HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-12, Page 1ic 7
0- 1!
T- WA& A
Ak AL iA "44
'U iope
Uight,,. Ca1l:s,!ld.,1pv,,a,,
vo Y.
r-, �y
A It
The vegt1_.
helome Of
w. C. T.
ilar int,4011Y 2 NS,', ]a K
jili 1�� held 4. t
"rge:,Oftson- HOdOck St-, on
at three Capit:�J'� P4j4
edsdayAYr4ially invited.
-Ed ard'L -the. Seventho King of Gre.0 offt pas*. W d
e�mring )TOIApt Y ona", Tlob*4 110spi
successful in the
a0 his
_-re.e,,.- satisfActiciA -9uL her, f i0948 in.
the grea"
_t among 16ck:on, Friday el s pow pr�
At atne �o c ORQ ?"a
iphepybig, t. ot Of, Y��hch s. '*n Cana g914 mead world I both t '�ipal, Cities in
rening in 'the, PXiq I I&
th the V� �;q
,the 6thi. t4e,,mouri.
as -e aid an ho. loft UW
Ig tU Cligirh b. 11 atAq,. Ed 4;tb��.SeVe th son a
w I L. I N'., G
hw�of �thii traipOlting A N.
N. , T
Thb �Upk��
it event., i . 111; 'toria, the' G4d.
'urr 6a tW "D IF4� PA
jiataii� Aenti V
Q1. 4016q, ARUM
Adam� 014pi''
rea Y� 7an
atiLde. But at
Jja� , , , * ew&had arrivq Y;
:30 h- ii6f6rbi'thia d' b -BY'Satur Y
wn'a . atal I
M' rpst A 6*e4'a hi M e;
Aa mornifik last. th� �rhdle,
V -
Is tors ':We learned
it is safe to
't;' ng
Id had 7 U C. N
Tblegh%pb,*hd, *hs, , of Efig was ai!ild, R.A X C 'IT
the, V.,
U .�say that iio*here; bui-
w'wN 01411
nT. S.
A�:.hnd usic; deadl was th6 news re, -
chiiit clubs,
x great" 'Visible 404 Alowo other - t n Xegr0-
id with feeliu�
o late. eo. 'Greer 6 h 0
ra plg ty,,mgment fall Qply,as 1be ast me Q. YUV
e0tioaA -Of
uman _ravicel- a
"Ire now, ..QXRL
orave. _WdfJL thank 'their, man' qiiiaher of the h
7 be Ofworld-wide �'i�pire, h
r giviE
go which, represent ":,�g �ihd.the g _111. it 3 Ltation as
-and "the: -mvancecl iwyeoini qver-.. now d WU una-sild
Id pied x -position as q at, b�rea' an 4ok k�94 ia� the besg't6ndi
re 0 VIJ&U.q&� Mon �k eveningi a pears 6 have
d beed �eminent.
At, a moeting'.011 hi 4,ceage fell'like 'a as -had ever fallen to the lot Of PAY mall-,
own Hall. AppT
Board noVi6leement, of a examp.e c -ir to New T
yoqn- d
rarWa,j. !or nizAd,, for the position. As N xt Opo
a king he wor J. eIk th an
ixe were elected cibill" ipon. Old- and 4 Re. M, e to
ar. Office as
the curient Ye
Wn h rdegkeet;,vf+-'
8 7fe ;X.vAttly to his, 'his' iter6stsof
J. G. opularity . ampOg we qad'good.
title 9f.,
-a t C
conditioni butinoit success 88 %O'wIa or
mv W;tno
-G. I Smith
book'. cbmalitt n on; espectable mardt., Upes�cemaker;" in dba nk v 41i'the' mdft
-the to
be *as appq herelit ineve,
loyalty iiii
7 it -F. riat-but,not 1�ss t0mi4lificd-,end; st b
Inh d pl4e un-:
ent,that has� social - - I V Xuixiss, Luckn�,W�
Of h
amund.th6, name is -revered.
It N usual to ascribe:t6 those in Ear Vittori. a? this was du& And,
T�Visf� an
Yirt itb�. W
imconi 4
li ed
loudl aiteA station ues ad qlat d
e'en if -notL y or -openly 4isp lauded.ag
aIt.'is. rumore niournflil as. ocia �#6n the vicious ba7e - been Slk good iitsulitfis,. stedy-�'
T on the7latroet0i 'the: to hAve meat, 'wages'. 04.50, per
-men of �.Luckh6w, wre' 600teu good.- -KI4 ga4aird -day of 19121L
t,,. L f death were net , the 'less him; C. Sheet Metal
suinme -hours. ..-Cor
sas r. tions Of. his 0 WhOL. vanQouveFj
rip 00' the�Atlahtie'thig, ddat deserVed the go6dtliAtw%4 said'of -245
felt by thiise;t that. hid. 6me to' the Workii Wialk, to, at;Mto that We: con h
not since, he, co
to serious. P .,Stews#
throne, has he been an gee,
I d' -be�onxa
-late thbm'on the prive,e g% a'�.:
at hyAU was;
'no Ut 4he- tn=.n0qm6t-
line'. offer afid the- idverse. driticism,
p ggs
-E 6-f
al*ped 'ift toir� :_*iadows, brW Wited Ro&$', ".50 de
b; f-Requiese6it in.,Face-" men, as Well women, wept OPeblY in- 0111
w4da' 0 e�t
Such p, rsonal;�60usiderar Pet
so'emnu er6fiees'were,
'd itA 0 d h A w
-; -an P_8 es 1194,10f 1, - A Highest I
epulp 10r,
'3id+ 4 a Sunday Mau or trade
H "and
loadoh,-ConfIL' On MA
appeard, to have mW
'A-.- M of the -Lo r
ilf the
ea IL ouse- t �f Sale
JOd nglicii in -manner an
bewining App
Mary X. 7, ffis1ast. audible words were� G*W comfortable stable4 tolbi.',Joidaii, jind Airs
ki�g D.V. 1A �,Luck
W daughter Of
d e. in,
t, ty
fir—at oRe --olir-Ae F9f
W1_ U w 'not'. beebsese done
duty Ott se
Spers 49e
my N
Danforth, -pas that-wo,
Chridt,- Offidaiing- f' the'late", We -'fed that"thei-are above with �ko'd at"
3arn, ieh
oun, tchen an up-stodrs ote -P
'Was brone _on rE 20
veddid-it f WWII;, twcc -r
ad1iis ying, hourk as, I I barft.VVith,
1h 1aniiie in Wi
ited oa the 3fd in8t. t stable$, Underneath. 9 143 acres
hamber. .1 -p*', 1841t� id mcdiiidi0a,th�
h 92nd of iaauu� igdi,, in hia of land, a gbb&,spfing of. witter - 6)se
"tb�..V It' thillot' has been t e
; L ouse neF diffe h6rth Of n
Age; of Abbie r elefli 'Year. ilis death h '�o o# office
no to
-JJgL gra*el' :App y to
h irge L
Joel Stauff . -L
Albert his 'eldest livi
er, iiceo�l. Ed- - at �DHN 1101 U6
to little J
no 4�
-he -kingdamot-genex-
ymoon Itilp -to -�of 'Ability W-
-be--,qossease,d ood fo -Sale�
r in.witich:w r6gae
uan He
ta',e .111 thei andi d qual to: that of his father - , -dry'
_64gh, , e
-Ab6 lifie A tity of . mlo&
�7 0(7 6n-bedsions-li has,_-,g1-veu--- ' 671 _L —
Is om o q
tab anv- lien
FiJt.,hq:-W'fiO gov ascel!� "of !:�_dence -1 _reLsp__ Wood' -th
t Aow POV greaes
the throne lft�y'easily e the' up rs require or er once..
r is tri of, a few'.
f the Queen!p ountry.
The Regimental '..Engliih
arppss . : r. stol?- ', . . . as afte' Whdt,*imp. , � . , 0!& own Badd Cmlij A: page b i
th" �,cf eorges. J09N.11
of the lim
f Sih ad
, . , , , _ .. a �� in , rs,
L�wr.40 . , I , -- 'been turne,
0 Aifies- Of Can a 'has 'been -lieeu ri7, . I
car a niGe ; '.. t
turned h hoind' of. death. t hin
ohnston- left on'Tuesday'.46,r Y -7t
unt 91,
-to Sul Luc�aow, t
hilosopheraL -.of, pre-emmen f6r Ha'c
qd by, the Re '01 he
On C'6'a'a'tte6i to play hen'' . ositio
hiotorI74 -_-_-'__----t 57., ae.w6ids, George V 7W Vhitt.Wyand6.tte" ot,,trip -it�uniatt,_w6ek.- ... i.
Inoift e.-�ACt_ a
W century IT, �$U�ce f Ki fig" etal � .,-h
and as reyiew,-, ( I I . eads, thei�. peni.,;-. 100 dozen eggs
-here on' t lkely.prove
-*orth�. swr o
is ibipped-a `carload: he.Bind ill arriV6 h a
..out by t e'�tests.() tIMP ria. sitice-Japriary.,-1iont 30,hen... Per dozeni.'
on', U6 dsy� a4y.atte ar
qr at
Ab�oe4 �io he rn give,,band 0one t -ifl� Victo
i n(
Oil I
0 ibe Skatink. Rink, found' as
aemeribo o, A. D Vbr p art culais apply
st �Moiiidiiiy eve0 0
Auust Tu6ax ay, OuNmEn, -
r,o -intMentS Gall play all
H;., ta , , - - "Of :,
me , i L theat' in
Ticke Caledonian Day -degree
1�aji4 it
e k 9-.-EL0PEMfiNT-,.0F .-ELLEX co _n iea(�4e�_the4ik46
-2&-=d-35O- — . . ... "I'll . I. ' .* . I I . . . ., I... ' ., 7 slectola,4 concerts. i VULU ojp"� ow I
ens ig C Pe eqUUM.UMLY WILMA
ob �d rat ingL: tiak on Tuesday. night.- ThA r
ere y- gi:yea, or Xotice is h b. apa
for _tbe
L. FOR. tAD7
f th�IVUlAgii re8 for
Spence.� t6 be; cong6ttul o*. oecurfikg. the Dramatic purchased from
Sta tionery. is',kept,"16r, 040 Qixeen'9 OWaL.., -one, 'd
a thq, beat A',kare tre�k. i - r6d� f
Bandg t' i�., b toniminication ow �_,pre the
count ti en Ywoknow-an '- iid tY, A6111or tbw T dwfishi� of
R laied Company.
RE -P Gi "di, J AtihstiO44' fn� t -hi jo�'Dominion:;, mud--tho In our itock is7
ly -UU%x I entit!4 The�, Mope-' 'to
y t,he Luck no -held -at
b� �d
an ental 7of, tho.y�!,,191% will the
ded-unath er Idwava- up- -date 7 IL"p. 1, 46 -1ave
rros. utift Ci Wasillp nalli Glyroudjun
Tkelo&Vea n
e: e d MUM. -hour
. . .. ... Manitoba tan -th6 pride. of the 'Of Ell(;a
a, B 6 Lockets;
r. �*O. I N&tnern -daj of May; at. the
New' To. the,%neulbdrs: Lov6. Dmm to and Lockets;
oPper tan, o'dock a. in.,
of sp, y mdow an cop,:
96nday eveni - ..: , mberd
h Thur eveningi.. U0 Ia. w b�16 Ciedi
0 Ic to S e tile w on, A V les take notice nd
pig, nexr,. T, e, �.4 f th
i.-nf Flea.11 -xilidly'Permit th the -Ndw -To n!* idli he :Part' ihtir6ated
1-:entev- - Women'5
unroiak IY-.
tbo, Matter otthe EaU e, arT -A 'wort i Leag"Une wi I
Lucknow. OY irl's' it -govern lemse
n ay evening, a n
HallfPT.hur�d -6r 01
in:.th6 4ay;, of. a V6eAl News seht a 'ri lution f
age tsiamont ance.Uniovto Pre ro
iho Vill
me . the �q6`enes -and
us 'derati6n,, _cbucetnink.� Summary of Ann, I'd genoine; dramatic. treat. Po' hi, your dornes cougi
Ta t' how t it; paper ill t
se Ro. PFkXil, C etk. .0d ..
d who a'v -.0
enjoy- your' has been, brought to if;
e 4unty per..
of Lucknovr lrk: bei or �uisaocemhibh
-co 6t its politics, ill
how Jt will stand on'� thO 4.4estiop - of 'noticeo whereby. -the, bo�g". be prevejited
-runnhiv.-thr9ugh.privae, pro 'h C
t pired, 'to sak -froni or& oi6d yoiqng U's
hat- al petr Ellen,, NOW,! hes, p aying games
To*mH1tll,L Free- Trdde, *6 areap pre of Revision,,
NotiCn'is. hereby given t -�ept df, of -Vol 11., 'atd Ijjound� churc
Elopei qgue Ia
ing 'Old I -PPO o y
ny_,claiws' r f thb contents .4fter- rk and. Ufid*,,'
'Ia Of BpYs He- t an outline o d - using,
"a he de
j.,S)iephardi_ nat a Court.
AD St. is hereby �kl�efi
-d ev�.spaper -tig'iA A wi e;
M wk'Aun Ha�ilngs wh6 a the ae� x , , U
1Th 'be umber 1, is. ere gi en: behavi an ungen enianly tninner�; b'
died�dn of,abbut the, eenth:L - 8Y, union. pIaiUts,t6.Ahi§effc thif', steps ai Ten Eychj 9, c um, of Robert 8. 'to . r'.thb RevisionL- the 'Assessment
the Mid, Vij*0 k' ti 'IFU 'M- - , 110meseeiters, ticursion tic ets I" -Single- Copy 1Y.Cts an(! we thillk.it me tj OU W
S. rck,. ngaged t� ax
ke County of.Druc *t!d and Alberti, eagge, L10know k,to-it6othese DbrothY Ma
�Manjt takem
of,,M_L b - �ill �.be.
of Li;c now, It i�Bpworth I
0tario, i noali for! t e year
k required-to,.s6fid, ob%, Sask.6tChewau "to
;e 6iTij M�%y 3rd 17th ind sistp 'will be 8 6,&bek it.1iotbi`Lwtse.f(ir_. you* rs, For 1, .hold
Monday byeAU4 Y serta
provAnce 0 the , uix lotice of- warning in the SLUI4- Hav, Thursdisyi, ':May,,
F in A , , f-
�by postprepa or ;&6 .,U�poer, Lake to it. wou e ro '06v :w49 at the T
J�VeS liati,
ald -all Tail Sall"tot Ai r I . I" t!`Y',
d or to deliver to Jufle�' 4hill, WeU68
sod going. 11 la, �peela � I
de,tsignedi, soli, Editorials ' . ' . .6 -191 a 0
an us�to
nd rn inZ e, arid' b]
'r have. h
titoi -lieriln for Dou ation ]Do you wn at doitik some t' on for
�aate_ Of, at.Aam,e_.ra.teA,. fia Orm te 'whiatle, blo 26t k the iiour: Of to
ldtdn,to e-ce
Is -,Ann, I1asPng§,, their 7-- at u 901cle&-a&a, A. M.
the - dou e
h phn, liumei Re( Akfiel?.
'-wrid he'stigets',afteir o
PdkS��&Jsi Society 0*8 -6i of St.
xy , I I . , oy S
and full,particulats in ng Ticket Agent� )�ucknow Dft t Nrities nterested' take noti�e, a�d L ,
- :.: , -W SO- b
..of..thtir._cIdtns_An V. Ign
n�ng.jrooxa Mrs Ford' jy 10611 talo-
accoints and the nature, he Page tfit W.C., T, U.
Act of Xrs'.' Fotd`6 94i en W.S,',MGCAQ8TiE, Clerk., -if any. 'fiel I d b theln' the Presbyterian -pulpit -oil Sunday Burst of Meldox Song ftlag� 10 N
Vx - hoiro
Y f PS
AND that a ter, the -1,Lst. Rev. Arphibald-GiAam, B. A, Urs. R. T.'Philli' k
a XOTICU the V1--�-Siory Page '�:qr. Sec'y.'
-Nineteenth ddy'of_ Way, 1910 said, 6f Will preach dext' Sultdayi ts tte' a. iii the nekt da�i
on -oceod to dist.6- Will �ft d* n -PP� d -on thb, foll6vA May , 22 �,FunnIi*ram0_1.,, '140TICE Act 11—Same�' liel''ili. the 'eyexlin
g "a
6,nJ&,Wr oheof Dovor6ourbo; 0 ]1 . 11 _F
buie"'thd assets" 0 Rev. j.. A. y give not' h - f the,iw�e day Woo X—D ay Ads. The Council hert iciD t t in In ii cdats: nd
aoi�ltg-teersons entitled thereto; bov; persons Place;—Pl(iaiant
111'ettheSanivero.4 Supp ispl at aftv
j,�f Which' Toronto,, will toad ry leme -boy or boys, 'yersoo� or Switzer of the TOVAishtp:
Only to the'c W York! C
ing regqr. a that' sets comilained, Xe lom
i have had*utiC6, ih - dervices-'; Ifurod Old 8 Excur go of�'. the Tim( summer of. f Kinlosoi in the County of!DrXl�6j. V� shall thet gill :,Wi I . . .. sgilig 0:
pa w
aTh, I
'd Donald Paterson Will not'be th .'AcOrdiug to
the jol Mr. George. Matheibil'and daug toiri Th i toya, Association ofgbill� i* de It. i commence' at 940 �Yeonuih 'deceased.
i9f; the'. said assets or any' pait 26. 4�d 34j.
.0 whoge claith Was Mary, Jeft fO1r,WO6dstO8k, ffin r, Mission 4�d 34j. otice is ereby, g �iirfivalli t o
�IjYL peisons will un eir Anfiaal shar patte f
oOhl 0 R.
Zhdr�of to hgp-129-tmt--iki-i-pergoitii-haviilg
fhe -aall 4-d6day-uiptall
Urc. estrA All e -listate' of the said �printsi: MUslinis' 'and,.
))attd 4C 16ticknow this. 16th day ,of liendthe juimdr at his old home in xrday$ July' Didd Important: ]9e'on tilifte', ciainiff -against th
sat gth, d
dine on -WiIIiAui-ji3.,Sw1tzer0 who -died
Wswsnos1r,`on- La:wns�
s'Will' Z il.: ;1 `
April A. D. Two peels wed in berioti"Eiblo. Seventh day..df July A.,, p.,1909j are.. fe-,
L*As.� G.: LOCK visitith frie '�,fn.Chit*90, III# '1 280 rgq Il tie allo s see, June
ad Station' at, 1;j5 a, ni.q.North Nok, Thuridtgy� prX F6i , futther particular 4nired on or,bof6re'the #frst
uaW10t, Toro' pto in. his"79th year.L i eajoi this play.by ile,with A000 Harris Of
oil, 16th, at' reet, . . I .. A. -DI -1910P otices,
issued. Coweand to I
lclt6r for Doffal r few black 4, pate son'. the Nd con. sch( the. WS 'th ifter go or wi -tUe::-ku
ar. Bre The Godetili CJiJ8KjYL' Lucknow, 011, t dramatic talent; ob., .11olitood, Ax
ment With full'Virticulars
will tiko thiff lead 'but -will it for- Pd I Ag"ne's - Wdt� 10,' sligiled, A state
a $uadq, , ky ajaabj�b 'Clallas -and of alf -the it ip ey, - wi ph" anaL
p �oath Mission n Train of their
wets Cfii�i and tfi the Kid6ardi e li6t, of jhd late John 19 �thLth (1j'any) and tha�t atter' the
het 6irs, 10 dayff. b held'! t�
A of se� e&utif U'l and wjbtic effedti. Are o
�gt place to pr�sent the 0antata all 'its? ]Long We
,aft, aged 83 Y -said da(`6 the Uxecutor" wilt PrOdt
)rder )ping a te the assets4tr
A , mission 10 cents.,, brifigvilld, Inta lue Long the persons
nQue6n# . 1 I'm 9 'Of" distribu Aiig.helst inarket'price
Thi X` A Tial on. Aidndoyj t�alnd&))y'atiiining nearly all kio 0
d 9 gard OnI to
ho�.cboilcb out Will sop at. Palm6riiton, and' all stot- ay 9 Mary McRap, elov6d we ��he eto, Vin
ttiolls slid bt woodA., The ho;n4o r -the wOc entitled ther -e �aU!.
as to 901011 .1 the
ofis wife of D. T. so
ins _h the* ihal
n, or spring k ye ioits tiorth, Ti#kets, oVtkepzie, Aged 1 69. h4lid' mer. the Anish. W in
don 1 1. , the :flakes and
do;�Orai 8 ialiS Eart E, I 0 'noeticcletims of WhI6 MuArat -S
ihoaiio611006 84irgeono Oculist, S&dkl Traind On yJ, and to,retura, o dol, urrowai of
to XOd AY, ro. aq " Nose.aW'ibroati k 'be A-V the Cain yea, at, witighaos
,fooWitided d
1lifty dh hJudoomely Igiraill W
J _;r
a*4_- -on;--th V
$1,80; C Thoadqs: ` May -26,L tine '.20, bildretl of ThOMALS
r. Jo Ag-, The a . . . . . . .
W#gpoperly fittedi L faili �d
god, Rt3tqrn an
(At -cataract and -deaf 9 ed: 3 Yeats
M Adults, 02.05,
...... .. ... ------
0,4w - 13 UL%UVOU. -A'
bo Uldde"
eryp6*41 ki;, Ed, on Vhaltg toward 16 If , on It* sido t 10 r own ?UV1 and ogrcoh �h -4 of samo and'promptly o
coptcd,mid lnatruqtpd
T, 8 the. t'i avo 200,ftie� -printed# d lid
Oki Ilotiqo�