :'Cruaci>rz Laxarti'ves,' f e y X. • A. further• word now regarding-the.proess of then`.nta>i'efacture .. x exactly the Tn:so�r$ iiwi' trary`au'e,h ais- th se, 'every. doss mist be exp y same ever ill• identic'ul with• ;the` other;• and, to. 'ttc oanplish th tt, , the-; Y P Instead; ,mgst up to date prO esses of main fa4tu.ro Mast • be• euaphlyecl, ,therefore; o£ mixing ttheie pills,' on.our.o•?vn,pi�eannsek. We eon`bt•aete���,,1 . with '' the1 rgest• rlranufactu•r1n chwn sEs in'• the Win ld, to *Park Davis � ,�o„ a o ., l;' su pl ; them'•for- us. We recently. received. eighty si thousand, whish is Pl? 1' . Only p r rof-n-a#Ir pmen6: leo chance orf. mistake .inks, ilia' iuttredients, all os lvher rig its man lets' ]us • ,,, , a • nl ,y ' � .�..�.•--,,,� t.e.. t..•,s. .4t a,: . sltrar4 . 1VRiSs s er -r r .�'. •,.ro or i°nmr rsnty .: everyonb rir �.: .. trw�e l itt; euring ' i •a•.-_W�sx�+'A�x,- rftdc-1s^:..� .. 1 nit �":tFaF. .a.r"�:.::`*;�:a+..,••t-.sMw.�wnv..+.:,.+,:..;w.«;�a�w w.r;7 ,�•x..w..:...�,.....»,. .:.::,+�a."�,t�L,.•�,�.'wr:, i:,�r=kF-:MrtiN�'... _ w ' taken aa>otid It 1s nrom ted to thio_ t :- Q area 9,8 _ .S 9I - o - :'._ :, t.,is>.alwati a . he 1} 3' esed Aaanl>�c d Pr > Y .This _ a chance .to bsconte 'lisle,'-- W.e, do not l�epp rt. tide ssll res• by the 1ocialiits who see ''in the • 1ot- •teries: one of the means by which: the. 11:67-,fgaieiriig-tl:t.porpli4eftie, Qlfrily---a, the."7-ciiltiee-7,-tx:•40targiiiiti.14.Le.p3 0 Fta: ce in'Vest.•'''regalarly '• in letterk th•i? gl'uleils a PeFlY 36° DiAniciPilUtie'i,-' preSented, asking for tip. amendment ,,to 'tlie•cAsse-Ssinefii.A.4.- The" request was thamunicipaliti.e,meight:ba.alloWed..• to time The lottery holds out 'Of, 4f:Te . ' • At ..; „The•sii gested Change -had :the°. 1-!,-"ii-r'slight hope to be 'sure,. yet. a'hope.. ap'implial of ILA. t4e leito?g.,.nervap6rs 0,4 heired'ineii. and . Women ...Who, kir Oght, for 'se, desirable a ehiinge, will not :hope.' ;that,- fortune would • finally. , . the lottety,these see thsir only chance The immediate • Outlay is 'small, and- tlie possible gain large. The investors ulation-and discourages improveMent. The follyancl:ininstice of this sy.stem 'every:year becoming 'more' hilly- rer• meat he Parmelee i'riend—Will build you anythino. from a door -step to a „we handle the •"National'' made •in 'Durham; °the. best on tl-te mar, het and we haye fresh. Sleepy Hollow MoK. turned from the •West..recently• 4 Miss Grace Reid of laangside, kiss Anna Belle KeKirtnorti Who Imperial Oiford the latesbin iano-e construction the best on the C AGEN FOR:— , Scranton Coal Paroid Roofing Sherwin Wilikra•Faints _ Imperial Word. RanoeS' National Cement an institution, it is; an' immiked evil to the conntry: " It produces "nOthing,. • It merely 1re-distributes wealth. . It and gambling_ :pure:and ;simple.. It ',is utterly .4einorilizing,• land. -mottling, but good 'can result from • its alooli-• Shows how pro esslve he is. his fellowmen. We are prepared ,to, give You NEAT, roar W'18. the time .tobuYT your eae es and mrns -and Stigars on•hand too. . Best of •Picklinh • 'Spices mid-. - ListeWel and Lneknow.. Flours. Feed of all kinds:--' • Timothy Seed fOr Fall 'Sowing, ' . • '' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bad, Practice The .stuPidity .the praotice fiieli....fe.r.;yeara -ha's _Prevailed ;here. troyed..by fire, and so •net did ,-repottof.-.1 the -fact -get iabroat. than. font. ;neighboring tovins: Ofiered in- ducements to. :aie. pro07iotor to.., leave Walkerton' and , locate ' with , theft!. Only one;of the towns. cOuld, haVe the :-Wrilkerton WAS put tn a' Position: to Used indhary, '.the, system' Act.: the few hidividualsg Aria it does: this without ilicreaSitig. the genetal Mlle Of „business" tO the, least ' eiFtent„ It merely affects the location, 'of% in./ dustries; and that quite' likely kn- ee worse • for. if • there • Were nO bontisfis given,, factories; would locate .,,where,they 'found:the best ,,natural ad - But apart, altogether frcitil this • bop using, is winng.'• .A. munieipality has no right to, Ilse the taxing poWer to take. pro,p6Kty 'from' one. •rnati an& give it t� anothey.. .TI10 fact that :tintiorityriutiote in favor ot, doing :it',Ina,k04' no difference, • It iS all rhelt „for, 1116t1 tO 176t0 wny their' for thenyto vote away ,that. of, ;their -111.4-gifisofairitraiSealo—diqiCiihg -or • 'the, vatiotia preparations ;A': „,• ;Cot only (loos disaster. Sometimes felloW• their use, but tlr-y are !its:far behind the times thai scythe • is " acting . the .,adyice of, an exceptionally, •De;•tor :Who strong: ‘, .Foitpaicl t� any address.: , Order a trial box, and, if• not -.found • reader's. rurther Chapters Will 'tell about `our .Toilet •preparatiens, Our. ',1$1.01,1114P . APArjur 4 0.110r4A4 K#as. ; Lie: • lutes, •' 4,114t ';t C arey*eer tato',: .. , 7f(ic4t.;frrytE 00 XoneicnOWA Ont., y, sd ,...._ .At Ripleyever, Wednesda x p. 4.101,COAISON, Soli- -Aka:, etc., rit IinerknOW• on friday and **today Of qieh week, of ingiuraneo, First-class Cemp. allies'. guaranteed.. The, only ,,,jant; agent of the LoudOn Mutual' rfrl H. Lindsay • Lucknow Notary Public; Colpallsaloact la C.1. .•; Centrepiece, etc, „rite' and Accident InSurance, represented. •,, Accident and Fidelity Inaiirance, The X UN zik4ox 34,, 'Kincardine. All moderudtmethcids need: • Best material '-furnisliCA -Crown arid bridge •wer.k:' Pitinlese-e*actifig by the use of isfeiveat- thing in artic,cial_;-__ enzie 911# ,SOTHERIAND: A. tiddalt Re8l• E state arid Money -Loaner.: Money to loan 'on, 'first and second :mortgages.. op ',farm property arid on single andjoint notes. Sale, notes. also cashed. Fire insuraince altita branch:. • -.4. ;Alio, wedding decorstione -----t;u1:i.lriric.bpeect,...;pigne48,p1saoc,ecieftoyognebrleamrtsts,titnc rcses,' carnations and other choice cut ' See delign-hookutourigenths; 11.4 e Mrs. H: Caesar, returned to her home •ronto, who lies' been 4,iiiting her siateri- ..celiMiltY.;;Am. 60.rnelius of the Hollow, and . Miss ;Minnie Dirket 'Of 13, U. nleP *ere raarri'ed last Week. . het home after Spending '.:fevit: 'clays has been 'Visiting at ,Mrs. Allan Sudbury, -was reneWing old '• acquain- Angus. MckinnOn. miss' M. Caeaar spent, Sunday. bad attack.ofv9itilicy, -ikabletobe-arcirind again. sheaf‘carriers; ttatasports.and. tongue tracks, Deering Ideal Mowers,' Tade in 3i, 414 5, 0 •and 7 ft. beering Hayleaders and side. Delivery Bakes,. 2 Frost dr, Wood Binders : • -6T-Porestertinteets in th.i-ocidfeirtiliW -Hall on the last:Tuesday :invited to attend, • CALL IN AS' YE'60"13Y seOurin'-thingti shine like it preen, mak' ye iireleOme; Jean an' Aye minas ye gae, by; Mit rin an' 'get *way chairra-• , Aye ca, in as ya gap byl-L-dnOnti We'll shag or sang, or•hat a erack, 0% acenSes aae clear to you an' mo, Welt mind arele'e, until we dee,— 'Aye ca'.in as ye gae by k-C11oit/ frolish71,1)Ls lifos,gzoteisrotlibnliis8na, de. .Aye dein AA ye gito.byt-0,go4iii.4 :E V U. ILI „.--:"itu; • Under, its influence the 'brain .becomes active,. the 'blocKt Purified • so% that all ' ..pimples, blotches and .rticers 'lied' up; the nerves. become' strong. ea steel' so that • ' ' • ',stemware invigoratecn all arrant; cdose..-ne more vital, • *ado from the System. • , .01 feet yourself a man and Imo* marriage: cannot. be a,fallnre..,,Ircia't let. tliuMks. ; iiand e•gense id youth, I became very. Irnagifiative dreanis at night.. weakened ' ablif; tired in tho morning; poor appetite„ ' lingers weed ahaicy,, •eyes blurred, , hair , loose, Memory poor,. Cit. -Nuinbnesg in •—thellnklos set id and. the -doctor -told-me he feared pirralysis• I Wok' 'all Wilde OE physiciatis, *ore an eleetric belt for three . .. InonthS, but received little benefit. 4 ' . aodto'rs. Vicir a dreliValag Mari I commended, the Nov. l‘lrrnOn TarAvuorr awl' it . - saved my life. • The improvernent was like magic -4 tetthl feel thevigor geing throokli, ' ' ' the nerves. rcvarf Mired Mentally and physically, I belie sent theni. Many,: patient') . RLKEIIIIEDY&KENNEDY. • cOi. Ait. h., ii,"11: A Vi.'''a!)...-4AlGt lrei St tWe tt I "Ire' . St ni' .CP al!leatirtio!laMe eiclillre..Ssed . .geg uS personally e i at our Mezlical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no. patient# iti •our • Windsor offices: which` are :for CiwerSpOliden re: awl OLD 1,1614.;r i_LoD64; , night, On or before 'the full moon,;in the Maitonic, ery Friday evening MI brethren•cerdially invited,. • flucknoW, meets every' first -1Vionday of - ALEX MCC*RR01414, C. Re. K.1VIclxtostr,:,Trectsurer:. ". • It, was in the CitY of Brotherly unit, the first -bank- 'Wes' establithed•ia • Jt waS:inlonairated'breontn4f07- undei the mine' df "The President, DI- , rectors and Cbmpany of the Dank of , North. Amerlea." Three years later the, In Desten, and. called the 'Idaspicebu* In the Sante. yeai: the Bank of NeW The TIalad $tateti bank 'wag founded' in 1785 and -the seeend fn. • 1810; in.. Which. Year the gra savings banks were' established, one id Phila. the other in' Boston•--ScraP ' The Milk ivas not of the d'eslreci m'veetness one. morningraftd El., "What's the matter with the milk! ttruerV asked hie -itoth0A ^"1 guess the infikinad hag need ieed.. hi; his cow :on ptakos, was the 04