Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-09, Page 4_J
tWIN1100 milli I
4- 1JIMON Al 111,1111
Suoh jji6y,61
'46 N
.1. __41, -0 1 01;Z
49AU, �'b et
weva '44y
t, j ap
VIC, Tff- I T L 1, 1
"-!4 dwe
�,46406mer toobtaill. ck Ai% T 0,
wni* -0, c 4; w, asi '-very, )"dly, Seft�. 'tQ cogitigii
05. r-ot-
got thel,
90.1 tlte,Bonthter V
er. and., hi il
ROW it.3r of X, Af9oinery, Alabilit" The.'aaw, ape by
tho� C b, i lork �ohxL Xq TO tjqqt powaer*an4 tooth
of trade o
f.,t4e, farm
3 U866 0e
is takenthe j
U� 0. jlgr annul tfinely article, on, tho devo -e , that in ItIU& IM -ljru�coj, rignobetten-
. .. L 0 - I - 4. pe already adered T�Y_l Zuth 01 p
if �paid iii, �ia __p�,
i 't w
-PreWng 044 OU00, pdtU W t]Akq A:Speial of,� to pastes
Mob ure tQ )Iq�r
i per aullu 10 lellt of
st4jct�y in
TIC :10213611th, wpuld othekiim h tooth p6wdbr in bulk foe teii cenks gii'6
iiji,it th, t, Op9e
J..Aypi,_ pelk, i, , 4
ern T...,40 po.,
nrtich 01 - V. � 1: lye, sell
every till
ianei in Vie, $oath will ultimate p0b. a frPm.''1000 tipr"boo., A. .a T
Tooth br 6 " u., f6u;
o ilkvalue, to: thq W
bo I :have to ho ,sprywe ju .�hxs '' oinQ c'h br-Isti bmsh1or 25c.
N. 1)_ VcXl;xzIit more
Y lep 40
JE are otill i4or -,to for h' Fren' �3, r
Witor and F
sorvic that, w.j eji�.4$ hi . in � t;ajh Tooth� pWk9j,large- packages - be' dulall-pa
vaung Unth L �W
W, ;,.w
an -A�. -any, at loc,.� . . ...
it "' .
ar pq�qpk
I I - ? , r $!r68r(;61VWoo0iifiunit1ea ilf;the SQi v
itoti r ery low O:46nt�
It to
tog. are Soya ening S OFFOR
pariel r
jM to. be �Jtaadard, -k1our.
h S .casual A G E N pe
Advertising pAtik,
nline i
or, r4t inser ion, c%per line. for,
tigh� Nicely eachi, t 3 val' lble ai Thei arinor, and hiA
'1Y trade iii. the r , ioi with;. hich.
stlbsequeut ifiserdo 4101
T4QFre connected' by telephone, h riefund you.k
yertisputents,in'the loCal.. e
merplIklit who FaiisiaA Shp doesn' i; ban -
can J;iv
Ic'pei line for A'r*
jb . ANI '�V
tind.$e per, Jin�
fOr �ach
C, W
e 'er i'word
known- 'on, !Ipplk- 0S�1:1,1tieS "of bi pay t ItS, 494' Pat,, i4Nj IV,
Ut 0
E p.''o
dok, V r vertiseis.�c lqr,. line *qkoa t stron
L ser ad tei thei b C
if J,
th b'
ek 6f, farm bi 0 f,�v
g ta
;ii�tr6ng wa
we'deond, AUT 01"t
.7 K1191 e,p* yq4r ,4ih i
'd 'h' 6-
�det iilpla�, o �Jjllldj lbe�, rill, 4.- ; I , ... prtaiu;ifliii, dU l
'And ch4kes of, A66ttigeni6its
lor. perrnanent., $ucce�s jm6W, rour.6 tIfA e
t bSolith- through, -6. h' d um or -o -second,handAiiioxilobiles that i be'n� t4eij. b f
an' ilof 06ti4m e,:or t �6dgh 15o e
at orga erp
iz:- could I 0t maki A geupr t4k a :n et6azige I guaran e i e.
er confinuil�s., Mob lei e r4l; h' It are'
a�q 'L:iufir-ot-oass-,donditioh,�havio eba,th Ill
notj ffq �Pltll ar of the of ih4 iiieichan
ere It
0 wever u fa, ti,to oo ur -spdcial: weri t d, to'
0 ts d bu4nQp xx�en Parisian Sago, which cait now 4
ru -tops' to 9 (411al:iled b
t ' Canada
ni. rs inH AV OC pu e" q.5,6. ' ''. , 1 .9 q�� . Manitoba, 7hich aknp ob bi
far e tabuij�t 7a
. ...... the fariner-_ in.a- fi.' possiblo ent of
ell d
-isthe pi�qplo' -And, can
eveninorersucceisful an, hatin-i hair dressing OW
ur,dWhi sack a a e "Pe',boughtt at'i6 d
d n ore.'gratifying
y ecided
Aan wai exp�c pd. Xcw. busi
ncp4, -had ro-vir bittidaripe; bargain.
e. &:
beeii prodacod. friendly, - relitio, -ime'favorite. with �*0 e f: fuller
ow 9'. Daily tq.v44k., bous6 in to. wo.. 'been estdblis ecause at once or
hid between rur
d�,J AID -4� --dwellers- I A 11.7-0vo T_t
X , e ep 946" lin&
lih�Sigjlea adis in
in not. a e vroving-an acd rof &Ve ti;
prits at* J. G-' Arnisprongs- who hirt�"' that ne�kesenta-.
"Umn P ser F o
vice furnished thq The price for' a', lartgo-b tti
q � e
esaeat6 mQrIn only of -if
n- far instances -of this, not wbeks" reces s The wh6 6sal
apilrelF ldicataffair,: Practically every
W-4he o wher j or, th4 8 Vl&.
.? r
-all-chaq;e -ep
sive e 377#pr m
ysu ff6
-throu#h_lts�111 lre
PlIt ,dh f
�nd Is enabled' t ;1tQk
rhi-neighb9p, ULM and
y JVj.j g, 15::,
dred,- in i1eSL liofth��' 1)urinig'the past two ears. Poe Aev6l6pnient has bee ore� 'n
way fro busiliess,u
of it rail ,U Edinoint t S$ooiatft in distant 0 MS
M a
�e.i�di�ga des
ever Woe and i All 1p toihobi
,The Legislatu
It filcydes
llftlifQdiatol rou ber
A alm
a If E D' thenuili fq
of a n OLUVOR
.,1 1 �0 R 0 N--T-O=:
C" � L. . . o. ; es .CA.
t:ill. W y e laig r,
or IT toi:l)e 1910 01. A and -
4. ie in re `*Jlich,had b h 77
vi�ry ei�efo i is ire 4nd ;�vbolesome rough 8oin,e Vi 40011119ta
0. 4rQ
6 Little �qgies - e ore- y-� rpi iu,order,,to, h ........ .. a, linthe. his r o _Q
W. Como,
op6,Rj I 'T
health for th h b' -U, f b
sif youe flou 'Attornev-,Ge ThA
dvoryll onera. .. ". -
een. tholeading single fact6r iniiupre8s��
.,Ue4di� dulli �witlrmo riding,, powep;.
Ugislature was': almost, Wholly. 14 .0 crier
Ing upon
t Jarmers the.`iahte.'and',ne6essit3�
as 'to
-IRP4 y 4 lavi4,:S6 that op
posilti9l' of telophollp hervi �,pqi Soggy
cd ai,'appliiid, Iq-the
:' .. L - . " ' _ T.* --- ii -b
he ,usiness-or
baen come fro of fg.,r to -.em,phasize.,.'-th6-: ound
dailk; d jby vertis.
has,' ad
tatllyasslil&. n 0, a Ion Gia -s I a -ght "i
�:ana, 7 tor told
vernmen krt
Q person, wi z 16 1 a y
r he,
h w.
in fact ied tk a-meoller the da f4rmq�twadapt'the M, clf L read,6
tj CL
Ar -th
u. hi Cushing .Wh
njf YqU 'W 11 b f The
n k of -s --- of
u a. ag o
'plk e.
orki. He'� wis: stro'n- i -lephope, eed of a cla�is g y pposed f ney, their. t6
w -an%
f li
in, Ill lies )vg,$ tocoglilzed 1ju 4L
Pillay� peveral n0l, olsts.
0- -w-as
�:4 to farmers-at-the-461it
poj�r.,and, - I ..
p oint- -this Phuf *-h
--h -T * s -a r
W' tingle and Turpip�
.�64ds, 41, iqto,. all �6�drt W&Oqn.with Well. su66bss� that i4nJ4ii ter rqrqdgh��,�
so.,ali k.W�
d e e 1�10t.ujje
xv ui;%) !A*bKt;ju
itionths of, the
r6poft6d 'but',
el . .
UT- r- r ' . , e ftnti4* f I
have - -aT
ea;, ce out. gqu f, �10 g e
vs an credit., ur grAOua. es receive from $400
y tois -t.h.(
T It doei aptie it lar rs U
tqlIq $ekrVICq Dlid ConneCt_
univergill'teleph C
wQre miakin'g-ally personal, ga �,,Mai Our 8, In D t4nd, Siz
_0" they eei eal,
'i0kiqtfi-'th�x6m.prehezfsiye Bell 83 M4. A, in D �6
100: eal, I
are , i einn e eS
d coiitempltes that 0 S.' 'sh. fcarri'
oil _4u4 t . I
a grpup ;0 faiiii e ��rispor.tq'alidito4giie..�rack�i �7_ T
�'Deering� Ideal Mower j made ir., 3j,4j.,- 41
00 n 11''Co Pe--ar -on orga,
7 libe ih b d
aA. as or
S -and
Lie the line' purd ase f at, 'the' 'Wirke o�_,.p�Aicdlats Go , L 1 1012 bfii and
The.- -iItenant. orilor zecc Ox ell re -11 Steol Rakes in e in A
'A C Ro'(- pted' eqUIPMen
d- 8' nA A A Rather or V r A
LK f
oi �Ahur L Or materials
_6 oslgn#loi:and ehIled WINGHAM 9, 1 , 0
siffoil-:to *g wi
nd., carr I on 1'.ith6. Bell-
e .
q governm ent., i S - ng el�
"keerl H'i -y" thi e:w th i
a 6hai e:. er on SS: COLLEGE
% * hAd
a or sery -monthly- Marge, ------- _8i - .-: ei
ter, of. j�o;Int ice ay oa er
h Is ay oa s side D eq
-in 18,Yerylo -iid wheii divided oiz one III , Uak
uggies an ..ago
rizoi. ISPO' __-Prin 'is- se TTOXI f 6 "d
w6. G a� rs 01, thei oveKniiabnt, onl!Jinoie tha
'50 echts per'lli6nth.
�:�Tli'( that t Nering Binde
nesathe Prganizatioir-df the. -pro- all;a vantage eath6o.-thi� ;VYSPC
in era
]OU& 3 k - 11 - -
assey, 4rris,B.ihderi--;
vinces oC,9askateh.ewan",andL
"�4 � It
P's dbles,'a1&im6r)'iu an.emergen rs
-ativi4,fiave kill d n
on air orga z
dii bid
th ni atI6 hi
pui� Od �ef� one dt his neighbors to. ls,assi�t-
is f �A'lbeit� iince without.1
�ief., Ju�tice.- ij S h ossoftilnei, Walso gives C6 v
, qf_
the, til )6ial iftstillec
o' p'qqities fill'! il�d-,�rovitdos,
u t
.5 �,ht, that if 'any, .:of he wq;4an on t e an 0 rou e or,
li u,�es'.tey Ffg THIS: I The'
X othdi-od wit
h W.
v are, ...
;�o. given, d �bu -oan
y Nvil . 4
'tinder'. ift Utribtivofdature�Tof 1e 6phib
Ab he"efi tire L
t6'ihelariner are,iho 16W cost tile: je_�
�A. 'V. VA, 0 e.,:
11rden of solatio 6r 6qual,
PAS "W_,batticonstimtelt.goil. aintr
]n L
7 irke s and n6ws centers,, to his
ED -18
Parmeri; i"� 'Cleorgitt, and Alabama Foepaviat all d AIRY
D oo pai epen a �on e ma e ro-.
ea er.
'ceises- of marktifa ��rei and thg,PAt se are
I G 'd 'rit'd X tterials il�ed, ih it
I their and bthei% :pro.-
ct al in ke —no more,
.no many
ess. dude by t6le�h6n6-hthiiher, pfices than
I Abr6ttt yjears Aimt ESSES HAV.E:L.
aint best pain e' C they, f6rinerl,obtained 'when y 'rSt. Th ink NDERw
0 P e t M, tlie" it
Po? 19%gop at some :, , I I . L ki-b-tas papol
lacking,i L n its - I , I . Pe9p drove- to town.
hit can.bo_ No: care or detail a ManQ k ppileps�-' Dr. Restdia�- di The eant tq-y tons hil the isier�'.
in f madi i Afid,ran the ris of' IM ED. Y01) R SYS
V, d EK
an The iriker6ls imployed ire,,6f th higheat'-cittility, bi 6 w, I'th tive'Nbrvine cured.ine; rgiil� upon' a Tho 6erves control all 6Affonsof this body that any -
14L Maae�,CS of on rwe dirrect t VKL41 pecia and transpoiltat on, ch'y a d hill, b
jre -proper y pu!A- togethei :by,exOerieticed 01111V makers 1089 6f farming is:idependenf I
ma�inehoiv-tht6iW 1 ra thu tsys em
The '84v, 'Co, -inF4tM1t'o*0 mi ki. . he Pigments arii- selecte tonmr., no Exim' *at 'have,
re and scropulot COFPMAN ities. Tli� ( lea�&'both or eitheit ;-pah, Ito, ik th ome Paper is. ruined thousantIg-of proffiising young men, 'Unnatural
greateit ca Isly tested. The tipting colors ate be
-ter, M; - ,,secured, the ss f Dr4kins 15�p their vigor and VitalltYand tbey'ae`vbj,'tj&6loP
to a Proper d6nditioa6f manbood
fa iey -remp a. k-.
u Tbe;bhreogreat Tl' I'
ing A ine" A A�gs, 11001111111A, Physically and, sexuaily, Hdj# yo
sed for and A
'Ili' - - ' ' M daughter
products of tbe.-omparii dzy'.; dolor vvork§.L And il�� MI C.oldwa 'k the eost6
r And mixing, are ctor8 in solvin
T e ngned and: made. in.1ho Mach' y f, eou , I - I - I , , . , . I . ., L . .. .. - I .
h mibody�the most a I lifc:� the Are You 'nervous ;dnd';Wedk d6sponduuL una gloom
Miles' this -problem I , (41101
h ps of t e, Cblngan cy e Avanoctl ideas in i' with Dr. Restorativii, try, iz I'S 0. A' XT
With suc lahivalitv materials, flach-c—A-A ma -N c r4jin ie,—,�aft ia r7 - h a -V i n T
—been- al: f L ' -
an avealr-b T
u f46 fflic th,fits .,a ted' for five*years ba�itful,debilitatingdteariib,,sbdiinentfiitiriiii3,piin
The pioblem, of e�urifry life 'in� :the� *P the faco,'eYes whicen, hollo* cheeIca
PV_T.FER McAULEY 044woriii oza
an estedrigt,tired ndriiingg,�roitlegs,�niglit�§;.Ciintige�
Sprinkfiold, Massi tly., ilid�& by, Presi oht Roosoieli's t Ab*ber itioods pi*'e attirodecay, bone
4 �Sqrf cl, d* v'rp San it' P�6881011, foot m6-6r;y, lifeless, distifusifa, Jack ener
In the stu
"For a y"ear n� little Pains, bair looses etQ'L
ry1ife Xoin'niisdion, dentoosOated. ary 4b
a Tr 'is,
6 fy, lid. a little his it the condi son our
Spasms e quic ew Method a m
Co 7 t6t, me ns o co �Sweepoi Carpets time
-and thAt,6 ild�elopiiient of amitit oit ors'
0 --
factors . . ..... the" Ajr� I We �r�ateq t)Wases of Dren &e it life -
'has --prl leg- time And- have, to
these' spasinsi solutlo)�:Of' the' problem; Both a
�an, ..n it, prevents ov CHAWhr.,
orand -o
UR M-YRTL nAa fea- the duse'-f�om, and "'Will You arq cura
turei �tr the. o' istiuctiori,oi a, t toi blo ornot"
owt 01 toxic w ffu *brik!518 Cases of
LU ar 0,*� nfin f'My daughter couldft'�t.t -ITY, VARICOSE
NERV-009 DE13ji.
41k �r powoperativo, spirit Aftdce AND
ce. S
al k rorn.: dan Phe' ma es 991N� DISEASES, dLEET, 11CADbEA
Orwin ill ia th, P4ijjt§ -pr
I � \Seven i bbttle's of r)r,. Mij&, brings the farmors t 011INARV�AWkIbNlzy compLAINitj
raiiton. Coal ogether and tpacli_
I Oxford es t1ift,what th c n 0 C A lr0o"Dt On 0180se's of Meti. 'It Anallle to call
ofin \�,crvin`6ntirefy cured fiet" dy a or) lewllnL F , ',SY_,
ty" ung
Cement �vritii (0i
-as i UST F0 jjbMEL
_h h rosults 'Order a 'tcatl TREATMENT
ole. 'It bfte
�ei i�Oveknftti for'66 ottermonj Wiliderfull Neftous system, R
in ot� ilED
4thel rnd. t&� rural disti,ietg, � By eimblind. "the y
fit my 6n,�Vas 30 years &I.In
free tirial. . All.
�(I, fita fight lip merchiint . rocers sell i DRS.
muket?. Or Nmn
av 64 seven bottl
Miles 'Westof�ftl`ve Nervfn�,' He long distant lineg� the phief o�je6tioh to,. -
Ac Mattl6r fir kegs
a,& , �h, , rela, nd
has'not\had s nce. e dountry 16 is r6ho�iid and tile wito and
6gan a�bludt -he addr�aseA
Upadian Cot.respoyjd-,
kiv� abo"iftb faftol* for *ore, Office
11 fit h hottl� dAtiAter can � e j ence Dep*.
On t e njoy n WifidSor, 011C It you ersonally call t Our Medical Ingtlituto in Dttroit,aA
of n4*81AW 43) in Zjr, AVindsor
am should, Al R DUNTL9Y the absdnooi-.6f, lioi, M41ce farm H& �y Be
head your list no patients e see and trLeat.
o0, d, ,ab�rator� for diaft bU$Ljjj6SS..0ljly,
Addregg' ll- $1,0 At, 6 uo dpudg etterg ad
i does Atip so" rice W,i ail, kt
price lAt. lJoShould THO'cilti6a ongagcd IA Vilding the'twthl. d
le er DOS, Wot6ma,7 W� filon6tonous, offices will'ell Ore for Cotrespern6ned,,Wtid
it P lolls
ply b 'if f
a '0110 pfiv