HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-28, Page 6COMMENT
The., -ioatenttene2,•of Mi. OarnO0,,,
tb .10onder izt,114e,,-,Aineriean
• 1heqiw .Or'..b*averi.r.aa;ozliibited in
, er Ofe.e'• ought to be. Calledto
hs letteetyen vtrttee prizes annual,'
.cookr•Oeci by the rrench'ae?..cletny
of ,litOrtirY tleineortala." This,
ofiulOa, tao.d. toweellent Igenntlation
-old, but it: ,is:not
lirroll`1010w4 entiide •et,' Veehee- Th4;,
•idea of th.p,,,,t911404464, in op
...Word' • tet to 'taller, encourage and
•• ittevard the • :quiet,' unostentatione
• 14941 e.oteeeige, 'Of • daily 7. _life, the
,ctinrizae .that is often ,uneonseiehse
13!„shoette inttieyeaverencee.inheete
tUlneeritundee 'trying eenditioat, in
fortitude, sweetness of nature,
lialguines, and.):3.0tiv0.03.rniP4.0S!
, ,
hurable • spheres. As a 1141,4', the. tee
• cipients of -the, eMotetyea, Peitea
_know • little; if 'anything, of. the
eae'..of the'oelie,04'4nd j1ie prize
astonish them as *Onl&M'ariiia fr�in
• the 'heaVens. The aeadernyllearna
•. of their4;..elcistenci3. and ,geedriceit
'bait; 'Charity. Wotker,atite ineestiga-
Yoizet the Pest and Work.
• of the Future.
• .
This, cons:, thing 1 cto,. forgetting
thenee thinge which are behind, and
reaching forth, unto etthate, ethingt,
which ate before, I Press tetvatti
the mark for the prize Of the high
:calling of God in Christ. Jefingi,-
.PhiliPPiani Hi.. i0,•14. 7
The past is,. It cannot be breught,
'beck, cannot . be undone. ' It May
be 4 Matter of greet regret, and;
alas, of sorrow As, well, .and
yet the pate; is and alviays will bo.
You may tall for it, but it will not
ethite back to Yeti, , ,e • -failure of .the- past intota, certiten
I. „Ievis goneeergenafeeever... Let ne "Beet Of good to us. in'Bilt wisdom:
, 0)0 Ilya it isete tiner- act according- ',.'He can, oVerrule ;etren .6).tr errors,.
ly, • Fer the raanYt pittidaffi.4 'OA . I.and in His The is, not eXtreine
`gad. we must have atticere regret, to mark- what is done amiss. But
and for our Biwa, serreW,Nifteif they let us, be, grad that He makes our
have caused- f.'s, repentance pet to 'Waywardness wearisome. To knew
-/----=v.;4,--:......-.2.W.,?1,-.-4.-0A---u--=--..:..1..=.4'.=r"V";..4,4.5.-.-1?.-..-1”gi!.11'*--- '
111 •
r4,411*AOMIVAIT,ALsr44,,j5114!-L..§A.,-.,-.-.±:mtw:.-4-_-wop TIT:d.F A MITIsIe 7"-
Iiieue.tahtiitlei;•--saketet-e-As4.1`017tiiii 'tttit't , ..k-- .... ' .*-., ''.'"::-':' x•:'
past,. then. let ns say. Of it, With. St. even. though at the' Oat et- MAIO a
humbling experience, an perhaps,
of lunch sorrow. Co `,yee ege• that
even. through our- waywardness and
iltetineteet- Gode ikeataing-meee..inel-
beinging Me' back •tit Him. And to,
• otr4r. htindted,rand. the _iddress
by 'the:.acadentician, theirIttaise
EiCtS ..fortai in detail , the stOriei, Of
six tits "traetned"enersone: One
• is, Seanistress who: 'employs sothe
ten eisistanese and- " who t has for
•ereerit tteeted them as ',Members of
etk„.tie: SitteheT'ltlitAng ...thetn.W.hen
huy and. eineking life: as
pleasant as possible for them. In
i.teddittoet,,,..ithe-Visits_theeick:of the
tteighh9010.00:- and aids. the ulefore
_tin:net-a:ant, Of, her .own , .
eatetlastreoteretingenieue.and_ gives
-OW', Who hae-toepteertedea, •bliettitedee` then- .4. ..persotat e_ interest in the
Iher. -geed feeble success Or, their. ftege telat717iirtepnt
tetee,.* anervelfdett.... d. • 1.1. -lite ably the More . democratic method
,tetteteteeeke,oet.a,.hateetehteetd,,bietceare reaelt , officering thetr.
ying papers 'early iii -the Mortilait ainlY is superior that of the Brit -
'theklesquee and,alSO' by 'putting, ;.8-h..;--On13! a"'Sniall proportion' of the
n.Sonieetetee. hcinie at • night. after' as Offitt
tho long day in the.;ivo•ikt&op. ours in the British, ariny-haveO, real
ir.0.41s.an , taste fpr ,, their .profession, • and
PIP44);-'17-49/-...-ciar--salary, 4:412 4. Yt9rit hard eitta ...th0 ,46ce.rd
ear, ha broughb up the farmer's Fraico and- Gernianj to •cquip
wast- themselves for it. 'I'he most of
_ .
ledge and the tnfinite PO'Wer of .God
are forever working together for
our good.. Always, 417 ttnd
night and 'day, ,tiVerY '470.0T,ent of
every l h?,11r, every hour of every
day.. Mit, is Written, "He Etiveth
His beloved lie sleep" that is -*even
whilst' they sleep; If. then we are
workers together. with Him all will
be well with Me ,
. We" should therefore fearlessly
faceethe, future, knowing that Clod
can turn' even the' follies and the
PaUl; "forgetting those ' things
which ' are behind, .and. 'reaching
forth "ail o. those things which are
ebefaret÷ toseetewtheenaarkefert
the prize of high 'calling of GO
in Christ.," . - • . -, . % - , darktateometinees the day has hee1te
• -. let asap bravely' on in •our appoint-
. c-tURe14-,ELP .18 'PT AIM. ea -Way .-knowing we are on our way
Thereforelet vette* to Hire, and home and that "at everting time it
bo of goed•Oeurage, believing He shall be 'light." , . • , , .., •. •
'can, and will deliver .us . "from' the Asa.esaint said -:ttSeneetimes our
bonds of - those sins which hy, our path in life •Mae seerti lilt° a -lane
frailty we have eommitted." . . ' full of weary windings, where the
- HO wants to,helP,.tis., and is even steeP;banke shut out the, light,ancl
now helpiug.uft: 'A real desire to air and 411 we 'care' di:i is to trudge
follow Him-willteeeptus frotirdeadly. isteadiry on through the thick mire,
sin... He came to save us from our .but. if we look high up in front of,
sins, to take them away . and free us we shalt seee.ds'Ierael ettve; the borough, and trie give extensive eer-
us f out them. .4: tree Christian faint,bhie hills erethe.leaed,of.•Pro- tiers to lobe' tradesmen. : ... „ •
perriose_ should keep:- us .. ftom, Serie mise rising up against the elty.. The ; , How . well the, "captain". I plitred:
oils sins and by ,Godis..gra,ce it will. path Will, eerie out at length in full his part natty he. judged from the
Let it. then comfort no to -Icrinw-t- _ ..-vieyst-;=ot- the Celestia•LCity,-and-ett. fact that not 'the -slightest 'Mani -
God is ferns, not agattist ne ; that last- we 'shall be At herne4le,.... • ' clew of hishone, 'fidesewas •aroused.
-theinfintiteeloveithe infinite know ----. • - ' . * "'Itet W. SNYDER. - Pn?Mondaytinerning,- however, a.
HOW A, "lktIPTO,Y. 4V,Aritorm
Was ,ADowed to Stay in 'Werrlog-
• ton- HOE DisipPearecl
*.daring,vobberr by %teem-
plished and 'gentle/0/14Y SWintlier is
engaging the attentitee ,of the'atete
erborough, -England,. police. ' .
'The story opens on the morning
of & recent Saturday, when a. well-
groomed and Well -set-up man • of
military appearance drove up to
Werrington 'near Peterbor-
ough, and asked for theladyeiwnere
who •hia ',advertised the house and.
estate ,foe sale,' )1.e' 'stated that ,he
was in search of a hunting -box, and
he thought Werrin 'aten JHall would
Atilt him, , He' . shown over' the
piece, expressed himself.. as very
well • pleased with it, and neenceinee
f3d -that he had decided te purchase
- .
YOny tnnugb When- .in *
- Good Ireolth..
. ,
ters, and actors reply in Tho ite-
view-of Reviews to Xt. Stead's in-
quiry as to the .reinoulat,ef sleep
they .find necessary to maintain
pitch. Da. ettta.pl- PolVet et. the. . highest
Sir .W. Barney Ands three or
four hour3' sleep .iibundant when
in. good health aud with znild nien-
ta,1 exertion. When engaged in
laigher intellectual twotle .ehrit'AO
piet •as eianye• bogie' work es elle
sleeps., • • .
, Lepel Onslow atways, wakes of his
owe accord 'after his 'tieven helm!.
eleep, and iteging 'Week in .bed be -
f ttirt u
'MAN'ItS AND Dil,kgS?
,Whattis, Going on In tho :ghleja",
and Lowlands Of Mild
• Leieeeter :auffeeing,ftetn a. Itte.
were -epidemic ;•,ef measles, ;
.The wa,e,„s,„ pueggesful, eable,
tater at the King's Lynn fat. stock -
'show.; • ,
Thirty-three of the heroic chare
of the Light Brigade at, Balaelav
arestill alive.. • • ,
.•;There .wete '2,804- Admissions t
Dr. „Barniirda'A. 'garnet lust 'rat,
and the total admissions to ,diete,
'number 41.4,417:
Among 'the fish PO show at the
wholesale ifish:Marketein Iiic,nehe34.
terttWe weelte age wese'ebark over
10 feet long, •
Messrs. Pearson & San'e tender
has been accepted for widening the „
-,..!9:31.-Cp.ts!il --Wynelleare...hasem,
anu APP-0-art0 iide, that t:11
sow - 7404%':.11,7,02;. 414
Moreever, the agreeable strait-.
-ger' stated that he was prepared" to
deposit be the course of &few. days.
In the meantime he ' begged= that •ho
might be .allowed to stay at the
hall, -as he desired to instal hiniself
at the earliest, possible,. moment
with, his servants And:hunters, and
•w4hed, to personally supervise thc.
painting, papering,. etc:, 'which. he
desieed to have done. • -
The request was readily 'acceded
to. The "captain" took uP his
.quarters at the hall, proceeding at
once to hire a,naotor-ear-elia Peter-
•• significant incident occurred. One
-77-7 „of the daughters pf the house, pass -
HORSEFLESH' AS MEDICINE:. .irigee bedroom Saw the. ciptain on
„, , the threshold. He excused himself
Valuable to People, 'in a ,Deticate politoly, explaining that he .had ' •
State �f Health:
HoeeejAeteiaae.,ieleeie not knowing
-hy Parisian doctors in the fee
g ant, nothing more was thought of
.iniralidseeise-noite-being•eteesent-- theeniatter. ' • .;
Mended by anunthet al,Pr9nlinent 'A little' later- the -"eaPtain',
.Eirial*Thedre-it IIcalled .his Motor -car, 'entered it;
'Up to thetepresent,.'hoWevel, , it and drove off, stating that heweeld
has tratitelYet or never, been POI return in the' course of the . &lye
scribed in ,England;' owing to;tilt) When stemeedistence along the toad.
strong. which ; ,texlett to Peterborough -0014).0.0e-ear;
against it;lot-ttleteleeltng. !ba: get out, told the .ehe,affeee. he had
°Vein°the when'°ne° the publie''teitt .eome, Calls- to make andeorderred
lize Jicarevaluableeit heceAw..mieeeteeteete
•,eeeee,heeesoeeekteeeeeeeeeeee, teeter., year e....experiance,tiiitthe.-Arink-'hilds
doubt /to ioniet•othert
er-e es. no - '
is' it; °WU reward; e:The .4c;
ttoihigg, in a. financial •iv,afy,
for muChhernities of peace and pro-
saic •existence, .but. it. is good for
'society to appreciate such qualities,
' and to induce-. emulation •of goed
examples: . • '
n• up ezreswor s as.
reemeetose-Ofe •YoUngeret an more
eptippe „days. , - • - e
Causes ,,Peaceful .tuid .Iteete.
t • Feeling.... -• •
•‘`Theeeffect of colors - Upon-. the
teinpeeament .htentan. beings is
enormotta ." :renia;iked an eye speoie,
'e.-Ereench-papers.are.-disposed • eeltstevehoehaseneadvareestudy--tifetint-
• to disparage the British arnly, subject.-
'CaneeeetheyeesitY,e-tt.-ker7,dra-,*A-f reon gexeriiiy, ;I' 'Should,
leeeese• eentes,tee •eocietyt:wheee sity that ..g.reteV
iuduces joy; white,
eehe_Feeteehteteeeytertattre n.atist-ititay..tectirittteeted,e.angere_blue;_peaccee
_ • • . P and yellow, -hate.' • . • ' e• •
ttd— t't
„Since Istr.rvice"ii compulsory :4014 e last -name color wilibring
- all reades , The Britieh army, •itut, all ,"a malign passions;
confirMation of this theory
4thett 'V; continues Jae:a highly' and: 41
may ,Mention that the Chinese
aristocratic institution, „where, the
yoeAcera. are ieutteteeit end th •. -regard Yelrove a's,' an', emblem of the greatest 'value. to peoPle of
• , • - • e ,. This explains their' adoption weal( dtgesttien., Sun -dry ehe
e'vates inereithiagel While -the Bait- Of it is theeign Of mourning, 'for andgrind it up to a poWder, tied
141' seldief: is A robipt, .1;ignroti .thaty believe, is due to the you. will . find that even the 'Most
:people in a delicate 'Stated- healthy
&a-ea-Wasted burden would,, how-
ever, he suitable for the purpose
of food," .
- would -be 'so tough that no man.
could ,get • teeth- ',;thieugh it.
What I .advocate are horse -farms,
like those in pails of • the South' Of
,France. Here . the aaiinala are
•spezially:preparectfor market. They
live absolutely sedentary lives, and
,are fed with thheegreatest. care on,
special fodder.
"Tye flesh, of a horse contains
More carbiehydraites• than that of an
so*, and,. conseq,uently, help.- to The *ay in which Great Britain-
-a -greater extent in the fermatiee has fallen : below the, tWo-PoWer,
of sound fate and muscle.. And, standlird regard teethe Navy 51-
After-alleew-hateieeit-that-our-teotene- eillnitrated--ineefiguteSeesuppiied.Ar
dwellers hick but sound muscle' and. the First • toiii of the Admiralty in
fat' • • • answer to a .queetion ;pit in the
"Again, the, flesh of the hor..te is. House of Commons. , .
svastly more tender than that of • The question asked for a tetura
othee, annuals:- Therefore, it is .of Of the battleship's 'built, 'buildtag,
and projected, Under, the 1908 pre-
gramine for Great , Britain, the
United States, and permany. The
figures given in the .ansiver were as
f�llows t—, • ee
Sir • Theoehare *the, need to. go'
to 'bedett 1 o'clock, but 21.QW • in his
eightieth year, he does not stop- up
Tate -Cilia Fe7
tires at •10.3ai..0
Sir' dger--Sir ,Lewie„,
Sir E. R.. Lankester, Dr. Clifford,.
Lord Esliereett. E. Grose. and •Mr.
F. Elarriton•Alr•tetlatreeeight-heetxt -
daily.. ...Bernard 'Shaw takes . seven
of eight. 7.,Miss • Ellen Terry gets
aloag Wiell four to six... ,
• Xaneltstiggeetiona- are made fot
the Conquest of inteninia„ ' Sir
- A Midland' engine -driver neme
Ifeeible; lett hiltenetne into .thele -e•
coneetive shed at Pete'rberouah, •
arid then fell, dead. •
.Aritea,nenttetious, gift of $t,060 has -
bee inaddlettraitarthettelrettatititit't-
a 'new .prgan for the reeterectehoir. ,
of SellryeArbbetateee......e,„"..
It is ptated•thia the cotton strike
haternade the beet business: rather
. .
ingithe prase year. - • - •
. At 41,••reeent. yegetebteeshow • at,: .
'Leaininetoil . prize of ' §;,5 evait-te
the„best onion, and the .
vvinning • ve,getable Weighed '3. •
Frederick t'Vreyear, pets faith -in pelmets, . t • , •,
"a sirnplc
And _ontdofir, exercise, t,he,. day.'
diet; fresh at. night; „a, t-.a.Ati.opn,07-isafebeQeintg.__;,,iyeies.'a
Lord a•econimenets. reading. for •14.se by the elleft6ecrty9de..uleilho'beeteld-c8it''ee.'
Sie. •Praileie BUreand heth. Walking. ;tart otabete defence echeine. " •
'1'1 •Jo1n Mill, .."`Y•1:'• • • • •
!Imo of billiarde or golf. w e r., • Iv, has 'nit been. inlet •
talided from 'the Army, • was' seri--
and . reading, '• Alfred.- State., -a
t • W... Massirigham levori • count-,
te'lletedet tieteen. dt-ts hard labor .iiig numbers and.'„
oneatit. ge4trilly. sojekti.14.c.!f ,,,,i4n(t. foe aiding a cortiradeeto desert,
Alderman .1: . Marriott, . of Coe -
..agnative - eritry, 'who has jtest celobtatOd hi
, SIR HIRAM MAttEtt '42'. 99th birthday; is father of the tewii
belives hr. tlae i; Tb.. baeh, - and, I/r.- .councire-oneethichheiliteeeeteeet_ftitee_
Clifford's PreecriptiOnt 1-4:e-t1t 48' Yearis. ' • •••
Shut 'out -the light. (2). Relax 'the . The Bishop 'Of' RiPare eitys 'Oee
muscles of etlie...„ face, • (3). Let the, .chilil . in .everOftee horn . in Maatee, ee.
itittrii-e ateleasteeinee 'D r twerehistereliverpoieltand•Birmingharitt
lionet before retiring. (1) -Disrni
the work of ,theeraye litlit-18ave the
morrow to berg foreitselfeee.-Never
worry. (5) If, something. very • im-
portant has to,be.deneeonethe next 41tiniceseTeefee-Veeleee--,eher „Royale -
dieterfix. yonr• •Plan of. actiter defi-ttlighness!s ehildren,. and the ehil-
think.abeet.ite,-.e-'ecee,.; eF-erthetptiettosetot•;t1Oariatentintee.
• ` "te • ' ' •••t' -t • 'tl 11 izedell`i nrachnes- the.
ng •
• eketrenten*aeleete3eteleye.e4-ecteeeattiette
, mils)
• the
•-•-et 116.
. sma
e day
• fere
' buil
t foe-
• boicei
'is killed before' reachiug-the-age of
12 months.- •
Micldletex- ,Hospital receited a
Christmas .gift of oys froM the ,
nitely; write, it down; and tease, to dren;of 'Kew. , ,
Boettnizte---Thet - tette-lies' afeetateed-Weeetettna It
• clieerffeurttware. -at' the ted Mall-e4tr"avrers-)'" '
• 11•P 1-11 -ineral-aim - enham., near Barking. .
daptain- appeArecIT • While Whing A dog itre-wele,Yete 'e '
and after waiting Smile time -he re- "IY°1*:& educat-04 befere-the.kitehen ' ' H ni '-
turned toethe-house...
In the ;metintirhe the stattling,
discoverythadbeen • made,•that a
quantity of jewellery ;, had been
stolen from thetbedroom .which
the guest was , seen. '
' -
Brttain's Navy Is Now Fourteen
ShIps-111eliind. •
Mane he.requ'ires eriermotis 'feeding' • •• delicate people ca,n enjoy it•
"The e ecta blue ' t
And; 'be is not likely' to go through f.weiteer y..notigeOle: on ogoaa Pate a feed for invitlide.ib stands. alone."
ers.. • With blue -skies' above •
the hardships of a,•eanipaign•--as•:welir and blue seas beneath; theeeexperit:
arePart- ou fear of the consequence. As•
to 'keep ;um up eto the standard; ff.
aeoeleetearrieageily., fed- French ence peaceful, J restful fieling,
° or ".Getillan soldiers. This :may
..thearyt but . is against
toy. In the 'Past the British sol-
dier. hes shown himself capable' of
tin,deiring , the greatest hardshitie
hiniself ;More eaduringthan
, .
:extler toe German or • the French,
etaltholigh the. GernianS ;have not.had.
--ehis- trials in e tropical and desert
pounteres....t. •
ErIglLsh alermises seppoet the
French :view, 'however; by point -
Ig out •how the vieilitY of -Britons,
4 deteribra,ting on accoluit of fae.
tory life. The stamina 'orthe Brit -
'Josh army ,has, largely been that of
tthe Welch, 'Irish rtett Scotch colt
tingents, and who preserve the old
thee Vitgor. • In Engle...nd proper the
eltegether to be accounted for by
the invigorating air. and the life
on board ship in general. •
"Have you ever noticed bow rest-
less .man •becoeues if he remain •
inactive: in & red -papered teem?,
The color seems-toemakehimangry
,witilithimeel4 and ,,eVeryetneeround.
hime-e--teeee:eteteete- „:
t!Green appears have all the
advantages. of blue, but, containing
,as it 'does, raysof red and yello*e-
,a More joyous, feeling
is the result, . And whitel Where
can you find more active people
than .;those who dwell in the lande
of snovt•and ice, in spite of the fact
that the, teeteemeeceldt here a' ten-
dency to 'deaden the body?. -
'Yes; _colors 'play: a bigger. part
in lite than many -imagine;".
A white ,merlemettne t.nis ortune.
Pale or lead -colored indi-
cate inelaricholy, . • e
• - • •
Broad hails indicate a gentle,
r . physital' ttandard, they 'say, is be tirriicl, bash.ful nature. , • '
ing' coastantly lo-wered by the:ha:,
.1)its" of the ;people, • and though the
-• 6„taridatele for •rebtnite is riot it ,ell
high, oneethird'tO one,halia those
• Who offer themsolvesfor enlietenent
-tare , reteettelt-otat,reeemint-ZIttiellysie
eel weakness. •
The eleien of moral,etipeeiorit,y o
howevez, tine° the annual. eonserip-,
l;.'•iings into the'eriny the hioi.
, People with narrow nailare am-'
bitious and quarrelsome.
:Lovers Of 'knowledge and broad-
minded people have roorid nails.
'Small nails indietate ernallneee Qf
Mind; obstinacy; and conceit! e
' Peopinewitirevery-eprleemtileeaee-
ettfireet, to infirmity of flesh.
. • •
. Red and spotted wale are• gene,
orally found on the hancla'of
ir{Q peoplo, • ,
points or sides indicate luxurious
--Built. Building. jected
. .
Great Britain .54; 6 .1'
Germany . '• . .36 • 4 3
United* States -.26 - 4 ... A
The totals therefore of the bat-
primitiyo Method
iot litto.n, imp: itelee'tsehdipins;tb54.113t,Eiebtuioludtinag,
Thentin Soutiiivest Africa,: .''
. •
Two Poweret ..t"..,
Great Britain . .. 61
Probably erect diamonds in the
Weittel are . Obtained' ao cheaply , as Great Ifittairitie etertaget,:-7i4
those- -from, the -.recently- discover-- If-, Britain_ is attain ' the,
ad-fitlehrtleareLueleritz-Baye „strength...1)1_10e pette cent. „ greater
man Southwest Africa. The pro- than the• two -Power staridaad, iiIi
cess of recovering the stones is so must add tweetyetwemore ships t'
isirepletage to bealmostludicrous, 'her Navy. .
Says the'Cape Timee. — t Details • .of the age of. -the , bat -
The, 'OvambO boys, with blue gog- tleshipSowned by 'Germany and tlie,
gles on, kneel down . on the "sand United States. given by Mr. all:-
ateerehing tor_theediamonchi. They Kenna,. shoyee„thet forty-nine we te
are furnished with spades, 'and less than erghteen years old, .fatty
with these 'they proceed to fill an less than -thirteen yeets old, arid
Ordinary sieve with a 'fairly fide, twentythree less than eight yes,ris
mesh. A. man will then take the old. '
givoeit. shake and plunge
it into. a galvanized iron ,bath. of The patient seldont knows any -
See water, which has the effect. of thing -about the medicine thedoctor
'hardening the contentd, while at gtvee. him --• and neither •docs the
the ,fiaMe time owing. to the specific ,dOetor, once in a while.
gravity f the dieniolids the latter ' ' 6
fell te ,the •bottonef •-• Mother -''Oh, don't youithink we
• rid then picks ;up :the sieve had' better. seed for the doctor 1
and turns it over onto ordin- Johnny' says he feele soehad," Fa-
ary deal"Table 'and the dienionds ther- (Ohe he?s felt •bad befere thie,
are. 'then, of ,ceorse, on. the top; and' got otter it." Mother (anxite'
Ile will - then take atr 'ordinary ously)7-"Yes; dear, „but etever eon a
table tt the diemontle holiday.",
with thle and carefully place •lhein •
i 11 aepirkle hottelterwilklrestatediebe etiY-efatttqltekt4'he-. '-tten *-t-tn4 te.
hieeeeede. . ' cian, "we are doing Much to pro,
Irak the printitive simplicity ot long human life." "I'm ,glad to
th:Aatietteel of 'evotkine it ;will be bear it,",aoswpreft:19ir., Sirius Bei-,
seen that the dionondedo not give kor;. "By proIdnging yqii give
'teat -thereetimeeerld- 0mortrinity
getting thein •averages, in fact,' to, get, togethee.the tinidunt. of your,
bill," ' •
•fix:111'4s, to ls.d,per• carat.
of the will. ,„ • .lire Mrs. a p_e_
ftlItheldale--Lene. Castle-
,.Are_afways troeg sthi
and fell head '
Castle -
nn harking. • ' • ford, ,had a---eetet---erte
first into the bath - and • was •,..
The Home Secretary. has inform-
• , •
ed a correspondent: that persons '
under the age of el, and over. the
„Counting your blessings discounts
your burdens.
No one was ever left sad by giv-
ing happiness away. '
• Thee ability to learn marks the'
, ter-
: blocl
- 'and -
tite-te -,
• lveetet
Itnuts of actual -livIng. . -• 'age °I 60, are 'entitled t° °tint exattetthe_
Too einanY men lay to ' a gentle emPtiOl'f°r• serving °I': e9trttteCil'. ted
heart the faults of a soft head. L.
youThannot iniproye. the beeeethy Fifty. London ,firms haVe intirnatt
po rahnig the. bra.ss on the hal-I-0311i c1.°Iekr.L.will1114116:8 td 'gilre 411eA1.-4-;:: ''' ---":::4'il-.2-2.. .
. ,
, it -Ii-
' !'.4tt)vheglitclers:lei
•' 8ult
' e010P
•htlivlia!di i'i Is
. from
.4 Weed
pohyy,"•'-pt.1:1rorid-cw.de:,eeire.holiday.. on_
'..1.„3It.,r.j'eiteewnseeitft1Sy.;-4P,ervtretrpi-fpeueet,t.pyluienhe-i.hiefttlj n,
peetpte.„ • • .• ". spentene/ camp With the Toiritdrial '
gucsts in' hiS 1444- Wilq.erwit;c5sp7c-ti..hliAdsob,:--e-etnh7et-B:ra-tibtlizY":11-of
"The Wateh. Tower Society." The
inembete, believe that the, world is
to eome to• an: end in leiet'antt ars
-pteparieg, eccerdingly.'
Mr. John' :Rogers, a retired To ,-
Itesburt tredesirian, who 'claims de-
scent from the. Baron' Rogers who
lieeel. in. the time of the: driisaddri.
has recently,, Celebrated the 100th e
einnivereaty.eet his -birthday.,
An exPeriniene in. penny dinners.'
fOr the poor tebeing enade.ae South.
teat:, the inteetion. t�
•provide meals...for 5,600 people'. The.
menu incl ode ' • nititton 'broth, • .
rebltit pie, ,. Petato liet.tnite Itish ,
stew and hot •Piee.
ett-Noenian-isemastereotthimeelf.ttehotittRtt ' - - t--
ceano controle
heart. ,
The worst failures are those suc-
teases' that „have collie at the ,cut
of the soul.,.. • et . •
. You ,do .not secure . a clean bill
for. yourself by indicting the rest
of human). • ,
There hever bg tufficient pnb-
lic virtueseen a life to balance pri-
.VaNt(31i:tielle6s;;..e: ile;a;
veil depends on Whether heaven
inThteha6arertms'any_th. we,eanno'
afford to get for leers than their
' tifeMe men 'think the 61de-wee-to
preserve ndmerks is to sit ort
the :f,ence. , • ' • • • . •
_Whenta Map getseto..argaing With
his conscience you may, be sure his
'appetites .ate busy. • '
t, The minister who . ii; thinking. all
much for the lives of men:
What ies the Oepttar of the Brit-
ish: natioiii..!.A.S :a. eiehahereial ittset;
ettAlie jekeeentechtyleitell-aW
the Royal ,Statietical Seeietye who
publishes details df. eleborate,
investigation, •ca,lculeted• diet, it, is
£10,000,000,000. ,.One of the Bud-
egoetroleestortitetmh':nptaartwoafs thi.,chantri..itihseirih
tion asiessed fel-Angeline-tax had
reanhed nearly tl,000,000,000 ster-
ling per aniturn, • Statietiefans, in
aseessingthe total national capital,
usually totted their calculations
upon 'the Incetneetrik 'teturee, Atti.
doing .they arriee at& little ever
double the otal for Ihe,income
the whole pr)pubition,! Prete.' this
itissen(Air. OW national iri-
chine te'now sonlewhere about
''CloGffl?tWilebYba°r°titre -riote'llsitu-t1144-"v'horitie444s to
show, that, the total Moil% Comes
c'ut to•about One-eighth of the ea-,
pital By this means he ar,,'
rives ht -t1)0. flpih--ofi.t. I (1„,000 ;OM; 006,,
adding thgt ••it • is probably more
tha•n that,Y:
• • - • •
`NIP.; $40 II013,81?,..
the Angry beep's', "aline' on to the . 4
tor vir, • .; te..* i
."Welt"', • said • •tlree dealet. "t•oit'
don'f L7.peL a 10 horge, to. run. up .:
fetleatalell--lteleter_eeliftlh •a" treei
do O0?. '
. .
•they'll ep,1o..161rt te;,hein' , purled to •
'tet let. ' 1 ti ' 1,1 . dir ' an .
Hi trod ttetteetto their reqe.tier aloe° .
satoty,,S.. „lip ttNe.-LE $11"%:" ' '
-Stifitte :Nike-al:I! Tall LtS ; '11011011W '
P %... II( .11...11 • ( (....• 1),47. I
, t o -.•e
to d
' p‘ ah'i .thl4e fni..r.irmid,, "my ,
parelite \vent me etinarrei.tle, 014
1 thall.'marry whoever I please...."
'Titen "tame the deer," . rejoined the •••
young • than, e'for en!". ecertaiiity, •
pieete •tne.".
. •
Sergeant4lajOr-E(NOW, private
Srpiar you know very won 'floc
0 cermr-iroli.-`eommissiopeci
ofileerif are all6wed to walk aorosii
this grass 1":' Private Srnitli-"Bub,'
eergearit-majot, Ottektalte
,411.44,6 YOthatOr ett- Setter
geantelgator--" ..ow Me' the wipe,
me , I" " •
• ieg *1)
.to 1)c
tip ir
tIt th
1.th e
tt bete t