HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-08-11, Page 3Ir
The Sentinel
With 1571 The S ntinel was b)rn,
the initial numb;r hiving beer is-
sued the first week in January of tint
year. , The founders were two eeter-
prising young men, themselves prac-
tical printers, who earn° to Lucknow
from Kincardine—Messrs..B.,wers and
Hunt. The office was first located m
Mr. Graham's Block on Campbll St.
The new enterprise appears to have
met with a favorable reception, Mr.
Robert Graham and others taking an
active part in promoting, a circulation.
In its first form The Sentinel was a
molest flys column, four-page sheet,
and like all beginners of the.: day Was
printeci on Washington press'.
The founders did .Tot long remain
in possession, the business pissin„
after a year or more, into the hands
of 1VIr: D. B. 13,yd. i1r Boyd nurse,]
the plant across the sore=9t`ittto a
frame building which it. Was destined-
to occupy for three decades' ' =11'11 the
third year after taking possession Mr.
Boyd died. His widow. however, con-
tinued the business until her marriage
to Mr. Janes Bryan who had been in
charge of the mechanical c'eaartment.
Mr. Bryan's conn ction with The
Sentinel, as editor and proprietor,
lasted above a (parte). of a cP,ltury.
until October of 19.)G ! n lie sold
out to the hate Jnr. J. .1 keit Mac-
Gregor. He hat enlarge.! the paper
to eig:it peg,ss wit:i six cult ons to
the page, and improve ! tl , p!runt by
'the addition of a C:uopb.)11 eV] neer
plant. to the prcmi•,r)s which it now
occupies on the corner of Campbell
and Whe:lo k streets. En the sum-
mer of 19; j Mr. J. L. Naylor, B. A.
ical p
oprietor. Not being a prat
ter, Mr. Naylor gave more
on to the literary side of the
is than had any of his predeces•
and a marred improvement was
result. He also enlarged the page
seven columns. But Mr. Naylor
id not take kindly to the various
vexations and worries of a news-
paper publisher and with• the close of
19r)9 terminated his jour alistie car-
eer, by selling the paper to the present
publisher who is also proprietor of
The Teeswater News. Being occupied
Present prcp:ietor of The Se:rtinel.
He was reeve of the village from 1889
to 1893, and was warden' of the comity.
Mr. Bryan is now in Vancouver.
with the Teeswater business, Mr. Me
Kenzie has delegated in large rneasurc
the editing of the Sentinel and the
conducting of the business, generally to
Mr. W. J. Wraith.
Lucknow's Business Men
"Geordie" Andrew is an Ashfield boy,
having beer born. on the 12th. Con. of,
that Town ltipr not very ' many years:
ago. When eighteen years of age he
qualified as a school teacher, and was;
later for one year in, charge of the,
school at Holyrood. ,Salaries in those;
days were not such as tended to make
their recipients unduly'wealthy; and in
1893 Mr. Andrew -removed to Luck -
now, definitely abandoning the drilling
of pupils for the selling of drills. In
other words, Mr. Andrew began busi-
ness here as an ianpjiement _ . agent and
dealer in 11'lnsical_• Instruments. His
business has grown* `lid prospered in a
satisfactory manner. He represents the
Deering line of Harvesting Machinery,
and this year alone sold five car -loads
of it. He handles also, Cockshutt and
Wilkinson plows; Tudhope, and Wm.
Doer's carriages; Doherty Organs;
Heinstzrnan Pianos; New Williams Sew-
ing, Machines; Timothy and Clover
Seed; and various other lines of agricul-
tural requirements.
In another column is a picture of
Mr. Andrew's warehouse; a large and
comfortable structure, usually well fill-
ed with goods.
From a. series of volumes entitled
"Men of Canada" published in the year
1894, is taken in slightly altered form
the following sketch of the person whose
portrait appears above.
Duncan MacDonald Gordon, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon, was born at
St. Helens in the County of Huron,
Ontario, in the year 1859. His parents
were John E. and Jane (MacDonald)
Gordon, the former a native of Forfar,
and the latter of Inverness, Scotland.
Dr. Gordon was raised on a farm and
educated at the common schools. He
spent five years in business as a general
merchant, but was foreed to retire from
that on account of ill health. He•is
largely a self-educated man, having
studied the higher branches without
the aid of a teacher. He taught school
for three years, and then entered Trinity
Medical College, from which he grad-
uated in the Spring of 1886. He im-
mediately began practice in Auburn,
remaining thereof Tet: years. In 1890
he moved to Lucknow,. •' here he has
lived ever since.
The Doctor is .a member of the Pres-
byterian Church and of various frater-
nal orders ,the Masonic, I.O.O.F.,A.O. U.
W., and S.O.S. He has never aspired to
municipal horrors, preferring to devote
his time and attention to his practice,
which has grown to large proportions
When we speak of John G. Mur-
doch we instinctively think of him as
one who is, perhaps, second to none
in Bruce County as an after-dinner
speaker. He is the Rufus Choate of
Luck now. Standing by the banquet
board, or facing an expectant audience
at social or garden party, he can
sing a pleasant song. tell a good story,
or deliver a speech of power and in-
fluence and never to our knowledge
has any such occasion found him want-
But Mr. Murdoch is more than a
platform orator: first and foretnost he
is a man of affairs, influential in all
that pertains to the progress and well -
fare of the village. Reference
to that phase of his activities, makes
interesting the steps by which ` he at-
tained to his present position.
Mr. Murdoch was bora in Water-
loo County in 1858. When he w as
only two years old his parents remov-
ed to the 14th. Concession of Ash-
field, where he spent sixteen years on
the farm. Afterwards he taught
school for a number of years, but in
1881 gave up teaching and entered
into business as a merchant in Loch-
alsh, being also Postmaster there. In
1888 he removed to Lucknow and en-
tered into partnership with Mr. R. D.
Car reron, then, like himself, newly re.
lfiiNcd from a country store to their
larger one in the village. That part -
until 1896, in which
hdrew. Mr.
it veal
ins, a
ion was established; the business was
put on a.'tt•ong and permanent basis;
the stock was r;cpidly increased; and
the time since then has been a time
of const�atit progress Mr. Hill carries
now, in addition to the regular grocery
lines, one of the largest and best as
sorted stocks of china and glass -ware
in Lucknow,
Who has been in charge of the news
and business features of The Sentinel
since the beginning of the present year.
T residents of Lucknew and vic-
inity the Hub Grocery needs no in-
troduction. ` The name itself, which
was• given to it by a former prop': ietor,
M. John Elliott, is.' prophetic — mean-
ind the centre of truth.
rhe premises of the Hub Grocery
have been occupied in that • capacity
for twerity .five years. One of the
fire't in business there was Mr.Browu
'Mallough. After • hili '•came• John
'Elliott, above refered to; and the bus-
iness was then purchased by its pres-.
ent proprietor,-1M1r•. W. W. Hill.
Mr. Hill came to Lucknow from
Mitchell in 1904. In the last men-
tioned place he had been in business
for a number of years; seeming thus
a good experence. Here, he Has con
fronted with the difficulty of being a
stranger with no connection such as
Other merchants enjoyed. By per-
ersistent efforts and square dealing,
that difficulty was overoome;a connect:.
"Tommy" Watson's barber shop needs
no further advertisement in Lucknow.
"Tommy" himself has popularized it.
Diligent in business, a good hand at a
tenor song or a game with the bowls or
the "curling stare", neither the social
nor the business life of the town would
be complete without the presence of
this man of tonsorial accomplishments.
The subject of this little note has
been in business in Lucknow since 1902.
His early home was in Goderich. L yarn-
; ing the barbering, he commenced busin-
ess in Blyth in 1889, and remained
there until his removal tq `Sepoy' Town,
,, tine w
Alamos ut:tuopa}'ew atjl ., och & Co.
pan melts hove
Sall Lair}& cal3B.`16.l rdoch, a i-rc thers
nave both withdrawn to eater into
business for themselves. But the
business has grown steadily, year by
}ear. In 1906 the present splendid pre-
mises in the Anderson Block were se-
cured; making, with their modern
equipments and the enormous stocks
carried, one of the largest and most
representative stores within many
miles- of Lucknow. Typical of the
spirit and standing of the business is
the large Union Jack, made familiar
in the advertising of the firm.
Mr. Murdoch's public interests are
many. He served for eleven years
on' the Council Board of the village,
being three years elected Reeve by
acclamation.. He h;as for three years
President of the West Bruce Reform
Association.; Always deeply interest-
ed in church and religious matters,
he is president ._of . the Lord's Day
Alliance, President of the Upper Can-
ada Triter Society, and wa3 one of the
most influential in securing the meet-
ing in 1909 of the Laymen's Mission
a.ry Congrc:s i'I I.uek'tow.. 1 n idl g -
;on a Presbyterian, he is an elder- of
Knox eluruir, a; d las bee.' sine.+ he
ifs+; cams- to Lucknow .a teacher in
Ire Sabbath School.
No list of 1mei: now's orators would
be comp'' to without the name of 1)
C. Taylor.
\i r. Taylor, than whom no man was
ev r gifted with a more smooth and
pleasing flow of language, Wats 'I(•ng a
well known business man het e, being
for twenty years proprietor of a general
hardware store, doing a business of
many thousand dollars annually. • in
1905 he dispo'ed of the business to
one of it present aroprietors, Mr. W.
Murdie, and to a certain extent retired
from active business life. In the
Methodist Church, in the Epworth
League and Sunday School, he is an
active worker ; and his time at.d
talents are willingly devoted to the
advancement of all good causes in
which his sympathies are enlisted.
Agricultural Implements and Machin-
ery, are sold by four different agencies
in Lucknow. One among these is con-
ducted by the gentlemen whose flame
appears above,
Thomas Corrigan is a native born of
Holyrood, a son of Mr. Peter Corrigan,
now Treasurer of Kinloss Township, on
whose farm he spent his earlier years.
After a period spent in Chicago, and
elsewhere, Mr. Corrigan began business
in Lucknow; this was five years ago.
For a time he handled a full line of har-
vesting machinery; but later, he•dropp-
ed this and specialized to.a certain
tent. One of his specialties is harne
made by G. A. Rudd & Co., and J. J,
ley & Co. He sells, also, Singer Sewi:
Machines,. Percival Plows, Internatiot
Knife Grinders, Magnet Cream Separ
tors, Maxwell Washing Machin
Barrie Carriage Co. Buggies, Bind'
Twine, etc.
p ItE11)'S -111)1'
in cl- • county Appe
Heed o a furniture manufacturer a
under ker in 'Varna, Huron Coun
he ser d his time there; afterwa
renrovi to Oshawa where he took
position a big furniture factor
Froin Oshawa he came to Luckno
as already stated.
The apprentice system under whic
Mr. Davison learned the ma,nipulatio
of tools and the making of furniture,
was much more thorough than is
generally prevalent now. Froin th
taking of tho lumber from the pile to
the staining and varnishing of the
finished article, every step in the prow
gress of the work was thoroughly
learned. The result' was a complete-
ness and durability of work such as
few modern factory products reseal.
Five years ago Mr. Davison was
appointed .a Justice of the Peace.
His Municipal connection has also
been somewhat extensive, he . having
served for five years on .the Council
Board and afterwards one year as
reeve of the village.
Dispenser of Justice to the living,
performer of the last necessary ser-
vices to the bodies of the dead,
is Mr Alexander T. Davison,
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
Since the year 1872 Mr. Davison
has been a resident and business man
of Lucknow. •
Mr. Davison was botn on a farm