HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-12, Page 51111M -•t*,a .z,,r nn ..rte..,-.., e F i'prset • Perfeot fittipn,,ve11 made corsets are a• most, import, ,i... th. _ -. and s't ora lad 's' de ss or' ,.. flntad.unctto.t.e,fit s Ie deeria, 'costume, and this tore ' exercises particular , care. id ottin the v best • and .latest :.desi ns� ' from ,tire g,.g,. ,pry,;;.,,.: r illi .,: ;.- ltadiip ;'mannfactllrersr • Our;i'ange •of prices.,runs from `35'cen . cup to. $3:50, r,,eptesentiing•. •spore . sty-1es„to-!fit. all :kinds of figures fron 'tho very,' slight to y _. y g :..., • the very stout, ;$ere ai;e a few o£ the lines we -keep; ~`w' A,.,.' .: . e oil: f . .�_ �T . •mss: 1y� _ x � �'. i,„:4,< '4.11 ont,t1 .acre.: t.5 v r test,, rit..Pro sect > st 1 .fits the A ure like a glove gi'.in. su cart and Y. o, g ..o awing pP comfort, pitce'$3r50 ' - waist,--arid--ton . -� -A T)ireetoire-St le Cossets lbp • Skirts, garters at shed; three;priees'-$1.00 81 50•and • 'AO— . 23g ri s Cairtets scsitl .of ;tlton , .ediorce C styles :..5 - :. .. _ d ,,r,;aislit x :'f a .:. wrtb_ktr,• ' long' skirts,.pi•ices'frQm-.$1:00 up•to•2:00 Low Price Corsets; several choice special lines, well • made, and good *eaters to sell : at •5Oc: • SELF-.AEllLi.9HC--Tape dl:a. n i}„e s i b to 25 at 3 c: tab RELIEF Hen, Gires, ior aixe ::, r•..:31, ssee'Hy eran.,Waists,,_size9 20...to 2 at 500, ADE sAt •...• uu -,u rn shoes r?. :'ordinary's r' � h.e �. ,•: e c a Wear :in. a'. •hit and p, h . =b_ st ` -owned oman in r. tow zs oo wea . ` stiz�ous': -about. . h iffier Her shoes harm. Qnize with her gown /and:, . head ear. Other" wise=she .� o�Lr1 bei cox ttl^:eciy<'gorwned You kiiritw, this. lady. 4Y' 3o.you know:why ale .insists on• LTiilclren's "1' itiOts'Woven With toupee and .:buttons 25 eta, . • Good Shape' Brassiere. 32 to x`38 price $1.00 Bust• Perfeetors for ,sl}ght`•" figures,' ptice 5O.cents, en'sa - eats'' We have just Placed:, in, • r((►►43: r� j ::VIONi.COLU INGLIALWOMAN SHOT r rte*+-••�'. ,.,« P.almor Cox hall ' been heard romp 'Howard 'l'lionigson, Aged 19, urns-. was 'Palmer Co , e 3air clrnow, who 1Woman� Wh a^sun + 1jli�icR die` i and Held in hit Hatid was Asci*: has not, been for gotten by 'the older generation 4f reeiriients,-'has written'.to tell cis• of his intore61, in the OW ,Boys' Reunion.. H@: has, it ,seems,.been'. talking ,the :matter over with his. own Brownie Alen; and found their -opin ions :to' be, quite- _as- £avo"rable As his own, In his own inimutahlQ wily lie reports. ,as' falldws: a meeting of the' Brownies, in which thy th,discu sed amoamongthemselves,,• Q:gaeat,evetl of next Ja1y'31; August 1, '2; 3s and 4. • The '.Brownies •bave somethii g tq, ssw_aboixt 1'hecl Tosr and ,hail`s' Reunioii rj They Brownies rnet as daywithdrew; And:'beetlesyeti pd. che•'•gab'ies.fie w, •., Ani% freely thus. e'xprerised their iriiud. About ut "some plans. o£ hutn tn_.kind; uaudone,•"We ve'heard the story new•, :Thatpeople now'h.iv c, plans in'. view, 4 ,� `1''o gathen.in one :generous: fold, :• 1+ ro_ni, every. •cl uartei•; young •arid olrl,. Y Wl o..ero they *ere• rxiehned ;to, '(Buse made ;tbis,-'$epo.y—Tow,n ::their home," ' 1e-11's:fire La elts ItelindO Shoes 'nted. no 'breaking in, •YOu can 'Walk ;as you'Ve.worti' thein, for' a ;month. ',..them-,:-Sa:much-superier t6 the.lnej4 best, ereat-Zr-lt,',deinand Ler voa want them in Black, - trt and kid "Tli • rtabl ou-_tell, z �,� .yam a r lwe. .r c 8 b. e no, eatdnng sight of the dun lunging un T'le"`Grandsiiea 1►ei''e'' �v'rll vre`t"the behind .the ".door, took` it. ' dQH�n' and 'rlld,m • _.... ;be an to' liaudle "it�carolessl � '1VIrs. =VRh' �e-as-a-bo :ltewgarnboled'round,. -� b y h .._. Finlay, cried;cfg:_slael.,:for,sop, ':and .when oo marble laid -, _ _ • ..: _ •Arftliote the liouies iii m tli'e gun went to .the floor, Where , once a Stump the doer step ; ,.+ A �--...�,>•-�,•.:�M: ,��..,.,r1 .. ,,. �._,,�. ,.r _•Dx •donned was••itnmodatel utn :, Uxuued crud pLonouw cd ,teeth due°' ,os - • '. _ > ;: ;. , _ lio abot rev=e%r� 1►c ' 1 rain avec .t hfr , TI O balle�th:lt in? deluirii uf£r�nd_blvly : ::: , p.. left. eye. Death wad instant .ueous ; Which proves; 'While he was far away,a Improvements kept pace with.the day," Coroner. Kennedy immedYately,sum�* Anotliex poli e,-`..° 'htt 7a .es �villwbe _ mule( a. jury,:.w.ho•viewet the body,,, .Worth cQinin :many miles to seq. and' adjourned until M'ondhy. at one: linkria .Me s"me o.•oieck: dentally Discharged; oesYurifread,. Maigz Stale* Too Soon WINGIIAM, Nay 6?V1-4lo h. n 'was deliverintgreceries at the home: sof Mrs: Robertson. Lower "Wingham;, •. at 10:30 this morning ]owardThpmp-. sou,' aged 19 „who comes frem Donny- brcibk, a few .:miles, from pore, took down a gun. from behind the ;door,, Insinediately there was 'atn explo- sibn; .and Mrs. Edna .Finlay, aged 34, who was standing on the table assist ing°her sister -in layv, •to paper th.'ceil- ing of the room, dropped, Off the table; ; dead , The word passed through'the town like fire, that •there -lied been ,q:. m.ur der in Lower. W ingham,and:, the ice with a large.crowd • Were >soon',at; the Scene of thed 'trage y 'According -' 'r '1VI s to tire .st:.Y of . Robertson, sheasked her. sister iii law to come over and help,paper"" .the kit chert.. �.. 'frs. Pirtle ••ha,d' en . .ahs.'•fios'e-" A y ; be ..,fin u -but a sort -time when; .the- 4recery boy came in with some ,parcels, $.e, An� t t. e• ' • grow st� le --unless Qt sparse,,: you JtnQW. a11.' �read':mu5t,rrt, ttme� ri. busy milk teeth. anticipate the, flight of days, But the trouble is, Mistress. Housewife, sortie bread grows, old x tlrrely _goes harsh,: stale, , turnbly. , grid, nobody likes scale' bread:- your folks dodge the bread plate; eat .gs much as is good. for t1ietn, but 'fill up on a more _extremity if. less susfainrng diet,. ,Sad':economy, Madam. l• 'There'll a. peculiar .quality ; fn the. That's the ¢ecret, Madam, of :the M• ' gluten of FIVE,ROSF.,$ flout:which. keepfeg g aljry of. FIVE ROSES makeis.YOUR bread' keep bettex, breadstuffs tantiefgo stale a -s quickl' as bread ` i• tiMike ,yoUR bead made from some of the frours oti �7,(ou do t. h 1• .. bread., , haVe known.' in ,tire past , . y Madam: to, have the, that like flavprw that freshness and sweetness; wl>ieh_ the - hest opoks: envy, that elastic.• texture and eri$p SES than:. ' . CAN D ,' :: flail crust? • t • ou see. Almost a week after bakc. y.. . day there's a feeling of` nio stne ' bye tips. of i _ss the P d''ia %fin ers'on the fresh ar. �: eirt-sur€ace, an actual• feel- , r; :. irr of olstirred"11isfYe i.._ m , • flavor to the 'hubgrY Pal :,a ., ate-- . .:�*, s 3•mti-j v�.�F•ac:}�'"u�, than usual , but at 'retains; : ROSES. the pmperty ojfeehng mmss eveir when' .'Bake -da t qubles,`consequent vice= ' a .great' .deaf.: bf .'the .. wa er . ha "` • before e ' 4eat... . _ "the t : �.. atlons,- vanrsR. hke•-mist b ..o a th .. � "-. :ersapomted; i risixrg sun_. • �. Of. course I•t doesn't crs(mbie when_ . AVon't YOU get FIVE i2OSES sliced even in thin 'slices.: nor .does Madam ? it tum off wtren_buttered -Y- MWonwtoge�ttt'�14W? ", ta,your loss' and sorrow.. Begause there's nrpre of. the .,earlier gluten,and better gin- r ;ten in FIVE- RQ `•seems necessary Thio„ is the;way of; it, Ma dam, Not only doe•YOUR loaf retails the actual moisture, LAKE of TYLE:N; 00S -14.11.,11.10:C0.• vditfr T gland's • sons, and Scotia's Xoung'.phompson was not arrested, .tame,: ',. - , .' .althuu311 the,. police are keeping in , Will never show.'in. better' fight touch'with him Than here, when ;sturdy nems unite; ' " "It is a. `,ase of crimutal' careless `bYitli joy the'Bovs and. Girls to`crown, nest," said ;the coroner," -Wi o're lcorned. home `rot, TZuckpow•; ;. 4 .,: . ;_. y.... ... .• ,.. .: _:; .. �V:3 ham -._Ma ...,9.�• -. r.:_bein . , ti 1;61., n .. ,. ovo .:.o _ r::Cu.6 e1$. bSol.o to free ..To�nrxr,.._, aP Q T' L.m.'"'Coe.- out-a-]ittlo 'tier4tlaari- halt`- an-. hour,.,' ' � the furyinve — • WIstigating the: death of rs---Ecliia Finley, wbo was killed by ., e.., ahe'ex losion of a un in the hands of : with nin led feeli ;rs the:- follow- p g '"� .,' g r , d .r I,o3vusd'Photn ' n cged'lg' brou�•htr .. .y. ', ,. ... .. l)so. r .b a a T. lit-. . w .. � � r . � � e � e ,WC!(111Q ; ins► letter 'from one•w�o was. expected .:.. , ; - • 1'oot in a unanimous erdi t that ,the•sh. to'be among ttie:-lia�:' � .. ho��e-comer's, ;• ' .. ,., ,R � • . .:'. • u and allowed tQ rt�,n.'do,�vii ea(:h,week dome-.to�our store'- ' �' 1 p) inn was accidental and that' oun p li d>aor. -has .been• receiY3 _ �_ .._, >r_.-- �.. < ..: : :• ;. .. :anal et time ads;w.hlch: aye i,�lnttfied b >'thelour 'mintites . . .,_ .,n _ � -:•- .-:. .•-...—Tliom.pson.:w, as not.ao,blarrre_• _•�. - .. •_.g .:_ • ;�_- , ; ;.. X— As. the xvi.rter . of th,ri lrttei is.,. well _. .:: (° • and secbrids st to ped- thereon.! `..rin pelf time cards' t" :tui • knawin -we refer to ubhsh• hm owr r l? P c•' , in d` , .: ` : i, - SEOPC Ott: is lotto is here i pr te. . . • WOrds, and h rri°`fia 1t �hn—English- CherriisCa4 Drs n—coverddd''How to: Grow. . � .d.�r ..6th,-_191-0�— : : -. Q�te`rr�rlle :e. tlime th leek Stop? Suninfer Underwear Heavy 'Underwear Seen. be dis'ca,rded 'and lighter • *Besides,,all,the alter lines 14 .or 81,00'pet Also ,boy's Jura range of,prices. room* OA 1 ed ht a 1:5thil hoose fire; on. (Mr 'Main. :andiS. being Sold With a gnarantee to, abundance, daintilrperfutued, -alenej•Mr-dreisLinvself. • for over „three . 'SALVIA makeS• a Most 'pleasant hAir Cold. wet • night 7Xovernber, N1',„ith.,--her mother last week; ,before taking UP teaching.daring .•the Sum -1 very. pleasant trip. 'The. 13litter Factory'''Stalte4' opera-, tioni !:.1.1*' Monday la,st, with Mr,' vale, *as in the Villa—go 'Sititrilay and friend, .he ;Lellidect itliT-liT:tere-oiond about the face, 1t was Very, dark and 1410 could.not see the-, poles.' Thii There were. Si.2 new . telephones, in- nesS of: NI,r; ,Isin,Ylor: who is laid up .aboi]t• the; retiniooutti;.,s ve,ry ,st6.1•1004infaar,fileis; f.rto,m.:teipt_t,ibnogy Ed. (lama with Pneumonia; • clue bills talien for goods. • was 'with hint for five years, Then 1. ,was.:twd years With Mr, JIG Clendto.,. there .for 14 years,. then 1410V.ed • te. lynce for ovpr,twentyl-ears. And ine hoes 'well 'and , .Wear, ,welj. • better yalue , .W0140; •The great • practical training LiwItAmil•:' 'We aasist grad- uates to •posttions. ' The demand urion Its fox traineil greatly' .exceeds the ',sum*, krhe three mosereceittly,placcd are receiving , month respeafully.: •13usiness Men' state our gritlu*s arc. the beSt; 'Enter our" elaSsea OW. • Get a 'free eatalog•ue, A. hteLACHLAN' which to' get your education. 0440,0* gnew, ana E. lickett b. high class work.' irltirty,foui bur students have latpiy accepted: 'good positions. 'rile«lentaird for open all xest.,./fmter new' gag, Auon,A and thinking o Xany; -of con rae,...th at were living in: fauCknoW in'the•••old have gone. trip,. Butom .dotibt, .f .Would have boyhood days.t hat '1:• not ; likely' .havc!theoppoqutlity of Meeting again, better vety'SoOn. 'Interest in UM great IleitnionWaxesi LaridLtor Sale.. _Pays And qirls' in all ptirts of the'. 3.?0 acres •of improved . land with, world ate' pottrirg, in, literally In • tor.; bu'ildifigs,-one from* town; in the, rents: The more, the 'Worrier; let Province of Alberta: and „ acres everyone weiterthtreyare* thousands broken, with buildinge`,.2i miles from came h letter from Mr; Th. J., • Sandie, Ala() 100 raereS, good' buildings, in N'ortheili to.v/ii;' Said Mr. Sandie,' Dungannon and 9 miles' from P. R, ain•pleasecl. te. known.tbat the Old station and 100 acres in the' Town. the" atuae. , Wisii the; lteunio4 every ten acres of fall wheat. an fail.pYough. .atal:aan„Itaattre 1004 .at'. 1114 dorni buildings new and first elask, .tettdanco from tsivoially Owners of locar farms. going Wd:st,' and higher. ' Letters feoM Old tewatas the akin a drain on am ado thole, oSyn fuel 4114 agroing, to. vocato. btoe, goo coplea bi saine prbited. ,:„, • .$300)0 . yitha Victor or Berliner Grainophotie You will hpte the *cricrs hest music, interpreted by thd•WOrld's greatest artists; always at your totimahd. NEW bOUBLE SID40 RECORDS -00e. for the two. .Send 90c. andlOc•postage.for sainpla 'Record., Agents Wanted Eyerzwiiere. 18/61110 1111016\\11 •