HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-28, Page 6COMMENT 3 The., -ioatenttene2,•of Mi. OarnO0,,, tb .10onder izt,114e,,-,Aineriean • 1heqiw .Or'..b*averi.r.aa;ozliibited in , er Ofe.e'• ought to be. Calledto hs letteetyen vtrttee prizes annual,' .cookr•Oeci by the rrench'ae?..cletny of ,litOrtirY tleineortala." This, ofiulOa, tao.d. toweellent Igenntlation -old, but it: ,is:not lirroll`1010w4 entiide •et,' Veehee- Th4;, •idea of th.p,,,,t911404464, in op ...Word' • tet to 'taller, encourage and •• ittevard the • :quiet,' unostentatione • 14941 e.oteeeige, 'Of • daily 7. _life, the ,ctinrizae .that is often ,uneonseiehse 13!„shoette inttieyeaverencee.inheete tUlneeritundee 'trying eenditioat, in fortitude, sweetness of nature, lialguines, and.):3.0tiv0.03.rniP4.0S! in , , hurable • spheres. As a 1141,4', the. tee • cipients of -the, eMotetyea, Peitea _know • little; if 'anything, of. the tesa r'TM-36r*IV-:*414r';lth,4tirA4i eae'..of the'oelie,04'4nd j1ie prize astonish them as *Onl&M'ariiia fr�in • the 'heaVens. The aeadernyllearna •. of their4;..elcistenci3. and ,geedriceit 1iiitnditeigh- bors, 'bait; 'Charity. Wotker,atite ineestiga- • etee - Yoizet the Pest and Work. • of the Future. • . This, cons:, thing 1 cto,. forgetting thenee thinge which are behind, and reaching forth, unto etthate, ethingt, which ate before, I Press tetvatti the mark for the prize Of the high :calling of God in Christ. Jefingi,- .PhiliPPiani Hi.. i0,•14. 7 The past is,. It cannot be breught, 'beck, cannot . be undone. ' It May be 4 Matter of greet regret, and; alas, of sorrow As, well, .and hoi yet the pate; is and alviays will bo. You may tall for it, but it will not ethite back to Yeti, , ,e • -failure of .the- past intota, certiten I. „Ievis goneeergenafeeever... Let ne "Beet Of good to us. in'Bilt wisdom: , 0)0 Ilya it isete tiner- act according- ',.'He can, oVerrule ;etren .6).tr errors,. ly, • Fer the raanYt pittidaffi.4 'OA . I.and in His The is, not eXtreine `gad. we must have atticere regret, to mark- what is done amiss. But and for our Biwa, serreW,Nifteif they let us, be, grad that He makes our have caused- f.'s, repentance pet to 'Waywardness wearisome. To knew -/----=v.;4,--:......-.2.W.,?1,-.-4.-0A---u--=--..:..1..=.4'.=r"V";..4,4.5.-.-1?.-..-1”gi!.11'*--- ' 111 • r4,411*AOMIVAIT,ALsr44,,j5114!-L..§A.,-.,-.-.±:mtw:.-4-_-wop TIT:d.F A MITIsIe 7"- Iiieue.tahtiitlei;•--saketet-e-As4.1`017tiiii 'tttit't , ..k-- .... ' .*-., ''.'"::-':' x•:' past,. then. let ns say. Of it, With. St. even. though at the' Oat et- MAIO a humbling experience, an perhaps, of lunch sorrow. Co `,yee ege• that even. through our- waywardness and iltetineteet- Gode ikeataing-meee..inel- beinging Me' back •tit Him. And to, Itt4tPte,vtinners.'nnnquar • otr4r. htindted,rand. the _iddress by 'the:.acadentician, theirIttaise EiCtS ..fortai in detail , the stOriei, Of • six tits "traetned"enersone: One • is, Seanistress who: 'employs sothe ten eisistanese and- " who t has for •ereerit tteeted them as ',Members of thinit.'41ient etk„.tie: SitteheT'ltlitAng ...thetn.W.hen huy and. eineking life: as pleasant as possible for them. In i.teddittoet,,,..ithe-Visits_theeick:of the tteighh9010.00:- and aids. the ulefore _tin:net-a:ant, Of, her .own , . eatetlastreoteretingenieue.and_ gives -OW', Who hae-toepteertedea, •bliettitedee` then- .4. ..persotat e_ interest in the Iher. -geed feeble success Or, their. ftege telat717iirtepnt tetee,.* anervelfdett.... d. • 1.1. -lite ably the More . democratic method ,tetteteteeeke,oet.a,.hateetehteetd,,bietceare reaelt , officering thetr. ying papers 'early iii -the Mortilait ainlY is superior that of the Brit - to 'theklesquee and,alSO' by 'putting, ;.8-h..;--On13! a"'Sniall proportion' of the n.Sonieetetee. hcinie at • night. after' as Offitt tho long day in the.;ivo•ikt&op. ours in the British, ariny-haveO, real ir.0.41s.an , taste fpr ,, their .profession, • and PIP44);-'17-49/-...-ciar--salary, 4:412 4. Yt9rit hard eitta ...th0 ,46ce.rd ear, ha broughb up the farmer's Fraico and- Gernianj to •cquip •. flent wast- themselves for it. 'I'he most of _ . g•,..hisenioney-'-on ledge and the tnfinite PO'Wer of .God are forever working together for our good.. Always, 417 ttnd night and 'day, ,tiVerY '470.0T,ent of every l h?,11r, every hour of every day.. Mit, is Written, "He Etiveth His beloved lie sleep" that is -*even whilst' they sleep; If. then we are workers together. with Him all will be well with Me , . We" should therefore fearlessly faceethe, future, knowing that Clod can turn' even the' follies and the PaUl; "forgetting those ' things which ' are behind, .and. 'reaching \ forth "ail o. those things which are ebefaret÷ toseetewtheenaarkefert the prize of high 'calling of GO in Christ.," . - • . -, . % - , darktateometinees the day has hee1te • -. let asap bravely' on in •our appoint- . c-tURe14-,ELP .18 'PT AIM. ea -Way .-knowing we are on our way Thereforelet vette* to Hire, and home and that "at everting time it bo of goed•Oeurage, believing He shall be 'light." , . • , , .., •. • 'can, and will deliver .us . "from' the Asa.esaint said -:ttSeneetimes our bonds of - those sins which hy, our path in life •Mae seerti lilt° a -lane frailty we have eommitted." . . ' full of weary windings, where the - HO wants to,helP,.tis., and is even steeP;banke shut out the, light,ancl now helpiug.uft: 'A real desire to air and 411 we 'care' di:i is to trudge follow Him-willteeeptus frotirdeadly. isteadiry on through the thick mire, sin... He came to save us from our .but. if we look high up in front of, i?' sins, to take them away . and free us we shalt seee.ds'Ierael ettve; the borough, and trie give extensive eer- us f out them. .4: tree Christian faint,bhie hills erethe.leaed,of.•Pro- tiers to lobe' tradesmen. : ... „ • perriose_ should keep:- us .. ftom, Serie mise rising up against the elty.. The ; , How . well the, "captain". I plitred: oils sins and by ,Godis..gra,ce it will. path Will, eerie out at length in full his part natty he. judged from the Let it. then comfort no to -Icrinw-t- _ ..-vieyst-;=ot- the Celestia•LCity,-and-ett. fact that not 'the -slightest 'Mani - God is ferns, not agattist ne ; that last- we 'shall be At herne4le,.... • ' clew of hishone, 'fidesewas •aroused. -theinfintiteeloveithe infinite know ----. • - ' . * "'Itet W. SNYDER. - Pn?Mondaytinerning,- however, a. HOW A, "lktIPTO,Y. 4V,Aritorm CI1UD*switi14'4.101iit4 - Was ,ADowed to Stay in 'Werrlog- • ton- HOE DisipPearecl ' *.daring,vobberr by %teem- plished and 'gentle/0/14Y SWintlier is engaging the attentitee ,of the'atete erborough, -England,. police. ' . 'The story opens on the morning of & recent Saturday, when a. well- groomed and Well -set-up man • of military appearance drove up to Werrington 'near Peterbor- ough, and asked for theladyeiwnere who •hia ',advertised the house and. estate ,foe sale,' )1.e' 'stated that ,he was in search of a hunting -box, and he thought Werrin 'aten JHall would Atilt him, , He' . shown over' the piece, expressed himself.. as very well • pleased with it, and neenceinee f3d -that he had decided te purchase - . FAMoVs. WIPN TEM OF TOE AMOUNT TREY NEED -"- Nr,'"IttilltaAr YOny tnnugb When- .in * - Good Ireolth.. . , ters, and actors reply in Tho ite- view-of Reviews to Xt. Stead's in- quiry as to the .reinoulat,ef sleep they .find necessary to maintain pitch. Da. ettta.pl- PolVet et. the. . highest Sir .W. Barney Ands three or four hour3' sleep .iibundant when in. good health aud with znild nien- ta,1 exertion. When engaged in laigher intellectual twotle .ehrit'AO piet •as eianye• bogie' work es elle sleeps., • • . , Lepel Onslow atways, wakes of his owe accord 'after his 'tieven helm!. eleep, and iteging 'Week in .bed be - f ttirt u NOTES OF IgTEItEST Far nEll- 'MAN'ItS AND Dil,kgS? ,Whattis, Going on In tho :ghleja", and Lowlands Of Mild •'• • Leieeeter :auffeeing,ftetn a. Itte. were -epidemic ;•,ef measles, ; .The wa,e,„s,„ pueggesful, eable, tater at the King's Lynn fat. stock - 'show.; • , Thirty-three of the heroic chare of the Light Brigade at, Balaelav arestill alive.. • • , .•;There .wete '2,804- Admissions t Dr. „Barniirda'A. 'garnet lust 'rat, and the total admissions to ,diete, 'number 41.4,417: Among 'the fish PO show at the wholesale ifish:Marketein Iiic,nehe34. terttWe weelte age wese'ebark over 10 feet long, • Messrs. Pearson & San'e tender has been accepted for widening the „ -,..!9:31.-Cp.ts!il --Wynelleare...hasem, anu APP-0-art0 iide, that t:11 sow - 7404%':.11,7,02;. 414 HIRED- A MOTOR. CARe - Moreever, the agreeable strait-. -ger' stated that he was prepared" to .paytheere.e..esultatantial.:esuratet&tee deposit be the course of &few. days. In the meantime he ' begged= that •ho might be .allowed to stay at the hall, -as he desired to instal hiniself at the earliest, possible,. moment with, his servants And:hunters, and •w4hed, to personally supervise thc. painting, papering,. etc:, 'which. he desieed to have done. • - The request was readily 'acceded to. The "captain" took uP his .quarters at the hall, proceeding at once to hire a,naotor-ear-elia Peter- : •• significant incident occurred. One -77-7 „of the daughters pf the house, pass - HORSEFLESH' AS MEDICINE:. .irigee bedroom Saw the. ciptain on „, , the threshold. He excused himself Valuable to People, 'in a ,Deticate politoly, explaining that he .had ' • ' State �f Health: MADE , HoeeejAeteiaae.,ieleeie not knowing inAM theehicgrrAKE use‘jve,:tt -hy Parisian doctors in the fee g ant, nothing more was thought of .iniralidseeise-noite-being•eteesent-- theeniatter. ' • .; Mended by anunthet al,Pr9nlinent 'A little' later- the -"eaPtain', .Eirial*Thedre-it IIcalled .his Motor -car, 'entered it; 'Up to thetepresent,.'hoWevel, , it and drove off, stating that heweeld has tratitelYet or never, been POI return in the' course of the . &lye scribed in ,England;' owing to;tilt) When stemeedistence along the toad. strong. which ; ,texlett to Peterborough -0014).0.0e-ear; against it;lot-ttleteleeltng. !ba: get out, told the .ehe,affeee. he had °Vein°the when'°ne° the publie''teitt .eome, Calls- to make andeorderred lize Jicarevaluableeit heceAw..mieeeteeteete •,eeeee,heeesoeeekteeeeeeeeeeee, teeter., year e....experiance,tiiitthe.-Arink-'hilds doubt /to ioniet•othert er-e es. no - ' whatteverittltatt'ench-teirtiteteaarthi is' it; °WU reward; e:The .4c; ttoihigg, in a. financial •iv,afy, for muChhernities of peace and pro- saic •existence, .but. it. is good for 'society to appreciate such qualities, ' and to induce-. emulation •of goed examples: . • ' n• up ezreswor s as. reemeetose-Ofe •YoUngeret an more eptippe „days. , - • - e YELLOW. FOR HATE: : Causes ,,Peaceful .tuid .Iteete. t • Feeling.... -• • •‘`Theeeffect of colors - Upon-. the teinpeeament .htentan. beings is enormotta ." :renia;iked an eye speoie, 'e.-Ereench-papers.are.-disposed • eeltstevehoehaseneadvareestudy--tifetint- • to disparage the British arnly, subject.- 'CaneeeetheyeesitY,e-tt.-ker7,dra-,*A-f reon gexeriiiy, ;I' 'Should, leeeese• eentes,tee •eocietyt:wheee sity that ..g.reteV iuduces joy; white, eehe_Feeteehteteeeytertattre n.atist-ititay..tectirittteeted,e.angere_blue;_peaccee _ • • . P and yellow, -hate.' • . • ' e• • ttd— t't „Since Istr.rvice"ii compulsory :4014 e last -name color wilibring - all reades , The Britieh army, •itut, all ,"a malign passions; confirMation of this theory 4thett 'V; continues Jae:a highly' and: 41 may ,Mention that the Chinese aristocratic institution, „where, the yoeAcera. are ieutteteeit end th •. -regard Yelrove a's,' an', emblem of the greatest 'value. to peoPle of • , • - • e ,. This explains their' adoption weal( dtgesttien., Sun -dry ehe e'vates inereithiagel While -the Bait- Of it is theeign Of mourning, 'for andgrind it up to a poWder, tied 141' seldief: is A robipt, .1;ignroti .thaty believe, is due to the you. will . find that even the 'Most :people in a delicate 'Stated- healthy -'-"Not.aniniatethatehadebeettetused- &a-ea-Wasted burden would,, how- ever, he suitable for the purpose of food," . - would -be 'so tough that no man. could ,get • teeth- ',;thieugh it. What I .advocate are horse -farms, like those in pails of • the South' Of ,France. Here . the aaiinala are •spezially:preparectfor market. They live absolutely sedentary lives, and ,are fed with thheegreatest. care on, special fodder. "Tye flesh, of a horse contains More carbiehydraites• than that of an so*, and,. conseq,uently, help.- to The *ay in which Great Britain- -a -greater extent in the fermatiee has fallen : below the, tWo-PoWer, of sound fate and muscle.. And, standlird regard teethe Navy 51- After-alleew-hateieeit-that-our-teotene- eillnitrated--ineefiguteSeesuppiied.Ar dwellers hick but sound muscle' and. the First • toiii of the Admiralty in fat' • • • answer to a .queetion ;pit in the "Again, the, flesh of the hor..te is. House of Commons. , . svastly more tender than that of • The question asked for a tetura othee, annuals:- Therefore, it is .of Of the battleship's 'built, 'buildtag, and projected, Under, the 1908 pre- gramine for Great , Britain, the United States, and permany. The figures given in the .ansiver were as f�llows t—, • ee t THE LENGTH 0]? -SLEEP., e • Sir • Theoehare *the, need to. go' to 'bedett 1 o'clock, but 21.QW • in his eightieth year, he does not stop- up Tate -Cilia Fe7 tires at •10.3ai..0 Sir' dger--Sir ,Lewie„, Sir E. R.. Lankester, Dr. Clifford,. Lord Esliereett. E. Grose. and •Mr. F. Elarriton•Alr•tetlatreeeight-heetxt - daily.. ...Bernard 'Shaw takes . seven of eight. 7.,Miss • Ellen Terry gets aloag Wiell four to six... , • Xaneltstiggeetiona- are made fot the Conquest of inteninia„ ' Sir . • • - A Midland' engine -driver neme Ifeeible; lett hiltenetne into .thele -e• coneetive shed at Pete'rberouah, • arid then fell, dead. • .Aritea,nenttetious, gift of $t,060 has - bee inaddlettraitarthettelrettatititit't- a 'new .prgan for the reeterectehoir. , of SellryeArbbetateee......e,„".. -- It is ptated•thia the cotton strike haternade the beet business: rather . . "slaeIin ingithe prase year. - • - • . At 41,••reeent. yegetebteeshow • at,: . 'Leaininetoil . prize of ' §;,5 evait-te the„best onion, and the . vvinning • ve,getable Weighed '3. • Frederick t'Vreyear, pets faith -in pelmets, . t • , •, "a sirnplc And _ontdofir, exercise, t,he,. day.' diet; fresh at. night; „a, t-.a.Ati.opn,07-isafebeQeintg.__;,,iyeies.'a Lord a•econimenets. reading. for •14.se by the elleft6ecrty9de..uleilho'beeteld-c8it''ee.' Sie. •Praileie BUreand heth. Walking. ;tart otabete defence echeine. " • '1'1 •Jo1n Mill, .."`Y•1:'• • • • • !Imo of billiarde or golf. w e r., • Iv, has 'nit been. inlet • talided from 'the Army, • was' seri-- and . reading, '• Alfred.- State., -a t • W... Massirigham levori • count-, te'lletedet tieteen. dt-ts hard labor .iiig numbers and.'„ oneatit. ge4trilly. sojekti.14.c.!f ,,,,i4n(t. foe aiding a cortiradeeto desert, Alderman .1: . Marriott, . of Coe - ..agnative - eritry, 'who has jtest celobtatOd hi , SIR HIRAM MAttEtt '42'. 99th birthday; is father of the tewii belives hr. tlae i; Tb.. baeh, - and, I/r.- .councire-oneethichheiliteeeeteeet_ftitee_ Clifford's PreecriptiOnt 1-4:e-t1t 48' Yearis. ' • ••• Shut 'out -the light. (2). Relax 'the . The Bishop 'Of' RiPare eitys 'Oee muscles of etlie...„ face, • (3). Let the, .chilil . in .everOftee horn . in Maatee, ee. itittrii-e ateleasteeinee 'D r twerehistereliverpoieltand•Birmingharitt lionet before retiring. (1) -Disrni the work of ,theeraye litlit-18ave the morrow to berg foreitselfeee.-Never worry. (5) If, something. very • im- portant has to,be.deneeonethe next 41tiniceseTeefee-Veeleee--,eher „Royale - dieterfix. yonr• •Plan of. actiter defi-ttlighness!s ehildren,. and the ehil- think.abeet.ite,-.e-'ecee,.; eF-erthetptiettosetot•;t1Oariatentintee. • ` "te • ' ' •••t' -t • 'tl 11 izedell`i nrachnes- the. ng • • eketrenten*aeleete3eteleye.e4-ecteeeattiette for. ePrt Tc; , mils) • the ,jest •-•-et 116. -Tia ease Atr;.I 44"y13 War a . sma pain ewe .eral Wire e day not deei •tgeth bad • fere fied ' buil iter. To • the' nam t foe- aree teeeine • boicei ••The' ee” 'is killed before' reachiug-the-age of 12 months.- • Micldletex- ,Hospital receited a Christmas .gift of oys froM the , , nitely; write, it down; and tease, to dren;of 'Kew. , , Boettnizte---Thet - tette-lies' afeetateed-Weeetettna It • clieerffeurttware. -at' the ted Mall-e4tr"avrers-)'" ' 1 tSITI YA • 11•P 1-11 -ineral-aim - enham., near Barking. . • daptain- appeArecIT • While Whing A dog itre-wele,Yete 'e ' and after waiting Smile time -he re- "IY°1*:& educat-04 befere-the.kitehen ' ' H ni '- turned toethe-house... In the ;metintirhe the stattling, discoverythadbeen • made,•that a quantity of jewellery ;, had been stolen from thetbedroom .which the guest was , seen. ' TWO -POWER STANDARD. ' - Brttain's Navy Is Now Fourteen ShIps-111eliind. • Mane he.requ'ires eriermotis 'feeding' • •• delicate people ca,n enjoy it• wu "The e ecta blue ' t And; 'be is not likely' to go through f.weiteer y..notigeOle: on ogoaa Pate a feed for invitlide.ib stands. alone." ers.. • With blue -skies' above • the hardships of a,•eanipaign•--as•:welir and blue seas beneath; theeeexperit: arePart- ou fear of the consequence. As• to 'keep ;um up eto the standard; ff. aeoeleetearrieageily., fed- French ence peaceful, J restful fieling, SORT DI.4,11ONDS ° or ".Getillan soldiers. This :may ..thearyt but . is against toy. In the 'Past the British sol- dier. hes shown himself capable' of tin,deiring , the greatest hardshitie iiitever.ttelinteteim . Ire-has- hiniself ;More eaduringthan , . :extler toe German or • the French, etaltholigh the. GernianS ;have not.had. 4 --ehis- trials in e tropical and desert pounteres....t. • .•, ErIglLsh alermises seppoet the French :view, 'however; by point - Ig out •how the vieilitY of -Britons, 4 deteribra,ting on accoluit of fae. tory life. The stamina 'orthe Brit - 'Josh army ,has, largely been that of tthe Welch, 'Irish rtett Scotch colt tingents, and who preserve the old thee Vitgor. • In Engle...nd proper the eltegether to be accounted for by the invigorating air. and the life on board ship in general. • "Have you ever noticed bow rest- less .man •becoeues if he remain • inactive: in & red -papered teem?, The color seems-toemakehimangry ,witilithimeel4 and ,,eVeryetneeround. hime-e--teeee:eteteete- „: • t!Green appears have all the advantages. of blue, but, containing ,as it 'does, raysof red and yello*e- ,a More joyous, feeling is the result, . And whitel Where can you find more active people than .;those who dwell in the lande of snovt•and ice, in spite of the fact that the, teeteemeeceldt here a' ten- dency to 'deaden the body?. - • 'Yes; _colors 'play: a bigger. part in lite than many -imagine;". CHARACTER IN FINGER -NAILS A white ,merlemettne t.nis ortune. Pale or lead -colored indi- cate inelaricholy, . • e • - • • Broad hails indicate a gentle, r . physital' ttandard, they 'say, is be tirriicl, bash.ful nature. , • ' ing' coastantly lo-wered by the:ha:, .1)its" of the ;people, • and though the -• 6„taridatele for •rebtnite is riot it ,ell high, oneethird'tO one,halia those • Who offer themsolvesfor enlietenent -tare , reteettelt-otat,reeemint-ZIttiellysie eel weakness. • The eleien of moral,etipeeiorit,y o _etheeltreneh,._array,....is,Lvveltda0„Sedf- howevez, tine° the annual. eonserip-, l;.'•iings into the'eriny the hioi. , People with narrow nailare am-' bitious and quarrelsome. :Lovers Of 'knowledge and broad- minded people have roorid nails. 'Small nails indietate ernallneee Qf Mind; obstinacy; and conceit! e ' Peopinewitirevery-eprleemtileeaee- ettfireet, to infirmity of flesh. . • • . Red and spotted wale are• gene, orally found on the hancla'of chol- ir{Q peoplo, • , points or sides indicate luxurious tastes. • ' • --Built. Building. jected . . Great Britain .54; 6 .1' Germany . '• . .36 • 4 3 United* States -.26 - 4 ... A The totals therefore of the bat- primitiyo Method iot litto.n, imp: itelee'tsehdipins;tb54.113t,Eiebtuioludtinag, TV Thentin Soutiiivest Africa,: .'' . • Two Poweret ..t".., Great Britain . .. 61 Probably erect diamonds in the Weittel are . Obtained' ao cheaply , as Great Ifittairitie etertaget,:-7i4 those- -from, the -.recently- discover-- If-, Britain_ is attain ' the, ad-fitlehrtleareLueleritz-Baye „strength...1)1_10e pette cent. „ greater man Southwest Africa. The pro- than the• two -Power staridaad, iiIi cess of recovering the stones is so must add tweetyetwemore ships t' isirepletage to bealmostludicrous, 'her Navy. . Says the'Cape Timee. — t Details • .of the age of. -the , bat - The, 'OvambO boys, with blue gog- tleshipSowned by 'Germany and tlie, gles on, kneel down . on the "sand United States. given by Mr. all:- ateerehing tor_theediamonchi. They Kenna,. shoyee„thet forty-nine we te are furnished with spades, 'and less than erghteen years old, .fatty with these 'they proceed to fill an less than -thirteen yeets old, arid Ordinary sieve with a 'fairly fide, twentythree less than eight yes,ris mesh. A. man will then take the old. ' givoeit. shake and plunge it into. a galvanized iron ,bath. of The patient seldont knows any - See water, which has the effect. of thing -about the medicine thedoctor 'hardening the contentd, while at gtvee. him --• and neither •docs the the ,fiaMe time owing. to the specific ,dOetor, once in a while. gravity f the dieniolids the latter ' ' 6 fell te ,the •bottonef •-• Mother -''Oh, don't youithink we • rid then picks ;up :the sieve had' better. seed for the doctor 1 and turns it over onto ordin- Johnny' says he feele soehad," Fa- ary deal"Table 'and the dienionds ther- (Ohe he?s felt •bad befere thie, are. 'then, of ,ceorse, on. the top; and' got otter it." Mother (anxite' Ile will - then take atr 'ordinary ously)7-"Yes; dear, „but etever eon a table tt the diemontle holiday.", with thle and carefully place •lhein • i 11 aepirkle hottelterwilklrestatediebe etiY-efatttqltekt4'he-. '-tten *-t-tn4 te. hieeeeede. . ' cian, "we are doing Much to pro, Irak the printitive simplicity ot long human life." "I'm ,glad to th:Aatietteel of 'evotkine it ;will be bear it,",aoswpreft:19ir., Sirius Bei-, seen that the dionondedo not give kor;. "By proIdnging yqii give 'teat -thereetimeeerld- 0mortrinity getting thein •averages, in fact,' to, get, togethee.the tinidunt. of your, bill," ' • •fix:111'4s, to ls.d,per• carat. of the will. ,„ • .lire Mrs. a p_e_ ftlItheldale--Lene. Castle- ,.Are_afways troeg sthi The-degmatierer and fell head ' Castle - nn harking. • ' • ford, ,had a---eetet---erte first into the bath - and • was •,.. drowned. The Home Secretary. has inform- • , • ed a correspondent: that persons ' under the age of el, and over. the „Counting your blessings discounts , your burdens. No one was ever left sad by giv- ing happiness away. ' • Thee ability to learn marks the' Ev TAtist .the , ter- : blocl both - 'and - the' tite-te -, • lveetet Itnuts of actual -livIng. . -• 'age °I 60, are 'entitled t° °tint exattetthe_ Too einanY men lay to ' a gentle emPtiOl'f°r• serving °I': e9trttteCil'. ted heart the faults of a soft head. L. youThannot iniproye. the beeeethy Fifty. London ,firms haVe intirnatt locat po rahnig the. bra.ss on the hal-I-0311i c1.°Iekr.L.will1114116:8 td 'gilre 411eA1.-4-;:: ''' ---":::4'il-.2-2.. . . , , it -Ii- . -; ' !'.4tt)vheglitclers:lei itt,tiek •' 8ult ' e010P gyen •htlivlia!di i'i Is . from .4 Weed pohyy,"•'-pt.1:1rorid-cw.de:,eeire.holiday.. on_ fortnighteie.,:tt.,e,' '..1.„3It.,r.j'eiteewnseeitft1Sy.;-4P,ervtretrpi-fpeueet,t.pyluienhe-i.hiefttlj n, peetpte.„ • • .• ". spentene/ camp With the Toiritdrial ' gucsts in' hiS 1444- Wilq.erwit;c5sp7c-ti..hliAdsob,:--e-etnh7et-B:ra-tibtlizY":11-of "The Wateh. Tower Society." The inembete, believe that the, world is to eome to• an: end in leiet'antt ars -pteparieg, eccerdingly.' Mr. John' :Rogers, a retired To ,- Itesburt tredesirian, who 'claims de- scent from the. Baron' Rogers who lieeel. in. the time of the: driisaddri. has recently,, Celebrated the 100th e einnivereaty.eet his -birthday., An exPeriniene in. penny dinners.' fOr the poor tebeing enade.ae South. teat:, the inteetion. t� •provide meals...for 5,600 people'. The. menu incl ode ' • nititton 'broth, • . rebltit pie, ,. Petato liet.tnite Itish , stew and hot •Piee. ett-Noenian-isemastereotthimeelf.ttehotittRtt ' - - t-- ceano controle heart. , The worst failures are those suc- teases' that „have collie at the ,cut of the soul.,.. • et . • . You ,do .not secure . a clean bill for. yourself by indicting the rest of human). • , There hever bg tufficient pnb- lic virtueseen a life to balance pri- .VaNt(31i:tielle6s;;..e: ile;a; veil depends on Whether heaven inThteha6arertms'any_th. we,eanno' afford to get for leers than their ' tifeMe men 'think the 61de-wee-to preserve ndmerks is to sit ort the :f,ence. , • ' • • • . • _Whenta Map getseto..argaing With his conscience you may, be sure his 'appetites .ate busy. • ' t, The minister who . ii; thinking. all lintelightecannote much for the lives of men: 'BRITISH CAPITAL. What ies the Oepttar of the Brit- ish: natioiii..!.A.S :a. eiehahereial ittset; ettAlie jekeeentechtyleitell-aW the Royal ,Statietical Seeietye who publishes details df. eleborate, investigation, •ca,lculeted• diet, it, is £10,000,000,000. ,.One of the Bud- egoetroleestortitetmh':nptaartwoafs thi.,chantri..itihseirih na- tion asiessed fel-Angeline-tax had reanhed nearly tl,000,000,000 ster- ling per aniturn, • Statietiefans, in aseessingthe total national capital, usually totted their calculations upon 'the Incetneetrik 'teturee, Atti. doing .they arriee at& little ever double the otal for Ihe,income the whole pr)pubition,! Prete.' this itissen(Air. OW national iri- chine te'now sonlewhere about ''CloGffl?tWilebYba°r°titre -riote'llsitu-t1144-"v'horitie444s to show, that, the total Moil% Comes c'ut to•about One-eighth of the ea-, pital By this means he ar,,' rives ht -t1)0. flpih--ofi.t. I (1„,000 ;OM; 006,, adding thgt ••it • is probably more tha•n that,Y: • • - • • `NIP.; $40 II013,81?,.. ' the Angry beep's', "aline' on to the . 4 tor vir, • .; te..* i ."Welt"', • said • •tlree dealet. "t•oit' don'f L7.peL a 10 horge, to. run. up .: fetleatalell--lteleter_eeliftlh •a" treei do O0?. ' . . • •they'll ep,1o..161rt te;,hein' , purled to • 'tet let. ' 1 ti ' 1,1 . dir ' an . Hi trod ttetteetto their reqe.tier aloe° . satoty,,S.. „lip ttNe.-LE $11"%:" ' ' -Stifitte :Nike-al:I! Tall LtS ; '11011011W ' P %... II( .11...11 • ( (....• 1),47. I ----•-.... , t o -.•e ._..-.-0,etii.i.eg it, to d ' p‘ ah'i .thl4e fni..r.irmid,, "my , parelite \vent me etinarrei.tle, 014 geldlint..1117no15 - 1 thall.'marry whoever I please...." 'Titen "tame the deer," . rejoined the ••• young • than, e'for en!". ecertaiiity, • pieete •tne.". . • Sergeant4lajOr-E(NOW, private Srpiar you know very won 'floc 0 cermr-iroli.-`eommissiopeci ofileerif are all6wed to walk aorosii this grass 1":' Private Srnitli-"Bub,' eergearit-majot, Ottektalte ,411.44,6 YOthatOr ett- Setter geantelgator--" ..ow Me' the wipe, tain'eeverbil me , I" " • " and •Bd • ieg *1) .to 1)c tip ir rehge rteli liame (sato. th eald, Thr tIt th wes 1.th e lertec •teNicto tt bete t The gett'e