Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-23, Page 6- iwwm
Ae;tlthy Oop the, otairs",
4., 1 N. C
099r_. Qt
glAd to e #
Soinoo"ne *40:00milig. 00WA the
g �4sta.,s s� soar,
.I di to, t. w Too
-A -moot
nal !xt liandi, Aq- $4 faint, light
howed me -the o ftibt yott.w. Ill
Au .rj
.01 1. soment smill oL oten o,'. caA
saw -Charleo�, a1b nd �ha d CainadiAn 4o buy Ca;i" pre�. j
t , 0 Cor 11e, rob
. ...... . ot only The mono. num 0 e Tillie
sp�nt for tatiadian. &�s. �gopsWUW4 Ji
0010intitiq rem y.,eVqp W&4" , ' "t �:hii, - f 'A lailw Yok
d withou ridustries ita
War Pe,
it ealg
T erhad-paor 11A P QOFa'Pd 1 Saw "rrUlt4rtl`V' my door
qq.10., 1w Its MOV til.; to C�
.�j 4.0.�,Are, I #114g, by th Act Olt' Oli� t4 And wt Ilt own room, Inal
7.( 00 -P, .. � .1 $044 '
'hich c casek of a
on f -A, 11 UQ' -.4
V1 veSit
toWn is, pro
ervelbod in, thei.
PiO ie 3 �Ql Urld AcK which cau h pea, st of
sofer'llor 1i property W40 tho 1400 suspigio 9f the cou�try to pa:� f6reigneiam potto bene
an tiont fi-ving With canPr, Q.,
key� ink geutly�
W found, os� 01. be �A Id into_ ()theT. 0
r wh
y -W
4N ", Ive
no 04. is. wilt trrned.1 the. look� and
uere StillL. jgajp_'jtijjPT,, ver. �ys. .,I sev o .h AhematIAM., lost- the, 'se phaybr 'bee
I -V the go 4 t -h
14 arm I ork, Noi;4-�
i�jpri:i emon:* i Vditio'
Oil A FALP, J I tbek Ann nejoeq me until x took f7ruitk.; u wo
1rQV40i_ it. that nctered., Uo could not go, dic clailp that-
ni .r p
0 ril el nj ;ht, tivee"and. this intiltclue cured hd*6
0 f re me.. bqp .6 urning, roi� bad -discovered a cure for this'dis-
If 76 u
arejsubjeqt't�o Rheu '�'muqli bet
U a, matisin, �*44 riotbfil oirp, C.Oppouddoil, cinada
WOO quta it severe, ati:40;-. e b t� 'the houlso, oo, onies �te was,, in C purest, Xugre4Jen4,WUiC1 onia'Din and. PD4 but si�iply
4 oft thoM t it, Middleton, r, the ro QW!, ih k m9irley can
da tu tol 'dm 9.10
JAAOL u before pany' 'of Ca -a anio in I �:mployeosl
IRC e� e
40 rag
e ',,* , ' , to. bo, bin, :2�0, 1 ve_
a -_ a own had'he still- got sing 4i 4'
th I i§ And hy io
"q. fr 1�v and, thus 4, Wo.
blothes, at. four en ar &
by 411. Spen 34. jongeVery.
", m tofthi" d ill'
ifi tU t
T, dealers. lo . rorty-ie4n,� pati
'trial pox t
-h fie xt, day
YOU year, 11. VIV itda"for ra7w bottl6%. labela,, bqxes, aq.,� ben - trei
04 _4, tins, .4
or n, a ipui�A�At W alopg. t lines ind''
-glass vdikets b
or, rqa�r.�bq- o.13 04, from "'FroAt- otheipsupplie , nadianrtinstniths�� -47
me W
�ept,rto,�h"OjedS 9 a
"n '0
to tlye% Lifnited, a s, I ot baqk* i0tb. bed d y,.,Ib
r�p =ey, X61-litlicigt P, box waktrs
th th Im cu
j . , 1; 1 : 0
*ouide-ring abou and rs. tb6M itiieotly had b6t so ev�n d as those
tx i4g. get e"repo
ider; wen o shortly Was blify .1
edaii - me -t ff, matkod I
ry., CAlf Dtbir. coutitt'es,yo 'on! mprovement, in
_L oill I g 4 bo fo lowing, a sens ble and
�c rs b ing,#Lem
torwap& to ll he OW.
ou'pe qt _T
f the�, facts it is. n int,63r
a�6d All
I �4id a, thia, only
ded down �of -DRU-CO p. y-
xe R11 Uri rt
tin Ue8Tq
aalp IF t3 bed. ;onv -to-'-be4,.
A# Mary
valgabl-pa 11 W49- and Cold 4DRUX0. W� Vaughn .
oUjtedOn6L.'U Dr-, 'J
p. hii-
00% 014L hs,. bn. the ub.
har written a
refunq your moppyi,
w#iph is-summariz
I will- -be, .
e n sowing.. ;xftesh
beg he
whels, . . . . . . . . ica Jkuina
p p to d utly lloi� race o New Yb
there &
--hp: hoiirr �the
In, a quailer'.oE. pri-qile
�oaied T�dje o Lre Vil .now -4.1 Q
M nd. tjike nni§try of
upon tho g6iind utt'
Arabr*ll rug
-rcom �was empty iid LaA X, qxiger`
7ou y:., Ary., r(As onper, in
.p , 1, 1
-to r&va-that
rial ON tend.
-the: lasr.: oI'
at towards ort
:� Onqr,
-Carr, as,hey. w6nt ft, the stops' Flo lla' 'do.
felt: thdt, she might, lojghtA6 mall 111013,11,wi�.w Hawsz. si! jobs' mv�fij, waws, Kiliget6n, Toronto,
bal6tiae i6f. �her
n7 in, 4h Y .4L 1jul 7
9 as-fi,
th tPeir. foiitstepi; M dbuble�'
iaciouavand bi'lievolent-to th
aii4 seV4ere. f tha.,apevi u
at. ac
to- To. in a -0,-Zoo
15 P, UUM kept, rem� t
she TU
091-d-w.'as inte. so row shi
y UNNX RALT-HINNES e rial tell'Withi the
l the le 0
ng; andA i6�e 11, al
pea P9. is 7EVelyn,?, lit, t 'in any
L0400P 7 MLarstbi�,
I cause- jie. spen s. mos o
O'd 0U. 15 d � t f his time,. t
ti "Where d, iid," I C EASILY ORRIIECTEI)e hdve;� but a'') i i, in mind he has a -
onick e for-:-
ay.6 pawnb 't h-.
in iddleton,: will Against,, oliv�` thciie',� you -,h
!Q,,, po v P� ef"01100 Which C4,11L thingL 6n.of 'a %rmentv the hur'z.,..,
or Clever,. Prs
e go ness t d, CHAIPTEX ILI
en cl�,Whia the f an �glvan u
1',:: Mtd�. Mara�) i very se �oi
6 8-V the
TheT or
'be tiredA6 death. T�e.t was, some -thing -in the. interi Be go) onj r w
lip Thin'Now is Riipdrts
fro Say, s 0 V nd slid repose -of the ',gr.tit house, af-�
I _ . I
.-Gerier-al Mirsin dn4 'I fbunid_,a -ter -all the 4E�Xcitemelit: 01, tlie last. Sli a rt sad He es boitle.rill
-0 h
'Thin .'and gurnstabcoit:,mig t PXplai
48 are'' �very VW
laiighing'hiiJ talking;',ffil�king,Aok so unnat Th
pro �NL
-it, find -4 n... het;. listening th.-Jait--o --qf-tUe_fir'-w4Bre- d' btedl" t -more-s'll ec -hi
'h' 'h ing hey are bj' t to 615se
haries who.yah vxjjyuu� iypag up
rk Th
ie a \ ptAjiqfis
ling, a silenily `thei�ghogtj�uo. d k4d , leb n the id,whkh,',caiiiiot b� denied.,
ory l'o c
his 0- rumbl win-ndin''th normally tU: u�Ols't - f, ow'
Thft . in E -1k ases o aprar
*idd grate iy, o ght, not- to' b Un- f ent self -cure of can--.
that moment., L �1 e so.,
'bitit, not. sound, in the
9 bn is usu-
ress6i;which,teemeto in ich, A< had, po�much to -say, the] al�y "PompaiRica, eet. with wli
f der ight, ie� I. tossed and turnjedi I wgikness,,�j9ubj'6ts\any -one �o golds,
-coughs.1,_ -cons
U P-tiplik"%
�s *e,came iw "There Wo, nbw�qn thati, At-, last� etc' U has:, 7yq on, is een-'.*' scov
e re<
et an 44gavLe--4"t17,1ng,. u-11 0 by ce,
rom all surt
-h st in
in R W. IcIr, i U
for I'heard'Lady e our- i" I thought 6f the, p ay'aLnd scription -,with. roner a eleratiye. jai ts' 11CA jai wa e,
awares, proper ..w
Sticces�ful at,.! Wright-' th g�,*Lnd di
poor �bi
Vvr ITT 'ah
fi, n
a 4E�� remaining su a'men II& woMe owing, Ahe
r t Tj� b an.6a
46alk-'Yound, . myoe U listening.
06 id,
at the.,vart 1�- kvith �a ew
��in _t6 thb t6ild ot �sixlieili ai4
k 01 pr j)er 6i'a jd ith f '�m fteen to'
men Who.. lir'keti fjroln,I&C4 A I this, vidinit
hiip� to -holct fifth,to. V r overing fro t e -recenti. been erec d,',i Unk'' house,
by o fires. r
uh e- an- nit ntrlgel
--%hich I had,not heard..LL My WELteh c
no*, t 6 !1 e to:becomo t q1ty �imos':Ifs.weight 40 &.2 per
shim- -dwelllog, �
ittle f
Z 0 h shop.. powder e, .,and
in& veina.-xvin !'bl iiinit
;g' 'Oh Ralph ou_�'d',Aure ia; P9133 lope �jn with vAWes. Among eagAr. �-%hadhinery. a Ln 11F,
otlier het
w- in �,and ave� him a' neck -and, . "Out
17`propqrUes=�bagv1ng�or di
the- i oky dfre7i -B604in
&OA6 we go ni, ou, ve. &rT� US" .15 :0, 2 6 &D u tlp�� tan --or-,-woman, -in cate.
r Wbm' 'W t e, and tl�o
t ight ftlorg� the road fr6m Elk Luko �meana* is it
wan you, h- 4 Thom son, tOe aDev In and" d. r,
artunate potiti
D 'take back't J'doi�t,Aiko pta lia cloc tolled out',the libil, al it ap -The c eilziii cbrapativ.
d hse n a non-toxic group.'
ne happilloss.- - I -put, in a ion, owning a:�Ooup. of
k-Oping 4he �; mysilf,; I Am� afraid one'-�-t 6-t rde' faur', Lhad.;go foose Horn..= no '11v'o ,Properties --which. have. been ..thor-
nhou e., icx1c p4tl�p is'Boi 'ble inAhe,
'f�r4Q add, ing: and:ar; no* oWking -oughly, tested, 'Six aaq&yW msd6 from
-threb. 11 ieider _,who�'.. wishe plant, t �r aic6hol,Ahe non'-- t.ic is invo u
of i6 A6, ad I onjy 126..foot- lev V - - - - A-
s. *inzo atThe a ;�on a, ve 4 .%he veins on %ibich tbO COMP DY are
orty pounds should not from the iiow working show r lei" itll,4. it igv4th.thig have
t , t n e,bghn'tb take them 'to.f whIch
MIZ3, a V, no , A �h' �Off bten. awake, an'libur 7 It seeined in..; from ien e pre-� an �, of
and, lay the tal t�64 -k 'ith 1130'FA00. dunceii-of, ailVer-up -as--hikh
gnr a 64pin, �gi w th s v
Ko4ipg_ 'up
it"i tho then in Ahe s 15,000 ouncii to'the toon.
MI. report",ight-cases triat- -
en"; my pef I -'keiip� the -04guely 4fiAia vaysplf,of 'breaking Odriptlofa In. tho� ir
, live . Piro � irties Thit-compliny to under'good manage, Va ughn Firstj obtg4i':bf anY� well'stocked. NexenXiet, U df pC and" it is 'thel'boinion! 6f, the *en. ei�l � with. this,- �se . ru I in.'' j medla6e- I
them' u on,- which oewnnoi - merit
Yourielf,, alid'JoW P J,nyoui, ifie, , 61unure" I 11-i k %1w y
They have be fortunate gineir -in &arlie and,thoge- wh6.baye..- . . w
sse f tion
dressing-pase And` Ra [Ph'L held side, the. I rt 'i4lid looked diliggist; Of 6 "' nge grow,
of., dan4ce
aftei the firs injee r
-the start, and Boon o., rank'with feen%the.-or arty that it should*, be.
_,I�Then a t
W 0 . ' � 11 . 06risin. and three oupce5. o 00P 0 brought tot 6 jbip d; In symp om 0 If
the shibbers. ping itag residue r Very short, t1mg, WponSids of 1,10 In
halfluorbodu - bi
'4 eyhubaib in -hn 8 oz. bottlo
I � � - & Ai , . 11 %
coin�oupw. Ita,cie- -,-,Ae Vbin tea'. He th;6 gk,6wth*
frosty sta a4d(I n, 77 46 work ;in this.
0 to. donilta, To group ,exard 13einir,ptish6d r6-, ifna, a I PA xentip treat",,bas.uot Deep.
Aurelia bouthig nd'' it 1wo 10" ell,
.)y Shak0i.aA& let dtdri i$y
a 5, fdot contin a stedid, day to d
-look. 4 hour$ we'and rely- 8topp�d, y6t it 'May Safely
't 1 great anow-1 13- -trbea- Ana - at Willy' fr
ad t
Lit 6ittrea' Appliction is being, made to liar this
'whito-- were
io, fly the
h n"' _Opjiaweep.� Z W
th iLy, wit excqptiou Mock on the 'New .-York -Curbi' be-sitited4hat5its r
h;wing:them. I, W15 Y�u wuld 1v -b (notcardg7 -01yor -all, th apidity has beeii -
till ditaly v iible. All �vas silent cadomene c, mpour
of -four-fedt
I ' ' I . I ". ls�e n"e" d.
Ocki u dred-,felat -of - - The �Trauafor _Arents�sro_The, Truits
k6bp theni yourself."' Shake w k ell dud 4a e 94
ra h OM. e I` ftali& "and' fa- Wuas-.withih." Not a, b' bf; 0
and,the Guarafiteo'securlity a
t of. teaspodnful-�beforb eabh meal Suiting in the'ditico*ery two &I it '
fall ti-"irei one
MLJ4: Pu gh. acditionpi eins,.6ne of which 'in, 7 n for CornanY7-of-.New-F ork
,b DT.'
The:- r"ed" oancia of. atz' '1 am. oterilar 56,666 sharea of - 'this M �SAVr
them', back' it no W- eptY Of lies - wide utting at
tt�r has jon'e. to 1�d.': H� t �t afte ito hi's 'safe ',and he n re, deLreei, %Ahti, intention. :R"ck� at"25b.' per share.: Subject 6.
e- k poin
ing., n
'was -on: ih w tbile heft to the 75 or. It w1re- me
n -meals
an ho
Where is �*illd,' stirring. )0, tv r sale:, Writ,6 or
Keop illy, this treatment 're" at y U Memory q)f Nother's TicndecnOsi I i.
tiring, 0i, 0
of getti b 'k' t I: the NeRobsto vein,,- p180371 tion 6 bed' '*helY- rp
thought, in th-diotatit.6 Imlie r(U a X
tb6 th4y go in V larly. mind of Weeitainty "froM. dnj� Flight
ro i Arica e. e ye&rt
-.three po n 5 W1 Mannink,
lit thA' h .0i l�u`d 'll'bb sidiled, to,, A
sound. ed inten 3. ago Glasgoi IDA
An ja, gil nd- the gq an iinl�� soh;:,fell into evil.
r . -A o wreight, each. We6lt; be PoS.- "'i H TO rorontoi oh
ynpiecetnin7t, morn]
my er n
Vari -went: for sh sj, ool P 1ps,
gojnpi`illo , hi
-b ,gaTablin�-hil4
Ojeft It6m his'emplbyierq,ti
limp& -had'beib3it ut.:'
pay his ,btq. .�,, The i;�ihap
py you
stiddefily, a
Woke ee ing, a
Value of w6ft'rgivi�dd,buildiqtsp 'AN.
0 er, olli�o�r rig,�Itit rcturnW it, an4
11 rA
tibjg: 4: *Ith tin#kInted:od", w roo L must or �ukor the
40 jo
9 e neat di,�clbsllre pf, hi
nt -POO of shov011ed'-them -in - w
McIr P light. seonl,�d.ihe'only
P rtdbl "UrIX011t
retchW itn
r b gt6f ul. nd U
to' - be- t ie -last night -in
114,what '*ri'earth'itm, I f -b do '*..jth Tank f, boy. 00
- d h" Le, A gintk tap"
Ali d
em I b
an Orr,
iY in, 6 mas.-' %%e* cot illustfafes"An6ther jFalrbank8,-Xqrse'outJ1t 4oveiojed for, diiii far*,, ttiae,� ed hirn of 'his_ wido*,Cd Inc -
ha' opened a �ide�drac *arh
&al fttlit tbb alp
-, 816�4thc idli", 44id; f
"Ab9dilitio ' adea V,
lanq . . % " eon. t, igned h sha4vd,
I j6.;#sgfj - t., The dooling Aevicie consists of -a fine e6r -Otornffe,'tank glaaV as, wit
I uwui zati bag� in o ek'thei
said, jo6kirig 'lip
ing toward each side. as sho*n. The hot water from the onkine trkek-163, iiowji.. himf
4ou,forS%111011� $Bsli SAY othor POSSf putting the key in his pbe jhey�r r
down -the Be eons, ;iiiij in, Wfo war.lo exods4d. to the �oollriq"dfreet dtthd� air, ,!%I* 8afi. 0ii "'God' keep
wili'do' very, well theie-till to-mork- a',bightV.,effiefent,olitfit, lut, for"AtbAdy"' ecoh mical rolga. i ladd1c. nOw 4n
"Whieviiii"tid60111 b 'd I
ent, no U sting
be Caton,
rowi ,Are you "ni
dri. thle cul
thit baUS
E.ach ontilt is "'oomplete- 'with ne&ssoty atodosoir co ready to run,,
10 And. she bhde'us,go6d".
ye it at Pelowf more, noes a -fo e
tbe'otbers,.'wh*0 wel�qr.e,ally nder
otiot hov6it, bs*
Vv wom'sad Cut for VXM y
right and llow.�d in,11��
Wil ast. a�
110'rizonta taiik nut'Af.. stim In., 10, 11A. �9.n Ir an . %vay, an�d,' A �,ill Vou ibraivin
fj� &Uteldil 11 d Sooner. am Sindace,
W irout. 221t.c", ot I
DiRS, us AM W8*Hjr1WrN'
As. We tralnPOdL Weakily tipstairs
-to the tmoWng-xo6m;' I saw r es
REP lnfi� OgNe and "'s pb r
Sam to
lfftiti tor aiyift"
"Non-ScAgeill I y
1 10 lanfil alo"
sides,, who would
stv�pqaf' their b.0ingr4here, 'JUBL'O
"Ta to
WgId the,
ek. Wmj't be both4l?ctl any 1116re
Eibo tit, them;
for bel; iiake', 7" The e, in
wl t h rbQ, I 4if his
"114(!'��&.-ilnd foigavZv, Th#
�oodi bn<1 nti6 tliioro cliaho6 and ha,
i kfildlv,
ay lie is, the il�tvqtd.j b
_X T R E T6-1, lit,
e no
f too OL'Il
BrAnd' �g t6j.jifit0o 4s Jobn,, "N, 13, 0, Wit1rillpego lus', Iiy gom Lit
Afir . ' g jy� "V ehufch1v,,i1�1 photo, in-
-tone': J'. t -
a ancouver P 1
Utiarle . gn UggetA R S 4 7�o v
16,&! mare'v&-boto bod. ]Ra P 0
. . . . . . . . . . . ..... ....