HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-02-25, Page 5a •
. and many of the *depat:ttnevits are filling UP Vra.pidry,w,i'th-'ehoice
lines fresh "-from the manuficitirir". in the lateittlesig 3S and -Style -S.-
7.-7-7=-' Br the.-- #ay-,--vihis. is ilire-tirr-"I'e'-of year the-thiifty--, woman makes- her
'Purchases of Spring' §,eaple 9.nd.'haS2them-niade.up .before the
-.-Manufactureiwlio has ii,:_„World-Wide .;
in, -„,varietY "- Of Cheats' arid Stripes
,ftir,-gool-k-ratige of
4rusowpeiv,ind.tp a new Special'.
'Printed Fabric;- -finezapk•softi-ahd: has' .'
--very neatpafterirs;.--price loe, per. yd.
ot of new Sprint 'Prints? ere/ •
='-7-4•Staille-Shades;---Protty±Patterne and -727'
Fast colOrs. We pay partial:07d. •,
tention to the ;wishing cnialitiee offal
, our :StapleS, and especially Prints, ,
Manless profits te Us, but "it monde.:
hao in larger sales and satisfied cue- :
temers. :Our Prints, we' feel easured;
wilt- satisfy the. purchaser' and the -
"I ift' eari !.'1.?'r,
Clerk re Atqcl•r944.1.t.lit.T044g
Opiloa folk* i ---For by-
law ,.01g, .agaitlet by4aw, 266, Necessary
to varry 460 4-04 Majority for by -kw
art that 13y -law of 190$ to.
prohibit the sale of liquor in the teWP-
ship Of Ashfield -be no* read a third
time.—Carried.. The by-law,,was_then
signed by the ReeVe and Clerk 4na.
the COrpOrate seal attached.-, Mov'ed:
bY Stewarp and Dalton, that the Clerk
wri.te-Mesers.- ;Musgrove 144' PrO447
fOot.M.A.Ps.' calling their attention tO
the proPo'Sed change of name: of "the
Ontario West Shore Electric It. 'R. Co. •
to the Ofttario Welt ShoreRailwayCo:
-and ask them to:Opp* thebill in ;part •
lenient' tintless they gatisfy.. themselves
baking the material,: fuel;
.that it :is , all: Wasted if the
.fv:.pentS tUore will buy
:its giving the'R. R. Co. poWer to use
oYed hY;'Delton and Stewart. that,
--t ci----Lucknew--:Sentinel-Din4aimon7
awarded. to the'lowest tender -:-.::Carried
The. auditors' Pr,esented repOrt
shOWing.pash in the teasyry Dec. 31st
190%. of 01460.913 aiie'froi4 'collector
$3.4;1&01., 'With interest do:overdue tax,...
-$1849.54, with* apProicimate
-Treasurere booki accePted ea:corneal
all taxes'Of 1908 and :late:rest.; _collect:::
pert.shownfrbiii, 'Olthand fan. 31
of 1598.31. Wei receivectand filed . '
Pe' Motion. of. Dal Oat ancl Stoirai
Tthe-fdllowing---aTcotints ..-were ordered-
:Ancichow. Sentinel balance.
.tharriag:ek 1268 : 20
jMelcity, re.p:* C8,1.440. bridge
20 .00
M Melcay: bid salary
- Victoria LaWns,4§heeiL-Irilh' Lawns;
Linen :Lawns, ',and. •; India Linens.
Apion.-Lawns with tucks ',lace,. end
last mentioned .•Speeial _45 filches '
' That -Wet -are -Clearing oUt
Of FUrro and Ladies Sacketq. at Very
tote -Closes at -pan. except SatUtdays
4—a flour that. yoU.-• sdeppu
upon to, prodnce:light, crisp;and.'
tit whatever -
Ili Hockey Shoes Lumberman's Rubbers Overshoes
Litied R.tibbers, Leggings, Fe t Boots and
Shoes, Over -gaiters, Cardigans,
'Orloves and Mitts. ‘‘
W'e have been selling the above liries at a small Margin,- but
' off the fielling price. Should you require: any of these lines,
you will miss. it if you pass the bargains 'we are offering ,,,
WOMEN'S Bti,TV.X OVAASEOgS, 'worth $1.85 'for si.op
visited friends'here:•60 Sunday.
, conple Of :weeks with her father Mr..
• Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius entertained.
Ef number,: their ',friends 'on :Friday
Henry Caesar had, a bee drawing.
Alek Milne Ir.,: bee, put in:'
kigmber,froin - here Attended., the
Miss Mtilligaii iii.Tairiestown on 'Wed-.
GE ANNE Waddeltheld a reception pp Monday
'for ',his successful treatment Of
•• catarrh and-theuniatistui kidney- and
dartip .and. changoalfle,, .bad for
catarrh 'and rheinnatiam, anir. care:
mutt be taken not pp let ''``these
he ''states that a greet nritay Cunt.;
dians are., careless la , their'
And to this -at fnuch -a* dirkatit con.'
This eminent authority . tires the.
treatnient known ' offence, and to
k he gives, :credit largely for, his
FlUid• Ektratt I4 oz..
tareetiOns One' teaapeonful ',after
The ingredietiti Art ell iregetable,
on the liklney's, and Aitmela,
eliminating :all poisonons Matter herd
, the System: 'Any druggist. ilk 'WS-
pense this,- Or YOU Can buy ,
-gredienta ,separately *Id MI* at
',Moly ourreaders Should' benefit
II1k tirtiCk. SAYS the 'recipe,
V. Reeking .liat started :in to out
' The undersigned Will ,k11 by Public
Auction withont' reserve On WednesdaY
Huron the -
11°11845. = 1, brood mare., 1 "filly rising
2 years gelding rising 2 years old;
.1 foal rising lryear old. • '
side; 5 coWs supposed to be iii calf. 1
steer nsiug,2 years old; 1 pairi stall* fed
tity of store hogs; 2 broodsows„ tarrying,
'I (Use barrow .1 tWin plow 1 sin le
furrow"plew„ 1.seed drill, I. fanning milli
1 set slings, I. laniber 'waggon, 1, pair
bob sleighs,„lroot pulper, 1: hay rake,.
and other articles t000nnue.:rouSto ment-
Sale commenices-at,bn.6 .01..e104 sharp. "
• sums: of 15,00 and under"
&Oh' 'opt that' amount: 9 tionths' credit;
Will:be 'given oit• furnishing approved
joirit•notes, or a discount of; s per ,cent
per annum iriikbe allowed' for .cash.
.;it)e.ii-!Etlig:„Z4,Ii-',...;;"r a.=,-,.,,,,
.,,,,,:, ::ie;sifoaro„let.04.0fitltrErl9,tri,40,:c-i;,a,;,_:tc,,,,,,;::::,,l,:,
, .., ,,; or t e ataloilh_e_Te_a,,:,..,7,....,:,:____.,..,_______),,....,•:,:...,..:,.,;„,,,,,,,,,,/leo,E,.',,t,11.eiI071:.T,'''',' . . P r i z I i ,--,
What .Custona Did
Turps Up y.)4,y in Police Cells
‘Torotito Star)
-Beeatise- it. Waallew-Yearls :Morning -
he kissed,:his Mother, goocl-hyb; before
weht out, to make a feW', calls He
was the only son arid she was prowl
'eround-his- Peek and- lingered the:A-
and hor eyes slione.with .the love that
only, mothers • know: . That boy , was'
"Be good," were the only f.',Wo werds
curtain- As- he went dOWn the.
'street. She had a right to be proud
She-tigain stood tit the Window. „
The clock said it Was 11:20,-p.m.1
and the clock was ajways Slow., .
The son :was' not at llinue.,
not cdmo home that night.
She the window ti,,o•iihijicit.,
I:774a 0.14
..T.Luit thing Snoring: on thai.
face orp, his clothes filthy: .
Yes,: the tears hre.. actually: coming%,
Yes, there tiro more: rears..
Its 110 Ifiove
iyrotelied'lle. came this:
'lame out; this would kill inother.7.
'110 smiled at him-.
itc.449inted lc; rause hat t
polife ittlf0' had Seed him, , troy suit Of elothos : and' ,a;:.stifl.: hat.
They.thdn't Imp* -anything abent.
"If I hadn't found 'him lie would,
It did more, bat well tint .with,
fracturrIl set Of `Oki
'get feal1y, good shoes. --4 Iry tits
"111w9C1Ititly; "De vs: