HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-02-04, Page 7ATR-A.1i ,DI4111.0.1),44 IIE .: Weniler:t41„;Stori4.' from Oii11)411. • - ' 017:`701t-Iti i-• - - -. • _ .... • .., ... L.„. --.14inithson-used to lAhor under the , . • ::' ..' - '. '10(tiitli.:Africas . • Bxptit- ItNc- E. in,,,,ssi, that/ he' was 8,,., born'hu- • inotist,....but ho. has. glyell 415: trying '"!•11.#0040: .1.0474 -TM Pgt*.$.0.iiilii•Ell.NST''Tft.0.11I lit A feie#t: arrivai. at ‘.00430 Town: from LuderitzbuCht Merman Solithr.' ::, , , „,,„ ', .". , • : ,. __.... t.::1'11 l'...:::.. H• . day 'on. :au. ;oic,l'i at0i:,1&-1,P#4FOlillia "•_:-.11,010*,01:12,•41‘.A.E.S..4.... Weat',Arrica)' has ' 'tnipplied:•iPterestr., . ing infortnation.reg.arding tho . A*: TRO .:•••64114 ..1-4IS''' Iti•rr"El...111r4LS: !i:." ob iii9 ffil*f wriht 3 04 rOs4r014:4147:45.°4 Ptri-::1:*4:ati4s' Al etartio,'*ith a; .01,4P4c--, , illaTk41)10:410,1110114 •Aiiiiii-itt. tilgt': ..: W.4%.. t yll{}1.1104VIII: ',.R , . , b 'py arra. :.giog. ,It, 144.0 the str Ong:. IOWA WItil 41.!. c°4/1)11V14191.1 bi What IA Clolog,,on In the nirja:an4p: territory. , The •newly-fatind 'fields, .. .,.- • - 1,1nAkirkt,,.. . .N g as wh/14ehr•ih::icilat1ret.pitge:,:elied wiites ii • eorr.espendent at -Papa "What a. quantity' of dried ,grass !It; At:lortnrea.hiin ,yvit.11 and' AolilAnd4.. `of. Auld .. ToWa,. 'are ' situated, about. seven ,,. 1,, ehills, headgehoOind SeoLitt,` .' ' " . • • 3,int have oolleeted,- Aliso ItitChie V' W,f1'.011): t:aa and plahns.'Parita.ster, ,!iote. T. e,Is. -;g0w Ole e.-anid. . Then. WA •lininoi hnrst ; , It -loaves, hina ma • bronehitist,eonsurept-: 'have 41."4d)r heen'Peggea 04. °ve'..' ''',§4'reat taitadi 1 Jiidney lienieklY o.4,11., „,"Xicp ,room'„for a Adonkey th0-4eni.dly. thet/aSei'504. i'..41 , lath' 404 • Yeav-the •.it.".ng .a• ,.-.0eosidernhle -are/!,.. ,pegs*n.: 1,4,ctrirpo. eatirejr.44! ,.rait e„. Nom veyy .da,,,,, . , , olorewra.4034.490110,w4or. 4,46,,ile • ,.,c,liTe„ d.. '11. int -M.., . ',h;Decters. /la 1.0 • Ret '11,1.07-'-r-' • • ::- - -• ' .",s.:-..- • • • , 'Wake youratlf • •at ',home'''. Mr Air 'blood :rielt 'and _red, ' .PortObello Vree .Abrary. is said. .actlairy li•nder wator;' ' i -• '.. •• - r ' OiTgrk. Iiiitt ' UN : ' . . Smithson " said. the .gi I . :. lei • ' t' asiong ahe gt Dr, .Wil..... tO haVe••ahont. ,•,coc) booWiyhich . .4.• •Writer.irt• The Frankfarter Zei- Le Pea Bois Prano.,'Terailsect ata 1 '' ' ' ' : • - J7 -..t..1): L'.4t1 .- . _ . . When he arrived -'.' lupins:. all 'he i; 11.1184.: - . 'Lyon. haVe' Apt,' 64v13144Thsver been 'reita,, • .. , • tung. dbsorihe the iiiipreSgduS Pf 711 this $0,111e•great,•13,100- Pali -2,790 were allwect. ,. ' • . - 4'0,3'1 have seen a ;Nvhele' liatst:q. or .4iacirPe141:;'14..Qiu7;:gii"v.'w.i;161;i1.-CUt:i";(13. '1.21.°O.d1..latit4.11:::1*-1 ev'er ' raw the,,..',0,0easio lays. yow' ' .1n. gdinburgh . there - wero: ri228 •irisiter: te. he clian-194d AOlds:v :'- ° (..:harloS Ocite:,--1,.•pO4nlapier hore.,...s humoy . wits , crushed out , of.4im„,fer an..bknish. all it's evil. atter' 'elcvims -ledgect for old-.age-ponsiong, PIt.:18„ 1114,yvolous,, • With my bliiil. ix.vo, ..r.,tistorius..vocueio; • 'Provost grialhort. has,-Ooraisod to little', diarnoncis,, beautifully .•bright ease or ...ally otber .. disease. of -pie •• ..N.IneVrii0oU;I: p.1;11.0.8047041;r1vI0e111;e4r :roof. .of , ,-.th,e' wonderful '44:anniithhtg;te relieve the clistress, ancl..:glitteringo,.4nd at present,pric .Kidneys . :110„,knows it fronLi4g. ow. h 4. ,. .: ., . ,,.. „ . , prr,,,,,,voiliarila„,,rioit. iiiti.: of! the "UriiiialpioYe'ci in, Pertli;.,,.;,.. . 'es,„,,,,warl!1.1.11'. .244:r.i80:: ..0.00daitrt:e.-cior'':of .,th;,.;exPerience,' 'I -Tear What he says • z.• 4 ' Thee. W.E4*. $06 4mprro,g0§!rv.a4 .Faueb 'po'w-akla.y,51 and it ifi,,corpfoi'f. • 110::::•:.' . ' •,, ' '' -''' ','• '•4'''' "De. :Doors. -cmpoily, tried :•to . get:, hl.e''t)wiit°hv...e:::.r. B. laa.' orhe..:.:".71111'1:1,1,44 4t-tr171,1,- 4:4•g' t,?, 1".9W, hat'••:t:.1*.r.O. are "1314.-'68' B. :Pinlin,.,,Calleetar . a tOrecl.'in Rdniburgli. city last year, it• Okrk0e:it isi.,.: )3,,!3.0;o;, boil* ::ovo 90 less than in ..19031;,- r .i0oq 41 - Share$,..• but was refttSeil' .and 14.e1c. a anibition,•; and' iii*-uriut .4P•914I,.ii e.14,4,,I,PRIK.c1.1b.PAY.Ft Pr : ipsoy .f11.i,191)1 i....h44,0; vety' ...:T124:tNPOSits.:in'the.Sayings.' aiik thern,•as, :t1:1' f§37,,lidicite .44- not *as, ,,Or a dark 'Liinnattiral :.cal'or..: I, c°41.1:'4224-nPf47;:leai.j.:Il)ni!esie.0 'f'%-einei.,:.4 •,a,eir. of la. grippe, WhiCh in -/Brdirltargri' tick' -aggregate:. :$0.,- w144t- tO,-10,:v0..=.8,.,.:- single De Boers • ,*as attencied, by three (motors .,m.'ho life, ,. q ,dolvn. -•eotlirelY.. I had to 4.100)009,nib1e•-tho tbely. -cud ten yeas Qonipany director, in .,itti 0314 ertPAL did 14p, no good ,..Tke'l4st 7cne t, jar Trunk .• Railway„System at r Sf, .i. uatharines Ontario. are located - d, for several weeks:1).0'r- •• - .• - • • • • me it, was only a waste Ofrk19.40 -if 0 ' ' ' • - 4 '. ' , ' • , 4ii•g."&47:.44tYpilt4m44, 41. -,doctor :••••MiSS...Dridget.„- ,•-•:-.INtadkeli.,;_'-,*.-flP. .. "4 _lea4.111g, eXperti freiii' 3.0110.,n7- -try .nrivtliiervelite aa-LL......en ituoltr'lh,;"•17,..iltive.'80in•L?'-..§Prillgs.i25.•' e°'" • -,A1'. - '''. •• ' - ' --' ' • - ' ---f------ --',' .--.- --- -='...tivezli-a-leftl ''ellititlitll'ospi. 1---7.4i' qi-- •••• fittiFint-K---441P.--ii ..iF&I'llii--Iiire" --s-"'---'-'..,---.' - - --.'; -'-'fY-'--- - - --- -- ' • . ---- - - wh.f4-4°1-- • -.-' -'7'4-...- ' '"0-- ..z-r.-.A.'It:5"r51-1`""'-• -1-°-----AstW211M4',', e'• . it.ing berfefit infactrseetned.. •• t• 4 ,, tl .., . , V4: , ' t Ire 7 - - ' •• • -00-. -- .•-:- • '8 -1 -liv-o- more7- than:: a.- year, --a • le-olir.+"°A • -1-4. • A ., ttAx=""01' 1.1.-.--'970 , -,.,................A.mi........., , - - .: , • • -. 7wor,.'-.7.-r., -t,..---.14G,--__-_.---,--0404---40.19, .,e„i:iv.--.-.-t.-,-,v4-o-,r---;. ,ati,„..-;.4-3-....,,...,..,,,I..pi„....,42,.......).....„,.„..i., .._;.,..:,____:,,,....,,,,-„,,-..,---.......,..,,..;.4:-*---. • '....1-iiPat.f&y.14,t,11.4AM,i.,S1'1.r inv.; . i5.:•-f..f.nhil . 7. ..... ' . . ' . • . R.8: I"' 1714110k14,164., ,141-1. '7' .Thearables Ill00..' i„:, • .. , • .:-• ••• a- wholo. :leo : -dayii:;t'r.etiirtiedplite. -7 i'rAt- the - % t death 1 dd'il..;Wella" ! '''''*"12.ere l'reatmeJlti '4".r- eep.; stiffered frem. night .. . . . -t e -verge o •. eel e -atr.. v--0”•e•s .t-pr•.6.56,at.i..:ou ,,' 213- einnatisiti" • AtV: 01 464.114 ,apOtit;e' ,. • 'I. Wa•e ' There were --.2•73-- idlikt-ntockieota-.. &Maze& • It. iS _extrontelyr.rfocvuerdiensos te'ove. Epodes, Kidney Pills...A triaL, etc .' are'-giVen • bi'slkille'd 'attend: , ' °We 16.1g4"se4°9"444°'414. physical ,- •utrgelc,: . on ,ci,„•paries. TegistOred. in. Scotland, last. that 'German capital. has I ' Used eighteen •boxes ' and to -day . °481-.("i..*•'I'litt•a-: •I4 '48 °c1: Dr' ..Y.C4rr" ,:intil an,aketegole otyp#a,), of ..., sloWly and reffiSed: so abellite,13,7: 'Tny .:Ith,elim4isin, Baokit,cho, :and 'li,fri4„ in charge of 'a refildent•PliSfRi:: • el 10:,..::cleithr Tank,_.,,:„Pjati_Llex,„.:Koneiust nearl Oktb000,000, . ... . , - . ' • , tii• Air -•anviLbeiw:tit., -the , outset..., ' • 4140.40.11_,r4,40v..a • • ei:941; ,St... catharine. is the mildest_ vitli .great.betiefit...06- . . e • ..70.71ipse-: TOQr . Arili Allr'''TW,Gra . ' t;:-Ifill 'he no Wowder . if :other like. thaV.of a Child, ... I feel 'I' Owe kiiiriliTailalitAtTrinFtliriiiiiirr• ,'" • •• :r .: gain tryltt'i$ra, ,1 ; MI Vat :°"31i':11**g,• • Glasgow, .:IiiilO .e n:tracts: people _rush. • in: • and' 'Shim Off the MY lifeA.q..Dodors.....ItidineY PillsrnentliSPe.fiArtheiinforniatien :;.'L. net • 411..pirtionlar-apply-•tol,F,' -9).r.:. IL boxes - and: began to Use, for . 'tli.e.: ereotion .6f. Tnevi,...:„Wer103 ..af 'OreanIT'We'Slialt have tile:. same old moe, , ...when.,, taking -.the. Linwood, near 3,9hUstene.' ."1.1,. •-•• ekperienc,±4p• accursed,..tritither ,Pestreas,ter Coik ''.. hid- Ta. E.' i the 31Qtlottl,d,•, j:,?,?,..x„..,,A,,..,unicm., Station, g I 13..9gptli.. to fe6r-ciait a., . .At• a recent:graduation' Ceremony snatchingi, Oerythtng -itWaY• . before '13"IPt°118 ':Cit-I3rilitr. "tiiseat':' The doetors ,....eY..identlY,..,If-neW. he 'had _ ,,,t . .:-.„.„.....--- SlirE3-13°W.iisei--th‘- filost: deadly. 'T -°..-'r. 'P'.'111:9.'• ..* i -L-. . ' -form Of :-Iiicittey Disease.' • • Dodd's KidneY-P-illii;ented-shinii----They•L--Will- 1,600.000 .e.Old4118 Eft-v*10101mm ME..na'., Baby" ,,Off414. lisnotr, Piirmer, ritboteAdoi cie.r$ bop, ' Keeps cOotente ' UNOURS• OIt JCCOLD 3 DAYS • Without Pk DRIC1111:A13ENTS', maw 11°40' ellhig:111.ertnoS, •• Where we have no.dealer: Write forparticoliii., 4aindian %winos Agate go, A . Atschull • r r • r 1:04, 4 .....,„,1.014;!F:' ,rmininents te,ns•thii Year, to date' almoSt ,dquI�lait Year.: -,TUERDIS -A ItkASON. Oyer tivejititilirCdtrappcirs and Sidi:Tors who bade previously shipta elseichers. hive: heen idded to °pellet litir'YOV1 iVe pai best prices,,ehipping expenseS and remit. cash Babze day: Pricelist on application, • •-.-'••••• 801101)41A.Alitit0CAN• "TOW 110:w! Ems rat 01L 11 psur town o' ua4 41,U, (12:9006 00413rai 405*- " cure.any fornt of "Sidney disease.. , and met ;rpturning 0:6§periity, half St"15-.13rPke•ra-,41!In; an: .c:1 -1:4"g" -•'Sonie:-M11. are- too -lazy -to go••ciut- , , , .,. 41*; :111L:i'isij'Ititcoill:rr:trilityra; irofioNi9C , - . .,. i •••• ', . ,Tis Well`te:Inci,..w.-, a Goad thing; . so other stooks honest and sold•on commission. ,. . • . . .. • .1'.vay.c. ', •• - . . IfElt0I0 ' - "A hereo" says, the Philosopher 'Said, Mrs...Surface to Mrs Know- .i.a.........ciorrrou.spiloemindIRce turiod., O. rders !nay be wired.", ,• • of E.,911.Y., "s a man who d°4?S osoill°' well, when :they .n.et. art the -str.eet. , . ',pilot! .• thing an - the etIni.•'ef 'theineme'it 'f (Why,„ where hive you. beeh' ,for a. The, :,;',,p::slitiii;,.h,rb.i.ne, 7.0H. a.,.. i....ii:.8,4.. woelettek?" *5014ilifAt: dOii'll to - 7ttohasithe'd01"1111!111:fili'diltil;lkflite-911:4dr-±'141:e',:the Itore' foe a battle of Dr, Tho.„ ldok so :r.drualitle,'lEkt .frequen'tlY -nendition: - 'Was in-Glasgew•-;.- sladent-Was--caliPed- eyes, • a11e-,shairVtlichouse,=-4-nd ter..Zeitang„Pablish.. for.thefirsktirao.in_thejltlatorylot is ;these cheerful reflections; with gained - etrangtly.etery the IJ-niversity.; •• ' the remark tat the reporta'are be •• , befere the six ,hoxes, were A Young Man ernPloYed in a Ware -7 yend doubt exaggetatetl, and That ate able ' to. return. t tho, hOnSe• in Glasgow s charged,' with the: diamond . fever seems to have attend to my wark. .. Now stealing $750':'Weith of fanci vests,. got ...the ...better ' of cool calculation !e hest' of health,: and al furs boos, dressing'. irowns,.. Cor- ,Years old; ant' feeling sets,- bronze ornanients, :ang. pg. •I think. Dr: -,Wil- COAL: BOCKET FELL-ON111 Pilis 4ne.dit- rotibles, of this ' lit:n.114' Pink -Pills are . nervel.restoring torid • .13:•:rway they enreataernia,- n? rheumatism,' • neural-. ir.itus".:dtinetS, :and partial -tare-•-t he '.-lieStrrne.., the' wo-rtd-far-the -ailments :4 'and rimanhoocl; 1 Sold ne derdera or by iiiai1 At siJoxes for Dr.1Wi1liarna' tEXTrEit.„.•__,,,;.:1711"4411\; no la, -re c . d owing o the, `a.t.Atp. :004e.n. Aherdoen during laitt ;year "showeclAhat de- presSior• wan -,the keynotei, except in the-white-fishingindustrY:-4--The. onantity of fish landed, constituted ,for •LAZINESS-. „. Worker 'Owes S6 tO , - • . - - • Mr: Daniel Goddard; of,134 Street, Sink- •.: ••,'Iti. donSeotienee.of ' ,theopening•Of ste hid*, but,.; sa3t.;.-_,-, wilite eotployed' -the--trainiyays--:-to.„--11ralleek,,if',has been. found to previd.e-an -ut Coheres Coal: Dock;:cheavy.coal:buckpfiq- aelditierial. constable .for 4 ...the ',clis-;. de.,cetiding, into 'the vessel to be re•Alled.sud.: .tri.c.t.....0 , assist iti., .iii-.13,erving.: cfroer;- Iderily. overturned ; -giirsitig my. left leg and pspebialj.y..pli sOpdays. ‘ : ' . , . ,, ierapinCoinpelled to thscOntinue Work and go homei g the . flesh off to the bone. I Was. '7140:little,' ;girt, -of77.-67-11b:iman, -.at' for treatment, where 1 WasCaiiiiried-folibenT '' : :St. ' Clyrus'; ' Xineaidinesitirei...4ag : two iriOnths. . .... : :.'• - .• , ,, tiratty-• , bli•EDW3-VreVill:.--Eit, si,A1th-ca-a6ietotet'oar-a-gintruga-i.o1(1411- gown faking fire:Mie. nearest ' ;De- iretro-uotrieflpituatiou-stioOpth•e•--fwootni.: towal.17firt;_teiles ely_a.s.,,;a_ne could Opened again. and for another ment•I:1-1a5 , -tinaf4d,to..move.ahont.' .4j:tried aIl,matineLor things to ',get ease -and get' the. weancl/lisheal . .9,.. • but" nothitig,.setneckable,to do it'. :Vet wp,,,tinp-nt-Den 'a. a ..„. .. ' raiPli‘bli6.14 Alitit •,,canAgOtsig$4,F=7, ing off in. the Penitentiary: .xl'e' lettliti-wOrks atI-.4uTet• Street; tns-: IP;aatt:t, cd UZO:r:ticirea.blynr;i:iit11111171:111Asee:''' .• b4S+1:1415,Srazrir " , 0:7;,61,_„0•61-11-a4-,--•:....The_mtoL• Stirling, and to =o4 former :Clerk; now , ....,‘.1.1..P . -9 u • ng,'senfetleb last • year. was.'lli- 01---C-Thr-• al, ge,. and Siroli•to7-eaelt of .kik"44,kep-144•1141414':4nd l'ai-illt after night titi --- -tik'rStirling---institatiaiiw;, i , • - .....--..._kgot474kit-rny-•:'.iy.ifo-:,liegati'-':iplilyinii ' '-'"7,41e:-Iiit.O.:,••-•'D4::;442.0._aie.r.soia.1.:_,,,krde4j_,....atni.gtil"-•dicil....frnd'i"-elietkilOnAfif,died:_to_'. as boluewthed ,s600.:te. the ---,at Theinitired member ills' bilin:quicklyisiOthed - , ". • Inas' Edle.etiie.--CoV\antl---Ars4'.'iSur, She!'S-Ithe4ealtgOods',•:•- ----.--- A s,;Womari'a. Sympathy ‘, , .. . .., faee,-.,who,..hate0'...P411,4;-•":'w,anadIked;hoeii ,7,.,•on'i;'...t"h'q' se .,:i„'nhiti.."14y,t,.1;a`d .,e;c:.pc- ri;, ,..: .. , . _Aie.,_yintidiscour.age42 ':'.±ri„ifotu.;:oduercptuarLsis bliva heavy 'tinanciar ODA?' Is •is3h1:.:Csciirieira4e'etTclel.11,;714,1,1ekk. ,aojr* there elide:: eari, tell: '1714.: • torture ''•'•cOtti. s . ' a heavy• IMysical burden?: ,I .know what . , '•-beew•diScouragadrtnoOnit-learned-bow.to -owiai!:,.131119' t.,h:::'4••-",.°1i17,* e•r: f'ci,...:.:'•• .1e•ctr, i.c: e'al"e'''. 'Paiii•''''`itil::37-'31-i'..b6(iis'-6n; these. -mean: to ' delicate Women -4 have curettnYself. I want to reliero,iyour bur- , .. • . , ..,:.•,;.,. .pati.i. with therriit-,t-Paie-inghCand• • -. -dens: Why,not end the:pain and step tho . , , , . -.7.....--•;,, . „ i , .,... ..-.-,•dity: .but. re4efis. gureAQ t.hos,nw,..b13.:, , Willi if. Will assist rite. . , • , l• .. '..4.0Cityt• Li4;o96;006,000:,,,..pa'0-tie,ng i•'..s ii.se; 11.0,11oays';06fr n -Cure;.•'" - , :doctoi'S %ill V.,' I 'can .db Ibis or you • an . • ,,.,_ , .. :All you 'need. •410 • la to Write tor n. free% ,ai.,6., ea:riled on the, Wood's railwayS • • - •• " • box, or the teinedy whickhas. been •placed . , - „ , , ,. , , .- , „ • In--my-hatidsAci -bo,•givett-A-Vitity-, Perhsias, ,dunually. ,_ ,_6,:.,--.., this one box *111"cure lou--;., it has clone so' • • :, . • . . . ',ler rithersi.-If s.s rill' bo happy and • , . o' •• • • , . yow-Ouried-for-.• 2c .'(,t1-14--_costof•-•.,e,-.--‘;ItePstWit-,11111101Visi,CD.rciziv,111,:e.133! ,DO,S1,0444-talAy0 • Aenr,lettors.,31.4.7. -,eUyamaYpOD340-Agd 4.91da • dentially. -Write-to-Aar' fer tnY" fterilreat:' , , '•:••-77-.: ' Anent:. DIAS; P...E 7 CUI•leltellli•WI Indsori,,Ont„, -: ..• L. .„ • " --- • • • ..• , ,,. . • , . . ' • • ' •'•• • • :. ••••GrveLa•s •ubliorn'_mart. is way l• . - TIPP SAID: • ' he will tredit, yen•with..,ha. yang g i peept-qielieve.74" , . . , . :i. ter to grab. tha till..they;..iare 3!$ ed': . • • re 1 ecreaSe7ont nersi., %-ipas.e...dro-n-parore'7 teLyenm.:esfr_exectly„.±Jie-re prisoners were -..Pardoned,... British OlOiumbia escaped: ted eSeaPes:. Were .chte. • to : isCiplin O;nd :disregard �f gUlationSi . . : .' ,' • ....., ''.. !..,',. pert, ,..,•noteS.,timi.. the ' nro • .. Iorithfid.' ;:prisohers ..:1. 1--this:','ffwet4t1Etri in theWeit. • and lasting cure:.. ' l'have since had no trouble Under tweritY;' Years' of,,,age, :ous condition .' ,-Imprevernenta have. with . the ihnh • at ..a11,. and itis is Sotind•and: tr., cent.: ,if the ..p'opitlatieri. been:Made 'in the . buildings' knoWn strong RC btfore tbeinjul'i.'!. • . : .:: '.. • i-orehester-P•risonr-4-1-40„r„;:ins-4the . DenglasL_Bleelr.: At fl' • .„ :-Z•aitt...Bult:',is a sure cum for cuts, lacerations, ..lidrnsi eczenia;wirtictilltlriore4chupped- St. ,),T1ricent: de. Paul aid I4e. elging„.,and .Mar's.''..yvq, lc,... , bends, 'poikinect wounds, festering sores, • bad iha•.,:oni5i-three4p•eli,lialit • . • , ,.4-. , - Jcg,..p.d..aljt.sliirtjaitrigt, and diseases : • It 1$ , er Cept: .0f, ill 'eonvie ..” •:: Repeat it:-.‘dinigolve cure win always: .also a cure for...pirts: • Druggists: and -Stores . ..-,horp.,. 46 Per ' cent-. Ifrit•-• turn 1211,1394g114 04d7q041#48.7, ' ., . - -, ..eierriliere; sell af.:50c. S boko•-wr. post free 0.,per :cent.. Hem th-Mnit-, ' ' ' :-..---,•-----: .'.. . . • :,frOnt-q-Atn.:Ituk.,07.-fr-Toroutoilon,...reoipt--cti i.,;•.:-The-greatestit:,inerease --. , ....• -.PRE PARA.TORY., -price. -You are ,warned,...against harmful - ..• • • .•• :.: • . • 7 ttilIoiii7gfitiTetilirtelireFititediti+" just au. in the ease of Italiaireon. ••• • : .....: ,.. • '• •• • . • • . -• . ; . ,. In -trines of peace a lot of other. eood and cheaper. • '' • '••• • x filtil:cited till4 ninetY•cne. , • •_ •,,,,, , , . . . • . _ . . wise sensiole, people Make .prepara;- - ' .-...---4. 5nviets ,•prefess adherenee ns o, get married. - .. .' ..NEXT..SIORNING.; ; man Catholic Church, .3t8'' , tirCili of ,Eitgland.s.• TO to the; „ , . :•,Ilis, Mother --....".I.ohnny,,:k it's, .8. t., t44, fa.. the Presbyterian, • 'Just. the Thing That's,Wanted,.1,- o'elock. '• :When. , are r.:yo.u. coming Baptist; 43 to the.:Luthet A pill that.. acts upon -the 'stoniaeli .down to breakfastl'1. . • :. •-•: ; the:. Buddhlift, 8 :•Jew, : 2; and yet_ .is se cdrePduriclecc that. be'r-- ;Johnny (in . a:- feeble. voite)-,-"Te7. •••,and 29 ,ttplOiattMilect..., . , • iain ingredients of 'it 'preserve their Marrew inerning;:•-thntritria.!..), 01 . .tarole• . :Offteer, ',Arpin-. poWei....'and aet",. Upon: the intestinal ' • ,: ' • ' ' . •'---,,••• ...., , ...:'• • , Okts-i 0'14 . SiileC:'1$9.9 there canals::: •.so ag' tO" clea,r Itliern,-.Of ex::: --Ropeatrittoitilitiics enreiy9i.a.tovir:s. a 1,135„priiiiniers W.11C-16111- -,6-1•CTaTtlieTratejltic11-0Flytiid117-Cril=.7 '.°°"1717..4.°4-.1•hs and cald!1'..7 2; ' ::...-:,........ 4:pi r • 'senteitee'S•pri-Plifele; net bi.,it 'he •li,itrtfUl,-".143 111170,71001Cd' ' ''' * .'. '7"•''' --.-'-'• " 7 '''''''''-:,",:.'--•'-.- e'!"•14-iii•C'''''',=784:41eket-cif-clea:Te •f;:ir by -the-nlodigal,pi_ofos.gion. ,..1:t..._. in . -NrJe.mia, it ibsiiir::iefte..as.r.Y.eanfe4;iat' 1 ,reporting::' There 1144,0 'was fond in Parinclee'S Vegetable. "131:Tt° 456.14114' paroles: eaueeliod gild., 36 •Pills,• Which .are, the. resul. . of pch „.,efoe., -9-• a- za e . n , balloon - n f.orteited.:hysubse4vierit eX.Pert .stitcli., and .are Scientifically, . •• ; • ; • ..: . ' ' ' ' ..3" •• ns...• :. :: '.i.'' .,•,,. , . . PrePared• as. a: 10.,,kti!'ve and an .4.1-• ..,:ninalr, iitthtlrii,.,Ilegt,'IrennAlitgir.tg ii,lg vrinter coldS. is not lis.rd .11. you take Alleies i--... • . ternative in: one. • ung. Balsam A .neglected cold is troublesome . . . . • , n or ,.. e . poor, an : or t.hevaiCOntinucti-ttSiag:it, -prizes: in eonnec on with the lb-. .dhainykr'lipialitusg,illvrer'lLonnonPrb°a4rtit.the'4'ilirflarribrmoba-7 ' Ci ' lic. school, in .addition to 'they e- tioiriapd s'orenets relieved, and the- wound -14.UeSf,i lor.,religiOus. and ‘o, aritable-, etoroughti, 'cleansed -of all Polio:nous and MS • • :poiposes„ • .0,. ,...: ., .. : -. .. -.: ealthy Matter•'. . wo. kiri:ori ii: Lii e . .oge • ea ng. t en ezan,n.'and •in a.' Wo_• er, : • r ' ' a-Ve tan niiil - ti : ..."1-1 ii Ci b . - ' . . ii.°1 .'i upon i , stiraiii"iiiike.__.65....iliake;_aa:-.- fully, short Anne -'-considering the seriousness. 'cure • parta. Which. were"i a Clanger-. 'Di til "tuld-'4ali1;.11uk: effe'ct'd !. 4°IiIiiiet°'' : -44e&jaitirk•-;:- - ea. „Yon!: hilt this :• ' :Cirrerfor - . "Ormelee'A---.Areiietitio • • o ed for. us .•in art. thin' ta and thoy ho loUnfl.to pre.sere their •po worg'•• in -*Ay 'latitude. : • In fever and..ague • they .Oct,.;iipan the. Secretions aud. neutralize the poi- son. 'which-, has found its: Way.' into the bleed: TheY' epi,rect the piffitie8 win:eh firid entrance, intia the' systerh .thieugh 'drinking Wafer • NO-Iteaatinaelolian-,MtnectsAirouraimeglocto • bob:Pin:a Allen'tiLuag.Balsans d trill overceme the cold: knd: stave off•pensiiMption. Conih will. cease, and lungs sound -aa a new , ,. OftMildtlableVIP-PX,'" 020)11.MPFMT I'VE 1.,erliX/Xtrvdwcfinzp, IA- ,, . ' Icilltir 111 4 cup.of hot water.syce ne y 11 war *4. .11•71-13.•-liire,41.,!::;11aY..ii.gd !..c11,1!it sLiDillit4..-, P110..:p, ,11.,:o.e;r: Ing -undated a Cold..., Avoid eubstitates,;thero J.., .knows..tt ',•bitt'one.t.Taign..16,,m4,6,.. ili.acill.ef„ , .. ,,•., „ . . , •..,. '. . • rilYsteiC.idfii.A.Sonini.a.±-w-e--4-th- , -- ].•iis'atvali ail • mu ght. -tl-un kii4.,abOut ii.,.". ' , ::.' .1.. ....1.„- ' •• ' ' '''' ' , ,,,, 4 .-Itepeittlt;- 3hilowssours: will.aswaye„ cures:ay couglais and- ooldsi.' , : • •• r n or. food and if .usecl as 'a preventive fever.s._are. avoided.. . anxinaliy pirodue- es'over .2,000-;:006.tens -of sugar -cane, it 'inverted last ;year eVer;.$25; 0.00,- _000 worth -of ..sugar.. •• w • ' • _ -• rtnraSat iti-..!*hiloli's•Cure '7111 alway• .•:. cure. my coit,Flaaltrid Cold -•• lifetune-pf;.70-years a„ man • grows• fingernails which, if left. .nut, woad. beol feet 9 inches'. long. . • -One • of gieategr, blessings, to riarents M.:other:. Graves' lyorni", ....Extermina.tor. • It. ..effeetnally, pels..worms anil .gives • health In'.ai marivelious, manner: to thls ,14ttle oP.P4 -• •••••• tdrode , • To what. -de 'yoti attribute your 7sncees ?'' input s- ho ght, the• Sou h Amen- ---can-X-'resident-replicd-4-•-Q1atablyz-to bad marksmanship. • • - , Repeat itEthiloh'eithirt .siciais cure my coughs ahd.coldt. • ,,c,*.p:44:,+,04-,?,+.: p -$.,-04H-7 ' • ' ANNOUNCl*ENT, "d4""°"'' • ---- • • , ' • _ ___, . . 'Thelninister regarded his.)congre - - .efei-, 131 mps.,...looks ...:awfully: _-___ _.. • • • ii .ertit onntstinf glued: ..cfp: the. rilgf-ki.,--yri---Irapiry •-doWn-inythe-;---tnenth•--Yha.t!'s• -the- -..:' ' • ' '. ' 06144 oi-t his .conntenitn6o: •, Inottoetiiiewri,tehyehnhil,tiigiV.:'.0BviatlisksdL;;;Ziteli1Q,•; sr-- "ftietner - .-,should lje.. ...,,,,,,Next., s•ukdasr.,•,".:.Iie• said, "I will tlJe 'o treat the. minor, all- preach .1 rom the choir loft." Arionlatlinloe top :71i31:Vtlablill= : pr, lei : little ' ones. . Tirre, was a \stir in.,..the ...chureh, 'you dhtitti It actioti may PreVent and the More un erstdnding ladies and 'he absent-inindedlyf called:her s illness -1)0.114w gave i ibd, - -- Kitty." i'lleefer,-""Well, what of :C.MT•rite.. ..,,vi Simplo-r Yes•.--/-1-14t-e-irtirti-st•S-added;_14a,a that V' , IlaiikS t,..,'"Iler :,., ..narue)..8 ' !iilways-: 'at... hand- is thig-iWill:'••• )30 • Contin tett until the P../a.7';' : • ' ,.' , ...,:, .. • ••••: • . : ore an 'absolute neees- F,tyle in hat:a mice.: morenAbles my - ' 7 • ,NOW shoes - sometimes pinch the and there is :nothing congregation to; see:, 'In ..stO,nding 6 good, as Baby's' Own ilere.)n- :, :, pocket bookl ': • , . • V...L.-..u....-., • ' • , •••• • 13,razii,... even, man •Of• one to fbity,,f64,,, 'Year's ...is,-sabject to ,rnilitarY service: .:Tlitise- Who eh- jett. On religious grounds are ab - Bellied, 'but. lose „all, political priyi- legeS. .,•••••!:: . • estruesi getthe kind you here always hi& Davi....awrooco Company. , ' • -1 ' Qumek.-----"So• you pretei, nie-lo 1)r. Pail 1" :Mrs. Mulligan-"Och, Ode, io- -.,doeli:berederti ere ; -a dale , , betther"than the '.--otFer. 'old. M1111,, bug." , • , ' • . . . . •;s. Theac • Tablets. lay cure all. -istoinach ON TI -11j1 SAME TIMM, bwel trotibles, break up "Ore Simple fevers) ex- bitrer (who hes' run up • it 14avy orms .and inakt' teeth: 1,111,1)-"Yoti Ore: managtsy.er-licrc eh, .; Good :for thd, new Yell,. six ntontn.6 age dined her4, baby or the w011 grown. and unfortirinitelki being unable'to and guaranteed to cen- .pay, kicked ine. 10. opiate. L; W. downstairs'!" ' • . • St, Gi•lett, „OM!. $4.ys The Manager--,'" Very „sorry; in- teVe• used, Baby's °Wit 0:6(4 sir), 'but:husill;01fo.u-:know s for constipation and hal to-r•er•-• • Alla „of ..childhbOdi and (Oh 411tit's all right, eid. Mtn the'best.medieine I chati.•-butHilight ,trouble yeti. 0/8,14 '• &Ten My; little again - Sold ,by medicine dea- r 'by int“1 at'•g5 Cents itinke.rm„"Ilalloa; ltiekettS, when ron t 'rho' Dr. Willirtme• is!.Y.Ottr: I'lla:11-14,ge MiSil fne- gitodkvim " doming off 1.Itickettg-- 'It hag Tin ""What',ath qrdii "Oh, al,o' .44.4.644++.404:0•4,...06+0)'• Married AllothOrloThw,.!' - ••• ' .• ISSUE N•0: • There is, no.medicine on the „In dr -1 Ikel_thal_c_illtssit..c: With Bickjeja A riti-c'en suriiptive,SYRii ling frail-I.:the System' theIrritati.ng germs that colds, eugender •in the, air pasSagea.. It is suicide to:nog, lect your toil: Try the cheap4X. perilnypt pf ridding 3.ourself. of 'it rup,. ,whielt simple.-ftnedr •TakEii;atiel °nee' used it will always ho prized. as a soVereigri'Medieine: • A NEW -DEVINITION% • The •Olasa was Stndying• grammar., NoW," saie..the teaeher, "can onyOne give: pre: ' Wor'd end,ing with Irt(talling 'NIL as in `danger- ous,' 'full o't danger, arid 'hazard- ous?' Oil of ltazard I" • • . There waS tilotice 'in the:!elass or a moment. Then .4 boy; Sitting:hi, the front row put out his' hand'--- - "Well, Sohn," •said. the teacher', `iwhat is -Your ,w ord - • ' "Please. the full of • for.Weekty eitoe'Lfats. . kiALLANI TO.iFiCirITO'vOkT-.••• 19f,t0.1V9, IN onage 14'4041:41.0ii, 44*ffilliihtepur staid t•,21 ague-- free., Cu • der,Sts. ELLIbT,T, USED -II --.7'71fitter?etiOakarie5. ''COlegeSi-SC110015, Theatres, h114 in thousands of homes 'where a•pitmo • of .merit is appreciated. The the: C!iity 'piano. with die. ligmitahle Repeating' Action.' Serid fer (free Catalogue No. 75.• . Afficolt4 61,0114.. 1.1„titfd: LPH..O NTAFt 1:1;;42- • . ON THE 6GEAN ATLANTIC- CITY, N. ' . ' .. • 4 , : A snigtitt 3.nt Aen.stort.114 font additidn clompletsa;.,mitlitoi,this tautens hostelry the ittiuost and most uts-18116r4tAIlantid City liatdis„ • knew fenta re is *b� unusual Alteted, tr#01htt, ofer. ctlegl. '00.4x0. '11BALLZ. 110\V„ ,COULD. BE?' EVerl Tcacs colnusiedi is. o“si its*, bati:tethiShed with eit'ikad tr• iat 4Atoti 'etortil _ (Ott to ovary ollisaret ..TtinperOurr **gala h ho rivilTkatratedadti ilstit44)01atvai,Ssitafvelfirlo:itt tt:tritrAl P.. !I arnr,rouni. p •1113. spas . ot u t id tit to sarrulons weinan . in _ • -ketP4+51.1.V.A11,011th Sh111,Wr.... tho chair t • . - to fill tooth 7Y,tYtiz:411-hniFtrites.,/ Allan a 11.r. Priesidink.. 2 • • -ICAL-EDUCP 1.11V1 .tta uplift." • You cati • hi. at ovii:Iargd, tip-to-clatekr.cli •atalogae Bree, • :•.$plisi •Write',NY: B. ailAW, , o- , . . ays t SLATER ii414.1Z6St " 5'6114 AtiS1.7 ;Tif XV tt really good Ab4"og--:-Invit...t04' e•-•=1,3u.O.i.t will "VAT y,4if ::1!;...';ir,i'.,,Lri:°i : 1104 Vaintitttfitim3'9,uo.r0z*e° , ' . -,:s:i guilretd,:ho,vosh:1:176:7iilille: 7 , '01;10ctioujtity'a,i1 i',t, sheute4 i'veqm an' ,,:eettuseti,t,Wrri;e,4„ Akzttol, 11 „ier stylesuorakvsl„Ifinehb;.?..;jo lougoE •wyear,... , - ...: ' 4, ,41,it ..-0,14fig - 1 t o45, :• ;$,,3/4,•/", 0 • to 1.