HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-06-17, Page 1„
ocal And- 'erS01141"
•1•$,•••••••.,:, rree,,$•.•$.1$6
j,Tilttle.ninide aTont tO Toronto
...14week,• ' ' •
wor spedial subscript ion oilers
e 4 of this ssue • •
. and Wm. Ileiwig 'visited
in-Gede•rich on Tuesday, ,
• , . • . . '
• Don't -forget the Church Of Begland.
BzLiar this afternebn.,'" .• • • ••••• •',
, , , ,• 41. •
tS: Bryan :left. CM Tuesday:for
Toronto for a :short -visit,
• The Sentinel for fhe•baianee 0E00
• .fer 10 cents to riesv•••hubseriber.s""
- • • • • •
• Miss Esie, Fluket Of Clinton spent
• the: week end with..friends here. •
_of 181°11 as
-0 rti-JibrieltaTO4C-AiitiViallaid'eed.,
'.'?frAt'liefneeting 1ield71L•o-04--evening
a golf club Was. organized With Dr A•
G 'Elliott president and, DaVid. Tower
.secrataryrtreaiiiirer.:L•T't, is hopO4, to
as -.Caesar
. ,
• • WeLose a aosd CftizCn
.13iiaar „conies the Supper . •D. C. MeMottan and family left on
in ▪ :tlie:Band.„.:Beotii:• from., 5 to; 7.30. Monday for Elgin 1,4an, where he has
Doieti miss thmt.• .• been engaged'aF13iidmabter. Mr.,
*eve- Joynt,..atteridepf the .J •Matorreic °mile here froin'
Session of. the County•Cmincil in 15.44- 6111:tame/ and 114ks been a resident of
" • . Luakifoy for overtw.,1APelve
years. Dur-
4ing,nearly e,1131.4.14gnew returneenTFri..-.;
innsical dIi
irectot- of the iidlin.bw-Band
day.:_froM.Stinit,Ste. Marie whets :She:,
SeVera1;huntire'd-Lef-2-onr--foung- -men-
'liaye Passed throughlis-hands in. that
The BeY.. 1). MePonakt_of _ . Anne and a, vary high..stencard, _o
' dine will preaoh. in the South. ICinloss Musical excellenceMaintain▪ ed 1-.).T .0e
Clinichnn Sabbath first.- •- - orwanizalitim' • , We Wish. liiiiv-zsifeceSs,
,BiiIIff VOUL. waLtell, cloek aTitijeWeity..in•hiS.,now. ,
Your business is solicited -Tv the' Mr. Douglas Promoted.' •
,Molson's,Bank. Savings 'Bank depo-
sits bear interest from date of deposit
to: fade •cif c° -Absolute '
security:offered; Itead.advetts.einent;
T. Ovens; M. D., 41zof Agin den
Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist, Eye, Ear,
Nese,. Throat, will. be at the Cain
Thiirsday, •Tuly 22, and the followin
Mr Mark 13 Douglas of Toronto bus,
been appointed manager of.the 'Great
'Northwestern"- Telegraph ,cots office at
North. Bay, r'" Mark ° is• en, ohl
LuCknow by and was for SOMe tune,
monneeted with the G N W Tel. and
Canadian 'BicPreas here Since leaving
here he has been connected with ,the
Itruesdays:-August 3,, Sept 7,Oet i N W at Hautilteriand•Toronte.:,
Nov 16, Dec 21, Glasses :properly Will. Remodel DK NM •
htted,., failing eyesight, 'catarrh • "and
deafness' treated, ' •
S. It. Millar*. purchased a quart-
er section adjoining him . to• the „emit
frorn•Mr.'Goe. Northcott? th purchase;
' prioewas $3,000, and there is 110 acres
in .cop. This gives Sim 300 "acres un-
der cro this' season: and he sa s it is
iiiii*SindaVed•with.ftiefids, in Clinton
• • „
Gt• Anderson and 'H McQuillin
left, cm' :Tuesday for Medicine Hit,
Treleaven Btosi;,,baye lee, the, con-
traekof;teramMing- their 'mill, doub-
ling the° eapacity , and •installing The
Very latest and bestmachinery for
inUliuig purposes., 'rho contractor,
Robert Whitelaw of Woedstockex-
pects to begin work nhOnt the first of
July and the mill ,will. be shut down
for a petio-Col from four to six weeks.'
.Hilcired, •
the age of 15 years whenat IL otho-
distchurch tea-Meetingan extraerdin-
ary accuaird-tonktortii
the'Untertabuatent. into a religious:I/set-
•,vice • in •which the (subject of -this,
sketch'svaS soundly convert;ed to Goa,:
. At the fige ot 2 years • she lett the
land :of her birth to settle in the
pritheVal foreat of' 'Upper Canada..
Herfirst 'place of reSidenee WO in the
.smalletitinty toWn•whieh was deStined
to become what is to -day 4iid yet. to
•be, in„the,'Splenclid, city" Of. London.:
• Three yoR0 latei she Made:: her Mat-
rimonial 'engagement and became the-
exeelleut "Wife ‘.• that she was of the,
lale,Johic•Mallmigh Who ...predeceased',
hei•-• seine t.welve 'yeare ago; .• Ft ,the
, year 1854the yoUng,' couple set up
is•In22,r;the MI1110111,11 homestead, this
'Division court. ..„
• . J '
• considerable business was attended
to at the Jiipo Session .of..the„Ceurt
:held in timo Conneil. Chanaber i_of, „the
Judge Klein presiding. : • • .;
7;7f The oasoOf, joh4;CoUlter-44•,-,Ohils;-
Therm was MI:action for balance -duc.
for wages. :.. Dudley Hohnes of Wing-
hamim and Defen,
danttionductecthis own ease, udge-
.John Boker,.. ye. Jacob Miller, an
attion_.for...J..„4„ages _ was uelpurned to
_ next. 'toad. :‘Y ' : •
, Robert ShellareVe vs. E. tandforcl-
-an-action on account, ,judgement for:
"Plaintiff bYdefaUlt. „ •'
..David--Gillie4444.-„Dunean daineron;
an action` for ,wages; 'jiidgernent, for•
• : ,
'Flues imposed
'•FOr Sale 1.
: Cedar Shingles- a-nd sixteen' bou-
•sand Of first clahaiath. 4pply to
'Ono•'4..SionDi-Lfg, •
# •
Teacher Wanted,.
For S., S. No. 6,. Grey ' tht; ..State
expected.' Apply Locx-
clualieation5 experienceand. salary
OART,' Lack now,P,ost °thee, ,
seen at AIMXIloss, IlarnesS Shap; •
.yesdayJupe• 29
eit:_,..ltrenicsee. kora. ,.• hieursien:i--. to -
the NortliWest, To get good accoin-
.1iiittraft"7' 's
plireicasCMour:- rii.nwritrfoie. ri •
31,1011,PoRirriaD. lass
• Capita,' Paid Up • - • $3500,0 00
Reserve Ft164 $5,500;000
• Assets. - •$35000 000
Has 65 'Branches in Canada, and Agents and ooespoildents
in at the Princip,31 C(ties.in;the
AVINGS.B.AlsT to A n .TME N,
at all PraricheS: Liteiest.a1I w .utchig*i curieilt‘r' ate•. -1
• L tJ C It •N •BRANCH
- .
the smaii sun( of .$3Q0., the., Wise 11? iiWe Ati,AtiT.RP154',T-iiNgi§t$ ' ' t 4
of which aupPliecl:•the fundamental Ticket Agent: • •• • .
-basis • for the sustainanoe of their- ' . .,.
rTingily- :Of :nine children Land;e; nubstan- - Wrvv.otiierlS4nStitUte J.ViltiPeeArig;'..
pitd-eCticripetene7 -for--. each ..upee the --Dorit`.forway tiie*wurierii, -rivOu.y
threshold of life.-Iiii:Mallou.$11 was to. -be hew. on .Thw.sfiak ,j-,ene 24th In .
a.faithful and diligent wife, a 'careful the TeWn.-Halll-alta.14•,-L,Ashle.wvill -
ettict Wine:doonaillaf .for theitiniily- it.. '7*.''' - - - ' ---- " -- •-- - - --
clutiftil and .eirectiye . servent'. of ;he ' g4ve's °I 14cireSs ..cal 1:teSI*81.6/14 if .
, ..rnother,s tatelaughters Arid ViCe Versa,
• • voisug-ctiiiiittiluni.
,Metliodist church,' always found mar- a .1, talk:on Beverages. She Will, be
intereat.. Her religious experience' ° . • • •• ' • • •
Twas freely given in decorum with every -,4-PC69141
opportunity in e cleat visi:On ,a;nd tri- ThA • .4
•lifs.:3 she -becilMe ebneeined 'fest' she. ---:P911:/.P°8°d-7. 9f- Aver-fPie6esrl'-Pian''.
:firSt ;15. Seciond :Violins, Cornet and
lib iri, are •nilsv open for elicage-
4rid manvAitnes-she '11 -0k -occasion' , •Ear-
that. nO,-darknese '43hauld. •'finieennt-s71)':14iSeti.lice'•'°!60.''1.71-arges teasomible,
state,. that in • her soura anxiety
Isheheard a voieesay tO, her Clear and' Dkvisez•r• Manaa' •
,evok• ektiquislis,theTttglie: that was
-arferri"Vher'andit never did. -
hate: 14' Ckri°W* Orchestra
Satisfaction guaranteed. , . • : :-., ... :7 --6."'''4''''4':': : - ' .. '':- ' '•-. .. 4"q''-"A'rr , tc)! 10,s1•.!c',.'••• p ' •,---,•0.11--0143•-,-0-41, t' -
S .
. A: Garden ty.will e given undi et''gete.ge ..' MO Kenzie - :Whis on .the the 22nd she finishedo _ her. pilgrimage
A . ' FOr'...weddiiig-' rings: and "ureddinAg,,..1' ho' auspice of Bleke'aiMethediat 1.niliaii.List, '% L. heard Iarit. Satlitda.3. iipoe eatthbeneatli, a beautiful.Setting
. , . - . „. •
,. pregelitaseeArnaStecing..44,j-lildred; .
T'Cliiirelt Vii. Menday 'eVelling;'-.Tiine:±21- -afterliebn-....beferegolit"-Graliiiii,..." j,:1) ',site.- - Her.--epirst-; Was, -:-robed -in."•'the• ,
.• ••• . ----. ---at the li01110.i:-.0$.:-.1$4:r---,-,L40Mita•AlifferSti'. 'silken- attire of , immortality and hi
:-geod •stock-alWaYi•-•colitin.';:l. ,,.,. ''''. , • _, ',_ i_ ::. k ,,,,f ,,,
' ,. Mr. Robert -Keit; of LTeroiite fti.i-, old ';',..S.iipper7itIPiee creamwilf.
-v-, 1served.
.•- - .. . , , . . 30 . .the tWinkleOf...on,eye . she •was . gone
. Liickiii5W...boy is visiting 'a •few days. 'fiviii.:$ :to 8. 'a‘Clock, and. 4 .good P"°- •from• the courts .of ' earth .1.to •Meet:. iti..
this week,with-.Miis. Lie deay. 4"crrEitt-bf-ititisie-TeeitatiOhw-Si's'peeehek .. vestehide Hind. andieriCe-chatabeiv :Of. .
. .
. .
a-tailboard.,,of-a-Chath iti'lvagen • in ., 'UM nc----klusstrii--,-MtSges---TrefeaVen,
. . heripemliers-of-•the fatally-,at:Item ,
Joseph,: ..s.: : Magi.liei . ---7-$1,1*-fili.'''''T Iti.'s- '
„. .
. :et, please report.at ,Sentinel Offide,-;• '. and: • Andersen, ‘•-11/Irs : ...SaWYet,. : The
•4'' . --Blek4'..7Aire.-Alton--m;d.-;Mattlia (John
-., tet -seven o'eleck OAS eve'zilno. the • 'llaoketes-Choir-AVIessrs-Line '---Arinit..,
0 . . . _ _ , , ,
a,ge and •Andrews and the neidhbothiw •and Mrs. A. A. , Thompson, OfStang-
. .
„p)i.. . „ , . .•••• .• 16-1Ii-";.A.ilyertit--',..beine..-7.abSent)-Witi
ldree to' tile Siinnerfer 10: eenta. . -.0.§tlirfrS'•:'01176-oiliiiibii.te-•-•- ;•4IircliViioir
itt;:i;i',*'('Ad'agda 'Ite•ttete 'that Etank '+ ''. 2,41'3, •-,; 4, •'..'P'•",a,..a•n•.t., ""•,-. --; ' '' '• ,•:' . ' . ;other ..itierida...atitiod,-...byi..; the...bedaide
,.'Thoinpaon'inUctitifiie4 lice thitd yet.vric.:_'ti,,,Itarespteituiliiit_-..__,,..,, eql.M04471tPsieriati . - ' 8.e..17xtritlait*WitilR.,,,
, . ▪ - . 'fri't t's0-"ttiknki4ddan4nirdzilitir4Frn':7- -
)(mated and .testifijed.
. that the 440r:had .been. firocured for•.
-htnft ueorgo „TriTifity-ktinti.that
.T. :,St!iriker had„, also "•procured iiquo
,iVitturrttre-pitst tint
Striiier, denied ow oath that had
- ptoetited any. liquer.-`.for.:-tMeKenzie-
tit i thi ity „days,-but.the rriagiStrat-
•;theyL•itoPosed`t4. fine. -of ;$10.00
. .
• • Lobibt. en Luetinoyi-an.4•Kintail.,:haa lbeen prefared, • to ' which the
-.•:.:6541.,fai'itiieenaioniirmaidiefriaa-L0511 )LJ."-1-.'---•TilielilVii&-'non'O'itl*11,-inn't1- • weiiFyrd'ilyi.-Mi.iivde'fitults-ettilpitynient... °Sht•-•Was.',gone-- •
:•_ ,11;e4...-.--11k.airandere:nvir_!_t_t°,140-01'*7-t fluspieesF-.0 the-ehtmehrBcmifit 4.16.,,parties to„h6.60nUoitOd..to',4,11,for_ pen .,)40P,P.4,
•)•1--6-9 ''soeioti?af. Chi i1• 1 hu..m4;1-at :40Pris' !thirty days. .,.Imi 'the :tote 'Of"••tiegithY by.thepev„:NV. vied.
-,..Syneit of Thitorti.-meetings this ••,.`N,eel: ...itt",the-resi#eneO ef'•,Mr&'•XeS9nurt,. admitteci.'procuring the liquor • the:leeson mid :text of 'SetiPtutd-cliOSen,
--Cf-Mrsuni-pe, siici.--z.his..ittorz.7"12FW7.-WawarioShitOn:•;•"--gituhu4S-----4e-Hia any knowledg-677-Of'-'141cItenzie- 13 the de arMi - • - •
' siae are. visiting I -eVen.ingi-june° 2 4t1i,. . • Supper,-..ceilsistt• nin 016-
i , ' • There as forte - assemblaae. pf
.synapiithizint, friends in attendance .at
the fiineratgliieh, was held- On. 'May
4th toketi:01 •tbe,:.high ;este* in
• '•Whielr the. dep'atted Was:
eir .rno er; . it-1.-mti.can, -tif'str . 13 ,.. : tind-ct E074-e,t,tkei-s. . inainstrates. gave. h,ini the .....• enefit • Of,
week.' , • -. ..' • .••• . • wie es,, et,.. wi, e serv.e_
r(sh • : the, doubt.' and 'allowed him to .0.6 on
'". John ..in."' ii rc It ison- iirris-"eJ lioni-e.' '•• last : 8-11n,i. • • rie •LUckWiw Pipe: II.. au„d.'"!,d : snspended'sentende, : ticen'ee,in;pect:
ji, front Tennei4see Whel.,-.0 '11457..-Pp9r1C the ' Luekunw" °rehestra; wIll .11.3-P-; in Cannon -was •present, and looked...after
'eethe.wie•ter. ,fie• ,,,,,i 1 1 remiiiiii,re illeo.,. „.dtendance... .... ...There will.' be a. program
.•-• :the prosecution:. . ' '... ',' ' ' • •'. ' '.: .:.,• ..
dd • sseis • &citations, •;ilie :. ,i,i.. • ••• •
.: of the surnmer.• • -......„. ......, :._.• ..* * ", . :, i music,' . 'a• 11 ' ' . " * ." • -Like case attrtiOte_d considerable: kt- ' ... '
. . .. , ... , .. -, ,con be • procured. at booths'. On the '. • - • . • arkets----.---,.-------
. .. . . . ant.,-..sth-or: . refreshmenta :tent' - a -if . . ' - - .---- - '
,.. .The Bazaar 0-er Mid the slipper epien ...ice Cream len an wi nocicrabt be &timely. - .
there is still it treat. in store •tor,. you. . -. , . • marnina that. it is a serious offerke to ' '"' hen • - • • .. . • ••• • • -• ; • o• ... ; •
ounds Adt is n 25 and 5 cents,- -- -- - -' • - -- -- -.• - - • ' • • •:•
• .Tpe..: cola...L.1:e_ begiii.niiilv7uto , 8. ,.30... will , • .,.. *.. ; • .. . ,, . - . ' • . ,prec.u. re --1,. ,.h.pier.;, for: a. person Whais ... Oil_ Peas,. ' • " . '
, . .
V .'please you, We ate quite glare.: , . ,.. • The greyiaiiind txeursica,. the .prolithtted ,list. • It is4..significan ''. Date'. • ; . . .
• .aiir .and 1141:46.,J)iincatall)teKetizio -of--.,-,Autingrip.-oftWo--.hundreliTan.4- - • • •
-Winitip6g are - Visitin0,4-11-ePani!ilnie-ii•--: ;sixty .. aniles-witer,--entliiie'big liiiiiiiiifi,7in--.I'.11'.: saine-::i`r-681C--'"'"-at: 71(.4l'ardrii(rr __,_'-13-911-tate,-.9t .,......'..'
.. ncii'aliti .Vieinity this wOk: , M r. Mq-, dent steamer o'T the NVhite_Atar Line.. -W!til,e,Ft°r',.W, 1..0`thanii. n.nd T-411PkU6w.
•.:Eig....i,s..--•••_:::: -.: ..,-;•"..-,
' „kenzie is an old LiicknoW • boy. - : .• • Twodinners.thitheateamer and two. VV.eitits,••Ausfia., - •' .., " ., • --. ...1.1 , • ., • - .
' (!.Salade" Tea reaiains in, favot 'e,ar aft hotel•in 1)etrul.t at, k tot ti cost of 'Ali -Ss Zee MatgueriteAustin daught- ,Lf1,,e,
, after Yea"' wit"! OP6ilii°U.813i 14.'`reasing: • klil")' 'live 1?allain is • •,a • Wonderfollir ',er of Dlit: '4Ukmrg-...,la',Uieu: Austin, 117; ,NY'oael....,,...
'•ales, siMply b'eeanse,it•is a•lways true clicap, outing,and that is;d11. it . neect TheedeteStreet,-*Nas One of the pretty
• • fact that similar,prosecutions occumd parley. q• • • • •
ctia.r.' iii! At.. -d7, Girls
ine.,oprrators and,: for, other. factery.
'Pldyinetit- us::: Wri.te:04 - HE-',0161.-NTOIt.".
work. Geed- WA,,geS, and •'1 o'4.dy 4.iii---: - I.
.. ,
-IcrwriNo,..tio oil anfm„,...._;....•
• of ...good Jewelry or
atsacis4-1' tve:P„ rt eft :ey. °:" ALWAYSg9
sidering such a gift you
can do no better than
Ve shall be 094- to'
show you a colliaTaii of
. • ..
Jeweiryand Watch Repairing
•• , given special attention.
• . •
'Teacher. Watiid.,
, .
. Fur BS' 6 7 Kifahiss, male teacher
freferred State-Sal&y,' diejietionee;
and- qualifications.
GoLLAN See Trees Box 11•2 Lucknow.
bastlefts.- •
bed,and ,boa -M withoub•MatiseOy'131; or
:eaticin,, and Avill-.--a0t--,41eld--awself
Spotigible for any debt :olitracted irv
4nay ;said -Langford without
"fey. Written erder, thesame...
• • • J. A. 14-N-Grrelt-D.
Kinloss May: .
•• • Teacher' Wanted. .
Fur N. 'No! 2, l•-KinlOsa.,',State
expectecr-2Apply to 4.• 'A.: Gu.01.tu,
Sed-Treas Kinlonob One •
'8i,o its• higliSt,andard Of _rpiality, .. • .• 2 "(ost,: ln ,Detriiit Life' i's .W*orth Liv.- brides of yesterday.. 'Her thartiage to•
: Did' you see the eeliPse, b.f. the niOon' inii 4.0 :it is tvcitli .41;•ti,iis7041).,0°Sts` br.,:tkilier-t-B, Weods'ef ElstaW; Sask . Aun,r4i1:,NIzetin'e ';''...... .
. .
- , • on the 3rd inst.l.. If not watchput for: You are heriehy natifiedthattlie n'
to spend two da a there. EXohn.Oge took place at ha site se en 0, ock
of visits .•yes • himdredS ever,y . year. . in GradO Chtirch.._ „De'an:„.,1Ohn McCiir. Tidal meeting ,Of the Looknow.• gtoi tor
• ‘ and deli, ' " Of the still visible hel'etiiis '
. . , ... , .;., ..• ., •Star Line hati• made. it possible 0, rol .461.:,,iate ,,as.sis ed by Dr. Cooper rqipii,iiti3i., Lirnited, will.be lield•i' 'the'
1.),r, o, .. tido ow
Ti -ii, is the eleventh year-. the..‘1.1ihi
.eyenipg ph_ e17t11, •froni.6.?c) to Eunset..
'for of Chidago. NVI.itie Wessel -10 and greon- -Connell C e T Wn hill- •L - i '
- .., 4, ),P5.0,.'. ery pea.utigeti, 06 obaopeland.derioted . on Saterd June .266bi Ail* hour of
:T,he Methodist, °Sunday Schools • o ,
.., these visits at aiew coat 'Only
. "ilbunknoir 440 .krinssella.brive arranged.... .,'.., ,,,,.:- • • , i. „ .• . • ' .
to held' t 6 usua..jtiiiir SundarSehoOi eie'dar ried - 8'0'04)0.1x to teeeive the annintkre,
rot toe, vr,Leynclunal: rounct.:, trip, ''C1- the wed 'i" •- eitorS.Wlii h.
50t. for one'of the fiiie dinners. ... 'out in: every ,detail. ...;; • • • . p_ertS, elect. di'reiitoli-d-transitet any '
▪ arilly 27th. • .,,,,6,A. „4.,;,_:: :;...,.,„:.„.„...,•_:•-,, .... • . '7 -,-iidriv,iiii7A-Cifa-diifi--7,-".7-,'' ''.--,'-' 6: . '1 la .i bkid.0.*-#.0TekIi*.i.IfotOilite '''sitiO "45146.:r.131.1.s*e*-jit"-:.4Pf-A.P•t,P.' test'L' of'-'" th.0
'---kiketirsionn.nd-ticitie•tolCiiicar Ineon.
_ , ..,,,... ....,„,,,,....;;.„-....a..... : • tri,..hined,,4itirptiiice-EA.iktilt.iiir,d-duire•*:...,;:o0.ipa. ..r.ry_F...-0.za..f:,„,--- •-•,,:-... --....,„,...,.....4,,,,,:".•,,°.,__;,:•7_,„„,-,„„7.....„..,...,_.,„;
• - ' • ' Last Saturday nielit a Mit% up' Of, •
. :v,eil 'fastened with Orange blossoms'. .f' T, F. CAIN, President
• -Party who exelitinged_etiatSiby_Anis- •
tl '. b'-t1db.'1 '
• . •
• . ib -1 6
to 18'
, • ' 00
: :• • • •
.,EXCursion bti.rot
szottlf04. itouND iTaly
-G001.11'011, 10. DAYS
The..,AlgOina-,,Gentral." • Steamehip
Line Will man an•exCursion froin
mardide to.4-De ro -on Friday; •- Jun
25th by the fine:Steel Steamer, Kuce
leave :Kincardine
at 5, a.m..; reahing- Detroit that even-
!w;,- Ticket a Wood to tetinn'June:27th
.o1 .sidy 4th. Fare:for .the &Mid trip
.$2.00, bfror, extra. FtilI
.particularS, •thiisplendid
trip' Can be had ••';
Anent, •Kineardi
ewellers-41" Opticians.
AVE. have -:opened up another
- consigruhent.,,__Of '-
• Fancy. Vases,
Fancy. Juga
i•anaing in ,prices; frima..10,c up. ,
if von are looking. • for a welding •
present,. we can • please
- aracery.,..Departnient •
, • , •
is always , supplied with • Faesh an
• ean .roceries.,
ryouzwsil -entrust
aundry Wor
you Will -have -no cause to -:-
complain.* --You will finci•
it more satisiactory than
Steam Laundry *tot'
44 i sT!.1.0,BERR.1sEA.soN:wiii.00fl.
be and by leaving your', order With
us;.early you. will be sure of '.having
• •
Feed and 'Bartel Salt
' ' ' alWays `on hand;
. . ,
The•honio of ;the 28d Tea. Phone .20:
•-•°e Sundaymorning;•-t3I the Prealayter-- town "-)ciurr, • s Tr•P.Klistali°6 She carried white daisios ancl lilies of PETER CORBICA.-N--; t
five taveileiV:-J'arneft14...Y.911.5.-11with• e d-
- •• EYMil Ninime-the-maiitof
ellieieiA Loin lliteliie...,TOWit:'. lif - ek; _0u. 0. ,), cinxte-sortous &snits., the vat% :•'' " ' \ .,. •• , •• ' .. . ".'" • - . ' - :*-- • -.3. - .-'-..C..-a!-9--.41-
06-707.8011.tinel'-.6 L'.7.7P. .
!Pat.' ' . ' :.' .. ' , Were eloselY .folloWed .by two • othet . . • • • i: : • • -------
, a;go‘Yyn- of -gree-1O and whiteinull - • . • -Rota
, , . - , . • . .ehild started home ;about • 10*-Iff.' and or",.were' , ... . -
rigs, one oct,upied -byl'as.. initids;„„Miss Iterie 'Woods,„; of Belfast, -..„!..ivf. elsi., -:.a.Lin 1.;,nciao.``W -on :';'ilurS(.1a3-•••
, , miller • arid and c.ari.le.(1w11.11, rusies...: The..br!da...
.Foi $41.,p --On Station ,s ee 'north • , ,
peter 'Watson and the other by 'Bobt. , •Kenzie, a son,. : • ..:".. ::- ' . .,
! June •$rd, to" Mr; aad..Mrs., W.° 1,4. ' li.c-
. rs and O. half Acres Of Lincl,V0.10XileiV ''..
.(Cenaent . flonse '470d. • stabling-,-11:en • - , •; . .. , .. .. ,..,„ Canada, ei.stfit rit:0-1:e..iiToo.m„ ancricifiiis
. c (Inc an wo young noon na a • . b
:. 1".:1Or.;1, Cary, yvpr,0 similar gowns of•White . ' Died
hoyise •• 6.;ndslrivo,•hhea. The PraPeOY ' iyfitceim.i 0,..,„d:1, •:. • • . .
Mall ever r
geen:and Carried.diiiiiesiand •,. , .
' ot I.riV, Cook, ,' s • .• • gjGuiro overtook' S, the ether rigs- ..,meDori:Ar,11-Iii ••, glinval: $ Onti,, on
• 40.:,.•VrOrtIVI,olcayof, .a bon e „an. and tui mit 63 Pass,:
V` ii • i,• i It:%irtig !..very,X0"et PesSi ' " ' ... *. • . ••• • ' • ' . Wentiesday;',Inue 9thi 'Oor. .on.' McDon,
\ Dr. Petey Tye; ot GOderieh, Canada, .,,aitl,,,.aged 20 yolii.s, $.108, .andl.2, d# 0
--•oid-faickneyvAsiy-ovaa-friltioiiiiLniVeF Iliiik•-ariti-1164ditl Mit knoW...-there were- s....
assuited tiazbe-Se-,maiiand,MesirCH-.:E;T:
•Sutigaji ViSithighis.'reothet and siSter, two, rigs ahead, 'consequently, •aften•
.h.:4ek • Girling.and .kiMeiker, DA:ushers:. The
Ile ti,coupied.the pitipit-iitthe„.rtby., pee,si.e.,g,,Miller's -rt.*: he turned • wedding March was :played.' by, Miss,.
terian Chuteh.Sunclay,evening. . '.... inbo. the read and:collide:1 with Lyons':
- tdwards.of-tltilikl, Rapids,". ., " • .; :-.• , •
- ,
. . . • ; - • 'I .tH,g; ' the latter hairing. Stepped :•..to let ..'.After.the ceremony a.recoRtion ,ivas, 1-.. _, e .1 .1
'A:baseball game between kinearchne ..uatinilia.atto i's :goo.. one. : if you
non pass , ., 411 'the. ocotipmits : Of Ly-.
held at the' btide!S heine, for the, rel L LiiektiOW was advertised foi:Miiii.- hive dandruff you, have itch dit,Vaind
.Ons'..' rig were thrOWri . out aria' lira..
tit esatidNfew intinia,te friends: Ftbin •
•. day afternoon hut.the tley..heing: •'Old° the .little mm robes that are ...part .lited.
...._.,, ,liyons unsFebildreeeived Some ratheil
and I un pleasa rit the ,K incardine--playuk. out d tbu'oity.thoiil, were i3resent, .ifiss. i
,., parcel of ditednfr are working.. pe:i.-
condo:lea it Weald not be a:good • cloy Overe '''atitii' ; 14°Gklirs!s . h°I436 rtitit Sainnierville,. of °•13irounghato, •Alit„;,. . . day . , . , „
. away..and We:e:tiot. recovored till ,".ne!).,1:' -.sistoittly• night and.ancl sooner Or
for baseb;11. and ',decided .te postione
morning, ; g. McGuire having devett gigs . AlInstrellg'. dt 8 t'''''Clair' ilild. iii° :liter' *Ili...roach the verylife of You'r
Mrs: .McQuitiiii , of.. .i_
Misses,Woods,. and
Mi. 'Heitz . e ,reo• an pal 13 ' A C ' d • e ' -te '• the. Ili:fired parties, who Were. Litokno,W... Dr. and Mrs: Woods 'left, D.'ait' 4114 destroy its vitalitY3
ei. his attentiOh to .; rendering fissist.
. . , for 11 ti in the eaatir-2.1:yetroit • Vice Then. yea% be bald-Beld to stay-
.ttorn..Tern,nt.cr on .1Priddy ovenifigi , two -111.o-tight. : back to feWn. ;and their.. proem ,., ..0., , , . .., , ! ,:, 'fo • not eon the Woildetful -rejuvenat-
' ; .• days later thun announced iiviast *064 wounds 4rAssea.. ,... • .. . • , ing propertiea in' Pasisian . thge :can
•.: .Sentinel. White.' here • he treated a , .48...tilr,tts-..,-..06-1.0,yebspii.. ti.,.).)10 tc,.: , The L ate 'Airs. John Mallatigii
, ,• , gr.)* hair 'afterthe hair or root
. i
At '8 the Of Atiolo-SHIOH teuue for
their coming to a later day.
. .
..- goodly number; of•-•1;ilekneWOos, ti • karn,..rio bitty:he attacheli. to any Of, Om .11..,lie passing, a:Way to tile ',great, be -1,, is dead; "Pnrisinu Sligo %eures 'Dana-
, ,
eltor being One Of the UurAbOr, to St113% parties, tho,accident being due to the yond of the late Mrs. ,John lifigiongb. • rat, I.Girmstraiw the druggist-, sells
▪ dry' fast rides in, ids:tine Paeluted boon: night being very dt-irit and the' oh,ex-: is worthy Of more than. .passing inter- ItL-:recortationds it and - guarantees it.;
_billy .D.Q„cientittilario.,._ bol '14 AO I.Tle.
-14 ear, -sYliiciti4 said ta,l3e-thei,,,Onest. pcttect--eireonlataitee:--of24Shere----bOng -..ostri...---She---'UtiW-hernhettr.--Kirotibbiti '
ear..thathaeyskstisitaLOchnolv . ,T.11P tliten,,kig4 very close tegetlier., • :County .1)Own, Xreland i11 the year 11101'1,6Y back if 11.--talIs to cure Dithit::
. . party,left eh"their retort' journey sqn- . Both Ii an and MeGuire's beligies 1829, She vito reared 'titi," with lier vutt; ralliFtg,liait'itnci.-- Itching Of 'ilia
... ay Oyitingi,_. ' 'Were more or less datime:d: 1 pareilbe.,...4 ',Pres.!3)1.1eriPAI . tnnlilY• until SeitIP''' ..
, • ...• t, • , 1
• ••
-British-SUbject: and Tax PaYer,:.
..., • r
Will, be at A.nmsinoX(' 1)nud STo_al•-•.;
"Facitqr,. Julie. 25
-Eyes tested and Glasses 'supplied.
' Open for , engagements for Fall ,
Fairs, Celebrations, Coneerts,
ICIanaget, ,Podotary.
•We have got in a nevy''Stock
of Ready-to-wear Up-to,,da,te
SUIT -S, in' all ; colors, also
BOYS', suas,, two & three
Far the .1.les the vety
best kind of Dress 'PoOds in
Colors, the. bet kind of Prints.
Bleached And Factory Cotton,
•alSo Feather' Ticking of the
very best grade. '
. , .
mituitom the Musk ilit$ );;e can
get. aini pay .the•nufnu.sT et6l.e. 11: le
Mend'elson4• Blitzstein
x or
Men's Tan Oxfords, all
.sizes,' regular. $4 00
for $3.25
• -
e * •
' • ,