The Wingham Times, 1908-12-31, Page 6'0
�'�TH.�T every cook should
�('�( know is, which wheat
makes the best flour, and why.
Winter wheat is put into the
ground in the fall., but does not
ripen until the following July.
It matures slowly, is soft and
very starchy.
Spring wheat is sown in April or
May, and ripens in August. It's a
flinty, translucent wheat, rich in gluten
and coIltains nearly twice as much
nutriment as winter wheat.
is made entirely from the hard, nutri-
tious spring wheat, carefully selected
from all the wheat of this kind `grown
in Canada.
Royal Household is fine, light and
pure—milled by the most improved
methods—in a mill as clean as your
own kitchen.
Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal
Household —just enough to try.
You won't mind the slight advance
in cast when you see the results in
your bread and pastry. 21
Ogilvie Flour I'Iiills Co., thrilted, Monireg.
F R E F -JA'
�o��;�tN��:�4:Z0i�Al4io0ati�Ai 6i�ri�Qd:Ptrf►4_��!I`fi4�•iOe�s®!A�!
If a man can write a better boors, preach it better sermon
or wake a better mouse -trap than' his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door,-Emer,.on.
Get on the path to the door of the
Tines Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
l! �
1 .
It la Immensely important that
' you should get all the information
about a collepa before you enroll
as a student. Your succesa de.
pends upon your choice.
Our Free Catalogue toile .11 shout
our Ma thud. of Teaching—why wo turn
out graduetaa who aro always to d.mendl
• 7;
It explain, th. Commerai.l and Short:
hand convene In d.tall. showethe vela.
W.I. t
of the Buatne..Eduoator'eAa.oci.tion'e
.Diploms. And thi, large, hand "omely
v .
illu,troted boo!, sent to Y.. YREE
by return of m.Il if you will lust land
ua your name and addroaa:
Studonls admiu.d .ny tlm.!
Specialoponing September and JenuwT
Tke 4T
he The Forest City
�ore,t Cls r
asiaesa Y
Euaiueas and shorthand ColleAo
and '�60rthand
g W. Westervelt, l• �'�• Westervelt. In C,A,
�. .
Load., OliaaOt
Principal Vico-Frincipa
,,,�.w.u. ., �al.rte
::t✓ef�sa�Lsiic 4A'.r.�3�•��"3:•:Nk.^_(b, vsi•r;l�
�o��;�tN��:�4:Z0i�Al4io0ati�Ai 6i�ri�Qd:Ptrf►4_��!I`fi4�•iOe�s®!A�!
If a man can write a better boors, preach it better sermon
or wake a better mouse -trap than' his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door,-Emer,.on.
Get on the path to the door of the
Tines Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
l! �
1 .
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
NTtt.ld W lIVULtA 14XB.t 810 1908'rw
.. 17�!!!�� 1 e? p X SUFFER?
Four election retests is Now Brum. Wil
�•�,��► _ wick were dismissed, the Judge elating
they were not filed to time.
Her Limbs Ached. Sre>�tOhe Hyornoi and rill isle Laatlx-,
M THE SANCTU M11t More than 4,ainw0 persons living some caxar>?b nerins,
. ill 100 cities, obtain water for domestic
Warm out --Tired
and industrial purposes from she great Just as long as you have catarrh your
Headaches, Dizziness. node will itch, your breath will be foul,
La$es. you will hawk and spit and yon will do
There was toe 61 inches thick on the other disguantia things because you
Mrs Scholes case like that of Thames in England in 1664 and in 1684 pant help yourself. The germs of ca-
Interestir� Para ra hs from! our IExchan �t3, lamb have got you to their power, they
thousands cured t, the
�,�ie{,. the ice wrs again thick enough on the are continually and persistently digging
p R G by h celeh- Thames to support coaches weigh were into and irritating the mucous mesa,
crated tonic Iarrozone driven across It, bmse of your nose and throat. They
are now making your life miserable; in
Remember that worry means T i In a fire which recently destroy- time they will sap your entire system of
This N but one example of the eiok• ed tho G. T. R. dook at Portland, Me., its energy, its strength, its vigor and
The new riga tango at Kingston bas rm*e, the dull aching weariness that there were burned 80 Doherty or- vitality,
waste. been taken over by the Military Board. .i?Ylnt so man homes to•day. But there ie one remedy that will kill
y galls from the Clinton faotory. the germs and care oatarrh, and that is
Be orartoong•-to-day we are alive, 40.4.39 W Qt � X.P" 0 Hundreds of women, sitiglo and ma They They were on their way to the old Ryomei, the Australian dry air treat.
tomorrow, dead. Bears the The kind You Have Always Bou ried, will recognize in Mrs. Scholes'
sMtemenG symptoms ,regi which they 'Country. want.
nature saffex eentinuall has for Joseph Dural, of Woodstock, Street,
Preventies, the rew Candv Cold Cure &8 a Almost Instant in its wonderful re- Mr. J. J. Donnelly, M. P., Tavistock, Out., says: "Ostarrh ha&
Tablets, ar`7 stead by drngfcists to have sults, baiter than an Home time been olerk of the Town- given me all kinds of suffering for a
four special specifio ad-utngee over fill y other tonic in the
other remedi- for a cold. Firxt�--Tbey, To oleaa the etreets of the oity of Lon• world is Ferrozone. All other medical ship of G,eenock, and on resigning long time, There was a swelling of the
contain ria Quinine, rotbinf, harsh or don nt arly 80,000,000 gallons of water discoveries seem as nought oompared that ofHpo at the close of last week's glands under the eyes and adjacent to
sickening. Seoond-Tbey Rive almost are.annnally required, with the vital bmeing health Ferrozone meetinghe was resented with a °hy nose and the discharges would drop,
instant relfrt. Third -Pleasant to the so surely brings. P into my throat, I used several rem•
Two Chinese lanudrymen were mar• PIt001p OB CURE,
gold -headed ohne. dies, but never got the relief that I did
taste, like Dandy. Fourth -A lnrge bas' from Booth's Ryomei, I have been
-48 Preveur,ica-aG 26 cents, Al fine dered at Winnipeg, and the crime is at- People in ordinary circumstances Albert frigA, of Brnpe Mined, was
for feverish children. Sold at WalIey's tributed to htghbinders, find sickness the greateat burden of all," chosen as Conservative member of the highllyg recommeed with nd mei ss useto acatarrh
Drag Store, says Mrs, W, S. Scholes, the wife of Legislature fie successor to W, R, sufferers"
atop any pain in 20 minutes, take a well-known citizen in Russell, But
Some men only want your confidence one of Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. the mother with young children must Smyth, now member of the Federal Walton McKibben, the druggist, will
to give it to others. See formula on the box, Ask your keep going whether sick or well, This House of Commons, for that riding, The guarantee Rypmet to cure catarrh or
doctor or druggist about this formula. was my plight just before my third child election was b acclamation and nn• money book, Don't delay this pleasant,eL
All then have a weak spot, but You It can't be bettered. Woatanly pains, was weaned. I became weak and pale, y antiseptic treatment, Breathe ill Hpomai
don't have to bruise it. head pair,a, any pain gets matant relief. and at night I was so weary that I ached opposed. and kill the germs.
Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets 25o. all over. I slept poorly, suffered with 'Wilkins, the police constable at
Walton Meg, utfitbon will Hell sena cam,
(III. R. W. CFIAM 2508
Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Indigeesiou and headaches that almost Simooe, who charges Chief Malone with fortonlyy$ 00.omei OIt is�alsolguaranteedl tea
CATARRH CURE A newly -born infant was thrown•blinded me,shooting him, now states that he and ante bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds,
...'At last, when thin, wrinkled and hoI•
is sent direct to the dteeased from a train west of London and picked low•oheieked, I was urged to use Ferro- the Chief robbed a number of stores in hay fever and erovp,
41 parts by the Improved Hlotyer, up dead by a sectionman, zone. For the first time in years, I en• Simooe prior to the shooting, and some _
� Heals the ulcers clean;g the air joyed freedom from headaches, my ap-
tllroa�eandopeamananntly cures The lawn at Buckingham palace is petite picked up, I grow stronger, felt of the stolen goods have been recovered Agniet wedding took place Wedttee.
Catarrh and H.,Fover• 131owcr large enough to allow ample room for better and slept. soundly. You can't at his house, day, Dec. 23rd, in the vestry of Knox
free. All dealers, or M.A. W. Cbasa imagine my joy n seeing m strength, church, Goderioh, when the aotor, ReP
biedielue Co.. Toronta and DWYalo- over 2,000 to manoeuvre. y g , Special Agent Chas, M. Pepper, P ,
color and spirits returning, Week by James A. Anderson, united in marriage
Do not wait for something to turn week I improved, Bureau of Manufactures, regatta that
C1.A. i5i el* C,S 7Ft. � .�. , D ,gained eleven pounds Miss Margaret Ohristana (Madge) 4th
o and have baen robust ever since." the yearly output of British pottery is
up. Go out and look nor it. Beata the Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Because Ferrozoue invigorates-braecs of the value of $60,000 000 employing daughter of 'William Nivens, St. An -
Re eat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will al• signature
Repeat 62�-builds up -be cause it will mala you 185,GI8ersune. Twelve million dol_ drew's street, and Capt. John McKay of
wry cure my coughs and colds." of feel the exultant thrill of vitalizing P the tug Minnie Clark.
Tare worth of the redact is exported
The child with a mind of its own A French army officer has invented blood and strong nerves --because it will r
give You comfort, energy, sound lasting annually. When Mrs. Ratz of Listowel opened
seldom cares to mind its parents, eyeglasses which enable the wearer to health, these ara a few of the reasons the door on Sunday morning, she be.,
see on all slides and the rear, why you should use Ferrozone. Sold held a most unwelcome visitor in the
by all dealers, boo, per box or six boxes Indesoribable, Torture of Pue..
Beware of Frequent Colds, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wiaponein, Drains form of a large snake envied up closely
for $2,50. Try Forrozone, Do it to. Mrs. George H. Simaer, Brant, Russell
A succession of colds or a protraoted and Missouri, in the order named, are day, Co., Ont., writes: "For eleven years I beside the kitchen door, which, she at
cold is almost certain to end in chronic the greatest producers of lime. doctored for bleeding, itching and pro. once dealt with, The reptile had prob.
catarrh, from which few persons ever New York city is a liberal paymaster. grading piles without success. The tor- ably bean attracted by the kitchen fire
v ] e tura suffered at
i recover. Give ever cold the I n1T ed limas was bo cad deo- y xe r y For each minute of the day it pays $128 Josie Carr, who murdered the child is • y s and Drawled up the steps, but it is safe `
attention it deaerves and you may avoid , oription, A friend told me about Dr.
this disagreeable disease. How can you to its more than 50,000 servants, a baby carriage taken from near Eaton's Ohase's Ointment. It brought relief at guessing that it will never again give a
cure a cold? Why not try Chamber- store, has been released from penitents- , once and cured me permanently five like performance.
lain's Cough remedy? It is highly re- The essential lung -healing principal of ary, and will go into it nunnery in Al- Years ago.
commended. Mrs. M. White, of Butler, she pine tree has finally been successfully berta, _
Tenn., says: "Several years ago I was separated and refined into a perfect
bothered with my throat and lungs. oough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway CJ ate. _1C?# r" ear x, i.4L „ The soarcity of sparrows in the parks s
Someone told rue of Obamberlafn,s Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought and upper parts of New York city is Nature's s ileemedy
Cough Remedy, I began using it and guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26 $ignaturo accounted for by the keeper in charge
it relieved we at once. Now my throat centa-
nud Inngs are sound and well." For of •. � of the Central Park aviary by the foot La grippe, Pneumonia and influ-
sale b all d'`uspgiets. Sherriff d'Avignon refnses to take that this is going to be a fierce winter,
y - over the hooks of the Sheriff's oifioe at Au organized movement to transplant For weeks flocks of the little birds have enza often leave a nasty cough when
Sandwich until a Government audit is 10,000 Hiudne from Hindustan to Louis gone south in literal armies, they're gone, It is a dangerous
You are licked if yon wait for the bald iana, U. S. A., to work on the sugar and
Other fellow to land his blow first, rioe plantations there is reported from thing to neglect.
Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Care will al- Pencil drawings may be rendered Vancouver. • It Is n Wonder. Cure it with
wage once my ocat5hs and CCIda.'r Permanent by brushing them with a Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the
q parts of ekimmed Repeat it:-"Shhs an Cora will al- most remarkable f of rheumatic
® fit/ Y r E N /I -g-O lt
mixture of equal yet pro -
The � f1. 6
The medical profession is considered �aaye caro my senilis and voids. duped for the relief of rheumatic
milk and water. pains,
the Dna at which mon die soonest, Since its introduction into the Eng- and for limo back, sprains and bruises.
The old tasMoned way of dosing a weak Ilsh protectorate of U aacla in 1901 The quick relief from pain which it
A now cook may bring the treat of or ythe P F affords in case of rheumatism is alone "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier
reforences-but you can't eat them. Kidneys�is all stimulating
Ar.. Shooprflcet the sleeping sickness has killed no worth many times its cost. Price, 25
pointed out this error. This is why his fewer than 200,000 out of a total pops- Dente; large size 50 cents, For sale by Cures All Germ Diseases"
prescription -Dr, Shoop's Restorative- lotion of 300,000. all druggists,
For Mc7enin, Tetter and salt Rhettm. is directed entirely to the cause of these Mrs. Robert Hayes, of Fargo, N. D., _
The intense itching characteristic of ailments -the weak inside or controlling started on her return carnes to Faro According to a decision of the ins so• FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS
these ailments is almost instantly allay- nerves, It isn't so diffloult, says Dr. J g p
ed by Chamberlain's Salve, Many Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach because the customs of$oiais would not for general of the United Staters army
severe cases have been cured by it. For Heart, or Kidneys,Af one goes at it allow her to take her pot dog to Toronto neither officers nor enlisted men will
sale by all druggists. correctly. Each inside organ has its with her, wear gloves hereafter when equipped THE OXYGENATOR CO.,
eontroling or Inside nerve. 'When these for field service. Enlisted men will 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Out.
nerves fail, then those organs must Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will al -
Dr, Gibson, V. S., who has been surely faltor. These vital trntba are ways cure my coughs and colds." also dispense with the use of white col -
practicing at Cargill, has moved to leading druggists everywhere to die- Hon. William Pugsley, speaking at tars when doing field duty.
pense. and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re- ---+---- A meeting of the directors of the At-
Oheeley. storative. Test it a few days, and see I St. John, said a number of important
The Hanover butchers have signed an Improvement will promptly and surely public works will have to be postponed, rot that Dull ireoling After Eating. wood Gement Co: was hold at the Elma
agreement to sell only for cash in follow. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. owing to the necessity of keeping the I have used Ohamberlain's Stomach House, Atwood, Iast week, when a.
future. Three men were killed in the shaft of expenditures within the income, and Liver Tablets for some time, and statement of the company's liabilities
the Columbus mina near Cobaltcan testify that they have done me more was handed ont, which amounted to
Coughs that are tight, or distressing , , good than any tablets I have ever used. some $60,000. It was finally decided to
tickling coughs, get quick and certain through something going wrong with DRAIP ESS CANNOT 33E CUREDMy trouble was a heavy dull feeling place the whole thing in the hands of a
help from Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy, the hoisting cable. , after eating, -David Freemau, Rempt, receiver, Mr. Gunn, of Toronto.
on account Druggists everywhere are Re ll:-"Shiloh'a Cure will al- by local applications, as they cannot' Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen
Repeat favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, p reach the diseased portion of the ear. ,the stomach and improve the digestion. p n
and it is entirely free from Opium, ways cure my Coughs and colds,"�jE'(;(�
There is only Dna wets to ou+'e deafness, rThey also regulate the liver and bowels, tr 1 UEJ
Ohloroform or any other stupefying Snowfalls have been heavy in the and that is by constitutional remedies. They are far superior to pills but Cost _
drug. The tender leaves of a harmless northern country, and snow plows have Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- no more. Get s free sample at any ells I'sa•s to Curb Stomach and
lung, healing mountcinons shrub glve to dition o2 the mucous lining of the drng store and see what a splendid
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy is's curative been sent up by the railroads to keep Eustachian. Tube, When thio tube is medicine it is. Liver "Troubles,
properties. Those leaves have the pow- the roads open, inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
er to calm the most distressing Cough, a}.____ imperfeot hearing, and whoa it is A distinguished London physician
and to soothe and heal the most sensitive entirely closed, Deafness is the result, According to the statement of R. L. during the course of a recent lecture
L lE8' Ie'dV
O1tITR. an t
howl s onuu:lt •
silos membrane, Mothers e d Borden's n and 'v =
broncho and unless the inflammation can be o e s financial agent, his election Ix c.r troubles, gives
for Hafety's sake alone, always demand Laxa•Livex Pills are the ladies' favorite taken out and this tube restored to its expenses in Carlton amounted to only the advice:—
Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect free- medicine. They cure Constip s'fa Sick normal condition, healing will be da• $7255. Travellingand hotel expe Be moderate in the use of heavy,
dom be given to even the youngest Elendache, Billions and D s e Hia atroyed forever; nine cases out of tanP rich foods. Do not eat hurriedly,
babes. Test it once yourself, and see I without griping, purging or sickening. are caused by Catar;<h, which is Nothing were only $2,50, and printing, and and thoroughly masticate the food.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store, _ but an inflamed co:adidon of the muoons renting of halls were $35 each. It to If your habits •are sedentary, take a:
surfaces, said that this constitutes a record for moderate amount of exercise before.
James Eashambe, a thirteen year-old Joseph Martin, H. C,, of Vanccnver We will give One biundred Dollars retiring and immediately upon aril
for any case of Deafness (caused by Inexpensive election campaigns for re, g
bag, wHs crowned while skating user $, C,1 the famous "Fighting htiu Joe" of a in Do not vac strong cathartic
Cor.a.,ell, g g catarrh) that oannot be cured by Hall's cent years. pills, many of which are advertised as.
lifetime of Canadian politics, is re• Catarrh Cure. Send for eizoalars free. While drilling for natural gas at sure cures, but in reality do injury.
The utatiaticH for 1908 show a falling ported to have closed ont many of ]Its F, J. C11IENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Thornhill, Ont., water was struck at a by weakening the system. If you
off o: 20 per pont. in marriages In New largest interests in the West, and is Sold by Druggists, 75o. depth of 1,200 feet, The stream had find it necessary to use any laxative,.
York city. about to leave for England, to live in Take Hall's family Pills for consti- stick to the old-fashioned vegetable;
potion, sufficient force to throw a man off its ri::tu• e, viz, :-
old London, -_� feet, The water has a peculiar brack-
��� w P Arid Extract Cascara.::::.,, oz.
K � William Mahan. and lira. Roselle ish taste, and turns brown very quick- Syrup Rhubarb .. . , , r oz,
�� y Iy after exposure to the air. Itis being Catriona Compound :. , , • , t oz.
]?or Infants and Children. McCarthy broke quarantine at Chatham, analyzed ra find out what its p Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla $ oz.
e N, B,, to get married. They were sued y properties Take one teaspoonful after meals
The Kind You Have Always Boughs are. and at bedtime.
$40 each, and as Mahaney could not pay
he was sent to 'ail for fort days. The Mildmay Gazette says:•• -•Andrew This acts in a gentle, natural way,
Hears the i y y ' Schmidt secured live second prizes and is free from the WeaItening •
iaignaturo of for grain at the Guelph Winter Fair effects of strong; purgatives.
64+ SPRING HEDIOINE. Flo took second in white and redThe ingredients can be bought
separately, and anvrmnne can mix them
A young Italian stabbed a woman on S ia e has nspring oeiI
nc BurdockBloodwheat, black and white oats, and clover at home. This information will be of
the street at Montreal in full 'view of �, , � &isystem and remouasves all t tonesiee uthe seed.. The man who bought and sowed bennefitt#to our readers and is worth
passers-by. the blood, and takes away that tired, Mr. Sohmidte prize grain last year
The C. P. R. has given an order for weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. won first in white oats and barley and
30,000 tons of rally to the Algoma Steel third in blaok oats. 60 YEARS'
Company at the Soo. Elijah Thompson, a colored than, was RXPER1ENCB
* shot and killed by bis aiateen-yeavold
Io tn'e Kidney Pills not on the kin- Good Cough Itlbdteihb for Cliiklron.
iPMM Medical SkM Could Not iso The season for coughs
Heys, bladder and urinary organa only. son near Amherstburg as he was shoatand colds ie
The ourebackachee weak back, rheum- Was Accomplished with now at hand and too mnoh care cannot xr 1
�' t to punish the boy for disobedience, be need to protect the ohildran. A Dhlld
arise, diabetes, disease a tnflamation, A storm on the coast of Nova Scotia ie Hauch more likely to contraot di h•
gravel, Bright's disease and all other Burdock Blood Bitters. dip
ailaing from wrong action of the drove large quantities of herring upon theria or scarlet fever when he has a TRADE MARKS
kidneys and ladder
It you are troubled with headache da not cold. The quicker you Dore his cold the VZOIGNS
d a b
th0 Mare ea that h
y e wen the
sur r
hesitate to net+ $.Berl, It in no now pro• f e lase risk, Chamberlain's Cough Remaly CbNYielGtt7s fir«
An effort will be made to maintain 'cunt, of unknown, value, but has an estab- ceded the fish were in places piled three to the sole rellanee of many motheyrA knyonaten4ing 915keteb and descrlptlontit
behnd rn tauw, f08t deep span the land, hntektsi aseertsin our opinion tree w other
winter anti tion an the St, Lawrence 1?u and few of those who have tried it are tnynnt on Is Probably pntontabl Commnnl
+pgULO MVt WORK. ,t r willing to use any other, litre, F. F. tlonsstrtati canadent sL HRNO �4K onRstet
Repeat it:- Shiloh s Care will til• ! sent free, vlaest aancyforeecttrtnr stents, u
from uebeo to the sea,ys sure my conghb and colds. It + 1
4 3Citw Dlrnrlal Wright,W ifitMnniaa N.B tirtltaet „ Staroher, of Ripley, W. Va,, nape: I Patenu latest: tgne h Montt in
4. I vas eiok and run down, mould haul, Head- have never abed anything other than spe�"oNss• rtithouta� er In tibia ;
There it a report to hand that the anise, a bitter y ey a d p month, floating The International harvester Co. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for say
"Oka before my ayes and pains ixi bar back, y
big soap niannfaoturing eompaniae of I was not able to do any house Work at all and has informed the Congressional Dom• children and it has always given good Ah twasoniWy t1111etratedweeks* Lartteae
could not sleep at w int. several doctors eatisfaotioa, This remedy oontains no V4, sit of any seientieo foarns�►, Terme f
1'Veetexn Canada will soon be n con- doctored me dv I Yaof Was setting g no help, that
now finer needs the tariffs Opium or other narootio And Ina '"n 4 is r ror,Ifttaso bxepsia,
solidated interest, inosuding factories unktt°etnt nit Bnidook Ein"od stiles a and L al that it no longer needs a protective given Ae ooniidentiy to a child fie to a apn it °�' "" -
At 'Winnipeg, Calgary and VAnoottVer, 6040te4 a oamplatt ansrl.. _u . , tatilf upon farm rlltwhinery, adult, A or Bale by all druggists, 1►��J,:Cf 1CB asta� , N�w�°Q(� I
� h r et»� woshlaston. C�
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where tip -to -date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a,
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
NTtt.ld W lIVULtA 14XB.t 810 1908'rw
.. 17�!!!�� 1 e? p X SUFFER?
Four election retests is Now Brum. Wil
�•�,��► _ wick were dismissed, the Judge elating
they were not filed to time.
Her Limbs Ached. Sre>�tOhe Hyornoi and rill isle Laatlx-,
M THE SANCTU M11t More than 4,ainw0 persons living some caxar>?b nerins,
. ill 100 cities, obtain water for domestic
Warm out --Tired
and industrial purposes from she great Just as long as you have catarrh your
Headaches, Dizziness. node will itch, your breath will be foul,
La$es. you will hawk and spit and yon will do
There was toe 61 inches thick on the other disguantia things because you
Mrs Scholes case like that of Thames in England in 1664 and in 1684 pant help yourself. The germs of ca-
Interestir� Para ra hs from! our IExchan �t3, lamb have got you to their power, they
thousands cured t, the
�,�ie{,. the ice wrs again thick enough on the are continually and persistently digging
p R G by h celeh- Thames to support coaches weigh were into and irritating the mucous mesa,
crated tonic Iarrozone driven across It, bmse of your nose and throat. They
are now making your life miserable; in
Remember that worry means T i In a fire which recently destroy- time they will sap your entire system of
This N but one example of the eiok• ed tho G. T. R. dook at Portland, Me., its energy, its strength, its vigor and
The new riga tango at Kingston bas rm*e, the dull aching weariness that there were burned 80 Doherty or- vitality,
waste. been taken over by the Military Board. .i?Ylnt so man homes to•day. But there ie one remedy that will kill
y galls from the Clinton faotory. the germs and care oatarrh, and that is
Be orartoong•-to-day we are alive, 40.4.39 W Qt � X.P" 0 Hundreds of women, sitiglo and ma They They were on their way to the old Ryomei, the Australian dry air treat.
tomorrow, dead. Bears the The kind You Have Always Bou ried, will recognize in Mrs. Scholes'
sMtemenG symptoms ,regi which they 'Country. want.
nature saffex eentinuall has for Joseph Dural, of Woodstock, Street,
Preventies, the rew Candv Cold Cure &8 a Almost Instant in its wonderful re- Mr. J. J. Donnelly, M. P., Tavistock, Out., says: "Ostarrh ha&
Tablets, ar`7 stead by drngfcists to have sults, baiter than an Home time been olerk of the Town- given me all kinds of suffering for a
four special specifio ad-utngee over fill y other tonic in the
other remedi- for a cold. Firxt�--Tbey, To oleaa the etreets of the oity of Lon• world is Ferrozone. All other medical ship of G,eenock, and on resigning long time, There was a swelling of the
contain ria Quinine, rotbinf, harsh or don nt arly 80,000,000 gallons of water discoveries seem as nought oompared that ofHpo at the close of last week's glands under the eyes and adjacent to
sickening. Seoond-Tbey Rive almost are.annnally required, with the vital bmeing health Ferrozone meetinghe was resented with a °hy nose and the discharges would drop,
instant relfrt. Third -Pleasant to the so surely brings. P into my throat, I used several rem•
Two Chinese lanudrymen were mar• PIt001p OB CURE,
gold -headed ohne. dies, but never got the relief that I did
taste, like Dandy. Fourth -A lnrge bas' from Booth's Ryomei, I have been
-48 Preveur,ica-aG 26 cents, Al fine dered at Winnipeg, and the crime is at- People in ordinary circumstances Albert frigA, of Brnpe Mined, was
for feverish children. Sold at WalIey's tributed to htghbinders, find sickness the greateat burden of all," chosen as Conservative member of the highllyg recommeed with nd mei ss useto acatarrh
Drag Store, says Mrs, W, S. Scholes, the wife of Legislature fie successor to W, R, sufferers"
atop any pain in 20 minutes, take a well-known citizen in Russell, But
Some men only want your confidence one of Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. the mother with young children must Smyth, now member of the Federal Walton McKibben, the druggist, will
to give it to others. See formula on the box, Ask your keep going whether sick or well, This House of Commons, for that riding, The guarantee Rypmet to cure catarrh or
doctor or druggist about this formula. was my plight just before my third child election was b acclamation and nn• money book, Don't delay this pleasant,eL
All then have a weak spot, but You It can't be bettered. Woatanly pains, was weaned. I became weak and pale, y antiseptic treatment, Breathe ill Hpomai
don't have to bruise it. head pair,a, any pain gets matant relief. and at night I was so weary that I ached opposed. and kill the germs.
Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets 25o. all over. I slept poorly, suffered with 'Wilkins, the police constable at
Walton Meg, utfitbon will Hell sena cam,
(III. R. W. CFIAM 2508
Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Indigeesiou and headaches that almost Simooe, who charges Chief Malone with fortonlyy$ 00.omei OIt is�alsolguaranteedl tea
CATARRH CURE A newly -born infant was thrown•blinded me,shooting him, now states that he and ante bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds,
...'At last, when thin, wrinkled and hoI•
is sent direct to the dteeased from a train west of London and picked low•oheieked, I was urged to use Ferro- the Chief robbed a number of stores in hay fever and erovp,
41 parts by the Improved Hlotyer, up dead by a sectionman, zone. For the first time in years, I en• Simooe prior to the shooting, and some _
� Heals the ulcers clean;g the air joyed freedom from headaches, my ap-
tllroa�eandopeamananntly cures The lawn at Buckingham palace is petite picked up, I grow stronger, felt of the stolen goods have been recovered Agniet wedding took place Wedttee.
Catarrh and H.,Fover• 131owcr large enough to allow ample room for better and slept. soundly. You can't at his house, day, Dec. 23rd, in the vestry of Knox
free. All dealers, or M.A. W. Cbasa imagine my joy n seeing m strength, church, Goderioh, when the aotor, ReP
biedielue Co.. Toronta and DWYalo- over 2,000 to manoeuvre. y g , Special Agent Chas, M. Pepper, P ,
color and spirits returning, Week by James A. Anderson, united in marriage
Do not wait for something to turn week I improved, Bureau of Manufactures, regatta that
C1.A. i5i el* C,S 7Ft. � .�. , D ,gained eleven pounds Miss Margaret Ohristana (Madge) 4th
o and have baen robust ever since." the yearly output of British pottery is
up. Go out and look nor it. Beata the Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Because Ferrozoue invigorates-braecs of the value of $60,000 000 employing daughter of 'William Nivens, St. An -
Re eat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will al• signature
Repeat 62�-builds up -be cause it will mala you 185,GI8ersune. Twelve million dol_ drew's street, and Capt. John McKay of
wry cure my coughs and colds." of feel the exultant thrill of vitalizing P the tug Minnie Clark.
Tare worth of the redact is exported
The child with a mind of its own A French army officer has invented blood and strong nerves --because it will r
give You comfort, energy, sound lasting annually. When Mrs. Ratz of Listowel opened
seldom cares to mind its parents, eyeglasses which enable the wearer to health, these ara a few of the reasons the door on Sunday morning, she be.,
see on all slides and the rear, why you should use Ferrozone. Sold held a most unwelcome visitor in the
by all dealers, boo, per box or six boxes Indesoribable, Torture of Pue..
Beware of Frequent Colds, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wiaponein, Drains form of a large snake envied up closely
for $2,50. Try Forrozone, Do it to. Mrs. George H. Simaer, Brant, Russell
A succession of colds or a protraoted and Missouri, in the order named, are day, Co., Ont., writes: "For eleven years I beside the kitchen door, which, she at
cold is almost certain to end in chronic the greatest producers of lime. doctored for bleeding, itching and pro. once dealt with, The reptile had prob.
catarrh, from which few persons ever New York city is a liberal paymaster. grading piles without success. The tor- ably bean attracted by the kitchen fire
v ] e tura suffered at
i recover. Give ever cold the I n1T ed limas was bo cad deo- y xe r y For each minute of the day it pays $128 Josie Carr, who murdered the child is • y s and Drawled up the steps, but it is safe `
attention it deaerves and you may avoid , oription, A friend told me about Dr.
this disagreeable disease. How can you to its more than 50,000 servants, a baby carriage taken from near Eaton's Ohase's Ointment. It brought relief at guessing that it will never again give a
cure a cold? Why not try Chamber- store, has been released from penitents- , once and cured me permanently five like performance.
lain's Cough remedy? It is highly re- The essential lung -healing principal of ary, and will go into it nunnery in Al- Years ago.
commended. Mrs. M. White, of Butler, she pine tree has finally been successfully berta, _
Tenn., says: "Several years ago I was separated and refined into a perfect
bothered with my throat and lungs. oough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway CJ ate. _1C?# r" ear x, i.4L „ The soarcity of sparrows in the parks s
Someone told rue of Obamberlafn,s Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought and upper parts of New York city is Nature's s ileemedy
Cough Remedy, I began using it and guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26 $ignaturo accounted for by the keeper in charge
it relieved we at once. Now my throat centa-
nud Inngs are sound and well." For of •. � of the Central Park aviary by the foot La grippe, Pneumonia and influ-
sale b all d'`uspgiets. Sherriff d'Avignon refnses to take that this is going to be a fierce winter,
y - over the hooks of the Sheriff's oifioe at Au organized movement to transplant For weeks flocks of the little birds have enza often leave a nasty cough when
Sandwich until a Government audit is 10,000 Hiudne from Hindustan to Louis gone south in literal armies, they're gone, It is a dangerous
You are licked if yon wait for the bald iana, U. S. A., to work on the sugar and
Other fellow to land his blow first, rioe plantations there is reported from thing to neglect.
Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Care will al- Pencil drawings may be rendered Vancouver. • It Is n Wonder. Cure it with
wage once my ocat5hs and CCIda.'r Permanent by brushing them with a Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the
q parts of ekimmed Repeat it:-"Shhs an Cora will al- most remarkable f of rheumatic
® fit/ Y r E N /I -g-O lt
mixture of equal yet pro -
The � f1. 6
The medical profession is considered �aaye caro my senilis and voids. duped for the relief of rheumatic
milk and water. pains,
the Dna at which mon die soonest, Since its introduction into the Eng- and for limo back, sprains and bruises.
The old tasMoned way of dosing a weak Ilsh protectorate of U aacla in 1901 The quick relief from pain which it
A now cook may bring the treat of or ythe P F affords in case of rheumatism is alone "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier
reforences-but you can't eat them. Kidneys�is all stimulating
Ar.. Shooprflcet the sleeping sickness has killed no worth many times its cost. Price, 25
pointed out this error. This is why his fewer than 200,000 out of a total pops- Dente; large size 50 cents, For sale by Cures All Germ Diseases"
prescription -Dr, Shoop's Restorative- lotion of 300,000. all druggists,
For Mc7enin, Tetter and salt Rhettm. is directed entirely to the cause of these Mrs. Robert Hayes, of Fargo, N. D., _
The intense itching characteristic of ailments -the weak inside or controlling started on her return carnes to Faro According to a decision of the ins so• FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS
these ailments is almost instantly allay- nerves, It isn't so diffloult, says Dr. J g p
ed by Chamberlain's Salve, Many Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach because the customs of$oiais would not for general of the United Staters army
severe cases have been cured by it. For Heart, or Kidneys,Af one goes at it allow her to take her pot dog to Toronto neither officers nor enlisted men will
sale by all druggists. correctly. Each inside organ has its with her, wear gloves hereafter when equipped THE OXYGENATOR CO.,
eontroling or Inside nerve. 'When these for field service. Enlisted men will 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Out.
nerves fail, then those organs must Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will al -
Dr, Gibson, V. S., who has been surely faltor. These vital trntba are ways cure my coughs and colds." also dispense with the use of white col -
practicing at Cargill, has moved to leading druggists everywhere to die- Hon. William Pugsley, speaking at tars when doing field duty.
pense. and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re- ---+---- A meeting of the directors of the At-
Oheeley. storative. Test it a few days, and see I St. John, said a number of important
The Hanover butchers have signed an Improvement will promptly and surely public works will have to be postponed, rot that Dull ireoling After Eating. wood Gement Co: was hold at the Elma
agreement to sell only for cash in follow. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. owing to the necessity of keeping the I have used Ohamberlain's Stomach House, Atwood, Iast week, when a.
future. Three men were killed in the shaft of expenditures within the income, and Liver Tablets for some time, and statement of the company's liabilities
the Columbus mina near Cobaltcan testify that they have done me more was handed ont, which amounted to
Coughs that are tight, or distressing , , good than any tablets I have ever used. some $60,000. It was finally decided to
tickling coughs, get quick and certain through something going wrong with DRAIP ESS CANNOT 33E CUREDMy trouble was a heavy dull feeling place the whole thing in the hands of a
help from Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy, the hoisting cable. , after eating, -David Freemau, Rempt, receiver, Mr. Gunn, of Toronto.
on account Druggists everywhere are Re ll:-"Shiloh'a Cure will al- by local applications, as they cannot' Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen
Repeat favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, p reach the diseased portion of the ear. ,the stomach and improve the digestion. p n
and it is entirely free from Opium, ways cure my Coughs and colds,"�jE'(;(�
There is only Dna wets to ou+'e deafness, rThey also regulate the liver and bowels, tr 1 UEJ
Ohloroform or any other stupefying Snowfalls have been heavy in the and that is by constitutional remedies. They are far superior to pills but Cost _
drug. The tender leaves of a harmless northern country, and snow plows have Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- no more. Get s free sample at any ells I'sa•s to Curb Stomach and
lung, healing mountcinons shrub glve to dition o2 the mucous lining of the drng store and see what a splendid
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy is's curative been sent up by the railroads to keep Eustachian. Tube, When thio tube is medicine it is. Liver "Troubles,
properties. Those leaves have the pow- the roads open, inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
er to calm the most distressing Cough, a}.____ imperfeot hearing, and whoa it is A distinguished London physician
and to soothe and heal the most sensitive entirely closed, Deafness is the result, According to the statement of R. L. during the course of a recent lecture
L lE8' Ie'dV
O1tITR. an t
howl s onuu:lt •
silos membrane, Mothers e d Borden's n and 'v =
broncho and unless the inflammation can be o e s financial agent, his election Ix c.r troubles, gives
for Hafety's sake alone, always demand Laxa•Livex Pills are the ladies' favorite taken out and this tube restored to its expenses in Carlton amounted to only the advice:—
Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect free- medicine. They cure Constip s'fa Sick normal condition, healing will be da• $7255. Travellingand hotel expe Be moderate in the use of heavy,
dom be given to even the youngest Elendache, Billions and D s e Hia atroyed forever; nine cases out of tanP rich foods. Do not eat hurriedly,
babes. Test it once yourself, and see I without griping, purging or sickening. are caused by Catar;<h, which is Nothing were only $2,50, and printing, and and thoroughly masticate the food.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store, _ but an inflamed co:adidon of the muoons renting of halls were $35 each. It to If your habits •are sedentary, take a:
surfaces, said that this constitutes a record for moderate amount of exercise before.
James Eashambe, a thirteen year-old Joseph Martin, H. C,, of Vanccnver We will give One biundred Dollars retiring and immediately upon aril
for any case of Deafness (caused by Inexpensive election campaigns for re, g
bag, wHs crowned while skating user $, C,1 the famous "Fighting htiu Joe" of a in Do not vac strong cathartic
Cor.a.,ell, g g catarrh) that oannot be cured by Hall's cent years. pills, many of which are advertised as.
lifetime of Canadian politics, is re• Catarrh Cure. Send for eizoalars free. While drilling for natural gas at sure cures, but in reality do injury.
The utatiaticH for 1908 show a falling ported to have closed ont many of ]Its F, J. C11IENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Thornhill, Ont., water was struck at a by weakening the system. If you
off o: 20 per pont. in marriages In New largest interests in the West, and is Sold by Druggists, 75o. depth of 1,200 feet, The stream had find it necessary to use any laxative,.
York city. about to leave for England, to live in Take Hall's family Pills for consti- stick to the old-fashioned vegetable;
potion, sufficient force to throw a man off its ri::tu• e, viz, :-
old London, -_� feet, The water has a peculiar brack-
��� w P Arid Extract Cascara.::::.,, oz.
K � William Mahan. and lira. Roselle ish taste, and turns brown very quick- Syrup Rhubarb .. . , , r oz,
�� y Iy after exposure to the air. Itis being Catriona Compound :. , , • , t oz.
]?or Infants and Children. McCarthy broke quarantine at Chatham, analyzed ra find out what its p Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla $ oz.
e N, B,, to get married. They were sued y properties Take one teaspoonful after meals
The Kind You Have Always Boughs are. and at bedtime.
$40 each, and as Mahaney could not pay
he was sent to 'ail for fort days. The Mildmay Gazette says:•• -•Andrew This acts in a gentle, natural way,
Hears the i y y ' Schmidt secured live second prizes and is free from the WeaItening •
iaignaturo of for grain at the Guelph Winter Fair effects of strong; purgatives.
64+ SPRING HEDIOINE. Flo took second in white and redThe ingredients can be bought
separately, and anvrmnne can mix them
A young Italian stabbed a woman on S ia e has nspring oeiI
nc BurdockBloodwheat, black and white oats, and clover at home. This information will be of
the street at Montreal in full 'view of �, , � &isystem and remouasves all t tonesiee uthe seed.. The man who bought and sowed bennefitt#to our readers and is worth
passers-by. the blood, and takes away that tired, Mr. Sohmidte prize grain last year
The C. P. R. has given an order for weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. won first in white oats and barley and
30,000 tons of rally to the Algoma Steel third in blaok oats. 60 YEARS'
Company at the Soo. Elijah Thompson, a colored than, was RXPER1ENCB
* shot and killed by bis aiateen-yeavold
Io tn'e Kidney Pills not on the kin- Good Cough Itlbdteihb for Cliiklron.
iPMM Medical SkM Could Not iso The season for coughs
Heys, bladder and urinary organa only. son near Amherstburg as he was shoatand colds ie
The ourebackachee weak back, rheum- Was Accomplished with now at hand and too mnoh care cannot xr 1
�' t to punish the boy for disobedience, be need to protect the ohildran. A Dhlld
arise, diabetes, disease a tnflamation, A storm on the coast of Nova Scotia ie Hauch more likely to contraot di h•
gravel, Bright's disease and all other Burdock Blood Bitters. dip
ailaing from wrong action of the drove large quantities of herring upon theria or scarlet fever when he has a TRADE MARKS
kidneys and ladder
It you are troubled with headache da not cold. The quicker you Dore his cold the VZOIGNS
d a b
th0 Mare ea that h
y e wen the
sur r
hesitate to net+ $.Berl, It in no now pro• f e lase risk, Chamberlain's Cough Remaly CbNYielGtt7s fir«
An effort will be made to maintain 'cunt, of unknown, value, but has an estab- ceded the fish were in places piled three to the sole rellanee of many motheyrA knyonaten4ing 915keteb and descrlptlontit
behnd rn tauw, f08t deep span the land, hntektsi aseertsin our opinion tree w other
winter anti tion an the St, Lawrence 1?u and few of those who have tried it are tnynnt on Is Probably pntontabl Commnnl
+pgULO MVt WORK. ,t r willing to use any other, litre, F. F. tlonsstrtati canadent sL HRNO �4K onRstet
Repeat it:- Shiloh s Care will til• ! sent free, vlaest aancyforeecttrtnr stents, u
from uebeo to the sea,ys sure my conghb and colds. It + 1
4 3Citw Dlrnrlal Wright,W ifitMnniaa N.B tirtltaet „ Staroher, of Ripley, W. Va,, nape: I Patenu latest: tgne h Montt in
4. I vas eiok and run down, mould haul, Head- have never abed anything other than spe�"oNss• rtithouta� er In tibia ;
There it a report to hand that the anise, a bitter y ey a d p month, floating The International harvester Co. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for say
"Oka before my ayes and pains ixi bar back, y
big soap niannfaoturing eompaniae of I was not able to do any house Work at all and has informed the Congressional Dom• children and it has always given good Ah twasoniWy t1111etratedweeks* Lartteae
could not sleep at w int. several doctors eatisfaotioa, This remedy oontains no V4, sit of any seientieo foarns�►, Terme f
1'Veetexn Canada will soon be n con- doctored me dv I Yaof Was setting g no help, that
now finer needs the tariffs Opium or other narootio And Ina '"n 4 is r ror,Ifttaso bxepsia,
solidated interest, inosuding factories unktt°etnt nit Bnidook Ein"od stiles a and L al that it no longer needs a protective given Ae ooniidentiy to a child fie to a apn it °�' "" -
At 'Winnipeg, Calgary and VAnoottVer, 6040te4 a oamplatt ansrl.. _u . , tatilf upon farm rlltwhinery, adult, A or Bale by all druggists, 1►��J,:Cf 1CB asta� , N�w�°Q(� I
� h r et»� woshlaston. C�