HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1910-03-03, Page 6, ..tix4-wa, . ot"wo-Rov-voiti- . ONDE1 .14, 1 IS lq$:,, 1:en:y...:14. ::=18;le snveossid .. „ slir z imbue attending g.ri,. w44te, at, tb.er,PAt *04 liy:esi)nr: DF**i. :Ilia; 311100,O*,'Wite-. Vfaa, ,-f li.atelQuga ie inkin-0, diet.: -ben: i': ''... 7 04 Fires IL RelrOlVei. AVM* direetione were-eikrrieo, out 4. ,deapak44 froa, xivervine.* aa. RAPVEININGO, Vxtp1t' ALL orvn . • Witll 917eAsing the weight anskstrengt4 et . , .•-• risoni.wite.01 a farmer 'realding .--ii. .144,0411,40: 441r1:90-01,1141.*„0: ,44. 71.1. it4, ,ted: two:Piles - from Sfeinbacki. 104 '' - .11ifondkpr„ ufere Ilad - a narrOw Telegrn.l.dli.:04.erei;t41!7::ry tont: ,O. a, Oir'n - . ... • es..ftepixpol s,e, 1:0.1110h0:tiag 700u, rleeredvibt: '&1;7 -- - -Other CntnItrieS ar".• . ' Lespateh, (rem' ..Cittawit, says! val. in capae4: an,,Ythingln, -XOrth . ' Hi& 'IrF4li."°°"gSt . 0 ri t :Pre !I nel 1.'t !th hl)tioC '71? , . - • .. e.Ottatti between tie ° Canadian Americo: . A$. **it of fnrtiter 'O.- Eathaatt et the 'IOWA VoluathJe ;ing in lbe.bonSe,' After the dOOtOr ' OANA`DA: oira .- ---W,00cl-fankrius Oat- 'am: „in try -An- anad, thu$ oom- . 1Q"ei411" ats ' ' b 1:::::".1's::.4.i.i4p.,:t4lo..1461.6isIv:cautt. ebr... ,. ,a;hde. :build 40,40 444.4lioto,a4a,,,- 434.41Q...,,,:ito YOrmtlerit and Tepresentatfries. of courogint the Ostablishment r)f ;mph , ,. '',,.. A. wcorepinr4las,-413e.e4i4ormod to ., .."4.4e$Pat4 traM Vidor ii,;•ri3., *4': 4t:41:4:F9'3"th a ."'43.1141r.'418 .14e •;iah-- Aipbuittling .' firma, --•inehtdin*I .,..)Pletin.,JC 014::02110111.") if igtn•VIkaladiall ThiriAnd 4 Wo.' lit of Beltaat, ..and. Naval 'iletenee; - -tho -430-Yerninept PO4;41 ' •stivAatea• tor, . .the 'PDX*, :hullet. laughed through Dr. •,;on, nost, four oinious..,, . ....,. , .. ,.. • irfokorstaolle 44' Ilaxiiit, for tho es-.. Wili,, it is unders,tood, ahortlihring. bought down inls.th.t. .11ritialt. CO- •tott,s cveek";.i,pang,•4'painftil'buk The Ontgrio Goviv.nmen4 may iialt' .:_tab1ii3,1Ament of Conatlia,n, ,shipyards 'crown a bill ,inereasing. the. present Itgohla 11.4*siature -•:Pix- .TliruU.I.Y.), tib .da, goroua ileSfr,wolind. NO.,, the , paas,age of ,inunigtant,ii ,r,'sady to alladrYdochs, capable of construet, subsidy', granted fo,r ' bndklIng clry-.. shquf that the .9.0i7erareent 1li,04,ld. charge as; as 24;01.4 been 'aid .a,gainst take .position4.-aff dOmestipsii, • ' 4*-PaCI °Pair- 404Q 1arge4 °geall''. ckPks, "It'is MITT three. .per . centto e0.4.Pad' cover aoyea 'iniiii.414 '464 the; wou d,he . murderer. ' " , tong, yog,04., ;mad of Inliiding the, v4,494014, for ty0Aty y.j"%rEpl, on 4. tilree• .linartera t.biS.k.earl. as' ePTE/' • . -.'-'•-.T-,`.,...-4.41 • — - iltOn(1.13%arda` t1Offl(iplInsstel:ol..P.,rd by thvido arol. ,.,00vos4 fle,,,,r1r.e.elfi of, the .Cana.?, ,thaxikraum.expenditure.ef .1. 500. 000, Pared 'With: an estimated' expeudi,.. „Bgtiiag.. sgrat.R.S.:;00310,0., .4 tax rate7Of 21 ° thing. '• the sanit.'ai ; `Lbait• navY., «bll.YO. been uod.Or' NY4Y- Parliament will be asked to make tu•re .at '191./r lititillioP sitv 4111.1'11'0i' ' • ' .- '.4:.- . - ' .Ttlat year . . • . . . ' '. • ,' '..,"for. aeveral, inoptlia: OA,- It is :0,- it t.00e.`P33(1 ailag. per ‘..6,1b., 'per thousand last Year.- ',The' great in" :$rilitatirSit..E'Arif Will ,l,wit i'll4t,01.4. ' 'Port; .Aithll,rqs: sin:ding. a 4:ifat.40X . • .. . •PC'Pted 'that an 4nnonyweinent, will .aniinni..ifor twenty-Oe-,Y.gkr;', OP a Qretaaa is illitli. ilie l'i.?4 4. r6atts,.. . , ,,.. ' .1.90'...*0.,,4 , :‘,..... . i.911, to' AO; th:b Onfigrin (4b•verninent. shortly,bo ;wide:that a rrangeraents totalexpenditure of probably three ,a;dges. and, wbarves, rresentrn.... oc,,p w'er .to have. the eity:go.h)rn•-. , baVe. been completed for flie '0410,1 Millinns. ' ,"....',. . - ',. ,:• * ,......:7. 'f's7O. Tglillion•eigil b•ondredAMISaFtd . ',*A d ' Ili . f ' 8 'xtiiani-it: 11, .td by '0,..nompliasion. «. espri...e ... ...., Torn ou. . • n o . i-raiji•W-tiMincli, 84715'17A- 13°9In :in ..11gF'a--. ..1The '4 eilit*.eii :Ontele'h(i;res ....bV . ii4innent by ohe or, other of' these .':: A, steel- sbiPbuilding: plant tor We, thi5 year;', iiiitOad.,..of'.--one, • 'OaraPariies . dfl'a :134;,eel.•, sliipb,alltrliag ,paomo ootvat .i.s WO,, - eOntelnPlated fOu4. nandred :and. eighty Jhonnang; -ben. 'W.. Comada: hta been -"Sta1te... i.1, t•I;(1,.:4•fiiii:Pitoal -00. tr• ;•rtt. ni,.. ePitt..,:ries;ilti., „•Plant. at. NOntreat, Or Pne a the .hY a Arm of 'Canadian CaPitatists at last : year'. « • According tee'. the eSiti3-iitteartroe cittYth11:,4"gtIvAaltm; yn,....t ars117a,:c.i.t.is.if... 1;1 ni.t.,w•a...1i.siiuisilauts,eotf,..o.y.1,3012cioldiciiod... i:., ,i4 .,Atlantie enaat..'pOrta* illien will ri-;• 'tagtinnalt-, British ,eolvmbia-. -Mategy• trIere Will.'be a clefiieit . • by settlers 'tor. .. ., . •.... tr-ir,7•`!, r, c,,,i4- 7,7,, ,,,,,*--, • ' ;;•13,,Zi,C;',W, tag,r,,,,,,,EL •;”4•,..1_,T-,..*•474,,.,,!4otl.x..-...,,,,,,,',olioo•ortoor,,,,,,,,••,,,v„, . ' t,bl;c "(11041102.2;!La--ffiilli°4-4111 ' 171•6geFP..-ePts ..w.l'..ere ' : " • „ewn• who took part in .the recent te arly Completed, British Firm. vats 55' PTIOvictim or at; • c-4.-; reS. 2 61, 3 p2inutits and drink Inore, and rest •in. • 1 agaand SQ ,inti a full quart • has been taken as soon as it can • DIET °V "STRIPPINGS" IS Al -I4 be eonvenientlY„ In about fif,teen 1,48.3t 31/1.1i, -minutes.' the patient should eat at , tss e revel% s -arc; intftqllfi,V,.7,- ‘....1-.... •1441,&' "."-oti, .401:-'1:44‘go ' ' ' i ▪ 1.••4=24.4 - :eV .14niii‘Sales :aver tatimatedj-td froni..now until the mid,r1,143.'of April. give nuke. itoptnn Un& a, hof inst'igad r.Ca;rolininsiiaiiiiesjoneortra:.,..Coo07in,4b:i.p,atnw,d',Hoxow .,- .oth'61,:s ..ivr...i3.....iieds-7.7447.7.7,.. -"veil ' ,,,,•,. ; . . two years each, and about forty of $756,666 ai last ea to ' :' -1- 'visit to 'Canada. tO' lOok 0,ter the gi- ..7--7:. taation and fix Make arrangements Mr: .6.-- T• (.30.hxt61. -will 'Pe •thse ::. 1. ' • for the reception of th,e. emigrantS• the ;death. of ,5 his ..dactithir, f.tetu courty-,,...-,.-7 -5"-rz.--,,rlot•-• lor.=---toptraeted,„..tig.....$4, ' .. - A bill hers' been introduced int Manitoba Legislatnre ,• to saucti • • Haluilton Hospital ernars' for DIaDDED 50 r HAIR. 1ticisumitd*tagme4-414.4ho'...-s t • . • nia h. At noon ;eat' as'asual. Ilunaway-A-PeliTetrat001$ . , Oeneva, hen the ..sti.ippings are not al- . , ' lure of a Woman. Four-millioadoltar (loalPanY's Plan . Foiesboic An% tre4,ted.,Ilt.- With Best lowed to cool below- blood heat and A cleSpatoViroin Brn*A•ul ,..te Reclaim • eir-aftenrit!is-niilke_diXis's Snlith a" initatedonS A«. despatelv from Nloteriai 11: .1testilta. a full"-ltia,- rt -will, be: -transferred. tseape • on :•Thnrsday beliAg4.0ays t-. A, toeii "Company is being; the„.rnost certain .inethod. ever to. the circulation in a-renaark.ablY killed in a rtmaway aapident,.. th.e purpose of ainett.g. optod, for. he cute of the•.:,Great short time. • ' . 'overtaken': MI' crossing b_Y; •for dnelr aPeotarnoda.- in;_the,,44ot never have seen a .caseiloot could ', b:dorse. \attached ."..to a cutter, Tao tion in the 'innet.harbor.by unprov- liSed a's,. Per directions given below”! fake 'the stripPingSiYithOuV.:ally dis-' point of one of shafts -penetrat... ithe, for e•aio.r.o.„.•,,, !rho amounc. of wbieh aria' dOmfdr.t. worth mentioning when ed her"hair, which .was .hrrplY•done fo.reslibre •reelairned:*Ould-be •over I cOmeS Within. the - teabh . of .the .poot abOve.' directionswere • followed in. pads. . Hanging by her .hair.;,, ..aa ;well aa., the! • • : • . Strictly, although. some have cle.clar- she was-'dragged-Jtilly„-'"00 feet be '. The° Modtis '"operandi is, to force ed they :could:net before trying. it, fore the horse: came: to a,,"Stop in.a. the '',Itedy to 'take, on fat; a desider, but when , ey e aped -Jo ing. , or atitirtadng,,,fek by the Medical pro .« an • hour, and ;the rnilk had fes,06-if. but ever Toyer . before. '.attaincil'. cooled. ten' degr e . I ha v el- se en-lial 4.• • • '''" • ' • pint .inaketherti• Very • sirek.-.., Duing ".the -last, fifteen 'years.1 TBE GREAT SECR1 ye, • pteseribed.r..thie diet in d la ta s. d here diree- -suceess With it i's• in taking it j: .Margitrate:Says [IudsQn's: Bay • • from: Su.dhiii:y.' lays ; effernee.;.* but the 11.40!strat,se tOok ti� eo• Manager of the view, that the real.. offenders were Viso' hrancly •of. the..Hudson'e Eay the $ 1.34y „c0,, who act .02.ef,'VO'IilICkin411.414e^,ref: the Opted ithe4titaii.oiad ine -134. 4ned thOi;lfirAt '40.fr.V;W:g? ,nie*' in .*BildhUry • . on Thursday, a :fine, ..C„roWn ,Attorney for, tutal•of $0,1.50.and..enst5, tWentY 'the PrOseenOPII,,.. explained: that 'Train "Was-ouly. Agurehead, and . teoiar,y, This.. is a. fine of $5%.and the :Hudson's Bay Co. Were glad costs or each the 123 beaver to get the fprs. They had been con - pelts Seized, 'or tvio. Months'. un - Yie,tcd. time and agaiir.Wittiont of .. • • • , "p on each char e the Nit,. It will. cost the, lIudson, Aerthe-te *r.an '.consesatively. The Co: about $7,000 for the 1.1:3'..beikvei .10"wyer. for ,tne.defence, pleaded for: polls; valued 'at., abetit'. $1-,00.0,' and: as WS; was.,Ttaire,S. tho wilf•Iie contiseated. .. • . . .. , . . • yea's and six Months in the Rani - Til 1.7)%c; REPORTg rnow, TuE .LEA Dip; G 311/..-,-0°NTall'taE--,.--ANI04.,' , 177 ----47cul - to-f6-444er ivvbh'Ritr: 4Z4.4itrf:C fiffiratiEfificeatifirWxf-1:6517JW9;': Prices of cattle. Cliees. 3 ailt� 42.1'Baz' 43e i" No: 4 white, ,ii3/2 P I 'Other Daffy Produfe at , j), 1!L. 2, 59X id 60c. -No, •3• • n!O and AbrOad. '5414o. Ploui-Alanitobw, spring No. 4, 061/,,,sci foi,a barley, Torpnto,Itar-eelip811:7'Ii-$b 3oWh ;xi 90 et it $5 , 4 ' strong ba ters. .10:. straight • rol- marriatcg, pe,4fornied :94.2.) to $4,80 in buyers sacks art :b ttU1kf$ and' other .mlaSionaries re- track; -TOrehto, and $4.15. to -$4120 lersf •S5'15 t� 45'25;--; htraight roll-. mote diitriefaTrof the Pt-0'0liter ' outside- iii-buyersf sacks-.44-Ifa-riito-el's,. bags,432.40to-.$2.,60...Feed-7. The Oceieremonitt has . mad:. irbaorfloonutro;,_fi::t ,put:outs,, $5.20, to $5, Onintotabraiouratinfajns,-2-275.164:ittoo ,ba$2:11;00rtiis,-" ringe1nents with the New tea,land 30, and strong bakers', $6 on track; tali° middlings`,1.123•50 to $24-; Ma- ' Steardship Compan for a Pi 4 'I y vran•itotta:.whvo,..7. 11.9. 1 ii.ortherm $23 pure • grain mouillie, $i..12y2„,• ports., And No. 13a, utiouillic,. $27 to.. $29. ' tib(anntkrsioi.divohy2e,attiNy Cheeel-7-1V9§tQriLs, 1214. 2 isxed 1.e4,1 and. easter:1S, /2 to 12Y.,:c. Butter-,-,„ service .from•Montreal, Halifax. and St John te . Australia auclr....1geW .twenty. adres.; After the excayptingL.Zeitland. . ai•icl. dredging littile en fteeerriplisli7 el it is ;proposed to erecti. sqlid. per snoWbank. Miss. Sul:#1.1P-1.1O :, es- inent .ddCkage,'fireilities. !Vac „cost ealied-W.ithout. a''seratel-14-'•07ent...1.10r of the ,project i's computed roughlY way- quite unconcerned, ‘, after.:‘ar- at $4,0004000, • • .. ranging' lief • toilet: iti' h. rieuirtiay ' '-••••--, ' ‘. ' --,!,•'J''.' - ..,,,..-i •,. store: e rivep„o eThoi."--7:16`w -, ,191ALI.I. AND HEART an Ottawa Street Railway conduc- tor, :visiting in 13ropl,..vi c. ' , ; tondon .woman Cetehintee, Ilii'th- ton;hatre been followed 'strictly. it immediately 'after milking -arid' - o '..;«, - 4., , • , . . - . , . ..,- day. „ . • baii. taiied-the;Iveight and increaaed-allowing it to -cool -be' ow-bloodleat . . . -- theientst'rr'aelnird1113',.iLnlipdtd'Iri. rinita3;:m.'bf:°'It4:13n'1:1Iti't-' 'reinkli71*.!',h11.1..;: IcialtArair4.1nini)irlkni.litgh4tal•li.-1, ''' • Iii*It;1417 --A: P11‘8-°. :f1'15.. Te".' .. • ''''' 'Lt.itits.;?e(IX7•:13rys;:t.na:Sullait.,if' ', , 1 'r., : i,,.7,11. McCully, a London, iol,e'''). -.i..' 11:...1"iii ie*,.-,thus,:entihliiiicluttnve':"tq' assert ver.V. rich '-' •• , ' ' ' ' NY) -',' : . , .' Train Derailed an Rtink,,....iaf :Step , w aliet,04.y .,,., and ...hale .. and -,-,-, ...,._..-iql.oi,-.0-i'.-itjA0,1e...tO„b•e...the,'Eltiliiin-...i.... ,Tbe....f91113. w.ing,"...1. .a. :37-1:4.4./..1 • 04§.11: • ,--2.i'-..,,7-. : ' -Real Inuit._ ..,... -,-,...11. °t4i.11 iti.,_,:._,_,,B.9. .h- .s_.L:i.a.s.j.3'. .... 4.. ,---,..- ,,._ atingforco lithe. FeWitnel the germs 'Mrs.. „..is uddenly„ staitled.. • • : . wall"' ax. .._,.._ ....:-,.... .-,..... ., -"calming, , consump,tion ..:' have"- been `..to find, her Weight was.7.fott3r pounds ,16t.despat,e, h Iron; ',Kamlopps, B.,,,..and can reinembet .being.,t,,,akonf,by ' d-thc.ccuie--7-a-Ceninplish- 'below norreal...,:.She • was...coughing •C.._,,' •,..saYs ;•.C..P, R. passenger .train. her :father ha it.little girl •to see the , A , The 'Montreal,13oard of Trade has passed a reSolution in fav)t of key.- ing l.abor organizations includBd. the' law . for the .investigatin o. moitopeklies and trusts re5trairit Wiptei o' white, 81 07 tol1 09 .fesrt4,1eicteirysebc:!ileiiewtasTI:14:62'::151$11:tc.ot,6: 3:61.Fg; :SS13.-ed. Barley --No 5Gc outside, 3...Oxtral .0,10 4c . No 3 to 81°' ',ImcitedN cold 1 scia4nrdareed stO24ckto232Lo,3pOecr • of trade.-- • '2•and• feed, 4 outside., • GREAT BRITAIN. '..7.4Th hs:e ousemmor rnrstth'.eof Com-MonsHouse of ;-result-4J An divn ew Brit ish';, Yoterdf•-2851O-.254in -fa--vor o 'f th(3. GlovernMent. . ' , Mr. Winston Churchill ann 'priced ° that • the 'Government w.oald st.and 01 '. ; thCe . . , A B' otitaide, •ancr, 4.2:..tO4234e• On. traok,'.'„,.To:ronto. ..Canadar. 'West oat s-,...,43e.fer:Ne...2,;.ancL.42.6..for No.: Bay pots. .• • ' • k• .67 -to -66e ontSitie, . "..B.tiCkwheata .to:'531Acr, Outside • .1tran-$22.• to .$,,22.50 in ,a,gs o7 T , . , 'recito, and, shorts, $,21.; Zde!'erdine'62:11:Itit'ire. gitiliegLa'_pound a .terriblY and" scion had a vety Pre- No. '00 a broken Tart' ,Ch-esapea,ketowed-, auto the 'harbor t )1V1411-•elj-T°8eiln.134h37.Ms. tatAle?.su-'t-hialt. Tonto.-- , ' "lider-a-Mr-.._.A.soutith.has re tichate 3 pledge made t the all '. dai,and,Wotild gradtially ..talie on.'.filse,..-Iieindrrh-age.• froin :' phe.•hings-.: ntradirrg4-c-trrVe--thiee-Milea--,-,we.sitfter--,ita---famdit ... *II• ht--4with--.--tlie - .,-, "i :.., I lit, 'More , :•: !',......,:•-•:« .:.«.:',.•'1. '„`,,,:7';:'.. ' :''',:'," ''',' :Mt;....,-..,:;ri-4,:,...-v. ,- . • 'Mee- ing-f--- . . -.,•."1•1°A,--1--,,:•.1,a4214°.g.s-'.! ?•,,1"1-°-11,-titiTe,'"°:-ofT-•'llea:917---._•triOariearClagtiletn,1--daPd-OPtel'4110,''re"“Iff.V'IfiliteT.50.rd6.0.7.10$•'",e,''.,.970.0t. 171ii.e.04-.)6yS.,400.0.1i014xiadTp7.."-010.1r;. when ...,a-«:::•.p"riip,er --:«icoW,..,-.1s,:alteefecly.,;:the71i01.6,V.--,-14"Shi*IiiiiWitsiqiiitetTapil,-;11iNiotizit :,...1.•,,...-',......,'77-';. H ..'..:7'-':'''''. • ..•:.....`., '«:.....4O.S.P.ato,b14-_,,i-i.:. , - '.,;0. ,._.„--.roire,..-'-:41-..4.,c0=,•..onntiv,.21alrftabli:O...7.,-9.i.A.),P1,70.11, .ThiS..'seerna 'an ainiPle.'nnd;44y; that •"icilY.4and. as her 'weight and :strength :• •:::There7 is' .a'--,SieeP,^..-ree-kY liliff.(1;1.( It'O'f.:31141#42'gM't.IPWll'O'.';4°'LttMng'•'t:"1: 3/4-itei0s,stiiiiit:iTyrniaitely,:;ici,lai, aiatif have -refitSedrta-follow....-diree-,--intreased' her--.-cough-clealreaseit--::-,..-, :. Lithirt:_tihad4tliii4t.taiu.,..Aociejtile* subject Of Ica.c.4g. 1410 . gall):131;ing'. • a ' new ' cable aefosS'Ihe Atlantic, „ • , .. ...`‘,tio.na•aad.'deraand,inedieinea.te• enre: ,W.1).6n..she.'had gained thirty.,:patinclireYei. the,..!..1.eSs --.4i-life..7i-VO-iii:Ch-eVel",n,,OWITWTO. letlil*?Tr4:t.e*-bY• 4•11-07,. ... ilienill. but:there ::iiiis.; net ...Yet.' been., in' ihout. thee ninnths-.. her Coligh• •"been'aPintiling..77o one ,Wa:s.:.rhart .;t:eir.n"gr!..n•=t:4!.1,.ipoasir,,,,,e0.•aan.ibbOtirnrgc.!,r,..'0•!li. dd0711.16a.t 1,Nei:oiiiiick,.,:ysT,nora,i'i,;,-cAt .)-011'911.,e4411, 7iird7:1,q4c1.1.1—isr7-0 irt...,'hY::!1;;' ::•fiii6o.ii'el,(ia•:00y niedieine: 'foie.* a 'left h ' . I -li cl h t. a atilt 0 th and the°•Pnlinian •pa.SSenge.:rS 'albrit x o an old COinrdle. Whore . s, shot and..killed ' in '.•50. ,c.:,ii trat •Torii.nto. „‘,. ,„ - •,,, ..ase get best 'testilts:a healthy ceW..1, and She, gained -tea...pi:rands • more , , . : . . . " 614 others Who: haYe. an ; inclinatien. f. 0 r. . Eight directors of the Milk:Trust Potatoes.45..2tO .47p -P.c-i--,..ba.g on , ..- . . .'eliotild,:,:be"."Seleeted, 'one; 'that does. and titeii: Weald not, ta,ke- -on More: - , 7. . .T. .'' . k: ". isf.. the •,.s.p.hit ..of .. gambling, like, litive.heen,indietectat-NOW:York for. •-• , trabk. hip Giitaides:$ ..; .. ... ,•. ' .• ' . .rieh ,inilk.7,•:,...A,Jersey ' Cow iii 'prefer- ever • hatj heen •aint.', a nue ,41 . , .. . ;•-k, ....: - .- ,.-.-.:....:. ... , - ".• .. ' ...... ,, 'conspiring to . ;Also. pr. -wholesale p .ide' "of :Milk .' .• '''f '... • . ' : iOe,per 11),i -dunks,- 13:0 tile, i. geese, . not 'COugh, and, one:that .giVea very flesh,: She. Was. then. trim .well . As phe:, 'STEtt wpRE s, AT E.s•Q rim -4-1,r. intemperance, -..is-,-,-.9,n, , of t A . . . , . .-goiiltry-'4iiriceyS, . clressed,:. 7.6. to :able.' '.'Ilie 'Milk- ahMarl ;417WaYs0007..after''.the.:.-Iiitrippinga:.' Were Ai. en '' .R ried ahaf. iiiii.ehenzie ...%. i‘taiiit ....ttt':•''''.6vils.. 1.11"tilC4Ifi• .4filict :a. 'P6.11.14 " efire0iitative elite I . of I I. ),:nt [310 14e ; • chicicens,,': 1:4 to...15P,..and 8 n e rteet,ed,.. to ant..e..that :thorn is. a .,tinti,e,d,....- .".•• • ....' ''.. - • , • .....,« ...«,......,. .. - . a.r.er se-n....u,r'..iii-g,tilrop,tii,itl.T. ,. 'CLOAK. WORKERS OUT. •, ,, • saii there is •absolti ely rip da. ge n • i fOndi It tO .12c.- .: .'"ii•,.-....'„• , • ,. - Of :a 4 •riff. wax between .C.anadaa,r.d, ' less 'Mita. thev. wo increase thot , came near taking- her. life:. I. of Spence, s Eridge on e nesday Shannon . . , P P r. " after:,-• wak>iniVbaggear«.Pag'Se'd•-ikfelY-",'birt -.AAA K 1t a we g e • . , • . ; • uNITATE'S: r ciu,ra..,111; 14, _ _17 , , -Milk,:striPP1-11.':«r....;i. • •••••NT . • - .• ..• , - _ Fr'aR • . • • ^.1",;. -r -'11U,, _ '41"c - - - • - «UNITED. STATES MARKETS Minnoapelia, Mat: I. -Wheat ,- May, $1..../274.• , $1,1g,:,4,; Casll Wheat, ,:l‘To. hard -c-•-• 15% ; No. «1 : Northern, $1 13%-, $.„...1•14%..;:$0..-2 Northern, $1,11,14tb. $,1A.4g.; ,No;:+2. Noltlietn,''$1.11% •$/.. /2%; No., 3, Northern,$log, ti;s 11-1-4/3: ran*In., V.114.5o to $23: F1oir--Firstpatenth- $io,.7Q; Se,gon.d pate ats,.- to-`-$8-'.50,-firsti.Le-l'eatts,--$4.45• - $-.1.55; seeend elears, $3,20 to 43.50: -• PUN -TR . .1.-Wheat,..;•Spring° ‘41at!, -;uktectiled.; Nd. 3 'Northern , .earo-rias.-„A-0-r46;;Ai;11(2,;, 'WjAirjgo. -1.4P ••'43eXinit,---Ctri4o;tsciiiiiiifiE-657T-W- • 2-• t 0\T ---- • . ma; , d • - 27,720+. 1:) • c.70,4*;40.t 4414,110441a6F4L1-1. Oats -N„'22 -507. eFtracted.,, to: .fle. Tier Baled traw.;--$,(.50 'to $8' on specifie for eonsuniption., eife't for ad eres weeks ulongeer all through tlic• Wreck.. "••• • 'always do .roY• utmost to, discourage be.'betra d' - Ye • , 't T ' • ' despatch freni%ViCieria, 13. • • large per cent o earn in . 1.'111e -hist quart Should be milked 8,318 1P0..„,jil ,..MEDJOINE A after4thei-Unto'irhirge Was ,ateptied -*Its,-.-44-14-t,a:Poited fit 1, ekceptineolittle pepsine and some zie•A;•-•-•-111ann/.:are, acquiring :a- -site other digestive „ aid digestieo.:--at;,Esquiinalt harbor *and iron pro ank-a; simPleeengli • remedy , 'ease, perties ,•en the Island the:idea the Congli; but tar, lobelia, opium, tyt- establishing 'steel; works.' In tartar. emetic and such medicines this eonnection Mr. Millen •distntb the stontach and intet- proprtetors,of the fere- with .digestiqn, were carefully .11arine; Cennpany'i E'squi- • t art d'sh 1.14eb refTh ' 'a -larger • YesSel containing,. warm -Wider inst. 'sufficient to pre4,•,:ent the strippings -f torn. cooling below:149dd :fieat::"'"The. edw. Should be thorough-. y ;01tned to pxeyent any. chit et-.. ting ,iato the 'milk se the taticht ( ban Alb back the froth and drink • at. once , without straining ita 'Peels. t too much:, , • . MUCH TO 'DRINK. ., Begin. by drinking•nearly a pint in the'. morning «and the same at night and increase the quantity gra.dnally, s„0 ;that in ,10 days. quart Will, be, taken. twice •a d4...; It hiuld betaken intinediate- I Ise After milking before it has had i4mte, a t All .should 'avoided. ".italt, is now at -Ottawa. 'negotiating ca rry out this method, and on facilities lor=sliiipbtiilding-0 his con - toe city/ purchased' a suitable cow. ships for the' Cana,dian navy. ' It ifieasy for those On :farm to, ivith the Government for increased eral. occasions parties •who lived:,in 'cern cair contract for bitil.cling"-War77' and after, complete. TeeoverY., : every instance, they, oldthe c foe nearly as -ranch as was �a4for AllIN 4*S ,»OCTO1LSI I el I) ES. her, , • '•« • • ' • • 74r..3 not FPPIC111/1....a•I4'..-QA•64 that italle tishhe Diagito4inglIei fRilowed ,toe chi ections strictly: t.i t . -•estrs pines.s. 0lin(le�iaingtb.oy could notitake . A St. Peterethirg despatch sstici yi not Cured, hitt Seyeral pe rsis. , talcca that Can be .witho'itt-too muoh • ' Pi the C rina's private ,.plysician, .clittcl_. .sudilerilY: a ,.shOrt. time a:go, It is .1",rowcliii-Ca-10-reillfir the: doctor committed suicide • *be- cause he had prade a serious mis- 1. . .• . take' in diagnosing from the -malady • -, , , .Wrile *„.rthe'C'iliiiira-iii-,4fiffe1finralitl , ” hvsieians tie- :Thitty-q-iVe-' -Years Ago .:Now—,L.ficatect l'. p'7V”til'ig ().th".. P. . v..' ' • ' - ina-ealled--in.•,« The Carineeon s - dition became worse, and the Czar ,reproacliod pr, :Botkin. Who . be- came so disti'cssed in ini;nt3i4i'lle''' took a dosii,of poidon; .:' the ,nited eaksiiig ato A'leat GOO- EmplOYeo‘,....-of. Wirk said the actual cost for On- , A despatch' froMfillorittettl.says; gineerina. and Construetion (if -the • The cloak workers of Montreal Wept j Panama Canal would be $207-;000,..; out 'op strike -on Wednesday morn- ing. There ai•e ,in alL abont 600 men_ and worpen. out, ,Over thirty firms 'are affetted l•the strike. n. Lake Erie. A despatch from Pori Colborne :says Thirtykliye, yertra...age a dark .and storMy night.'d tug" Wat. • • battling .with' the 'heavy seas :of Eric. It.;" tew she had -ail tnenseraft •Of, oak. riinber for Pert "Colborne,. 'being hr61;010 Aram: the ' Upper Lakcc, The heavy seas Part-. . ed the .raft, Which "was, only fasten- ed. together.by one Part wag?' brOught:. safelY tit Shore, but" • thg other disa.poectred;• as if it had • ..been...-KwalieWed tip: • This A heavy loSs tri 'the ct,Vvners.. • 'No' t• imber.; Now, after maiip.Years, it Apfit-arS, it haa' !men found« The .irornetise raft .ha; ,beeii.1 .• ;Chill everal farnierk`going out' on .the ` lake to fish found it about .one•Ardie frbin shore frozen , in the ide,. They imniediately eiime to port. and broke 'the TOWS, • T h tim.ber is all .sqintred Wok, which, is very valttable. Experts here, say it is 'werth One hitnclred thousand 'dollars. Lewin, be staked, Vatted, . . SEICIDE A't .1 17r. , • H. R.. Foci4 Shoots Ilis , 7 !loom t' Iroque II 0 i el, A despatch front golf says B. Doers; about3o s age, ti...116 came oot from England Wont, a ihonth ago to work, for.the Allen -COmpanyi• coin - misted suitide in his rooni at, the. 110.tel 0',066k. °" Tlitttliclay afternoon 'hi Shootirig 'himself .,thi:43.11gli_the. temple. No reasotris awligneti .for the rash, ae-. • THE_ DAIRY 'MARKETS,. No .1 -white, 504e. ",,arley-reed , to-rif l , , • ,• e • Livt -sirper MARKIUS... ;. Montreal,!..Mar 1.,--tYriine. beeves • Sob! at 6 to 'O/..ic.,perpuid, pret-, • . tsy good! .animals,. 4g -to 5,xe pou:ncri‘4„eoqiniop; stock -3X - to ,446 • per .ptitind. • Mitch; cow, froni $30 td: $55 each,„Hireal . .-ealveS from. 4 , to .,51/;c• per rieUnd..Sheep about : • 6;14 ,to net. poiind. • • Oodil lets of fat -hogs, 91/4 tO 2i4c iound. United. States • itaval .por grarinne for the Coining year: will..: it iii said.. include twn, battleships: of .28,000,; tons. Caen • and f osting VI;P,Irk i I'llit SO NS- IiII:iii3O........ $11„.606,060,e.aeli.. . .___,.. A Panie...Coispat ,a iiy •There*Ere in i' .. . . • . 6,7".ic,ii,t,A,v. ' . 'rekii• • . . „. , ../, diiitch .,fic.liii.Callao; Per, says-: Fifty persedia741:e-rep0rted ki11ed:4n a •panic following a fire 'in - the ;11.1iiiiieipal. Theatre at Triipild, a .town a northern reru. The fire ..situation, . ,.,,.. ,_. ...... .. • _. ... ,.,.... in conricetioit. `With a rnoVirig.7.Pic- 'started among the .appartna ;OM' . .. A. YONG ittit.W. tirre, shoW. $i0740lti WA-Ma-V*104.. ' prii40,..2149.41.2c ; tubs' and large rolls; 19 ,to 20e; in- ferior, .16 to • 186; creamery,: 27. to 28C, and sOlida.,46. to 266: per -lb. .Eggs --Case lots of . laid,' 80, .31e pot *dozen and storage'25c per ,dozen. : •• • •Chees.C4-13c per lb. for„ large and . . at 13/e , for twins. , , :HOG' Pno-DucTs. Ovr four hundred men were kil 1.3 i4 to 14/ led or wounded in a battle Ni- 'pe1.4611!)),...n-Ti11-1.t7tsti:19 ,.19.ort,''s' , Oca:ittacgiejult,Li:p-:!1;;e- c;r:it't'e'ds. ;a •Seriotts' 15 to '.1514e ; de., heavy,:11 'to 141Ae.;'follg,v 14 to -1,41AC shoulders, ,•12 to 13c ; breakfast .biteon, 17% to 180; bricks, 18',‘ to .19,140. ;'• -4 . .. , rite,year,eld• .ROY Cordes. llrother --"V-if.:Penifilllwaing•;',1Iiiiiie:-- ^ . 7-..:. ...4. despatch' f polo ”, l'Oaddn, , Ont,t,L. •And 'in...Indiana COnOrY4.8 ,.S;Velit. says,; ,Itoy .1:ToWai4.1.; aged five, years; .' • ' ' Clean. of Porkei.s. . • ..... . • nroYed' a' You/4.4.1010 -en 1Vedries•• -7' 7 -""..:...-- -i '-'''''' ' ''''.-' ' i ' ' -iriririlingr-wheri.-he-car itied....,from_ I:11•71ii. ;11.;:riikv-4110%:, -fr-?11;":1):: g-IF-1-7•.iglair;d1;-))-;;Lrotti-2-1.yrOthe'*•-•1:azforii-----lfelp. arrived.: , a btirning hotiteliis nine.=montlis- Hy: ..hOgs. sold" At , $5..9,,5'..1u!Qc .0,01 The 'children were - alone in 'the Tharida.v.., ' 4. ,1e4din.g 1,)nyer; .i.ntio ; , imise, andif.is thought the.boy, War; ..0111e. :country.. had been , swept "bare. pi ay; fig : tiltti'111.6: lit. ',, . Wilr 11-:,thr:: i Qf.' hogs.. Farmers. al.1'..'Yell'.ilg t'r" Ilou'se...eaugicti. tile youngSter 'grab,' their brood sowS, . le.ivill. take three. noirrnal, .itipp4y'..01...hogs, and mail then, no (narked deerease in •prfoc,s eau be exneeteVr ' • ' ..' .. ' . '.' f1011MERIA 'OWNti) 111:F.;,. 11 MI. tf4. r.. • AttbSir 1'.!,!ase.tt• nVirgittanlitit.:,:i‘g, 'iPerid, in , . - ., and as"soen as the 'the ice breaks ,up . . br bab,v, arid it (int.: 'heavy' corn,' crops to •Iiring. back. a , tietgliborii caznelitirrying ,11.114t,' 101A '04)11E, Wm. WhilO . . • :ger )Vay • ,Torbitfo, .M.a.reh: 1,«: -.-The qua 1 yi o tini. cattle ,officaiii:us :not";;np.- to• the .friark;, there being far too; • many of :the half -finished. ,variety. These were hard to sell and: illitied.fully 20C betere ;they changed hands.: '',Eyerything- .of ., the • ehoice..' • telass..were quickly ealight 'tip reoll'Aed, as :high 'price's „as t any,- 'time:!.chtrin.g!the. pait tw.0 Sew - .piCkedt iiteerti T. : and lielfera sOld'at to $6.35, ." • buS these: eiteePtionaf, , "The .. 'greater.ritiffilinr: 'of •*alc-is .of -good Jjulehers'were.'"iniad , at .the' $5,,, to ••• $5.50 iiiartc:IVIticlitiro cliors'• SOia $1.30.J6 $:1,95,,,Cows - n Were like Wise 'Sheep,' laritbs. and 114s,, Owing to - c re fitin , . . . • ' • • 7 A deS atoll trilin St.,0W Ye'rloKi:isfoot ,r(1.11.n.g.C•olicgc 'Men - of making • . . '.; I:lards° i 'Higbee ;ancl, Leslie ,LOPLIT' 176.111Arkfr 'XITOTtt the -warmin. Lord .. . .w...0 :youag".ytth' •gtaduutit4; ao../I. go, was', ;theta. tii reply but -Higbee told niftily p.romow.nt., iii.....,x010..3ei.130§..11tini to •lq.ep (Met._ • ' ' Were wanionlY shot .doWn.« an.d.Pro'..,qt‘ii‘(114),(.r'.!.yelYI°etill ttellile rtnIcog'r(t:o. its t1;10). hshiy. .fittalty wounded on Nsirednes•• .tea.ped to 'his feet • dud .dreW , a. &hi,/ 'h)t an iiifirriated novo in the volver, "I'll claret You,".. and he • A dogp.atpit froth So:tilt Ste: foty,s Mrs,: Ifarris, .„Wifp of Ildrrisjoynterly ttirn- ke,;.', , the jail here, o'n pescilif riight,...eriter(4 a • stnrn.. • on Q‘inen smoking ear .of a ..aersey Central opened fire On -th font young men, . bronglitko POrt f.:olbotne. The • .A ''.dpateti tfrom toridoii Png. • i.roll In Iv tlich • .theY Wert: riding to • :Roger Young. 'leaped ' for the . . . Ttiec-ris ers:ating much. extiteincitt, . land r iiy$47-Artlittr.fraset, WalE6,4 their homes in Newark .. • : . • '. near 0,, :, who whik so powrftit .Chsg : here. 'Tb6 tinibe,r..at the. time it was at one time chief pre rieter Of the ' AccoMpanying .Iligiute and tord :he dragged rain* with hint to :Lilo. , lost was volt:tea...at .fiftY. thPIPiand London Tinies,, and more, recently were Gale Young; of New York,Atittl. Oudot-9U, • Young held' on, however, .---.' dollars. "'Price:a have dont:ilea itinee•• chiiitifian rit the 134fd 6f '1.)111(50t(ncH Si.,1,•00 ,Viiiin.44.AtIXTATIgl,1110.10.6,. . Al.-. liiS. 601.000 4..0,0P0 k4 .Yeling, • of Ne.-. a0When.1,10 n'egro leaped from the .. . wilier' 11as IlOt damaged.. it to any '.i.)f :,ttio.'...noiaktiany :WI -lien puratiased most linme'diatPAY slid - fbirt to t" Work, both .. Priiteetlin graduittes• tr4lin ‘V11110 it wits, making,' tWenty „i Le pap t - e LI', 1 Y , /leaf floor., and -'0"-pluitdr;--.--14.-eT-1*(rtfoins': t'inon- after the-tialit 'loft ---,Iiirlreisr- -rtilitiff,./14._ _hoot., you tip; Aryett , . that -A -hoe,. •T110*111,11,V- yearz .littlin i 5 terit, Tt. said tATIT e wits ,..0(imparative N'lrokirig aiti, on Weaneadri, LI) 1°(111 '1Y•ah'ov , negro., Wbo Vast TT) ,0 'twig the entha long% to 'the estate of 'the inte, 1)4 I- gav (latt and gliotrn. Ire. liad •beeti 'siek for home days .40i,, ,,.Tilootiforict oddiel.lows ay,o(!tirti6igirct,f(1.014!ipis4rip36,ttbrer(ti.,k..en :tho .Illecnrthy,, ;" of ,..desnaii oey,. WiLh lodge moo . . . ,