HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-15, Page 8!WNW �,Mr Vim Wt f, le Roo' 1 biimol .10# Mir C Spe W.-liakTo.A. �Pwfrowu*y visit A.f.Vo 'L nt rom, Its no irT spo k AXIII �Usl X J, AS yeel 7 , - 7 a q*e, 'Mr. ii*a lus*wk no Ut IL liqi; son rel* 0_... owel. oont,,Easter 00111iday, t hom% 44t List 'Nor M' turd y,'Qf L mAx"00,10.0'a very. VS; - ;� owopput teil _gcdo M -A t:­10�7 iwg -,W1Uqt6b1ir,� id' little,,, X, "of ,Q _jOtin(i Of the.farm vs. aii, g iaML L Beexi'llas gone Spring* bu ppId'13 '- the -Yi)lage, L his; p to Spend *a e. tb _4 Ra holidays,, Tom will IiIia UMS litt of AlWiPgrk spent iettil �tq I _ .0 , fOr wwbile� IN nole. Xoi bea I haV_' RkStee here.- JAI C r et.' an MaLny roplo.'ea , b he Nixon' of now ' x a 3011 tS Jxgl, hirpoL All 4 soot F ter* ecIiiUl if you w�tnt- anyto oag; hal ;4 A Won �ajn 'i 1116%v "ith, -rig 4. 104 no of wingba �the h 'PgL S�oltii*'Ig that "r Own jine., :-The PaUc-ros are L L ]PIN lit's rpe, if hat lul ?Lt Ch ;-r111Wfth;IV.9% �t;. V ro t ,e C the ft t i4iii of Chri e. :04 ry'. 1 -0'32C-4 W 50C a yard.- The On ie ......... _$,Ir.- A_,X1 E- gaft. lof Toronto qq od 0. L " St 'run froi Th Co. T 0 prwes, Wbiteqhni� h Fast . ith, frie a at '2LLIJ W661L, (2nd -3'ply)- Thp A L er w r oblirch �S ,site ' X j hat 0!;dAy-. .1 trad� win r. Q C is ne ot�14qd tb y 04 'etory -An Ai* d r oc atry an a 1,00 oid fever. Brossels fo 9 :Un Ok eu at Hitle. VA, Holmo d grussds, 'ple"itnt' event. T le, Was' IQ let- f T(;,rion,to, .. 1., 11 1 M 4 ­ * i i ' s We Miss Wimp price S at & Oil Cloth lmiss woos _41*` $01 s, LinolQ _41 av -y spent -Eastm. q, in depar �jjent. oronto. jl�es big bos, isM07K&Y of oo, thia�, -ggi& time e ting. o 'tile a 'atiou'took- place aviiithip,friend4 lipimi on of thb,c r McDonald is el -the. Poid` Itep; 6gaged for', 'E4 � II)L fi,t ()r e pecialty the home �of joh in -c. . A Ric aresis, 0 get Nve m a of �.'Lace Curtid J lx� Chas ,Boyd Amb 0 orly. Qvore 0 to. 'TOtontp spep il� The --.$�aSiDjl ke'.s' aa tiisl YS, ma.- d" 'Mr. a -A 1�4amby bon'L 'for E4stCr Sun d� 4.:� s. moth�i *-kO aW ay *# . , i ' .L, t recelve(I Ite We' bav'e' we sell at $12 lit e, �Mia�L 0 . , " S Li lr_,X4f;6i Vakation., of (tQry "6iiabk U6 .1�is*.' bf `Luc. hool a* actj*t 1-6 M E N'&' t very rO P* excellent I&Y itg m4de wens r4urned toi Toronto on. Aj Wes. Everitt r6t find Worsted, Suit w 1i& X "d �fWr,ii,pen og a .1.119. V6ods 'n, New On. nth with, (r6m the, urn r' dens �The war' from $15 a :baviu-becin! i� and- tligr-mini10r: OeTt .00,to s -i 9 00 id`iix full d .7 L a;lFu;5 SIZ .414-41 r ki di �,on Irs er.vac . , L. -,-d'- 7 4C Gilmo, d 'TuckhoNi, loading one 'an are resentxorpiiiAa Ed. p Na� 0 ea,.. CheaKi neair jki* & up -.OU�L RANGI� OF, WOOL, re of -Mrs.. John Gaunt,L af tell Thitirsdity- -.'-�Elo, Te U gay wii-%� home., aP lidirg e ev. CAoj�ft, -showing, ery. pre .. Y`Y. We AXO tt aft ruis Jilother on the followig 'address and, a the teilideged to th4j'Kecti It C W his1filothe'r, 7 t we y U bus, ekn April. t h, 1909.. plac� Ahek day�, he. up-to�dat,6 styles, iIt I grea 'that the -and rea§on-Abje -mansbi in brough work L Ir Christ, .OUnt h pgregAtiop. of jous anid. de', , . , !" abbra of t "p; co their yarAg Nn e , , gigns, a,nd, be latest in var, P MOIL ,our lady ustorher! to ha's. 6k heavy weig oraBuegbisdof pri hu an eS1gftS,l'n 2,-y ti w ity 'Of piesen Ing you 'WI I Vi Xlyi g. D r 'bou 11 �,j iiq&lftiks� ixtTeli ' qgs,talte thi§ oppor un fiacGill -Iniends -taking tbQ,r 0 'C'fty o6p, 9,ing'. [_y g Outurned" hom'e'for'-a'7Wi�i,,.fiiontli��--on d, 4 �,i 37Y out his., paprs,forpiv4 e WIP h �eon.m h* Ason tra ino eums A row- L Mr. WH1 Smith,- :tratfdrd 'Xii,,ZtLeuuA4.,-Pf t4Q hicfh- est�6ni hi Mr.- Jah., ch ellolit ger" g ds --is Easter they SP to' s ow elf ....... ... rd ing� lar, "each year-- We-haii4 e-.e:kc Bilnk-WateAcia'spoiltai w�day� g tu �:Y 7h- aj L hot ne-, ore., Ila -0 -a ter, oeetiop�. with the,� ��i f 'io frienids iiI Bayfield. 0 IS Spen ng US nder isit 'th6L parental kdo . are..on wl�ater ty in'. con of.your good and kinaly ISS ary jIjI , , r� s K, w6rk.am AgA3114 espacia' plos Jlolida�s connec I n M MacDonS1dofAmb6r1yisen_ t on'w'ith your 7=i that 'y6li wlMisa, 466ies for the sea"' d t. e t " , on lug iting her cousin iss da ies -v years Q come 'tix)ue..to b L i foi. t Son. e Witli-u 11Y -,So ch ori held v I. -4&o ij e L ih School. iiehola of Pa Tmonntare..s T ATS MPIFI]b If pejIdhg,fheL :ktL P tl Y"W. ame atisfactory nianne�_ a �ejVed.lt es. Aft es on __0Ah4K .0, visited ther,*, Who is very ill.' MaWenzie on,. a01'r -e It -k, pinceS i5c -6. N h` ispe0ive_16m w� weL __3 t - 'eir I Spenbis'b6e ­doho Mr�jimes Pickering iif Biliiiff6id, _W� 'Cgr MW lrolidi r-1 h ays, I er�a_ o.i is Y181 Ing R.'- MacDonald', Ruron. Towli j . - .1 , : - 'b I�on& and ti& is,vis e, qf-L�n b bri bthF�-]Krs. A. Towk, ug Ij lx MCQ on a. t ousiness, t1rip her'brother A To*16 here 'of JLf ydi ring IS The LWies Club met'at the e 6f esire hornless cattle'widiout firtym.----Mrs. 1W �Uw ing will be the I . . Seed -:st h g work. the drLi-. 01;6 �.�d.ke�p AWA it Sp bf.Clinton, addiesse, _*C_90 generg 4.�� k _i, k' ,not 8 aq so y1ori- h6 r_ T- ou xequire ings. ottler and M Mss. Ald potbi-ih` e rs. ames, at [i of Torouto-s t Asto y,,.ur cSo a pen E t 3 your sic 'the: -old,- residents, - thi e piece.o paper,. wrappe in, at, theii oil the coo Wdt- t1l, were. among Ar io 1.91 ve remove, (qiy no haielbI'vqr.the bil w dr "th t Roi� of Ambly, Spent: sor new home. in Lu.060w. 'We ii Inq It g lose ]ki., r pletasan eve and Mrs'.. ay. or a 7M, ja t so aim, T1hI st toik s u 777- 7 ) lye, _p A in ILY., stai rs or steps --Lis'. tile on the� s�, e vsrice na finigh. A_ _7 % Ru'stiell ketprnediroma' -market' produ­ [g a,dora: 19 qe cin find In 0 S__; OUL. f6 is"'Pu �cd oors� 'n bi of Sout timpton, i up"Ift al I*, th uita ie air or.' "Wtekl SayingP LW l.and, , -,our- _Y the e r. 1": al .,exarnine�� t 's od c6in ete i e T it, tovvh. for A e th Sjj OV� -0 Miss m camp prm:Iell RAD ES ial, of, ti in -spen a scho�l, t Eii'ter-at heihome -of —y -o n"-,, -a p W alRichard-A619vion 'and -4rpa R I ng�.�i8t__to_b ....... TOP, frien a. rom wee itche. . 3ton, d' W06h. it k to week— Coi�_ in and q, d -is- fi . a;toe- o6ind th` at- - live :soj ',all. our o ends- an can p pe a". -and' farm y ave , , - .,. I � . . . . W t ab`4 ed _Iii'b` les -are load test o er 'b i;A4gus Matheson dd-, keoid Roofing- Roo bu��, builc ings it o �ou-f6r-,_j5p -up 0� 0 f old ur I *Xpensi e rs, Brush G ind Silki Profit systein_-, boo s . or More. L v Paj[m ill this- _* . ...... . .... ..... ......... 77 that. satisfies he .whicnL.W..e., n.�,s6ppjy r, tiiiaiper y eto ca. d, bt - --- - ------- 0-, a iinors n. C v r. Ift Thy- M--6 CFO aq! pric _r1L 0. A'nice i -ailge of pitterns t e kesej $ C'.' on:'Mionday t attkn& a ea. o0c. &essrelilir�I�ents.- They'ar6, 1-2 1-2c, I@ ur ;te 'the. estate 6f1is-latie r6 r�Colin' 0 sirictl; hygienfc-e mo es 4 h it, LE d I D.., B. Vtik(4, 01, Royal The new'S. T. I dsikiis con-: qn.of V.. avid D McLeo we*k-.4 V I Ed N 5' 0 W., McLeodji ho: went,: tooSecitlan ta Ripley god 'i fall has re U 'Act "I H D HA PA4 te.'rida W Ult CEMENT) biD ROOFING, .. ..... .. . ....... ti111611t of _LlAA rNT) bdisj A grand ass 4 ice" ort t I WIL T IS sspriment ehuichavla�gely On' n a of nS es and �an Al - terns in atrjP69 -dot* 8t checkd -g Wool,.Delain J-RxAClh iM E11;IAL._QX ripl AD'. RAN giitkxday� eyeiiing. .. . ri�. ,.;p ;..-. , . :npe- -lie 8616' bj Mi RKRYt T tA Harris at their homes' tire, 'i th r---4td 00s'­Clothing.�­ dnaM, art Of B. C.11-Misa Bell stih:wn of Tor- �eed t�SWO, soason or ga''i d 'D weaer e tile, Ae" enIng an stro and look Men's good Traders l6l6t *pur ftedi ivhile- tht' Donald, Martin 'of well- reaul� .56,4. for $3.D8. Bank ng, ens g is single- ancy in, t -X' 36D did' and se P" - 4 MT -t assortoien is arge., d $10,00'aitid $12 66:v�lue for $8."50. oflibilonto.", -bjreq�ate 1 " 00, . . . . . . "iliewTiai�e�6ti�i,-gnd 'Alen's B1ue�jind,BIiilck-!Suit§ from double We handle 'a fodrl differ6ni. r , :,.,, IL or.9 c. au,�pitdqs of the Methodist togiiiai 150 Aild $0, BOW, Blue Sal o i USED� WITH-' 0 -N ng,wai it 9 d success in spite., of T AM ob-4,tim -.-.even: varieties and �11,,new!§ee 9, Church, Choir, on OW 140., Wail urprisea at abpxes Stock Food le t to'cle4 t ld ,,-Pric�, disagreeable wou e �,eallad­ t' 1. took., - owir .'Nmw W soirdSL W-WrOlIS DIM cknow Men, e ervie, qii t_ 5 and' Which 11a'd been'Itiflicled Olivet -r6gttl r. Value $10'$12 �atz s, regit r 0 qwa-Aette; -Rip by-X41fi-quar ette,-an n P 0111 L tolil-1— Soles. - i;p4ts, recitatiofiS,:;..etc' Mein' Plainprob -qox 20& valite ',2' f C 3ais; reg, Meivs-goo wqai d 0 ra . I la $1 50 and TrifIleaien of LU B in a fine q"lit��6ravenett for to try a, samp e, bOX, Ate Pit. le'Groie Orchestra Coats A ringphir.6 42c' r Men's pairs, oyed by 'ailI. or rd hew tile foil A eik.aii as follOWS"' -spect foi- 25c. UP a ProVam C. 011)08 tile - brealt ota. et s 0C.PWns, of tile III 3 N. Swe Bi, oi, ilip. glanos, Palms of the handqsealill 6 0 ie toll3ac 1, Ags, Ill AF.0 lis voill littd'otlted 15C 12.50 iiji Ili (%liafr- vlien a k9i. Chi6esi6'W.a�hfti� P6Wder, are buyipg et, Via -I! P .111111 of. a A �Ol in, to cons roni hIoine a lit boatititVil tilt, NPW XET1100 TRII grChL, 2 lit thi 0 ome a t.01, . il W 43e litid (lisfilypval. d 1 11 n-.4'ago, Ad HEAT 0.1%t f d'at tillie evel Girls; Woni Li an(. I r 'lls ell"' tz. I certsinly fy:hoy,, �ears.old, A Voiig( and b0a tt Sig of 4 til 11114"ful yowe treat 1110111, iii� )ION% Yoil call xcfer ani'verFon to ino thIA08011MIl Al AA W'. To ncoura bg uying.wq' 'i. IS jA b' ill, giliib with VqtrtrtMRV0V3PE91L1TY. VA111C0CtLE,ST1ti&URC4�1TA r_N�F�-S, YC D W . . L Se Y- F1 $ N Y. aoo.n,, 1*0" '14. 00 made: before,. -a TIC LT r, 0, It 'FJ '10 1). � I, -N end PRIVATE DA RINARY, ISLAODPR an A of ov blended, t nd Wdihon ayiy)�otel in tovn. Vol d o(l beeii aliS, w6s OkIL You A' �$5-00 ave oc ran 0 01", .601111% ItNyal (10 foi' Novi. colisphlitloll oiler Xiinit6ba, Wheat, nil' 0. or We -6'here. to stay'Aft -egy:od 1,00l opill,loil'Frpt, of Charge N rom al Ilof OW I . . . ., I I.. . I , A Hn: Block 0 Money, ok -for.t e tCj Oqjlitqr� LTs Pastry Flotte $ 5 r OUT WRITT.-N t fr0bCl'0nfAj46'WjAt&_ Whea EU � DY will, e- Mich. T leaven Bro. 4&-* a" A