Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-22, Page 4:7, -�� ��; -- � - , - - , , , - ­- , W P. 0 our min T4. �v law rural mil deliv. a. 5o end of yei4' an..num pity- ery, mi 'Who �Thoa Osiriuliiit atpAiable. in tioxi tot, S scrip P tiona eis t sto the s,��'hive. ealt AS i n stric V divtaxoua inspect, �� 0 in Eki, r ed 7 4'r r dollars. rorAib' e, 'Ruth - )o Vie rei fri -.c 'ilts A 40C A. jeft at 20 e axe d PolicitW,' o�sta to the U= ",'Of t� le od 11811 vatof in every case acconiginy the co.mititittica, Inquie hlip ri� - �* 5 G euttip tio '20C, Pe lb F service. pubishe,; t 1* r7777777 japan. Tea 5 and iii.Vito public ten - YOU.' W og A good 777P77 t men emork 1909'.� 'deis. lWauch" 00se-q V;eP'0m c THURSD It new wspaper 0 t the doiverjis'delayedvOtil og lowing esr' tide"d., !ble fol cd,pric,esf.i s 10 -4 -n �Dinn' red QC4 N V�lue �ot th ed or. q thbino qq 9pei 'd P t h Arthur decided, to xim r, r, t -do dq ow paitm6nt has,, den: hd! t6 an7 from pq;!S0" res 'tt e with. 1�elng �hq­big­esli'. A ery an 0611�ct!011`1 M40 46:7 �­, "I York h' of atte Hedi liv the-, -%Y, orlk h n -you, knolvu tl at, thjp- vq�st, Ws b d At 7 d k -A t' u t i ears: $t.' sA line 0 "t 1� ove spea i, g, ;x, Ith, ;1. . � �. 1. -6 f6r"' Prod" Ce "10 F9 - - - . .1. . 1i i ' leng .,Highest Pric., Lou' 'xpoe �ly had j ravel qj 411 6xisting stmgQ ry t he, local 114w paper: this to th I I receipt of e I "Jecokniz6, Ihe� local' ije�rspap t 'yo p er. is vj.oca....upon c010 You re, ion for, such, service, from the. e tnanAgOipent, Al of,the peop-e 114:% ;Ixeoel ti, 1i or t io e., r the eQUI! rylt Y j JLi 0 t erl, f jtbr�rthaPost,­ Ie -'eater, rqpL0,, ion f,,,tb 'our Pic 'tire A offie6 lti4e resen: you, xx d Contract-. uup6 ppli tem er )ay: a ver' have,y ,h t ver ys oior& And half: tone t tftV`j1Q'*:Vt4� Ot Y N 0 Wh h 66k ground a. big e' : , , '. Compre en papexis. and bo may. �rthetrsny t at a c arge So In" s,' A be*, the 7777; Ic LY C gel dollars b d. ch being 1niori, y4`��Aiinot­ -et-'t e- es 7 argQ PeAce ei OcA b" kb department, in qonnq6464 with o re, nThislii 1:1 irge inade 4s 111 bring f6 your he only cha -o S�' cia ion r the,'' ai,y asso Y: amilton- most. rem ers. eAbo� will -be sent, to d'. d r i iperson-gigning., th6 Batik of 14 'T �eiiti��n asKing.for it. : e,; lally t an I pa)i &sta 1 ­ � � -,- 1, ti-- itesi Ing, 0., Sa roadi the, importance o supper ery and'.' of ljvi�g� on, the 01 orm.a Ity -e erfrisesi- ti As f�thejj nioney. in d .9 s istlC;� t t W t a- d having t eir 'boxes eree e d' de4uately, the work one, � done b, A, depost or ewar igg Ai -atthepoin or aiid. hi4�8taffr,"".-Vouv by. b oc 9dit Ougs VX; lit t' th S, --keep A '%V it pec, noSee W oneyi, ;nA., et do �6t,think th 1q, of -de'Vw6$tt0rS �z You e ere. as Lkes U4:lsacl tons �,w and b fiuely'otgs�iizbd rascality uu 6ss L wltnln �our­ re- btefi a� lectl 'S ng LUCKNOW 4jL i4 every little,. village �ojj When Will.- a or S tWere prod -tic BOLLER 6dit who'i ',a-rater6l nsavi6gg, MILLS, de -bi ed it! .attistic �i� eq� lir off t�be jo*:014�9 S jai ito T *�Ilf -you: ki. coun� locality hud, tL1 e -ed this pring., -Advertising colu N �-p 4,pers nir,,WTt- A9D GRA a deprive his WLL%.: ae -of the mo�� portAn t been P r rea a ep.oy fid ee Wi the - fal-MOV-9 -'It: PAER. ity as you: would hai th 0, *qyk satne., tl'rr systematically,' :t starving T, P1 j&Vjejoek� - Brai�d. cor-174 ke;, in "4 ateh­dogs to doath. c vdlear.hed- e itots, ai�,e� t ie W. &T-hisAeason's C" t in a 'bi he, -t x cus omers, an R. L,EOD cl. d of ..OU 'local, ed 'dogs the fticeds" R .0f�tN"ocaLnejAbqr6Qdd. tin, ro all 1 s�, t e G: e rot 04. fe6 n 0 0., bit 100 17- ;iWQZZ;77 en%- wh voit -V .er 'mug 'dul 'I th 7�� hemW i d.- prosperity grow -pq A in wer -a ...... th th� of ixttelligmt, advOrtisi S E14% W. irej, SS e The 0 clorle Lid 1A "Y UratIc..., AjjjjL LUj:j%na�W-r it,6- d'' Mutual. b�-fore-',bdying-,' Vv0- can n ithods, used,. e 4ekription bogght, 0 all .4 Oil d brid `�h b�draCtjngL Y on—. 'you 1.9 b he use of 00, shed. Own. all KC changed,. Money B69 Late' At, 0'oept rmte'i.L�L .'A.- WC . v6rk.i- Painless' t 'a' U, - L. - ' a &feA;t P.r-�Ce§. 34-,. X-nicardint!"! the latest'. smp es f. all,.aVies -at� reasna. P,' -of -Preventive Somj46rqRm.­. rlgevost thingiJu artificial rover k GARROW, Barr'sters, A& lkipbo e ery ThfirsdaY- dderio, Ont, JL Chas a ph, Unt the-Bro Soli_ use wn WIS 1� "to 81 A., MAJ4r-0 thA 1 bive d wn-Le-eX6,.: Lirfiied.. Guel etro-fia W14 en rw e 6 'at- 3�i -hi�d for We Uit"tbree years. -in o n,.,j rLict EAR� $IRS -t", 1. D 14. and tef"; Aity Thfie putting- t ioil., -otil. 1. d - wbril.-in' tee's Mot djp woo aw�q urs an war, p16);64. All W.00( ma eria s' are t ion J have, -used j . ..... iyoodi, and, calcP e, fae At "thbroucr ev, 6r, gedsoned an. h id, 006hieiis,collegi 'the, Motgs,Wie; IlAiI6­1 d. ar�ea �thiug which �WOGD, 140. .50 n Ahe crucible of -f6r - dispellin has been, tested I �t, b;ln6st offedual thin- g moths.. :oiiday oi expirklice,; *ith the"fire- Of public meets eVerY, fit t M 'd d ted- j never bad ayt. in- o e s hi hAS -not been found.. opinion, anAl� -beink 80-pleasa010'use. the" praparation besides '.it q0,gordWly invitedi. Thw.success of o�ttr.gW, van ing nature. would uatid -bai-t s. iot1,been-eiccelIedttt:-Xot- on account of its Pbrf6etly. 6( d 1. :. , evv .,but the highest grade -every, -.huaseke' R1,09AHMCAL. tj the largest, recommend it to ess S�boql in West - modern B.nisfu 6f ­n Ontario.' o-loe NbXon oosier I,, Out;-, 'H VgON,, Gel cjxxtoxr� Treasurer co Adfial, iftstructi0h. 10 vk* 11: 900 ing t �!l jl�tris -Drifil'al cl Write fiDk.paTtii ras SPOTTON,'Prin 14eet!) every: uight-dii.. of :before thd utthe m 9 Havelock Street, a id ow. h A �goo&st6c-k of ��tba-,-,best..6raads�,�TiinO.t y B.. M CENTRAL no 1&6�s­Liiij -e M. R d ii Se,�d .rass, Seed Ortha ... ....... mnio. Ma .At Do �v �STRATFOR. at 6 6,cick in their hall,,- mp e geisreeoguip ialbr4ftvitedi All brethren cord as the greatest, practical' training A ,toit*, 'MACKA1 'W E.W. ;zjim 'Nd'G.*, G' Ca b,U creditiftlicolle d IiZ,, ineets o -expe.H 'eryvriddy ev lung *etityttotwo -years! WOO school in Western Ontario Wl!� D: MAtOUGH, Fln-Seet' paAments:iiiiiiii Three.Dg R. V. 0q1ta w1handi C, erclaill S11 ss Treasurer. th I st, to new cr ers n6st practic 'ib courses t At, taild out in riencedt. out'grad-i se W 140 stMctdrs expei THE SENTINEL will be; '' nt lot t order uates Aire assisted to sitions J.ndepen en otcieis. 'the of A 909 or in xceedt, as none" er f Poresters weetA all 0 1'. now. det our free- catalogt1e. arema inganew the- oddiellows' Hal we k 'gay on the last. Tues jott & Mi6L&Chlaft, h Ell kis.te�on, apd� ay. of each ihotith at Vinter that f, rustqrn savirigto bur tbren ate,:6rd invited t6 attends By this-pliju.,we,can o er Rec See, Chsb*g, Rites Reguld, GI be' t1he 8�utiiiel dud eekly . 0 ....... $i.00 I , Year ... 44 ............... ;gh or"e,,Work YS .1 and WeAlyj Mail The Stutine Ut�pjie, I yeii ......... in 8entinef and ifainilly Heiald Note the enlarged size An. ral or, The d eno. Ana wiekl�­Starj will be an lniDoft-' The, 8eitin o self -or, absent ahA Weekly SU14 Sootjoel,.'and subwrlbe for Y ur "Itbig WPA$ini vftl'ue W have tt, .... A! .... 6 ....... 1.75 1 .. i f 'theit popu arl, year -The �jjnt help to Ito estotikilon 0 eyt -"Ig -are rea Y; wit the ever 67ge—reff'jr� -b A4 best n%chno fbt-ft money 6. 611 the n I Sena f6t Illustrated Folder It ehloy 0, -Thelsentifiel, iAi Y ZLOP ARMS patroliagi! and hao a ­Sj4r, 1 year,. VV Ilk natidiAl r6putatioil, Owing to,thefir T he Sients �an(l Toronto )a High. a F10"To. ONT� No 4. hicycles -70 T 'Weekly.L Adver- 'lly obtain 9= Positions. an i-- hand eata,606 onge tiseqj. year,., ... ...... 1,601 . No" 01tr, p4h ege u4i Wtckly'Wltne . ..... ....... .