Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-23, Page 77 ILI 7 .......... WA it, 21 lox` 0 My q 0 THEGRANDILD ADMIRkILV, P -P Orr d h* tl ssoit .'care optabine, .'wit p 6to-I., In "mr"",041t b! thoisum ento, Wo V MAO qn, 4 'and h 4,4,4,,e ...in life o . ervois "hit or r toquip; T, "TTE.S.'.." s SON b"i"m ie beo to, oct tiieo u m w mo,!- Re ouse ie . - . . -d, , �. ., I 1`.-I'l J-1 0 p" I" iioll­ wbichAsuis, �pde lie ar. v. -AT X,,q 0 . ..... - To yotS4 0, ft I DE, U F V ro*, a, .;.In ei�ellopt.' orpr;#., ot �t em the p6rfWed 444, fin's y"Ost f6r�. not wieliing to roslde'4 VJ J41AX LUARID .,p RM os, A04 Other v o, - - . son "king I glory. A16 to, �$U*444 --fire 'A Don't let thinieo'qkwlthQut,44� 4Q. Buriqe4kith figo t 1 , .". . I . . i An4, lW rative R' pea '4 P4 , X rink, even, %yhen ihe-.Are Jis 419,w, dvs�41piioiI or *6 awful doom of nglioll', AtpolOp - A. g4��; 0 rps, A COOIE A oi In- X111. 1,669041 f'f �j,­ tr$ wicke.4, ad -a.,X #a# on pjreierve 14 Ito. Iff ost Stir0m; A veqturon -French, ftoi�.s OMI- r W a, mat."' rni4a,!, ox va%e ,to -.41. -All thingsi that, �ause­:stuwb S Oireler. in nie. t u se th,41,4ga 40;,,3443. -Golden ta!W, L Dan ti iau4iiao;:� ;4 6.,b pp e t# A 113 -N T 9 Ing, 7. hite. grape ld IreXt 3. �At 1$. '.a., personal. s e., Fruit SAi l,---Qne-bAIf pound Of' ed. I t ii, b4t b� of them, -w -so. Voo 4 JA � : pu 44 Ldtinists, that it is*�5'4id't fou][14 0 xrou hey'! I a and, -��ut tip, as�'For �,a 1,,,, ch*ppqd,�'not tle,js; best. 'The deathti�ok:plape�, in England n u I ndi t '.%i ch, d, .,one r ry, A viece,, rot r l T014 Oppe a 1 fortn'ig �t o of Sir 1W ei, �,Is � to:(?, fine, �tw, 'Do 'Vors'e:24.1 A -W pjliatsowp4� The V.1 1, pi)l,.O �'4, Ik yoll, *e4h: - , . ". ! . - Me 4ifilcuft i is , a] coxisidpi oul ae 'Ata"Oilig feature 1 parable illiam. standin$,,cub, p 'it isolit of t of. tliio� 4 0 1 evet Pit qu0tion I C Ciall ca Os, �. 1 a in nT4 Luard "The G d1o'so and Tot --ha* i the rfe'Ot", DO G,. _,gaver qp, t �e. f9 rge.t to rul PD e -ar /en i the bo,---- Sir HAM win zp lua6wr T,45� ;.ill; le v1A '41 r, the ; aste'r Optered- h' u v -wh$c WAR 'tj I t tide o -e Rome, vit'l-Wator, Pt;t yn g. 00"Spoon ith,84tah, the: hougelibld I ,h -e 'p) pe r v gkettle f n cover and of, in B. U4,e 4va 'uth list ... - 41 theor, ri,�the,Son of U14,0,04 hieve-4 0 "i -at. 'Port­ jpepp�, lac an. olive oil to'pte ilt aticking, Mint anid utterly Nkoign OD 'hink.ibiroug and t L f in 1830 at the ije of 13; wo Inedi -h .04pa . u hVe the lute- ari, WrAJ 'the fxm us veppo pe since 4 limof"Walole's'i atip$ and , _ gp4ogij�t � q q the plo ro Cl&binet Inpetings. Aeviro y k W- 5, or.evei plc5.'With 4'st'VA. nLot FAo TIX -Aa idan--4t t NY 411'e" 'fieW p - f 0i in e I a Ion i4pat io. so," expcmijN, bit-rof t4e, destin� of all meni 400. clog, wo'-takeia 'i". ItOr was� Appolted pirit -.-a ;0our V6 uesl yea i"- to b Good ie6d- in his 0 4 Sf,e6p rke 4it m- gl* ki.ife; i t '14 Qv�, f r use, 080 W Idly The,�- right of tU .9y 1 -xi A are QT , egg, vinegar 13, ,Ore It ty of the gow'e r'a-,seed i s th-o same rai murderell®f 0 bil46 at Val aiai4b havin When ido, oioe. milloyes.on, tho�, ekle 0, 4, ifi the Ni -mer pa.11o.b but. ltom, f the et,' t rop I oil e Wn n ppert Ofk baoged, to' theL� 84niarang, Mr. I p_�Od wav to ieparo 'a�'b �Jjjc a'.. — 4 , . nevr to p -d�Orwage.­.Sal, 4 '- . I is'presuln-ftbly-all"good. . " C' f light, 'Q r-: If. a �walk 4 lie 36 ibileis to .-C' 6 e vups on pc grs, A, 3rineo4, V hikoff 4 lk Thokeray, by 'Ith- y� f6und- -paache� and 11" w*ter­ v rhile, Vi n a ep.t-N thgm" witll-Qut' 4 o: 5, ,A e :,'I like, 06orge."'T y T, b �hem to pi-ll4ble yield-tq:ititleri� Wh stop in si houfs,. Then'rh prey A 0iove,, r lei. quau rg. o, f 1�u Y01 p"q"1ge­r ck,,'Aud) aft r. ' shor cov� f Only ne a rst "llch Tr6f travelled, 6 ils, ob t robbed -of it' pocket�bo6 ;p,,.1ZpZ,,aA p, . . 1. 4ah hour out. &Vl�. to �cid� h k- on- iqred thee last eigbt -miles i,' et34c a , $ 1 - bit .:, - -i 'QX trange, r�ligion - of kip 4D Ale, sign aAt �thq sa- �.s . nuto,,.:, wit If010-foo - obip, w'hen, priest 011 b ar� chn't agd 'm 04(l tyveni� mi add a-. lek.�: - out- into t* b iT D 11 a 6p,fitt; �of. thl� bri-n e A'atibli -he 4hd, marvellous'e'Sed fttteied pn f ... W 00 jgi. Wit 1. level-teA�p� s or,t in the Tenip were-, boiled, "d-, L��C to" ; lie Me. As' le. 6f God wNeu sorvi 6 ore win. in 41 to, b ennobli 40t PSL - t -('if We a b -into �re- I ty a'i; held d t pu f mi i C d a,., and b basting 'of �the'� .,bowli, QVe Jei-4, exi) r Ilk pwn,r �,a%sibnkers. ef wenu1br.-911e- 'thin i spoonful of,Fredch. wa e, v ly. an 'no I b ta e rfaa, in the MAbded, 42orals and* cnde4 -h W V2 TI 4n A.MT, V tb t Oft '6f ilff e 'he A relWom which 0eoXgq.'1t, selic'ming inay e"p- lo'n ... �-Iii'Llighily" 'i-o"'uncoo o Qerge, 1. hat he.was A A 2 ot., 7PH9� I bdi ling E dwme -to H40 with and his -14d now Kirig..6f 4.iiglanoil'�. wo. wo ou .1 avip .4 specia, meanin g, act p A. En lie b f , J Ii chunk,.� 10 �6oas mixed. tel s uo'how one na,- ep be'A6ived is I Jtfnv'-�fternoon ke't 'his.'comp with. Ili qt�._ i. l -2 7 o wi 'i ' -4., ­b6ter-iiniedic' ' I ' ' '' -,I o k i n and''if hes6aped d d-.-. fli �041ad -7b ina, � T7 --w-flbro 7� an rc-quarter. pQpix<l a[ er hard:toil C�pt.... n, por c iop A— Is* AReudid rode 6 men and monarchs tr ; r T -from 0 :15- atid . IT �NNOW XVG 18, DEAD 2�rn�­baye,rn Six Imum b Uzi N.. k 'I yalu-6. than i1iisi, As. anti cor�puleht, 6aval xer slumbeting (if t�e tel�l virgins)., Jt D N, In th� go Chim cth r Up, "e and. a#9,,j%t 104st we 7-t er ciew or farving',in r Thr . ....... ... 10, 0 -fort' �of Way thank, him foi piese, stock - fo ee,quarfery �s�ic f Tcal��sa d unseen-. ways --whi le ter '*k' I d'. t* chong b 1, VU f'th6.­b4iJef *-an , is res 0 -Y a e eve that ther,4"' and-"' e- we get, seven to ninei, c1l9ps -to� t r? por-. yxl umblai nity presente"'by.humAii, natu ere ce. been. 'purified;" -often. dmitted,.,sai<1 he could not'liti ih- nenly cApiew;--This is, ill ii4ods of the. Brlsh Em c Wh' to i -a get: round th46, tr�dlioid- the. master 0 --N w a t t�achipg, King,Ediw", is not knoWf3;i,Z't Vpp % � .. st r t ey arp, per pe y h he alltelit e Te f th -491no ffie' us lt-'6e. -,�f 9VQun f A, rn the.. fourth 4chitlite'n �atthei7 suC114 f hat ll'after his.,dinner; Co the a Uree'pats,'which with,' '4 o'n-� gdod, eviery -ot, Or Vet� w Uentleth of s the Pit-' iy Juaqs qur reitist&:.per nia-ater was aslee. ub U e ciew -of ii�s few. it s'a-It and.. pepp�ri tart-',stor6s. R s, AAd.1iiistan:-4�Ae 117� abnages, cafi-,�monlj.�speak f then 0 th mak4 -Hani- ays slept, -after 48--dinOri; :�.I"(�Ve is r'o an�,* t6n�de to e, 6gulli- 1.4- h is Aland w -i z 6 -7the f o i ws- -di- disappear e forbid- offideto pec mea; is r net" a beef., ter it; ,our gird, There.: are ainsan: *.6 por-m; af )v, In:* nhdbita:nfs f or per-, re -stations of regard t aa01c intO r pted:'h` Ticeted.by'a cunning personal 0ow CCIving Enanj --us pq rvb1 h unless -some, sic. tit,:,f riend-ot he-�-�a�k)aooits- -pu� 111 f e first George' d- Tlw .,men o p� giiijham,;'1 - 1-9, rai essel d 0 presen s r0ftf, tffi�, in if. 'which nbine.,6f awn ih line ii1d., t iizig rifts f,n; that.direc-. 8frightened la'dies: 4sid, hei w' rk..of. ii I nf.: Vo' 9 Ope"7 Lug Vai .in the ffii 0 a I a rin,,.w or -kddd­by­SirJohn -b t.- in � -&)3'r—<)f �- tl -eitinek-was-f -w-a uy V ids -6-f -Owlaaw eal urewa;ei d batis the careful execute, arsliall io the lieutenan th mear -V use n ot la" ro L, 4 whe t re, -a tar. th�n- rub' a sit m.ay--r giiizo�er,w C. gelD a,,,,: and the.'. A te he 0 o e ve f ro.ra the Biti o urn. eaigi9m the'Picture to tbe� Wall. b ssoa on. the &r �messe h sland rd6d, aar) The A t nwn the beOf lozff--th�at p nge 'let, a:WOed w eye there is a I own,6 in yronic V.Lq.w d the' -Ge- 04"ges r'make 'a dish- f Jackbboti V il� 0;1;. Af ti, up an e e,pom, -e it"'t 'Ve he b 'd :teve�'t whic-'fis stirring Ahle. rld 9tat h a in the mi&t. w lich w LIS -CCIMITIon "rel n av ing wb is v 6 Epgl w other 1Jw-!:H--eb id t1fells' I' over. J�, ato 0 a renla res.'' e: riaan aceien t, A k d`0 .0�, 'A;� tliOrei. ni' h eorge at c -r ely- die On -S-' in i�,h-o-,,-daxed.�t,&'--distu.r-b.- bini, Often it.bree'ds -a-poili$ ng'lls.j, , Wit (i -t b e: f t a S thib, on -Washboard ind rinie g impossi �3 b6ard.', so �,sauce,,, a I've lien onou's -11 mixt1i" of, loade same as it tirch it. e, vicial S ILTE RE ty'o.f'the,;.shi th c- is Inequi I. pro ces- .�drzziness, convU14 D: take ling. �ash ur Irish stew for kipper itht iles nti%ther.. I me tm at] ,ger,. 4" The 'awakoe, pitons. and ao ti i es�'de weswn d Luar4­w­&j-,de9or-abed. st -delloate. ep ihe Dix.. -in, the., �i --bited Walnol,'e. Wem t.. ia,�4y­,Aft 0cdi of g; vwr�tfea;t- parentg- s ies can be -safely -liund1E�Lrqd'.iqn t with ihe Oi-der of' the ; ql� �0� �rn o announce -to poiAonl1ave 13:een sownjn rural distilcts,of. e just enough! brt , h to; Wake -axil This, 'is" .ng 7.011oug, or ur that, y0iii-.40 at develop -With:, little on-,, lit 66.�te e tli�e'honu.r%t' C.ross ll� eror of'Bl' USe,of ve* J�: y . and lie au -b quently.' A- in, ch rg'' Tilk er' and'Ice -C�reatd'., a e Many' h -h g: they.; I0 -'7UILay P tiAne. n, a -certain commul 1P. tairsty $.eak -Ju rrinj - ttl grassy, Wi inia here POP G;r 0 ey, ATOM. �is- &:i r'-4 that -ih: 7 Y. or"- PW ir, b &M Dy d w usU Ing -er p I hi id, the 1rhOat,- that the.tar�i appearii; gV/rIne senr,you -a ig... irg-1114 wrong bi 'k;ver Etigl4lid, an.(V:hei.was 14gso buckets aof h' .4 --Ma re Wri `.orn.e. th .given,cpm di. �"e, an �C _a 7 n tiiiiipotmlul 61 ly q et,:::: and over u r rise is,liard to apin, ]sins! ur Cl enemy ath: sT 0 two xa Apflils virtil'o. d s 6�k or. tw aii eta�ti -'he'iicrew' Qf his ship -4 gprmi r tl hssiate Xs�t`mornihg, fdke loaiil which �, Thackeray Or 06 kiiD inegar -Oil aro us disciplihe aim This is nt,ir s the' ie,. eorg Zrankilated 'W revenge; �sp la t! r did gbt "elie- inL 'anunsai ,pater frorii the,tub,. but do not stir b6 und his, o 'Whe`x;�?d bottom'. Pl�Fce' the rp pl cl ca any dz�' -was going. -to father' en Ph 4�hip v� sia r. wa l�. on. s ove,. gln. '11-ItA NL t 001.64®k Oxain,oled, gh -d m e.. asked Mar.�. �ter. into -t as eq -.bptt e And "Sed A 0 well a "that -pig got stomiAldh If r thit'we...' gather r 'en, inu th .,early mo, amp,,., 9 an. othe mW fill w ii cl a ave, be, a dm b4o!6ned -JUL' "pin'p �'cr ha# , ds kI ='at" C ple y. tatioll 4of.-:+his'ieaCl ofthe servan 6n.deci-.�� 'Once at -sea, their- -xild quOnehes e re, thirst more­q4i y W uninp re, 'But there are. a w4ys lose mho are RATT. LER, captain: Rd -little 0- flatir P tlhc::mcn, ah'a the S a wais a raiwi 'thirst w atdr. t�.Gl h tb if -iced.. irp ry. an dy like the a-�osiles' 16 oul Ail 'r s it better� tab,have m o -ha"t's. 'your o rd r iAked vo �Makoes So Ca be n �ssiiatn Sils at the sidned o F�om­'6aven 'to reaph� 0, u a's re 'Auy:5 6enti� wo:fth-of-p lict, stonOj 6rted.on when she or an 'cold'. c I"It, ille. waiter. as eo It jig- a I --fbr wft I.Od S lice ro it, ill,tW kitchen ,6& -Aisli;. 'mitrasluts to ring- me d p, p e,,r suppres I rea lor imaging alId,with . spobrf Ye d. In 4853 Luard,ap.plie'd-to- V, t pris,6nih'Ont 'AL'#&'idegr re. it. will be the;�.mdst be -s -is- over - 11 u liere -is wlie ;' ; . Ill q( Ing �6ut w4oat niust, gr etrA ihg 101s er 'It J nquoro,' -Arid' fook-hited averts the risk . . .... .... 'h flam oil "ion- lJotao6s and AQ -me, eggs. w cillen 36fpr�'begi ty. thedill boiled geo,of -,the 06 -see< bets :ith:* the -sea :lfig vi, 4ake place efthe� before the period b -ttalion of mirines f6r. t e. -Wa fito dic.c�, riib s t1i L' 7 - a L .1 Mation in thb,`Ik4iach.�, in- -aps 'keoe rs 13 . , , . , nictubdr Ail, so , , -ar _g are h'afe of 1; 011 0 if thell. 9 flii6 foin pta we flown atu after, the 'erhel as flill re dt I S tt the, bombar'' filointi -of'tho� 9' er 14.)mlco stone ave Wo 't, 11 don't for I A ice showed iliat 11 don't no .1, thbr re -,.f 4 , - is, no t4 ressiog n. ion here f ulliu viscs4otak ­ hit a`-recrtI^g hea4 fil v hiles ques Ytk1)Jiamhj an,&,i eceivd-. h -Order le u eat y At C, c 'Use -"%rp Sprin -yo r�s '011 ill. -n �tbc ii,011.1a sticagsion ad: then stiluck"hiA le e L�egx�n �f teomm h e ly tli.e iron. Y . t e se e.on 6 r6wt ��6f, t I -f e XIC t parsley over and rv. as e Al at and, mad r r lip hed. and In �ti�kijig. re I lilper 1. w i's ha, h e isi�i less i -v soft dnnk-is t,6 work trow- an: it ed ill'' the face Wiih'th�,flak of tage� in 'ch., the't� tres I re litto nc� 0, that leituee 14B. a ,e ange. lit of 111V Way 4 bie I t, hiod6rat' T C i ha:t'the .-hi .9A'01,d- 'also mat- �bile, had,'tb Ju o B two Th ithdilit, t1Wo :Minutes" 't6,ke­Q­1i' m6' Ion be your jute. ago: P rtwine t�K i a It of in carom vy knee o --e roots;kre int D -;6w' into -bo his head with bea' xo.hot get the soda water'liabit. r oveF.) i-th. those of the tar6i �hotild 6 'C0ATjX07J1 5QO. YEARS. - tli ihu� watert V, f It will mltk� - a ini'stake ao 4 i save. Wongy an an c no i6r :r okin kta aeived thi rty is a re - it �gs itfifi -the sl�ic i l A in- -th orma- a ige§. d boil.. f- b;t f five JAt,Ate, Wird. boiled yolks f two, sis 6E. dyspe e r That.the.Wot supifly % psia. J�a,v 'th ccess. n- `66 head iie fe� ore,,' ..Tea 6ver and then �bt­ oftbe'practical artner, tf. Aakent with meals h, a) r f :i blo'ws ion 0., L-i&bi,'--�i-xLd-'.-Libhwska� dug hii, ol: V c sery aiible-spijoiiiiiis 4of Qieam:f the gastric * '66' powef'to Vea'6f go t; Doil?tAltink- ,nails rui so �6 d.ana. R . nitci�,King.dop rib JUR sjhat k1106UTE ,ktli6ii rub op,6*,tableopounfi1I,,'-,of lec�ly' into, th� unhal]i�y EME Or eli . -, I le" 1; 4 uppos e a ireJ P7egg n.1closely bo.und, -tip, r - I . bad.. are so ofte, ainp. ac 4., in� hover ebt, pilbducer. of 'c6a). Althou I -tannin w6dh i tlieoa, es at- fat killlilcr a y aIid, (lung t, the ats is- a dig6 Mve prociag -ihls for good';Ilos t tso�ltlie,rs had.'A , o sit y el matei limit to hi B.. r s ot "'se -ks 'A 0 so L )k, 1 �e Jggurg�j -wa'i -tri i a. I Ilse w olo-u'f eli 8.1. een A&I half 'a toitsp6on- other. : , . I I � I - . 0, . I , �.' I I - C ,�i*N ELI I (if it lid Aa .,diill' of 's a f -)v Wi t e,-, tt' I �y valited at'ille t 8 niething g iir, bro a,di.�1% .'ofjood4 c a nno ge � all 130' I"­rr,iited­-St,a-1s ea antilated white sugar -for �all of Libo rC'- C ' & "a' n" tigJ-hor:. Th; a iine s. a Inman ill gments 'Is Ill 'in inAi Secii Jjy uminer lul, h f I � 11, bev- f I add W$ka's I VI" gel vc9.0 'a Its Was 'tobs.. r jell �Pw 69% s the a n., e, from teVV`0rCl9'oyn4emned'b the' Atienc& of the'. 'eth - d -annuft 11rductio of coal tht" t c tbta .0a 'lid winiat66s,' a g40 P f V'-thel e n ic.1, or, spiced 000 ou r A sharp-toligued-ftiarrica beh n I0UT'JILaJj'-t4dj t tbc.-'ceiltc�s� gi ruit; usie. light, -rrrns'-headA whi'16-,Ahey dOA101 taild tbe" e i, its 'i to genbral 6piriib- in�, the-'bii racks; He - :,oni-� vootitigAlp, 6f--&nyJs proiw Don L l6ke Ni Ito lirt-d b6iin atbou� 2350,000,0M. so boy's. spiecid fruit. t oo" "pefted his'nien, Whon drilling to hit 'hlbited,3& a me �e; f u� 1. pll� iii- t V.p ow 00 9-rea-, 4 offi-d bake o6t; fou )uht1A'bf light bir" 41 ** ing an'eldbrl With the taken 'too. s another *on. th�6 hOAdj whilb, -ho, �,di�iating.,ihat Go i y. spinster. on on y of agrl� trong. or in t ilk' a, In a n I r a -b Y lof 'frU,,t cit. lurlit si C "16okedZyFa�h onjoye tie cq9bat. W1 is exh4l, 8 ua t c' wen tit the t6mato"La soft, buj' -"�bj ood- proportion. 4kfte� Ab lut her ilv� vllrlotis 6 fect.. oil the jiul�oklg lining of -4110 a',har dayfs dr -'ill be would C'<1 dr iik' all bvtabuiloAnCe... Of �,b c6ndi4ati s, ot Dont USO s'ay to Ihas een a 014 lodgin;j mb�c peo.-. on �1, *keii,, '15erve,61), the men to glet, tip at nialit. the. ib4pers-'I�i ilia C too inuch In , -4 � 1 1) with crnit sallee; e Pri4 si ng to him. Those W"llo-90 volc� 4c.xp lanatioh -(vorsb w discover r in'En-lind ifle foll�,.J�ut. modoritio'll. akes Ic - fiftbeir :yc. ' arl ' she s are oil- the, I call l nhiftig itha.1i i li* . any. be added :to file. niacar. 46np displeasoo *ore r. r 'the lirst t10J .,tha-t these ar 0 -if) M c ver preserve dits. ,' DoWt K or '011igg, tfie'.gpl-filtier, still qn1a other In t ry give gre- t, ` 01 Z 'cully illAre Th- w;,,number at fromAhe servants..". e Ing; took" they are apt to, boil' wo, uld rate'd der the i�iariie,l wniin7P4 b 4tie 600,000, ya tie. cd on the llowing' days, The. fares be, iepa In ingny,.- itber by' weedi'li V8 1010 4-5))cr ceriit,"of.th inale Libolv;s In the. St. k& forced fto gi, e Tile . I sr, I n bd fruit juice c or, y 'b' -Mn in tiey of" darnel one one, rom itsute t 6 sOrang(i and, Ditto' allow' ou# und "of be novr,ile.'paid.. po arter 1. 0 - I fi v,(, 4%d, a qu -granul�atcd sugar; put it As voting NO .�610vc t,he ana. 41S 38. The rfle ill tIld Ile C111-4 fi6Id-TborO s bedh �06* world a, g'ralv, ruit. oil "a platter in ji warm oven to heat Gf �If&CE, ard-table he' C i ,oix ot f I -a I) d � id it ial, i D TO' BUILD. fillueld-,conirovers--bere- oyell'the -W n%, ao, y lesh nto wmilt pbi hklght'vc�l fbld­ 4,13, 11a'td,(l tll,:t xithilt"five-Jiluidrild bro k ulc'f question of'chufoh di8cipline. '.tt.I6 v�t otio, pourvl of datNs, gtoyj- - Dop',t,, p, resorves in: C014 bur houge- should '.be -on the.,bill d c ac tile coal 11i hot p y­tli' :it is. ruled out entir�el b f j' cover we ii'md to h qniall.,4tiariti- ghts§69,bil jars zind, iridi expbeb, lid of:cheorfullieAg and somdyj, tCand 'tit 1-n kld tano*t 't liked that." -111Ylt:x�qtjQWt tiko wflq be c . witicil. wo that the f pro a, have - tho' glasses r jars- Fo -high, Wit no �,ha&wqo tost. P nel&nt ed narrowly, as 'the! chluch, but! is p it, intpilpo8NI' little have to frocze 'And ty 16 'rinse we 0W . ifin n 11 .5 a $erve on Ir. dt-er* 11' then thornf' and' 'the n' i n, g -a, f lit, ginlldin� w 01 XI with' tho fill as'qiiiclily aq 6ossibJe. comes so, arlyy, �nid- the v�enifig lanclicd letdlo'e Thesohs f tho kr*fi do awav al'14 0 .8011i(i 601P fri nikV �Ilow preserves to' stand talries- so lath, that'the day., hits, v .91. - vbo treasuro. lip. nV1 eolnos� to our iflid. ing-V) the ��olkg'of Wo'dggs- beat- abc, lit after thy aie 6.1d, �Ut fto 011,641alf cupful C 1 J)"trainn '61) l6over,Wlth ]ids,. Wa manifest, th 'r'� WO t oe Lf, Stj those of other people. He 'A to 1hi Of courgd-t6s� a part 1111811 "Woll't 8,L all piti, , whos� � house is -in golhe , 1- Of theL M-O'nj T�Intny ifgill. lip, r 0 n6L of -.off ii 64 Va an'00, hoigliteli. in A , dark, dry,*: for. lev,of giief-I ill's'. With 'iola;lmd world,of I Ile lNiou 1) p rightfully his �Iligdolu, (41) s it Istleld f 6M rooill At ng t a # � Nva I � k I L e. d 1) ill A the, sho'!ttleat ter's mad n pottitiat, "I h illo 14 the w6rd "king- ye 11 od fig' S111111 ea ve'd w warm a wil.1 fhe P e pre- tt' b 7 tal)IC 7 .4