HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-28, Page 1a' --**
6 1
i s
and Personal.
rl e,•Proviucial Legislature is called
to meetFeb,
flFeb, }{16th, -
..:. ',enzw. w, 14 .•
,--.rein,--•reinl 40n Fridaymorning.: ' •
Miss Rena Gordon has returned,
fhnu Vi8f-tilig friends in Berlin.
• M z John -'..Rei
`' d' •o�'i
f Pt1rnerstons.;
..x`sa tt
n under
parental, i•
,t roof..
P e
�: ):reeve Jo nt is. ;attending COul.nt
,Council in 1'halkeitan this 'Week.
...ion Rinsvr—Good living'roo s'�ov r
r �'! rir ,e
the ,,; �.,�. .
irn 1,.
�e J.
�. _.Q �iF,NAXLOR,.
Anglia `, � ai
• i✓ ,meson of Toronto renewed
aciltxaintances aronr,d town last week.,
evera f `i'
• � ..l a m i•� •in. Kiril
e oss; Ashfield
,uid..�W'awairusli were see pioGiwi o
• n p ng n
Ln , uantrt .ofl, Lutnbot• .
iVlt y _... r
and `.-..
)fWarm.au Sailc:t„aro visiting
G- ud0
,� ch
r ,.
F:` 'Ma,cKen:,zie:.of Detroit
attended the funeral of his uncle Ana"- Scotland was. n; vera successful-:,ufltatt'
is Nfut risort as wee��:. il y -,4400 • being resent: Exc 011e nt,„ ag P.
Dont ntissthe Kod4k demonstration music was furnish8d b the -peal
Feb, 4th .. to•. 9 ,1' 1 I. in she roof s „ur hestre ' lias;is the 33ud or-. 33rd'
rver-the lSertinel Office.
Alex D Cameron.'t)f Erie, N D.
is visiting in and .about , Jibe :know. i..
'The hockey-ili::teli' •sclicduled poi:•
Wrnghanr last Friday evening NW;
postlaonod ,:towing .t9 'the; very lioft'
weatheralso the. .1V,iit jlhtun
now aitch ad'ver is c . for h r Tuts,
day, • night The elates- • for • these
,matches have not:xet been .'arranged.
x., 11I c uon,
(*.lame fri
Montreal•tto',aceorulrany the body' of
the°1ate•Frof, Mac.lienzte and attend
I the f i iera1 received a t e 'g •airs^tort '
tit ce i sr ly
'after h. arrivail here on • ?fgn<ltzy i►a ;
'forming hits of tlie' ieutli oft, 'mother
in Montreatl. 'Re,left'r for ,Atoritre tl ''u
Tuesday a ftereoOn
The-death"o etrr- �` . ,on r
,# . c , ted , � ednesd ,.
;Dant 110th "f:•Annu • �y
. O .. - e:.�, M�Otiiboni(arid► of
the old•'residents-.of Lucknovt:,.:age
ears The funeral tools
1 ? : r`rWM4-w' --tib=;
,Loc iails.:.Ce '. r _
l h rote
�. n
The Burns a nifiversaai - i a1:1 held
in rho 4Town :1Iall..•:ikioriday nigh ,
Under the. auspices • rf. . the 'Sons of
January •i haw
' Tk1is ,viii nn. ;rclativo ,of tho_'well
knovYn -Tui i y '1.11 4.7• _x w u3, not
.'trouble'd With (tlat•airlstura,'•' hut just:
-cad -1 as3iixarasxl rain -stc in ..and ,plenty .`
of.:It asii'tr3utlr t+ht? tlye„last .''vestige
of snow iH gone, and, asn.. resalt, ti)O
rivet' is ri 'raging (torrent and all. th0.
i.ec is'
gone. Friday. evening we liad
thunder .and lightning, and Silnday.
at naLi'n1 :u.iil't,i:nii ' ars ,t ci:X ' in May.
.� � .
Alcm(l t . also• wars warm and sunny,
ara(1'� :>,uraiaers.., WOre
. •'P
e l
�tC e, at, hQn7}:know-. t ibrrat ly
Oily r'(,. Iris'"ititatlur parts•rit the CQun•
try )'.il be interested r .
s1. �.
�v11ir(''lyaltln l "„
"street r: and
Synop$ts Of •Cana iatr Northwest
14°7•12.410,4P EGUI-41 IQNS
ANY person, .who is'tite sole Ilea d of. a
fatniaar, oc •any male over
,l8 3
ears old,ntiY iontStea(1 aSlxts tlr sectionofa ail -
poaiinriran land lax,?4larritoba, Sas);=
atv ltewan or A)bet•t,i., The applicant•xnus`t'
appear in. 1 e FrK;rx':ett. t1i: ll(aiui uioar Lan(1§ ,
Agency er. Stib-A,genyy .Jor' the district.
).+;utry liy .proxy may .Ue• , uxadlc at and
',agency, on certain cc,ntlitions, by. father,
ntotlier, soni,dattght(:r,''•larotlier .dr „sister;
cif 'attending lto;iuste.ider.;`
• piionte:' reSi,(fen,` tif.on
'#txicl„•egi1tivatibati of:•t1a e land in each of
•h'r•c,e,years, F .'lroinestatler' may lire•'
within nine milts of his'lioinestea(1'0t n .a
farm of at least' 8O ' acres sol(;%j' owned:
11414 :9r- 1d aafhe' into
+, 3NCODPO 'AiL EID ,, '.4055
Capital Paid Up -,w,• - . $3,500,000
Reserve Fund • .: .
o •
Assets - m - $35,000,000„
1-1 a.
sBrad '
h s'`
a `ad '
�._.__.f1n C_n a .arid A e , . ... • ...' ,
65 �,. '... �; i;<ts and. �orrespQrld�nt�
al t e „Frinel a1in
,. ....... _ cities the World.:.. .
Y. �
Eft; 'I3Ar , •I G �,
. A,IR ..... N1jr.1'� R,i1$INE$S.. +RgNSACtEb. ,
AVIN .S BANK D,.E,•ii' RT'. ,
A Rei
a'•.,at. $:r
a clbs .TntdreSta11w d a4i
gheSG.cirrent rate•
L•.0 N'O
Ii �V•� R.A N:
T naer.r....,.• ,.
.. � ;� _ , . T, 5� RE'ID, •A�eo,un�ant..
lool.ing diver the Glohe 1 was bei and occupa(rl b�
Y Y 1r
-Ir�c�ft",ri°'l��rr't-k�t�- hC.@��a(fii'-'•_rie.t#i -""... `=' `r"",- w:��3,�c.{::e r��r,rrtt r-tw.cL'e`l-,.--. •
;, p ..,, . T: _. ,: Yu Cir_tai ..rltstrt •,, a to ae
x N of ataralti ifia. re -esti t a.:: A. .
. � � 1 txastcF
�x .. \ry-'w•• : �r„a .-�.F.. ,.... ._ .- _ -..t ,Ort nL....33'--••r^ �--: ,. - _ �:.�..: �7.m,.z-s, ,-;s-•x..-x .,�.c.sr• r.. a .• -Y -. ' a:
rtn;old-friend:at. ar(iruutint, indeed -a” a o�lstcle.9u
c� l S ,7ioiitestead.. 'rice: v ,, •� .
at4unclr friend. to.all wltu .knew 1n' `$3••00 per ier c ' ].4atieS---1vIus -
un .. t zc.�xde .Sia..
oirtlxs t_
n l�
T 7 t a ,�
.l• P f � s ears r i
ac of
i r 1<ik' rte_ io esstu, �'1�iarattEal.slu� , Yf r.tiate:of
fa.„ o`1Cetrt ars„ �vnll iiS' that of has cleat xoinQsteacd entry, (including the 'tixixe
: re(ltrxretl'to earn jiomestcad. �iateuty,i}cl'
• Wife and fill fly, 1yhonr T„•also 1Cnoly .,,,culttvate.SG ares extra;: • •
,Dr» t tri..-, •Fria. v o _ , A1srtnna= z1 °`;� ho 'las eibausted_xt s
de. td is silently l (n01 ed•by-thaye, ruins .1.toxtiests:ad ngbrt and'cauiiot dbtain a re=
of , so•- 'reli.t a Irian, �� hi.e trig citizens '1 niptio,r mxiay talce,a'px relrascd,�io r cath
g- r{certain rnastricts> Pr ce :O.O:per acre.
oaf ILueknow,; r e,pt'ou,l�l hint hi,' 'step- LY,tit:res:- ?,r`ust • zesiae. s .v Months r n otitlis in each
.Young was•at Atwood Moa
l ay.:night. ,:playing �;•4 pipes-at-�;th
3urns A.rr'niversary hall there...
Mr. 'A.11an; Alton of Toronto is in
orvn for n t(W •.4ays''visiting M;r,':A:
Mullen and,other friends.. u
• Walter 'Vivi-clock .-o f the , :traveling
tallof the W.''IL Brock Co. of Tor.
iito,,'spent Sunday'' •with • his '•faiirily
�1Xt D rAlair, (T, T. R.Anent, was
(tfe-r way by Uie:serious "illness of''
13urns - Anniversary ': celebrated...in;
Mr. Tlics l[tiail ]gas •reeeiAred "tile
new Satnitary 1)i51i1 ty'Case for.. Oysters
arid'wrll .be able to supply-his-eustOuri•
ers- with the Bin', PUREST and,,lOS'r:
,WXIOLESOM oyster on the . market.,
These oysters aide solid...meat and are
shipped i i sanitary cats,' thti;t retain:.
ing' the natural], flavor :,of"'the•oyster
Tr these.
4 Mrsv k acItenz e of Kincard, 'ilk �r iiJ
olie'ofthe%=p•asseri cry oli the ill-fated
L$tor.._• M ..Alair ;;is ',Ii ck.at his pot'
White Star stcatier' llepublic "whtieli
s,rnit in
the Atlantic ria. collisitit: with.
:the .?lorida, all `:the passt'n;,er's; heiii;4
rescued tltrougir the:wireless less teicgraipl
ser vice wl ielr r or ted "t11Q ...aecitlen
Arid!hrouglit' a ninnbLr1 of;ships-ptolrf,
;ptlyto the•. rescue. } gill .'would,;:l av(�
u doubtedly 1, tu(3 bocari1o51�bwL� fail
w�ireles .•, ..._
• The..-- Pipe .lBand' 3uvpose"'givi a
inccrt -spinet ti 0 between ; reb 15th
id. 1)t1i ,Elie' bast local taunt will
secured r-
'1'lie Pipe Band ',While' ' at Fernu
otrslrgii Were xnviN;ed o ' attend
and Bonspeil lin Grand Rapids Mith
ttly m ]!ebrtia y, •
Tie Methodist -Sun a�yyx__rS•e'hc».
i-str -:has beers reereraitited a-rrdt- a
lair 1cndiug its- assistance ;`to' mst':_,.
�ait,'4 lartlyrs Olnieb'and ' Mr9s Ida
l Axa' 1µ
t atiirnedyto tkle Soo after
,�riilkr ,t few • v c'. ks' vae4tton_ at
li,s,J.Eo1 ne !:Home:.••
T. J:Iolnies his "been elected to
,t• rlueiitur•ate o 'tiie''.13ay Like and
ru tris ail rye niia,_arad-„Dore o
(,nt Cin npany, Lireited -
llt r Wrls'on have
;La t,t( ci tib Go(lericli afterr':.0 shilrt
t, with l�li's; )'Nilson a parents, Mr;.
LI I. Jlrs.•1Vrn. Armistl;on§
aq'�si°ric:z Ani 1#¢rsoiri fours takin g
nbe a lgt` l.7, cbn,=11,. st Wu-
x t,sIv wibthout xiny order, will' be pro-
Juted aceording to . ,v. 117Rs.• R'
-iV r-Gau i -h, old his sh tt>: nnl1.
They gentleman wlio has •buugh, the
mill; will ship the in achineiyr.e iii'. fix -'
tures to Benxi, Alta 1']t.is �till,at'aaovei
oris of- he old Ina d-'-'ror rk..-' 17 t
1Io77zirigalI . Was. •1rr;rtrari- 'vh'en the;'L
mill' was first started' up some t�t,euty
years ago;, aiid • al t'hougl r lip • has not'
been.fxretnaneucr inc ( tbatt 4:inie -i
iso -happens that-W.is •cnbagFcl.rS`litc`
marl .for this, rho last i un.: ,'•”
1V 1iss•Lr111.e Pattter soli, irf \V ughain.,
spent Sundiiy'in :towvna
ping stones .t(i' ReeVeSS tt ('r'e found. by a#' •three, *years, citltri'afa fifty� acres 'k
^tltett•:)iittlSt A, gr'e,tt ..cr4t Choi sc �yortl .o.p OT} ti ;
Del.r yV of the Minister of I1iiterinr
preache.,,, a worthy 'citizen, a giint
mind„au(t trreally;g od,nr
S , W. •COII.X, -
- From The Rip:::y Express
'A110. "Ittelti10,W
•Th ht
-it-es.Or Veit It „a•TteiTiiitt,
We' are. pleased to l'eper Mr,
et .a series...of special eekyipp,s
lleinleck cat to order, in any 101:1$41S
. The .recent 'rains have, been verY
'!locality, Which privs an. end tO. the
"0-iF.PridaV last
1:kcw that 'house or -barn.
the Main office. gr. Dave; Tower's
Tdate ,of 'withdrawal.. :Absolute-
-body w110
1 MA0010 on Friday :the 'And'
ididitt,.s for Mayor. of Vaneeilyer;. is
'Odium has. :boon: ponlielit
publication the,photos the wih-
,8 Of the 'diamond ringa.• at the
„:,e;. Threat), will be at .'the', Cain
was Very largely' attended:by farmers
suffering •seVerely „trio bad colds, glad.
'A run-Ober:of young.men and 'adios
of thialhie . enjoyed an oyAter hipper
and eVenin„*(rr's entertainment attlie
11;0Mo. of ,Mr. :Nathaniel nf
”' Mel -Lobel -rand ITheinas' FarriSli of.
with thein,. hope thoy "-Will. be;
s.pai ed•••in. hearth to renew" tbe familiar
scenes 'of their. boyhecillS7 daya.;.'many
;times. in the Altar&
',and, Elliott' Miller 'of .8t!
Ur: c, 'E. MeDUliaglif bur former .M17, Jacob ,Nriller 11;11i...the. ,e6utra*et
;Merchant showed Iiis.',,iilepotut fac,0 hi (>1''''supp'kii.li,•• ''No. • 7.: wit!' -20
.the past ten daVs. ;
reguf'aiii„ eek
In 'Our ,ClassIflot;1%Want ftds.
;with portIntint points of •Gbnoral;
Omp!oyest, to. borrov:i or to.
„to lind 4. fin air ciriari• aarnitif, .„
advortIsarnOntai ttait• la the/
ciao our Classified' Want
aaverLi$inueut will,note. he paid for..
R.11,7 Wanted
D 1:113
the unde-rsiguml. up to i'.."?•o'cloeVrtepti
Nary:190D the foiroWinc, ''
10.6.K avgisENTiisl-g-L 'OFFICE
:To InFitrucaniateurs how' to.
fiat; arid•'.beL...r.ctiniWed.
.always remain 'a e9d yitateb",;
'We pay attention
'Work are invited 10 attend...,
Owelers ,& Opticians.
'hot rio
c anted
Lothian. „
to.., dean sornd,•;3•i•it out. Promptly, repai&d.' and .SatisfactiOn ,
;make room for'.sorneth_ing. new.
'See what I.V.ho,Ve on,out•4ot
14,4die, Bloaters ',.,and Ciscoes„
.1 AT soliS.
Ma lc ity-,13,ri.Y4,• Prt4iini
wirtitge 1)s, plough,
...visiehig '; 'ne*libbrhood :after.
41.1f looks :flue, and •the ANT.'eSt•ISeerns'te
Qoilt•rieli, one day this on'a'busi,
liare bought. 6.',1'41y,' and wOuld
"-A '.po8itions
\311r eStablished Ana therongh-
$filiSteip's Slate
We are soiling ,out. HEANT Fsurt
ays to
the guost ,of .owOr.
ho anif Illorel the
41. N..1l.4.-ilpuzie-liti;onded the
WOOL '171•TDERWE •tepay you
• Etan'aY Ladies' Coats,'
Length ,Picces and .Dress Lengths at
hots SliocS, Boots, and all kinds 4f
Ifighest Cash Prices. 'for 74,
savs that if Tour fodt
are -right, yen. are all. ttgliG •
There are rubbers hero for any
.shtipe of Shoe 'almost. They 000,
*this 7earrs goods—strong an 1
d'Urabloi "put a pair, on your. feet .
"and you will nei-er.gueA.s tiao ,;
SE -10e MAN,
,I•t;•••. •
engor wear.
vi you aye,
•••144.4t4h41:n.) (ttf; 6:0