HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-03-25, Page 2C,StOt. Dloimpaey 21(1 ict
CXI,I.I.Cont 4) ,
Dielr "
el" ' • '
thal tQ b EtA OVisiCIP';
deep-latd scheme
succeSsiulfr' carr vas sarna, oveet
' ut
that 110.•
• Did he ,bear the reputation of
Y-killerl Of making love to
every Womaa on boart11' •
4esx Mrs. Qa4rI. Perey
.; laughed heartily as he replied,: "I,
neyer saw hira, talk to e woe:Leer!
Re had 'the iepiitatien On board t4
Worturiu,ter. rue • P.
'Perfeet b'earf :* • - - •
.', ?Thanks 'so much," Mrs. Beton-
tilbreXPla,liatiOUB 4r a rd PeXilarl
.better left -alene, ..C1094 -1)Y0 -•-•
:will be 'well ler :us, not to Weet
"Gtood-IVO. Yes; it is certaialY
better so. . .74y maid shall go
abriogs to the station for a ,Porter
and truck. They will be here by
the time you have peeked."
• They were. , The tlhantrelles left.
Soureeied floilden by the train
Dick '-bad Mentioned; the West
crestfallen vouple traVelling,iu
P-ru-n4 *Wag al the ROOg 0,f • $h*
, .
be Chantrelles gone,'with, the
whistle ot thoir departing traio
shrilling in- her ears, .Mabel..sighed
„Contente41Y, gathered, all there was,
of her' togeth:er and Spent a full
tW0' Minutes • insPeOing its ' ttk-
flectien '• in 'the, Min Or,
2Seund ,of- the doolog'' of' the.
Aeor them, a's. they left "bad bean
sw,pet music. .4111;- aor. ears, The
,Wa,rning shriek of_the engine as ib
started, out of the station, drawing
them every, morak.nt further and
AA sweet-
fi.F.r.r.-e40i4-ni..i$A nA„-54.,-..„ ,_,..,/,;.4.3,47;..tplelissrat,tliii"witi-tr..4040151,- -,-,t--#.11,-- ' •
ntre4fieT.:,''':: -:,,,, , ,- ., - -- - ,' u in t -de stand' that '1-i'm iiii 'the laES7-ttine ilififoii'Oiralilieffiree'
•1:404.411148r-.v.i''''' A, tzt.;°`" here gaged to: be; ina.rriecl;. to Illtr.....311as, <hued at Ivr.reetta..e. ha. hut 110 . . .. Si J.
....W._44,7,..',,ispr0:,_._.1.,..,..4i.21: •,:tegg, shortly4ut I think you know enjoyed hiineelf ; 'slice' reinerabered :-
Fit'l!'f,,,.,“L.:kli.' .614:..)ag'i 4',„,"„"„-',: .,7''that't! - -.: • ... r- --' -'-'''" f• .'"" *:-; '' " ' '*.Ni.'-.4/11Viti I01•6:-.:11,11014-011411,1ei-,,,- --M;'.,..-P..,I_*.IIIPOPPTYr .fccqa.OrlY 4 re-
e',...;,..'"r`-'e,1''''k'?"'" -. roreed We -fell ; :all the 'eiorri-, The shades': of evening hega.n,.their ',Side,rit„-0.1-TercilitO.,,i.na-a-W7ellAnCIF4
u ;7•Pr'"" • Iv", .4•',.'1,'' 4•T,'"T•f'_,!.'''!'4,1•;'._ri.,2' "1-11.011t: 4165-1416014` '4"--111:;r----'°--'""%•7*--"''' Seent::anbri.. after half•vast' fOU1' PU0i11080.'1)14111?" Vi7,108. from 247 Quy
bear '` ,e?&.,a. 41.1:u„.;!i'-'9x,',"7:,e' ••• "We,. 1 had riot the slightest idea o'clock,. It was not too dark Wen street, . tiontreA1-0 ...'Qqbe-41-".-: -- -----
t!:::2. 0.441.._...P.,,PF,111.k t'tedli- a thilig.. ...-.......,.. ,. 1 ' .. ."' : for -bert to pee her'. birotbeV 0.11d :.;•"`. 1_viiih• to testify , to the good.
L.:11.e."471,11 ,,....,..i... .,,,T.7'",,I.,,,';'--1,',7- '--T.rl's that: possible 1 - ' Surelyyour,1:.,•i53.e.:.,oliarlfe-40 .bY: On "the : pa:.-, results.,1r,haye„.4erged' troM, the. use
Aitn''.,;.„,'..:A,-..,„,"7774`-,...‘''''''r,7'4,:,,,%. sister told you'i She' sari. in this --rado--4iistwa,ras. , .... , • . -,,, ,01 PotlionG.-•-•:-. ------ -- -- - -- - lifo.;-we would uot-hkestu d9 wit - '
•,,,s4'.. e'r,'• '''''..'1.4"' 'ml,'''''• httter ' that :When' you heard of '10*. :They:had:gone in the'-direetion. Of' ' "liaVint_heen . troubled far : sev- eiit___0., again we must say. thank.
'*,:#414004.th..44-eek-ie'lmi- fortheoraing .marriage to Mr, MaS-• ,the at ,A traile feund',Place. On evil:Tears. with • eathirrh ' 'of the you. .to tto. dear yid now, :. Then,
sh *O 0 Olit;t1•44-4ilsill tan:. yolv Ire*: .. white... ' Although :11e'r: ;face.-;'"-go'-tar'ill-4ii 'Welt-:',-. 1'''';',1°eideck:t,°':, ffj":43--.- Per11-41:4,----.1.eheese rthere and more it is being
pert.Ilittavpms, theant
mon no.W1"
•0)* bcldli raised ber ,head and
•looked him' straight in' the face as
she spoke.
"Den't 4o.a$. y� 't49
me away from you!".
That was a.ruhhing, 'of it in with
'0?,*engeance, • . •
"Please -,please get up.. I don't'
like -I cautt. bear --to see
e,..I won't get luP ftieltAlet
you forgive ine everythingl'
"Tell me." His voice was rau-
cous in' itsi hbarseness. "Yen d•o.,
notr-do 'not belong to .10haetrelic r
„ Alaugh came to her line., ;Atinge
of lealonay n the man she loves
•Pleanee ),'Y'oelan;:bniees things -as
;it Were; .
• • : (To be continued.) •
t ,TILE'co*,
cr Cow the- fester 'mother el
the worldthet. patient, kind ores,
-ture--;whieli-,--furnishes_ei_with so
many of the good things we dal'y
enjoy, .Let, us atop to count. a few
• •-ilineds-;_thf-Tiqiit?*.Zsweet
life-giving iluid„ that; cOmea'„,triThl
the=c0W a4 nourishes Mania child
which otherwise would die. And
dreamt, Whafid-oeff_not "cream
prove -tea, coffee, perri,clge'
ding, Pier cake, The golden Clover-
scented- buttert, which is ;such a fit-
ting accornpannnent.te the staff of
Bomohow ixf, &hoe, ;Y_i bia.yrc,7ye:hitee .117acuagnhnedot, '0',nyeeOusoh,.o0u)kld,otta',:e „Ciilretieorr:fth4-eVisherefat;chtlelde Ir9'lere1V'Ke4g-41nettl:bee711nert1113;:o.tYi"..tis-hu7436.- fl°0-60r- a'nu-:1,611t'r'nals-Y,4-1:,tfaut'rin4SielthretSit;:lfi
theuld :IP) • • • t h "t- it 1, . ,the-Ltiolible:icaktr„gOO4V-re'''' "
leasant the-eed='-erthe
• • • been , quite , p male, am. advanced,, , .• • .; ,L,• • ••• rads more an-• 4:141,..an - good_eow
Tee. Igeovi that VP would have -thought Of ;Ilahbtv,:i4enleolyeaffiod Eirteorip;#:,t'vreoray....bbfol6e,iircf:kthsahanotd,erieu.Tel.ih;ae71'„eal'i(itthee'riktrtolet.Lie
by„-PFP.:Ye!"7 That ' Wag .charm; one. has/ so . 'Big f Wha . :ohrtk.rsuLus are soon eetieeauie,
I....know, it ere ' her hornsandh6fiT
gene. yto, you; you. always have bo- essential Point., She saw, with re -
the :M0. and. hidigestl04.,...
"I have nci' hesitancY'WhateirerLili:h„°111,,b.huasir, and. our clothes,
g plaStered oirr
he Wen t t, ani,:sorrY to say 'Xt. That E.fiek"aja.MOVO eff waa
a,1agentleinan ter, me„;' but lief, .that he :44. sonee enough' for reQ°111filer'cling 'Peril*” .-ho''utikgil;. the,...yery refuse from her
iterraegae-",Irt.!•1.!*ig...-thiiii,),' sm....hew:L:41d t.o. . • . atarrli -r.#t°03!•'! • • .13f:di' enriches ,. our garclen.s
e• •
purc e e�U
Seotes'. and
inediately commented to
Improve.. In all, Ithink
- took,' bottles; -and my-
weight. increa$edfrom 133
,pOuncIS to 184 pounds in
less than six. InOoths, I .
knoW froin personal results
Alic-,vffigacy ;id Scotf'.s,
STRONGIVIAN, .417 Bath-,
• .1.1rSt St,, London, On•
Lei us send' you SI' copy of
Kr: Strongman's letter.' ,
: had a trying mcperiencer had
got run down, • . • T.:
producing. propertlea;.Of.
Scorr's EMULSION are un -1
.equalk4,bley ot1ierprepa-
.. ration; and it's just es 'geed
. for,the thin, delioate.,child-us -
:for the adult. :Be sure.,to•get
• Scores. It's been, the stand-,
ard of the World for 35 yeafs,
., • .
• and is worth many times the
cost 4, the nume_reus„imita-
:' tions and -substitutes:4-i-- - • ---
• Stroinhtidn'airttoriondsoncOothor
• tore on ,thogut400t,•. loot roontion thla
• SCOTT & novti-NE•r•
120 WOAkrostori.'St..:VV; ' Toronto
irExamiotodxs wRE tNows.
• •
The Earliest, Time.. Teller as
Vouventently Portable, Was tiie •
zot (clocks' aias,
lathered on different perse,nii„, at
dates Varying frein before
-tian pro, to 'the lourteeeth century,.
but to • trace. precisely the -Arst'
paarance instrumfent atsal2 .
Seinbling the modern. fower ,
and 'lock. were set unTiii
• lei at the expense of Chiet4eritice-.
cle-Henghani,, a peeishpient impos-'•
ed tippet him., for ,falsifying the recoril
of a fine,' says the: Leeclon Glebe ,
, and 'weight eleeke were, knewn •in
'European nioniStie" houses. from ,t
, tenth centiiry Onward;' but it is Very
ul if-7-ese-posse'ssaddla,1-2-
fa,ce and hands; more probably they
J) tO sOunC at
:stated. ":! •
e sand co, Salailriftritieslitife'
,quity,,, :el . rather better 'tb.4nr.--2i060-7:
years at letilat, and tliongli nowjoying-an liOnorable-retirement, ___
en -
merely presiding in old :reddened. ,
kitehens at the Veiling of the 1:irealcf,i
fast egg„ had, TOrmeriy pace
ihnoht every parish church and
reasonable bounda. '
able,• Tere--ttee_severallkindc.,of
andliiiiigitlie_liiiinfiant-au$1. it, is turned...tinder- 'when
- t • ' • • • -
"1 Y°11, • ° by•your sister whilst, on 1,1 te
, , a rs
Ai°, hid • a-uarriivir • ' •• - b. •
- trasue of li.es frora e- ninment 'his eyes: fell on ,heri. She - .
'Mier AartYilnt,g.'4" giening to end: • The-V,P-5ik' Oi.WWQ-' did 'not. leave 'in. doubt long; . trouble tany be due .to slug , time 'of need
.absolitely_• ,kinfitted-in ' kaneedtowardd hire). and Stretch'', gishuesS, the' 'cleritg.°°1-ens- -Wit; the e -e\-4. 'the soVii-incorporat ,
W. Marry yen,. • • . e -ch • 1, .1 a ,__0h, panei.eas,er may be -due te the -I3,ea,:sts -of hurcl , with t_11.6 an:cl, tends ' to , ha. sten
9io•Oon-fpi cgcoit Seeietir IStir.'hand,' said- '. • • of the' .bevels;„.e„Plargeinent Of. the'
trialicio.405,...„104, .01,0,4."" arm. inser ..?yere on eir ruck, ar .111 storatt6h nerse.s.. , . , • • its .aeCOMpoS114011".!
'anY. desire
had- risen to his feet the ,
d ' t ttiDfl
_ bountiful` harvest.. , is plowe , .and -cons ant:e
or conv'enience up to the time the .cover. crop
"es the-applieation
getion, `. • •
etteperiet,Aqualitilitiiiie4iine o
. .
'tabled- not but egg- .
Whibb• finely ' powdered :and 441n :
= foiiiia17-47iiiitertal7le-SsFs!,:!nsi-------
tive: to atmosphere neoistnte.-- •,,.
Of-probably:am greatertitwity
than the lour glass was the oloprik:'.
da or water of 'Whieb.'we
know .of .seireral forins.`,..One•of the: .•
.siinplest :Was the; „Hindu's. copper
-berced,.with .sinall .1i@le .
thobottona,. Which ,Pl'aced in 'a vessel' ,-
of Water gradually'. filled and .;:sank,
at-AheL-appointed..time7.7:342Ore 00;07
orate , forms were"-kuOWn.,in,Eurepe.
'a-$. ;- -
Though. yarying soiriewhat'in'conr.
struction-the..principlo of each "'wan •
the Isanie,..a, ;"float," WaS
either, pIacedin a fn,11.cylinder from ,
whiah 'the ;water: gradually dscaried , •
by a 'hole in; the .- bottom--7usuallY
bored iii a Pearlas •being less 'liable
to *erosion .by the conttant flow ;.or --
irr-An:enipty „iiessek tO•Whicli• *Tater-
•If, • feet in a Moment. • so sorry! ,Please forgive • • ' • '• ~These are ,enly at few of the, fa,- ' -.Eurichment rinist go /hand in -hand
In nearly, all. cases of stolliach
-7a#'1";" as", pierfee'' her"- Chantrelle. muttered Sem' eth. log "Forgive? You are surely,- oh
digestion catarrh of the stomach .is Te"'ar common blessings ie cow ,wit .cu tries. Yon, .1 0,$ ro urns
bl the ' h 1 t' 'f b -t rot
breaking the laws of -hospi-. I have nothing to forgive!the- • Th only ma' t bestows on mankind. There are a are to be 'expeetol.' The annual
"eut rratiT's, " `Take "me away,- Percyrr his ills- have b-behaver17-she mopped . •.
Peruna has become „weilAknown fallino. of the leaves and the plow -
id n tality , "You, have!" ' ' " e 3' Per „nen re- • •
lref is to re ove the catarrh
hundred. other, products, the. origin .
Of 'which -We'd be surprised to find :.ing.down of cover cropso.where such
In -the "gentle. bossy:. ,„ , • . .. : ; ', ' ire"ns'eelleannot he depended 'upon:
"-Tliereia'net 'another,,,duint,ani71 torecoup the:Seil -for what is taken
Mal for which ,ivie have. Such reason in producing:. a ;6.'0;3:: of . fruit and.
te....thaiik_SlOdi':'endlieti,'-he-itto4ur. ii--adding.,:tO the 'seize of th.e irdeS.
_ shame, , taking the ' 00 ver -7-Tiiii--Value-tof-wend,ashesjALL.a,n_
1,,heifg-sWOgia's: ' 41.,;_i Or,eripoke. Al . en
”- tr;l.q.,-P-o.1-1,11i-14:1?-404,40-g--ixittrz,„.Y.Akieties the float, falling.er rising . ,
--01..suPply,. and thiS,,,is: :a.-clreap.o4t. ,-', 1.-",-S,..41*.---__"7 -7.11.-1-•,.......:4?.m.4:4141.1:PIZ- ',LN:s? •0-1:-...----,,-
ef supplying 'thenineessary..::: 1.1. lo, .Seate-•ofliou,r-s nitalc&494*
----tr::a-'ssilresienrh;ea-hpPs*_,.nee'VA'lit:141rOd'omkiil.s.el".i3 sliti°‘'T..P. T'4i:ta-4"-11164'441'ts.°In.re4;6i119.'ma:r".71:-:'
ef. thi3 trees.i=-Likeiall...fertilizers, I:hi-Which the 'iroiriteei. 'viaa ''''an..; outr,,-
.. ' - --stretched:oar:.'
Clepsydra sueh, a-;-these'l 'Ipe:re? ,.
• Vot "I Will ,iabt statto-be-
W. Say to-
.,1),..0.;...is,.: usinees.. er. will
, , .. .. . _
tioiTulf „.i.no, ..t..sanr.
rilil 0Sh•Oi•--2.4---- .. .. .
li.riithingtVeonlit•' say:: -weni&iridnce
Iii-lattgei?'-.-.,=,-;,..• = - • .'•:-,Aiolear!,-,--..,--. ' - • ' ' " .' - .-•.„`,-.,
further indulted.,
me P.Mrs..Beton,Cair :. still, Spoke
rinietlyji„stilt,„ retain:ed.,. her seat'.
Trour.'ais.i.ei, her 'triekery,.
-cOle near'.:AeptIatinetre-liol*--the-
who, loves me, the man'.I love.
ii**-thataer,suntlyhates vap Should:net:forgive in fifty -life -
)--„wicked ,wretch . , , ,
, the world -Oyer -As= &Mein:day-1n 01,10,11.
s Of eCturse,....w4th Mas -
tiers' terOperattient-it;Was-Moit et: -
,fective;, she was 1514Ying.. beha4ior.:-wasi..qiiiteLwrong4.7.:„just
Aresal•-..neven....:failea to ---appeat,,,to. ..whichniteenacpes
riamo;v.- --ril,:yaisLt_?_tlinit_11,73,0_4_3b27;aett418Ajttonti3,,,,ciail;iChke:tCOW
1 Matters= -stilt-- sto hesititiegl_ asked ,eaggdy._:_. 4"; =Whet), lih-oTtivit*.ther-evu::eheti‘s-
wis genuinely. anxious - and fill of • • working for. us., Let xis give - er;
wonder,_ What he ought to do. •
"At' that •iPir-=roreicliads,diniter:" sarn-ething good to ruminate' •over,
they both When she takes , drink, ' she is
;you not-distress--your-sell,'--he•-pat.-Upparently
said. . • act' '.". her W. • ;.Let-usi, ve her Plenty ot
I - h '1
11441irki-tii14:40.1.14i114'. -troiiiiiirtlittitttentrTilWati11--eff4V
r, • •• ; • • 0-'43Peak• . • •
-Ga., ..pack .- your,. things,.
,thekn�ledgeof1ihir ab-•
onoe wouldn't roahe come to AraY•!' '
ettr,'.tio*o;attpethoWiy iii which , • Her brother Spoke, ternlyt,
' • . Wernan "'almost stag::
she iaitudefiant, e,ted Out . of the rooni. without ,•a,
set for : him at word- .• ,
, a. p1cesIl bo
4LoOli lerej1"M- Willing -1e help'
lant ,den't -inake pocket idiot
say , "wonld-indu'oe'72hine.to--
"'Well, you aii‘ get him' to' go for
-walkrt-I-suPPeset-me-t2-3"--Q--tr I -changed
.1 ",ltead the letter,.Mr. Chantrelle
X, request yon to. It will, convince
yeti -ths.t4- aia.:7-not-raotii. than nee-'
essa.rily_bitterr7,-L-Lq - -
••••``There, is :no Yoni Word-
Chantrelle bowed ;
jq suffiotent" . -=•-•
' ou • know, we always goforC, :• .ng _
i the best of his, position/ '
a* late eyery• alternoon=-7weathert “r,k-ii.-8,,w--L.--61i,,iiieiveii-o-ogiii_knew:
r 1014 .0i,otlierwitKi."; ' .' you dotild. Milk' behave as you are
'Very,;,Well•';'-'this afternoon Walk
con -
eastwards yoti ,, know the il,eatat.,_doing with good reason.," he tinned.: `.`,1:ard ' heartily', sorry. Arai
the end of the ,Parade V' i...• my slater • I -ani bound to re-
'.'.49/dir Mean that one byTtlie• wall,
W.h,i,eyhesG.raxECieakc:llsio4OnierwSaeyatt'ilVevre.. ; , I. dm, ,n:nnicteodb,.,71.: thatHeIhcewaiiduh4o•t:Oivluyetr.•ahociashyetauhrtdat:
ye 4 .
* alit ' to" that, sit- down and wait--' "•
' till I:0°rue.. .bort't say anything, .•
, Dick. . PionaiSe • Me% that: • 'Not ' a .
- ........q.BUt ,1.-volien .you.: turn ifiratilthe.7
"tieat, ihatani 1 .te:dol, I :suppose,
ill he,st-ease of .tvio's,..company,; :
• thre-eljriione1" ., .... .'. ' ,
, '"Oh, .hu oitik80 ind iiiek• shells
,... and sea-vea'nd On the beach -1", ,
" ".• "What.' , -In the dark 1, Is 'thy
brOther 0, dog' that -he should at,
.th- rII,find 'my wathaele,
, .2,' by myself./ You think •.he'll see_yoii
. "You. can rely en, it. le will."
' Mrs,' -Seton,Oarr Ia:t1 • confidence
•, in herself., 'Perhaps ' it was as
, • wel14,,feyr: things are 'Wonwithout
. k4.411. right. .We shall be there
-i- :3,:r8O--Sliiall.4:•."' ----------------.
"Eight.' .. .• There are the.Chant-
relies coining up the'read ;I'll clear
, 'outthe back way, •If:,they are going=
I'd rather° be • spared 'saying 'fare'
ivoll'i .' 1 itight, introdude some '
• „ chbice ,ekpressions of nay ' opiiiiett
• Of them." ' ' •
' "LelAke, that ,tik mel'. •
'''''HadiSapPettred throngh the back
OS the-QharitkeIles entered by -the
.4ront:4eer.„IVIrs,.: SetoriXerr WaS
waitin for thern,' ' '*-
something 1 vant to .
Ohantrelle." ,•= . , .
t ' gentlenian with
-me -meant-'it her .4istr.ess list said either not enough _ppre _water._ When she is contend
distressed him., '
"You w -won't f -f -forgive mel"
"Pray,. „Mrs. -yew -I-4 have
nothing to 'forgiye. • But if you
think 'I have, I, -forgive you- free-.
"Believe Me, I can never -think rae. But is there need 7'
of 'Y -64 -i4 fcali iiil*ir:btiv:016,Trkii":11i=, -"You' are cruel -1. I am_ kneeling
est.. ' ' te.-Yeil,'-asking49o--te--forgiVe the)
d--daresaY__,You wish me dead, and You won't! knelt to. you
oz • at. the bottom of 'the 's-sear7and on oe , before -hero ' on tlisi's-sr,-
-1 d7cleserve it." and 'you were cruel to me then—
or too:Mitch." speke.hoarsoly,
in „tense tones. ."Tell
•"'Toil, want to 'make it h -h -hard
for me; to =humble:Me m --more.'
- VI -am sorrY,-"4 he said, "you
should think unpleasant' things of
"I wish you nothing 'but-tli-e-
treatest-'11appiness,--it-ls-, possible. into rruptect ;Alia ;memory -
for you to enjoy ; wish :it from my
• •
. "And behaved so --
S:s-so ungratefully to: you." • --
`!Not at all 1 You behaved right -
1,y ;
as your heart.clicta,ted."
; PI did ,nothing of the sort I. My
his brutalityLthen-hecalled: it
se-returmid hini • his words'
came :hurriedly,-,-, _
-7-,,"For -that I. -need- your forgive-
ness ; I might to abjectly apologize.
Whati did, said ,, then was wholly
under a mise:pprebension""
and' corafertibb e. i3hdi gives er arg-
ost return.s,. • Let is .give her:snit-
able' qua,rters,, and in. the morning,
..as nte sit down. by her _side' with,the
pail, let us her •on the, back
and Say, (,`Yen dear =good creature ;-
Geol bless you."--Lanra Rose in
it'a,riterls•ILAdvotate. ' r
A very important', requisite in the
,srely.:.ortthe. plONVing _down .of , cover
-cropale provide'tlie-neeeSsaiklin-.-
rens: and 'maintain the. supply
of -
plant' food, but frequent applica,-
tiona maturit are --advisable, . It
can be applied at ralmesVany time
,of the yea to adyanta,ge. If put
-On during- winter,„.or early sP.r.kng")... ,
bestresults can be ...obtained x only •
-liy-areven-applica. "all over. the
ground,-*Ileived7hy'.:„,thorou „Am,
dorporation with . the soil. .' The,
ashevvili"not takw.:the plaee‘ Of
manure, .nor should manure 'be ap-
plied as a iubstitute, *tor- ashes.
Both shitaild- 4 amployed. On-, light
lands;' esPeeially, :potash in ;ionic
ferra should. be applied -iii
,to.,'What contained in the pia,
If ashesare adt aVailable,
the 'coiinpercial '.potash salts,'!,•slioh
SulPliate ',11n4; Annriate; inak be
substituted. the .Annapolis
Te-k'7'r UP-
Of .potash are ,,purelia&d-- taxi- used,
,Sorne Songs •aro 'sold by the doz-
en mud' some by ' the-00re, 1.
Don't :worry. T logs are never
half as bad astit is possible lor them
to be. - • ,
• • .
at'PrP•" she eon.
been If ome.-
ta,r as he ia '
e voyage home
'4 144' • $.)
, b .0, ,... 4) ilea/Alba
OA ittgos as. ',Amy
Minn' brinas quick returns if you are in on a fair basia'rind early,cnough, .ID,on't wait until all the preliminary profitq are talcen. 'Don't
wait.until the ore is bagged.and Shipped' brokers can plait see -saw' With the market at yont expense, Until; the priOes sliares soar' out .
of ieach or reason., ' Don't watt until. someone else has taken all the
. • ,
„focomfe 233. 1,31.s; xa.crwer otarmial Cfcbcota. Mramicrifi.-Et
• The'tottil Canital -of° this- dicate $51•600hund -thousand-di:A-- 7-VitelielieVe• in The 8aVilte ProsPecting & Exploration' Cora,
L. latt-(4,000) is retained for...property, and the balance, Viz.., ,,one thousand .o1011ars ($1,000) is to be 'eX-
pariy, Limited, (No' Personal Liabilit• Torri 'd- I-
pended .on the property, the num er *of is -M.1,: consisting_of 'about 40 acres,. situated 'a • , . y
short distance North-West of the Orovernirient ToWnsite of "GOW, GANDA" and •is in the diabase known, well-likethorough-going-experienced prospectWherk-
formation with nice calcite -Veins and one year's asiesSinent :work dope. The ,prOperty 10 now held in this ',Company Was, organized with 'the low 'capitalization of, $5`b0;-•
000, par ue $1, f wc3o0;opoeS ' Tem ;
trust ,by a, Prominent member Of Parliii,mstit who will ;personally sign, all receipts %and will direct .the , valohih sliarare Ti•easury,
work.. ,
Saville accepted 2.00,00CfUlly. paid shares for three splendid
The OBJECT iS to take 'ONE TIIOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000 provided for in the Sikadicate t�
prospect' the claini. carefiilly, as .soon as the sftow-goes. If the Property :dovoI0Ps, as we believe it ' ' claims described as VI.1 .: f344, Silver Lake District; ..M,t„ 1.075,,
will, the Syndicate Will torth: -a ' CernPanY and sell Treasury stock to raise money for further 'develop-. • and 11.13„; 1076, Miller and Gow Ganda Lake. Districts. These
merit, which will give each Meknbe Of -the' Syndicate : 8,„ substantial holding at first cost, and•iif it ina,kett three claims are 'located' In areas of proveo •silVer richness in
a; succodathere will certainly).be,a large, Profit feir .eaoh hOlder, 'l It the - Synditate, are . net satisfied the irdreediate vicinity of vvellAs.nown. elpiihs Of dornoxistrated ,
, with the property after expending the Money they Will sell and Sectire as myth as possible, OUR. IDEA . value , Tom' Saville has also signed a contract with. the Company '
; is that a proposition of this .kind is the boot Possible invostmcnt in that- Camp to -day. ,, We like the to give his.,exclusive "services. without Salary for One year. He
•10cality and have strong faith in"this• property, FIFTY D OLLA.ItS ($50.40) invested in this manner on is 011.7 proSpecting,in a nowli6ex district, .and all the results '
the ground floor in '‘,TE3usiumlitio.,". "enoWN RESERVE," "IlVDsoN BAYt” or nianY' properties of Ilia; efforts durink the coming,year will become assets of this
in "COBALT" , would have 'made enormous profits, and fortunes have' been made in tho=manner we are ComnanY, 1ehave seeered a small block el shares in this
offering this Syndicate, • "BA.RTLETT," . "MANN,". "jtkri'ES-ROBIE" and nuoly 'other well known • Companyj and for a qtick s'ale•to' provide fundt for developing
• pieTerthis n "“(40W „GANDA"' are situate4,1 South of this Claim on the same kind of £rmatinx Ito the ProPertieS 119w ',mid, and to suppert Tom Saville's expiora.
• gr,thi iOrely,sp?",ortiaSiVe. •• tion party, we will offer'them•at•
SHARES 13350.00 Th!RTYOgNT S A SIIIA1707
mopo and Fut;•'VICIDIXIX3ICCITAXIO..131.1ATX) AZ 40 ••
Write es for
at Our OM..
" 34 VICTORIA ST.. Tonorrro otirr
/ ' • '"
,and had-a-Specialr-Offieer ',elia-Trge-,
one "waterapiece being allemdd
to. plaintiff, defendant and'. ;
during the. reading :of any. docu.-.,
merits' whichlaore„uponthe ,ade the
flow was. stopPod.. A.: plepiykdra
whiCh in. it d action and appearance
foreshadowed the Modern. clock\ ,
parried upon its float nal =upright'
,roa acted on a teethed wheel' • \ •
. • •
But ,the ,precursor of :both the
sand -glass WdIfiaTe".1.'epSycli-a-`-*-ta----:,-----
witilitiut-dbubit the,,-'gnoreariP--ef;the._
suxidial, asimPle rod which, atarid-
ing upright:in a sunny place.,-inciis,,T.
urei;1 -tinae!s --.passage by:its'imosing`.
ShaUpw ph the ground:
,The ealicst time teller at all 'con-
y,emently ' portable 'Was ,' the"
Ong. Within its ,broad';,,banded
circle Were graVen the hours, and.
aLray. of •sunlight ,failing thrbugh
upper. -
'gtdeTw lrenth r cot th eL,:a.P";
proximate time-. ' It Was ; either' this
itSZitxnnediate i,...icc'essera Min- . .
iatUre plate a„;Thinged- '
collopsible .gnomon to admit' of its ,
being earried the', Poclikte..-hat '
WAS arti,Wil Troia :the . ``•poke'l . Of
Sitakespe'd forest foot. ,
'ring :held :its own until coMpara,
.tivelY recent times; ',w -hen watehes
dear -for Ceinmon' use: , ...•
. _ . -
though well ,known, were still t
.Ornamental and alaberate as .
ton is our modern' block, yatehes,,.tf
however CostiY; 'tow seldom deviate
into apj, fora hiit. that of the dim -
Pie circle. . Oval watches were form -L1--•
6ointiCon ; 'Cromwell's ,:-watell
was of • this shark,: , A sixteenth,
.contery, Aktatcli'-'still, in ,existenct?--is,7-
ninety 'years ...after its const,reetiqn
ints hdi x ec de nnidoubl tnn' amnd03.7rosf fi:t$,te,coctl,.
tiniepieoe:--teehnieally a/ Wa,telt,
though too large And heavy fortm.-1
S.9nal use -Lin the form of
„nobly adorned, With • sculpLIII'="v1
to&Incortirtedifilixtyi0;h, a:n7itmhee
. •
'I, like.to Visit there, They finvo
three lOvely - •
rather Viiit Osc's '
rhro hey havoa lovely Geok."
--,,Wftein anithi flatters,
of discoverias okot be has up Ills