HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-28, Page 21,- rourve,999,•9999.' ' 1.440,a4ey.404. ••'Tact.• PH:(401+3;0A+A#0:+0+*AirKtilat*-024)2+A+40A+A+)1+ CHAPTER XXI. was weak enoug,h 0 want an -eX-, 'The cab/nen Was of a! speculative nature. 1144 'hung on the chance .of 1/fasters'. needing to.yeturn. Half. 'sovereign fares are not picked. up' every' hour in the day .the man Who dispensed • then" was feitn Waiting for. - • • "i'Whiirre,. , sir 1":„ • The, query palled down through the trap in !..,he cab roof:. :Shal'eply • , : , "Back again." again." Sidney Carton,: when hia'goolf work .was accomplishedo died' on the seaffeld, * When Masters . had ac-, there would be time enough to think or that later. c° . A. imassgn, !Ate. was Worth living just itlen-",- It. :WILLIAM A. PHESSER; for her; sake.', It 'Would. have little ' 1,722.-Thied Ave., Moline, ID.i, value to him after. 'after/its 'wet* , ' . ,,writeat 4h. . :.•. ." - • 0 , was over. - T.h0i lle'w9144: he .con. - ".1,have been suffering fr4 ea .. .TPnt, -Wishful to rest.: ,_.: . , tattli,in,the ,head for th,e4 past twti, • The cab .had reached Parliamen months ' nd tried ,innumerable so - k ' .,"Piree,kions, go :given beciuie for ,Ci - .....l. -Th care. s. bag wed called k dies withont. olmil An'-e-•:tkive'r -oa-li'ne. :7-'1W4w-b-Pi*;'474*-•T,".,-•e•-•°°•0-1"4"1;11' l'ff*TW,'"--rFr iiP.'''''';'-,•""'-'1''''74'41'. Val'S-4:041VAIr'lii0fAcarlitelf;'71.06; •,..brn•wing ' en '..„:his",, ;,fdep• gradually „,' ;7tforci.Ill :a passenget-khli's--134Pt :frOm:.-thertfficaition. when inTOnipany -iirolighi!" ',him: haek.' t.0 :, his • es'441',s-euger-aginVe; . comewnere...rourkk, ;of: W04 Or' strangers.". : ONO .per'oeptioa-.'ot: t.4i.gs. ho-ri37 here" he eall.e4 up te the :13.44444g- - 'If, 'have Usedtwo•bottlesnf yain. #kenShered...•_:',. .' ,. :_, • , , _ ....., down., .driver, .fi.ro .cockipnr; Street . Oicine fo.r a short tune only?.. ana ..: Ilia" yiOnian: li,k, loved so. was lost ,i .1,n ..,, i.-_, you ,-..-.---eow-i- ,, iv:- . °. ., it effeCted.'a'eoinPlete'meilleet Ow* '-'-'--':''a':'--f-LAna,-n3,''---4aPa.'inti--•-si.t-:.--ME11tt' Ra--,-Wbato;it„clictte,r_40,411a„,,,:.tliseaSt,,,-- -you..hp;ppen. to ••.:1)(?*. "1,21a. name,, has not zetnin.1041,, • ,:, ,.: •:. " .• - 'Otrl".•••, '... -. ;4' . ' ,,.: : ''. l' •-• ':. ' .., "II can os emphatically roOoPk '‘ ,.....f.1YOnszi -teal ..I: naVe 'Just 'terneta=. mpittl Perlin*to all sufferers, 'fro* .heted'it-:.-Se.ivell.itria CrOWther..",. ".' this disease." ' ,w4sq?;Linglect-tw4li,;Ina -''f.e,Ing:for her „ ."oh, ;Yea.; r know he.,..Plae.0; Al.r., ,.ReadT'hliEipe.rlgaea 40w 17)4.-iiiii-Waitt-tp,--driVe ithe,i,e7'.7-',', ' '110:.',A,:.7'•-lifoin'baicii,,-13-16:-, "Ir.'''.A, .. Pondering•-eVer, his position, he . -, .14T..ipa,40-Jz ,, . - . .. ' - • -. ; , '. . • .1",;;Martiit, Ohio, w1(.,iteg-,..;- f";Wheufl„ •Paine_te_thinkotzlier-its4npreeitniedc-..1-:-LT-ightr-.4,- . :beganyenr4reatinentriny:eyeS:VverA, ' :against than•••"sinriing. .• Almost join. •A ", few i'Mitiiited.'Aater'''thei, cah-inflaMed;:noSe*a,49:4t0Pbed UI) halt ' -;ed in 'tligiprayer'• that the, man. she "fitepped...andle Was:Alighting afthe; -ot. the time, and wassore andscab" leved,-.1714,0se.'ekistence was 'a:.•bar passenger, agents', ide0r, Lntering,._., or, ' 3 could not ,rest' a..-.-niglit•..ot. -1--to'-his---owa--'success--inighti--return livi.'4i"..0,:ti)..7thiv. counter. -,clerk- - • - '', wee -punt of continual hawking. anii. :'-',ii111. en°1igh:t°';'°141;ry' i'•:(' '' ' ' ''' ' '• ' "' 47i241 are ,lieekieig for. 'Ls. lVfas-' .sPitting. '.. . • . .. "- . : •;.•`.,.. - ,..'' • -4Yor. Gracie's , 'Sake,- :ton--'-sWeet, -gotte.,,;'leaVing .• for • ',,tlie *editerr. - "L„have. :tried 'Several .-, reinediet :Winsoine:Iittle',Graciel ..If the'man ianeani,,:atenft., Yell l'.7 . . - ...:',..' nn.d was bout to . eV° 'Up,. •••hnl.' .returned 'well'. enough,'.10 ttuirrY; iti .fwes, sir; 'iye'..rosoC agents," . ' thought .I Would, try ,Periina,...• ,... :.' .-IFOA..10....silence.,tongnes.',1-__.:.:Sitrely,:-.1-k....olTa4..y0iii%;an-Y...4..bertha,....left.to.:,....,:.i'.._.41After..,o.I. liad,'•.jaken....-about'" one, '*14,s''a.•,.e°04,'!P*.a.476‘.,::-;, .1‘'.' ' ' - • ' --'• -..;.;_.'"Oli;Tyes;-air,',,ni-nutaber. '.-TOS in ihirdr*Li,:. bottle' 3'.noticed'a di.. 7' ,'-'1110117:-Pflitifiv-,*05-41kr4iFeirlito. efUtline7of the year,•E and we do not tP1'"O'' ‘ •T----. 4nr-x4evr7-etiliiPletell ' lime:wing ..nOthing,pf 'her ;•thildliOn.a, Ali .1.11.0 from 'London, j We ,are:' stop: cured,, after suffering with catarrh :. Ile bar tinister-wouldilanYWa, . b ' ping , t" euna Stationa ' ' We 'shall for .eighteen; years.: L.,. • • . . .....„ „, • . . . . .,, . .. '.4•1314aYPOlt.: Or -het elecutOtieon,, '....$he -fill.•.14.11.ilteni those." ,:,.. '.:..-7:. . •• • • .1!:i think' if thos.e'.ithe are 'ntict4:- could. travel.' het-i-ead • in„life :With, ''' `'`Let. Mee''.a'a 'plan of the Shil.'. r"ed , With catarrh -Would try, Perlin& ...04..Z..dark.s shadow overhanging nver angiiig.,,i , , .-":"-Tesi.: Bin '',--,' : That' Si -jt;:. -. Which they would. -•neye r- regret it." 11 arry.t.--Why4shtfttlyethet Or -Was. weliti. sirt.: . - . , - - • , 0.y:o.• u,..v. Pe,rinia, is ittaiitact,ur:ett ').).3,' :6i't. ' •• af.140,:-reiiiiitod well . eneugh.•:to.. cla.1410-7-whieh'P-art Of ,th.e.)A)P4 d el: in tb*',',solittf,de•WhieVbe7fenied 7I/,' ' Mfg Co". •Co. lumbus , r -.:::„ Al :ill t iiiii r i k 1 f 6- iel , .- the' - ' ii ii g i t f o i .. '.9.1ile,r""; -••'''''' '''-;',' :',..-.''*'''..• ', „...-..-..-:', ,•likely.t0.,heConiii.'clesponcleiit:tigainl Pointing to :the'perfand-,ink.' list •of .:. AA. yeni .0iuggiet../itiii.4: .,Fieo. :•-;••:W.4C311:,0.-In,.:nti..-.•iiiiii. e:liable ie.,' , be ,sa :: ..vacant?" .! : , • -,' '..' • • , . '', .'t. Perlin& 'Alilnitnao for,1009-' . .34,,..alistinenee,froin,thoag aeenstoni,:., - \ 4.4Tli000 ...64re.' the.' naMesi. Of ', thsise • - • ' . ..;,eil:i'atininifintat-„Despondent :e.it'eii• 'WhOhaVealready-;,heeked their Paiit'• . . .• ..t.• . . ,, -- • -•,• '''- 7.•:;" 7 ' to' ' .04 74 iiiC 11410 : ' of.•:,0,.••rai. again). ,lsaiee•I''',..-'. , - '.r. .- : 'II. ; • - ••-- . :- • -y.;.•• -.,•• • 'cl.7iiii•fiiit•'O take posielaidif;TIt .wt4v424roor,:of,..14.4.1i.,..0,71.1,6,±Ica•i. "ye h:;: -I, i.:,.'1,.' :1',.., ••1', 7.", . ,'• t .:.=1' ' laeblii47 ivet.iiifiic.4s 'ar'e*‘ •,.),0;1:.rL.eticiO•Soa e.:,:,e6:-t„:a. ri.itt4r: ..;.'51i'''-istOlea.,..thg,,Ii*.rt'i.-:"'ot Or aoi-: .''.11aVingleeated:',Viliat`'he Wanted 'YPAs 0., 4.'bro.'14ek.l!'W‘10V.:ilia'inie:if'.-zir iiiii-.4-:-4--11'4,..eut-ii:ba.*(fLihe•-*Ian''-'6f the ship 911ell•eit's'el.'•!:.''.-•••::•• --•';.,..:;.•-'","•.''''''''''''''!•-•.-I''' .1e.':Whe.,eolabi ihtil.e •1.6a.:ititr-zii:•a)..,*iaiii ,..4y.i.i4t.-..r.• ..,-if-t.A.7,.. ';:+:;'' ,i'.';',:' ,*,.::.,.. :-. .' He.; referred' titi.i.lie..' "Si.m3,' of 'tap, .-Piire.,, 'Se''',I0vilig:-.a. Soul 1,, L,•,.. _ . ,-_77:-.,, • , -._;`,‘Tgia. is .O, tWo;betthed cabiL One ._ . _ Cabin ;.then Stretching.out'hiShandi. .L . '' -r,c66-7-7 Isthe'coiltiot0----..i-:..... ti,:i. • 11:1-61-7:1,',13-ii*.:1104:::6Zikeli. 'rightlY.;'-1?:..e'llikiis. taken, n ±'-' "Let ••me introduce ,•mysef'..-, 1 r -it iver..e. ttifit,46,i•su,ch. a niau,•40•14in, •v, .,•: . ••,,, . . • , .. , „to iii.: .., .1fem charleigh,•-.)ourna is • , i . ,. ,...ir• l'',' • -' ' ' ' ' " • '' ' '• .,Yee,,, &Ir.-. But you .-caa , o tee. . _ , . . th"..liviisnott.,,. 0.1_,._e_or,.it-7-;:'7,,.b,..er'.t,1-1e.e°00'; 4.4)311.43:.'0,r1.,in ••4ii''PrIA'1:4Y. *.4biii• if. 3i'oli. like; Yoit.• 'P.rP.'1,:±.,_hopefts. w,.]!:-.3. e7-alhall--e•-'1343:tjjer-I'eg.°. giL.1: -.41.tion„.._,L ,-Aelie.riwai.-,/tnailitir-,;--,--.,i- lort!.. a"te-1,21.30x-e--rneta; 11. e.es-We.., 1.1 .trr.:/r-egioo, , ".'"!,_ el,,iCO g".1 ---:-.,t . a04. 04. hei, .3t,oth.ei.,, . . .. , , -_,.._pu ,. .:' ,. . • - i -7,7f. --,'. --• his .corerrefiEs----hprigOn..seeme'd .•',Thilen,12,::heit..s'afrii: „tbat,"-ic;' . f -ii -,''_;22-__;-'. ;.: .`Thank 'yen ...Iirefer'.thi4 one.. cd; .- ••(•1 t'iliink• I happen to know the.:1fr ''..brighened; lt. *a.4.'f'6...if-'•:the 41:ti'' ' aolitEje.•!',. Had Spoken.: of his'..-iser...',Rigbir. wijci.•14ds•the....,:atbot.lialf... _ fi,d' suddenly,: popped' ••out. -... This so,in:cfif, 6:4aPi.),-)ti4e4irha:1,410,°."'-'.,tiut11.-.)11;,°1:04t.yt.finitic. ,..,: ::::tith.6:: j...oeei ,..,,i.r.,...:4rienci.,.of yours,: ..cheerful, ,trong'71oOking' iniatiltialt.4 :a'1,e,••••••.'i ': I be& Ing.,.OVertiire.S:...of, friendship, 2.clissi- 'id; spe4:-:to, .iiiin;:.0.4,t Drink WS ,,,iiis oui i)o,rcloiL_P.,:-7... ‘; .•.,.- companionship.7. • . .. Q.': . 'ted. all ' hia ,fearierneneSs. of soli- . W'ritIen,:-..*. piolAsa:',.f.ace-I____-•koz.4)._.:41p*„..:,:tauliaferi pitiot. his pitcsaie, Money :; tu e . on t e-voy-ager-:"8„agerlYgri-P- 13% • - li ' • ' • itlg ...ter eic4itgeiittie#; '•-theti milist. hooked • in the name •.of"Charleinh ' Wilk''Pe:'114114.-:-hekd out,; he 8-14°°k . he...* -"ha'sis' of.- triita. •:'-•• .. '.." • . ' . • - ,p- -rood „Ole .t.:;nao•...of aililig,.9.4.:Thel. ,'4,2,0„rig, W.ra,s, iKilvi„ se :'to lef,-iiim-,,.sp' en -a. iliai. ,ilorrow. : ,. . .. , ... . : J. ', rempiocate ',',. that l 'Thanks I 10°..Y.s.40%ati'4-wift'te.ilio'Ti2,Vat):4*.6 p'Itti:0P4°.,Isoibille0 v...0- ;34,sTillii ;tit r:IeS;oau-ti n.00hn,:i.oapit.,..:,i,:tihh,,e, t•'078.47,ae;:i.'gd.X1,,,weigrbyi. ii.itNabt1;intetil., b.i.lry..1)../id,°: ..-'4 who '1Wo,iild intereSiliiiii..;,44,..V..e.rtmie ..,..---f:i ,7; ',,- . ?, . - . (.). 7 tnie...' -..1. harvetustrepei-e-_-Oilt., of4047 •,-"thoughtrr.tare-liiiri Out of hinaaelf 7 w•,,,f, '' itic:it...t-ii'.' .pit,_. iiiOn•••.:,t,OLTdO'::,Thiio„r „.lier„.:- ' ,...:rePsi.i..sir.,,:a,....€4.0rldn,,d7;ft:::-6.,:..ii-.-...d-•.i.„:''4ing :i;l1nOPe*s...li ,'„. why ti:;ani,yiliii.: .... Nbi,that ..way •, sii.., , .. - "‘,N0trip '• m e 'y hic-,..(1;1.-itig;:te;.a.t.,ttnia:st:.7hresl,tri::. ' liake4fOr -`,Iiii", AIM, A SakS: ,° not • lifinSolf I. '',What...*AS there, in , ; ltilfter. all t - Net, ever.f.self:seeriAat ,,,,G,10,64. eliy.'”,' ..:.:.: 1....',-* „ 7 . SPOnele%W.-e:s• cheerily' uttered: •"Take Thia'doOr On _th`e left: .• '' ? .'.'' .1.fastersfelt,that a -,17.yage• weld dditi ,. e .c,a man, W4ii!..*Walit 444' Sio6li: faingigi:-`7.„sfilit'7.ttf.eYe:.:.;iii.ra,hsv7:6)8"61:b,!.7-.1,it,..idniitkk...,it,t1Pi.r.ltY.,d‘dr;: geed... That:to,stop -in England:4d do.„4,. from 140.1-Jet:eh ,to:reeel*O- ;just ., then, where. he -was, ', would 'fiiiiiot'isons; •'.. ' r-, ' ' :. ..- ,. ll,pally.! !You slook•so'. ong- an ltifle .hinii:2.Let. him . go -03 :to.,• -the - • ' -' :broad 'edean • 'where . . he would.: be : 11 'I ' lci ' ld not have . . • , • A , ,.. you'd. had •an illness in all the days ,able•to:.,breat.fie;.. ''' ' ' .. • . VI Work:he:could take ..*it4-hiiii„• Pt our WO." '‘Vite ;as, Well; , i?ette.i.-,.. on . ;the•.ship •0.7_ ••_LieS • white lies carne.AP Ilfasters".. -7-•-1.5."..-•;,:t. 'lips. withthe .readineSs ...of,:'iletion „.....,....,..., ...., . , , .... . .. .41,an in. . his 'Own ..toons., 'TV ny'-.not 1 " • .flOwing,,froni ,hia p.en; he .aaid- fliere was p,", :Soul .t.O.'_ help to .'SaY.e l ,' :,•"`I. went:to the dngs and the dogs. . • .--:,liappyl:-, -A--ohilsi 'to te ..taken out of ; . , . , . . , ... . .,. ..,.. , nearly. awfor:vp. - ,That's...ah;un- --.-the• 'rangof , the- .ppiinted-• fing.ei '04: : . plea'sant'•*ray-LikeiThave.".;w-lieti y`ou ---th,rner, WhY neer": ' .='• '' 1 ''. ' - • • get inside 'the .kentiel..,- It. it,:mere: If, it...were. 1 true'.• as: he other . / ' '' M. r . • ..-.• shave ,rn:i:'hern.talking' In o ,yii.... t - , • • said tha,t- fie had. Sdved the- •ehild'S ••I/7.•••-. . •.... ;,-. pnlied.' nil inst.-in. tizne.',".', life, Was it,. tO be Saved., ,onlY...that" • '',1;/",-- it! -.. ',WO?, . ••• .:• ' . .. .. ,, . , ,-„, . ,, •, • ., , l'it.', '' . ..-• There were beth 'astonishment ' tthe Sl,iein141' Offer misery,. thereat. 'I. -. eer 7 Unclecerved •riaisery, irt:alfthe ,fi 1 'and., eagerness:',In...1).iek's question • . . ;Auture •T,ears 7 ,Should•he not -pre- both Of the mostintense•kind. Alas- : ,-ent'lliafilt.- Ix- cOtild:1---.' .. ;--.."--;-- 40* it.ifia-6- -71iiillgel.E1:771,Virp-Tettetted re. Ilia' %X 'or vEgra-th-v-78-0-7,:with-74--vievv--0.-draw-- . tis.,--Iyiiig-.wo -ife.ty successful Ile ' Ke..Woulcl be riverking- for , those he Regeti.neclip ing ,hiS•torriponioli out.. • • ' • „,,, heart and .soul Would be in 'die...act. • • loveril.. -WhO,Vel. trittiripitlf he could' . ., ' If 4'conlessien could he got from :tii0. sick nian it '-wonite help, Dick - TeStur4.1., ) .tbir-':::.nian----,---tor Itei-,-.... well" ---r-'Evert•-••-'..W-onra-tr-r"-"slibillaat7trtke "Wbuld-reirfor-strength-and-h-elirdir.-o 4041i , to ..."14..rrj,,,, ;,:vvily ,.not-P.s•y0-...i.n.e.' 1 egularlY;''.1t creates an thetnan . he had eolifegsed tO', ' ''.[Itt.4 '.. . , , . • .... • . . .. ,Aesdlutieti..:' .he i,,Quit.f:i46'.:, ., Yes, 4Pe0..te-'.' and is' ., 'the' greatest * of. was -only :human .nature. -' ' ..; ' '..- . . .•, he would go on to the ;haat •,;,.'it,. Was digett4tio'. .1)sYel'ine-ia""' boon:to '1,f ' Yell 'tell a 'inan .Y13" tlic93143' . . .. the , otily, way. :.The Cab' Passed A viih;doWii ' .. tired : • and oVerwerked be .18 MOie than like* to :want. to •• •.-'bill-postee:s bearding: ','; A, draina wO,men. for there is'. LIFE • ..X:x• tell.VOti:, his 0.W11, •,,,: keen ,observer , •being . pk13.0.•in,;_la'ondon .jui,t; tlien 'EVEIVY: DOSE : ".•Mrs.'. T.: Z-Efillei w'aP tlasteis'el 6°4°•••1hat confidente ivAs..., The oro Al -Tay -, Th.o inixia, „or ,f 63 Oa; Notre Dame. St., Winnipeg, Ogetb confiderroe. SO ‘binisolf'be:r- 04-, !nail AU' the .cali htid.'ru Rijn: keep;•• .Pr°ve.(1,f.thi." I."' 6he' Sa•S'S;':''' •"I' 40 . t f The ' Tiegra'Pti.' Cif4e'' Charing .. • • • . t • . ' what Psychine..hia.:•CirostiY) - '[.. '', • • • '' : ' , '• :lug with the.thbatre arinbuncementhankful for .2. Ile- iliblig14 • di Stkey • Carton. .'' dello for ..iiie. - .1 was laid, tip with Theee':the 'fare despatched 'a. Wire WealtrAe ..,.,)..1.1',' how 1"ff-suffered.. Mg: . „ He would .oill q"brilter '6 tif.f,iitt.t. , . • to • his. 'WiS.ertrtiod•'104:1diadY ; -tellitik. Tale - 0 f: ir, WO Citi0 a Was iiiiit.,..,,tho'i)iiii, ,snroPm1.0 theV.. tvi't,ssg.i,,ev.:tric- d' Pi :1,1'd' OrtoPcid..•Tral., 11"6.1irttlaPotkap'61;:eYaYhedhillgtnl. his in it. tip . . man' wlia had "made Sterifiees' fer IbV . the afternoon train to the. caro .and dead to. him ;lie onite realized_ Itlie-Vrt7OP:thar he--16Vedlier ,etilt; would "clo anything to',eneure_ ;or Loring. 4046, her lappinesa: Pity whole4ouIed pity ,•-• • TA' C444 4444 Wenlan;pdo,r,Lboul Wished be could w4-130 ,aWaY the, biffeii06a of hi W1xter404".. That was- impossible. Rut he could ,tr,y to make: amends. In the .early moyniag---4awn, just lightening thfo. •Sicy-he wrote a note to „Gracie's mother : directed it to Tv. Cottege, Just a purely formal 1404E1004 sa)ritig he was •aora$: 410,, Urgent business and. Would net return to Wiverp,sea again, ".. As corning ceming Item an anther it waP a_ disappointing note; there was n' - thin. 4'clever 41loat dutliorks! notes, perhaps '.wbecause.,. 'literary fireworks, are supposed to be con- tained in them, are disappointing. ' He sent his, fpndebt -love to his little sweetheart Ora*, and ex.:, pressed a sincere hope forher mo- ther's future happiness. . That letter later on, in the morning he dropped ,•-tnto a post office. • (-Arabic% -mother, , who• 14a nut- , Aleyeci home by the 1/1'1N -ions oven:, 'iag'a train, 'read it, dry eycd., The "drynese' which' burns. , , CHAPTER XXII, Masters, gathered in, his luggage trent. Chariag. Cross croak room;; reaebed..14....XathaXines..flacks rj,tifg41:7iihiktriFITIF•11*Seafazz' ranging- hths. things in an... -orderly Way when 3,4. Rigby came aboard. .The second; tenantof the cabin looked 'every bit of' the wreck he 'had' painted himself. • • • gauged him to, be a Man. Of twenvy- 'nye or thereabouts. „IOUnger 4b1Y, but dissipatien is an artist weemelm;00,0Pn ••••01mil;eameNtera re,i4 P0,' CCnt You Ca iiava 9 Per Cont. . AND ARE GEoURED ALWAYS 7- We' put up listed stocks. as security.. POn't. let, Or ono. advise you against making, Money. •ga,k0 your ataley Wcfk during the Winter months'. ' We know tge Bunks Want. you to leave it in the Savings DePartment. ° 40.44 7 -they are 'Mad* 'nine)? I)* leUditig Yours to .,vtikerceoP1.4s, ••,;•• ,•- •-"--‘4-1Vhy not lend it yourself .entl get the Preettsl• Wegus,,rop. tee every. loan !are make with CASH. wxitiyua, PATRIAF;CHE 8t 0 OIVIP BROKERS ‘. Standard Stock Eaohtuiga Ternnta, 0:1Y • TO :try, and break ;rnYeelf free, 'from „ the • . , do • The flushed face this'hed deep- er.; . , , er ; flushed to purple; at 'assur- ance. But the dulled eys had quite an eager light cin them, aithe - speaker pressed his question--• enough •.= - - • • 'Of course! :'It's" the despondent' time you have. to. fear ;• just don't fear theiri;" Just, lia,rig on to Inc When,you feel them corning::, 1 by 1e1)1.e1f ones . pill ••minoated r' cling :to mo. like a• barnacle. .` 1,91 help you' to kill your • . who graves deep lines';. wrinkles are, "You . Will? • By - Ged4"'" He , . .4p4..:0)4110:...: but trull-eSred.,LheaVY; face binis4' •01'70. hell),-.)vm 66 'Svieet!'•hit hiE° 14 aoli• swouen,.: :.- -.; :- . , ..-,- .• , . • . .• ..• -the lade; ' lon i -c a ",briCk,1 . And Masters, : sweeping :.&-..conipiehrin:- -a-s...ttx4'IgS,'-te-a-;-''Im-v-er-s4:-9Y"e sive' glance "rirnind,.',.bruShed -AP, the ' me - before!'-'. ••••• ,' : •'• i.-- ' . neaelwriee,rovmore;_:,0*(Itaboietn;tsiaali,d:Igenera_pyT, .cr.... Quite right; never set _ ,lit, 4. ,.faxt,?!.. . tie. ,sci,.iit.Intieci, .eyes..an: you ,lieforoh: ; But ';.remein- is Iler,we've been burnt:in the; same . utdre . a. ii -eat number of others I dre• 'A, fell°w;fe'elliii3%Olakes .us— liked society, and .c , ii, and wine, 'Tbu kg°W the' rest."' ' • Anc14-,Nre/1, •,/,' 'alp,: 'tint .e cured' now; .. "By Jove r ... You :are. 40nd-roils .80 .1. ,00n,t. n,iii..401 conse.ssilw,t... 1 kind...1 00, you know,„I funked• this v3aorific.ed'..at....the..Shring--otil3aechus-'-'74Y.4g.:;.: .-f4r.dtectl----4:34--eliPYi-"gAilg-r-il'- :ile 'xiiiiik.godTis ' an ungiatefill 'sort Was' death 'abeard-overbep.r4,Aor. r me: Imagined '.--evei r-,-,:'sairl Would, ,t00 -.Often; and Bacohus-resented it of deity.; isn't be t •Ife sent ine" iris, Ni'd:t116 '6161%-fik:iii-Y-Tioe'aii':FP/Iiiii:" Aons of snakes..:and other pre& ' . er'104ea: , ,Vhen. I ,Canie out of tlio land df 'visions -IT was the most washed-out wreck ',Wreek 7`,.. Yen- ever ..- ie;W: The doctor ''gave,,ine up,'•'.\. - ..,•,,,,,,,,Nor?, ', ,. ' •' ' ..',,- ., ---: ••' 0, . , ,IY'.4I•4. he lobke4,.at his c9m11.4niO.I.L.: eler,:.:., 'IiiCk'rejdoulated the , 'Word :aliiiiiii .Ths-hloated• youth-;who7loplted fiye:•.: . Butmanriarm shorst.S• are- . Much • in•-wini,er.! • well; • 'here -I mil; ' yolu_See..; rei all ' ,' = IL; ' ••' 5' ' " ' ---.' • ' . ,Y•e•t' ' "Om With ,the .:''c't..- joi'ked,,.S0 not :se far: as that. ' Ther.e;was .breathlesIy. : His own doctor had, lialidtw.-ent370 . oyishness of eighteen. ,: Be (lived fTerld9Treg.U1,:rlearry6'.;;:ibi's'4.c$7:11;16Iatl. Ott inore ,:tbati a chance of ' hope', .after into his .secret 'apprehension ; ' '. 401t. ,.g-f.L.lis.utilest7'...-:, :,, , ,. , ..:, .. , .' d.ered to think' , that the ..Wonian.‘„.ne• ,•'''TaCt W.hen I;'heard that, I was.. --10e'd ...sheuhl' he linked' 'I° . 6116: ‘11; 'nu the,Verge-of Suicide. , Then they drink'See14en' avreteh• 'Tlieug'" a pet me on ,a; boat 44* the :11.tediZ ' ' . ' .: her, -Induced ,hian -40. 4,0Warn• ;the' salt, :terfavni.itCtrip,-;""Titsf .0,s tliii..oneAs: '-0,"41.4.`q'rgrOtS". ' ---"••`-- . •-';':.-;•:•`*•"-`7• ••••` .nis:btitigg bgek :cricl• tinies;. and,--,:` :.•''''.',"--. 1-41 Wo. :be,' VoliWtlea-).:-..... '"' ..' ;light , now7 • L ----r---, .- ' :--,,- E-- ' :. ' ' A j..,,.. ' . ' A ji-f -,_"- ' - A_ki:A.-..- ' - .-.. i: .;,.,' Fr -. ,,.-- ".. . , ' : "And. .46efor, you ,sa biit howsdid you—.did you go' nquir-yOur . .+ S'gr'rVinegelr• 1-orcfe..''ef'.:Vii.il. 1' rio.IC'a-i! . -anth that_w1410,LT' was-on---the,--s.hip 4--• -f. wootan'.t :tench." a'.drop.."•;...,,, - "I have,done that; too.r. • ',.K-I,:ttielfi''otitt.',ci .,-roppli 14 44(..i..n., loimei#: really .a, clever piece : niece -76f "iYes.. ,.•',..:.Wel-l-r-the--e-at'A":nUt-alf thes• bag now. ' Thank .God I haterit got a.terriperance crank • for a 00117= 'pardon onthe Voyage. I :have done . what: you. have datte;, and iiiiri set- ting °pt'. to do telt 'what:lion 'did:. coming- away , to et shut of it all. . . . , ..„ . , • . nie. People, ape s9 apt. to judge the :quality of. '„pasttiret by the length. of . -the ; - (Tort Me.sters was.,shuclaring inward- A .despat The fortnal tqok tilitOP he „custom 9f hi, nor -Ge 4 *anted .c.f;,40 o 6ring .1 •oint .batt setably • where the :Was .read •- Grey, putl graMme .of TEXT In welco: ,• •from necessary 'tiiSclh:tin'the-Ocr7erk'a. ttPotbtfa11 l*1: •healthY.,Olves: '• Calves born, , bern, afflicted, 'with. ;the-. teemini:134Ypef n°ais PdoiPillietiaon4i) On ". sty' ireal d4thse". disease to other Calves that the may epine in Itzt t‘tiliz• i1-jItca foo.e.,nt:tjporteliar'eandxiathr. 1, . overcome scours 'in aalves,- they should 'be' given me- ,dicines that provent-feripentation - Dr- fO0d)440"Alay irritationf anifenn:.-:„:„7 seatiou, soothe 'and' heal inflame& mucous membrane, act as an anti.' -; septic,: as. this " is quite -necessary-- when the disease :is due toa germ The most important factor in the • -raising:of cattle is their care while young. think that you are doing the correct thing if you are only_inanaging to. keep the bib in the calf until itItthree months 9,10;. and then have it get fat on grass - before ,the winter' comes. if y9, do this you will beapt.:tO' have a lot, of this, calves .With 'their di4 gestiveorgans destroyed which will, never make: strOng,,he.althy cattle,. and will not. be good for keittiO. dairY, beef; Or. breeding... aninitils,-7,- - -.LIVE' STOOK NOTES, If, the firm horse, as kept w�ik- ing Warm, weather, there is. no reason - why .he Should have treatment 4erezt. frOm,:thaf he receives in 'S sio.n of a . fulnessr4h which divi blessed lis, The Qu ' Royal::, Hi Wales, as marked a the• Docli - /MITI The,ge this .natio Federal 13 ' tegiSlatur Canitda,,: 2 and of th phasiied t thy Which - of the Brit ?arid to the " reptcse -1CingdoniT ,South Af) frem the States,.wi thrf:ad lustr nat' ailiity'and 1 : ssystem follc4K.. A Working horse • belie: .Sheuld •nest,-.be•.•-fed.t4n the': Sanie.i.v leg as an xdlc borSe.,. " • , grtfa7foak9 iS thought' by :0OAliat -1110 the, hetter,,Inilkers.they will corae.'..."ClOse-ObSerVitierk, hoWafFr.i.' . A ifie4Pa, • -lead 0--,-t.0,.-s.E.the----beliefTiba.'XIGI-44:44-011 cal good is •seetaced 'all mine agealeet: Early hreeding.tan".4eirt; ' ,bring sueh markeil•iinPrOlienient in • trust Will 'nn i the-T0-1,14,111V-Cfaa114-101370f7789)vs ui tlpe t111 tt4miii: .inaf b`eseottred•by_careful seleotio- onsThe. treat 'and . er0pei . feedinewlien• .Srotini • 'thereto , w Breeding at-' a very. young ago 'Co's; •4.1ue r. tainly retatili; their 'groWth,:.: •and. it 1,1„.; 'befallen -arid :eausi life and• p tedented '.•series.'of :dtited 7 sistanCe.: . • PEPRES. ” ale •1V011r)an he: iniiecl ' although his 1-141 fli'..sir°i'lg and well; fey 15SY• mil sacr,iffee 0 ,,/.0 1,4rdiy, 1.vcsro chine . hal brought n;ie perrhanent” of the Cloak AoOln,. ' °hating Qrels; 1 • ., .11ci/ a ,,, ,-0,1te,:i . 'In -his . heart 'lie -11QW to ' what I did' before taking 'He°Xhwe Orin lild.f. '.hdecaaVweati°- alelirns eP time, tti'neldi I relief; I feel' like a new. 'woman . . w'ishea it'greatet, ' .. , 0 . ' - '• psyching- 1, feel the, vigor of ..,dir, .toteie• were certain-dthel; tinsinesti The thmight trembled . ihroug,.. hooa . in • my . veins once. raor?.?.• ' -. tr.arigproftntE,J .t/ bfr. toclet .,. s mien „.,,,L.1.. , hiS.h.rind, Asult of :.the! ea.1.8-:,ef, •,• .ps'yehine regulates and fiti:giigth. to liti flat in $hafte'sb,tirY ,AVenne. unaliai4,-,lalcar.„,,,,t1)..at.,,,hie,, ' ''.". 1 -vs,the-s+orngetrii,-,tid la--an-iiititilible 'H'e tltiji thoYa-thellight ' ' , A-i0u14 (r1 'c .10 :affoi,diNg .4 S'IntlY4-remedy,( :for. • 411 -disorders° ,of -the' Mor4 cOrreetlyi:he spent the night:, (•,,Pv,,, ire hated himi‘seit.for the throati.lurigs''incl.rghest. All 'dm " .. there, Spent it in i Pacing' fo...010 . ., 0 o t , 1, ..(., Ate 0 . snil' ,the glsis alio stores .1500,. Sanitle iferi Ito, it dealling all the -events of that 4.L.,..pl•tit,x„„fiLb4,,,nial'iir----14s- lovet,go, -0-ilkvinoiteactott-÷rii-,----11:"..-shstitit,-! Ofiriatti-tioltit; --2111 ---1-ii,iritoratio-- \if ' k'',.. :'t,':ve.'te :the "-.1t:thildfr he Litnited? Toronto. ;•Psychine diia ,0-4:910ntr "41\ CC ' .1,-$.7'at aiy,i;ty 'La Ciritana t.'". . - • ' d'a'irg*.IVI4144`111.106.4'VT-°'`Nit m4ti'eglit2,431'°-t4r.°•'441.2.• „ , • . . , . .„ 4 4 14 ' ' i4 ' . 4 '' ' * ' 4 • 4 can. istify. to the- great,merits Of'YourEnaul; • sion, .especially in all diseases, of a pulinonarY , nature, It has saved many lives that otherwise would have yielded to consunip- .' ;'We'lieep Scott's Emulsion in the house all ..-the time and all the_farnily .use it." -MR. C. J. pup - LONG,' Box'. 158, ington, R. L ' . . ---does-ALL-1E-doel by treating flesh and krength so rapidly that the , progress .of . the disease is retarded *t1.(1 often stopped. It is a' wonderfni flesh' builder. and so easy to• digest that the yotiniest child • and most tlelicate adult can take it. Ifyou are losing (14enSyh.. 'other' ,*eause take ,Scotr's ghtuLsrox.... it Will stop. the . .! wasting and strendhen the whole: systern., Be sure to get SCOTT'S DrtUdGiSta LC! nil send ion copy of tffn.'flinflong'is' tom° intenneff us literature teggirtilng oic preporinfOn; atint; Cend vie 4.04 *an. ,t1OAlpflifita Poplin.? , • ' • ' St4571. .BEAIrtkot '*'"ratfilto 14.++++++++++,+++++++++++. SCOURS IN CALVES.. Scours in calves, or calf Cholera, in many intanees, differ :from idiarrhoea in gro',Wri animals„..and has sPecial .features • 'Of its .own, :taking 1,b6. fo int . Or,infectious Inte,s,.. -ti-naturitarrh.whiehlrfor seri- ous than the diai-rkoealot:-.tilfefn11-. , .Scours in calyes :generally:appear suddenly...A Perfectly healthy ..calf May ;:he.. seized .411., at once' appar- ently,. without any .change.tin .foact! or euro. The The syinttoini of this, in- fan-tik. 'diarrhoea-. uSuarly anneal': iltiring thefi.rst two or three weeks. .61.1ife. In many CaSei. scours ap- jear ;within a.loW hours„afjer, the; animal, is lbOrp,:, and ',•the tali' May to forty- eighti; ,hours. itnless, it receives Lpro-rh_Pt_ and.'priip.er-,t_reatnie,fit-.,- ...It is eettl trio* for:,thc e31f.:-.0.„,be: afflicted with Seours iimiteillately at; 0-von-hefOre:,,it-has.1041.tiTile*, to,. suck or te.ko,. any acUrichrneht :WhateVer:• The fac�s, ot„.1,thauttre^i is verY thin and, Watery'. a sour, disagriceable Odor and light toloi•ed: The e.vaeustions are 'frecifient. force. •-'1,1re• first indicijlioij., (if S('OlIPs is the solid condition.:of.;:the tall, 164, Of .appetite, sstinken, oyes, Sotrietlnie the Saliva; floWing the mr t t is.,d6thffui if they 'ever afterward reach the :size they Would othexwiss attain., • Fertil4e4 eggs,...:or, eggs that will- - :et -educe ahickens.can distirigu- ished in ,from -fi'Ve t� ten '431aYs after the hen. begins to , set 'mit thew. If , held akainst.'a, striing. light; the' grin ••may be seen 'dark 'Spots, and the,examina-tion--maY-.be-relai, i • • upon. .If "dark spot at the end of •se-en„days, --the_egg is' sterile and maY,:....ke When exainination ..shois the 'egg full and dark the chick is -within -a 'day -01' Iwo of hatching, and if , readilY deted.the .movements .the ' ... . cON(..;ItETE,.2,000 'TV.,A.RS...eLp,.. .Cement in Tioiiie.-Pantheon Showi NO ; Sign' of -1)een,... • ., ' ...The Pantheon -at lnie_was _-eon••...... 'strifiltedifieni cenient • Con.diete, • y . . • • Agrippa,• ;27 years' .:11. '..c:,-- nearly 24:•., .6,Q41.3•arS 'ago. .This great ,strue-r , lure: was. huilt in A circular shape, Allilicickliviacisiss, 'at) (;)4(11'gt-h4eb.t?ondtf'l .i.E32°0 fheeeti: ; -. pherical ,,or doine shapii; . and WRY ' also - consti..utdd ' of • cenient,;een- ' ' crate; • .It 'has' a La042.1.0 'CLOP 'ening "the , top, and .spanning • over 411 :13 , 142 (,ee 6 inches aerosS. ' This ailei-'. • ent edificetproves to the 'world to, .. ny ,in, , a.: . rerria0.-ahle • . wayt, the , . . no-Tatterttnt-7401)g" III liTt1-6-0-ktiiiTZ•iyi tit !fgt.') •,' dll-rabilitY. and pi-Innan. ' , -They hay 0 -a, ..5€4.1.'ilig, 'gnat,: groWl''in,:):::::..:loilloc:0:ates.isot8itli:.t.;iiget.i...-•Jt.;••••1:4.:-.."1.-i .ntlieiancti.a.ntdist.ial.oit)e; ,fArit.i•I;(e:vg4.1,1i i....1T., pfi (.,11y . tic1'ffr.lsetirf)?rn4(::ti011se.,0s t0,111,,m:sceannt.tt .:i.de,s at ,r1i.i.ed7 ,1 eny °Ca break of .any descriptidn. • . . lt,,, bas,latelr,been suggegted, .104 -, '•1;•1' pie rh a Tin fru e, . that • tliOse ' iwge ' SI:fines i'lind,in the pyratnids,,,`oi 1 hought lo -bo quarried' 'frorg• ill! " . ground .1,,y,', 'the.ir• 1?-gqiiiatitc -11;(4 caused :by the irrita:1.11.4287inrcetgh.i)nnso, 1 r''1.111(''° 1:(1:4)1::;, ::::117ii14::aa,11.131:1,1,9* ' As a reAtift i.,f titi,,s ths,,„so ,,,,,,,,:,,i_thing, but nioldttr eeniont conotete, :b rvbioightitire-;:o..:, sec,' tirs. ir:i.':- " ' • ' : . -vull)ifr4r(aniecd!"(1)(11841AIS°Iiiii'd°1' -s“ail.k9.(ii ,ir'iTen' i:. bi,.,;td(ptibie .13Hrotic .s. ," • A.:a7.;:v1:::, . T1:0_(f:A.td.,m,lh 1,1,i7alliliy,.tiaii:'''.,,n;ieptt: , p.rciper care shOfttd 1.)6 givetri• 1.0 oil: (4,6)1,1,f Itittf011gvi ..i.114S ifNiti•A',...01,0; :vtiltilast3Y;s.bei: 'ialiitie,•:,..tia,tii;n,(8,ii.vt.:71t0.ii.:tr,lort}::: trPia: ''''',15 iit'lit,''.::::4',14.eir_,Airoc..71'daY''' .f)I'te'lly..iiI:t7c,r;_li:ti.';',(r.4,11 ' 7". . _ : healtliy:eilf;or As,,seonis. l'A S, 'toffy, 'ft•.!•riptit,If ;is a -fact illat 'an'tiot liii mother. whlf,e, • prr,gt).411,t., ..4 hiti 04. -cOmfitte i8.,,not.aw g6nti ii 9 th6-eon".: - rait be-fre'e -from this .i.lire.n,..ei ...,t I:i11,. I hy the lloreatrs..tOlturitA Aga frriTils. , .hprii: : Coiva atflioN1--wio, I •hc,, .J.,, r i,,,rildo enne'rete,..1$ • to-tia;. in a l'ee:aal:ee'6tIra°3ftilh''allx—aW"f tf:knlei'l:e'l '1')44"7::4::1:Ict.:Trf.'0(t14:'i:f1"6:::.;.(!n'H.!ii::',!:n"1:::;1"-hcin!:12LTI:41e:civ-V:irtiat°2:1-:::''' i':: . of -' ticotirf5 .betnta thef 13:st vet m,e,ii i . le- r' ' ' ' "II; t1211.,14ii/1•6'..41 l'i,ttl'alltr,04.:0441:411‘• '.4,61'..‘.1%(:'1'0Y'aliletnill'll°°a•rbyi'Paisn'd.4110(114004b°!6/kii4':70'.1 *' tWeIVO. to twenty-four li'6urs, unlesi promnt ,mcasures are,' talto.2) check the disease. If allowed 1.6 continuo.fer any length 'of,: tirue. thO congestion ' arid ulceration ,Of the „scouring, Will be accornpartiett integthvoi imicottS-.• infirnlyrP whole •civ ;a:period : and finan( notyet :1 force that it is •" While it tzcity Of 1 • suffered "1 this deprC • ea our tro able venue, • .cautiuti our ati0 ifi:‘1;91:21;t1(1 > during th it e: 1,11F ', I) •`0. vig( front, W,, i n a-distanc•i .Txpldra • - 'frOm the.. '. litiCison' v ' tr.), do rani ' and', ront, g(tinCA, ',.-4141•21 nloti! etaie 5, 0,1; diCif that