Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-09, Page 87 7 ­r1r -V' .7 -17 7, 77 F 0_,*o_1 00 10 is mlmioo 10 T L 0"­ ve, own 41 ®r -om. page ...... C 4 U N I j Q..' WS re 'Ne --Of T- -l3d1tor D 64 o4sibly Cal I I - -,1 ­­­ --- - ,d _ " . . AneW US RA . . in . . I - - 0 Se4t no p i � Wa thing Orown we Ab#'ItoQ: thorcir, s,�ajotote'r� r 98tng- 7, 11 77 1 "Cho wilitorof thtXt letter taken but, A. -miist be in smaller.q0 epers)� -are 'k Says: ib"m -tb ey he _moiouslyo ;V you w4n L th 0.4 rri eK Tim, .r., gan, ME _Li . in: the '®r d 7 ...... of tb46,, 044esrue_ Wh6'.ibrQka tho 7 7 7 lied �,olntedly -on varWits topics,, M of tj�er jpo� they, Mafle ithr re, 6 -in .(one 4 ,Qng tbose Wig tl;i er nup ntyr keep XQY�'k4i jwQuN lik .W r wreath the d6m4n� �,br IiO er, Lucknow.– goo -btg, C "P and' V PAiliment to., ­ to onies, at, ;(V.e,-7f4u c9rem s, ins in p ].=Ozod tha el'. unded off . trip -Ora, r2j'r to 'At Pr5 Cer 0 'G f,,sh6pP'ou-sioQouij4 of'&o or ur, -. P 44d P 9P 44. Aw on, City krmaud - tji4�_ 64 'Fri ikfioW t k ow Vety -tirkhow aomplled­ `V ­ Go bm -am _K ,ifig Opeur 4rtne wr =.w 140-=�_ � m A� 6d �bnt) aild "ro Its. per yard n boi of 4h riii `Q,ods (MUP 1A 00 1 Wrik .94 Mr '$P1 . r Adeni at d FAP mosling.r.. -, . I � 4pp p ea4ing ropria p An y Itt, re ��he,,pabji -Along thJ6 lip an1d';­P.tj,nt!�.L �JC rauge in.' aof eloquence is & y ial W4 Go* xl�ferrei-t tho`vOuq tion. bf - per yar of early Rol WM* P -t es �nd s -cry, la G, ple4p.r6i wasL..,px�rqs oil 0OW-CA, rge 44 . :hades also a V -tw-49 iw a irs, x6lins. hoppiz�jpn the - gha a] -prom. od Friday...and I,ti 1 7, :OW4 of"G I ink, e6ial- tre to'GoiI4 tho Ot M h. fact beatitifill is$6rt, �nt 'of 411 wefut. kiudnss.'of tb e�_Jthe. 7vQVy`a1'X 'its. ax�d: through the, thought� �ixs,to dQ _dh kitids -Qf for' Lqdie ey, were-, perfed6l 'the ,4i daY4 - ia�. h el Peent'lineq or, y I . . 1 .1 , r, 11 , I :?Arilinieni.of; uca1d, moot - S' ies'�'Wb , ite-Mear dijrstoc c I C n.%Cbrset� In L 'ad that plai:6.with­the, S, t h st ass oolnp, �A 4 in , gran nt� willii hava the, alxq�p CQV�tsl �SkjttS jig �thrQe " ee o C . ': , 6rademe)l. only, J:& th 6, arid, Waigis.. ur wais,s at,$,;.'50e4 �fthe.W themse ves, . Urant ,' ,, 6 ii-_. a,: ot sfiiid td, bei'truer' why reebived 1' 4 P.Arasols a d the Fu;%i b a'more gal, ts ,,of '.tuok what I h4�.e U nibrell4s, ain'ong M. S, ra e, t sprin _e4 S open pret y an a -done rge,­- ra e. t, & da;y 7fig by: th�� hk I -Were - the �dbli flo k - W d 4 y W6, haVre, 'I 'b of'. 010 PkQepe �ornelvery..i' , ll�uqkaow tt w- cqnc a;; bY the, Tb�S6 n Lr 4 ores - c fe� - th6' 6 Pow �ig: at"Olghtto -d Reeve, 'brog 1 V42 4 lit' ti e in e 4, wl 0 Dn't. fdr&t We a indled Rug.�, an , Linoleu' 's I th thos' oreit D W6 la,rg� assofitnie�i'- in-, i, , , r (I � 14 #..Clij, r , i"Isd , ' - andir s'.jt4bje'fi66r,co d .-we inVrite yqu. .9 t wy, ve�ir4s �n' 'I doat think i they'. IlAgIrb go' $pe�ially close. prices 0 7s ure� yar., ped j'�md Auci 7 P14, . q -5 Ur ins --at I a, fily- the be wenel? W iniekest 416sipg_ and QP1 �7 -:Kvi entl tileir music W 'he e'v"ep-ing, d' �'v.-antedihesiightest Pretekt-.0 adopb- m;u`cli,toAhW g of,the augus hi apa. De0artin I -S, th ire,, sseni...y re. W IC en �.e.rl e d -and for �y. gnd- U&Awen� ,A .40t, t, e season. 4� Qve.. a Coulpa 7 s all and 'ablic dy-to-wea'r ptibtt "bonight fi u. af pries ER op -A. X&C- at -P N6s tbus, and fill. re'fi`.ofnea­�.nob SUit, -t Illage ig. Oney" Oahe" �0_ s n Libraiy'of -ranL 4tb tb t XPERIEINCK 't an at present. ee our ts,� never better hi 7 WE all ()Pon y re0ony. 8i o6 41)io mem, luesn Men�'sSuitis at . 0;0,�, n, in e 9 precinc .3.1 �Men, a* d &&ad t eAlegw I've SUTHERLAND' 7 —Gal -,our-straw r, a F -bf.-Rip COPTAIGHT8 MARjrj"S__' J_an ___Se&_ :an Mos, P ketch and denoVigilon in&* PW ONT -.Chur the new' an& Collin3 WY�- 04*10W sh n Ala,*, ai pulpit r opinion. free" ay in —confldont .? i-111AND1190 dd'eat afien 7. ror Becuringm �7 7�07 - jr -- net _h , '7 A -vers- - G. '.0 t & W, T 0 K'; row,, air. ancesiry the -*orA N& ThO�, Word, H NT T W i D rif .'deceitful very,ilargd well v sl Luckno*., �' ; D6paiiitmor c6 a .'O,u�� 8hirt.. Miss,-Rubb Bark i t friod's .-qnly.ree6nt y-.b6en­di§c6vere Mofifilt." -406 -.-It. means Tlii�.G e ey -Jeaves con h rE V ter n U' d' and:�'Iategt pa, _�.affd W�] -OIL. e ient-to-grow new ai�.­` pgla!id' a., d., An lark, last.Subday. r pecia VEil tiesr! a�' ",7 'd $.i oo iind 11 C., -,Sniith:ispe,,C looded- with, pre - v# yo -4at 'I . I � or- slip. oweVer, the'w-drd Is really 0 Ah a�'Paris'bave )eeo'me f &C h ion hot an U designg in -Hg- arn.E 4ir A, at, Henna on.. N e�,� S, .at" of Nere -xiiiti riend[4 _d cei W4hinigton; D., I. cial o--parp. H A Asipbalt .,was n use� vory, a viiie Rm, 'as an bnorm-, -- " 11 ­ 1�. fil - h" enns i $ro.w -every he in;r, an so umwituxi�pl4tesupni­breakabie. d 0 T .36 irepA' early- in history. t. hur rho� e is rations t ors, ori6dk said to ave.be u Not ohrair tonics are the 811 tent 1136ac� itnd 3'� eiijoying. ous sale. All me-"witb :w lch th6 infant Alose,e' h f h s' daubed and of T standstill, 'an, 6 tb� �Ltter of th t prac d of bPIrus 'es Nvar A@ he'lalke, e. f6Uiid� 1 W [61 ihe�: �o e t ell 00:.,�u je 'M; �rnas, WriAlij: late �of.:: tb� wn ones containing _'the)JI 7 titkbn jP_, dies 6V �ifsid _K I � . . , , , : �q nYei he Apq4 - . . nn qnd� Irst au C giv �L. uxuri.- Tlie, Vu G-UeRcIffil"S aso tliat-all" 'r A �p �pern;i enc6 w #,�and. on t rre 1( F qp a Swiday.th,6 ons ving any, -c aim4-agai�qs -headii�-of -.real-- 1i italso n,.,Or about: --the-bunibl-69t %soldlier4mong, FV_" InShrauce. in n mrg**�-,,�_­t T -7-Wtaitji,,,W&.didd �,o f !R eq I lP 'to der __7 ------ Meap; to YOU Pj�d it to t 6 4old and' guardnWed h1)r,j A, t on send by post p or tv r and ejs D "!I�r�jgpd oli 'A t Uthe�cozfimuziityj :U Dora" Is all. the aptives - M -a -diind of it c4ows.04". ce the churdies and - Ines' -b n -n t 11 -.o said. rhomas - theii ... air, in Abundahc6 nd'6ird br L6 A311 itctie d he� hr tal rde 4z hio e bp= ir -ql4ims iatid statem IN L -L 9S rities. any, e owd 'Globe 0 '.146f� P!30es� dent of the L -ICE -Su AND. TA".,XOT thaf o 1"MER �T TWenty-ninth� day of j .1910, the said Sfiof) &, th I tj weler?s. e U-1 VCKNOW, 4011GO,il go, ORA at., a -Jt t gemopt ri lind 'ndefit _:OiK� johii .,Cro*ss)firwiIj proceed to, - distri serl en sessign ,And, deceased9nio . W h ea Ptj ng he lift ollows,'preg ion �f e�o'dd the, assets -of the 8ai bed.. �JUSt Teri .60'. 1 W. leads; 11 for wanted' It f nProgrew. 7 . tt'dCh-ts in all' dephriments havifig reiard Fror to mailil,"' As he left he fl' only. to. claims of,wh c e.'!% ailthe; as fh affe 'a urned ack- -find ad r rti6sday. us '30, 6 th6 ni M% 0 oali6a 'aorid'best h It on, je the said John* ded et 7.30. Prm Ilive. 13,�d notice. and that ley h -91NF ut 111au Bti SS -of :4 in. git 'if he'L Cro�7son wil not­�e'Jlable-fot any tile cor dwj 7rqUjCk-jMPre3SL,, S USI ib Y,,u on n- are to 30 T6,r- to. -The largest, too- de on �said_ab,itt*or dhtr.p�irt theref&�to ally, In -or pers 'ted 'aft(ift 110'so fore P Potatoe 6xfg'6f wh0se'r. 01i ims.�-he influential school ?or trainingit' Clone. 4. a g tter . person -D� ice have r&reived.noli ",-"ec;- 7 owmen. -0-t -4-� U "o 14, 1116ge ec.�, e go6(jr7 Po T L day of May A .191 Oro M e . L 'J� jiter_apy.tirhoii� W_446' U fre ki i 'him 'for C BUSIN-ES L 7 0 4 t so�- Well, I OL�D G, L -'SHAW, W 'I S, e ra, e r SIX e Yw an, oddn fdr.,: '39 ynnge J4ucx 0 Li�e Hog s0en y ' A X%A to t4ll- I" - - - - - - - - Soji6itoinf6r -thb X�xecator I .,i .4 D rie h Uavelock,,'�Street oWi UR r4ob ja W. U *Now 10 A ery L_-U@kjj.0W roze 'r 'hal Campbell 8 nthe% All brethren- d, cordi�ltyr invite Noble Orafid.-D., X. Odel A ta ,_-r -Vice M&CAROr;j, Fin. f�e ;-D. VilLour.1r. Bo3h3­ .Rec. in tuckn6-4, nx;aeia every -first Mondany" 6j" in'oddf dllqiv�61 Hall. V 0I Ing each mofijjI T er,14.. oss. `4 cco-un Start. a j?. CobiLT. brewdn.are cordially invited. 0 art -nd �-,,Aebe8sa�y_ L UM' R. &'&I r nee e(I"', urpiuse; Y.ott tn'i,' tiee'd DxW .,Aside all, molle not d boR.MaNT H;,Trj4ttr0T. 'y YA .90 curren er se yoll - , I .. � , ., I i ow rs 411 h it 11 yoti. -Wl av i a e 'jar-ly---saved., or�i6t� Emblems, in for,7, Pineapp es - Unel This; ii�.bar�4 in.We6k A's, thq-y yv 1!4DS 4,"ril 1)r ac6 Adidents are certain, ke ea, atioas and.oilier06itu cut o PnI,6nt, ffhis ' :, , . I . r , . ; . . . f'. . . :00wers, A140 wedding &�orationg, A. farge,. shi -:,Aelicloll -ne -to ifind 1�' k eiiii frU4t jUjt , ' ' I *" r , ' forwarded promptly, Phone oonhectio fiom. th a ing ty� our 1 reedveA. - Tlie Elli is. Soe design book at qff U1 it dt 37011r,'r :ffidii.ds h eg ar, InCOJ11e. bank, -Une An, a t ilile to bily Now I qu e _The, 19fte e,. 04 - or til I oiie ollar M, MITCHELL ONT e0 y,, nted K ' Wa temporary �M' P1,0YM0f1t),.1 BAN �OV H a Avepresd'ntiLbiv foil iLubkiiow,,-0n' ces at,. Rockbottom f*1io. the time' 'toL still nur isery stock, -nee," at go e �e pay 'W Ai6ixlly and" Apr and &td pypgLent. Our Hs o pec �a iep IF W Readl Office, RAWLTON L ;ready It edit all 0 b6t' IVALiAt(M tal at�60 , polleo'i'li P, Apt. Aa6nt no toev . ) R.L ; , floe 16k,"W44 4hd ca ogue.L iro '"W' IA.;GT6X' JJV 6*a r 55 00 066 ;6 2. ES, P r. mp t rid P1 J� 6 P 1-Y FAMA