HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-02-11, Page 3,LP EtillOrq 404way. nAPPE.NINUS FROM' Au4, oirgll -t RKE J1ErOWS J'Jto1J TflJLEADIli0. IItADE .CONTBES. as • Provided wei.egraoi.Iers, orn, Our Ou !vices •Ot•Cattle, Grain, Cheese and and Other 'COlintrieS of •••• 'Other Paiy PrOdue at : , . ,, fleeent• Eveats. • Hanle- and -thread. A clisOidelio' from. Obtaws, eata;,' mellt jA ill: a, position ILO draft the ---, , rk proo4ods from the 'Sale' of pre -•'' bin Prey:Ming for tha qi:Dimfr4feitiOn. , ;.5...:-;a-....-isq..orAnA., . . ,!,.,,,,,,, i • ,t-REWPSTUFFS.. mipted lands in *the West 'under the of the read, prOvision will be made . reveres tat•-tate'•will ;remain zat ',-"Toroato -Veb.-• 0. ----Flour ,.-. •On tot paased last " sonsion, allowing for the application et the fund. In aach hemesteader to".plirehatie at :the 'Manner deSigaated• Tho--- 1S1•2 mills' tario wheat 9Q per cent patents ' Ithus A per acte an additional 120 acres timated cost Of the hole road it* be The net recelpts. from gaecession $3.75 to $3.80 to -(184' inbuyer Don/Wienlands, thuobtaining fifteen millions,It Will wif duties in Ontario ia`1008 •were. $1,- sacks* outside for expert,. : ,Mani- , s -. . ' L lam' • of no ' aeres; 'have, now , seen.that, inoxe, 'than „one_third..of 15;740. , •.: • , -,. ,..: , • teha flour,'firat patents,.'$5.Q0 on rim? 4.4 . OntarioandMiniieSeta. inaY ',fake track; Toronto; • seeded patents, 1.94 Ito over six inillion del- ' the cost or the whole undertaking To., the .total .,numkei., of aerea. .44 at/ready•been in,ised by...the sale jeint , action for . the Cke4ien of $5, and Strong bakers', 43490. • • ./ bar. 'WaS paaseid. it •• was • ' tacitly ••• Progress rouse .0f -the, s'ariey, game preserves. Itnn °re's.' •h'Sr,. C' lee; .Ne,;= . NOithe't,P.,' • Goorgian 4, -Day •., , . , I . , j Whe atr4f. ailiitOla a; wheat; $1p11% alcen up during, the last cPiarter of lands', Under :the western lands , 'Dr.,. Haanel reports the success- for No. '1 Northern, and $1.01i!,' for If .V.,t1Oft being 2,000,130: When the ad. , ., • - . . greed ' oY -itue tiov•ernment.:that :have been received from 'time •t6 ti• i°43r iii 8:wellO, '- . .• .' ., -ports. No, .1 NorPlerA, .$1.0. to , .., _ ho first charge.on ,tbis Itind woOld- tittle ,liy parties ''new •in 'the field,: D'i• illUt°4' :KP'76V reports. '4' • 0 <tli°''egs." l'f-'•••Onittructk1.4. of *16' 4;-'4*•••,itTA4 "1.'"-''exPe°I'e'd aliY °Ill.' ela• hrogctlaterts5e4iYzeel°:'artbf Maliettrlanl'•••11'he (41, riNir..11'1717141-.1`‘-rolAa:tai;irt;i°47-:$4N4::ION4.'•°24.1141!".:41di:t.ali;"t P 0 y • • prepood.gudS9n ii Bay, Railway,. plot° or antherrtative report as, tO• 14 "Wadi the -sure, ia now Voillg •tb'e.'! 'Maar- favorable at or the ' 'It' is ''rell6-rted ,t;I'lit the' 9•11--41'• $.1 ' oatOcK•:' . . ' .:'. ' , • ' ' •' ••• Pada1g.".. 'While this understanding cast Will:b4.3 ready. -before the.rsPringf, :,.'°!,_41: ''612'te,r -31Pnn. the extension, of I, Oats7-,Ontario. NO. shite,21.,'.•12 to 4041! not. yet been formally ..ineer„ and it is hardly' probahie,.the,-poif,.. • their ln:Ica.,n...1,Cov,n. Scotia...• ' :•..., .42,Nc .0-atgide;" arid at 45c on dank .ctiri.titlyi, in,.,:tictexlien:Lop,..ttlii,;:„.b.7:;,1e.ipirseatottri;_mitniioniti:.7:t.tintl.1,0 akiile:itowits_hr3Eingrraz...clowp •'4.11;,C11.4,h7.4.4.d47,4° ..4Yleolz:1;.: zoli. w 1.0.; lathild-4..fiL-31..v7.,„_° ;T.--,534,re,,,o_n,,m.01•Ni:O.,_... 4t41715rj,4e5t.6,4.4rn,f,40..:,an,..at tii.-,;,,,tinn3.-,:eosis•r,ali.,-44„..,-,,,-,,,--4,,,, fkr....1113.01Juzfivrn.i. 4. Trifob-if:7.'' „Land -No. Treed 451/4, likeports , ' TEMAGAMI DEPOT BURNED. ' .YETERA.NS,'„ RE9.I.MST..• . .•- . - • • . . E1perator flail ltiaroly Tinto to Make Miti- Who Fought in Fenian laid •• .;. - • 'HIS Escape'. ' ..:-.' :. ' .,' ., ...Ai*: for a..tlrant. • .„:A. desPateh from North Bay salvo,: "Ati--'espatell'.'irOmi: Ot :' ya-.$48:-: Fire broke out at elk o'clock --en' Representatives.of the Veterans of AredtleadU night 1•P'th° Temnicain, ..7•462 ftto.o..thi;a4iiiiiPatt,etnitaliCiallnacta xTriliairlotlai: .,cilxtQcenp,.t..was,',All, eaten .up in law pests, "ng and ;slertitere Ontario Rails -fay Mo. 3.'yellevi at 6S.' to 694/. TOr'ento!' sufficient to 'pay, two notes ()aunt:Han o,!irn, • q5,149 on .,traek; tation at 1 Teinagani4 - and the .4iy. from the Olt) Hall to • lay be .. '0:$5,000:each made, hy.the oldnian. kindsonae :-•striicture,•, complet'ed fore Sir !"Wilfrid Laurier and ilia' : 1:2Oronto: r.. ',If •.:... ••• '-' ,.'" • .: • .,:: A' man who 'died at the •VerAn, - Braii-,..=.0ara; .;$00,rin:: in ,,h.iil .•:•'- ilt-nrtml:WYeax-4-itrrcTlit-liTddifirbr Tth-e‘mb-Wii of the'1306r`mtmlit'''''-ine'' Asylnio *was 'known. as. 'the Ennan• side... 'Shorts' 4iiiited..,at $22.50 in ifteen thousand dollars, is in.rnina, inprial 'setting ,forth, their: claims ostri6h., Arc ineredible 5uantity of bilk .outside. • .. ' . :/•'..: •••- rirly....thelinassive...-Stene:_walla,stanch.....tsi.....laniLgranta,..,:froa0Ala,.10.0.M.J.n: Aron*...4148;sr„,.nailsi,_41,4„a„-And_,:othoi.. • .• . .. ., .,,, . , ,, ,, ng. ---The • operator •--had just. -ti.ine, ro-b•riefly.„, report that the--buildirig- vas, on fire' and Make 1-4 •akal)e-• :7 -he•• books -and -records. iiin110 ofIce vere, saved, but:the fire •spread so 'aPielly• that nothing could be -'done Q . cheek. ,the, - flames..., Wooden same request, made some t11110 agq milding-_,:•:_adjoining, ',.oleupied.r..A . berpre,tho-Minister: Of the Inlerior; :estaurant and baggage-icioni; was 'that the.-proVisione•of they ::Sen.th aVed.. - ;• " Africa ' voluntary; , bounty../,. Ac / - , • . • Improvements in Harbors. Tjlat Have Already Brought Good, Results. despatch, from Ot,Itiwja7,gays•; ping. 'from the great to the, The. annuaLrePorti",of..tbe4•OnPatt? t40;:t-',-t-"e'Blyroonatz-04Lnaid4-.',13',?;7.71t*)11°T;i4reiha)e:444. , nient Works, tatted in :grain trade ..and.,,15t.. 311121 1S in a the Cernmens On Wednes• daY, pootion successfully 'compete:. that for the fiscal, yercr '1007-08'the with Portland. Not only the More • total expenditure.. was $11,15'9;384, importanr haVe been attend, 40', increase of $1,851;950 ever. `the'eel to, but thedePartinent VAS opt' Previous . itents include') Wet sight of the nee* the. -les-. t.il:i:ikfse,11:Own,4g47:-.--,strb:dorr.4",itgliit,d1 riavielur toy; .eirtar4b.n.odra,shweliteerr73:..}Nlva,hveorfi:e, ebtirce6ak:-. new dredging Planta', $3,314,303; ..strudted/ •and dredging Carried public. holdings., $4,331.,001 ; tele, out. The cOnstruetion Of dainS in graPh.lin6s,,,•$482,233,:-- 'the intereit `navigatien and ,*for Water'Ongervatton •strongly is ha Canada i profiting by -tie eiperienee• garned.•., at the •older), '°:alt71.eclnedac4Iiii14- Pw4artter'Pf,p.;thh.v7ers°7. harhOps* of 1?,11Pepe,; and 'laying on.t. The total telegraPh•lines1 . in each' case' a 'ConiprehensiVe".nader -•the d'ePartment 'IS'21,225,. • $40211e bf development. The- rOsult. with ',303 Offiees, ,transiniaing dur: _already is 'a' Vast inerbase :'.'W- ing the year 1.05 090, messages. • , anitit• :68;6 carioTtfe'•;-eier-$,VireigWiftlit.Vi; Trirlittr 11: Gil CV postman; was -committed, fortrial ..outside. • , , •• higher ; No. 2 rod,. ,on charge!of robbing the Mails, •• Barley7-NO. -2 barley: 56 to 57c " Edwin Barnhart Was, senteneed,at 'entside; NO:. 3 'extra at 54 to 55C, Brockville' tiff five years- ;ill- tho-ppa- 521O-536:. ." tentiary for eloping with Xis; Buckwheat -58e outside.. Pyhe.,..and-robbing-nehrl ' ' 0_137a -outside- ' The.$50,000 Iertnne 'of .-: O. W. Corn -We. :2 • American o Todd; -the inis.er ";,vhe died -at Vain,' 69% •to'7.oc on track, Toronto and • extra. red, $1.•14Y2;., No,, 2. white, ?Japanese .yontics. A ttenipt, to Bari, ...$1,1.0; „No„2 iiiixt4, $1..10 ' Cern. " 4 irilisit Al'ie. -Higher; No. 'a yelleir„ 06c ;•.xo. " ,.-: . . , ,, . • el.:yellow, 657120; .X9 a corn, 65 to. A .yo,fittol-4...,:431',.ICPtb'0.), Japan, W li0 .;:3 !W4 illit; 681/0. ' B'a.kley---.;.er;eteiXt-t% .islif434"hitninself alinlVei -ialndl°i:pditair.7a:n15i'ar;.. • ' : - . Minneapolis,' Feb. 0. -Wheat ..---• earth upon his ecitinachieved sone ' malting, :pa. /9 ,17•00,....--,--itempliee .0 : cents, to spade , tbe. , maeir, $1,•,;09 ; july.;•1$4.;09,41 'cash No, degree ,ot notoriety, ,eyen in Japan,‘ _/... hard,: -::$t 1?-X4L.,N..0-L.I.,..Nta. therxi, .Wheile......ne'w -things. • ,:tito. !happening $1.414.;-...'X4.s.U.Ortherii; 0-08X_Ior•"ovOry:-.* :day.:-.2-rn2failedif..his...priginal1 ,$11.09.; No. e 'Northern, • $1.06% fo ,piirpose,-hoWeVei., , " '. • ' . $1. 07%/, •• Bre.,n1a. bulk, :$ 2400: to- . Ai.,pOlfeeman. Was. "Strolling_ along ' 22 - • • '•.- .: ' . . - the bank--Of.-1110--Linatogawa,.-Rtver , . 4f.11.7ankee, , T'Ob.'''' 9 -Wheat -:. 'outside Of .LObe ..ohe'claylaSt 'Month ',:, ,zon_sinaillif...to:._t os.O. ratatect• 01,R----atuff..-titat ,he- }laid -swallowed-W-4e,- - -' '- 0OUNTRY.::.PRop.u.c E': SouthAfrica.-4 sm4A- -taiteir-from-his-•-•bo.dy;,-„,i- •,- ' .3 • depntation,'-representing--the. Ira- - :• ,:•. - ApPles. iTin":4,0?.50 . tc" ' 4' °. 2' NOrthern ' $1411 to $1.1114; penal South Africa. Africa. Veterans' '.A.s.. •GREAT BRITAIN. ' • per barrel for .:geOci qUalitks, and , 41.09.1. 11,ye,-7No, 1, .70e. " Corn-- spciation in• Canada, waited on • . ,,, . . May','•oe%c asked.: Barloy--:Stancl- ,ard, 68c; mples,, pl'A to:04g ;•No. a, ,62 'SO 54e ; ":"NO;4,- OPZ,.e'. : 1 ' •-j,.'"• N� 1 Northern, '$1;13 to'$1:14 • No, when be , hapPened-Ao-spy-La;liakintl, 7 01: bpriboo ?IPA sticking feveinch--' es, abOve., 13,--attl sof fresh--Cavill; Being a •J'apane 'and also 'a. pobee- inan. !his. curiosity vas ' • pspeciallY 'keCe4;'.7bliiit,7relOcitilfdea.s;dee9"nriottlhileh.gba• rabcici" : -7-e-Th-,oir he Lregan-to-,-dig7-a'round:iho - • Pipe:" He hid a • Considerable; • , •Wiench Put nerVes when." Voice. eathe 'out Of the 'end' of 'the "p,ipe"-±1Q us ear .. ‘.;(1-1,enerPhly ,.e.endeScene''•tp.'• go and .permit .tp die peace- emiiTh'd id. net ..go..'73TO- •• _ . •dng sonic ,more:and-Anally unearth.) 7- • • _ecta4ineLbox the ody and, about;. three feet • The pipe lecl;•through: opening i, , is the, box.„ Jhe ••1138liee .pried4ofthe-ioC4r4f,-;the-box Se6tirelY nailed down,and dninPeit."; the self appointed, •e_eitlge-' out • ,ateatare: Tn. • • - •IC" ' ' -..that-av,JincL;wante.o6= • •- . - - to SeenctlY fashion because at $2 to, $3 for cooking „mks..., Sir Frederick Borden, t6 Prefei the baron Burton, ; liead of the great Bearis-.-'-Primir $1.20.to$-11:90, and English 15rewing* firm of B..! -",s5" hand-picked. $1.•:901t042 per bushel: passed last session, 'be extended*to •WINNIPEG • EILTIES. all :Veterans of the.•cam-paigc now' • •, titiiens, of:Canada. The Minister *•ew .'Beginient. May be N Med 'Canieron; ifighlandera.t.'°•A _A_,..dcspateb.'„:A-6.4.W.111Dip.eg,...says • l• -ie formation. of a Highland regi- ient• here- is 'believed to • aljniat fact -471-ii-eit;Tay as held' on Thursday;:: When•vtlie iroject Wok; , ci_Thamps9Tir7.47: prominent bar ist.er„ is „likely .to,. . be: namedlor ientenatoolOne,11-, with: "'- .Major 17.470.ffitaitifigt`z**•61:: iiireer.":6-sInitioik7IThez-Isa•41 orpiAiost favoredris the:Carnetnn lighlanders,-6.)Td I it: is • eaia7-7- 1, .0. Can:fere:iv:has Proriiiied ado- atien . 4•10,•000 if , his vIan'is.thus - - " MAT, TI.0 morriaga TO DEATH. 4d. of !' SeVeutcon Sentenced to 20 to $20.50; ahort *cot,' $24, ' Lite .1tiRiPilsoninelit. tive of . England,'" 32- years 'of: -.age' " tt to Panaina;• says. .e :believes i„eity.s.,,,,fl.i...e.ipaireter;h Ea.? frzeetnii tThooleste,n1Lhinit ruarried,,. and:loa.Vz.ei fe.nr. ehikiren, .completed in thirty7three inontuS'., . e, great canal' Wilt]) •e practically -;1"this-7.714glit t.e) niedi4m.; 131A to. - i_ 14C ..clo.,. heavy, 12' to to 13c; rolls, 19% to"•11;.shoulderS,-10,' to 101 c';• ear -old' bciy: found giiiity of the ..,poilejg gE§:pyx ,iiTic ii:s.f. - , :,.,.a.ENgitAii. , .,.._.- ..., backs, ko to 16%o ,biotikfast •ba-' iiirder of his mother,' wits' on ,Iirecir ton.; ,15 to,:',19e. , .., :•••.,_ • , esday afternoon sentenced to'..life ppireial.:Liliel Actions are.tkei.ed • • Xing ' Menelik-,of -Abysiiiia.,is' re. tin ,. ,„. aprisonnieitui_ahiepitatii.. ." . . in7minareid., .- •• waited. td,he dyiri• ., . ,. .. , , , -.'-'44./arel-Tierces, 12;4e ;' tubs; 12/Nei- - enitentiary iit Columbus Haziil. • . :• ' The tape -to.: airo:Railway ',iv -a- gins,' l'c';------, .. wH-oonvioed--,oldaying• : fiiiss,•in ..-fA;-despater4ro.ifri Mont,real..--Says;• be--eompleted in-thre-e4ear. L'. . TNESS'••TN-liOw'r itor L.:-,ff:-.-i-1.;.--1968;-•Iif. beating her -Aid. Prouix, =chairman .-.0f the Ciyic -The_ Crewe. Prinee. of ' Servia• has ' a ..• : . ).•ThF deith, With . a • hanither,after. beliee Ceinmittee,•:has• entered:an been, injiirecr,in anaiitomehile • ac- ' Mentrea,l, ' Feb.. • 9,LL.Gra111•-•-- in hic1P.,..11.0-eoliih'ed-lter-,W$07;T/IV lue1iO-m7for',71ilziel-frit'S5;090'irg-4111-st--.b-i-creilt: ..777 7' -'7... - . '''''''.. *TS :%: ' oat,the-feIsliiir.;:iti.77-Eiticr:1tiitli- -a.• Co.,- is dead... • , •• . Honey„--Opitibis,- •:$2:25 to $2,15 ,7The'a'sTationa17$6.-suce Leigire,- of per dezeli; and strained, • 1034 ,to Which Lord Roberta is..President;',.11c-per porint:", • " ..' • has:, ' scheirti3 by- which' 400,000 .1 liny-No, tinioelyt..$10.50 to trained men ean' be added to $1150. per ton on track here, a;aci tam's horne defenee'',in .four years. lower' grades-at49..Agi. *10. a-ton- V.•Militia'promised that the-req-neSt n Would...be carefully./ considered .by Potatoes--Ontarios, ttiO • 02Xe 'the Gofernment•. • ' r , , • . ;/,-• • utyis.: ,Half ceVered,withy,snew and • • INHALED SULPHURIC GA Poultry=Chickens dre •sed te ieo, "tho 'body Of JanieS Semple, of • IT,141Tb STATE& Thomas L. • Lewis: has been re- , - eletted.LRresicient::,,„:.a.;:,the T.In4ed Mine vii,orkers 'of America. President Roosevelt has' been •of- , . , . • • f,ered .$107000--ri,---vMek for -thirty weeks to head a wad:Fest show: .fIGO ST - ar,atnes':S,Cinple's Brave. right for ' frdin'St...lohn, N.B., 13e, per pound ;,'fowl,,.10e,;. FredYria.4.,•w-ha„, NvIth, his t..ea,pa.of", .1.2 to •;136 ; geos,e, 11 :to • 126turkeys, four lib.rtes, Made: such a gallant -ratiat'-lccejitent -t-O --Eninloyec•--of t..6.._,te.4,7e.- perLpound.-L-- ,, sir uggle Lir ife when lost on•LaJce_ ' TorOrite..Paper Company:' The -inhaling f , sulphuric: gas in of, the, University. of Michigan,. will , „Butter-POUnd Prints, .'22 ''.P24c ; 1-i1114:..".•1414.iE:6 6r,'• Till'IrcialY-af,' it r Gov.hi, mina._ th'.iother day. PhiPments 6'41)P :the . IITnited .fektor. 20e; ..eteartheii vim,- t7 to ,t rep •ef his horses were discover - the' unfertunat,e,mari: had been,kept . . • Spednik, near Vancebpro , in la,S. espatefrLfrom, Corrnirall+•eays-: - THE •pAin,,k MAR Erg:- Sattirday.' night's blizzard, - was the puIP:departinent"of the Toronte restgn,TSen-fe:Vhate 'this. Tenth; ..• • Au a.an. arge ,ro Iii;""21-1-F2 (-2-":--.; an- ,ri9na (44n. to-.=,--tpc.)t. Nvtice Dr.ganies B., Ang;-11;--- President . orts,...,o the:great lakes 28e a.nd-solida• 26e ed- dead Qe Tue'sdaY' S"eareh ter Ilcor were . e-mPlAV.:0,4s- j. A NeW.Jersey.rnan elairng to a:ve the .roora afte - th 4:1' te k. discovered a proge'ss by which CO-pd 6 ran,:for...ruldew,i,,,,,,_merhi get .,h„.e_. srot•-•maclunes-: that f,detirver .an.-* ,..1." . ......... ''"'' .., fight- to inalast-.• Thera were-sqns all right,bilt Sibley' inhaled Some ,ia?Cid•!iiitin, 5.11erane6 Pi),,,,ilicY:i t-c.)11.'el ', . 11961-PRO.13,uuTS. -had' fallen into the •water,, of the, gas and was oVere;eme. He -,,.--i'21: -; ,.,n,., (eini: ne:-.,-.. il .: .77":' Baconf7LLOng clear, 11, to; 1.4.Yie awl .managed te scramble back orii was taken to the General Hop - r 'eal'es,. c" •-•°,r ; • -• per pound in ease lots- inesS-pork,• the ice Only to -suteinnb to the .cold, tai;.:yihere he di•qd. • ../.16 yip..„. a, iit,,,_ ‘• esident-eltet irw , op a Per. where the ;--body witS 'eventually •p " d "d-rnadel • fou,442-1-, cb• emptied, contrary to01Whe or e.an e •e p 17,e an n. , cheese- arge.cheese'.13r,ic_ " • - 2". •peal ; gi.477 tcr-Cutting-to, Is. , poimd, and twingaay.p]..._„__," • • PAN,. an _rola ap. .11e--00elecl;gas-bogan--to-settle— •9I1W 1 1 .1jijElOnikkilint 1•• /1 s•••Ou The -lack :Of 1 • *el ------sr was 'supposed that he had _been dead •7:,inee Sunday:: ,The body :Wag found on *the A Merman'. side Of , the rake,, and abent • five .miles fr,orn Vaneeboro': ' ' • - • t,se ;Attracted ;Considerable tate& E. W. 'Villettetive,. preferred . The Italian earthquake . rellef -good eteadY demand for car Jots, . , . . RIGID PROHIBITION Anis eiv ..Cd!rstruction•:- 'A. Quiritell?. -Dor-nimbi' Vont- Oh-l-feettuser-of the defence--nuid -charges.,,„agamsoms..:administrationv -fithd-hae,•.,!-m)AV-reaehed.a.-.-total-o -Pdas,---Nor-.2,--.94--to-950...... Oats- /1111$;g1°Iier 1):(51iudi4•Pnollnge.s1!•114t • • • ' itioy, will be •Onforrelr.be- seent_insanity._ and 'an 'action for 410;000 against $16,000,006/ . Canadian 'Western No 2, 47e; ex. Patrie which _editorially `de- Two hundred Obiniteri lost tra I feed 46 y • 'N I I d tiVeen C.• P. T. main. line and 'clared.that the Polide department their fire which .deatrosi_ 45!.c 2 46 : . 3. ,.twc.nty ina es ndro . • n r 0 , o • o.,. , of the .11.\ ationa I 4-11 , , / r ey-7, o. , , 2 Transcontinental Railvray in the WENT THROUGH THE ICE: .Was :rotten to the tore. ;Chief of ed fleet of .1lower /boats atCan 45c • NO 4-'41 ' disbiets of Algoma, aii$ Thunder- _ _ °lice Campeau hits Lalso' entered ton • 63% tO 65c; ManitOba food,/ Jr 5y., to • is th. be enforced. along tiv a`li r SP• ,41! gh 41PP eat' action ',against ' La 'Patric on The Fiench 1Viiniste'r' of Marine 56e. • Baakwheat--55% to. 56e; pp..y.. •trobibitibii f-flieaPms jir;the " , despatch 'froth Quebec. SOS: -resident- of - the, suburb :of St. !,itveiir named .Leihay, while driv.-. iebec,-43ho re, to--St;;WicholasTilionie von ,rniles,•wost.. of. thiscity, • on . exhiesd,ak, went .thrOughtheico disappeared. ' ,No :trice ofTtlin- iri,.horse or • rig has. been cliseOv- - ed. Lemay,who was a Machiu • ;; 'Was on his Way 'Co iSt. Niche a to repair 'machinery iii ere ;The" remains may. not ,..,,,,,,, similar 'grounds'. '• , I-1 ih . • • ' . Aritt.io Construct the' New Spanish,: Sepadron. . -- - A despatch from Madrid The Cabinet Ais,s `decided to aecept tlre:-tenoler of -Vickers ''...Sons,alid Maxim, the English • Shipbuilders, for the: construction Of, the',.riew Spanish seine/droll, on .condition that, the ;firm, consents to certain Modifications.' ;The 'amount of...th't contract ii -$40;609",000 : has proPeed a schein� of naval' Troitrilaiiitoba Spring 'wheat .pat., reform iuvolviug an-e,ependiture of ents, firsts$5.60 Seconds,;.; 85.10; $45;006;000,..'. •strongf./htierg; ' 'T.h6 French: Winter ,wheat.patents, $$ to. $5:25; -the maximitindutiee:•againat-United,,striight/ States:" prc.thcts .0 D. an.,s„verago,-,of stright rolbers:„.in hgs, 42.15 _to 20 per Cent: . hags, .$1.75 to sr..; . 'The.. British steniner Clan,Raiiald 85 Eeed4-titinitoba' brap,;'01-,to 'moot to p off llie Attstr ili in 2 Manitoha. shorts, '$24:; • On; 'coast, • and ' the- captain and. forty- • tittle bran, 821• to .$21..50;' shorts. six .61 the crew were .$24 to"'"$24i5bi‘nliddlingt3,:. $24.50 to Newfoundland ,has agreed...to, the' :$20i; pure : grain inouille; ;$28, :to terms of the fisheries treaty whiCh 630; .mixed momile, 625 to- $27L Veatern; J2 •t0 will shortly go before the 'United -States-Senatejlor-ratification ' " The' South African • *conference called to bring -ahoitt federation has decided on Preterit', for the administrative leentre and 'Cape Town for for the legislative Centre. , \:Siarphis'i Revenue rn Mauitoba Is a, Uaiter• ,of.4. Million .-Dollars .„. . • , , • ilspatelyfrom, Wiyinlpeg says: ter a year)a• operation the of -athe -.Manitoba_ telephene! Litem. is approximately a. qiiarter million :dollars, after deduct - the coat. Of 'some 090 inileS of 1g -distance lities_ancl a number . rural sy.stems,whichki'aVe: been ristizacted by the Governanent. nutiry, 1908, the Provincial'. 90v- nmen4.--pttrohtteeci .all tats,- franchises, etc., froir,i, the II Telephone Company, which dutt -MetiOpely-in-Manitobte, At time of thd purchase, officials of ) Goveznincnt prOilligOd a, Dedttp: . rates - 'hut • to date -110--rew .- duction has been made, excepting in certain, classes of • long-distance tolls. , With this fine financial thWitig-the-Province-viTI:alae-' an- nounce a, reduction in:all,telep,hone rates and. tolls within the bonne, darks of Manitoba., and the bill now. being prepared for presents..., tion ,t9 the 'Manitoba Parlialnent provides for • various' reductions ranging from. 20 to 35 per cent. ,Irora,.....the.-prosMit • !he examplc .set by Manitoba impelled the-, Alberta Government -te-follow suit, and,the Opvermaictit system in thatProvince will alsp show a big sUiplUs„ for •the first 7641.. ' • ":'. • , • . . Opening of. the Mitiiitota LegiSino' ;ow . • 41 A despatch froth. Winnipeg says The .-LegialettUre, was, opened on Thursday: aftettioao with the 'aimed, ceremonies, hut: .with great do - patch by Lieut. -Governor MeMlb. lai); The SP&Cli :froin the throne wariremarkable for its '!breitIty:and for its lack of. anything odebatable or cOnst,ructive. Simpbc reference was Madeto the terephetiiii legis- lation to . tho,• effect- that .it had been a pitying inviiStitient Reyetid- that not,hitig noteworthy was al- Iuded to. "- , ' . Mai -L' 'raio; What, is it your lather s'edh'in ir.o to jeet rO,:dattingl" Tb.o Yrittb.8 Wo- man ' (wiping away a tear) -"40, idoeSigit ,anYthin0 in Yon, Alp, iernon; 'Witis-filiy-ti6 . , coustruction o1'1 . , gifIT,NAmINEss ON isCREIASE. .SlittisticK.InZLopdna, -Show More • . • 'Arrests in Year:, •; • A desp"atch,'frem London says,: The. police statistics for 190, isud on Wednesda.V, shol.V. • a larr,;e in- crease in arres1ts for :'dru n1rn ntiss the tetal being LINA; 315 '‘(')T!' be - hire the court -tor disordorly con- duct. whicli"a.lo •sTioWs sti iflCrease. ter -Fall OrealheOr,, 26%c Winter The total ,huinber tf ariksts ;was creamery, - 25c: fresh -receipts; 24c; 2.,551;! 33 to 35c; soleCted 0001%4 25.'"60....2.994- dairy 'rellS,. 21c, Eggs -New .laid, i stock, 25 to 26C. • 1-441-ThoStite.e--IHI-*R1 . _ . Toronto, Feb. • 0. --Exporters Steady demand for choice ?Steers, but bulls are a• little easier.; tutchers'-7Really, choice biltehers' cattle are Scarce,, and the best rea- lized top prices.: A few. picked', lots' sold at $5.15;•• the:general run, however; ,fer Choice lots Wag- fron• :$4:40• to $4:75i, .'rair .to geod loads :averaged -4, to oommoh. classes $3.50 to $4. Sheep and lanabsL-Fair demand for Oro and ; Prices furn at lag. Week's 'rates. IngSr-Firin;s'eleet 436.:60, and $0.80 fed,and Watered, ' Cal -Vett --•:-Steady at. last *last *quotations.. Milch ,cows -Pair de - Mend for,good required, Butchers"7 cows of good q:uality wanted."- , ,„, ' rNITED STATMM-Ati*Ei." Buffalo-, wheat, ; '1 -Northern,. -.-tivahility .of tarving•-;-1-rininel.,•12---to (1eath,1,ut 111 Ord9t: to be 'sure that he shouldaccoMplish this Purpese' determined to. bury Ora-. self iij a ,securely nailed:cOffinand . await. theravagesof in -Inger: . „didn't Want te,suffe). gatefirst,heheo'. the flambe/044e. • Theday before the • policeman •diScoirered him,. Yamada'said; he 000Oired_Itlfe box ;,ndthe service of:.•.; boOlic:. Then, be dug the',holc, out". op, •• gosamir-anafter- giving thc 'coOlie his obi and.,.44.,Sen; his last (; of,inonY.;:, lie: :was Walled up ,in • lis..co.iLin:,...16wereci into 'the. gra...ve ,and c.overeaunTer.rsiX'.feet:.',61.'s.9117:'7 .1•Srainada, pronaiied • never, to try urYing,•.-Iiiinself-rali-vagain and -the police let. bini •go.' • fe)v• eada aphir, ott,mtss $'9,3110"114 aye. Watclie,4, lit= whatever n "f the Value" - very:Watch isgti• ro erS7 1 , L 60,1"9;1:,fiti , " a a„ J,#1.1-r1rt,4.avgi49A.,.. Os juvtil/Nitv.;:_:_, cata1ogie free. C. Alexander Sts. 1‘4..-.-AL,LIOTT,, . . -4i-p,-Le-,f4 Rime. for-eitinatillth ' • ..5,000 .:Gorpscs.' • 4,,.(16,sp41;01). froin•New York says: . -thousand Chincse bundfurJJwir final resting pip.cee '11T.ingdont • eh ,,WedueSdax ;•hrx the.. sfeanier Shimosa The badieS. (/f ••,, • th•e#ead Celestialri'weiedisinterrod 'froyJI bursing , grounds. aliover the et' and.. pl aCed: in sealed . il.s,kets; Which in .'turn: W,Cre chl4e•ti ii pjne:„hoxe.s; eaeh labeled" .slre4.,ilitolte-ect.f1;'annIte-a"11;ntlt-figjtettoiteticil*b.-Totc4.;,,eje-"Ci dlezk4,,On Alto ship, "•••• you. an,uplift. You.• , at our large,:up-to=clater,Lit 1?-7caa1ta-OlotigusineexeSend p Coll-gg/',r,,,,t1:4-'•4' , ' ,Write W. S.E.AAti; 4 as Cuttirig Power Pour Times .as Gret Thatof ny Other KnIKTiv London says : ,c)dilps Lw In an u(hiress to the nir-liarc.lened Jikir poo'd thi'.r.".• day- • Of. Sliofilield- ljniversity raid- that i th:•inselvCs ' • the '• • ,Avitlitii a •;;.ud..r.. th0,1.0.. would- be c.o.•,11,Arrio•rican .olahif.".wore the Market a.. Br ti,sli . steel witiii;the...C.nitinontil ,;\\*C.../.i'S and' , iup;' or,'Of :6:11H11. .•' ,•;;••:, 'any, noW, AV.hat 1;igh 'Arnold referrel• to' was, a., to•odifot, hardifort....e, •o -f tr4o,•('mtinclik.al Ste01..Wol4r.r, at...111;1<vt -STIe‘frii?,1115,1)1>t aioovor6t rd 1 i a hintilie rartri!,t1 , • • Winder,' Vie ma agor the' ',I•01,1,7:4, v. ijrAo,..• v,'It 70, ,g !I, in an intervIew. cYn Wedlicscizi,..,;(fax ontl..t. half 11,1 tr-t-t,,-tr--7Trrir, Afr. 11,7111,!;--,••s:vs r..u'i;cotive of 1l-gati-m in s ti tut rd 1iy notwit IliSed'r .it , the Pei hleIi2ni : Stool •t!onipans„, nine! ry., • • • sj:J ..:13005.11:sDh:t i:P•cre::1 1 1. ( ' 34 • ON.8'.0XV-OIST. y it' Pays- , SLATER Si 'tifiliarelrgt-STily.arlItflrin kre • • „;et really good shof.:4s-Inviektts.'i ..,es .-L-butlit.' will. pay .:yon ..'" ' end....: , - .,'..,..,:_,....:•..--,*-,,.,. ::', • .,••: • ,lecautrzyrofti.get ti.,-bAter fit, 'or styles:and ve,i1ratii,11 lor," (er '....ilongervottr. • , la ICiiiietile 811p.ii, ).ou'll. 1, ' . ;Aline oak.ttinned ..A..; Tila„iii 'slither. that- ,',' s•i-,,' ' 4'fl h zrade sill.' 'Pe ' vilI yeti aVe . '".'ile varapibn ,itril br ,ze . 'esa.1*°11VO tail on ' iin ii" tlY.,Yr tbaNail r shouted*- ' •41:0:0:01.1ntly. • 'AIDe -, : -424v.e'lln; an r ./letie I" , ..i'll'lln :0)'.14fiq (lop • ''' ..S * 1 ' 9*r.10,i • t . ' • 4 , .b.ti, o \44° i 411