Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-23, Page 1fo
,bu �
0. $ewing,
Ev'ry,ktter wao
Right' Call A
r, nr I.
'01 -H-V j
A BIg.Rao
LOCAL, AND �,GENERA t jjj�h 7.itnanter-
C. ;rAm,'�4eIi#ered.,.i0
'bero,'q'n Xod,d.ay-moifain ion Cu
The - lRoun
b -The death.,
Vving Viel ,Viokt pt9ers PVer V� into g6elijed tha fojl,4wjh%g -,It athletes: Do. oc�cumd aV fiiw iesWo
Rhopm, of th�.. he& pugbo pted go
Reverse' pirsnO in A�b.Aejd, Qzi.:Ftid
ap4: Pilizi 111p,w K
Ain P�_ t gay
Luck4w, %16 we J�obbf Kerr,, ohikm� -of .10 ad y gf e44e,�, a
TO�W_Me tbis Week. ight of the Animal Sqai).na C44046 17
31isa Bert dooheo; it
q, Jack T ed
ha, Allin is t9w Altw WA qhQrt disbai
k, ;'ila 01 4 years.'
in, 19�00� Iger
_jqP of V ` health for, Some timei buti bi
Vaulter Of A
it' weeks 4 1 be seen,. i 11�1 coli -Ary Lit' no*. baseball b ha�Vo: -beenr
W,& and, W oar;64. "d Co "Itald C�qjiipion
W th 1. two Iter datei thdr44il ck oys was very. sudolon lind ,unex
oA wil�bandi�poll@W AND Canada; Gop" Goul,4ing, .0hampian
W. sruiling. si�ce last Friday,, ��, Qn-that dAy H, _ I -ly of
'eje '�o . r _f - it.._�bo t6wn� and� villages. of, if
JW. '�A" W " 6telysurrounding. LqckqoiV.
AL 90404y� , tan _�and'
e,b 'We"! ear' 'a w.' e'
bies;. towns. and jill4ges to the, w stwar --' -'-f' the 0 ast4i6?76f 'the Kfi;qkr0ie;k s`6� d n; 4_
ie I sb7toii4n Church next., *4041 Walker of Canada -end o'ne of th 0 ' "Yee' a
by., the� Ak", kr� 14nne e rd, �is 0 qy h'Id The I uneral,
numborOf m6bberi'-of' the A. 'CC 'docte world. t and' 000 Oil Ing ' jcRednjQ,.W play 0, e c I re
d h W.hiiebeqd,,, Den,
do,' i�a - h tool Satur &Y .'W
-f,he: B 'mqTA,4 P� by'three feet. `%vi
U -'duol Istors, -s�x, feat high `dl'
ritish Colum 41, d
1161, isited: Witighe -Lodgoi.- in t Q
ly At
will be. bel' in Pr 01 on Caled6nitin'' g engrp�ving�, -eL an re -was
of Palinoirst6n. t,d. The 00
'oii'F "n th a I
nigi 11 0 0� r u ppo _Th,
Tfiesisy d the cfiiii�h am up a�hloti6�.�vbnb a likeno s:: of is 'p la�i favor of Lu
D o
Dora f,� at '8 o'clock, eondliew, b , I , . *b ' ' ' r 1;� �L L . 11 - . I _.' .
�tjw. A�4 KRs, I?FATON
o ve r I
y pr r6ises vo,
kra. zorb6� 6 be' the: Jest r4ribu� �oxp
14 knqt f t e, olao
t g with r coltsixt %no,' %nd On, �9#u fday. at 2:3 Pv n JIL e Q'
re. vis� iq Mn sq,0176.' , %�
Ili np-Si4edness. of,
paoSed.LAWay' on.
Afro..,Willia G�ddes-. ing wa.4 due to 1A to, L the
T� -1761i'lig the, -pp %q
, qa�oeli,#IA '��ndh'.�, Cbnsbaerable Om
in y S6meth,
1) Y'Ag OIX' 0 'Of :,Lu&�Oj�
ly ir - w
Ifiq* 0 due
the rooq
jr,;L ubte4ly �.Ckthqr
. WO
q Spo( L
our h4p 51AYinj of 'Lupkxiqqviboys.: was, b6th
fid 'eqX!,j % ';on,,' lite,
th&hoihe Undo
Pe -Poat, 99 AIIA4, r0ict Of the.,:
bvWri&jj, % Vturn" -of eatoh�,. at�,the Ali
%fi, rvl'ng Sf the. Pt 'ab
med. a [18trOng Y lettet-,of the 'e oldjigi f
jgs� Arn
aq 4A cevei.' Afterthe.fars
-has. be. for-,, t- dil 'e�n, ill coil id
of th6 J&eqjod't�L' b. -8 L -had 1 -16r sid;ixibie:
Be V be�
. . -tes 4
f am-� 0 tlie tiW lilck thew ViSitbfi �7*46ry evidentl
bhurdit, will b�- i n
i4roseptea. 'the Lu*nviw: brarwh wa lere. lace -'m -
r404 to me came i co, ;iPJA �Ri
Gfroundg,'Whitechurch,;. on Wednes- dis ',uri - �k iiij
to the' genero cbw. 5� .
ik^qW_-Rh)at *J 1_11�_ Y
4 -Institute At, a "Meeting, Us
'$'j7AA 416j_
th on'g,, 1 K
Old d -A� -LAM IT
_d --add
a rved 0401, 0 tq. jocably Zo 6j t ey
__ : ..onianDayan to ive,�aa res"f
r6turaed, bowe After spending *bOut A ;;e( to" tb�_,
pys anc showed noi
6 the
vj�ttjig ffiei3dpl Rgrift
-w)d it gives me-. muc peas
e to won
T deileb itqr�l Teiiphoil�M-
to to,
ie,fagt get
olThi 'b 'I irgely attflb: e. -
of ellifigtpq 'tq:ti -, .4 U.b.
the iiiVi
Q)j! Go dccepi� is atay x i
tipg't AngS: in r : rey. h, Shape -one of theiiL.favorite players; �T
I would 'be: obliged. if' your' woul(I absence of ro
It of . Lon0onj jungiand) lor buildjng'� rko 'onsidering_.� S-A t1rdigg' -otc� gu, 'ff i 6- h 40 h
_SC re Ven�
able- to make my. 4r7L 99 gl
hoste East wawaim thiat I xha� be.,
1and, Mrs.' J acl;� W. itsiani, as-.,, Aliand. W94 W -A — p,
so,'. if A, wr te-
Oto d Aiidioyi'L ra4phients,at an early, d4te;,'al
ieferen U
s, in'particul4r of �IjjdeL. eren es' practica y every
temm. The W.
a de4hiful pkni6 Part Yec, Engtheet, V. 1.:R�b ompany, t
lalre'6n Monday, night. etary Of Abe c ;th player home
Porter, the sper whi, Von would like. md 6 maker a' ort e
ne e
Ave' been bu fi, ttje,�,' McCby As,i4c r,
tsy�'the pait �--O.eek staking.. nes
wel he e
At the: r�quest ol, a -mumbev of - the' i6fiti4in T'would:be, gkeatfdl.l yon. '-_e in
WjIO, b6lon"
g 0
Rip ''k #t.ortiops'Wtho-routolot ihe'plad-
ley retbire could let me have M a- y6u� ear
ULU Q =Mount, of. oh L- h �V�
-conal Aeiond,bwke, "
odge 'th � annual Masonic Ser- iiig of i6st 4,-onven ien"
Order. did.kqme remarka;ble V�gkt: _,A "qpk
th I ure o --b rid -
of S�Cop an
a n aset, runsv
ill j;e, aron 'Chur6h: ��trtl &
me �p e4s il ILR�- b
o meeting you, -the:Kinc&Tdine-j)it6&L* -Vind- as
`A -26th: at ple ed,to'�
d a
n.. the4 'b
L k' while
In th�
be and 'ith Urs. Very ra Y,., Ing -up, crea lqud-applau64- ),Our or r.
ticeable incid6ni in connecii6xi . ted� -
nq e eks- were
eorge- Ro rtsor W L,.Ma k4nzie'jLlng-- b tti )rfie t�Vmondqus kno
-:company is that
Sr Isabel Dqdgldi�-K 4 H. mit yen," Jolnigt6n- ind iog being
ntissubd .11� 11 .?14 fo L e are openin,r. up
6 'special ou e W
ng the-
ests of More,
L wpr s
Ard dfi _6f
m t fielder crates
-aft r sikht-seoing�
�g Lit
t Model Farm, Gaeljih on June 8th, f Xing ethor, the -gain
e was a gentliely
A dlone;,'�,hd ry il,
n -9th." 900 'd Y10
-CIVIC 119provenicot. I !�Oudon' .
Gee. 'd . .....
�'.Sale. 'at the.
'atftf4he �prqoosed. med, . r . ,, , g6ntl6manlr lot'f felfo*g,- a's 1L 1�
L<MLLIV USAV. A&V ar I.A 1%, -its IWAI r7�w", nd ! a 44-have-iioere pre fortd..
oil . b )ys ot
. e , ry1:.Suee6_Sqlful� The- .,offerings: were - th' LIFLond SAtti d4y, 0
u incited
iid6rible dtivity ji!-�Iuck- 0
bottlir ee dthe
purchused l4egbly by golit.16men1rotfi. 0
me ,a V �'SatiSfcticln "to
now. ed Are now Ah 191
f Aetion; one of t F6C% ::A; 10trict. epu,tyi The
oth sides marbli'and the'niusic
_of" 0 SO& W irAisliand :to
)erty. iet7_jj,,
augbL anj tt�;r�f
Bro.. Patterson,of
cou, 'PAid hi
-tbrS of viial ve? 46. J.-' W. Vli6tt the� ... Luckfibw, was apppecist�d,_.'
-frame., c4tag o&ni iew: 4ist Saugebn` Lodge -A. F..,
Xew� Ypir i Mas ViO14 'h ::the 6fr
�Wa ' n other,. a,
L=4 -we wAn -Theisalop, �sro. visitipg tb6i brot er Mc,K6n9Q on. A.- 'T f vour todu(
r property �t;jyo and e K on,Tao§ �' Veo'
F , r' . y
w fie'st degree - w -is. exero
H. BOxii and 96." Wheeler Street. r C
ork of the:
V& 0, arn
ch *,he brethorn Ttepwiw
Lost b6tWbeh fohn'. fill ook; on' as, Vory - toebtrl, a -"Best oc
to ra. ErdtnanV Luc
ey. pi -r -m- —A -,s
oun'dary. u4npW-b& a yeason
able i)xice.
grnin, enlarged. �dAjji6ijaj y re- _F�
iiijar, trawberries or
the vil
_Roj, Col, 1havb been!= 6 Operap r. , . I I I L I . . .1 ' ' L"
--wa- i
UcFarlano.:bf fiOX NV, kL Yq,-wwgtiized A-nyone
-Saturday-�--Monday-and Ttles, ion c6lid06ted on Vo ee nle�o, , . from ie: par-qu4ttop of, you t
6s' the movin Of -A qyit�bybuglit tog6bher,.iri.rLlickno�v-lr6a'.Cll"I -Sabbath'� 4A 41* arks, -have- e6nTe eclonian G�i 6 secure
r9es move Ill -icket �of .. &. , th, pickt&� --A, f6w--he�id of- taken,�, i
- 1 " 'is * rty�c�upf�& -Vy� t a. -and
I* _grAln Na r
PAuL ',R
teri;q- C hl�rch,- His preaching S.� anci atidi" �s have beeh 'd indd
South thp Qld-LToNvn LL to as
e n. I e sk ht e,_to-..theL'cql' 'r 'Ofio
of t1le
ow, uron and,
L alit] no n Faf'm -for Sale
ge that it, 1q.
't 14., %Con .12:�
nLe lbose. Bruce ever �IaII06
and pre 1�ad' fol'. Being W
itye, lcture:, is no �&l
ion. - W ng
a, iome y., On -the pretn[SCS more -or less.
OU Weit windt"ie-d- QW.U. lock Thismpi t. j b6ELutifal on6;-'no*ono claimi NE SWiet to t le SS., INN 11IYEVENT I "first. c6rpor, . theii-down beaiftifffl. �' It hoso of 'A 6ts, W iibol .. t ss 4figelia, loveliness, to', those:'*iiho,
& or lonelines -0my spent,, o possc barti QxSO�, a stka�v, shed, 3.0x50;
WillouAb�:and 11osg �'St ' re
dejti�Jiq�-' e�way,' v� pbsp-Inedir Co,
',n cjos�l Jan wAnd _Iarge.�kitchn
brokeri; off tiAed is: c
h yj!
asi y- o be
e ep 013e line,, e t
Y dlotlib'd with Atli qtes-n 9 An unfailing" i�e
Wnd if_'Edh _qV , !�K s top a�ppe�i clate
and A t, well. Two, Aiid,,
Oat ot. ciated b 0 a
-red Soo A-4 b os� ion 'hal .8 ore
e M
'801 -d
0 -s-tor-n cros"s A
il an' 11 tr�VeIIL ast. & iV 'ion, ueari3i -iiii. d6aied.
e Ta ed .0 9
a. evi (ID6nild' D I ie" foi- -so w6gdl o
7m, h d th� -Charles?hPu 0 . 41y, con6iderapbleedi"fficuliy wa�o 1 this H.
e, ti'046ry B oss e
. And r. Like MITH
e7 li6 I iave,rp'qF rDqcast over Canada aiId, 1p;;�L h
1&sjness '11nown, as In. gettaixIg the qi Ing. acr 0 fL J) i�j' e V�ijoa; D
d %ye _Vn BOX Z5I .The Motik
'jopeq " r
S A't e W,
and.',. �z�jzA&_ hy L 1411=110
unval; -on e
Only by rb6iv feat came to flie 114nds of a apex., M4B�.
les,- ies exis
nC t 'd- eve'
e imn Ili ba lived in, ucknow;- --P �T r
d' 0 afjbC&er. i his
ge --Thatv lit[
d a ZarOe ain'ess', exper� gee; day ea�6he W ry la"r
rU4 e h of it x�d, atheletes' tossitl 0; er,-.thfOWing'rthe a j Wj�l�R�..",STORBL';
';!rh e
''Meet bailaina is. 't 6 " property pl. ed, Calb&nh�n or S; -No. .14 Dudes to:.
I ,S r- lie had owed.'in,
`e Z ord i- jAiTi Joy ilmori'putting'.shot; struggling ill Titai le after at,_g Wd hi� -Stb Ck;' tW.bvin�,, wis ifiL foll, W.
e� h�lida:ks,` 18 -e �it of
e,carry a �tiot�bi
Inar ies n d -the -N%yi I dsi6 of Via �niemorieqr ep�cted, exP6 e -G
le r Fi, nce; and 4tialificatioliS.
3 oliaege. Qf'Jain6S` M y, c W4.:PTRUT W. Clocks' o ..0. er,
i &
tthe a ov Watches
ap pie tire,
_Iji� p r tIl re.aj5pe, Dianiond Rings,, iwil,niany th
anis, Lticknio
ot Ion" afterwdrda,:�
to, heand pretty things. thiit,
and -with it'oli6 of t io best V�rticms ever penned in celebration m iitee 'h
ar eas -mak a --fine isp ay 'In thod-,
and' ag
xeclutlye 0M as: eunion
ZmeetMed"ug epairin.g' an t, pictilr Jew ief lia 09 el -Ab6ut 250 1. Inch, 'Piled it" 'worthy 6
tCb 61d Bo-ys eunion �V. a S 'j lill e.. 0kr�rbpiied'epari-r
elery'and 'Nalch�, R mittee ell jjjj6d;, tbat, . tiCl ewiel;y dy do y 'ur Tue unt' The eet is
nea ne. All repairs Guaranteed 'or 0 held. on ay; ovex , . . . . . i P - y we 6opi�bd froin r' tOL Cale6ilian Pdik. Ap I
pa d others insp d b rea( Pape PY 'in and look ovdr bur fin6rs
tot A NEWTon
dL a -puqose of that.meetin, ivaa.. -the e ' - i . �tq*
U d B r. r, . . -I "'I, L, ' L, . 1. . - _._ _&H0j'(:1,,,
ajipol�i .. ., t� - r in Conneq. refun. e -S of
Urgi -:ok-eo V
�p p
d' g Vne
Opticlaiis! nhd'Jeweie�s
ssoulation3 o AuldLxn
ies.of h-.)ind, ho%,Y"Voteqt'are the it' f
M, —I oi�trz�c
T64,ed4r� of the S4 nd G
not p6st4,:
The �L,apeoliji � ' '_ Wj�&;' th
large Tenders addreised to the'
v,, -perhaps by _ona Ditinie,
ny t 0 4ppointmofit. of any q
an me ib' '-� . ..... . Th- board d, d 15th
in- ers tawa uji *& zi me ea: - v
-I s - now V Ideven, w WOW 'You, come July, 1910i for the cQtiveyan6e.' Soo
ail o
".gen eme _j6Y.11 t 'ClWrffi4l1;,, T:: Ojblb.� ropo
d 41
r Y�ars, 6 9und tri& pei week,
P ense;, VAL 10L Luek fai beG Wo wit I t tween l4ochalsli and Ripley,.fe
nell; Robert I
_�ctobe , next,..
r ea Vide
Afidersqn. e
Ili wor ,5 1 f 't'r �l as to.
- oid6bave
? t, - Prililba containing. ur
e,duties Of,, t ix§ coninil' eq. 4Y
an . , L:. � , 1. . I ., �.
Th olk
F.ina im conditi ofr Pj
lie oppsed, lop, -captil-ped-A heirts
n tuilerou -a a gpdat 111p a tngle, an
I-cs y cry ontr4c waY e.seen.aila Van orins
C. L
tist' be prvid - -rivay os
A 'coinod.Ati6ifin �ed_ ?61 oil Tii.0, f Tende be: obtained at thd P t
Offices of as
bond ts of 0 toniers, anc., Qn, 0 per
b .611 t fey �nd`Wrduu I. and'at 'thi office,of the" bre ''ted a
d011yI 0 The stipend will b pelialsfi, Ripley, Clover. Val G' t 6 Ith thd uge� 'f the. maitsep
'widiiiiii diy; to h6usands Of- visi orse R'b V. J: 0 th re'e
E grap. d i,4, of L lid' 6fore and. .,post. Offic� jsi�ct6r at 1�o n nd Not -
day ed..
P 04e'A` : L,
rivate h6u,.46, iiiusb bo. carivassedi., and sastaiii6d' Adeoedifix� to irrange, fW-eek's-holi g'alloNV Andersono txpc�in elident.. S
with a View,to findiji OUt..w jat. ao_ Owft ome of 91% folk UltS.L
Ser ce
ce DdPaitinent, W v!
Ift L; fyoUr
, ;- .: ttawa,,2ndL
m rec e \v
------ - cOniodation. t iey re prep. - I'to Qft�r I uka place, 0
A-new -e un
J, 'K." Wcek'S�jSSa L f tj
a 'I LuOt . HAR
-t iiq "sop -tl 6guis n:
y) Ul -ti a rial -Ato f-m n
d- uuto Ilis
d,,if p?. b
p6,4-4. NT. At 40MCC jeD khidj )y a now writer,
Qod- ixi& T dits
io Chur@ies are to bel ad.
L, All.
V 'Ajd(jerj�t e 0
- ------ 0 entine
ible. to pr'ovidq riie4on lurip ics o
diie bf,d6e L p � 11, u ihAn. 'i� ....... . ..
tiid i&.� ", the -multi es"
of L
tal?,�qted, 0)?j� will '4d I-ess torest.- �roproseh s the, develop at -must b6 i
-seelivedi 'd W 08'PrOvercoats
irk .8 jus oark 't6 di;posAl -;tiid It cr� D A. Late"st
no atid 111116er 6frocoid t to Ii j and -placed, at'. 4?f tli6§e -in "of a
am, lieop" g: 66 ind6h, &'n jr eL,,
tsoalkyono ab to- hear. a Phonojeaph., Appb%666 'tot WAO96 beh intbn4ed. o1'-�; `11' " I dds illo bitsin64s' enterprise through the honest, of Single' Flar�ess,,
-,�ho.woula, �jins arl4
r . so or -b Art� of tic of ' One 'min 96-fti�ber. carr)�,�, a;'.,i�64j� Y mmiatd,"tivity ie. �p ' ' I' :, I ' jid dritig efforts
mai, and w be rocoeded, in o' te-in pe
cnbd mitd ' i . . , . .
J1,0111 VdryL awnsr
hen� pla Cali get. the mich� ptir� I *L'6 . , , , "
l'by, the
a ..received a(ld I w1Il.givd.-you,ibd"d&t6 hwas i ne t su it the nib"seexati.
eiumploir Parade, CommiLL66 pl aild.
A. Calitr Axow no.�Obliggti4 hins ard, 'bo
reprawrlia � !�t porti 1 pee will, be alrge� an YOU Class
00,Tple(d S lo*,* bric'
I *rq, 'T6.roa( er 6
Th, aild by,, of' t b ing.
lay, 4 ito �Brigade of Lucnow, to ex
co in a fe ack beaver.
b homoo. P Ay, . I or nsent theY e6isdIj those who, hOw' tock of -0ils, ffiijftd �tjjd hegthy b6
e. mAC I' 't -I' ionor, much i.soxWd a 0 oat
ujuqf. take th 11110 to en�tl L L. dy,
yvdp,gi� be
YO 7 Ver�d
bill. nt eV roo ot n d r6tuth It hi able 'ion - 1110ii of ilduottloll - tt liavo to, -do wi es —
t1i 411 guee g this
sto4 H 'of Oinimerlti-
a Highest Mafkdt pilcel.
1I.At once-Apd lot me Y6UO, I5aje il'x' ISqu- %611 t1le'" Co , tj 141-e. appeals. t 0xP0 Bpi, isa' Graidto- a r 4U91
9 ht
e a!m found an itern sgtic -op yi�' ' , - d' and� I' A Yo
be Edigon Ab 11
a �villing oc
ro 'aho oii PJV�
bame down 6r thii offe r oy& the sign
tirdi mid 8 of Id b �c` o' L
011 tell yolk thaL'
�rq Saleby M 'ilwA 13at ell ag Muskrat Skin
when yoUt t0rhX0. J�kwd, -rjo
it r t ifembad beeti Prl D
A e
-error was oun -conflootion ;xji _ab�b_ftt
ain A er, tZ teir
I I Ufktl� and ptouipt Y, 4 no S
I Up 8 'Olt blidt a T, I xre ag
-the, sbi�,)Ilont) :an the (gale 91 w - 11 " end Ison 0, Bli
RON all