HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-06-10, Page 87 M1
nr range' of tactics/. t
*est latiigns mid: styles,. and, We.- ar,c.
e Mc nan I ^Visiting,:
eeswater and Culross, . •
ivs; James Dinley visa ,d f riei�Cc min
Teeswater dting the pot week. •
. Carleton.of Kiniou h is visiting
her daughter.: , Araililerhgrsh,
,1r. Wm. Switzerhas gone to .$0,61r,
atoon to look .after hie interests . there.
Mr. H. McIntesh purchased a Vie`
driving horse from Mr. Wm. McKenzie;
30. M. Thompson sold his driver'ono
day last week to Urs Peter McKenzie
of Teeswater.;
Mar»" allie Frazer has b eneeriously
all .with iufammatory rceunaatism but.
is recovering. • <:
Mr; and Mrs. H;Bradford andlittle
son of Blyth are visiting' with 41rs.'
the banks 'of roake Huron last Salicit),Y:.
.spent Monday eVening Very pleasantly
with ass Annabell 411,0•Kensie.
._.I.Kol_Bueglass,.aSsistectInt.: some _,of
aulay-and-Allau-MOCaidaY-Of Ripley
-visited Miss, JTeesie Morktinan , the: fore
ettionintWthelii-iePieS-.7Chure -tor
titling' very hard the past Week,* pre.;.
tiajta.lIro;Ott90704..Paia„ y
of-strled '; and
The Rifle AtsoCiation a 11 i*
We are sOrryto learn of Mrs: Smelt -
see her Soon restored to health and
strength again.'
and kiwi
•Hewitt. of ItipieY 'spent a• cOuple of
'kis, With the fornier'e: Parente:Mr.
aT-ens*Z84 -t` itraoi 41: el nn`d.16'
win AO -remove
I Mr. -Samuel' Sherwbod had the mis-
fortune .,t,a have another runaWay
during thepast week. The` buggy was
tha,t. one was invited; ,
itstis-rdietkiidd -to` -Mr, and M is, .John
BaldWin and family IR 'the -death ' of
re Bildwin`attended the,' funeral;
'hitec1 ucch
der. W 1te s t a Tom
vis tixig friends at (''hitechurch.
Mian Newbury 'anal mchildren,-`" o
Toronto, Were the guests. of Mr. ' and
Mrs. A Patterson ;fear a couple..of days;
thin, week .
MnTnteel `_.had ,the, aims-
ioi tune to lose a fine cow . a. feet" nlhts
ago; 'the- cow . was all rii hrw iu the
ave paper, suita for
or for 25c, up to e also have „.sample-
s for more expe•isiVe -Papers",BrUsh GOld 'and Silk;
-anaTricezighti at
n w r ocer
oW, as thp tiot weather has arrived, we .are .
-.- sure --you- woUld enjoy a nice,diih,of Cronin or
an Joe Cream Soda,. and you can get 'the sery best
lines at MCCHARLES' REbTAIJRAN'T. '• Everything
up-to-date. and- Orchestra in at,tendance every Sat- ,
'is *always complete.and fresh. Whea ...you require
glance at Our assortment..
PRICES. AcoRtni.slo. TO QUALITV,,--6
Terms Cash. Phone 14
*OS in:"WiAighain
weekJeekiogOer the eh411.,r factory
placa which 'to manqfactaro:OrViiis,
The idea would he, to organise *a. joiot
-stook eempany.
George lit. lltiocaiey ofRipley recent-:
ly challenged. Col, Hugh.Clark et the
grain .1:natter concerniuo 400-t,
Clark 114$
i-legalarhi-ve- of •Mr.- John'
day 20 Men were at:Work `and today six-
ty hands, ..M?: 'Courier. Miderstands-the
keeping' things hununing.t-Flerald
.fractured .O'ne of, his, ribs., Which'
dliee-a.:40ef wetS;n:f..."
ham and worked eZ IceeetiOn: Dian' 04
-waa Again -71T
to Mir last -week and:took home a).-:kme.
;.(g samples of zinc ore. He stated that
•• he would be back very soon,with a num.:
it. would be better for them to go ahead.,
1,t-lastad that ,thisone-Assays per
tent the halance -silver and BUIL,
,Mr. has. hired . with
Pr. las. Jamie:akin for the present. .
Thurlow left. on" Saturday.
-Sarnia iiidljefrOitf`
..1`f.r. Herb Jobb aitkhie sister also
Mr. 'Shakier of Wingliaiti spent•Sunday
'with the former's .sister Mrs. Henry
`ment,to fake place in": c'rreshyteriati
Theittarri,a0e•of lVliss Saddle Fermin
daughter of 3/1r, kOrean of 9 con.
'to take Place on..Tnesday, June' 22.
1.---'At-trineeting. Of -the -Managers anti
Building et:Min:lifted; Otavi,n Church
east' of -paint and to niakeill iiocessary
:an iiiniTeinilecif on didn't?' 11F1
s°141e boys left `, on, Tuesday morning'
ggiui is :Meek again' anaong
We 114ve in. stock a large assortynenf 'Of Mena' and. ,13.0'
O each. .-Corninori Straws froth. roc to ,00,e,,7ch.
In alksiies,' See what we offer 'in Men's 'at $9.00 and $r2.40d
aerna,s;oc, ,,r,a,ven„ ate Raja Coats at $7.00 eaelL These are .
Froth -85' 50 each. sOrne itimined,with Ice. 'others .wft
S-07140 9141 torn :Po*. two. .40ting
in the Morning to fish, and they gen=":
orally. *int home` tempting- etringe of •
C A '1•Api, Ig 6
Manitoba,' Saokatchowanejlilberta
- good to return wulun 60 ys from soma date. .
.0u Ian czcon.long., Copilot Ile berths. folly eggioped
with bedding. can be secured at moderate rates duougli
' Early applIcat on most be -made
Aoplitormared OP. Avatar telt L. riompson;
Did: Pam. Aut. Toronto. .. '-
All modern inethixh ''13est,
the. latest;_:_simples:t:'.aad safest :reme_ely;
17-7-7-7 t lt buying'' is not a' aecessaev:
1.7gs tooi.t:xers. _ 'i, e i aWreo i •eisr: 0 Pf7lvtre ahtdh e'-titi:.: osi;_linoot,:
-4,, ou--.:.Tarhe::::11..,.e(a4cr o'ft.c!:-g;b.074.-; wcinst.
. LT,- - ---''),,,„'/,,i,t)",,l'i.(1' ,s--i,otilig101.5 betteti; aTe.., tter •
,,,,. ,115„7:.:Licr.1‘.,..
— -, kinittillat,aiePinael*Ilieir .0
Lacqueret, tor Dainty Decorating. ave 'you tried
'riot,' get a sthall can' arid try it and .you, will be `, pleased witix..
'the result.. "It.'is niade 45 in eight beautiful, colors! Calli,anct
Lawn Alowers,--1-1yeliiiiidl ' 'awn
:111113. 'Harrig. visited.Mrg. Culbert
The boWlorti Are taking advttfitage Of
•Mr. and Mrs. XeCroetie left
:here last we'ek for thethe West.
. Mrs Maynard and son Leonard. , of
;tendon returnedlioink"onTuesdiiy,—..
„ swollen -face from. a•tootli.ulceration.
-Mrs T)i. :McLennan entertaine,c1
inimber'of friends on Friday evening.
Mr, A, V. Walden Oecupina the pul;
:pit of, Methodist. Cbureh ttliday „even-,
The Baseball .teaira gdeii to Lochalsh
On Thursday this Week to play a friend -
lac Mich,
Miss Mary Martim, 'returned • from
McCiimmon'and IA of Ion
..don ppent tip Point Chit
• week. is". the; lacpresentative, Of . the
lieve.I shouldn't be ethic now but for that.
, ..4 rieglacted,cold was the beginning,
sithpla ail Ment, sect!' deVeloped hit° it seri.
ous and dance ous coriditiOn. '1 got so low
. that itwasscardely cossible for mete Walk
too 'd like a• skeleton. rtwii's,iiiit ilia -tit
.pnly Qyeare of age. The medicine the
,doctor gave Me m de maworseond 1 get
disgusted.. 'Then 1 struck PSYCH 1NE."
liest bottle gaye ate new life and cour get',
and in less than no time I began ta Put on
flesh rapidly,and I feltlWaS on the high road
. to recOvery.:,' My 'appetite returnpdy and' IA
'My. frien:s were surprised, lind' hardly
kn W the. ' In three niontha•I Was ad strong
g welt as ever,' and returned to work in
the mill, 1 have not had a Vay's illness
since Nobody could wish for be.ter health
'than .1 enjoy, and it is all OWitig to `PSY-
CH 1NE. It 'Should be in' everYbody's
• For donchS. Colds, Loss of Appetite.
J.,xlce__pshine,,,... Drugosts and Stores
Children Half Fare. Baggage Free
Saturday, June 19 .
9.30 Canada Time '
Returning .holond4: June 2 1.
g. H. Aya,n, gxcursion Agent'
EXcufaion Trains from and to
'Winglutm, Clinton, Stratford,
fElniira, Milverton, &c. via C. P.
. R. For; particulars ask' tigents
..are buying
,Sepoy, Flour $4.2
-HaireiO'Ck : Braila $5..55
from all ',ganitoba, Wkeati,
Ot4arioftkinter Wheat,
er a
rie woo .outprlood keit how the
dates' healed—. " took year ,
Amnion Tfik.ktrugg.r for, ReTIOUS WOW'
disease With whieh I had been indicted
ot.physiclans. -taken „ski:Inds .'Of
mineral water resortsbut only got tem- •
porary relief. They help motor
time, nut after disco tinning, the 'fled!,
` eines,. the uyruptOms *mild break out
•agaInartinnIng, sores, blotches, rheum'
,• .ortbo glands, paqns.of the hands settling,
. etc,. I had given up in. despair When 0.: ' • -
friend advised Me tO consult iron. us Von had °tired Iiim of a.sindiar,disease B years, ago
I had itO itopo, but took•Itis advice, In three weeks' 'time the sore§ dom meneed. to heal up.
and I bei,atro encouraged. 'I continued the Nmv Marlton TREATMENT 1'.0T PAIN 1110/1thlf
Signs of anv diseaqe alnee. My boyi 'three years. old, Is.itound and healthy. certidnly '
gat( recommend y,Our treatment with AR' my heart. YoU can _refer nnye• persOh to tge
• pH -rattly; but you can nide' this testhrionial as you wjah..2,• • • W:
BLOOD. SKIN rind PRIVATE Disoolog, URINARY. BLADDER arid KIDNEY -complaints .
EATM ENT. W d.re you. What It luta done for others W11111.'110 for yoii. consultation
rree., No, plotter who hastreatediyod, write for tur honeSt cipinion Free' of Charge.
rpuestian list and 'cost of Homo Treatment Fit „
cor. Michigan Aye.,,and.Grisyold St., Detroit, Mich.