HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-26, Page 5• .Qp. ' gNT' Q '. EJ14' N Briiltxas>~ i `arks' C'otitedy,' Perforin ance k3, t1 a 1t ueknow Dramatic '',` .:Cprnpany' . ,' • The .,- .:.,•,.• •' advent of warmer• weather br ": ` l kincis of light weight lairs a demand for a � g �' ves I11Tf55e. " �1rtS' S T t _ O h'S diltiCl%ef� tjrrSetnUn arl�-ctlC~ Ifl �•.--b-.••---�^^,..:#c�:'Qui`�v�3a"s+4:1'••�n�e,3.sir_•�>as-�a'�'•dkavj,..:hk.,Ye..�,+a.:x:. e��',F�.,S�?a�!luiS`a>a'-�k.""•,�w•c.�-„-,.. ».mxV..ce-ewme•,ex^:ar�.?��r ��s�mwa.:'�.ix¢ .,..., he.44lam:•gel . five , --Vw_ _ menta Iowa ds"shorter for` i' _ � eves. in~;vihic�'-w1F rrieanman increased demand longgloves. ; Here are:' o .. a f ew oft a lines in sock` • .. •tee [asier•y. Our, Stock. 'tof &u'nlmex tsitirvis., krgei n Mange rand : 'fitter `rte than'over.. .,WOMEN'S,FINE PLAIN ' GOT - .TON 'HOSE, • fast :black,fu11','' .fashioned,' extra 'volae: 2::pairs .' fur 25e., ' WOMEN'S FINE PLAIN CUT TON HOSE,fine---firm-tlrxeitii,-: fast black,' fall `:fashioned, , three:::.,_ specials-@ 15c, 2Oe, and 25c liar., WO.MElseg FIN +:PL' TN.L S 110SE,, very .•fine thread, fall tap and black; ••Sizes platztne:fal faverite,.sizes 5, 4. Fa tic 1bves.• ,� ' .-. : �L0.A7.'ES:Litt: blu:Fi1.iyitl'fi4,.Ti:trkl�",. slyyakid nils=at-f'bc, anti'•--]:;QO- pr pair . LA'DXES'. FINS" L'ANG LISLE :$'.' and LACE' GLOVESrange .� o£• qualities - a•G• 3•v, 40, 59 and 75 cents per_pair. LI DIES' FII'ifiE'LISLE G OITUSL 2 c7iiiues :silk' fiOrili snTblaele; ; ` white • fa'Wn, green, and blue, price' 35 cents pdr pair A• LADIES' FINE LISLE GLOVES black and white, perfect fitting 2 dourest sizes rn_blacl. up ;to k3, price'2,5 cents pr pair • LHAMOtISETTE•GLOVES look` • like and 'wear and wash• better', ."than Chamois;: Shades'. Chamois;. Alen • raw --017 -----a . 'Ph pretty maiden did not elope.. On the contrary, she had;elerelyPeen .out at an;tanla u iiy 4arly�tool, p yin golf with Bob Shepher& and. later a,s June Hayerbill, she and Bob 'were discover - ea in a cornet of' -the gardep,; s „tlioscl'4eet yold'things that mean' in. variably a job for the • parson at . an early date. .At the saane, moment, .utt der the sarne• gr�eeh tree's -and humor•- o4 s1v winked.at by the'man 'iii :tile moon, • Was ,al.:to 'rlikeovered 31,.ax '1wn Eqult,; and Dorothy: , Marek,e bis 14ride-tg 1,3' 1 :aetitrh pretty..tuuch..in, tho ,kanie manger:.. Most oppertugely, •'the ner nous: youn•Reetor,'who had justk •been roused out of a• delicious dream . by Dorothy's refusal to 'marry hi a •drop fled; iii upon them with, iris favorite. plisse upon phis bps," hoping he inrgl t.' be ;of aorizire , • • `1'he k�lopenioiut•of' Ell©!x was: h, moit �li.li"htfttl':, evening's entertai,tim'ent. Frain t1te' fiat lifting of ''the curtain on'_ h bnin room c' stere- s_.eue 9 • 'RlQKQNINO, T'iie V tQh of U(e mien :kw. .t1 flire9 Tinge is a;'perennially •intere$ting'sub. jest. '-Sefo're '.the chronometer in the jooyeler'w ;wIndow a procession is Cori- etantly passing. Te0anker pulls eit}t. his $7QQ-repeaterreompates...1 with. the:. chronometer and moves on... The office; boy, with just: as 'much dignity, consults. tl�e doilart mepteee, that bulges. bis: lit-, tie weaistcoalt. Both are equally under a ins: .the aPeiiof"time, y • ° As''most persons' kuo.w ICug4;14 sup piies•tbe world with fh'at'valuab1e but. lmpalrpable ,coinm'odity, that purely' ar bitrary. thing R nidi • we, call .tune, The: tneridcan inf "they Royal ,oDe rvitto, y' at Greenwich }s the.liotut from whish, day, of the civilized --world is reckoned, but in America the 1:'nIted'States Naval ob'se>;vatory. •in ygashirt, tan. deterin.iues: • Greenwich 'time ancrdistributea it by telegraph: In' the. end the watch of the -man ►; li arl�d li'", s Jit• . M's bew e r e u e rs 3tn rT tlr 'nuts► e- rc the last_ an le ra we of mi un n. yy.. b s de standrngs,was`unravelled;. every'.nce- nient wsrW rich with Humor and fun o ` _tl'ie.:u1A t..fxi�t,tac.. nl<.kua cls.':�.:I�u the. •w1tole.pel•formance, not a., single°`errof° Clem i iii ;tday::�l;htr''audietid ;,iaot`- single false note ,jar -red u en ti e most . 'sensative ` ` ►ares, au ' ,whole play was tustinet • with that. xeeuliar _qualit y of personality.' which.. ,l,ttt.3eee..th s�:';under ro er'-:oon'dit 7Orl9, a `nairrr i. 'c Iflaturc ' r _. Eil.)a1�it�'re? tC�'�d;ilt'tb'�':�".�Y",V'1r. �* �-~--lti••was-the firstTpublic ;perform= ance by the T%ucknow Dramatic .Com- pany. If vie mistake'not, it•willrnot lie die last ” Possibly it was not .,realized.. • the -:street Ls 'set by: the "stars.' Oat:.of tib vast• number in the "hea,i'ens.. 'there Lire some ,00, viible• either to the :eye. or tile: caniera, .Which are luiown to;be' pxactteally'invariable. T1te. astronomer.• selects one of • t y i ..• fitrroogh : tlie• transit"instrument=a tbpe pointed: at the'anoraian-he watch: ; telegraph," c --key in -hand,: teleseOpe u o crowd: 'FiuIF-11W.71114- 24e4aern,."'„�v,'fr�+'u'i� i;41.77,.,..k%a _star;, erome.a,leach..of ,these lines the • ~operator• p•resses- hi, s kt , -the• wires• -Of.. :.. l .. ,autonia , c,_an- whish-eo�neetr w, th t} cording clock-catl'ed.'a'chronograph, This shows; at what=•time the ,eta.>•_ --aero sed t>te.melldit;n,' �$t yDiiomical;tA-» hies detexrhfne the time g at whibb 'it shouliI Iialf-0'• cruased. ., CtFMpaxisenT:of • • :,the: istandard- -clock with -these:, tables._. before- just how much theatrical:talent 'lay dorrnant in our midst but .the fact: �. - _� � ,.. - noon, A4.11i."-:4V1 i1,4V4LaL LLily :-.. the .nreniai iS. ,«n.n: " . ii-gteesttmen 3' -knoivs-tt�ut-it lias-;the--correLt' time --to of. a wro vded house, that nig y per-. • 'the tormances by troupe, that arse'-`ityletr prafessibnal are i'ess merrtorrour and.: infutttely` mote `.' objectionable' thatr'•r A"`FEW'DON'T ibis fn st utghG-1'iletylet bpi arn<ittihci ' „ " company Don't b ess, es eelelly 1n put e reckl p Interest••and variety Were add•ed t<i:- lying. the proi;ranime lad musical: selections' - :Don'!- give' to 'the -Lord aud • interspersed, before, and;.between acts: out, and roba; widow. the L'uckt ow O'rchest> t played in ,ap Don't acquire the; borrowing habit, or' loved cit f<tsliion and a;. solo: by.,'` the day.will: come when., you will, run: P '•y 'out .of friends Hatrv,.&imitage, and a'Male Quartette _.. ..,.. les he er-ric'tt0- 6:c ` • right. 1 „ The tune .is distributed', at noon. Three minutes before 12 o'clock thou smrtls.ct legiu pb4 pperatoi ,tit•• Ori: ia3:t to �e ^'tP cel 'boa: tite`vdl�l (l Co doll e8ir • 111 ite, prices c per 'pair. :Grey, Tan, Pink; Sky, Old•Rose;,, • mere and' Cotton :"Little Dar: . Cream,' Tan, Bine, and Cardinal, range Of prices. ', liself leader HAMBOOT & SHOE CO. Frediricion,-N.B. "Canada's Best Shoemakers • "there is none Canada, better than, Shoe Co:, Fredericton, N. B., whose adents we are here. We here ShoW a•etinple.'• Of their very bandson-to 13'...--;EggS. 'and. Grocers dne taken .exekange for, geode. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • Well made shoeS‘i g:Ood fitting shapes; -.ihat .4oOk .Well and. will • wear` well.. No tletter value any where ihati ...the..Albert'Sh0e, the perby Shoe; :Ad tit ',Victorja'•: The shoe that fits the foot ebrurortable-`durable And up-to-date ih every reipeet.,,, CENTRAL TnIXGRA.P#V, We assist grtyl.n. ekceeds the slippy, The ,three thost. recetitly -placed are receiving month -respectfully.- ,linsinessiticitif- ,. state our.gradua(es are • the hest. free catalogue. which shall tel l -them- that -the "master;- clock" -in Washington has begun -to- spear{: At one Minnie Before 12 it, e gins, -beating every • second, until • fraetien, of a- second.,,,Youth's Com - Even in the long :ago when the: preacherPsaf�1 `""D.arly'•B Beret' ;' •even then -lid we tickle, our taacy with the greedy►„ tlipught Lhat he. rea!(Y, meant-P1E.. For pie, ',in each. of its. myriad varleties,' 1f the grand vhid-up.10•* ., ;joy spredd, thb, last actof a,playwith abappy'ending, . ' D9:you'ttiake ,8, and p1e".M 'dam --pie that Is pM 1 lllo:YOq 7 Says the.erntnent editor of ms New York Sun "7he apex_ of a wedge of pfeq '77 the $Morin orxrture io "'crescendoo• t (eget -which. "'reaches its: &Mac fir the "crust end", and as.this: • "crust becomes part of oneself "one brows what pie'isfor.,!. • 714 "erast erid" is die fGnat "oituse of pis ftaeff; it; raison 'r •'d`ttre, the 'sohition„et the • "bltsOdl riddle, us fsPic" .Whethersf ht altlrycusterd,' juicy piaeapple, clorlsus mince er dear old pump- kin grad aqua$b„er all soppy v1 h' "the rich; red jutob, of the cherry.,' N WhY^ • You Xst • the /4444r of the pie final every time, (ne ' black sheep in that farnUy)"' • 'truly auhoulspt" tasty"' $'tick:. Witt rfohifilIn of ycur own • , eonipositiont' tilybaksd But: tltts aruM Is made of flour, you;' in a crust that leayss:'no ungisas; lo'o'm, as�d IVE•; ROSESi ls,a,tuvn aiteeess1 M.*. Jarful flour for pre: crust; a'i'd paste ;aud such like,. Neverfcar tke dir..:ren sf '" ifs �, *w• *' ,s' * c asp„ •offendsd.: Sternlieb, or. an i• ss e' ifi .IVE , calami due to"ini(deinfbrmstt!A'r• Becatabe; DA stre Hogs w . , p ,..� , `ROSES' makes ' your •paste elosd . _lf' ".ort use la\IE RQS Mtdam'. giatned; even of texture- and eating• ;. '1'kect-�xaifba�-•b tt��-�rus_d�-�- - 4�� owfn n eoittl sh i c - ar BPP. delta to deseiribab}e Sl A th V1 t a.. , skill. . ppee uli g,, oYO Rc n f 7� tl r x .r uarYv..-.. n t _.L .:��.. '€.#`yVl.�. �«.�,Z7Y X:.,....n!�r✓'.c''•.,+„`,7F.ttc:.v..Fn.••_:xdSa.....r w.;fi. r e ;9t1 n a ane in.00lor.a at , , .: of 1�re aur titious M APs To say, nathirig.. fi'?i!, , ..-r •.. lf•-•You;-s;i%t.' d=•m e, ,sues '^ Kis, ,: •p}ecesbetuuen'weals,:yoi-Iiii7OW gg._...,. >r .. sdasis . th.. 1 . .« .._ . • : , . its ec�eryy best..;�,hea,. . d»rust dad du ins IVEROS crust. Whether,o>. _•• tartlike h Pp.• So, Madam, use your•,ouM1 judtsneat. M:ter ;:.. ', » . - : c reit �u ;,wg _TiooeS;:artful re-.. v titer:: weft fir Ustoifiers telY re t. e-rbautiftiftlOck..diSplayediii-Our.:- store will be %yowl and 'get. are:.identifi.d:4y t4e and secondS stamped' thereon,___ Anng: ygpr_t!.n.._cardq •',t(;* „Our , 44, • Time Cards' ich our -clerk§ *ill expla.in-in detail. Time Will the 'Clock Stop? of .•,.•••4•Oul-breadlnit:becapse7*oilliti*i-$3,1ii . come along and shalce the change'out th, and -sParkling With wit. -was' the an hoar:.arid'a•half, the •.audierice • e egg, ls- one of the most wonderful • brilliant dialogue •cif, Wee ' players; and feondt•-'-ihetp-sel-Yes-hc pint *Wel waS' the broadest' of :comedy, -,waS hands.. -*les. 414:Taylor the •,character things. in nature. At.. 00- p3:4 ef the heart begins to beat, two: vesteleti are the...outlines of the *lugs on, the. fiftli day` the liver yisible;,•on the sixth other internal -organs appear, aticripasquer!IdiAg-di Ellen,. the se -kw-,. in. Ufa hciurs the rib.e.are clearly develL ant of 'Afri. Ford. She' • played- ber .01),0'; In 240 hours ,the feathers. are vie. part "with a Verve. which :- calyied .the (pie; ln 23S helve the \eyes' appear; in Don't forget to get, time cards. -You must be present at time clock is uncovered, 'wh c.onipa ny with her:. • Mrs': -Arm- II, • feather's nn• the breast; in .330 the • the liart•lissi,gned t 'Bob' 'Shen; The heavy man of thepiay,the Visiting "to' he congratulated 'en a, very: fine per. nel4euS " young Rector, iofipts and :IV the', startling " devoted Youllk .gikve o., ,very inky, W. said -,t' without 6xaggeration, that tlie whole performance was of..a .alplay,w1tich -would. do credit, to:. some og otte b"(14. exponents of the. dramati• art; • Rigli praise is ealso dne to.' Miss stage manager. 7 DO YOU wani Deed Business liositiaii.? '. then . choose the right cli.Oot in ELLIOTT is noted throughout Canada fei• our stintents have lately aqeptett good. positions,. The demand for our gtadttates'.14.-eonstarft, C" --6114e- •' oven all year. Enter, now' :nig- Wags; stoinach ,and .breast have as- , seined a natiral.4riearance. .the Why Put Of a kart which. will lead yon into a good salaried position? 4nter • our college NOW and be ready blisiness••ii al'its best. 'We are locating • well qualified young people every day. Why not let us help..vdu? Start any da W 11 SHAW Principal • • • • • • trent • what ,soine -people. call ,wi"th D -C741 44:u r" \g'Ill.Cte76:17::. 4Rv'6:ates-ssi-t'ci. .after having been • affliCted with fits for,five•year.S." PETER McAULEY, cold.' sk Since: taking . Dr. Aliles' Nervitie he has never had one of, these spaSrns."' MRS. MYRTLE DAGIM.„-• "Ily daughter couldn't.talk or walk frcitif Sb, Vitus' dance:. 'Se'Veti. bottles, of Dr. miles' Nervine entirely cured her." ' 41.12161 InY sbn was 30 years, old' he hid,,fi:ts,right ,a1Orig'. We gave him s'even ',Vottles of Dr.,, Miles RestOrative Nervine, 'hos 'riOt 'hid a fit 'since 11,. began "Itriee.$1.60 at Year go thou inninty• you. if he does note Sand price to us. We'torward prepaid. , • sesseninass • • • • • 0 • • • • • • Leave! GoderiCh 9:36 a.,tn.. Detroit Thne. • :From Ic,.iiicarcling, ,Witighate; etc:. take -morning traingtine ' 11,56.; connecting at Clinton 03:0 a, in.) with special 'tram for Gode,rich: 'ford and way station's on O. T. Ry., on arrival of steamer SIOndai. BB 16 •