HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-06-10, Page 500= a. • roe'. LeSS ... n . ® se r Hi week we' seat out a` l ` , IS, ar e. ' nu�rbez-off- tinted-invrta.ty s to 'the. la 'fes -vf ----'� T(y . I,ticknow and.Suzzounda.xl:�+ country -tow a Series of -free Lessons in ;Art N elle- �•• , 4V ✓ �. 3ltcaxlr I!� l e I YI i 1' a.:7��T�.�.n.xn r, a 4 �tf .,ti n +�'I;r, t A ai ,rt .,.*r�+a•� s.�reo-a� �i. r !Lo ri4n641i'__ -. • �_ :.�.. .:.^�' d ,..::.. _...M. .. '' ...�..G,3 - u.:=..,..,...�s. - .. -:t a„•.,w�.. ..ate:+.... ay:+ a Y . Jl.c,...�...,-�-.�,�r7?a.?•�;��•:��?�P �la�-1�,!��Y'�•.����.'��'�'�.i~K f �-. � �- ••�:#.an�:e+t,�.�f but' we'take _p1east rc in *exten.dint a heart . ' invitation to, all to be resent, and take advantage of these lessons during, the,period, from June 8th` td June 26th. Hours from ro o a.;,m, o: I o'clock and:froln 2 oto..:m. , A: dis. .. -. Of Finished: • � ,.. 3 , .fi. .. 3 5 p. M, display �l :.bGoo S, will be; onxhxhiton:`; . The zuaterials 'used: are the ,Corticell $ .-arid A.. Asiatic` Dyes". Wash Silks. ... Misufs "'• •Su•mme'r .is her 'and and- the dernand for Light .Colored and Light Weight Goods is rapidly iricreasii We are showing.: to Mn lois. ]kin .f�nc,.abra s .and fanc -.checks rices.l0 .: - r• , ,, .P Y 17e.r Y•. ..., p. ... c, 12, c,lfic,-;18c;.,,��e,•,_�c,�-'35c• C1: d:...... Victoria Lawns,•, at 8c, 10c, .12ic,' 15c, .•18e,' 20e,'and 15c• per yard Persimn-L�itwn•a, very fine arid silky, .at 20c; "•25i,; and -35e per: yard :; 25 and 35cper -'aril .Batiste Lativiii, ave'ry sheer, •24c, •.., e' •Y .. • Iudia' Linares at' 20c, 25c and 35c'° per • yard Y d •, Irish- Sheer Lawns,. at 20 and: 25e -,per yard Lie. en •Suitings •'at 25c, 335e 5c an n � : , h d 50c per yard... . , 1n Vara l eaci o Muiistei Liuen.atl5c..per:ys d, also mar Other. inns t .v.ii ic.o }Y i • 'fancy. _ Colored Muslias In .these .we are showing a large range of the newest'produ.etions in Voili de 'Lisles, J si„ Mulls , -I3i`b-bon .L u11s,-Ph'antoin-Batistes, -Satin Checks, Bartnoth, Batiste, , Ttvole :Organdie, and: `atonotoner elks find ether lines constituting .range of prices as follows 10c,• 12•x, ' 1:k, 1$c, 20e, r;itd 2(3e •-yai`d. - 'ihite and: Cream Wool Suitings We have a nice variety of,.White and C(cam Wool Goods foe•.. S.uitings and''Dresses in Serges, Panamas,; Etainines; Lustrea prices 25c.to 75c per. yard .. - • Summer Underwear urnnicr P 11 e3 wear ',1s going. as • ese ; • ays. 1 ur • speclai ban. Ladles' Bleached White Vests at.1ilei 1240,•14, 15c,` 20e' and 25c,; are great fiiVO tes aridwe leave been ah e•i, v obliged to_teipeat soiree ottheilt",Our- stock-inelud'es,a, large lane of, prices in!...a great variety o.,f .styleii No; Sleeve, ''Short•' Sleeve, tog .,Sleeve, Lace Triinnjed,„Hall Dress, Stout Ladies, 111•asses,,aiiti- CChildiimes r •w , - , , -v , ani � �IosE: av inur PrEm • Cls:�.i 1�1Laiirsr� �rii .i fico ,tom _:. those.bei-er,-.-:: hist , .-Ii t it.s coir, 1,: 4 wo e linos 41,'. 9ut_lis.foro wp. .. could- et-repeitt-ordc.rs n; .Howey ei our-stockw is again:ossorted*and' more Centro$, • fills IERT n Shoes Tan Shoes and Sh srs'are akways, nice ` for 'summer,; wear, and. theindications.are,that.the3-aie oip-.tobe-verY pepular this sea- son_ Qua• Stock isconi fete, in a. large ranoe`of latest st ,lea' N B:—Shce 11 akiiig and Repairing done 'here b O9r, Mr Xuu t9re closesm t 6 nr ek'ce t ;Saturda' : :O OQO�O� ObituaftY .'J her late . Mrs , daa, Hinter, wvho: .1%1recently,, was born fin. theQV1819 in the Pity of Edinburgh, Scots land: • Her; father was the first man Ftp se, u type@ rn t e town of Ayr," .Scotland, She e4me. to •• Canada with her; husband and three small. ,child"rei in 11349, and resicled`•in the Twp. of Beverly for ome years Abput•theAyear' 1854 they moved into the Twp, of Ashfield ,and took. up. • lot 10• :in the 13 reel,, '3 miles from. Lucknow. The 'place was, then an . un-,' • ' broken forest+ ids Luek:ago sixisten�ae. Iota else.Ind 11.13:71"14:181;nd•' ;• and children struggled on through, all the hardships of pioneer life' till ;they had madethemselves °ar .comfort:,•. ,.able `home, when- 'ilio; retired. to Luck now,iier husband having predeceased her'39:.years, to the; enjoyment of a. well:deserved' rest. Fier .tlie-• last.' 8• `. years. of her life sire was cared for by 1.; her daughters,.'Mrs. W ' Stritthers,a id b f rs,`.G. Middleton, • she{,.:died , at ;the. home, of the latter, • • She Was, a sincere. her life :and was "converted.. tinder.' .the.'. reaehin ,of -the Rev. Mi•.' orrison p g � � early in life in the .toWit of Kil'mar'.. neck, and connected,herself with:' the' -`94.1W11 i .. aa�5. w'YLlk.."isttr �u ._ _ ate?}•: _.._.. __ lI :stead she was'a staunch supporter of Zioii' Church;' Ashfiild, .'her. house'' was the ;:`hi£Kres r:....of�. :Chief . __o. t,Minister ' .'and ' :.other$„ who w:ere� .:i a ested. in ::th good ;work: She was always forward to assist the needy, •and.. the stranger Fas.lttu,as her means, eartiitted° ,. P .. � ar and beyond; - her means on many'''. ccasions. She leaves': to inorirn` he` loss three "sons:—Andrew' of, Stony Mountain Jas. W. 9f' Orangeville, and 'Steele;of•Lucknow,-and-;gree •.dauigh ters:-Mrs. ' "Ed Cairn of •. Winnipeg, , Mrs.: Stcuthera o£ Huron Twrp .,..r-., . � and 'Mei. .0. . Middleton 'of Kinloss. She died in her 91st. vear, her; mind being :clear,to<'the1 last. 0 . `H6d:Ofi e.. lfaipitloa. ropos tions in whic • i nvest mame� p against. ei h Ltbe; ;NSTEAD of taking nlors.or.tess ri's'k of ;loss ; of your ,money in some other In>vestinent that may bc. pressed On you, wby not place: yoirmoneyright on deposit.in• a chartered Savings Bank. and leave' it there. , r It is t e safest' form' of investment in the world.; and ° there:, is the :....,.....ry,. iildescribab ,e feeltog of satisfac ,. t..-ioa. n chat your: ne i, s ...,. .-.. .X .. ...n ... r. .r. .n .+.,-«r •w.+w. 1T�`is�3l`'�T�;=�.i�CT1��••'"t2-CC't tx�„—�YTC%"'t�l'+�`i'S itii'ii�l - �Ytii�" l'�t'"�7� 1`"i15eer� Can., s ,thi_. e,.._ _. t b said . Of—other lnvestrnents ,.offered : ,you . Namely:, . ,01=P c' 7 our.._TYiOr. " T bac !x : Zonzennt_'s it to e. • 21�a yOut. cZr,itid 'red :' ': e z s absolzttely .cer c�v� swr�: ar2-c� •r���c�laz�: �-� . , 'HE ;BAN:.K OF HAIVIII TO:N especially- invites --t .p Savings:.Accounts of:' those conservative. 'menand.:women to whom,w this form.of 'investment appEals:•• • .. . i Lanes: The foliowinag is the report . of S. S. No.10, Ashfield; for the month of ,'he. names appear ' in'oruer of merit re '. • ceived, in monthly test exams: Sr ;'lV `I aura Jo1i'nston,.,Larina Sherwood_ Jr I V Charles ; Smeltzer, Allan •. Nelson,: John: ,;Scott, ;Rachel' Alton, Mamie O'Loughlin• . Sr.,ITT Wilfred Drennan;a'Charles Sherwood •' Int III ---Thomas :Little, Bernar dette O'Loughlin,... Freddie'•: Jolinston'L_ H i11ie Caird. ` 1r; 'ill -James, Little .•`,Elizabeth. Drennan • Sr �I:I E1mer.Farrish;-1'V Loughlin, Joseph ]3owler, acLEO J• CKN� .a: adairroirrourirow r• ; Jr.: J1;4—,Lonnie Parrish, .Ainert .i uhh ,, '4aton,:,Joan .acott, Fdivard Smith •'^' "-`” -Pt I-4—MarJoryJohnston. , ii„ - -A-,66-- :.:;, .. rP.1,AC,b) Sdine:r)sutyr u'nsanBWetirt _ sc"' F.".lbmrss_"1g1'ae a.rleccl sey his - and b ei. D ie Red . u1Xbe seure_:, ,.:"- .�Tknsv©e11d bet�ae }vitrlrotrtTan.- ex' ma�id`i Si of P-, iiil 5' - � a.:l penal=to your municipality a - Smeltzer, Cecil ulhn. Tient ]las. ever been refused adivittanee Best:'spellers for the., month ; 'ti.bec iii of his or her inability, to pay.' ' IV—John Scott 0u> hospital rs rriaintainedbx voluutaiy'. III -Thomas Little. ''' ; contributions anti :by patients wife are II-Elr er }arrish. '; able'Vo pay.' About ,seventy per- ce`ir of were absent~ aif'of exam: P ••‘,•_.' �` the- atients'-treated are.: ural Chari •.. P p y.. Y A•gsiregate attendance •, 3i 'average . T_ b . a oi' only part pay .patients. ,' . attendance 28.. Forperfect attend i _ Our object 1n addressing this letter. *' once - -,. W 1$: o,royn • Rs, Teat her,., ` to•you is that youanay"ever keep , in, • :mind this. great charity of the .County �•. h �.: . , as Trustees Brit a:f�oc:nt Hospital • • are :doing; and:.hope fo, accomplish for The Directors of the. County Hospi< the,' :bcndiit of eve y•section •'t the tal at Walkerton hare addressed the County ;• • fol.o.wing 1e•tter: to tlif)•.!:..$‘•,'-:'..:ceof` th ti . ._. _.�, ....... .....w...•, t e , � Sii�ttv,'Presi.<lenti municipalities::throughout. Bruce • W 11I 'Dacx;.,Sec'y.LL. We• desire to recall your.. attention ti. ; to the. fact that the 0ounty of Bruce General: Hospital is';in: very. truth ` 11Ir: J. M.•li,oberts who has beyeii Sec- �' County. •institution..... ,. you shoe ld retary.of the W. Wawnosli Insurance ' have ; within your • muticipality, any Co.•,for manytiyears,,has'resigned The ' destitut© sick;' -ht subjects for Hospital „directors tti.1l advertise for, applications :treatment, they will be cheerfully _ad, ,and appuin a, successor at the July anitted,:in the hope that byhavirigthein• .meeting., The - Vittoria Shoe u� l±or :.Women Y. We have them in Patent -Leather, which" is fhe best 2 patent that, 'money can buy; Tan, Vici Kitt, Dongola, 'Patent. Oxford T-.. a; n 'Oxford & Vici Kid Oxford•iVIcroRIA SI of isthe most . p•to-date:-S��e-.il H1.�h Glassootwear TheyAlbert :Shoe 'for :gene; Thesp ,Shoes are remade of . the 'very best of leather: ,'7`he.: fit well,, wear ►►e1'l and dep.thele aha e. There' ,be,as• oo`d but none .better.,,;` O.HN JOYNT; • JOSEPH. °E. AQNEViV, : '�j'•'•1 The The o'. is acknowledged vT � dm.S'," honest conlfsetitors to be the:strongest an Most .durable,mill, _manufactured In'Aine'rica I_ also''has: rhe. most Convenient ,towerwhich is' covered by patents., • t,;aii and dee tis. before-' bu;yin , ' we' car •' les'.• supe l yob with high'gradebuggies 1�Y; of a1I,, styles at reasonable peace's, S 8,'9• r';idr =ft: 'the e solid tool 'shafts. . The;'drunisof high .carbon steel, and' the frame, of angle steel Second d' .Hand Goods 'wbetave Doherty .Organ.,. • 2oo*Egg' Chatham ` -I'ncubator, : and •. Broed'ci.; ,r3 ft. Brantford . Power Win -iiII., ^b 6 -ft. 'Massey -Harris: Binder. p , I Keystone Hay Loader; • :!d trcIA In thedays of the.tallow caudle prepared his. paint .by rubbing-bat�veerrtwo-Steri s his Lead and Oil and color, the nett step to :perfection enabled' him to purchase his ,Lead' in one p.' package,.. his, color-ia another, his oil in -.another-•--- - aiid his Turpentine and Drier in still another with no guarantee of purity: , TheBidshing'tondi was,inade with the appearance on• the market of ,The -flu -tin . o . . -�e� ��r-Pais 100, Pure contains the same materials minus the "• "—Mid plus:iziodern `snit'-trpiio;date R' machinery and the supervision' of paint experts; • • - The result is "Ofd Daddy rime".leas a `fligslob ' On_his hands trying to, wear it off. EstatC.. of • 1�r TS amson L3rand Portland::Ce en unshine furnaces; Pandora. Rages lOOC • N•******•4•••••••••4$40,4.;-,'. Fall Term Opens Aug. 3O." Ourr u ,�• ad Ates are. assisted to the best positions. ,' Write for the reason,. 1're15are now to _enter ,at. • .the ,beginning -of term, MailCenrses for -those who wish to study at honte. Wingham Busin s's College ono. SrriTTor'r, prmeipal. 44,5,4.., ; a.t. r ' High • Grads Worts ELLiart°' 'TORONTO, ONT.• Isopen. the entire P ,.t year and admits students at any time, It enjoys w•i. \\ � 9 ea a e r dpatronage and p has a ' na:eonal reputation wing to their. superior t-aiuitigour.studeuts read obtain good positriitek,. Beaiiti- ftil. eatalogue frccr Corr Yong and. Alekauder Sts' _...W, J. *ELIAPr r lni�pail•• • • -