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Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-28, Page 5
. 4444 A .444-4 • 44—.46 ••••+••••,•....144..... • • • 0 " ebruary ROD` arid:. ' Varied in iia; contents, but • redol ent throughout of the -many ,delights Of the Canadian Winter•,the aarebru- arY x}utttber, of "Rod and, Gun and.:_ Motor Sporty in •1Oanada ' ,publi; had . by W. J, Taylor,. Woodstock, Ont., t" • brings with it the breezerneSs attached. to this particular season 'of the; year.... `Tho recor l of a finer snwshQo rtralnp, an Il dian tale.d a moose race on the tlfo st(ay.:of a wixatei•'in 'Noxtheirl -.Oxata ,io •a U urtx •'ar:t elo,on.Snoiv I3liixd ness. by;Martin .1=144rvter, ar, ex-am:he i Bay Jfacter 11ow how'many sided are '-the beautie of the_ Canadian' winter 'l and how thorettghly the in'habitai is of the "I ominiof al'pr'eciate:. and enjoy t}ic?m. A fine illustrated aceognt of the Qualifieation:Club'of Mount lit, an C,onneetiGin with'the', last Meet-, ing of the Alpine .Club of, 'Canada 'is' contributed by Mr. B. Ta lor, who. h � bi en touifiig a ^. �,tlrci°•�'�est'u• �•s repie sentative, of tlie2•'Magazine sinoe, that .'event. • .it is'evide it froni this • article, t]rtzt'tho;:irit pf trio i' fountains seized the writer and, mad e hirn iLn enthusiast. One of the best papers written by Mr. ' �' ,� +•'+P+ +ry V•s••xjC'--�`+c:uWiY'rt'l'i!"+'•'.�+'� 4 )e ' J?,i:�� '' rr' �a1+�!FA AaLlt•'.�r?1� : � 3l)1r,ytratlUr191••-falls; of ;on -old Indian Chief out, in Vancouver 'Island; 'who, makes' conoos `with primitive tools and disposes: of diem at unhearyt price's:; Notes on the 1ast deer sensori,: a, coule • ofnave rni:ldents.against".tkir liP • me etency"of..tlie- OntarioFish. and. Game Departr'nent, one of the Re$. A. M uidoclf's , vitipitalf:'` limiting stories, Some Old Time 1i•"eininlscences of Old Ontario, 1nten cry lnti~res�zi "as tell of pioneer days; and •henries of camping; andtishiiig'trips;' ate some of 'further papers making np a, number. _•strong in' 0,Verr ilepartment'of outdgor life ai gall wh ell the''.ma§azine deals. It is (Canadian throughout, xnaltixedJI ' with the spli-it: of the : .Dominion, ',and t:,c Wrr.lt.1 jnytrw?rr+tifily iPlgr'�tX:}� �4J'f t• —a allies,. Sample Dtess. Skirts which we."—Cleared Q:rrl; fr r tie "nna nrf€ic o -:: ,t a , price tbi - wrlL ii Mein b1 :: us to sell erin to `tier c hs; • • toiners . at" less ' than the re ;ubu .wl of esiile 'prices. rI'(i •these, we at ( adding a number of" cleating':bites • from ou& own steak baying • a rungs Of •Styrles, ,rt. . Qolors arid Weights at' pricest llgitt •will mire ire thathan.a intere-ting. Tho Cloths in these shit t' are enetians, ' _Panamas, Tweeds acid ' .',ustl eS., and when you, get • $6.50 and .$0.00 5]ctlts_£or $1,50; '}^5.00 Skirt-' for ']?3.50,. $:1;50 aS'kirtra fol ' $ 50r aim $3:50 .Skirts for X3,f 00You will real ze:tlrat thky.attL__ craps. REMEMBER also that we are clearing' 'out all, lines•: of —Tura:—and' Ladle's.' Jael ets'preparato>,y to Sto kk 1 along QLD WEATHER Thies this cold, weather- I' 'make• , you, shiver 1 CLy. 4,1.,?1.�r•m`d1•.�••7�c'�rta,-° P'Ltre Wool tJnsll inlr�rl1c-. • r ntlerwear.We'Scati..it '•:irl�`tlro tht•eeweigh weights, lied'''. Label:;` Blue . Label h• Black Label. i limptrrtber it ;never shrinks, giVes. `absoluiA,' -4cO oxwt;_ nd-_41-. *ears.. so long that it:ls, lnte end, the cheapest as we'll' as the best Underwear to buy RU.c-H I • We have J;ustreceived a fresh; lot ,.,f the Now •bt,uch-,, lags 'irn 1111ngs - so much • , in,demand 'at. preitent:.. tare ti .s ►: • 0_, zt : Bair .•"•••••••••••,•••44,••i•••• *,40s$•***e•►'e*wa®to,trs;••!►o•4o<•..00v®e40•4••as� • A Peat ftil Death• - 11.1-m Agri S iidel sora ,was born. -in Kingston; 'Ont., in 4 -frig; 1530; and ..died 'itt•, the •laca1ne. of''.her.'son; Edward, •nr;ar this village on Friday, J•an b, ter itrl itliaese of 4illy tsvo �I)etleased, whose:\rnaiden name was. Agues' Johnson, was xnat riedd lo1851 • to ]ai oder t Sarrcic rson,,' When.. }las ed, "to 'tile orno:,;ide:toul yeiti•s ago ...They came to 1H bigadi and settled'rn Saui- hie county• who're they lived for, a number. e}t....l .oal'S boort'rernol• ng to tilts colitiatitlfl.t ,, 1eo._�tlieni.'\ve e born ten c1nliireii, cis it. of !! hont are ,still liv ialg Joln,�, 1 .;l.tcbei•t A ' WVilliaxu,: frL t ; (14,•; -.0',....• -s• -.A. `a.. and ii5 i!liygalet',Thom pn ?,ljvl4 + all t11i� vieiriril 7 • 1J 1;•i`T•-c^iSlri 11 LS been -a-Tnren __ ,of tlii •M t11 u1i t cl •t holt ever SIC 1e' .-04:"§",11.}i"\'u lr�, cage}, au<l: w es..4, ruble :; 'G't11 is itrit c,hataCtei! ......11.E C.. Cllr 1Stiati l_ it LS ta.lt 1 t rem- i s ieg'nlning tri its close, and thr•u•all ;the vicissit-• ;rids ladHews Illi}t she u,et h the ty ,et, h .r fs itch iii (Uod•'nev eta NL1 elite(f . Just bdole 41ie,plssedaw lyslie pilled all the,'•1 e l ltive5 ',t lab were• in 'the :,House to; her bedside . and; calling @ a,elr 'one by . Mune, hid thein good -b) e, and. t -lien.' itll a pcaceful smile =on her; kounter;ance d aaitcr'd'c ftoin.thls'..l'ife� •. Ito• that beyond the gr Lve.-Piekford J1artoit. . Mrs. Sarfdei`son was p, sister A1P'cau&i Nat keti :of As1r' �ic1U T>>1i, vliei e she spent .hero . early yc lis Win a.n District . Epworth Leaguz. - A Sperm Ll thqJ,ing of the ':Executive .Cornmttce of the 1Vingh'ain, District' ,Epw,drtfi . Leagues was 'held on !Jan - 4 .q.th.".. an-•:15`th'• , in the...,1,3oord__ltooni; .' of-: the Willgllalll arethodist,. Church,' a good n11'4'11)0'1. Of theoiaretubers benlg present.; • 1-. hard work of gree ... .d.:mak,ng should ,don ` in 6 the � fl. _._ .+� .. .. oulr mill a -riot; iri' th 1' Where• it- is necessary for you to make bread by' main strength, the. miller ,hasn't done his • lYyro-�t8b_,i1G71kj 5."S-..Sy1iw1``' 1Ionseho1 is:made. from..• hard capable- of finer'gripditi Haan a'rx other wheat:` . -and`-rnillea by a`proce'ss• that insures the finest; and most nutritious` of flours Get _enoug to ry from your. "grocer: 13 Qilvie •Flour,'Milis' Co., Ei i eri : Montreal'. ori' :. • :1t ' "'vVe arc offcl iii tl e:`folloiving',lities ' at iodic& ' crew -viz , h -rim -fieri -ruin's -s,, Ru -b s - ck. t -s-`"' Felt': Shoes Gloves alld, l\'Iitts ` ar'lig Lt -i$ O C ,t 1, < n� C3vr.sll and tined. Rubbers. ' . _'f v ,, r are a c.� e r . ` Here of 'the Isar `�i1 • . v �c 1S � G 11L Of�'c,1111•�. . Mons Giovts„orth $.1 50 •f t „I�l'0 nb'r - Ir •� 1.}', .pair ..worth-, 1• Ut• mews Gtitts woetlh'2i 75 'Mop's GLLintlets ,• .rt •} in Me's. Mitts, ' Ie7s G , worth 00 i) : eatcr,•wortl• ,r ;15 Ca Someslz s in W©1 yens,' Misses . .,t nc• ' chilcicns .drgals`wocth i.0oo ,5Qipair; Ripairtrig,Ntt 1� 1,,1'r 1i �tl Doit•c J� JQS PI E • i td"1,: PlY.S]i 1AN 11 E1T TE LL_S I.01211E_... S 1IIEII r ' PPATIENT A_ Distinguished $Peo.ialist- :G# t ei/ JValuable Advice "1 In' the, first., place 1' alivayls impress, upon my. patients ,the ilii ortance of .carefui living. and regular . habits''- 'Moderation in eating, keeping 'the. : 'feet 'dry, 'and Wearing plenty of warm clothing arc' some .of • the pretautions,. Trio amount of medicine ;will cure of •even .held, Unless',xattention is paid to these fety simple rules'. Z, have .had:•. .perfect •results: where is ,. patients' 'followediill'es rnstructicn S, as Stell' by the rheumatic foliowin ' blood ' tonic` g' ailkl • rhea t. . suecifiC,. . . , , -. The pin pose of the ;