The Wingham Times, 1908-12-31, Page 11-woo!"
20 gercent Discoun
We are the New Year by giving
remarkable valtus in certain lines which we
are anxious to -reduce before stock -taking.
20 per cent1. Discount
On Men's and Boys' Suits, Men's .and Boys'
Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Odd Coats, !Over-
shoes, Lumbermen's Rubbers, Lined Mitts
and Gloves, 50 and 75 cent Wool. Under-
wear, Winter Gaps Heavy Top. Shirts and
a number of other lines.
The quality of our goods is widely known.
You should avail yourself of this opportunity
of saving money. ,
McGee & Cam
Miss Greig, of Wiarton, was a
Christmas visitor with Miss Jennie
Rands. The latter will teaoh the Sum.
merhill aohool daring 1909,
At the annual meeting in Sobool Sec-
tion No 4 on Wednesday of last week,
13ernice Payn was chosen trustee as sno-
cessar to John McEwen. A contract
for 12 cards of hardwood was Iet to
Geo. Johnston at $1.80.
The Sabbath School belonging to
Roe's church will hold its anniversary
,entertainment on Tneeday, Jan. 12th,
A ohoioe musical and literary program
will be rendered to whioh the public) is
invited, Local talons will be assisted by
• At the Winter Fair held at Guelph
Oliver Turnbull, 16th con., captured 7
prizes on his Leicester sheep ,exhibit.
He had sold off hie hook closer than
usual after the Fall Fairs so was hard.
ly in as good form as papal at Guelph
this year, yet considering the keen com-
petition and close going points in Budg-
ing he did very well.
Whibh Liniment is Best?
For muaoular pains and pohea a thick
oily preparation oan't penetrate—that's
why Nerviline beats them all—it sinks
right in. "I wouldn't live without
Nerviline in my house," writes J. B.
,Oottam, of Maatawn, N. S. "It you
have rheumatism or soreness in the
tnnsoles or in foot any need of an honest
liniment, Nerviline fills the bill. I onn
recommend it highly because I have
proved that in one application of Pol.
son's Nerviline there is more virtue tban
in a whole bottle or ordinary liniment."
Try one of the large 25o. bottles.
If%lf",1,t}Ra tese Meanie''.
4 letter !eoeived at the, of3fioe of The
Peesbyteriau., Toronto, from. Rex. J. J.
1"iaetie, formerly of Belgrave, Ont., toile
of the safe arrival of himdelf end Tire.
Heade in A.ustrelie. Mr. Hartle hat
begun work as assistant to Rev. Rooeld
G. lifeeintyre, who is .the pastor of a
'ergo and i3burishing congregation in
Woollehra, a suburb of Sydney, N. S.
W. Mr. Maointyre is to lecture next
term in St. Andrew's College on O. T.
literature and apologetics, and Me. Hue
tie isi to take his parish writ, part of hie
duty being to give religious instruction
onehour a week So 'Omit a hundred
Presbyterian ohildren in the State
Al Y011:.G & CO.
Bargains for January
The following are offered at bargain prices for
January only
8 good practical Hammers, cast steel, fully
tempered, each - - - 35c
6 good Hand -Saws, 24. -in long, with ruled
back, each - - - - 75c
Of all the saws you ever saw, 'you never saw a
flaw, you never saw a saw that saws like this
saw saws,
6 steel Wire Halter Chains, q./ ft. long,
each - - - - - 20c
BREAD KNIVES. --This knife will cut frosted
cake without cracking or crumbling; hot
or cold bread are cr.;:iquhlly well; superior
as a cold ham slicer, each - - 30c
3 only Soap Stone Cutter Warmers. These
stones will hold the heat 12 hours on the
coldest winter day, each - - 40c
8 polished 4 -tine Manure Forks "D" handle,
each - -
1 dozen Handled Axes, each - - 75c
We have an interesting price on Skates and
Carpet Sweepers.
Soap dishes, each - -
1 pint Drinking Mugs -
g Granite Tea Kettle -
10 quart Preserving Kettles
• i5c
- 75c
Are Yen drowsy After Renalst
le there a fnllneee inyour stomaob--
a drowsy, lazy desireto sleep—this isn't
natural in healthy foikke,and only occurs
when the liver is torpid. You need a
etimulating tonin --need Dr. Hamilton's
Bilis to stir your liver and put life into
sleepy organs.. You'll feel brisk and
li4elq-yon'1! eat, dige t, and sleep well
after regulating with; Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, No medicine so universally used,
so mild, so euro to benefit tis Dr. Bamil-
ton'e Pills, Sold by all dealers in. 26o.
A happy time was enjoyed at the
home ot the bride on Christmas Day,
when at the hour of 3 o'clock, Rev. Mr.
Tyler tied the matrimonial knot be-
tween Wm. Earl Gillespie, of Seaforth
and Miss Violet, daughter of James and
Mrs, Carter, The ceremony was per-
formed under a Christmas bell in the
presence of a large oompany. Principals
were unattended. After oongratnia-
time guests sat down to well freighted
tables with the good things of this life
served in Mrs. Garter's best style. The
preaents were costly, numerous and
useful. Mr, and Mrs, Gillespie will
make their home in Seaforth followed
by the good wishes of a wide girole of
RT 7 190$
Rpbt. You'd, of pttewa, is visiting.
his OOUNtnN, Moe Aggie and Maggie
The trustee+' of 8. S. No. 7 have en.
Med the *ervioei of MIS Mary Mo.
Arter, of Brussels, for the coming 6
months, She iN an exoelleut teeoher
with an experience of three years and
Will do well In the aohool no doubt.
0. H Armstrong, eon of Richard
Armstrong, 3rd line, is home from the
West where he has spent a number of
years, on a visit, Re has done well.
J. A. Moore is home from the Weet
where he spent a good share of the petit
year. He 1* well pleased with the
oountry. Mr, Moore hae not disposed
of big fine farm on the $th line yet.
Mrs, 3, S. Blake and little daughter,
Borneo, who have been staying with
the former', father, W. H. Wateon, for
the pant year, left Ilelgrave last Monday
for Lisbon, Portugal, where Mra, Blake
gses to join herhusband. They Bail
from New York, per S. S. "Adriatic,"
for Southampton, on the 30th nit, The
"Adriatio" is a new steamer of 25.000
tonnage so Mrs. Blake and Berneo
should have a pleasant voyage.
On leaving Sobool No. 4, after seven
yenta faithful servioe, Miss M, Mo -
Naughton was the reoipient of a ntoe
manicure set, a gift of the school
Mr. Hector MoKay, a son of the
late Lachlan MoKay, is here from
N. Dakota where he settled 26 years
ago, Mr. McKay has done well in his
western home, and is enjoying the
renewal ot old acquaintances, though
he finds the ranks sadly thinned by the
hand of death.
The sale of the MoKague farm,
8th line, to Mr. A. ,T, Haines, re-
ported a couple of weeks ago, did
not go through, or rather, after
the sale was made, the parties to
it palled the deal off, Since then,
however, MoKague has disposed of
his farm. This time Mr, Robt. Mo -
Kee of the 8th. con. is the buyer. Mr.
McKee has sold his own farm to Mr.
Eugene Kuntz.
Woman's Period of Pain.
Regularity of the system oan only be
eeoared by maintaining strong healthy
oiroulation. If feeble, run-down, ner,
voas, be sure that oiroulation is poor.
The natural result is congestion that
exaots so severe a penalty. Besides be-
ing a blood former and nerve tonin, Fer-
rozone adds additional vigor to the heart
and ensures strong blood- oiroulation.
This is the only means of preventing
congestion that causes pain, headache
and nerve weakness. The whole system
is renewed and fortified with strength,
vigor and enduranoe. For girls and
Women nothing equals Ferrozone, 50o.
at all dealers.
bers of the family at home are Mary,
Townie. Margaret, Robert, James and Ernest
A very pretty wedding took plane' at also Mrs. 3, Grasby, 5th line of Morris,
Qn Thursday, Deo. 17th, there passed
away, at the home of her son in
Kemnay, Manitoba. Sarah Jane Young,
the relict of late Jas. Elliott, formerly of
Morris township, aged 87 years. De -
mailed' was born in Ireland and came to
Canada when a child with her relatives
lusting in Kitlev township, In 1836
ehe was married and Mr. and Mrs.
Elliott came Westward in 1852 taking
np residence on the 4th Iine of Morris
township. The former met with a fatal
aooidefit in July 1862 being killed by a
falling limb while assisting in getting
out timber •for a barn on the Rich.
and Armstong farm, 3rd line to replace
the one destroyed by fire. Along with
her son's family deceased went West to
Brandon for ',lity in 1$83 where she non.
tinned to r e •
The subjee this notice, in the per-
son of Wm. Di ie, tr., who departed
this life on Ohrib !Day was ona of
the best known an aighiy respected re•
sidents of this township. He was bora
et Hawiok; Roxboroshire, Sootland, in
September, 1830 and was therefore at
the time of his death in his 79th year,
At the age of 21 years he emigrated to
America, landing in the state of New
York where he worked on a dairy farm
for some two or three years. In 1854
he Dame to Canada working for a few
years on a farm in Esgnesing township.
Halton county, and in 1858 he came
west to the Huron tract, them a com-
plete wilderness,, where he took np land,
his selection being lot 11 on the 6th con-
cession of Morris township. In the
Spring of the following year he was
married to Jana Michie, Esquesing
township, Halton go., and in the Fal'
of 1859 be retunedeto' Morris township
to begin the task'of oohverting a forest
into a cleared farm of cultivated fields,
In this he was eminently successful.
Mr. Michie sustained a severe loss in
1876 when his partner in life, who had
so ably assisted him in making and en-
joying home life • in those days, was
called away. As a result of this fi rst
marriage five eons and two daughters
were born of whom four sons are now
living, viz , Wm., of Galt; 0. A., of
Hespeler; John of Saginaw City, Mich.
and Thomas, of Scotch Block, Halton
Co„ Ont. Deceased was married again
in 1879 to Elizabeth Kirton, of Turn.
berry township, who with a family of
three sons and three daughters, together
with the four sons above mentioned,
survive to mourn the loss of a kind. and
- devoted husband and father. The mem-
the home of Mr, and Mrs. David Jaok-
son, of Howiok, on Deoetnber 23, at 6
o'clock, when their youngest, daughter,
Martha, was united in marriage to Mr.
Norman Calder of LtstoweI, the Rev.
Mr. Farr offiotating. The bride was
tastefully attired in Panama and white
silk, and oarried a shower bonquet of
Carnations and smilax, tied With ribbon,
The bride's travelling suit was of brown
ladies' oloth with hat to match. The
happy oonple left next morning on a trip
to the groom's home in Welieeley for
Christmas, after which they will go to
reside in their future home in ListOwol.
Toe groom's gift to the bride Was a
bracelet set with a present of pearls.
The natal monotonous oonditiona pre-
valent in this quiet heighborhood of
Orange Hill were nnexpeotedly relieved
On Tuesday evening of last week ` by a
happy event which occurred at the
home of Mr. and Mra, Geo. C. Padfield..
The 000aeion was the marriage of their
daughter, Mary, to Thos. E.1 ayford,
of Dauphin, Man. The high respeOt in
which the bride hes always been held
made the affair 431 special interest, Mise
Simpson ,''almond the guests to the
drawing room by the strain* of a pretty
wedding match, the young oonple also
taking their pidbee, the .bride leaning
upon the erne of her !ether as -she
entered. The impressive eervioe of the
Methodist ohoroh rocas read by the Ileo'.
H. W. Mo ralriah, and oongratttlatiOne
Were redetved from the eotnpany itf
invited poets present. The weddthg
dinner wag obrepOeed of confusion of
most tenipting'viende euittible for the
entertainment of royalty. The happy
oompatiy spent a very pleasant medial
9 can truthfuliv say
that I believe that, I. for
the use of your Bni.,aion
would long since have
been in my grave. I was
past work --could not walk '
up -hill without coughing
very hard."
THIS, and much more was
written by Mr, G. W. Hower -
ton, Clark's Gap, W. Va. We
would like to send you a full
copy of his letter, or you
might write him direct, His
case was really marvelous,
but is only one of: the many
proofs that
is the most strengthening
and re -vitalizing preparation
in the world. Even in that
most stubborn of all diseases
(consumption) it does won-
ders, and in less serious
troubles, such as anemia,
bronchitis, asthma, catarrh,
or loss of flesh from any
cause the effect is much
Do not delay. Get a bottlo of scones
EMULSION—be auto It'a SCOTT'S and
try it
Let na 'end you Mr. noworton's letter
and some literature on Consumption.
Just Bond us a Poet Card and mention
this paper.
126 Wellington St., W. Toronto
home of Mr. John Gillespie on Friday
evening in honor of Mr. and Mra. J.
Gibson Gillespie, 150 guests being pre-
sent. All enjoyed the evening splendid-
Mr. James Leggatt and Mise Maggie,
of OoIlingwood, are visiting friends
around Whiteohuroh.
At the sohool meeting of the Zetland
section, No, 7, Mr. W. Wilson was elec.
ted trustee to take the place of Mr. S.
Peddle, retiring. We find the Govern-
ment grants only a trifle in excess of the
old law, the ailowanoe for salary paid
above 8300 being about the only differ-
ence. Since the raising of eelariea of
teachers and inspectors, some think it
is time trustees received a little remun-
eration for their services.
Deceased was a public spirited man who
also took a deep interest in matters
political, edutiational and religions, be-
ing well informed and conversant with
all questions of his day. He was a
Liberal in p011tiees and a Presbyterian
in religion.
Mr. Gordon Daman has returned
from Toronto.
Miss Stella /lathery is the teacher of
Zetland school for 1909.
Just received—a gift from England
valved 2s 6d; no duty °barged. This is
ab it should be.
A teoeption party was held at the
Isard's Janoary
Stock Reduction Sale
The. Whiteohnroh Rifle Association
had a rifle match on December 18th for
an oyster supper, The team oapta%ne
were Robert Carrick and Wm. Beeoroft,
the latter's team winning by 45 points.
The supper was held at Mr. Beecroft's
home on the evening of the 29th., and
was a great suooess. An elegant supper
was served consisting of oysters, turkey
and other good things. After supper
addresses were given by Wm. Beecroft
and R. Carriok, also by Dr. Jamieson
and Lieutenant 0. G. VanStone, Wing.
ham Volunteer Company; singing by
riflemen and Iodise; phonograph eeieo-
tions by Andrew Fox; instrumental
mnaio by A, Shield; piano a000mpanists,
Misses Beeoroft and Campbell and G.
Lamont. Great credit is given Mr. and
Mrs. Beecroft for the way they opened
np their beautiful home for the Rifle
Association. At the close of the supper
and entertainment Captain R. Carrick
in behalf of the members of the club
presented Mrs. Beeoroft with a suitable
present and address, which was replied
to by Mr, Beecroft on behalf of his wife.
At the close all sang "God Save . the
Oa Friday, Deo. 81st, Mr. McLean,
Mouse mover, of St. Helens and a gang
of men, s000inplished a feat in honse
• moving. Mr. Hector McKay bought a
house from Mr. H. Thompson near the
old Zetland milt. The building was
24x20,2, two story, double boarded in-
side and out with tarmac. This was
put on a large sleigh made for the pur-
' pose, and drawn by seven teams of
horses. On the tongue was W. Coulter's
matchless team, the ribbons being hand•
led by Jack Kelly, neatly dressed in
Western style; next were Sandy?nr-
don's and Joba Leggett's, four eicy at
—Sue horses; next J. Martin's and John
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
omelette is a boost to AstiunatiCS
Does it not stem mote effective to breathe in a
remedy to tote disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy Into the stomach
It eurMS because the air tendered strongly Anti.
Septic is cartied over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
meat. It isa savaluable to mothers with small
ThOenO!AoopsumphvQ ds . ge
tendency find immediate • ,,;,t
relief from eonghs or in. I�
flamed conditions of tut
Sendp4eta1forbeokk .
%,ital, Caitad,anaAden"' Ila$bri7t-
Webb's heavy drafts; Fred 'Davidson''
spanking team of drafts, with Dan Mo -
Key's taking the lead. At 3 80 a start
was made from Coulter's and by 4 30
had covered a mild; at the "hog's bank"
there was work for the shovellors—a
drift. Going up the hill the teams wore
lisststed by about twenty men, and (tech
teamster was talking his prettiest lan-
gnage, With remarkable effoat. The
Sight Was a novel one for this part, and
it was a pity there was not a -earners
near at hand to have "taken" it.
Everything went oft without a hitch,
and Mr. MoLean and his teen deserve
David Paisley, a ear•cleanor, W89 run
over to London. Ont., and killed
One of the big power oeblee hanging pltol?atnxortis 07 Fite BOOK 810 211.
from the steel arch bridge at Niagara Grimy B'aok,
Falls parted.- There wad a lot of lire.
Werke,' but no -serious damage was done. ,a***'
173 14,771
Discount during the month
This is a great MONETSAVING chance for you! DON'T
ISS IT, Remember this is a genuine reduction, not offgoods loo
highly priced but off our CLOSE CUT EVERY DAY ELLING
PRICES. Come early and make your selections while the stock ia.
20 per cent, off Ladies' Fur Coats
20 per cent. off Ladies'Fur-Lined ' oats.
20 per cent, off Ladies' oats.
20 per cent, off Ladies' 'ur ` offs.
20 per cent, off La die ] r Caps.
20 per cent, off Ladies t'ur Caperines.
20 per cent, off Ladies Fur Muffs,
20 per cent. off Children's Coats,
20 per cent, off Girl's Tweed Coats.
Your choice,of two thousand dollars worth of cloth'
20 per cent. off Men's Overcoats.
20 per cent, off Men's Suits.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent,
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent,
20 per cent.
off Men's Fur Coats.
off Men's Fur•Lined Coats
off Men's Pants.
off den's Reefers,
off Boys' Overcoats.
of Boys' .Suits.
oil' Boys' Pants,
off Boys' Reefers.
off Men's Far Caps.
Move quick and save 20e on the dollar.
Our stock of Carpets and Rugs is far TOO LARGE and must
be reduced before Spring stack arrives in order to quickly reduce
it we will give 20 PER CEN 1', DISCOUNT .O1i'b' Wool Carpets,.
Union Carpets, !Sru&els Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Mattings, Wool
Rugs, Union Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Brussels Rugs, etc.
Bring along your Batter, Eggs, Fowl and Dried Apples, taken
as cash during this sale.
H. E. 1SARD & CO.
7Wei idak elinsij 11 LL. L..IlI, 1 11 11.111 ,11,11 AYrl:y--- "`"1164
Big Book Store.
The Afterrnath
The holiday rush is over, and we heartily appreciate the large
share of your trade that we have received, at the same time realizing
that our patrons have been given good value for their dollars. •
School Supplies.
We have a large stock of books and supplies for both nigh
and Public School students, and will be pleased to have your orders.
Your Reading Matter.
The reading matter which you supply your ehildren is an
important factor in their development, We have a stock of some
of the best works of standard authors. We invite. you to come in
when wanting anything in this line, and if we have not what you
want, will order it for you.
Limoges ! Limoges
Sonia very nice patterns in Limoges and other Fane; China
await your inspection here. We may have.jult the piece you vartt
to 1111 (Alt a set. Your orders will be appreciated.
Elliott and Walley
&V' Bank of 0