HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-26, Page 1• '11.vPd�'e.Qtl'/.�1�1 �h,,Vv�:y.�:^{
! i
• ..•rey lMLA!
,w y
'mplement Ja r
Spring Seeding Machinery, FiC,,n0104
•Qrgaps, 'Sewing Machina. Pr
Q71i'. `fired •,:r Arun d y f dtrionton, .% lta ; a ri d
,, son of the late .Pred • G, Grnti.dfi.hasrpurchased the
.: as the.
°o nes :. ,rivzv�i e
•r'; and t don�'er:.13c �� . s
zT-weler,� a S a .� .,...�.._ ... .
r ze
t . a��,d f �� � e . _ . .
Grw�ct� Estate y . • � . by �
R7{2r • Gr `' ndy hors haclr, a large hit sine'ss' C.xper-
F, e
'is • i� r�,r• z ... },h�sa stook rn :ord, r to meek
`:zencei and e t n s .. 1
the `demands 'o f the p7tbli =above lines..
• Awaxfon the 24th, -
Miss Armstrong,• to t•xeter;:. )r.
Newfon, visiting his mother at Pot
• Hopei -Wes Molsenl -xt ]:rosiness
to Taranto..
fthe 244.. ,,.
Miss Renu Gordon, from • GlieIph;
Rev'W C:.°;7cLeod, of • dolt ] I'gin,
visiting 1iin brother, Mr. A, B,. 'Me.
Leod•; Wes. JQyrnt, . from Toronto;
Harold N=ewton; • from. - Kioeartlino;
Miss 1.isetsonx n
'�visiting°t1'e: Misses Jill,-
lor; ,1blr, .airs. ,A.; :. Fleming;•' of
• R'ingham,,vislting ;Ar, and Mls.,\Vos.
'M4ise; J.rs. Mitchell, • and Robe,rt
Lion s, from Clinton •, Neil C�mahurt�, ;
•Jewolery c,: d' Watch. Ytepa,iring' p.rompsti '-'t nd
flon�Esae ,Atis}t??i at hound. ` •
; .._. i eatlir. -done; ..411';repairs Guaranteed or your A. Challenge.
mono reftlnt-leih Lochalsh F ,r
Y. ^ ....,.•: _ ,... • .�. :... ..• the LRc l r IilElc, Club under.
k,..1:. 1.----'0 . ._i(("''"k
J� �' A �' it ; '
711( (fa i i If - \ L. 11
Club to* shoot otF a :match at Loch:�!sh
, /41::( #:;4.: '' ))
on Sathr'ilay, Jiie ,i]ie 4th.• ` Irl
the matter of positions,. this match
it • eectll - u e Ch.r xe ominion.
RRitlo--Association : Rvhes,. arlar�h=city-
-Tice tSl3 say flinttiny.l14.itb ri i hit rimy
level,ground is perznisssible.. • - •
Trout a recent number df, the Mani
able, Scholarsli1P. 'this :is the ibird .
•schclarship. that has -Innen t9 his lot
Since, caminencing: his 'course. • The
A. gloom is cast .a'et Britain's land; .,
Through. cottage And. Old castle•'- rand, .,
. i
news the hieraldsgbrin
The death of.our'- loved in !
d be K g
i ,.. . -•e of peace,„::
K n � �d and •dead a rine
g W .a i�1}
1t homabroad', all'lands deplore,;
A peaceful monarel now no more..
a�cli si bj,ect i1i tlie. reaTnis Yafar, n .
ealh ou£ tri -cross; or Atortherx ar,
With. sighing heart'ancd.:bended head,:.
�o as ea
C 1L'er1 r�, ,.Y-•hllTl 'CA�
I t clia's ply ins,, where •Ganges flows,
n Afries veclt wliere diamond glows':
•, , n:.tha-t r :,1aiicl ere-flsocs ncrease .
11,»c,u.rn_tthe the f peace,
New � , laud; ke t li 1- m�emo tee• n,
The son of a:'beloved Queen. _
Ana Britian's- ships on every sea
Upheld'the Royal •dignity, • "
Now; in • this `vast Canadian Land,
Sorrow and Me,nor.�y, hand in hand,
Haug.the sad flag and• drape the hall,
Arid bid Tn-' o- c in 'o ear: tdrops fall `
eloved' 1hy men of every- race! a
I$'icp PQrtATED
Capital Paid :Up
Reserve Fund
50,, 000,000',"
H sBanc h es_in Canada, d
a a, a
.75 ., nd .Agents and Correspondent
. . Prin
in all the
e1palrCxtles in the World.. ...
• - A (:ENF,RA�, BANNING BUSLXY£S$, .7'RANSACTED. ` ' • '.'. .
at all Branches. ` Interest allowccl athighest-current rate
f Ht?,leifs -a the
Vel through the earth on every side
)3y. every shore andt-C4e-aitiTide,
Great Britain's King,..her Royal' dead.,
No, fnOre his voice for peace -shall---rin
the score was 'not so -large ,a.S:.nstralT•
SCOre-far-Sdniors',.. 264;.Score' for -Jun,
..�..., ,,.�..,...•
LBOanitoba, Saskatchewan and .A,lberta,,
gOOd goingall rail, Or via. Upper Lake
six, good tinsmiths, steady ' employ,
merit, wagei f4.50, per day., of eight ,.
.hours: -Correspond B. el Sheet ..Ketal:
;Works:, 245 Barnard .St.,' Varicanier, ..B.
Eags for Hatching .
`From pure bred Barred Rocki. 50 cts.
Fol- safe -
Tulip -making Machinery .for
.;boring and. ,hOrsePower,, will be sold.:
umber aria yVopa for Sale
A -large' quantity Of dry. Hemlock
Over 400 leapots :ranging
in price from 10c. to 65c.
Come ana-get a Tea, Tot and
tuotnei‘vp:s trying -roc 7911-3,138',.
WO want your Produce.
- , :The. ::"IllioEttitse°:i.'*.i"s'Itri, mitid ./..ARI.::3,t• DA 'V•ii-i. .J... ',4i,"nuelsiPeli:ISe,odel:171,3tLia.1.1'wfrhtse..k;liewe ...%1V‘1:1;91S1. lIntTli ' e* 1.‘,2,' 1; il'ogdg.' 1 the ;,pciL .. MO . ,467,0. . egg
tli.o death '•,f 'their. '-oi`ily'"`-sefi;-. -,,Neltitut- '-dtioterl 'inkier' •• I. 0,:. 'O. T.,:enspiceS .$1.90.: ' Pcr•particulars' apply at : ."
Lii ta.•,.,9;11 _..__• 1V11 i!..,1_,yeliiil;.lei. oa0.9. ' 17‘,1:3,-. - i1;114:„Star47,1:ttrEgi,j7.aft#4.1,4,P_. d.. _ _ ' . ,
40ii411-.11,:la.1.a..EilliaMH.: for rei:OVer . - -Letters from 'old ilays-:a-nd•-•'dir' C.4--ef-'4144 -emu
•eaind,thelollowicti'letthr 'whialt-:- '11 ..
and Xrtut trees, all. ,bearing ..in 'Season.
tationery .. is .. kePt • fdr ••sale.,..Th'e report Praented .fi•din • 'the ,., differ, 7'.fl'-'1"' ;:Pil'441•6•71:").1-61r. 'till t , ..Ettittel'AIalelrire*-SzNtmEr.,- . . • • ' TrjYrinee -Of Albertat and •-•372044'ores-•
• . . • Last. Week, 1 received a copy,
Imes_ htt t11,, and '..1 therein . noticed 'that an• AlsO7:1•00 aei•a„ good , biyiiluingi; 'in
umber of the youna• people of P..1.:ilt. . -;:t... daY even-livr:-.: Mr. Mathesen hael,,,N•Pli • A 01(1. 1.:ovs: 1 on was to • bo leld
. '.. .1rani:the first week irt.janct.' • i ..' .. :ill since early last fiill, his deltth eing in Luelciiow,', ...,T,' dd. not kri'd yen
ship at Huron .5 miles' freni Ltieknow,
,T1t1A rity.lhat.b-e,..4.assteitdily irit.yrity0pg. : these fifw lines, . „I•am engaged ill' the ` spply tOi Gto, A,..-,Silin'iLt...,:'-''.r.,,iii.klio*
received With' Sui':Iirise• and ...general"
teen :years', and find the'Cliinate excel-
. lent; :both., Winter and. sinnmeri 'eSpez.
:Northerners . to. :winter iihilig" this,
C'east, no better; place could be found:
" 1 ant glad an Old'Boys' Reunion .is
,wish Oery suceeS, fOr the' 'event' is
th6.01d Septly,' Town., 'and In 'spirit
Weald'. appreeiate 'any literature
-and tor .Sale 4 :,_Weiutvc all kinds. of, Watches
attet'id,theSe meetings:
What about a :pew set
OrSiNterltarnesS for this;
sun:Tier.. I carry a•
tO suit he cxact,,
Repairing neatly and ,proloptly dont
far tho Itevismit of the. Assessment
011 for the Village of Luoknow for
' • c year 1910, will be held at the
were•,deliveivil the Presbyterian
on-8unday.by Rev J,'. Wilson
her iteserves• I• '
-for_next_Siindity is
The TwentpPoiti/th
Glasses properly,fitted, failing cycSight .the day, its populatioli drifted 'amity
es:tat:ill; Cataract ahd`deainess treated, in various direction H. Many took. ad:'
Tirero.,41,0. ,vantage of ' eap (way rates
visit friends dr attend- colebt•ations . in
.hothe, ...which becoming: wOrn, and
marred; ate either discard or' relegated dist";4 P1'4".'8* -
considered too shabby or out of date lion wait/halal:Alm lightIlouse, on 1.,,he
to correspond with other ' furnishingS: 1,a`k0 Lut.,,know 131,41.48
Wood -lac will beir/hten them Iland gave:a•Iplendhi. open tti; 'ente'r;
Laivretielias a full atoditi Liniment, and large •titinibeis wore; in
faith (1) The' globe is winning 'the The PiP.i Hand • ,,v;i4 :to ',Galt,/ fle.
public: and; (2) •`" there is increased make the'.(fatetioniaa Gameg in that
sp dri,of piwperity, The GIOIA Ba,So Roll team Went to •11rtissel.S,, -and • :rildit4e8. '114 111"h°' W114'
reside itt thelznow, Ontario, 'Mtn" bro..
biers. M r, Matheson. de. and
Parties ittorastod take notice and.
"'Mr,,,Mittlirsrsit-Wi-e.• thirty years• -et age,
mouth lic clone 10.; Caltattent, accepting-,
It posithin the job' department of : the :
'..News: ' .1.t ditl",/;reitt times: lie lad; :
•rid/compositor:Ainniype 'operator also
.1'A/rennin:of .inQt9innical .:4t all' of the
Ile 11/1/1 al'so heel lit, tho 'employ
or the l<eweenaw Printing Co. -and ,the
Ore -Viols, to his" ::MatlicSon
niez•luuricatdepolniot of tile News-. ,
The deccdp rt. was inarricd five years'
'ago, Ili' this city', To 'Miss Lizzie'
Ills wife died ',Three Years 41:go, One •
St, Atikews society, ledge No.
and Canton Copper City, ratriarchS,
Militant, also a ineinber df tho Hough-
ton County TS,'"portraphical union• At
different times ho7luts represent6d the
Calumet brdneheg of the L 0 0, r„ as
401000 t41 gt(tsteLta„pci distriet' eon-.
than, seVen 'years' of ago,. Wori 'gold
'presented by Inspeetot4,11tighes,
.1.1)Olifitio girl in .questiott
.Dahlia Pears, grand -daughter of Mr.
"vontions Of this qedo,e..
will,keep -aocurafely or 'a,
one that is it's ornamental .gt8 it is
••_,NsSeful. We ,csn.iive yen the beet
works froin. the. world's • best
We give special, aitention to -
watch repairing: 411 work *gnat.-
'rho' b-heapest; place to order artiatiO":
Funeral Designs; •S'ocibtY•Binblernsi
forwarded Promptly, Aone connection
See design. heck at our„agent's, v w
The Mitchell-Nuisery
Notice' To Creditbrs
In the matfer of the Estato of Wu.,
Horn 1, Switzer ,,Of the Township
of ginloss in the County Of Druce,
14otice 'is hereby given purstant to R.
A, 0. Chap. 129, that' ail persons having
claims against ,the 4stato of the said
Seventh day Of Jttly A. 1). 1909, 'are
guired on or holore the First day of june
A0.11.1916, to file with Romer Ilarris of
Rolgrood, Executor, or with the under -
:of their claims and. of all the securities
held by,,theiii (if any), and that after the
said.date the Executor' will proceed to
' disfribute the assets among Tiic persons
'the claiiii7s. of which they filaa.t1,en have
the ro'stveo 4emorainglY. keeping step with, the (Meat d antra played agamst the niors of: that
Ltiohnow, kayl2th; 1:610. the eduiitry.•-:-.BOWmanYine Stela- place/ ,The score. was 7 10 favor of
tuolcriow, • Mrs. Alex 1,1aollaoi Miss Matnic and Robert Orallain of Luokilow.
lg mon o siva') 40 0. P, Tickets, towar s it3 ,a mitt oh nut "1°' °,wkj Ludt nu t • '
$1.0 be inade .,r°11 „"1.% ,11. lurnIsll trg*. eepted and Co Olerit -instructed
On nOtieer .6
MeiesileidY ade-Suiti
Single .'and double
three piece and Nor-,
Rain, Coat :and
Spring- overcoati
in,a few black beaver
• or ,• spring caught