The Wingham Times, 1908-12-31, Page 5777 JY
. 11](1WH BLURVALI4 a tib .�
Mr. and Mri, Goo King celebrated A gniet and interestin marriage M"�w.-••---•
the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding was solomnized at the home of Mr. old, •Was�1C with teva�" ���D�%/ ����% ����
an Monday of this week. Peter DOW, Frost street, Owen Sound, last June, and when gra got HAPPY �r
o W d d D b 23 d 1. 10
Mr. Ales, Hood, of Saginaw, Mioh,, n e nee ay, eoem er r , a better the doctor prescribed
is visiting his mother, Mrs. Hood, and o'clock a, M., when his daughter, Miss Scott's Emul3Pt31= &Illi ha
sister, He will spend some weeks call. Jessie W„ Was married to Mr, H, H.
ing on old friends in Morrie, Brussels Barges, B. A,' The ceremony was liked it so well that he drank
and other points, oonduoted' by the Rev, J. A. Dow, it out of the bottle, and is
B. A., of Gravenhurst, assisted by the llow�ustaS l .� d t
Sunday morning, Dooember 20th, j pit p alb a ren t
Rev. J. A, Oraneton, M. A., of Lolling• o
Mrs,. Martin, who had been a resident of as any child of his age any -1 n 0 .1
Blyth for the past 25 years, passed away wood, and the Rev, G. . Woodside, two bottles fixed '
M. A„ of Owen Sound. The bride where •
at home after a short illness at the ad- K -"
-MR. age of 84 years, 11 months and 9 wore a dress of cream voile, with insert. hint O l-. -MR. JOHN F.
days, Deceased was born in Scotland,d,
ed satin stripe made in empire style, and TEDDERt � b' Box 263 Teague.
and Mr.
rhea! of white Loess
carried a . .
her maiden name being Jane�Soott, and Freestone Co., Texas.
atter coming to this country lived in Mra' linrgese left for London, Detroit ,
Morrie and at Walkerburn where Mr. and other points. On their return in Presents
Martin had the mill, afterwards coming they will reside at Owen Sound, The
to Blyth. groom is a former wbll known resident
of this village and a nephew, of Mr, �COTT'S
Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature's Plan, John Burgess.
No physician was more sucoeosful in _ �,
treating stomach and liver troubles than Catarrh Oared br 3roney Back. EMULSION
Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh medi- The cause of Catarrh is a germ.
nines and produced a wonderful pill o! multiplies in the lining of the name and is the greatest lie( for babies YES THE STORE is fall of them! Come right in.
vegetable composition that always aures. throat, spreads to the bronchial tubes g 1, you are always
Dr, Hamilton'a Pills are noted for and finally reaches the lunge. Cough and young children there is. welcome here. Look around, you'll fiAd USEFUL and SENSIBLE HOLI-
prompeonti curing
biliousness, ate aoh tr Pick he e. to the can'tfollow
to the
failel nF,,s-et nes It.just fits their need; it �USt DAY PRESENTS displayed in every DEPARTMEN.C. We lnske shopping
P easy for you here, everything marked in plain figures and at the lowest prices.
They work like a oharm-very mild- tarrhozone Is inhaled. It goes every. Suits their delicate, Sensitive Just a few snggeatione below of some useful resai;te for Ladies and Gents.
yet searching and health giving. No whore -gets right after the germs -kills natures' they thrive it, TTust P
whore can a better tonic laxative be them -heals the soreness -stops die- yrve on J' -----.---....
found than in Dr. convinced,
2an'a Pills. Try of Cat and hacking -aures every train a little does them so much LADIES'
� •
chem and be oonvineed, 260. at all deal- of Catarrh. You're absolutely certain cod and saves you so much
ers. of cure for Catarrh, irritation colds or g
------ bronchitis, if you use Catarrhozone, worry. • You Owe it to them
26o. and $1,0C sizes sold everywhere. and ourself to mare them as
EAST wAwANosfli. - y LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS. -Plain heinatitohed, fancy era.
strong and healthy as possible. broidered and initialed lawns, also plain and fnuoy Silk
Report for S. S. No. 9, East Wawa, XORRIS. SCOTTS �'MULSION will (le
Handkerchiefs, prices range from 5o to Sl 00, see our special
help p line l5oeach or2for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 260
Levi Beam is a holiday visitor under you better than anything •
V.-Riohard Deacon, jr ythig else • r SILK COLLARS AND FRILLINGS,-A large assortment of
the parental roof, 7th lino, He has
IV. -Pearl Deacon, Verna Taylor, been in the West with headquarters but be sure to get. SCOTT'S. all kinds of Ladies Neckwear, very pretty silk collars at 26o,
Gwendolyn Currie. n 35o, 500, 750,,$1.00, a Bpeoial bargain at ..................... 25c
at Edmonton and has been engaged in Its tale best, and there are so
III. -Ernest Sheills, Harold Currierailway bridge building. It is Several loan imitations. LEATHER GOODS, -We never had such a fine range of Leather1
and Charlie Taylor equal, Haggle Sr worthless Gonda, never so cheap. wrist Pnraea 26c, Finger Purses of
Pocock. years since Mr. Beam was home, good quality at .... .............50c, 65a, 75o, $1,00, $1 25, $150
II -Wilmer Taylor, Annie .Onrrie, We are glad to hear that Jas. Leigh- - � KID BELTS. -Just opened a shipment of new styles, prions •
Frons Deacon. man, of Pense, Sask., hag had a Success- mr. Tedder has just written us another letterabout ale......... ..........:............... .. 250, 35c, Soo, 760, $1 00
pig brnthor-in-law's children. Let us send yon hie See our 60c Belt, It's a regular 76C hue.
Sr, Pb, II. -Harold Reid, Thomas fol year on big farm. He Bold 3,200 iottors and other information on the subject. A -
Post Card mentioning UAL, paper, is suIDelont. KID GLOVES I th 1
had been served a very' pleasant
social evening waB spent. The bride
KID GLOVES. -All kinds and qualities in Mo^aa aua Kid,
e r
price_ ore X50, 900, $1.00, $1 2i, $1.50, oma ourlowtiar at..... $1,00
Currie, Percy Sheills.
Jr. Pt. II. Pocock, Charliein
bushels of wheat, for which he recelved
'92 oto. per bushel and be had good crops
- n a eading shades and mc,• ea, see our
guaranteed glove at ........... . .......................... $1,25
fol n,& useful presents, testifying
------. m-
Mufflers, all prices.
Currie, Ales Leaver.
both onto and barley. Chas,
126 Wellington St., W. Toronto
SHOPPING BAGS. -in all leathern of the best iality and new
We 'wish the purchaser well with his produce as much food on no little
held. Mr, and Mrs. Gillespie left on
Institute Speakers.
The total immigration Go Canada for
Jr. Pt. 1• -Jas. Perdue, John Taylor,
y +
formerly of Grey township, is employ -
mer( o Gray town hip,
Farrozone has marvelous blood -forming
Haines spent a pleasant Christiana at
styles, prices are ............ ............ 600, 750, $1,00, $125
0ollingwood and other laces and on
properties. It thus supplies Strengthen-
materials corner
A lint of Farmers' Institute meetings
the eleven months ending November
Kathleen Kerr.
well satisfied that' cod cows well
Fancy Back and Side Combs and Hat Pins.
We heartily joi,a with the many friends
condition of perfect health. To be
to be held during rho second week in
30, 1908, was 143,764, as compared with
Average attendance, 26.
is a daughter of Mr. Ed. Bosman, now
wintered and cared for would a He
Bask. spent Ohrietmas under the par-
SILK BELTS Fancy Gilt Balt L.n the Sseh Pine and
g '
Beit Buckles,
nerve system tonic known, At all deal-
January contains 118 appointments in
268,337 • during ' the corresponding
A very pretty wedding took place at
of Wipgham.
Tuesday, of last week Mrs. Robert
was satisfied with his cow9,"for the part
season. The large crowd of farmers
SILK WAISTS; -A shipment ju9t r9onived b luXht sp-ni�tlly for
the various divisions under which the
months of 1907, a decrease of 124,683,
the home of Mr. and Urn. Ohms. J.
Bruce, of Hallett, an elderly woman,
were well satisfied with the meeting
Christmas trade, they are very pretty and m•Lde of Aitk, th•%t
Groes Hospital. The deceased lady was
work is carried on. A splendid list of
or 46 per Dent, Immigration via ocean
Rintonl, on Wednesday evening of last
aister•in•law to Mrs, John White, 6th
and the feeling was that there is a good
Mr. an Mrs. w ane intend
T r �
�tCw ear's friends
will not out, be nurA yon see th9m, prices are $1 00 $2 50,
$3.00 $".50. leader
of friends and ao uaintanoos, With
° q
home from Melfort Sank.
speakers has been selected for this work,
ports for the same period was 89,483, as
week when their daughter, Mias Minnie
line, passed away. She had been in
prospects for dairying nese Samoa as
Little Mies Viola Jamieson spent a
weld Oar only ..... . .... .. ........ $250
the time of her death she had onjoyed
This his been one of the best someone
and reports from the meetings now
compared with 214,726 for the corres•
last decrease
I. became the wife of Mr, John G.
Gillespie. The interesting
Poor health for pears, the trouble being
cows are very scarce.
UNDERSKIRT'S. -Another shipment of thowa nrcm cLLoS
UNDRBl{IRTS amt received, they
being are, according to Superin•
ponding period year, a of
sell quick, you «rave from
tendent Putman, of s very encouraging
125,243, or 69 per Dent. Immigration
was performed by Rev. G. P. Duncan,
a cancer. Mr. Bruce is over 80 years,
to $1.50 an fhese skirts, see our $5 00 value for......... $3 50
nature. Inetitnte meetings are being
g g
from the United States was 54,271 as,
pastor of the Whiteohnroh Presbyterian
There is a large family all adults, De
One ett seven called by consumption,
A dreadful plague indesd .when
LADIES' FURS. -What better for a Ohri9tmas prAsent than a
taken much more seriously, and attend-
against 63,611 last year, an inoreiiso of
church, in the prearmoe of a number of
oeased ;was a member of Londeaboro'
consider that in incipient gta es it can
p g
nice Ruff, Stole, Muff, CaDyriae,Ca Gnnntltte or Far Cont,
our PRICES are all It1 DUCT p'
ed by those wishing to gain agrionl-
660. Daring the last month 7,036 elm•
invited guests. The bride's share was
Presbyterian church.
be oared. Take caro of the little cold
tural infoimation, rather than by a lot
migrants arrived in Canada, ss nom-
white oord de Chine trimmed. with
On Election Day which wili be Mon•
before it become a big oue. When the
of people who attend from more
The for the Huron
pared with 14,265 for November, 1907,
decrease 7,230, or 51 cent. Of
chiffon lace and Carried a bouquet of
day, January 4th, the ratepayers will
vote on a By -Law, which if carried, the
throat is sore and it hurts to expand
your chest, rube Nerviline undimmed• =
���Vi 6 WER'+'�,:ty,`�,m
curiosit s eukers
y P
a of per
white chrysanthemums and entered
lately apply one of Poleon'e Nerviline
county meetings will be H. G. Reed,
the arrivals for November 3,002 were
parlor, which was beautifully decorated,
Council will have authority to issue
Porous Plasters. Pain and tightness
V. S., Georgetown; A. G;ook, of Pres-
through ocean ports and 4,033 from the
leaning on the arm of her father, to the
$7,000 in debentures, running 10 years,
are tit ones relit,voki. Inflammation and ,
soreness, gradually disappear and fatal
Ussfn. P,-vsont•i in Gants' Furnishing Department. In Neckwear
iton and bliss 0. Campbell. I
United States.
Strains of the wedding maroh played by
at 4ye per cent. interest, the money to
illness is thus av:,ided,. NArviline Plas•
we are sho"ing the very latest in Knots, Bows, Strings,
Mise Lily McTAan, of Belgrave.
be used in bridge building,
ters not as, a Counter irritant over the
Apok-on and Four -in -Hand Tien, a vary ageoital liuu. Christ.
After the bountiful wedding suppei
seat of pain, and as an exterior applion-
was price ........... . ....... .. 25o
tion in oaring colds in the muscles in
had been served a very' pleasant
social evening waB spent. The bride
Do You Lack Self-control, +
pleurisy and headaohes they have no
KID GLOVES. -All kinds and qualities in Mo^aa aua Kid,
e r
price_ ore X50, 900, $1.00, $1 2i, $1.50, oma ourlowtiar at..... $1,00
received a large number of beauti•
' g
If you are constantly keyed rip, Her-
vous, perhaps depressed -look to your
equal. Keep these remedies right in
your home.
MUFFLERS, -Way's MLill3re in the lending colors, B'ui k Silk
fol n,& useful presents, testifying
over-worked nerves for the cause. They
------. m-
Mufflers, all prices.
to the high esteem in which she is
are starving, for the nourishment that
SHIRTS. -Men's Regatta Shirts, very pretty p,fter-IR, fast
We 'wish the purchaser well with his produce as much food on no little
held. Mr, and Mrs. Gillespie left on
Ferrozone so quickly supplies. Besides
its tonic action on the nervone system,
Mr. Ed. and Misses Lottie and Gnssio
colors rices are ................................ No, 75o, $1.00
nowly nequl,.'cd poaaot sioni, land. Mr. Thompson spoke and was
Thursday morning on a trip to Toronto,
Farrozone has marvelous blood -forming
Haines spent a pleasant Christiana at
BRACES. -Specially for Christmas presents, ene pair in a box
0ollingwood and other laces and on
properties. It thus supplies Strengthen-
materials corner
the home of Mr. George Haines, Holy
worth "t5u, our price ............... ..... .... ............ 500
their return will reside inp'GWhiteohurch.
ing to every nook and
of the body and brings the system to a
UMBRELLAS. -In abundance, the b, wiake., nes,
We heartily joi,a with the many friends
condition of perfect health. To be
Mr. John Phillips, of Yellow Grass,
prices aro .......... . .......... 500, 75c, ia1,00, $125, $: 50, :S:..G�
, 5, 6,
in extending congratulations.
A very sad death occurred at Cal-
strong, to eat well, and work long with•
out fatigue, rise Ferrozone; it is the best
Bask. spent Ohrietmas under the par-
all kinds at footwear. Sae oar Chri Christmas aria atitbarf
nerve system tonic known, At all deal-
ental roof.
g sinprices.`"
gary, Alta., recently, when Ella, the
beloved wife of William Redmond, of
ere In 60o. boxes,
Mr. and Mrs. Je.inos Darniu of St.
Helene intend spending New Year's
Rooky View, departed this life at Holy
and Oonfactionery, Fruit, Ste , no r Iota Alam to
Groes Hospital. The deceased lady was
with friends hero.
quote prices, come rad sae what %ve Oaa Iii a
q P you oz; with
grooer� s, Sae our Granitewaro Premiums
y y g
ver highly esteemed b n large circles
Mr. Harry W. Peddle has returned
Mr. an Mrs. w ane intend
T r �
�tCw ear's friends
,;. 3n with
Bak n Powder.
of friends and ao uaintanoos, With
° q
home from Melfort Sank.
spending with an
- ^"
her husband she moved to Alberta from
Milwaukee some four years ago. Up to
Messrs. Geo. Lottie and Will Eg1eB•
tone are home from Calgary, Alta,
Little Mies Viola Jamieson spent a
3 A" Os
H. E.
the time of her death she had onjoyed
This his been one of the best someone
few days with her sunt Mrs, James
Gaunt at Helens �
most perPeot Health, but a Budden as. , •
tack of appendioitis made as Change and for working in the swamps. Very little
water and snow and no frost in the Mr, and Mrs. William John Todd
in n few short r7ays the once happy celebrated their crystal wedding on
ground. h07'3e Ok Mr. sill( L4rw.:? 33monG bdoaino gA Monday last.
a house of mourning. Mrs. Redmond The annual meeting of the White-
war re wed to Holy Crogn Hue ital to Mr. Evans Haines, of Chamberlain,
+ church Chases and Butter On. was held
P in the Foresters' hall on Monday after- Seek., writes home crying that they are
undergo an Cpsration and after the enjoying Bummer weather out there at .9
operation she never rallied, lingering " ls, December 21st, with Robert
only a den and a half. To the tero%vell Currie, je., in the chair. From the re -
husband and a little daughter two years ports of the secretary and treasurer and we
old, we extend our heartfelt sympathy, tn3 ; ldrCsm of President Henry, it was Tho sorgrl of T>T: a Jean Robb were
The fnn�rel took place on December lot shown that the past season has been a all rendered h the most P delightful
manner, and t o audience roe y com•
Rev. Father Jan, parish prieat of St. very sucoessful one. $100 was paid off mental on the fact thct this wall known the people Of
Mar 'tt u:iareh, Bari, requiem high mase the indebtedness and a dividend of 10 artist had surpaesed herself. Her read -
and the cortege wended its way to Holy Per cent was paid. President Henry in ings were also of a humorous nature,
Cross cemetery. Mr. Redmond will be his address pointed out the necessity Of Ghat nd were
has given
a her so popular winning
the v p�•
well known to a number of the being loyal to the creamery, and amus• l; "' irha
poCple pnb..c.-London Advertiser. At Scot-
is this vicinity, being a son of John . fug cream from the baginuing to the ttah concert, opera house, Wingham, on e e
Redmond, of Wnwanosh, i end of the season, as, nearly all the Friday evening, January 8th. I and vIcAY�IIty
e: p.=u of the factory is stationery. It id repartod at Montreal that the .ell
The quantity -of butter made was 85,000 C. P. R. will buil•I a line from Sudbury
rands ,^.na as high as 160,000 pounds to Cowgnnda.
have Lcon made and the expense wao ;
Mian Torinio Battrey, who has spent not much more than the past season,
the pma" year and 1 lits ' lei' Inman Tho price of butter being high made the - -
Head, arrived home during the past season a Sncoeasful one. The same - Very
week. Harry Buttrey, of 14 ,i%a Jaw Board of Directors was re•eleoted. A
is also home. Their nnnacs. u6 friev Ia 1cv, G. P. Danoan was asked to 111- , ��
welcome them back. Gress tho meeting and he oongratulated
P. S. Rosa, wife and two children, of ¢ho diseotors on their success and on
Moose Jaw, formorly of Gray town. the business -like manner in which they Esfaiilislud 1899 prosperous
ship, aro hero on a visit. It is 3 ye+irg conducted the creamery. He said we whooping cough, Croup, Bronchitis
sinos Mr. Ross went West. He is in- should go in for more intensive farmingCOU h, Grip, •p, Asthiva, Diphtheria
terested in the Gar Scott threshing and he had found where silos were
maolilao and has done well. Mrs, prevalent and corn and roots gro7n Cresolene i5 a boon to Asthmatics new year.
Ross was a Miss Rutherford, formerly extensively, he found the most prosper- Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
Of Elma, remedy to euro disease of the breathing organs
Ons farmers. He advocated the keeping than to take the remedy into the stomach Y
It is re ortod that H. T roman 10th of more dairy cows and feeding liber-
It cures because the air rendered strongly and -
It y , g septic is carried over the diseased surface with
OOn has ur h ^d th -r h %v F d all His address was much a re i t every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
., p e, e 0 ag0 n • a a y PP e a .
den 100 aore farm on the gravel road, ed. Mr. Wm. Martin said that he had
rnent. It is invaluable to mothers with small
2 miles South 0! Brussels, The price tried the experiment of feeding green
In said to be $5,200. Mr, lrloP'edden oats and peas after 1st of August, fol•
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in•
flamed conditions of theh�jE
W 11
will give up farming but we have not lowing this with corn, rind had good
learned where he will looste, He will results, He had grown born for twenty.
move to Brussels in the meantime, five years and was satlefled that nothing
$oIu by druggists.
Send postal forbookl-t.
R. >Tohhston, s old stand, opposite Bank 0£ Go1i1t1a0rCe,
We 'wish the purchaser well with his produce as much food on no little
Limited, Agents, ]Slone-
Pltt�aL rpt),
nowly nequl,.'cd poaaot sioni, land. Mr. Thompson spoke and was
real, Canada. 307