Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-02-25, Page 4iMIMllrijrA�
Feat • .a bac
the `average a rnwestraeu
re der ug ::.r
a abl
a wl._
Head Oft 11aulitoe,,.
AI'VING. for the moment 'the question of relative r s
of loss, the "desirdbility of keeping lieeping,money on dep. sit
in,r a Savings ; Aar*. (where it. ; is at: once obtain ble
for .. any.' emergency): renders •••it
most ihp• ort Y. that
every :business man, or. an other man or woman,. should, if ,at
.0.1I:PI -ossible,..>�eex�Y
.;* :, a sub���,ntal:_�surn,!..n: d+e�;�.�n_a� �;,tz�.ral� -.•,;•,-.
Savings ccount
. It is most unwise` tb .'loch ' up every dollar in •bugness or`
permanent, investments...;.-, To the:._samse :degree,•leep ....
:-a ready cash'• -.surplus laid• safely: aside in•-a--chaatered-Bank----
. --'-
1 - pi itate savings-account---rs carried by—every--prudent
business. man,
THE -BANK OF HA1VII1,--TOIV "spe,�ially 'In iites' tl
opening of such accounts, both by its regular business clients. any
also by those who transact their c zrrent banking elsewhere.
Every courtesy and ' . convenience. _is extended to :such
CUStoi ers:
Advocates hoFtt »-SeSsfons
¥r. E. N. $ wis, M Ps! for West.
Hurons , has,.,, ma;du . a apeoch- Wit .: the:.
Ironse, strongly .advocating- shorter
sessions,- shorter speeches,. and fewer
.sof them: . - . .
• We 'quite: agree with` him wheel he
"We have drifted into •a
system of managing. the public busi
ness that is very detrimental, to the,;
interests -of the. country. We take.
longer .*
.. tet -Ido the -business of the•
country than.'any' .other parliament on
the face of the, earth," ' but we doubt
verymuch if , the remedies' suggested
-though-good eo fu as.
ey. go, vould ;be. sutliciently effective,
/These reccommendations`briefly.are
to give, power to the speaker to sse
that all`reiteratoWaro ofaited,'
all questions be answered" in writing
and published in Ilansard, , and that
all speeches should be original Matter
and in the members ,own words, . and
that •-quotations fro doeum`ents9 be
handed' it to: •Tiansard instead ',of
being read. •
• Ir' Lewis"says dfinitely that' he
does '
�Q�s.,m,fon; ;«.n, ,•1nar�1,t'riA.ta.d 7tRmnf
:,fie ask why not?. the last ses-
sion sof prtrliatheiit was' a ronderred
"ridiculous by an almost.- interminable
flow of talk which wait for:: 40,1_other-
purpose':` than to render Parliament
liol ples3. . o, 'dne�' will-' d'my .. that
this endless•' talk :was.'. planned
deliberately for.that.: purpose -the pur'
pusena°mely, that the .parliament that we'
the -people, -had eluted,' and Which
,contained a large; majority of..; -Cover
merit supporters, should --be•, prevented
from carrying through' the measures
of that Governnent.
1n other words, that. the majority •
should not after' a1T prevail khat;
suchW"tactics canes -succeed, -iso nothing '--
less than.a disgrace to, any country.
The people elect' parliaments for the
purpose of carrying out ; the ;Will of
the majority If unblushing trickery..
.can prevent • this, it , is.a. =situation-
_not_.--to-be_-tolerated:' :'We--dor-not-
-charge :these -:disgraceful. `-tactics ex
elusively to , either political • party.
Both parties' have -neon:• more or less r:
guilty in:their turn of opposition; bud;
for a.. remedy if closure is the. only
one then by all„means let; ;it be c10-,:
'° 'lien thinking about ye,t tt' want iti l'he
Grocer y line, °mare A. list and bring.
•. HiQ filled pronipt(y with thq iest,anul niost
reliabla goods to be; had, or cull tli p'h`one
2y, sed yox r'orde will ba -uttel)dk►d to
promply Our• Tees and Ooffees are
cc)inplet'e. All” the beQt.ualitt's sit. tlii
; fight: prises.
Pi'+o. - uce
' d taken ‘tt;Rightist Current Prfc�s,
y,_.y . ,w
ence' ore
Accident_ and _Fidelity Insurance -Th
..leading- Canadian cumpaiiies7-incliiding` -
The London Mutual. Also Real
Estate of every description • bough,t,,
sold or exchanged. , Money loaned On
real estate , lowest rates. ---J: A. MAC-
K4NZIE, Box 34, Kincardine.
'Solicitors ,etc.; pederieh, 'Ont. .
scholarship, wide teaching
and ltusiness experience in
leading Canadian. aft& American -
Pigb-Grade Colleges bave built up
o--"-gaduatea to . the best positions.
Mail Courses. Anter.any day.
each month in OddfelloWtO Visiting
brethren are cordfidly invited: •
D. II,. MciNrosit, Treasurer.
meets „avery Thursday.
night bri or before 'the
full moon,in the Masonic.. 4
Hall, Havelock Street,
That the rural telephone movement
rs--aggikaiilingchviadden-betti4lebarP8thaein. df—olb;wunindgs-•
Municipal -debenture Aid tq:serve the.
' PUBLISFIRD WREKLY. • :with. ,tirell 'On . O..; a' hundred ;min.*
able in adVance; $1.50 at' end -',of year. , moat te-daS.r and ,the peoPle are greatly
:StriCCFMAFtlYInN11)111[120eNe;;-7:' Letters ' ',16a;li'1.1 cirve:Veita"reCo'nfi'dent t' ha-t-ithis.:-present
in, eVerY cahe accompany the comnienica- ' t•hi:16:linilLe th8ae'rieag44P-tel'-'7y.iPonwsyre7alisr-...f!1,194; g
but ,ibeatanies..of-thecontributorst-miist-,-
will win for yona goo& salary. , Yon
vin learn: it quickly • under superior
conditions at our 'school. Catalogue
Central Telegraph School, Toronto
erY, 1i:1 -Way evening
at 8 o'clecle in their Campbell St.
All brethren:cordially invited •
D. ldar,rfonOn; Vin -See,
McKitrizinl.R. S.
'Intlepefid-exit Order
of POre$,tera meets ip
on the last Tuesday
• of eaeliimonth at /.30.
•e'clotk. Visiting bre.
invited to attend.
This sehOel. stand§ in the forefront
• in Western Ontario. WellaVe•three
Coinmercial, Shorthand,
&suites arethoreugh 'and. practical:
*.Qiir graduates 'secure good ,positions.
Students are entering every week? ,_
", Write for our free catalogue at once,
A hott ft McLachlan.
Clubbing Rates. _
The Sentinel' and Weekly Globe
FiRco. & . MARINE . The Sentinel and Weekly 'Mail & ' ..
teeth, Alumittittin plates non.hreakable. i 'The 'Sentinel and Weekly.Wittiesa ,,aa
net tie Speak. of the -•Senefit An- the
- The. Library.
as centres 'for the systeMs''' that they
can. now be said toki,e tar- beyond. the
NO* that 'the- Obstacles in the Wei
Of • utiliiing tile 'Carnegie grant : of
$7,500.0,0i'haye. been remoVed there" .-. The Sentinel is WI, week in receipt
seems tolie little,doubt that' the pro- •Of a:leiter...from M. Blank, Tice
It Seensa, a forgone einichiaion phone Assit. ltd. Wilds° eentre over,
that the.;:villoge will agree tO •Ftipply; ationa is Springfield Ont. in Whien he
the' building ra „credit tp•lueltoow'ana soribOrs:•,Perfebt satisfaction •and we
satiafrietory-t00--,:iorgeruaL . -So far'. paid Q.% ,diVidend'Ittat. :Year', and 'had'
lit/Ate not heard.any dissenting .balance. in • the ;Revenue aceonnt-:of. ,
inion en the, question: . has been .'$.473.00 and in ',the iteserve 420..00
ereetion•of this building or therenhoci-.
`eling of the old town hall has:become'
imperaftiVe necessity Ana one that
mud have the atteriticui of the Coun41
itere .6f a slim Of money ns: Mate
as will 4.2e reipthed. W.. complete , the
.and -,CattIO
yonr stock.
1-IACK1\T_Y,and.._41tNEFAC are goo
Sulphur, 8.1bs.
71V-e--icari,...54.1.ccilgAhtifj.the.-7„detnati the; fanieUe.,
Just a few left that. will be sold at bargain prices
-to' Make for. Spring 'Goods.
'It is,,tirne to' order a.nything you want in the fol;
OutolLilbrary poop -31s 0017:1p9tied of
seine et Ontbest-bnainesa ipariiin&We
haye doudt the 'money Will be jud.;
jeiously expended by:thetn. of course.
tan the Public, Library, and to pro,iide
:geed reading 'veins deg
intended tO pi*.ovide 4p -to -date con=
a year ago is itn. eXeellent one.
any--pUblic an4 in t110
'Carnegio Library We •confidently ex
'not only ain ornannent to the village,
but, a decided influenee for good inthe
providing an. Attractive
mding- room ...connected - with .the lib-
rary where 110.rotinepeople'And oth.•
deg tail alien 400 110e
spent idly upon tbe 'stream
.,,SysteM a great aid -6 the Wein:else,' of
,ready:-takinr..thennatterliF" -111.5"
line. *At present; we, .hiive the.firat
PC-••gOrid stack p, the best' beandS;—Timothy
scitir Of newspaper. and periodical
• John R. Wren; fate Reeve
years of Age and tells the folloW;,
ing tentarkable story: ''Sotne years ago I was Oren up by the
Docters. ' I was so weak I could not Walk across the floor, and was .,r„
patiently waiting for death. I had paid aa -much as $28 a v let fpr
,a speciallattvho said, I could not get relief; In this conditiOn E sent •
fore saniple of"PSYCHTRE. The first night PSYCI-IINE gave relief. , tixe_fileeding.....0-
ratiiime"10717N/rrelibas fieln Reeve of Mission .City, and.orr.Afigustl'Ithi 1008, wrote:
tam now in...uw.61Z3ih year and Weigh Age penndy and do Considerable, huslness, ,.. Last
. Week IttfiVelled .12$ mike in a. 1'0* beat tin.4 aloof dtIreVery rtiht, arid feel ild'bsd;effeetc
from it:' I. -owe this newlease.,Of llfe to br. T. A: Sloettin.aild his ,gretnetlies." . ..
All ll'ennynn to .Di#, T, .A., filoto tri, Lir ofJoil., Hly: d Ina' A 1/4n11%, VOrotatO. •
3611 tooint Ci t