The Wingham Times, 1908-12-31, Page 7.'.-
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T 1heamatiY wi " wtid Impatiently; ; 'baa What IN !t, ladie�tf Row ettn i nerve 1'
alt d f bo P y
' are in danger of becotain.g a bore with you?" And he hustled away behind
A 1-1hf a+e _ . that brooch, Beecot. IT lend you the counter, giving all his attention to 1.
� / I If, money if you like." the customers, yet not without a side-
' �,�► �atsmi 1No aamritt and st5� will mirhteniha r' thanks; I have pf3 ; A of the ler. v �� ,�` t
` . �i._T 0/ stGrted limbs of chrome eripple•t, nor turd bony earned. however we'll s eak no =or* plexed Paul the tiirectloa
� erowtba back to flesh again, ,Chat is Imposslbl9• of the brooch, I'll send it back this T.shat young gentleman ilnding it im-
• �- tint I can now surely kill the pains acid pangs of ibis to e I 0
1 , V tots deplorable disease. very day. Teti me" -he linked his arm floss got further speech wlt ,
I ery
In t,lennany-^-with a chemist in the City of ,
Darmstadt --I found the last ingredient with within that of his frlend- `tell me of .A4roa and suspecting from his man.
t which Dr. 611oop's Rhoumatie Rein.dy was made that man." mor that all was not right, left the
•+TT�+ ' a perfected, dependable prescriptien. Without s.
! fU '�pj G� 'That man --of the working crew- shop. He determined to lata the , 11 An
`Si'*"'iVUs HUMS that hts`vittare 1n•t.t, I, "P^e•• .fully treated ninny, .Fr
j nlsnycasesofIthonmetisut;butnow.atlast.Ittint- tures' said Hay absently. µPooh, the brooch to Wargf6vo himself and ask ' -} '. 1. ,!.. ... i
J ri Ntttor MtNr►M star "» ► +. mijehlormlreadcurf-tl c --ale. cases of ibis aher anul o man was no TnOra a workingman than his mother about It, Then he couldI..
j, . y X Y 9f a<�ai►sogs. Cab. a✓v p/awdariw a lhn. ifa],I
' , mash drea�lel+ ai 16e. T2,,r.Ia eand•]lbo sropular
wastes, found Initt-cruratleltlood seemoDdissolve I am." learn why she wanted it back --if net
and pass away nallor the action rf this reti u9y as ,,Well, I thought myself he was a from her, then from his father. This The Mad, You ]gave A.1ways 23oug'ht, and which had been!
O PYR �► f %-•lyasdoes su•.tr when added to pure water. a in use for over 30?, lB !i,If," :, . And tlunt, idic-n I?l:; .lr,d. these poisonous wastes bit of a fraud:' knowledge might explain the mys. years, Llta borne the C,i nature oL
/` H' � lrrely pass from the system, Siad the calix+ of +Detectives never do mala n well" tery. - -, and haw beeD3madeunderhi6 ,-
�•a�•a•at•rGHAM COMPRheumat.ivm is talo foresver. There Is now no 11' • P
R Yt . real nee3--no neural excime to sutrer 'angor with• said Grexon calmly. "Did you sell file broach?'} asked �-•� f onal supervision FtInCO Its iIIfAn I
out help. We sell, and m 1 oalideuce zecommead p cY.
Paul stopped as they turned into Ore Grexon as they walked up Gwynn AVw Allow no one to deceive you in this.
"-lone ^I,v itilan should be looking out, 10 and ask him for It, the; , n f d tr t "Wh t? W th m street 1
e or see a as , e as All Uountelrfeits Imitations and "Just -as -good's are DUO
"i don't know his address, A' 1 30x eriments that trifle with and endanger the health or lot went on Ws homeward way. « ,� when Yil�t't. ,l e a detective?" "No. I have to send It back to my I ° >'
leu Ila drew near his Bloomsbury Oh, be hanged!' Paul e �a°4' ° "I think so, from your description, bother, and"- p •, K
tt 1'•t: w#,t Grexon say, who was ,• the man spoke agala. p . Infants send Children-�xperieuee against Esporiment.
^ � along swinghig his. cane. « the mar- � oq,•�, �® of his conversation. The Sect Is I'm "hold oat" coed Bay, stumbling.
q Ue's what Y can a nits* depart- .�M � st'a ���, id����vv y ady Who is married. "Orange peel -ah"- x
,,,,il ; r 14 love with a a
t lookffig for you," he ►, kms, sir. Have A care, a { We have behaved quite well, and no His stumble knocked Paul into the °'�''' � 1
aui in his psual self coir . ed quickly. WALLEY S DRUG STORE. ` hat ! C CAS tl ®!t"�i I A. s
Pani staresL What .e working. one can say a word against us, But middle of the road. A motor car was ,p
a nner; "!t worries me to. %a working. .. -- her husband is a beast and wants a coming down swiftly, Before Hay
trek, so hard up, though I'm ,, man mean, and was divorce. I have suspected for some . could realize what had taken place Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor ®il, Pare•
v given to sentiment as a man? " time that he is having me watched. L Paul was under the wheels of the ma- gorie.. ]Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It,
is, lend you a fiver.'y Thanks to you, Paal. I am now sere. ; chine,
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
k his hash "Thant j+pa go near tltd " So perhaps you will understand why substance. its ago !8 its guarantee. It destroys Worms;
'+ UL did ,, shop for the after ma „ the man warned you against me and ' CHAPTER V. and allays Feverishness. It Cures 1Diarrhwa ants. Wind, -
che 1-" the brooch." P Gwynn r "Oh, confound the brooch! said talked of my being a man on the inf, .4,RT who had witnessed the Colic. It relieves r�'eotliiaf� Troubles cures Constipation
sudd,p square! at. next fe 'ys, much as he' Grexon In his cool manner. "I don't „ b 's
y go so. A can at tet accident hastened to telt and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
1c me' his ga. D cymly. "Do wanted want to hear about !t. Let us talk "I see," said Pan besitating; "but Sylvia, and so great had the Stomach and Towels, giving' healthy and natural sleep.
+w thin f that brooch r! ,' he office of a tveek3y had result of Dblclnea:' + f' "
' g t P�,P three stories qlf don't get into trouble, Hay: theft of the dreadful news The Chi;lclren's P'anaeea The Mother's Friend.
id. 0+ . n the rata' "Rather let us sulk of yourself," +'Oh I'm all right And I don't intend been that she had fainted, whereupon
I' ,d not the sort re-
t do you mean? , It,is a brooch being too fon said Paul. to do anything dishonorable, if that the foolish shopman had been severely .,
In i hasty rs a P. im u s r' r 'A Z"') � " R I ALWAYS
rn workmanship., that is all • qufred, But , tor' "Not an Interesting subject," replied dealt with by Deborah. When Sylvia
that he 111rsed Panl s y
V. I want to give aludy a ores- terview, adm Hay, rising as Paul opened his garret recovered, however, she Insisted poen
• work and v4I give him fr:3 for a: door for de t - S,c
k"d !f you will sell #j to me I'll par lire, "yon know all �•
•swrtain lines likely to seeing Bart again and then learned iC0,2a '��0 ►Jl�>.�1e`LLIlI'8 OY
take tt, to help yon, thus (Filling two tale written' about me." that Paul had been taken to Charing ..3� >•
the public. Paul did' « W„ , i s
birds at one ,shot " be popular p No! Y don!t know why you are Cross hospital, Y '
" + +i not care t,at Porth another person's; „ { p Ir
I dpti t wait =to sell ik aid Paul, called a man on the market: