Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-06, Page 4M
oor Rags
..:_,v _T ., Waite of Woolface-Tapes.
We�ltave a f>Ya. yds; o , x4 ds.�,
..all sizes 3x3 d, to 3i y
ll • colors, which ,:we can stave you at least
from 5: to 40. per cent; on ..:every dollar;:
Must t be •' once.. •Coma
They ..1� ,�
as'. ssib1e.,
Har _ 1
7,-.4.1.1 3/46 't.‘"
vo, clap e1 �1y
ix� E
'WO til
�' �.
and Scotch Linoleum.. The , ha
go i;ow.' µ •.
rig xsb
Men's Suits ;
Prints, and Ginghams
Crimes English'Prints guaranteed,. Stripe
Dots and Checks, light and dark, all pat,
..,Big range of other pri
Ginghams and Chambrys at°.,,, ....12c
, Skirts; regular $3 00
We; have :ta;few .Top ,g , ,
and $4.00 for _$1.93. ' Only one. Skirt :to
clr r
:Sateen underskirt, well made,
' ?Fine Black � � 9
special' . . 7 e
a'. buy.a.:fi'ne English.
. Fnr _$12iiU you may ..
Worsted Suit. The, new 'Colors -Prawn,
and, Stra s. They are well.
(J a.. .. l?es ... .
OYiv flea
' h
a .
.. h
tailored, made to .fit, and keep t ..... PB
.00 to $18.00 value for
�xF.. IO.SO we'
For $6.45;. $7.50;• $8.95 slid $.
i•. a of �Twe'eds and'.
',can �,nve you a fine sang. ,. „ . <
T.. . -
'W.orateds-ta choose f"rom:-
- Clothing.. Department and look'thein over,
Merit's Fine 4`lualtty Cravenette CJoa s,
and �12:1S0rvalue
Dlen's Rainproof Coats, $5.00 .for, ... $2.98
BUys' Suits
d a suit that is s prong and-,
;The : bpY needs .
•will wear well. We have Two and
Three -Piece Suits; well., made and. will look,
good as well as wear, well.Bring the boy in.
h _
'Wom , •Bos, Girls ..and
For :, NTen, qr►, Y
ildren. ' We have a large stock, plenty,
to pick from and the price is. sure' to please..
r 1titAtt-
DB1ifS •
J1►1 �vrtoia, . ttnr4001 Z.
Snfci�oiv t10 psr annum pay
able in 'advance , $1.50. at <eidd .ef year.
Ali: D PtiACtlptions $1.50 prer ann,lz►l
strictly in advance.: •` . '
Con vNICttoNNS Letters dealing
with live topic'sof the day. are solicited,
'bat the ,names of the contributors must.
in every case aeoompany4 comsnunica
Oen. 'if desired', the 'wriit -''s simile will.'I
%tot t epubislied. y...�
WhitlAb..Gover'n'4riglt:eou dls '.done
otherwtsb Haan ` tt_ thb. lowest
t er, ; ? 2,�ve .,cannot
tho Whitney�-{lovernment woulTriri
to p14'into the Bands, of the T: Eato?
Cu.,. when? it �is. },yell known" that, that
Company controls one of the strong•
est refbrsu daily -papers in the •province
It. surely cannot be: _charged ry that
there,was AnyR thought of party advan-:
tage in awarding that contract.
We fear , however that a. serious
blunder was made in the provision„ that
the purchaser 9f one bock may obtain
the 'twenty Per Mccnt cash 'disconnt.
'This''is, .as 'statod sn above .article,, va
smashing blow at the retail trade and
especially the smallcountry stores ''We
do.. not think the,people as a -whole will
p y driving bf
ro&ti.b._ drxvin these stores: out
: .:: ave.. taken she
. T. Eaton.,00, have
Thecontract for'sehool books at less than
cost, This is the verdict of•people wh'a
w.. But as an advertising . enter- :.
`know.. - . .:.
rise: the: Printer and Publisher . well
'says that it Was. the Cleverest thing, the
ay Eaton Co. ever'didr', The.Wbitney`
Government has ,clearly been outwit'
THUR,SD.A:Y,;:'MAY "6, 1909."'
Hand in Glove. with : Eaton.'i
In• wing a° ractical monoplyof the
;� � p
"school book business of the, Prevince
of Ontario to rise T.. Eelton P .
of ' Toronto the Whitney. G"roverriment
blew `nt 'the
dealt _g.
retaib trade' of" the`provincev- _•-
The • department, store oetbpus.: hiv-
ing secured the contract for publishing
t H'w
.O,tai4 readers at a ridica
o - �e llnoav o.�
co...._.- t/i'"'"-'.•cr't�vn -- — :-=—'-.. r�'•te;P-'+ - <a
corner 'she di°§ti�► lord _ _ .'�he libel• suits e�tte�ell;
e in • with •the
'raatY;entex d- _.,.t+o.-., � so . •�ashere:-,cid.:
`,C4 c4n1+e , Vanattex Rebert n, ,,Im h..,
government calls for the sale of the The Signal; ' and W..S, .Mcerostie, of
'nooks to; anyone at twenty per. reit
discount. •z; . '•
Retailers are on , precisely the sane.
footing as'the,public and it is easy to
see that•: the :public will'buy whsle°it
can getthe books cheapest.
The Governmentboast that- they-
., .book , ring•
-)Pave _broken
They have practically created -ti worse-
monopoly than, ever, ignering'the lust
• West Wawanosh, ; a ;ainst the. publish
era of The .Goderich Star,'whic'h . were
-set down .for hearing at :the assizes.
-last :week,'were settled' out of .court.
The defendants agreed to •publish ' the
following statement in last week s
issue of The Star, , which was accord-
ingl_y.done r = T
` "'y�e' are glad to .inforin:`our .readers°
l ' f the retailers and depriving.
ri rials While
Beehive ;Soap., for - 25o.
A. few Herring left. at 20 cents. a dpzen,
2 'Packages Breakfast Food for .15c,
•r.,2 Clan Good .60n011 for zee.
A good J.,pau-Tea for 2,0e., per ib. r .
China, Glassware, and Dinner' Set$ at reduced prices.
4 e IN'� d.
Seeds,. __.__
... - uar, ers for ali`�Fleld and 'Ogden..
eadq t u�
Hest , Pr c...�
` . •
that •the Stat libel -Suits -have .been set,
tied. After. having made careful enquiry
� d•
e. aims q h d hearing the examinattons •fur .
S of.
' use
;uif�cchi�nts�throu our , and
the province of a legitimate.source n.
_ When file godernmentrra,n ges
on the side of the : eparttnent stores,
and mail-order- Tiou es and -.openly, at:
tacks .the retail merchants, it' is time
something \vas (l0>ng
Every" book ;that goes out will bear
h f th T Eaton Co By
of Vit: 'S.1V1"cCrostie and Messrs,
Vanatter & . Robertson, •we cheerful y
withdraw,_ all • stateinents appearing
our communication " of November '19th
1908, under the title''Thisis Deplorable,
that • :would" in any way have cliaiged.
these? gentlemen with wrongdoing,. in.
`connection with the incident • therein
referred to_`
4."The presence of `'four -blank ballots
«in one of, . the ballot books at Mr. Mc
Crostie's poll, and'. their .'being in one
t e risme o e .
-bar ino a portion of the cost of print- placbook;:basheeri
ee sat}Th tori
inti 'to•the advertising•'account it is no
:i +onder=that~:auch ompany .could_do
• ver does
the work cheaply. This however • .
•plot h Ip then 1 merchants all over
,G -
explaineder a ac
undoubtedly is that: two „sheets, having
four,=ballots nfeach, went into.the. ress;;
together, with the result .that one ; came •
out _blank.; : This; ;coupled:with the.une
e 'genera
the province of .Ontario•;—Canadian. Mod •ofiaYlombering,all explains
h w ,tthe
Grocer.;, one :book.` Their having been handled
The above article from the hig
Canadian from the:: time they were Printed until'
Grocer ;has.• bre extensively q'• oted thej_tare into the .hands of the deputy
by the ` press'of the'' Province: •The officer with the�face
Printer and :::Publishei alsohas __an
editorial in. almost the seine vem. Tile
r tli c, ; ,t nt see•, how the
returning' .
ballot down explains how the defect wa"s•
not -discovered: .
'.',`Possibly more 'cardfulness on the:
part of Mr:: Vanatter in printing,
F' •1 eCrostaas s�4l ssa�d gg a .484 ballets;:
....,r.... iyns part: iii enciuirii ntour ,
We do .not 'think there has
1 n
-been a season
n-.,. 1' all `_'Pa ers_
�celLectlon yshe P
were roduced in' artistic de-
signs . uite e uai to the 'new
papers. offered this . Spring
Ithas'been. our airn1 p�(s
seasons to' stock papels-tha
are really new, and; 'at the
same time: 1nkeeping- with •
eorreci ideas we have learned
well the nee ds;:or outs cu5comers=ildi 5ets-sett
tions have been •no, exception to. the rule...
se from. dra'vin
' : Papers suitable •for' every purpo , g'
room to;the bathroocn, aid from. 5e per roll ;up
N o trouble-to-sh •
'U4. MACKFNZIl; sells `arm,' fire,
Accident :end 1:'`idelity-.Insurance. The:
I.'sitling • 'nadian_companies, including`,
Elie, Loudon-- Mutual so, u him"
Es aro of;;, every description. , bo g. ,
sold or 'exchanged. ' Money loaned . on
real estate' at' lowest rates. ---J. A. Mac-.
X;;wzin, Box 34, Kincardine.,
Solicitors, etc.; Goderich, Ont '-
1t.-14. Dickinson. ' Chas. Garrow,
P A. 11MALCONISON;.:Barrister, Sola
"cator, etc., at Iiacknow on Friday and
_Saturday of each, week.
tart, a- small Sam s
Coma Sauaween No. 50,
/elk -know, nieets every first 'Monday of
each month in oddienows' 'Halle Visiting
l).'R".".IVICINTOSE; Treasurer.
meets every .1„Iliorsday.' •
night,od or before.. the
ltilIshoon,in the Masonic
„uan, Havelock Street,
No. 112, meets ev-
, T.,riegkrowl,OnOrt 7*----,i/W., ,,w
-.ery Friday evening ...
at 8 &Clock in their hall,. Campbell; St.
'D. IVIALtotIGH, Vin -Sec. ,
. Independent Order
of Foresters Meets in
-the- OddlelloWs', Halt
• of each month, at 0
o'clock. Visiting br
invited to attend.
EACH your ,children to save rather •than sf end. As the
amount -grows, they become absorbed_in.inakincr and
saving mopey,-avoiding the habits , incidental to those
.ri--i44.4013-e_parent !AO
, oil in the parents' names -,-,Lin trust. Highest `current interest is
added -to -the total slim on clppoSit, and money so deposited can be
withdrawn if required, wittiont IdentificatiOn, Or any other,
formalities, are,. u.nnecessary •when opening a, Savings..KCcount.
.Nor is a knowledge of banking routine necesi*y. , Simply call at
the Bank, enquire for the•Manager and all attention will_be given
your requtr.ements,
further' depdsitS br withdraWat Of Money 'thay be Made aS desired:..
facts wouldc have7.. prevented..'-th ;rwh
.beeoming more andmOropOpider. Its:.
frorit Ceyee, is an education. in
• All, who read Farrikilt'Dairy. are loud
heard; of .hoW: this join .weeltly ',has
.special..elibbing rate with that paper.
styles at reasonable prices..., r
.etrolia' These, are rnade of the
ihoroughlY.air sea,Soned and dried;..
isaned May 6th; Which is.
the fetirth in 'a serions of d,, set Of eight
special magasine issues,' to be issnad,
sine tO the fariner, .ort the improve.:
the introdnOturfartiele.-'-' It alone. is,
worth the subscription price. ,, Bnial
TelephoneS,. ileneing; „roofing,- `" Under.
&linings, arid Many other kindred
snbjec0 are • handled ., in .this special
lisSue by well known.anthorities.
Special plans linddrawings of :" farm
houses, with 'Unfelt article on the
Model , Vann' Horne, by. Pr. Ilolori•
IVIcilfarchy; a- feature 'Of. the
Household Department. 'The regUlar
.deriartmetits...ef the.paper are not cur:
thbse special magazine nnailierg,
'Complete Pang kor an up te-date
piggery are tur,nialied ty Mr: 11:. • II.
.;ttations will appear •• in cOnneetion
isS:Yue°,.`'uif,;eethal°rte. th4itliclo;;i0°f
your ftirm this , year. , The issue
full of good ltVe and economical was;
Drill; 15 -shoe lyfassey-Harris Drill; all' in'good working
Alt tandem niethoda Used, Itett
material furnished. ' Crown and bridge
woe*. rainieSs extracting by the nse of •
th 'latest; simplest and safestlemedy,
'Stittv'Ottsoullitt. Newest thing in artifitial..
teeth: :Aiurului plates tonThrealtable
at cLEOD
giveg' yon an uplift. 'Yon can begt
'Central iltialtiett College, Toronto' ,
4`itie catalogue free.. 'Send 'postal
e tear Write W.14. Shaw, Presi-
4000in $04
If automobilea are needed anywhere at all they . die' in the ''Country
One of the speakers of the _Women's. Institute, at Guelph, recently pro
dieted that the time was •neai- at hand when farmer's wives would run"
telephone and' the trolley, the automobile , seems destined to add to the
Comfort of country -life, and the. cost Will not interfere 'with your buying.
We' can 'sat
Good Seto rtd411an d-11/16,ch
at a mere fraction of original eOst. These cars' aretaken hy US as part
paytnent for the newest abd latest inedels, and are stleh AS We "Can thor,
,ntighly;.'recommen;4,.7,:Any machine:4o- senciszoiit,is. guaranteed: to ,he )n
first.clads condition, and beyond the fact that secorid-hand cars are not
.this year's style, there is nnthing wrong With thein- in, any way. We use
them aa a means of introduction te the country. trade, and make the
values extra special to encourap qui& buying,. If interested, send yolk'.
Wattle and address for' fuller particulars. ,