The Wingham Times, 1908-12-31, Page 8'1<`kl.E 'W'1NGHAM TIMES, DECFMDE11 31, 1908
MINOR 1.vcA1~s. GAlt for oW few days. F GHUFRCH NOTES, D. BELL'S. .......................
tyu# visiting in
--To-morrow is January ls.t, 1903. Mr. T. Edger Henderson, of Miwloii. Rev. W. G, Howson of the Methodist ■ ■.
is Mr. Jam.
'the Whollius is J MUSIC EMPORIUM ++ Winter Session 4
-Auer today you Kunst write it church, will take for his subjects next
I Og, Mr. Jas. "hellens is hone from the Sunday,. at ll a, m. "A. Now Year's
--Municipal election day next West for the holidays. Meditation," at 7 p, am. "Finding tho Headquarters for all kinds
Monday. Miss Jenuie Halliday ryas hOme from. Secret of the New." Bright services... Opens January 4th in all depart -
Toronto Musical Instruments. ments of the CENTRAL BUST•
Toronto for the holidays. All welcome, `
_Annual Scottish oonoert on Friday Mr. King WdetrNESS COLLEGE, Yonge and
evening, January 86h, • g aa, of Doit, was Principal Taylor of the High School o Gerrard Streets, Toronto. our
visiting with Wingham relatives. will give the address at the regular p' o Catalogue explains our snpori•
-A Happy and Prosperous New Year Mims Emma Pattison is ependidg the meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's Pianos orityinEgnipmcnti, staff, Al
to all our readers and friends" holidays with relatives at Bellevilte. Church in the schoolroom on Monde No more beautiful or appropriate oda and Results. You are in-
Mr. Geddes Wilson, of Hensall, is ' Y we than a Piano, We have them '1' vited to write for it if interested
Mr, Fred Faller, of Southampton, is evening next at 8 p. m, Mr, Taylors •i. in the land of school work
spending his holidays at him home. from all the great makers, For .g• which brings beat success, Ad- 'l'
holidaying with his old Wingham remarks arcs alwa7e worth hearing and finish, workmanship and tone they -t-
Mr. and Mrs, R. Clegg are .mponding dress W. H. SHAW, President..
the holidays w• ll relatives at Peterboro. friends, it is hoped that many will avail them- are unexcelled, and at right prises. ,
Mrs. H. B. Kont, of Brantford spent selves of this cocadon, All will be '+ +
-Huron county poultry show will be made welcome, Violins °•i' ••£'d' '4•d•4• •'l'3•...3.3°3• ••€....t,++
hold at Clinton,. on January 19th, 30th the Christmas holidays with Wingham
relatives. Ofiloers of the Eureka Bible Class of We have the largest and best stock
.and 21st, th
the Met Sunday School were elec- ever before shown in Wingham, ...." ......*..........'1•."b.
Mies Bolls Wilson has returned home g . .
Miss Hannah Wilson, of Toronto, ted on Tuesday evening as follows:- and at prices to suit every person, + ('' ,l,
after a few months visit in British To violin players, we ask you to • Royal Grocery I'
spout the Christmas holidays at her Columbia. Teacher, J. A. Morton; president, W. J. pall and judge fbr yourselves. J
home in town. Greer; vine-prefddcut, Wm. Feseant;
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Morton spent the
Mrs. Kenneth Macbeth Rae will , secretary, S A. Maguire; tresenrer, H. •+r• •+l•
holidays at Mr. Morton'a parental home Roadhouse Phonographs •r• Everything 'now ready
receive on the first and second Thurs• ; organist, Miss Sparling. •i• for Christmas, and the
in Brampton, Nothing more p + best that money can buy
,day of each month, Conveners of commi6tee2—Membership, g popular and lase• •F• .
Mr. and Mrs, H. Crouoher, of South- ing than a P h o n o graph, The
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Fisher, of J. W. Hewer; social, J. Cxuest; devotion- E n z s o N has the new Amberol + b
ampton, are spending the holidays with al, Mrs, Brook; visitation, Mrs. J. T. Records, which play twice as long California Grapes,
Ottawa are spending the holidays with Mrs R. Kerr. •1 -
Davidson. as the old ones, Ever home
Wingham relatives. should have one y + able Raisins,
-Regular meeting of Cam Cale- Mr. Foster Fyfe, of Toronto, spent y are enjoyed d. Layer Figs, Dates •1-
g g p the Christmas holidays at his -parental Death of John Fortune. by both old and young. y $' > > +
dosis, Sone of Scotland will be held base in town, Another of the pioneer residents of .i• /Bon Bons, +
next Monday evening. Organs + Chocolates 'l'
Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Fergus were Turnberry passed away on Wednesday -i•
Mr, Ali Mitchell, of Quebec, spent 'i° •i•
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Knetobel of last week in the person o1 John For- We have a great number Second. •i• Creams, ,l,
the Christmas holidays visiting with for the holidays. sed 86 years and 3 weeks. De. hand Organs, taken in exchange ,'ii, Mix Candy, +
tune a for ,Pianos. Some of them have
his father, Mr. Simon Mitchell. ceased was born in Berwickshire, So•t- Oranges, Bananas
Mrs. Robt. Shield, of Palmerston been in use only a few mouths. g > ,
Mrs McLachlan and eon, Charles, of land and came to Canada in 1851, All in first-class condition. Will
London, are spending the holidays with spent the Christmas holidays with her Walnuts cs
p g y mother. >~_rs. Carr. settling first in Dundas. In the spring be sold very cheap and on easy ,,;; ' 4. a
bar sister-in-law, Mrs. D. McKinlay. of 1853, in company with is brothers, terms. d• Filberts, Brazil, o
lar. and Mrs, Geo. Tervit, of Kincar• 'i' Almond 'Nuts .
-The Oddfellows of Clinton enter. the late Thom. Fortune, up to the time • • + +
dine were visiting with relatives for the j , // d, ,i, a
twined the inmates of the House of of his death in April, 1889 was Clark of owing Machines g. fog Corn Balls, a
Christmas holidays. 'i'
Refuge on Tuesday evening of this Turnberry, and Goorge Fortune, still a We keep a very large stook of both + + a
week. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sadler, of Detroit resident of Turnberry, the deceased Canadian and American manufaO. + and everything for the
spent the Christmas holidays with settled on lo$ 5 in the 9th concession, bare. If you are contemplating •i• children. Call and see
-Plan of hell for Scottish concert purchasing a machine, it will pay ,'11, our stock before buying, a
Wingham relatives. and here he continued to reside n
will open at MoKibbOn a drag store at p to you to call and see them. •I•
2 o'clock, on Saturday afternoon of this Mr. and Mrs. Geo, C. Manners, spent the time of his death. Mr, Fortune was •F° a
week. the Christmas holidays with relatives in a life-long Liberal and was a member of Turkeys, Geese. Ducks and i•STORE OPPOSITE SKATING RINK. 'i' Chickens wanted for 3'
Seaforth and Clinton, the Presbyterian Church. During his 'I' •
-Constable Robert Johnston, for q d: Christmas at +
many years a resident of Goderlch died Mr. and Mrs, J, A, Cttmmings, of fifty-three years residence in Turnberry d• •i•
on Thursday' December 17th aged 8o Listowel are spending the holidays18 11,
He was a man ESTRAY HEIFER. 'i;
Sears. with Wingham relativem, held in high esteem and duringhis long MA7GOL Fia
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson, of Godorioh reeidenoe in the Township made a boat 'i' •i• r
-Regular meeting of L, O, L. No, Oame onto the premises of the under- 'i' Griffins Old Stand. PHONE 54. •r•
794 will be held in the Orange hall on were visiting with their son, Mr. Chas, of friends. Mrs. Fortune died in thq signed, lot 30, con, 12, East Wawanosh, 'i' 'i'
fall of 1904 and three sons and two about the middle of November, a two. "1"£"1"A'i"l.3...... ""l°3 d'•i-'i"I"i'•£•'i"i' •''.
Friday evening of taus week -January Swanson for Christmas, daughters survive, viz: -John, of Gil• year-old heifer, mostly red in color,
1st, 1909, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Currie, of Bert Plains, Man.; Charles, of Newdale, Owner can have same by proving pro.
-The railwaypassenger traffic in and Palmerston were visiting with relatives party and paying expenses, a
P Man.; George, on the homestead; Mrs. Ritchie, Cosens
out of Toronto is reported to have been in Wingham and vicinity. ROBERT MoGEE s
p Morrison,, of Manitoba and Miss
the heaviest Christmas holiday trafiio Mrs. Thom. Brook, of Parry Sonnd, Clara, at home. Mrs; Morrison Whiteohnroh, Ont.
in maven years. was visiting with Mrs, Brook, Diagonal was home with her father for some REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE.
-The regular meeting, of the Ladies' street for Christmas holidays, little time. The funeral took place on DR. MARGARET C. CALDER
Auxillary of the Wingham Hospital Misses L. and M. Forbes, of Toronto, Saturday afternoon to the Wroxeter Honor Graduate of Toronto University, 'arnl P]t•®per le a
will be held Monde Jan. 4th, at 4 15 were the Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians
Monday, guests of their father, Mr. cemetery. and Surgeons.
p. mDevotes special attention to diseases of Eye,
in the Council Chamber, Thos. Forbes, over Christmas. Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested.
Glasses properly fitted. a
Lightninghitch hocks shoes.- Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Gray and son We have unquestionably the biggest Some exceptional values in
y ggest OE'VICI:—With Dr, Kennedy.
The best that is. Also, see our Ring Howard, spent the holidays with the variety and the beet hockey shoes in Office Hours -3 to 5, 7 to s pan' farms, If yon Waut one it will a
hitch hockey shoes and the new hold former's parents in Toronto. town, Skates put on free• si
tight skate straps. Willis & Co. WILLIS & CO. pay you to see us.' st
Mr, and Mrs. John A. Day and ehil- CANADIAN II11y CIRCLES The good old Province of Ont go
Mr. Jas, McKinlay left on Wedneadey dren, of Southampton, are spending the nrl laxn n ario is all right. g®
meshing for Winnipeg after spending holidays with Winghdm relatives,
the Christmas h011daye with lila NICHO2—ELLIOT7:--At the home of the Wingham Circle, No. 434
M.r. and Mrs, David Martin, of GIan• bride'sfather, Mr. Thos G. Elliott, on Deo vY 8
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D! vMnlay, ford Station, spent the holidays with 23rd, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. John Nichol to Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 Town +r® ,1 es $
Miss Belle Graham Elliott, both of Wingham, p m.. in hall in Chisholm Bleck. Candidates i a IL
-Mr. Jos. Stalker, the new Principal relatives in Wingham and vicinity, CARTER ... WAT Sa _-At the Manse, Blyth, by for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to
of the Pnblio ,SC14001, leas moved his Rev J L Small, B A, on Wednesday afternoon, see our rates of any member or officers. 4
Mr. Thos.
. J. Watt, of Emo, Mich. Dec 23rd, Mies Isabel A Walsh, daughter of Ladies accepted at same rate as mon. .►
hour€,hold effects to town Cllr? N7IIi cc, Samuel Walsh, to Mr Bert Carter, son of At right rices. We have a +
visited with Wingham and Bluevalo R. Airnn, T. E.'RonlrrsoN, g p .p
oupy the house on Patiick ctreat, owned Sampson Carter, an of East Vthe h ooh' Leader. Recording Secretary
b Mr. Mark Gray. friends for the Christmas holidays. GnaEsarN-Rlxmour At the helico of the ,number of places admirably Q
ybride's parents, on December 23rd, b Rev. G. • W. J. WYLEs, Financial bocrotary.
Mr. and Mrs, Chester Davis and child p y suited for retired farmers,
—A ver • P. Duncan, of Whitechurch, Mr. John G. Gil-
t' pretty wedding wag colo- of Toronto spent the holidays with the lespie to Miss Minnie I. • daughter of Mr, and Cit C {, 9 -No prettier or healthier town +
braced at the reaidmce of Mr, Richard former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, g, Mre. Chas. J. RintoulnYal l flEast Wawranosh. ROAR i1iR SER SERVICE. in Ontario than Wingham. 4
Stainton, Listowel, on Cnrfatmt c Day, Davie. Property bought; here can al-
MART.M.—In Blyth, on Dee,. 20th, Joan Scott, ways be resold, Z,
when his daughter, '.Miss May,' was Mise Annie Elliott ham completed the relict o1 the late John Martin, aged 84 years, The undersigned will beep for service a his y
united in marriage to Mr. John F. 11 months and 9 days, premises, Lot 1b Con. r Morris, iBluevale +
g millinery season at Heiwig Bros, store Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Roar.
Meredith of London. BRuen. Hullott, on Dec 22nd. Margaret Torms—$1, to be paid at time of service. + m
+ in Mildmay and returned home last Cuuninghame, beloved wife of Robert Bruce, 4'
—`Y'he next sessions 01 the High weak, aged 08 years, 8 mouths and 14 days. Wingham, P. O•
MCICnE.—In Howick, on December 23rd, Griffin-Vanstone Bloalc, WINGHAM. +
Court for this county will be held at Mr. Arch, and Miss Kate McKinlay, Mrs. wm McKee, in her 73rd year.
Goderich as follows: Jury assizes Open, of Labo, are ending the New Year NICHOL—In Wingl+am.onDee 26th,Dorothy M a r S Phone 123 m
Jury p p Marshall, relict of the late James Nichol, aged FARM FOR SALE Or RENT
ing April 26th, before Chief Justice holidays ab the home of Mr. D. Mo. 76 years and 6months.
Falcoubridge; non -jury', opening June Kinlay. FORTUNE.—In Turnberry. on Dee 23rd, John The undersigned offers his 175 -acre farm, ■■■e y v „
y. Fortune, aged 80 years and 3 weeks. being lots 1 and 22, Concession .1, Tnrnberry,
22nd, before Justice Britton. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Laing, of Berlin, _ (Bluevalo yeas), for sale or rent, nb the „` t
CFESOLEIVE Af TISP 1C TABLETS were Christmas visitors with Mrs. premises are a good frame house, bank barn, +
straw sheds: well watered n windmill forcing
Ling a parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. Mae. DOMINION ELECTIONS, ing water to the house asci barn, The Parm is i IUwe 51 Ul an ne . `
A simple and effective remedy for conveniently located to church and Schoch Flowers, dOnald. Got particulars at premises or write
SORE `'xliltoA es AND coucxs 190.
They combine the germicidal valua of Cresoleno Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross and Miss L, H. BoBmAN, O
Bluevalo P. o, - Now is the time to visit. +
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice• Jean Rocas Of spout the hOli•
rice• Your druggist or from us, loo in stamps ' Clinton,' p Abstract of the expendi re of Thomas
LB1iliL`iCi, bflLEa Co., Limited,Agents, iltontrcal, ,ox days with. Wingham and Turnberry Chisholm M. P., at the elec on held on Oeto. TENDERS WANTED. -The High and Public Schools will relatives. bar 26, 1903, for the Ea Ri ing of Huron, forthe House of Comon o Canada, California
re-opan on Monday next, The only Meeera. John Powell, of Detroit and Rent of Halls........ 340,00 - ss
Wm. Powell, Hamilton were visiting Caretaking •........................... 7.50 Tenders will be received by the undersigned 7
change in the staffs iA that Of Mr. g Livery accounts .............. . ........ 115.6o up to the 15th of January next for the purchase Mexico,
Joseph Stalker of EI h [akin the with their sister, Mise P, Powell Por the Printing and advertising ............. [5.50 oP°thefollowing properties, namelyFlorida
' Blyth, g Hotel bill.I ............................ 5.75 1. Village Lots 14, 15 and 16 on the West side +
h Olidays, Tele hone account .................... 6.30 of Queen street in the Village of Whitechurch
place of A. H, Musgrove, M. P. P., as. p g
.Mrs. J. B. Ferguson left this week Express charges ............. • ......... .70 on which is situate a comfortable frame cottage -
Principal of the Public School. g Candidate's personallexpenses....... 22.62 in good re air, and a good frame stable. P
for California, where she will spend. the 2.
The North East corner of Lot 27 in the and the Sunny South. ?onnd trip
—The lowest priced tea is not the $244.37 Tenth Concession of East wawanosh, contain- tourist tickets On sale to all grin•
olleapeat. "Brown Label" "SRlada" winter visiting with her mother, Mrd. Wingham, December 28th, 1908. ing one acro of land upon which is situate a cipal Winter Resorts. 4+
John Palton. J. A. MORTON, Returning officer. frame store and dwelling andframe, stable and
Toa at 303. per pound makes many more blacksmith shop. This boing also the location
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley and Miss of the Fordyce
cups than any tea sold at 25e. per Abstract of the expondituo of Archibald Terms—Ten per cent. of the purchase
Dorothy Walley and Mise Pot Elliott Hi op at the election beld .bn October 26th, money on acceptance of ofior and the bnlanoo v A ( ( VM
pound. It i■ therefore not only more spent the holidays at the parental home 111, for the East Riding of the Courts of within thirty days thereafter. NEW YEAR'S ift3 Ic
economical to use, but it is infinitely Huron for the House of Commons of Canada No tender necessarily accepted. e
in Brantford. Rent of Halls .... ..... .............. $46.00 Dated this 9th day of December A. D., 1003.
more delicious, Printing and advery ng..........„ 48,05 R. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O. Consult Grand Trunk Agents far
Mr, Wm. Kneohtel, of Fergus, was Livery account ........................ 81.76
',Harold Jarvis' fine tenor robusto rang calling on his many old friends in Wing.Telegraph account ................•... 17.11 low rates pertaining to above.
Postage, stationery and exhange.... 1,75
like a bugle call in the xassionate ham. Mr. Knechtel has premed his 81st Candidate's persoual expenses....... 33.75 `
core he a ng h worded For an on. birthday and is still as hale and heart DOMINION BANK
ooze he sang with wonderful til tenderness y $228'42 For full information as to rates
and expression "Afton Water." 11is as a man of 50 years, Wingham, December T 1908.
J. A. MORTON, Returning Officer.
magnificent rendition of "Keefe Wha Mr. Kon. M. Linklater, of Rockford, ronteB, oto., apply to W. 1'ionrq,
Hae" brought forth bursts of applause, I11. is home for the Christmas holidays, Deppt Agent, or address J. D. Mo-
und he was obliged to respond. -Detroit y HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Donald, D. P. A., Toronto.
Journal. At Scottish concert, opera Ken has a good position in a large glove fin n / }}{,
house, Wingham, on Friday evening, factory and his old friends were pleased Winter Term Opens Jan, LFIII 7
January 8th, to bear f his prosperity in Uncle Sam's Capital paid till►3,976i000 Nox a Cold
-•-Why do so many Farmare read the county.
Weekly Sun? hBecause it so i p aithfent• - eSITRAT'ORD.
. Reserve Fund and In One Dayl advocateti their casae; Dr. OvOIIs. Oculist, London Snr son108 y i$ faithially ' g undivided profits$5,297,000Eya, Ear Nome and Throat Kill be atsupplies the practical farmer with vain• McKibbon'sdrugstors,'Wednesday, Jan- ONT, The Greatest Lung Healing Medicine
able information on all agricultural unry 27th. Hours: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m, p i1 known to soience. A guaranteed ours
topics, and is the most reliable bar. Glasses properly fitted. This sohool is one of the largest in Total A$Sets, ()'ler 4$,000,000 g
the I'rovinco. It it noted for the for all Lun Trouble, Coughs, Colds,
iylmeter of market conditions to be found Miss Jean Robb, whose abilities as an thoroughness of its work and the Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat and
in Canada. What the Weekly Sun has elocutionist are well known to London- Consumption. Every bottle Bold Under
arm, was most effective in "The Pied success of its students, Three de• a guarantee. The only Cough Medicine
done for others it will do for you. In- Piper." Her work last tight $tam ed , partments-- ,
elude the Sun in our reading for next p g p endorsed by octose. 2fic Bottles.
y B her as an elocutionist of splendid ability. COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND, '•,tsar. The combination price of the--LondonFroePress, At Scottish oon• - WINCiHAM BRANCH. fig
pNatures Remedy
,Tix= and Sum is only $1.80, cert, opera house, Wingham, on Friday TELEGRAPHIC. I•pr Constipation
evening, January 8tb.
dThee star of the evening was nndonb$- Our graduates are in demand am ' Farmers' Notes disoonnteil, s "
I TVbusiness collage teachers eie well
Happy New Year//v
To Ally
GOODS e u> `
a lpl!{ aMl O9aflilO ilraia •a m aaa araa WaliR A tI
The whole stock 1,-8 Brand New Goods_all tbi Season; make -bought
for spot cash from tl best makers -therefore the Jargains offer-
ed here a>rt uneualled by any other house, iven in the
large cities. 0# SATURDAY MORNING,-%CEMBER
FIFTH, this Great Sale will opent..,andtiolltinue
from day o day until the Gast ga1,00It is
sold. IRST COME, BUST Ski- Wp- 1 ,,
While this Great Sale is going on ever otb ,li artment of o i
attractive stoeks will be carefully looked erg particular tax <
attention be$g paid to our new and vc attractive =.
C H RUSTMAS ' 00 D tS:' J
Trade as usual, and cash always. Comp:lelits of the mosso l a,
to each and all.,
aela0® :1 119i7 i9i46dat@ 1Fa aabaQ ai iit lt?t a t ( ari t
+++♦b+++4 +++++++++++4++ ++4+++++
Bargains in Every L ke" o-;_
Having much a large stock of Christman Novelties"
old at prices that will sell them, see our large stook of
before purchasing elsowhere.
Ladies' and Gents' Watches and Chains, Woddink„ ° r,a„-.•
]Engagement Rings, Charms and Bracelets, Lockots, Look, t; Wi:e;l
Gold grid Gold Filled Jewelry of all kinds, Jewel Cases, Fprcy; c
and China Novelties, high-grade fancy goods, including 'afot M
Leathor Goods, Glove and Handkerchief, Manicure and ,,,oilo
Umbrellas with gold stetling and ivory handles. Chriatms, Pc;ak;
and cloth bound, Poets, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Toys and
Books for boys and girls, Fancy Stationery, Christmas 'able
Christmas Cards and Calendars,
"' Fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing a apeoloty,
K. KNOX9 Winkho
Opposite Queen's Hotel.
++d++*♦ i M♦ +++++++++++ ++++++++++++@+++++
o,N*DING Of 196
We wish to thank our many customers for
the liberal support we have received from them
since starting in business, andwe trust that dur-
ing the year i 9o9 our business relations will be
both pleasant and profitable.
We will endeavor at all times to have on
hand such goads in our line as you may require
and always sell them at the lowest possible prices
Again thanking you and wishing you
Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Yours truly,
V y Arry MODomald who was recalled as. Drafts mold on all Fig Pills will cure Rheumatism and all
PERSONAL• again and again. His comic eongs and office assistants. Get our magnifl• points in Canada Blood Disease. Pimples and Blotchag
cent catalogue, it is free. the United States. and Europa. 8tewa clever maks np kept the audience in removed in a few days by taking Figcontinuous laughter. lie spill rooeive a SAVINGS DEPARI`MENT'-•- Inters& Pills. One taken at night time will o •
Toronto, was home hearty welcome book at any time,-
Mr. Lloyd S N, Of ., make you feel batter in trio morning,
° ELLIOTT& MC[ACHLAN allowed on deposits of x and u pwarde r 25c, '
izor tibe t►wrliday. Sidney Herald. N. S. W. At o ra , - La bozos, For Bale at
house WiK ham, on Friday evening, D. T. IIEI R N Mail CE, NTRAL. 11ARDWAAE - WINGRAM
Mr, Hoeft Gondola is home trona Tor. Jalmoy 8th. Secure yottr tiaketr a PRINCIPALS.
4 f h►I►ai. en's drug store. , r. _ + • . _ a - .- ._ -
r. . ," ted.
U. Vanetcrio Solicitor.
. W