HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-02-25, Page 3d.. • • - '1"`-• f ofe$sor $aunder s es Exooption to Popular N tion. .1•••^••••• a 401.404... DENSp‘ Ek E ‘v.iiPPEIviop J�M &LLpvEif Tug Gluon. , a. 7 , • VORLD'S, 11:4110E • elegraphlo Briefs..Our and Other Ceillitrie-VOI IleceatmEfailts. , :ntronss :FROIVTII1.trAP1$0 •'TitAPVcmEs prIceataf Vattlo, Grain;;theess, an ' Othe 007 Produce at ...110040 and ,Algoad. 4080 tic. ,i4. fP?xn, , Ottomlk .144,31it'. Ow fqrmers tr At ' • tio,t.., roll, t. :Ai, .xivng,04.11.„,:tra,*To?: ;(92PiringVWX. i'411151:3191"fT4h_ cy,,only,' , nitmouq....1'°;A:4.:42;14:-14':,:",x1: 0.7a;741z1 i'll''Ti:C.X. -"t°3- ,-: Feb.,- ie r blte/ei le ''', 1 ;r, -: • — . .. se- 0 raise 40 bighels • - Y 'TOW 41 ett 46 Per netto '44eXho OseDe• ' . .. . ' fOve .1-0.. 'wheit '00 per ' - ' ::s..9t0. tor4!.2cp4 ‘9'rt.b, "1".' II' 4trellt73, . art ttto - Aiet- imeetie,2 0i :the 11;0 •8'.414, '01.41.4 not be due ie soil new loan in' `the British' itiark0tat iti•40 fo ,t, in - ums• ,§aCIP.O. Qint- 180,001,ATIOW,A1-0.41.--,4- .04411-4010'„ joh--405/-.only grows:4EL b h . - , -. eldiaustion„ because the OP.1110. hied ranOnintaor•riemolat;:yearssethtsoa414,1z1readY $110*„. . . c patent,, $4.0934.:411itt°rban'ok416,r4.0r! . . P • SatiAltleS ' a tho,-Exporioitintai, a Niiag Nv146.at: graW: 4Q. blfshela .44.1,,,:r.8tio,6,QQi0(liii, ,iii-•ii,43.-- i....4:ve, nte• 4 by. mr. Tst°Atro:::..13-:kTrlittrin_s47:r;mt.s:7-::.'ild- . . .111,, was on the platform, ..blit Of Winter wheat to the acre For • . hud then'his opinleas clashedtiVe..,?past ten- ' year the average LOuiS Lanosto of Montreal is to . members 'ef `the eS .'iiireitteels per acreapd c, : In the Wat 19 '.e. '•gtlebec bowers have 'tnrnioa. f90'1'r'NN69'..21sT.11°1'°.6'riltell'11:1°:;clrg4Sn1•132'Y I. he pr000mriooed .tetfous of rield in Ontario ha'S 'been 17 birsti. •ha,ve' artrial, on the 17.,.s,a,, Indiana; 4 • . ' Saunders) ' for exofnilligi' takee ' Convairing' ()Atari:Owith the; 'told. 'Which' will Control praccal: -ports. -.1•T•Q. 2•'N.,01461*•191, ,§11.,.74, Ste„ek .iilthe notion that the, West, Dr. Saunde.rSitated that lust" 1Y -the whole•oittput of beer of the all 8i1 it of of , 'wheat istdeterior4ing, as ,scod, wheat :can be. grOwn in Province, :,-...-- -: . ..Pntario Wireasto*. 2 tall, 0,1,-. 1 that the',hard :wheat hettz is Ontarioi at.o'taWk.fg.r •Px114P2P10, As •• Victor I. 13eabpre the first a 02 tcr!.$1.03, . outs ats,Ontario No -.2 white a7 to vdily •Inovins:tiot,t11.,, In: potiy.rfg? 4..0„nyvv,ii.ote„ .1,o ,S.tei„,:.paninfion,.'-and, gb:AitnaC:a,e-.Ar1741, iilhe• Leg..4.4tUre of •-.47.41; ,., ,;.,.4.7,, iffacki....:Tti'ia' ii' tp .;„. !brci.,- "examplei, he. say li thAt•e"ichaus- We 7:10.1A7ter!a•Creislittre less': Last Minitoba, died at 'Gleialion, Al- ' 1 , , We.tifeiii 440-14bda...,:esits, 476,, 'Col- t" (if the, soil niight.'redube the voar t4 aura:go ' yie.41 bf Wheat mtity:, t.hat 1.t cannot affect the , r. sore. in Saskatchewan was 14 • It. is :repOrted at M t 'al 'that , i„,y,p . e wheat. • . ' 1 118461•8,•30; Manitoba. 17, in Alherta- the C.13•11., w411 build the Peter- . • • Ltrg iarailliti-•*tettiltirtVor 1 0,..,5. V• •,....0,...67,,,,kt.M6-.1,14., ". 'S.- .4.24q,,,,,,,I,,,,•42 ., P., ..,:?. ,......:1112,:h_4*.Z.A„,.t•••4„),,4*.,..141n./..k.,,,,,,,1•61 L*;44.44.2,..e.1 • 71 • . W, Tk- coming summer. • 4ts-re*,..he-ggit....1.4..--_,..:41,.....4,70& , he_wit-,..m.s_.A.4M-P,A4Milr, ,1„.:-..-• -_17.4--,,-- .„.4„.,.... ..;•......--„..:•.-..1.:-.aa.Lit,larz„. V Fite whea was ,firs:Vgrewn, ,' ter whet 46 bushels . , • . ., _lime.. u0T•cl....... . ;Tn9,-.- pm:1_111120u •,. -. - ._... .. . , ,,... ., „ . . , • :„.; iti elissoe-ia#00 is in favpr, of more. •• • . • --,,-,------ -- - - = - . - rapid ,firing .in, the matches to BOVATAT$0.-jna.:31QTRni-j.•_•,-,__ , --41i4A11#4:1W.,ESCOR, ;• nialc.e...conditions more-like:actual ,, or. Partially Destroye arthqualw in ;Western,* Persia. • •• to have been wholly or. partiallY destroyed, and it is estimated that tile total. nuiriber lundonliteellY„ ,taore..than fifty: -Some. VP:lava .disippeared, pletely,' and no trace caii„be fonnd -of7the-hamiets--61,-BaIlreik„And-Le- * - ben, It a,ppears that not p, sira#31:c soul belonging to these ibelliinUnk, ties .was left- alive,' 'and only the rivers, inauntains an,& broken, vat% : leys remain te. teL the "tale of ,thia fes,rfultco6ulsion .of'-nattire. The fact that,there,were no' for- dthee- liy month the ro-Ceipt of the 'ne,,ws here• • ' ' •A 'despatch from. Teheran, Persia, ear; '4, The 40*er.4117.ef•Burniiirdi `a, telvalAzi: 4501.1thwtreOeint Persia,' 'has ' sent' Out. gents to..iavestigate the dainiage wrought. by- the eart1- qtrakeef.-Ta-ntrary--37---This-Wati-the distur,bance that was registered by • --Wlieirt-Maoitroba whet, $1:15% aeialfiggraphs ftrolin4 ' the wOrida liu,t the exact.- location , ,,which was determined only on WedrieS- day:: , • : The mea.gre. i•„eports: that- have reached Teheran indicate that. the devastation wia.pa,rticularly severe the • nauntaineus . region, hp - ;wee* 13urujurd, and LuriStan--PrO- v.ince. •Fifteen villageS are 71C.15.0W,ii . Wa, Are. .. ' , ' • ' r • e Alt li! Alberta's New . ParIlain'ent Anna" The Quebec Board Of Trade cele - She liakl Ribbed fl. : Jags NealAir'Illo-ili :Up. . bi,ifidAST iiiindiecrtlliveriarTY . . . .. • . . ,.:44,p_a.1044FoireL•ittnyitreaLs-ays,:_:-__ILA,t1pittch from Ednioilton oil. Saturetay• last -with, pe banquet . , irged- with- -haiing- atitlibe4 his: Alba, Sa. ye: "The legislature; • and --:".rt,r7t, -.110.-ALehatean- 1_1'. enten a'PT„. .l..,,'....... The • 'ttorney-Gerkeral of .Quebec ler With a packet -knife, Infliet-!. Some .156 empIqyes, on-the,0v par-: his drifered 'A.. prosedution Of pic- '4.wound in 'her left tur,P4lias. liarneptt buildings, had a',narreNr! rem titre ._,shoW .' 'pro riciors• •whO have ',...70.-1:3ye-iir-okt„.,:-,Etyitoi Troia ifPOPP;13* ' A'-',..100a:•:•4nirrt.ended r _3aySa:t--, heen-:giVing' Sun ay:lexhibitiOnirdii. dhe iign%oil. .befe-re-JuelOrilazur. trir-Fpawder-plot, -Cant-Wednegmv,-. l --„,__-_. orittedE " • •-; .--*::".""."77. giliyThe boyPleaded tappearkthat ; '• ' ii 0 at soraetime . since A! In'unibor of salary 'iiicica.seS .rt -that he..hatd- acted in self4le,!: cleaning„::up-,tb_e_old..XIndSon ,p, i 8,37 m . . . .. . . ... . co, plainiing lifs.:nlother and sis- , were trying, to kill.hina; aftes had :accused his inother of ;kik:, ",$806 from .hini... He said:it took. Cole re than 1r, to..tiiire -LI* n•ey,'. Which -he kept .in.-. a< little : in his roam- -When he found , ...,_ „ „ lingiadod, and .No. 0 at 460, . Col - g lin Wood - . • „ • .11,Y0 -Ko, .A:438.e.,„Pctude„. mend, bt the.qualitY offering waS _ Alls,-; 4111•6"4r;t2,:- ' • aft9,-cvm, 13-4-"TOrl:NoV":T:raTiTeY"";'.6716 N • ste 13=7 -tpran --s ig y higher,-.. Sheep -Unchanged, Calves Steady and unchanged, • gogs-Se- lectlogs • b $.8 3Q to $0'40., fed .and7ratered-,--,$6,-5p,--Stoolters-a4e1 der• ere in fair demand:: • -were-- flecided.on by --the.--Efamilton. Counpil, a,nd it was proposed toim. mills. . • crease_the tax ' rate from/ 20 tO 21 - •TbeJArand-Trunk -"shops at, Stratford -Were ' opened on Thtirs _was removed, all but one keg.. A. finemani thinking. it useless, w`.1 3 .C477M7llithay'as_ and staffl cre:'oerPetrig.t.:"PoMnPt, box-brokerrePaii--andtheinoney about'to threw. the keg • i'n'to the aid •cvere eater tained-at-a,banquet Le, he' . accused his inother-e-fiirnace Iftie:1,a7wherf7j1Ina'si°'• ; .dcor: and the ,ttstaant explos.um fired tdoeeciditerrely- tooloaffett• ethoerrrgtieneli ,Ocoonantprii:cyt tei4-13317 -.Foss 'incurred in the purchase of 'RAS- , . Lunn and two poutpanions. •, • ecial 'While the Old' contract was in. building,„••• ten' kegs of: black gun-, powder 'Were ' discovered in :a. -re- cess w,liere: 'Were probably c'ached fot,-; defenee Jagainstsibly hostile IndTans.. e-po'der tak°1 -ii7.---.1143.7sai:47he -6'* tdanger* • The Dominion Ceal',Conipartyaliaa nepictures 1!iou dqor to d froin $0- to $12 A week 407 'Fireman-. Billy .Lunn_eiiporaraltedd . • • '' the *entire keg, • hlowinghis time o inialt.-6tiiiw pne-and:to-pay :the ....)flififoo• ai).d a Ilalf. 0°11E16, to' . TWO-CENZ: RATE 0 . G. 1-. ,. . . ,1,,,,. . , „...._ ..., Ike GOOlt. •'' '''. . ' ,'' • ''': ••• ' "-77. • , ''.y•• ', ,.. , •'' OtE0.114r1Ir. ,Ai .:' . • '.. ' ' P hvy Counpil .Deeides :Agaitist tne • .' ' ., : .. , . : : , •' - ... .clespatCh,troiri Victoria, B. ., ,, ___,, R it .a ' • . '1 .,:_. - . ':. Two Suffragette raidsin. TA 611.14 Oil s : In. the .1)13,:aget ''04/Cl.r.:$S tic). the . ., . . a Y 13• - • • , .f .' •• : 1: .., on ThUrsday're'siilted in the arieft. islattre .ori.•Wed.nesday 'night . • A.: despatch ,•from -.Lendon....saYS1 of a. large.:mimber of,.___wornen... ..,.„- t7.glie e=.1141;n:tater4atiew...'s h04: -ed • 'a 111)._p:::iik.vcignieriFOV-th'6•Tii*Yeaun- . iii., Au.,:te.-7t,hairairra).31- iot-1:-, . 'phl$ 13I' .0, ..Ini...1:11.qn and a. half. eil• in .tlie .case brought,,hy Ail.r: • 'a • Oinii1:-tp,riff ref.oriti..4:inprid lit: ,. reVenad`...ter; ".ttie .,..0:ext• tiaoal Rorberteon. Ofc /for:Onto, ..teltaive,:it, to.411,e-Addses,J*t.0t ., :;,-r::zij2iiii0',IkT*Ilgf'4'w•a4t:'tlVozlttif*dbitIaatotaie:;;-Q;o3c*i*l':Ti*le: 7.fiViritk,M0''.0.?f:,':•---, •!,--etve=ndlisitio.4i,tea,a;e0obai :'eltalitrei+lricinfinO474.6.e-fe."; giFf0:-e7.70:iwi,";-! '' ' : . ' .'• ..: ' '''''L';'. it,' I - ' • L.__ a , w • •i • • #0;114; ,Of.1.1011.ellH.ThearlY :0314.e411..I17 .cent ra-t-e. on ---:,Ithird,clas-s-----,cart-ibv.:-'--.-"n-- - .r. : ,,__-. • - ..„.. . ... • . . ,. • : .. N A ..... If ITED 'ST 'TES a 4, .WO311033-710:r-rihblIti :IgOrkSi tWO:OTI,IPPOIlt0 ahd-wkon,treW17."was -_:_ _. , largest. in the . mgt. -6i*. -.et the given On Wedigay by t,d4t,c1',..torii;_ -7771'he 'United .'S Cates': 'Se nate!' CO -nil' ivirice-:-.---T-he--pu,blie-41ehia-:1111,d ..4,blyx*: .111.1i I40Amisbip taic/r1:64 ,..i.e. :Mittie : On: Foreign ,lRelations Airts: 1.17-710:4odecl.,,-.4pom .$11;000,009 ;to-- .tion•lr1115dsIng :thlra, elass-fares7-at.fUv.oralHlk: LrepOrted,-,-thO.4sher,I.io.'!' a.. ea sal wi n dye ' . -11 -unit .t _ . 'a -von ...,...turt.""WaS-SP#1"11177 ree',7,7- ,. "; .T.h.07Wwhether . !6iit-letter.-rate+ vPee- 3i. rir-0.17sed' .Stitit-ig,greater4.he whole 4.ies0Pri. ' 0Patent; ' ' when : the *:, .. ft ,-.' ', 0. the seetion.. -*de inconsistont whit' Newfoundland and, -the:. •1.7n;s...i ... •as '' .4-.r•v- ite,• as be minister Styled , tar, the ,Ritilwdy, Act.. of '1906.; .}.10 hold, PtateS.:Wiil go .into 'effect on Mari ierta, and ., 'British - ,,,Celumbia „that it was inif,--..driel 'also -that -the 1S,t, in :•route would in the .iie4r N... •.13fivi:coniieil ...._eoad , . 4.86- deaiael. .:11.til•gouse•io.fiRepres•eiltativt•s: at 4..te in operation, and'•thie' Pa-. .wh-ether, 'the seetiod. WaS;.-lieft, ,on •WaShington tagged i bill adrei.,i1 0 t, ,- • .1\1: • . T ' ii.t.iwtliren'&14,wthiligtlete'CL . '''' . ' • . ..tho statutes by desire or sboomiF,e: Arizona and NOW Mexico +6 St + OvetloAed..i..;,The• appeal, was dis- hoed ' • • ' '14.19: . . • .. missed with cosq . . . '''' . . Seven starVing. Chindinen; snp- ctiLutED- vett: ii.OttriO$. ' : ., , . . .... ,i)o- seki to, have•Come frern • canathi, . ---7„,".• .; •.• , • , TIlla ARMY '0,F ,TIfil E31.11),IIM. were,found•-in•a, ear. of lead ore at e -Efrect,01-1010g-Plwa.rWs TOT ...•,- -L. -,-‘-. :-.,..÷.-,:: .r: ..Peik„Merris, ,‘„N:r_.".f... ' .. ' .• ' - --'-tiii-l-Berlltn. . ' - , _ .. -;Anstfalia--i-'Shoivki•g---Greatr-I-ntereStr- . '-*.tia. 9 Sion of -the. LT-Ait,,,al . Jo 1 si/161.0,. . . . State's ' Congress,' to-. undertake the ,diSpateli:-1;frOm.: Berlin says.: .._ .,,,,rioNasiott.._df,trhe.„.:trariff..lias bee-1441-1.1?cl. tile -eller tveillitelow,,,iddredarig..." .,--.-- : . 1 - sga .ii- : "i: ' .jv bui he' says . Ifo_t1\lalch. 15; . • . . „.._. _ . " '• ' •: it•••:1-.00t.frAciott_lync i-.--ivaidf;t7hAitetrloho4tuirgen.i i.,4,_oon.- -,T11:•;ocritrel=dbirtim-Vii3vd'ir'-ettichtiltserit-p-xi-S;;S:otis'tailt' ; , • ..... !. .i. _____. , d'ENERAL. 1 happy ...iiisit ' "tif Itiiii' telW.0:10 -ger • the creation . of.„:, an 'Imperial . .. . . Berlin .and !tho'agreemO06\ with' staff, :The Public are shOW,itig, great . 'Earthquake, -shocks are. r,1P'orteel. inee'had• Cleared the hoiiz0\.. in Intetestqu'ithe.ehelte Of an dfuri front.Asia.lfinor,. IIiiiigary 'and the *sulvpve.:to.;inga'41.attli,i'hewpeer:cej'inus..1t.idifTid... :ifilotif etthicetc1RartriP:.:i.tieib, ib$11..to'i;ti'aeri..est: aeowdeitthilgt West LidiPa; '.':" : • i ' • • iitions and • Pea010: 646ti.s' 9f, ithe prel5Ositls fully' : othriply :with • .-7,---7-44. • ow I's 'Wo Id also Suceeedl•Ir ifhe ininterial promisei made:. at Wfilt_KMAN' RADIX lliANGLED. dieing 'away , the .plon,ds .111. t 0 the Imperial. Conierence. -; . . , " Muckwheittr-68 2 to 5.0 utside. Peas -No. 2, • 8.9O 'outside. • Corii2-=_Ne7;' 2-- Arnexidwiolo*, ,72%c on. tr„aek, Toronto,' and NO. 8 Canadia corn, 66 to .67c en track, Toronto': outskier--Ohorts, in bitlk- out-- , • THE.DA1RY • - -.COUNTRY PRODUCE- , . „ • - , • Applee-They bring 1 to $50 .for oboice. qualities, and .$150 to r$4-1,for---ee6king,purposoa.„:1,--:., • 01.90 to $g, hhci hand-pieke:d, : to ,...4!2.15. per • JIoney-Ootn1s, $2 25 to$2.75: per dozen,. andistr:ainedL11 to' llyge - $10.50 to reili-r-ff-aek-liere; -and ' =. Sctraw-$8.50,' ...$7:50 track. potatoasi-''Ontario-s,-; :650-fier -bag: --;po,01.try.:=---Ohiekens; .-dres-sed,' 12 10. pound.; ,ifoWl.;::a0._zto. •-•,:llatter--Pound-prints,„22 fo-,.24e; tnbii. and. large r011S, 20 tO' 22e ; ixi ferior, 18 to 19o; 'creamery, 'rolls, 27• 'to :27%.e, an(1.4.olicls, .26e, • ,Seleets, 27c, d.nd ne.W. laid, •28, to 286 dezen.' , • • • - • H.:, ..-.7-77-7r7.-7_ . tENDED .WIT11-.11AZOIL , • With • •ThrOitt Cut, Wandered - '.----4-despatele-fr-arn-WinniPeg•-saYs; .•-•4!;Ti•a'08 - irrypstigatioia .-.sh:ovs, that .Aririglittfbrinerly-of Renfrew.; ducks. to 14c, geese„ -12 .91telndt.'iU-ii:YbeearilHdr4:.7-11TEL7s.q.:i:ealmat.:efftlen°ggnifilioirret:* -tiirkeys, '17 p,.) 18e' per ;P91111(1,.1. ,::::'3.11-hetiith_lfor some tinie, and Seerns 1T( PPfll)TTC'Fq,Jro•.rh.a4a4ve,lr,C41t•at1,i;'iajo[ucrpiiiiftr:velt_in..4ptlithy, :Badon-Long ng qeakPiling from l'Woo4a.'ia per -poen in.case o s ; mess park, *wandoiectialindlite tne• can' tracks, kvhere-wfin and, di:ter brief: con- ✓ hisionsl, •The cars aft`er- ▪ rds-e-rusharhrii-eliest.-a-.nd;,,ii.riu,. .$2"0 'to $29:50; , short cut, $28% to '1• • ' -Hams Light40--VediunaT13%to 14e; do,heavyr12-to taeks;Aurf-ta'ave2,94acawL..c.(4;', is% 16'p. • . , : , ..ze400' - -.• _ EiTSINESSLAT-LMONTREAL. P tea7S-7: , 41;4 0.7tX14:798.P7OACS4-00;1111414,41,1Nreit,, ern 'NO,- 2, :49. to. 49%p; :ektra No. .1 feed; 48%.,,to, 49e ; 1 feed„ 47% to 48 to °Oittario -3,- 47 to, 47%6; Oh - tan°. 46,..to 464c ;. p. 2 bar-. ley,•,•63Y236..6bc ;• Manitoba feed bar, ley.,05"t0•••• 05%e; btieltwheat:: 05% to 56c,. Floftnitoba.Sprlrrg •wheat.paten•ts..0.firsts,',•$P0; tella, Spring • ' wheat patentsi 61'44; $5.19 ;,..1v1AuitObu_. stiongbak eref:74, -$44€)-Wie.-ter-4wheat. $0,49 to $5,04 straight 'rojlers, $5. V15-11$5..10-;-. ,bags,77$2:;35-•to-- $1-:•35.4,o7 $2 o,.11feed-OntatieVran has act; .yanecl *SI • ITO-17,V0-11:7".., Oa r;'10t.it,$23 to .$4;. shOrts. are 509 higher at $4:b0. to $254, .3.16„rii7 tob,d.... bran,' "01 to $224. Manitoba, shorts_,. OutariO 'bran,' .4123: to $24; Ontario,,Shotta, $24,50 'kit' 025; Ontario ...:niiddliugs, $25;Ao ,;$20.50; 'pure grain rti!opille, $28'. to 430; ,i.wostora, • 1%- to 13•0;. eiaerris; 't1211V1fo.Butter-t !Fat creatnOty, 2be; winter , cream-, ery31,23,tO 249.1 tubs, 20c, .rolIs,21c. TR•51i4-New, laid;•••32 t� 33e ;, selected, , stock, '28c ;, 'No.. 1'' • p7e.' ' • - WAS il;$ T1414IIS . • an DiCS Near. Braniford, 7,7(0c, - • • • ; ,to • .:41espateli 'kiln; Ili -fa -11160 -ea 3fs death has. been 'reverted 'toIndian - authoritie's here of . -811Versinfth,, a resident ,-bf. reatota, ,Township, in • his: 115`th ,r...:Deceased retained hia aitias oval re!cen'tly. .watl* 1'a:0(0 -Maker, . :EY;ti mint ocrinp fine Guelph la a,, ' Factory. , triglror Puran-Nalttr-Not..et -----A • despatch Jr obi. dnelph says:- .--11ritisli.- 00111101h- ' CSWald..liahn, 18 ears :of, agei,..wai ,• *. el awn into '.6, four -spindle tapping • A,4:iges atelt": from ,OttaWa, says: itehine in. the Standard FittingnL:extr Of the-•'Clinada. Gazette and...Valve- ':Company'i factory WASISsue .an Vechicklay with the lisThu'rsfinsr. .,: He WaS ,exhibated by •Announepni4it that the 'Governor- ciNwe4 his felloW-workmen i and foundn- i General-in-CounCiThas the Act of itigi cOlumatt. a -•fri,ghtfullY -Lmangred„ eondition. ': th.o7.13r- '- • Leghlmbure, Of \Feb.. llth, last, rb- HIS riglitarni ivas• so inutlir Mai lating • to immigrAion• - ;lite that latod ' that it liad. to be amputated at the Shoulder, 'arid in big left fore- - and knOwn as the "Natal 4,cf.,),• • • \ • •• • , . , a'rerthe'M'ICrel-"tNIVOL" Verbs: iokeii LA. • • nd adl t xi l Ile ' N • )ug 1414114 Veterinary Surgeon S 010;,,Appoudot::RtnOved,..., ,.despatO troxri Xew York says: .. Edward 3; Eohhi, a',veter- ry surgeon of taysliore, Long refUsect to take ether when • .had . his appendixrenioved laat i;ks, Ile remained quiet through- •, 'the aperation,.. and fotir' pls after;„ fl hi dkove five Miles his home: •ifelleroing day 7atiorattending •to 11+3--practiee. 3 case is -believed to 1)e. without arafleL . • , • drove over to' the vatariuni of'4Dr, . H. ih-6171Filziftv•e64;64i 0%170:Rome. Dr., ittiAg •9114, Dr.. vorl -proliatott-e to Opetatty•''Aud • 18 , as the rairsc approached the pa. ent With the ether ccinc he' calmly waVed her aside, • , "'There's nothing the matier• iwit,,Wyour heart, old znati," ,Dr. Rosa, who is an old fend, asank- aed • . . al ,it, Vni •going 'to put the ether out; beeitase 1 waxit ,t0 See tile" operatiert," ''saifi Dr, illitlAibrar-- -- 'You 'May , paint) ott 06- °a:file if yeti 'Nvis141.1 'Thu w&s done:and the oPera on, clecl dtadilY,411110.01.10kitt rnidion rom the patiient, .wheso (head was propped ,uP stiliet 'could ,see 'ovary ruoye of the gurgoous. • :;....!i;„ a ,some b y or muse qs. has a• ;gaping wound aeross,his chest, and a numbdr of, woiinds' --abont-thar-heritcHind-face:.-His-ret--- -coVery-is . .1. Digly ON 1401'4D ON • STItEET. Tragic End of Capt. Al. • ' - despatch Itotw London," Ont, SaYS Cai3t, 'A; W. Porte, of Oak"- Ville former manr4itig director of ITeronto ! Bisenit CornPati3;a dropped dead in frontopt the. resi- dence of las _sister,: Mr's, GeOrge Ilriekenderi ' Queen's Aventie at 6 cloek on Thursday , evening. Portewas walking with a. yOung lady' and. was apOlogi2ing for 'wak ingsiowly. lfy heart ig-A4m-rorm to-valk rapidly; ' he said.. With these Worde • he, pitched ..for,ward dead, Cab. ort4. vas. 0116 of th btfif, rentoval. to.* Tbronte 12 years. mgoi ,was about -06 yeitrit'z'or Ago. t 4 POING, A D4FICIT. PJ1kTIP.„„iik.F.,s91121. . • •••••-•-:-..Ialsod., ' -'. A ‘daspateh frOni-Oh-arlOtt,OtO4U.• • sa,Ye, The public accounts 7 77 '7 preientecl in the Legislature: on . ettlinary expe-a- ditureeg-fer.,the-, Ascal-year ende(L • SePtember 1908,:to•he. $871,02 capital e2_Tentliture;, 040,115; or -4.: (Unary.- recciptS• $339601v. The' chief iteins in the eapital 'account were for .anyeinKimary.•neW jail ' Suraniersidei. and plerma.nent" were foethe administration of jus- • tide, interedt, . works . and Oida.r•,---- thp largeetitem," The revenue. ' cliide„cl the Dominion subsidy. a 12op,681;..on- poinnieciaI •traVellers., -$8;090 eciMpanies .$9 000 ; -banks,. 47,000;.r.inconie, $8000;, on land, . 128„k00-; --raids) $11,000 ;n;silecessi'on , duties, $8,000.. : ' ' KJLLED I]( GRAVIL FIT , • , Mein Buried: tader ,takit1i Niudi •••• , A:d.esnatch•TfrOni Stratlircy 4a,ya: , John ..}E:= Denning waS,._ _instaiitly, kilied,and__JainedLLyonkii.Suffering„..„... from,. a broken ' legaa a result of ay c n at ,..a.. ,,.. : gravel pit. ; at' ker..- ''," . Woo _•,' OIF ;,lhiles, WeSt • ofTFere; On Thurka,y.„•_.,B•othirliie.u.1,:,"..ivith. !..eyer, • j_ ,a1 •Othert;!:vvkzell_-:e.A.kag'iillTin.::•elta.tr---•-'7- .I4g 'gravel,tre4v,--Iherpiti--.viheth,e -6.' .-ave..i,n,*(*rerreetOsteinOlffetis D'enning-antiLyetta,--They.swere:-...- , • • • • taken out with 'diffieulty • Denaing. ' bejEquipi)cd, pins eScaped7with-S, b-rolren, • • . . • Donning WAS 4,:inarrieel.,*(a*withT • -despa,tck-.,froin.-.111ontreal eays:ir .••••_2,11: • It: was announced. at the headquar; shipe. that' arangements :are ..uncltr •, • . , way for,tlie•equipment •ef,alltheir 4;0, • Pacific 'liner& with long7distanoc Mareoni.,apParatus : off the.....largest• 6s ?, 41. 'L• pattern. An engineer, , •_:: A despatch...I rom, Says,: . . ,o,opt iof':aisistants,,, is new., on' *A introduCed, in, theLegisia- 'Way .fr661. Erigtand to install ..:the. lure foreShadowd. the Potiatinction - apparatus - shiPS. of a nether trariScontinental rail - The i.iPpatatus 'able, to send,: :road., the Hill...interests.' .„ .-•.The... 7 Mes SageS4or--"frve =hundred ..miles;- is --for oration,•;014he- sethat S11004 in future -any diSas- -"'Greatr•Northen Railroad in Mani- t ex .overtiike any Of thevessels,2they• • telia,,Arid_.one_.olatiStaIashs_.foi•pPwr, ull he. able to send messages ;for to construet a, line frOMOVintiipeg• : .;dicl•to-artY:.a 1P Nil in a re, w:es • r..BHU log,. ;the , _no tO the AveSterly bound .ar•Si4 the-PAvinCe: 'Eire years is • • IgiVen .7-167'TO iiiinenee'tOii•ilfiatioir:7---'-7? _Arid !ten' Years for,. obrupletibit.. ;It • • • The $ieeretary ,Of ,State ')Propface a. believed NON: 1.qat is...preparpg .m•vaeiori of, .. • Canada, On an eXteiiisiVe. A...despatch from., OttaWa.'says:, scale Eton..! Chas:. .Murphy, ;• Wrote* Of state;:ie •is• to be introduced ,tliis .sesSibri • to .PO!.1•11' 'affairs.!?..• •This; ,i6...is 'understood, Drovillett 1ThOe' Skating.•' . will be the equivalent of a ,opait- A despatch from Norwood, R'.' !petit Of foreign •affairs, and is ,buL, latting-rard. hapd 'pt .poliey• 'Which '_s_n,Sand Pang on WedneadaY night 'as inatigurated.When William four children .Were droWned; When • Mackenzie .was ,creat'Cd:..isecretary,,rtheiee:g4:Ve10,5F; ano•thet 'as bare' fee iinpetial• and • • "ceroniai co.tre;.1.1.3," saved and several persons.: who 'spOndenee..= •iiii.&i's,tood", that ; 'attempted to'..rese,tte: 'then}, nariow- Mr MaciltenZie :Will: be deputy triiivi-ly Missed' being:engulfed in'tlie'''fdy: .• stet 'of • the;_Luri..e•ty.., clietartnie,n-t;;;.maalt.0s.:.- -The, • droWeed:•*,_ hib. will be. tinder the adniinis-Livere.: Ilanghilda, Lillian and .Amel, tis,rtnotrif.v.e,. control o. f ;the. ..Ratisan' and Joseph lohn son. All . . . , • were .un der, fifteen .years of 'ago. , • .74 r—" rt7 9 ee:•:-NliTate41 -1" e thOt, J'very roll 13"e ITINTiTED•BTAXES Buflal�,.Feb.; 2 -Wheat --Spring Wheat firmi, Winter notiinal. Corn .1 -Stronger ; No,. 3 yellew, 6Qc.;' No. 68'4O;;No: 3 earn, 08 to ,6113g6TITO,-1,41 t 6 ;z:-I6c1 NO. 3 white, :701Ad bats -Stronger ; white,....5/ 34c ; No. 3 'Vvilik,e, 5834o7Xo.' 4 white, 55%p. 13-arley--: 31itirreapoliei 11,f3ty,,lEt1%'.10 $1.11%;'easit 1 hatd.; $:.! 14 ;• No. 1 Northern, *1- 13; NoH 2 Northern, $1;11 to $1,-. No. 3.Northern, $.1..67 to, $1.09. Bi-$23'to $23.50: Plant --First:Clout., $4.10 to $4.25; 8ed- 'Ond; Clears; , to $3.15; first patents,, $5,55 to $5,65; ,seeond'pat- 411t S,. $5.40 t� $5.56.• Milwailkee; Feb, 23.-Whcit .NOi '1 $OtthOina :NO.' 2 Northern,*•,$1,34; May, $1..i43 $1,444 bid. . 1., • 17,%•:h Corr -May,, 0514 to 65%c.',Barley -Standard., 6004. sample, 624:10 136c; No. 3, 03% to. 64%6 ;:'N'e; 62; to 630., • " 11:A11X:us': Tobygo; •reb. 23-Theire wore not th4 ebaico" varietyet exportf Cattle' Offering,: at,14 thole -wore- EaO0O---ekaxedi Waft heard for moro.. ThO fop 'price iid today was $5.15.. . , . lInfachet 'Cattle WOr'„e • in fair dal gk•cif jii or Gr • 'jents „, -. . " '..esPI-04*4is:44'4,3Pge •:„Ionat,re*ation. :°)tail4i*OACITO*1;011$. AtEdOkti6:21r0e:.: •:"('-',9-.77c. !..J.,t1LLIOTT, prin . _ . • • TILE ICL GAVE • WAY. *. t JACtCAL Evoc•paloti' ta'f Vest F at out large, •stip7to-dateb%....lt ra laiistacaS Coll • Cafalag-tte' Free.... Scud 1:;,-:+ t. Write W. B. ' . E,1.* \ - C/1$•13:6::Stc)1,' -tDAY lfl NE'.15A'Scr bi\TLY i.ysto:o • • • ••00,,,-..„Il:4a. i4 , arto* Ways in thp..1110can-1.00;pit4.•• The London Daily Mail's'. St, pitersburg tirat netiriq,thenia is 'qla4ining an nuni6er of vic'tini8.. ila11'eetions �( 8t„, PotersbUrg! soelety; A sti!:prisIng, number of VeoPle, tiredOf life, seek death by. vario'us • niethOdS: •-•-.:".:Persons Of fa,Shiona;ble society lourney td Finl,ndahd fling •,theinSelves into the r roinantic Imatra Rapids, StratrgeLet-trbroiRt-:Reelets are, in existerice," •Ond of these ist•sityled "TiWer and Iluitter.'!. Two. reeln- be.re' (lib,* Iota to deci4e• who Wilt ibe-tho-ligor-ancl-'wlio.,.•the hunter, A•gsilrer bell is hung, around tho tiger's nclt and tho hunter is giveii a leaded rovolvo,r- Doti' enter la re darkened 'r o in.s and (the. snee. tatcrs fake reftge in safe corners, 'The hunt, , begrhk, The hunter's r'4e8 are 'bOitint.f.-he is allowed Sit Oats, guided by the sound; of ;tie' e11.• It ho,fails to hit; the tiger, the roles are rci",ersed and the 110n- ter- bccOties the tiger: ,Thisori tiimes blood f1t4s, Another-Vciety wilere. &tie tililong t\veli- %y liottles is drugged with abr., there- aro itnorousOprd .i.t1(,,s; ler which"there is ylau 41).10 exbiallatien, givingiiy s, ..The Mail's carrespando.itto. the :tsitsprcilrn 'that belong to the taine..leagite of tiou. ' " ' :ant.e , 'get 1.614 •good.filtoes.-4.avkins 4. po ‘4 y r styles and vefi-.14odi,b11t,ter „ d,ongowar. trt .354*VietAs,..Shrle:43..yetell, atrine•ciak-talmeil' l'eathe ',..ar0ni tail on 'im i0 11YT:tell1311:1:egir,11'eatlan4 • :r4tint3th 'irti; or • • ' an'.1 r0 ivict-ko.1 `'40 t, • • leatifi • .•,;••$,V.''r ' . • :„.