HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-14, Page 3„ .eaTed, 'T4ey. _ IlaVO 'BOA- - DrOWned iii: ., .11 d$011'..s.... B4* esPatch from Winnitteg OaYa: dnapector Reltier. -. Pell/tea i I AIS 114114)4ApoR: FRO 3f: At,f0.;i0vpix 4 .,.. .3, , 'Oogrifpfiloythills Tram' 001, 0i,YD , . .. , 0. Aud 0110er 0)0114109*o( • . :, Iteoe(LrfA13,1,444.t.s.. • , . a.- 4..11. 0,ry,.,.f. Teitero, outt weie: to tiiturn le, * Olprrohill. hr: , ) ._ , •• . • .7: . orger-„,...opteyors.,.,:44194100 4.opt,embe.r I.) but logs.. yet .have shit3 ".,••Tgliere pre. said to'be..11'430.0:And, working at : For .pbtvoidn. au.:4u. up., • oergo, :Doaaldsolf. was, cases of typhoid at UOntreal.• •,.- ' 001 m0,410.3, the •latter two in 'dhargo of a,. it/oat:J...0f four 0q- gan4 andj.fishery lice,i*s. -and .141ga.g.etl. an . laying Out Li; VOraj. Reeves,' pm ;interpreter, . and Anell. for vioNtion's of tfiv 0)19 If. A, there .tincler the 'direction. tW-0 EACIOM0a. .TEIe55. tiat'Vellea in,' 143Y4 aggreSated '4P040) .4:14rin4" ;11-)Pnainiina OeVerninent,' ar- one" 4 Oki imall - coast . ateatPora 1008> io. Ontari0,, ' „ .1; - ' • ' , in :Winnipeg . on Wednesday tfrom Fort --.`thitChill,, and - 'fit ia, ' .111.°' Ck ,P.: 4. is rov3,4g, 4:1o* 'Yale lig after An:- aOnQua tritt in thought that. ' this .v.esself„11143!.• 4a':!/e. an grahltsliiiitheikts yet to enC°:"- g tram All three were oh)-th. capsized on the, 1:10d$014 •13.0% '' A, age the...Pacific eievort trade. l't.1,m gscInnnen,,gark-Of teini,•; i*rty; was Sent ...:.'iint • from 'Fot,t ',0.;,'Ilp,,hiwo•t9',;'..erli4.,afti,i, rWaitiolf,'Illi,104:h.V.47.4itefith-.... Signe': They' bring the tart- Charehill on Nememlser,2" by Ma?, atelligence that`leroJ,04,14. io.i. Aftio•dy'.to's-eatolt for ,the Mitt- to 'rniniatera in •*parte'Olhe., -wkit.; ,P-Wtql -„polmg, t4a-ye been Ioat i'ing, "rn:iin; ' They are .'trairellipg 15,4 ,:,,,..11143.,:Pqapeziger Agentst. Atiaapin•-, >.' vicinitY of Qharahill' 00. dog, tram, i,4Ind ,..Will go north. t6 • t,19n• has ',refuaed te•grinf: eXcur- , - • ilen.. ,, One -r of the Pliaaing., ,Fhliertert3, , ''' “gndatifIlay''',4 al'; .4zOn' FSeO to the Montreal Winter tgl ' was in charge 'of Thspie.: ways .-Opait0 '.'said'-.. Mt: - 'Monier, OArpival.;' .. ' • ' ,' -;.. '° '''• ! I, • . ?eltior of the ,2,°S...W.If•P4; ' ;wheii asked aboat navigation an .° • Recotder .Th(pui,s, Of Montreal se - he other was io charge of the BaY. :At- Churchill the icp left: vere4''. ..:OrWelaes. • 'Rev,•-...cArthor- -Donaldsdn: - Ir!geotor Pe..17:_otfibk)St;_lodidlt tiagfo. :01T,14,11.i tiiiiiit"h14f)i'4024:rliti''fji.f.d'ib:11-AW3r: Wr4,..41r44/4;44.:ArtliUdOear414.iiit, ,sixi-ti.e.?5--Mitire,-0,U....-4-tr-GliAtr Oval -.----Tho-"WinuiPeitY.60:110ii-TOV ifOR- nitET atroitTs rii031110 r raluN • TRADE C4NTRESt 7erices-�f Cattle, 'Grain, Clleese , - .7. °tiler Reline utid Ahreattil .11READSTITERS. • . .9-F-enta4. 413r.n., • 1.2., -;.X.1 -aut., ;arm .whoat 90 per cent. patenta quOted At $3,70 te-day. in buyer' aacks' fd,r export, Manitoba, , Hour,- tlif4t patents, 3.0:8()• on track; 1. 4.':::.fraporvatory .•..Dfreoto. diespatex 40)11 aoroe' al4e-,Ptor4e, ro.f Afontina. g49•03111 nier0' than ailything 4614o the IdesPruetien of their cathedral, the glory of - Messina which 'bad • been famous for centuries, 'defying all former earthquakes) with its beautiful ere ,are burying the on the qiurfaec ctif thousand -were.; ;entre ditebea on, Wedeead Rlentiful. The evaeu .sina..is heing,liasten are arriving ap Na train, hundre Rome on Taesday. them were -to retarded Oestoa. ", • ' litaiza; ,whO • i comb:44,443in 'the cart has Jetta that aecut Ranee, ,cki Italiafelthe moreidle; the .Na;viga ale ItalanA And the ace, have Jen recol in of. the built:Hop bodies folnd t:pi,ins. .,TO:),.. ehed in 400 ' 5r.. FP2d -14 tion • of Mee,' , Survivors les, . on every ' rehto ; -se'cond patents, $0,39, and cyclopic .' monolith' column , and - ed t, ' arrw , .4 strona•sbakers'i .$5.10, to $5,20. glorious Norman, Angevin "• And Majority .9f What --• yaaj.tolio, Si::,09- ' to'. AragorieSe toinhs Of kings Of, Italy. 4 1VP.1411 ?ma 44,109% :thri.. N -(-.c., 1 . Nertheriy--!. at All are ruined: The • condition, of ,„, . . °,2 •,'! .. .$1.•033tOr'X0'...1.2:: Nor,t4rn, anO it the. Qalabarse f.k,rexinces is -Most in suPreme ' f$1.04,, 'for :NO, '3 Nerther.114.- p.I.or.4 ,deiolate,•.., '''''''44.hey .4re. an iMMOnSO C1,44k0 ate14. . , . . .gian,Ray,porfa, No '1. Northerh is. 'silent" neCTOPOlis-, . Stretehing: tri* rerpi`et,' Gin?... ' lopted 'at. $1,19, all. rail, og.la No,. , the lOnian. to the .rrirrhattian;Aea,, ties of the: f. 2' Northern. at OM); ill rail. - - - ` Peehet• • Alfari, •director, . Of the Banea enta-" ' otttairio.. NV,Iiiat---No.: 2White`, 94. lfrarenee- Observatory, is ' 'of , the ion,e ,,Gener- to 9"4%e, outside, Aii; .rod i)yinter op -intim that earthqUaltes..will con- ()ciao- Vd4 '•• at 905.OUtside,, &Lid No. t• htujed at *inue .two, or throp- its,t-s being 7 .. .ed-400a.;t1i0.*•"*. 94e. outside..,... ' .. .. ,. • ,'.,: ' . • ‘'', '.. ItiOlent •at- *the: beginning•anttgradu- aced:pied. 14' .-. . °Oata-4),,ntatielNo.42..whit.e.,..'..39..t0 "illIt-..denasiari.„3-1)43444i4.,..f.•4.........4,=r,43.4:.4.3.4.„,•,• slite7,77,-:41Wit=411X-t'Oi'A .iiieffr're.iji* 7eICO-C S":Wilf I-4. : is', hein,.,Cgrf4fz.t"O:e4Ck-A,7-ner:--"t-7 4Pli'llia•e•-krVo•VOnt.07'27tor..*:VO-Wril l'alt'''AV'MUsi'd$ ; , Ird71-tifeit'',-rf'd 'iiiineroxiirtitilY%,:fh.:.'oi,i_07404:147.7,,, Y.3.,ag Or. Che.sterfield. 'In AngUSt... XXI July It... was ,ted up . on ra,ets a,monotmg . to . 4 Ludlow -0a,nada- oats, 41.7%.c, • lake pots, and - of •'frequ'ent.,ebenrreitc,e they Willha' 1 ei.i..,seenritiee. . . • • :, • ' ' . .., • : , • ' • • • On the annual patrol *rip, at -York Faetery, for -,. 4002,iie days; &alai's,' for; the 'eanstructien,.. of. :-8,, No, I feed,' 42..°) lakepOrta:. • . alight,..if .,infroquent they will 'be ••• Dowly,ger• Queen Ma ghorita, iv,ilt • - - 4'3.nt:LeyiecirrAL‘Qwa.0,14:1_,W3eella,r.J.844_1,1iine4hia.leii:ho.t. jor.11iii!trii, ci.u:b.Tpiy,e,ii..tlr4'.i'co';'b,el:•a.Ceo.AeWoAihellrt.;_e. .,:o'peAntlair. imarnprOouynetii_loef4'tmt04.)netI:. :,iliatet'. i i .,tte.alch of -Missing . Qe,Ologi-i•-on. aceOtint. of ice, in.,t 10. month of mimicipzil power iiiant..,,..‘ . .,,, . .. , , • Ity.0,...7x0.. 2.. quoted .0:,..470; .o4t.- violent.. '' iPitence :Father' • Alfari i (Tate, .$200,.000 • to h 0 :and: :.°11' ''.• Til Auguat Sergt•.; Donald', ered would be • at 'the. •Straite of the ,f.',a,.1:eRatley',W6,-'0 a.."*. Mc outside,.X.o. . , ggio to slip eauti?0,8•,, • • ..• . • r • . , warps,.:the ..re4.94.6r3-'.4b-lieSsilx4-411(1 :(N:71::: ea n, .._ parents?arPa1,- nt r hq. 1.15*.1": :. • ,.'-'4•-'- ' ' : - ' ' '''' :. avkg,eerfeor 113100.4: elsiin.1414tho' •,' . " eft OliuS;Chill ° for 'VA oict;, Aviielio-tho..400,Agooli*„:003,4pt.,4hero,..... ,,,,--ail-kt•-•-•,&twxarioroosoordizi-irV, -"Rnelt-e4rea.450 t"0" -'440%c entsieK''' 8,n,operioi..- 0:11;p_oi.4. t_iobi "3, extra at 53o a No ".3 at 510 • REg_dum,•,..:AL'Libg.„!4,110.24._ 4:1,14,.,,,I ... .. .41.xi''O' itliciik'olie star ed 'a': laza.; . ,,....: . FtheStr *Dint 'north in 'Ogria..:- se said to be. ..tol. , open : channel r. er4ganmaypr,e, -it,„.. 0. L.45Att.:1441:3,t1;4_te.1.: ...Peas,.-..Nni...2,' 0).icr..&d al, 8.,94314t-,.._ :::.Z3,,,T143241C:01...iC)X4:4111.4i-44--41:es:&., 76- -3,/.:-.NAgte,I4040744:00 s-Mion.grAirS7.-',---:•-•-•-•'-' --7-'-`-'^ .3 ' saveden.s1W4.t.-,-t- ,7.,-,---7-.....,--:,,,' . . , ' MoSt' of the Weeks are ilight„.; • * iTe-%'rck-Titain, atty.('-- 3 galla;lit .inanner ky •Donald,....3faElV, , • . . '.0'orn7-4Ter: ' 2 ::' Ainerican -• yellow ..Several.:,haiV been rather viel o'USseT. ,'-;:e.r.be...d..1‘nired. Oriest :3'7'...a!ri:toc4ti;‘...: ''. .. .. were., killedr-,- .-:-• -.. v.•; -•-•-.'t from drowning •in -6,. most .., „. )1).00N48.....,*.itx.sfri,,.:. ,. . : .r. idee.,3p,aef_Tolt.41.,...:ili.e..6.7.sh,ktat;n6g.i..6;k6:11: ih:. ,r..0,.. u,70h. 'IT.:4.6o°r1114:niiilioal.,‘:;'3, ',ii.ii:d.C:!NI.A. ,:olv.,;(1'-,q,.3,10_1.63Y81:1'c..11,-'71_1**/:.0,0ck7 -licriiselgTtIll'te'rrem-"ali41.0°d-:H'-4:tenzli1.1 - •The,, aliap7of-Trepo 37...ealabria- - 3, .tar the: shack. of Dec !OB.; • 1 .,...ep•Ort:„..,'„that 500 c.h.it chesin:•hia ..-. 't 101 Their 'llutirO'Olnent'Ia ,•,.t,,.0;.r7e.1:.144.7.,ottierrY..,,i.'67Wiohiloihte,3.:y.V.,i!1.1:,,",_D..„.r.,...ii..".77ei'il,.gIt.,.,owfatii•S:A4teitdst:.Aott':ntlioe,4Atnasi.riiaictlDniatrot!.. s4.8.9srahZioaittir.110i...,p10.6,i1,14;hniluk: .fiouoltk- .I 1, F. Lop, the persons,.001.rizt. Tu....gldftue.d., So di '..-aiceese ..Alone ' Were'. estrayed by .1-1.* E°41iOntitii..:Repartment, at ".Presee-it ;that :1.44 .:tow : .0014. he :eaitliquakel... „, • Ontario T.,-.0ep.tirtMent' of, Etin.- '• ...',A *despatch, from "$ew. York . isayi'i• 'Ili" .. 3,aoltlet.4n....the '.4inproveinent. tory:;--fo:•:•--West- :Oringellsr;:---,J7,-.-.•-on :-, ool. arou.hds;n` *hick ; should has-'reeently issued :::A. neat 116*.as A.: Ediaork,:.,in.' hs : l'atiOra': .‘db(ty.d;tkllit,iiii,h711.dogilli;ot.,„11,1r.,thel-T•v_oiliitt..g.,,.....',...",;7„:, „,...•;_"001:1114.--RY--PRORVOL- •:-.!•••‘,1-13,..ta'rtelf,e4.41!:Yer o'uTttlitentie-!:.ttee.mr-Yaihr lolgi.r . .. . • • . . • , Wednesday .exprossed. . . .confideheein ‘. The..0.°7N,..R...is sascl'to 'have mnade - ''APPle. i•--'`. Wintel: et6Ok ••$.3 to" $4 01.05ed,..--A ,fe3y.,'extr,44,-: hoc cattle cattle 1 a tiiiiox: aid in ,-. ill. •,‘brwolno ..00..sue"„. of, his .istest.invention,3a.„..p.:i_st4grt42snet.it to Aittild fiVe'binid,04•,per• baprOl* for 'goad- Onalitles, And. srollda, was 'p,riceos'.• tirivait.. t;he eixt;pgb:trt. _„,better„.. condition .42 sopool .a • practical ;storage ,.battery for ""Ac unde roving.= On guarantee. o' i w railway: iii:Albertp, at $2 $2 ...t‘Q...,.$,,2po for cooking .appies. • t ide w only m de e OW o VitiolyS:..MET:13110D, !ttijimiyagisli'list.*itite.e.citliittiiznoti'it."-Piiitoi.:Z:PtorOps..0e.ilvlee.d,:;.-.'6oha.::.V.Iti.:'Etti.,;,.;'ailiide'lnet•fteetr„.„thousoldi:d60.1.1'.dorkr. '-a. '32„,:ii,'.‘ 'f ;.: de..hans.,,--d1,P.P... ,elltrilee.i.„4.'°‘ .$.11,1...i370?'t.°4'. 43c). 1. A._.:.41.' .:,;,.' ''''tslesLi.siaithillit::rxi‘,Piza:7.'..f.-046.19T:',,(Vot'd9:0:t.-ev 4.1; 1. Plotifi's.lkOwing lib*, g:c0064 In laige :eitica. • 'His' .sChente'147.tb- _ .• .. ' .. . -• , .. . .. . . - .. 1 . . • -1,07,(NO. fit TS:. . . ., . . . . ld. .43;3- BUtchers .1i -twins" ' t •:;•: 41wItAA' si4relaric/lalskcIP-4,8ii:t. atilgty4Ittls-e.iyftta;77: 4474:41.6l.%:Ici0/9.t4ne-..:;11'.1;.;•.'11' Genit4ceTr .70.ti-e!tli.onIN:. - s':-a;;I:M urkiSb Grand' .• ',ash s • r. ,nd:•0-‘,11,,,.z.,6,64;--a7ffn.d7,--.st414.ral,;--.i:"-.17 '4451:rt-.-.!,2475'Ll'IL .4"uliettiitx:176iisi--6-34; vizt4-er;c1-': •$3---rtoi6;t5v9 for . .•, • • 443;1'. Practieal.(irootions are 'e .Stiffidiently, charged at .the .2c,.,;117piu.c .slyisit 3:to-England. hs g- !'.-''''.r.r..•-:. '":.---- -";•' : "1:1-:' , . .. . , ,s. to • &7:.'",:‘,..-...-gobil-cattleix---and.4-$4.50=U,$4.:380--for . . . . , , • , . .,., . .. -----IRrlitg-....71414117'rerti gn: on t0.41-:'driiie-13/R."iih'd • - for 'illii..iii•-6*:'dkr, cOntlnaOUS 3r4r''':::`:'`NIVIlitlili-:„/callea :a :itleciaed..7 knipettiS.' 1 .. , • x,.4,apt,..n3b,.,e :ao ._cc,.0..qu.17...7. ,...e.r,,a, , ehoioe.,....F.,,.,..-_•sirni., .,. ,.. .. . • .3,4r _the .,....inaking-of,la,waat 4sting.j.-aerAioniie..to4,1Sii-,,, iii:•• en the-Moveitieitt,,W:pepny.4.41,4.ril: ' .:'-'74 7 - - ihe •Stairs. • -.-•-• .. , . .. .. 00.• per ton :on. trael4. .. . . nt"'Ottreetil,„ itlirilbs,',::vities.,.°•tional, tracke, ' • Polea ' Or.. Power' i• .'' - ' • ' ••'''..° . ' • : , .... * • and >wer-: b.lordersi.' The ..:botiklef, lieuses4,344,prliQuoi .; .• • •,.•:- .44...,,,i tveraisk. tk: ) ,r3 - 4.0: :,4:' g:4;* ! ...1,;...44or . A, .'lfr..,,,, ,:"."-'" : • : , .: -401-rei.141:047rtr. • ..: •:::,- : ..:4.1:d.-1... P*Pli& ...1W.. ' ... '' •-: ; l''' -ire. 9 d 4 . of fa-..., 1...4.4.1,41•_e•:•07-,:lit.oro...state..chare.o.h: t•PettitoeS-Onta,x,ias...0(to :per bag. ..- \......%',...,..,-.7t.---.----7%., --7----7'. Utt here liaVe.htien Sein .e ebt-calleetar: ik'slat a... Of ..the_Ontario,4-Agri,eulturali•tUrei::trgilsit-ifacilitieS--`,can7-1,e-.veen-•:, tOcinimerce nasSed. a .reSciliitiOn 0 •Ile-alea..ea. '75 :::ti?':',.:1!),O.r,'..?i.t,g.''.. 9.'t •.?1..f0,p.16, .10.,_::,:i.,6. yst__,:p1H. .,,,.,.,:.'siorN . owc,0,- -vm trzonecto' , )'1( f Guelph,, -I: and : : School noniicallY •earld ;ler by the . new 6-13.1.4-.:t.eeip1;.9oityr,103ftli.,••940.04.,., ., „ °, poplt13-70h1ckeue,. _dressed, 1.9 t., Ms' Interest:in, nstrnimental-:11.111'i- poised' !beth ingehdity... •nd ; • and ..' Inspecterik.s'idaiiring battery ars S Thor..,. will' ran ..ene, • assistance: on'. the-. 'subject hundred •milea:Withent „recharging,. . oliakethe. ebtor pay'. IL.... 'rour. :Cattle; '.r.otIer•s „were - kilted ,t2a.,perpentid;,-fowl,17„,:te-Cse';.d.ticks,_..,,•,.. . • ,- . . ,,. . , . - . . ,, .. . • _ 3a1-.0aroundlinproirereentare arid will eireia ntilize'lhe'IstaChinety.:.'611,40,'4;7,v.:Vgt./1'.,hii76fidc'e's /:,.'eaotiiitlit6•.1..i.74.!,41.4'.1116.r,..liPf.,,,g4.%2 ''19'1t°' 12c, ''ge6.'-.: ° ' .t°' ; j'Id. -1?-2 oTiiiR.r.,-i Ca tly"iii Pal Sti ,ie y C.• malty. .. raardinary c seof :this:. 4.1ii . , . .., ..e,g0;, ..a..1,., , , , .,. .‘,.. ..,,:i.,. .. toCi4iiictd:.;:,7,111,..ii'. ke:r-f.-„., ...,I., 7`17i'..":1,iga • per: 3,''IsTappleop. haa'.1) enzdaaerihed. recut - • • .. 6i se1.10014, -0.R0JuiNDR.- • . • • •-• CO L o Cominunie-a;teitit-ifith:'-"'-'41iielrlaiiiiii ih-e-'ear .to: E4 •StOp 101' :31i3OpOd4hfit tkilit play• reSUlt, almost, a rinisie.;.. tia,ter- , 4 f the , Tit, ki It grand- h iarkod' iniproVerne.nt..iiii--th0 writer put-Iiiiicittitha-very-foo easOn..to,.4-kr ss -for-sal ..'.i.. ''-••4...., %DP-ea:4116e ;.of 'selaahl the li.frt ,of: nietlerq rnlers, Se :far, "ihnilinpl'o;:seAd.,.niot." .t,..40X,...ri,-1.0.7%s'ie7 'Iv s a711. 6\7.6i. 04-6 .64.1nti*... The '.' ar -even toleration', of • - . • i- ,'• -.. T appreciation• • „ ., . , not, approi ed 13.---o-tre _6 is next to the liable, str,,its nanaisga•-fo•O-nOerbc'd ,. ' • ...." - the Cialiabita,ri s refus'ing ' 0, ie----erpthe-risizig.-geitteriitiOtW . NOW" eiOnie.O.T.an,',.gn-,41ish-dOk461- of, on hearing I is, the '.1g6 ter ore,. beautifal. . sClinol 'Stir-. d-er'ed-arlen-caYs'; quafa, -itii the Slander;_:„Iss-•„..tba Qeittlewpitiin., ' if lir: -adriiiilf,ed 'thatl:;IlieingSical 'ing that there Was a 'ease olera • •ste-8-.01-.7-41W-G°Fs-le-a-°•.°6wPre' . ii.e..-Place.--' •Tho -halitary'Were.-7-. , , to -31 . nd-new-laid4,10c7per--doa4- 11-0C-6revated:' Bitt forjhlY:t1----f.-,-,h c1 -7•1747b-1 i -i .. the 4Fc3.T.4-ii7-4,nr.W-7,-. ' tie recharging. - The, ears,:will: tun ;;presiiient. Roosevelt h-reinsecl ....,...:..,';'.,..' '",• - '7 ' -7"--"' - • • - on any rail, the resentPstreet ear' 'Aii.,;..aiw.tv Attofuey,,Getnefal ../13onaL._..._..:..-:IRE,,p4Tity. 40,,Krils..t, jmilit J14!;3',/ tracks p:41i .0t., Isaac ;• ' tricks '°''tains''.rails" 414 it t110. 'Y'Arsei.." 'te' answer ' a, 14:0Stionf. asked '' '13:iiii.et--Pound Print,s,•:•g5 to 0c, 0.1:1•:him- by ' the Senate . '.. .. ,; ' :., ,..1.1. tiika; _22: to '2,10, :the .railS with:their, own power.!' . , ;iitifeiior,' 20. to 24e; Eight------hight-Siders7.-:•-iteenSed;- at Cretviner >• oils ,28.16.:19.6 - and,solL •-•.,,, , _ , 1, :union:, -.City, ...Tenn., 'o , lync 1 lig ads, 2,r.e.• .r, . :.-. , a .• • . ELL ' ON: ANOTHER,IMAN: , .thipt.. :Rankin were -.convicted -• of ''-:Rg"g§=0.a.-1-5,47:61-•-P,10,0. S'Asiii.ii0.;,,, 1gs ha've • sts, reflex- na the improVement of the .1'eter Peterson' gilled. inilitille-rat • . en. • .,Idved qsingmg, so much that manY. a trade calve • to -an end.. The real . :inur, er :six In the, first: degree, 24 to 476.:Tei-dozen•:_Lseleet.lo_n_s.;2_,3 -..two-Hin:;:the -second. • , 'one • ve liuinor • 6 64me, • s ha, ne to. nentlY tsivibts- 7,7" -7:7 -"`:'**11 y3! .1., . • , Giroux., Lalte'*' Ry RAD DOGS.: despatch from C,ohait'saYI: ° G.ENF:41,4p. . , .ehase;•,.13'%c -Per tithe' "after a concert lie ,,rdered -the - '• • ' - '- ti •^WeelneSdayinight iiiather falai- ' -Fifteen 'Persons -lest'. their:lives. P.oun:0;,;ail.d..,twto.s.4-1 ,•,.,,,, .,..7 .,. ,vOcalsts tO ' . e to he PalaPe. an . to the .earsi.ot the people,,• and,. the ••,,•, - - _ _ , •-•. . . .. .. " . .. cons° of the hoyc:ott,, however, came: . 41,e,.14 .iiii., .,,.spiql.nyiyanibe accident took Place. at th • • Divis in nods ,in UOStp, RI . 4,, , e • j ,... . :. : :. .,130: Ir;I:.:,p.-7,4--Itt)3515,,....e, T. st.,.77• ....: - 414.g.".,,:.,. kr. el. 0'..:.h.iin :aria: th-6415.6, p,r:R4,‘, -pOon paid. 34., • .... J ....•,, .• .''... :, ', ..,.• . .64,,,,,..n....a.r..1._ •• • - _mine ::-X-1.jroui....;14;alie4-',-----Votir--1.4ten. ------:The'llailirlxit'LP-61'S'itir''.h,07,1VS"W '''''''''''lil: `...T,' ' •'• : '7:13 '44.:0SePiPne', :, • :.' . - • - • •• • .',...• .- ,...-.. NOT .A...,81,TQCESS...,, •.‘Y71.'. •••••-?'”'''.-7-•,„'-°--'.:'. ' • ' ,.:*wereongiged In a :shaft down six- a .mansfesto • evoking the constitu- Pacont-teng clear, • 10.4,•-; to /10 .. A. curled's, aiie dole is told ' f his• , ' 4-, • ,,, . , , • . .. , ;PatCh frOM, Pittalin.rg, - Pfki 4::, ty...five feet.; -.three lia,d ,gone,•• doWri tion. • ..,.,' ' • .. ', .•: > , • • : ' ' • , .,. .. ; . . ,, ... .p•-ai,.,yourAt qu` , easo: Iota j Inle. Is. *P.Ork,.,...,_,.• h'ilistpSe„,„,T. toonner„:of ....I:leafing :. .. with' de;:u'd•Igiela;•,-:till'-'1131.'e_ads,..T.in.gaealli'°Iiulfialash'etritsrle!`: . truaranfihe'to latit 100, dal's:: 'the ladderif,ay,;; Petey ___.,Petersen.,.:Jt_I-Tlielcaiser-isaa-deeidettto',trael-.. $10 *07,',$"19,' 0.0T'a:11-• : 't * t; :$2.-5 '•• al tiSts. . Orie isight at ti.conoett,..at .0wriej., af.. 8a. rein 1..iiiii:.sonie ,feu, . , itrirvladect beeto SpiinghOro,:iFinlalidiii,-.4inglei aged 32,1 'called less ,and12.,te •IiNce inore, 4411* • :pkis, •., ...1.1sat's-Likht. t.O • meqii3m;.. f....1.0,. iii.e. ThllerieS • while i, ,,DaPart,•' • the ..... 3 - o . pi- ' il '' . ' . 1,4 " .'''' ' ville,-.MeadOWviile,' Brook: •dOwn..• • to 'Ili,i,.__Ii,ari,:e..ere'..11.elOw...-that 3.7,..eit.i..-.- - . . -: , -,.-.:t-.- ;''',.:..---:-,';,--,-: -\,- --. -- ..-.''..':.-°-.' -:133/21e1.• ,c1O`,,-:heav3",..452e1 roll si .1 og - folo,iis ,,,i..1,i,,aii,t,„ ...,,,...4, i„,forii,_ 'a • tshaiit,„-w.h.6.. fq,...ioverm ,-.376ekit,•„ -i ' • . . , Inc-Sy:Mc ,:attd "other,. Sinai': he wis •COMing .doWn• 'a !rope ' used. : SiXte•on ..Britiali sailors '.*,e're to ...:1.0,'46 ;( shoUll-ers,, 1,6•.%to.:•1_•fiAe; iO'g ' 01' ..s0.10., . tho. :.gpIljT rcy. .kildkilly b.41.:Itist his zraixt....Lioxib:eini: • . ,,,., ,.,.,,._,_____*,,,..,-.''''::': '.. ,., , . „ ..,. mentos ag .1. vise:poor wa;s••4Ft to A it ..cp,a±tord. And adiEiiiiiii the-vithil f°1'.11(44:13711iri6-r ' ..°•itilecl.-;-4-4*-dlle-S-44-11T4-.W.heti 034-1.-S-4."-0.-7:4O-----10-40--I:4,-i-4.4fO'Ft....-D,Ontered-:-+Tffre-;-14,-ajel;-)y-,,noiltled isisLordered-•re--the, heiisei. he • te.:, • . - ,-\,- - ...,. :.., 7,7Pechil SO' of •the.-Prev,Alence son „ started'. down the ' •rope„ thO•r Pitinaee,' Wis-.1•stink..in''.. a co - 322-4o 14i?.. -head. approVingly,".?,:aticti when • • • . • • • •• >pbe..4...eStp.rn part 0.•••e-',04,3-p;•ptii,iiiiting7-hlk-_*-07the lision. • -• -1* - • ' • ' fi - --a • • . . s.tate-..and-thes-resenee•-•;_of-Aota14.--oi.tilia--,.-4440.;;;Fiiiity_five,,,...1e6k.,,,,7Au.A14116.;_it.tiii_. r-fo.4.;h7sTs jica-., pall i .,., a... ,,,,. : . .,:. „„, :,..! ; : !--.° ; ' • • rceo-St ITO - . ..... . flushed.. sio7r67-,frial?ii t, inif,':WhO :thereappir•hteaght a bar -•:'..Y.,..4 ticf,ITZ:t .,.. ,be affected -- -an& lkillihg::. Iiiinf, instantly.. ..„Papr-.. ..repregentatiye to the ; eonfererice ., . .'. • •. . . , - - ' 'i' . ' ....' -0.14the lievee-"cle..Ydit::'-ntanige rel -organ into -the hi-,U3e,,plaCed it . • Dogi.tio. . heing,,,Shot„ 'on son fell',,upon:Mat..!•Nearroee ' belt* of-..-the',.governinerits.': in es.ted :iii • .".7.1...T.-8'llSTE•S$':'AT..13/101‘.,TREAL. .:• ....3 , ... .. -,:' • ' "'-' -•": •'.',1/0..., keep' Itliat1,.instriinierit."•So......ma4-. 'on the ,stairS,..•and:/lIayadqtg dole:4..„. ote as ..00y.. are ;,.eeii...i.iii/1-.,141,04ireee,'is'',inLthe:11ad .0'i'atiii•Ili-,. the 'all.:7-red -•renta,••• "*. ' • _ • '' '-.L•-.-L;a1/4tixrxt-r-sa;.1;i-44Afit.,:,-:.;IR-Gtain':...e.tt*1-'ie.•'irfra-lo.,---xfa.;: it liaowe,,,,7:::4-4, big by ,„a:o...dbing::to..diivs his totiazi.t..., .1.., ion1e'11•". :ii ' a . 'his. un .....0 ,.„.....1cellsi..f0.1:tuneg.:=;fer7eter-fotir'hOniz'hoP^. . 'e0aPtiOn114.14°i-P-1-*tal,c,k-/.4-. Alital.;•'''--cillis-4/11iltiel4,' ariLOot'OO11.--1' ' l' -***111rdei"-14.064.7-th.4•6:thiiTagian''...natiiiii ',..WeSternN.O.,.".. • whit°. oats ' Apay uBut Spurred, : '.* • . .. ..', ,... •;.':',:':' ' ., --:. :6 ,p':,!.,::,--••• dents, of :the cominunity •• to --sidOied 'fatal, .'uniessycemplieiitions, of TAi arkeill'Se: his 11441.erfoe, :to z at 4'6X6;'''p2ctra No: • 1- feed 'oats :atboots -outok loforcehint .. ; poor. Du -pont 'fle,atitifaintea w.i._ei 1.-1. (h4,412..i,-;441.,,..d.thouetralioti..,.diii:tot- i th.e disease frOm sPreading• set' .m. . !, ' . • ' .' , . , ,. k.coP.-the •Noh,Innieglie• '• Of . Iecl-4_ .4.35,34e; -and., ,,!Per.,. Ve: .ga.iv ..his..trea,surol tteateds,like taTraccomPlisli'ita object;:•for the. rtaigh ' • an it--tirreadY!'has.,-,-'--j-One. , :.. ..:' • .. [48 . already occurred,.. and le ..Pasteur: 'Iostitnte - at ,*.p..11....1tEstity"to,Ags... .,,, The .Feheh:',:efeet.-i'On4.:"}I.A_,.:ve '.r.,-, ..--,' MaIiitolial. aprir.fg, w.h.,eart p.'4tonts , . . toy,AI to lIfitiih. rule.' • :.... ', •••• ' '411811761:i in car lots; ,e.,.c itoie..:, Hour;,.., ' War' hoi.:Se. 'fot ' .severail:',Linu•tes. hiirs': had the.heitseLow.neri,arreated'•, . , • ' ' g is *dvercrewded with sfk. ,...,.. .'..*: :II... ... , : . • . ,. ,.. .' • x., :.:.:: - • ' . -: - • . . - , , . , - . .--shlted • atria: G..bie.,rnin. eat.; t, 3"4.' firsts at .fe; aeconds at $.5.b , V' he 'looked on retabliiig.41;o-.'head,"an"d•he was .fined by the ur .i ts' t ' - • patients, aiid abb•tit. irlill'131; bllion v 0,0118.14g •••neolited t,i1c' A..a.51,i01:',6..1°Ial,1•8t,bla.61:11','kin$.6' „ter- W..he.at ' Pat-entS3 ',.$'5. te...6'.15.3.1?...1f..";!)t, 'Abr last' 11;°wifve4.. *11. dart*: 11.ext 'cla ger,ons • 1-• • .: - ,. .. . • • . •., : ., .,... :, : . .net,..gaisk.,:or 'filt.Oen seats... ,. . . ,..„.„. .., , ; q r. ' 'ea •torwar • and,called-„• but Sir t • : not ler mid -ord-in-the East end P'0..-:-IvaliMg-''to•-,OOthe In. '''•• . :,,,: '''' Thsi..',":".reaPT - N ' .' -Rang *-fit Wei, the Ohjaes.e......te...° . • 'hi. : ......-. .1n ,.such p,atl etia. topes thatthe Ein- of London, e hen . '• ' ' .. stra'ght 'roller • $1 GO to 4,4./0 ; do , 3 • • ., •• .•:• r • • ' . • '' • - / .., he, Nie4e.: te: ,,get i;n, enetliiindre4I'persOna in . . k.00•spiLtabfroth...„.iy.A.rop,us. ,,;3,83,.:,., foll,n.1e41613,„has..,_,:toct'eg :,41.6,‘ .,;1„:1a7g$'1:8$52..11Ft15 :te%._,...:$21grii'•ittltr.:41:TAf, 410.0,,:,h4n"clod-i4:10).gqii,.,i,#e ,iasti",,ii. .rid et-Ten-.-fratUtenatits;„,..-InnploY0 el • *7-.--ilrrfected-10445-'"h0"re'''Thiiffi-i-nflliOn Qiiis '•wit.s. Mention.- q.0,1,n.,Shi•-,ittts. i.ed.' ii, 43,hyaicia,n 3olortg.i .$.24.1....utp;: ten in the last ten_ days, ., ed on •Thursday at the ,local offiCes- tql-11.0i.seli;,-the-4,1itto'YETPerolt.tr'-'7".7.'' • I2j., .1-1,.'..$1,50; Iniddlings'..,$24,50te '' '^u- 'Ot.i. t..:':':theretiPailiShCi•WedlieW.:* 1.TOI'lgenzitiet gegit!•N"etr..,21*Pigtiltn:; :e-th,iin: five :hundred' dogs ' of,,the.Oanatilan Pticifie'.:aS the siiin '• The Queen: of Italy has _arganied.. 7.41q6Ta....._ ., .,- $24 sO ;•,t'.. -'ter..the iii.tinment was .held -. but .•everY :.4 ..s.hrj11.-.blask,grk,::ia;Lhijg&':',whi$tl-4H": 6untiel .have been killed,' ;. ; shorts, . '4 0 !CI: ,that,,...040,80•n4%.ke,..: •„will •,:oir irorn' 'the, troattury'';Of the which Second Vice-kidsidaile why:to ,,,hart. SR‘eAvoltisnl: _ii,.8.tiCidei:0,Yriobinlf,i',i_h.::;6.aci'Qievait-i4a01 ten,, including .4 . • • jag el.... puTe . grain time Ils. imperial master. ..., 4.. .. Iv • •v • eXtendea. , NI...41C 1. is .g.CCeraltlY• quite ,'Stlinelttits'... his •-han.d to • attempt to do it Iiiiti• ; to .. bring the debtors out .with 'alt. " 'itt.'r-A,Xlea' thPOnill having'. Company .to •be ,expended on • .West., workkirrs. toil :together..,there, mak- sg. ta.-$28 per tc,n.,,:•cheee__Ure•st-.- self POPort•-:threW,-31i-im.Seg-'haek--itt7"- 'tionillo; :V01. to .02i-iip4.grad.es, the ismallchange- theY.--,Can lay their •-•:---,.- 1 e who'. wit.'„o-ffeetea.,:....: .: . .,eiii, ' lines daring . .. the 4'3648..n: ' of ',ingi'elethea'Tfor. -..earthq.U:s.Xe" sufferz...etiris,,, 1.3:x• _to 1,2 .(.:,•;....-',.ari d.. Eavswi.its: Elltbrnil- , 101 ' final tY.•••.. j0k0Phino ' whia- ' hal1-cl• on ''. .: .' .' '' . '• .:-. -; :''' ' : : ' - ' ' '''''''. - .. • ^ - •-•.'" • : ds, 1009 :, Mt Whyte will•-leave4ot, the. 124. ." Ratter '' 25%.. to 'cirItIf]$•.1tIRIS G. l'IttliV. 1:.. east .,fi Fridttyzar4i.1 . lirill.'„.speildn the : -,.`„The ' (40.ern.inent --of ' .ItalY pered.,soinetli;ng. •to;Iier husband - cy 'is ;ran in 'cOtineetion. with the._ In Austria, a debt -collecting agen- -liblet.A.,; • fetato_n_A otos will be accompaiiicki..by_the;,..chief. quenmof.•_Alle-eamthqlialier.hyl:.),:' li'. .1'.1Vi:...t9' 4 • . r"' ' *": . follOW•rug Week in M-Ontrearl.:- •. If p•oses . to miet,,the 'finarieial.,eon 4 '':7 g6o, ,.. 4pd ! E.,,p.t,onlbol.•, 'bole, , t '24X..Who- burst ont„laiighing .6,i4 put an_.: ,11,Sit:dflircrefi.7," 'The plan has .vverke,d 7 . , , . atImir4t4A-44d-ratrg.6-tinitS:'.41'.e2dOt. • . ; • ' " ' ' ' ' . " -3 ', . engineer for western :lines.,.'., -31%. • E.• 'ing a special. land3,,taX of 'fiVO. ,Per. lee.tad-Yea,rly .by..the...4uStrian" Post-,' igit....4 'Gadd Times.. • . , , -, • . .. Schjwitzer .' Who , ter- Several' Weeks Cent., and a! ;tale. Of .o.rte 'cent :op 4atcli , QOM Toronto flys.*:", pas t\ has been depting. hia, entire _leach, -railway. 'ticket. Sold. .... ` • ' • '• . ..t.tonndrie'S. and -factotieS • 'titnie.'lo a..sisid$i^a;tion of th'e Avark1' . ' . - : : ..... ''. „ . , _ ., , : atising-their,•-pay.,,7' Polls.,..lin:,to.,:he::•:delle--nex,t..Vostr! ii• 'cell/tee,' . • .,. ' 1119CV cOSZ;TIFOTTrOlar , Aton,„1.y...ith.„.„.tho' huildinivotidditin' ' al4reekt-and,114ett-etnient. ' . tenanee of. tx,i0tinAi lines. :IT.TA( .01) .1.91Vili:A*•:It3.11,•311•111t • , .• • ,•.,.„ •, , .to. 2;-,e.c,. 40og.g.4e>,v-laid, at 3,0e.„.110.3......eii.q.-fo thelf4cglIaleSson..', - ' --- - - 1,'-: stock at , p4%,.- to .24c .p.er . ;din dn.- . ' . k , - - '-.--.-...;.-'''-'', - .. • • ...... , ,, .. .."•• ''„ - ''. • ...-' -. ..•-•=---..' - • -. , _,_____:11j1i01);NEti....,,AT.T.E..gr011.0.. ITNITETY-ST.NT7 8 ' MA RicET. 7' ....• .• . - ',..--- .: •• • '' •• ',.---13'1,ifftil'6,--,..-/jan-AtAr;74NV•hetit---fiSp-i. -i-o--0-itirti.t>11-Hi.1-0-411:i* ;1404. * illev-e.1 ,•-,W,--.7h-ig-Fit-ff-i--Wc;-i.Itiori!,. libotli,e sco,i,,',.-.,41-1:.H,',-,;'; , 'Vint -all- . • 0.yllutbite-'Extil9sion , in- TlianO0ona.. firm% . Corn,:"--Striii . t). t' .1- A 'desl'at°' `ir'aal"Witerf'rd 1-.‘"s'" 3 g. a s- ;ion , ' . • • -• • 4, • ''"'''' r • , . . . It r. t ti,,,4, ,a• ,pipoo,n,.e :ale a 41 is thelt; transMitted 'to the toWn- , . tine, tital 111..al1.,olly -c,..flop; : • '..- , Darlet -ld ..to malting, 0 . i.d ..70o. • , ni rnb r'-. „. .i,,f_ .. 67,,,. ;if •,,, , .. ' '. • .. - ..' ' i 4- . -1 ' I A ( .1 S• NI 010 pn 4.-tc lit e „uca the -obtar lives, The .post:.•. , A desp4i,oh.. frolii ..xell,ia, .aa„),,i.:- •.•,..*liinetiliolis• J. -in 12 - Wheat,- 1. ,,,.. ^ .., ' ' ; ° 1., ", ' ' • ••,- , pond, ..061.d'On '1‘1,;tja*J•3,7 about •e1.3.,,i- Iiitin otills on. the Dian ' ccillcits-thet. . May 431.09Y.. --to •If41,;00 ,33,..• .Jitly, ii+,%•, , . • ,; Another,'" t,i'0,g61dy , ^inirof,d:og . the. tiov ..,,,,...i •:N.; . i: .i.i; -..4:1, ,; , , ; ,..301: pi..avs (Id, . SR 111. ed on .;t1titi le.C., .1'ndnoy, 'and ..retnits;;it •th•th poSt- • „, ar Uti:;• ii ;-0 • h,••,,,j fikti40.11,4•11 •,)1 inks we pc, tin., rt.:(.11 OM C V f.r,(4ro, `...wininOd . thi.i.•'..bill via dca.t,h of 6fiq: than and.. 1,..he'.fatal ..:11'.."1..$"1"...1'1:/1•,77;,-8„1"•ifa; .;,...Nartuprn,-. . 0 tc, „ •.,.•., . • .., .... . .. . ... . . • , . . . . . . - . J,,ttry of .artothP', ffoiTi ,A.A.., cAP.101.iigh. 404}44..,,,,,N•103';.• i13. Na4,,tliorli; 1,-.1,:n.';;;-:', • l' .111'" l'1.''' • m'c'n't .down in,Abor3.1,. t.r.a.h&:h„:111-cd,3-. . It ' 14: .then; 'delivered:: .. ' of , ''• dYn'A Mite ° .0,Cei,rt eil' in -Nrde r 0.afria. • $1..„03 ,3,, -No', :;,i N.ortilern; .$ t .0 ' ''''' eT''v''''2'n'''f'Yet ' ' '1'1f '''' 4.t.."'" • ' .folci 4•1,1S ..I., .3 to e• :t r fidaentivi 4',4/....144_3.8t.,.. /If .pay.1•,-.•.• .• , .09u-rale:v.'s construction, .ea-inp . to '01; ow i ,. Bra 1.1..,...;141 ',, 00: . F.14;ita•z?.‘ TlroW:1,c(1..• 'fhb; h',3dy iin,f, iie,,,,,ic (3,,,... !neut. ',..ii;'4,,,l`mSoti: the: trioesinfili! is on filo. National Ti nil seont inc n t.ni ,.. „pi, iy,..i.... iil.i3e.,nf,,,...cit" 4o. t.,,, i4). 8,..,; 0 . 0(1. in 4113 'or: t 0 ort t:',V nijnitteS.' ,r..4!41' NTIVall:11:0d Of di., ?not; ilatd.1.:aluablo.,-,'.',, laSt. ,MOntlk.. '' The.. dead: 4441. •w;,as ' • ' ''''' ...."; :. ' 4 ' -T, 0, .plth„,,,,... 1-)r, .•-thod...V.ot,1,:di ov.,-,;• tlint'; I.F4-•tints.. sakied. . , • ,. -- ' • itemilrfolon -: A SW6de' 4144 0.6 TA-. 024" Pa., t.:(1:1.8. '.• : .4 ' t'c,I .iii..:1(1:' 1114311, :MIA, tux ,;t0n4..3 (iniii li to. itas.• 4311 ,4..i.. 3" t rtri:i ii,a 'is ia`.'s4inte. 'parts'of 1;`;ng- ... ,. .. , >, ., ,..-14., ,,, ., . . eteAre., hkt.,00 1(3 .; *1.10 ; .k64)60 ,., . ' • -.' . • ' • . .. " '.• / ,... / Ice, , _ ..' list. ..... / 1 , "3. .. ' Jit 1< man , , Is . naaireti,, fvtitterSali.., .c,1,,,v,.0, Ft•;3' EA ,r.6 .A3,./.0., . . • :.: • " • ..,„„,;;__.,,,,...._ t. :. • ' 4 1 : f 4). it. a; : C P 4 c(,0*I4, elreu- .• • • rIll .. . . . . h. .L i If ' ' '' • *:...` ''' " ' • -.. ' .,.... . . * • ' ' ' ' ! • - * • 1.41111.3! 1:1' alno1:4p`vtifiPIPSZ4W0R: Whilt ,...ney. \vete . spoomn., •01.11,..4, novo: , 1\111w:114k (3.6.... ':3",:t1t; " .1,;h•-vriloar •-•••: W14-011 ligki boo'n, spritug: a "f.OW ' (kV 'a: • y , 1. :-N' : • :I ',' 4 ', rIT, .. 1,; ' . 'N : • ''/ '' * ,iirP,10 : Ilt IM`O'l'ill:P4' , : ..0TI-0.1...18."...:q0 (.1-1 'the' ' Man .ever.V- pee‘,Ionsle, e•lien.• Ole 11012.i.trnt4I-.. 4.• 4 ' . . ' - ; ' * . ' ' ' ... 41 , . . ' . .. ; , .', ' • • ', ,A,..:..:.i.a` vali:14;.• lo ..ehaer .pa4 s:-..ttn'', in...9.1,ir.',3) Sreari,,,.t....1.'1'°)t. , ...._1‘.:r,ersr..,.; '4'Cii,(;,4)0.j•i>1.,0„!:t.,la 1 -1). 4'14 .. r.. _sip um„,,,,,11.4f U.l'ori (..4.1'.:1.44...:t.,-r..,.1:7-T-,1..1,..`.:fi..';.,,',i'' !.:,.!iii:.• 4(.3f.,'',V:.(,).1.,.'''1:..iil.:".;;';'„•1'.1t,40.41.t .' A'”3!i!,1,1. '11'1' ,.. 'I'l '1 '1.4.-.121' ' Yttii.ci;:4.":',r.,...,:'Iri'''.:'!:'''''il,;,.'',1,'hl:•„1.1,;'! :1.1iii.:*;:11iii"112.",„.e,.,,T1t:0°..1.''' r10 11 e 0i .1101e.S:, 0 . , ' '''..'''...Al."' and a. terrific' -•ex,t)143qi(04 N.,11,,,,i„.,..,(1, . „,,,, ....•1(y ,, , -3‘,f, , r11.,... • ,r, , .1.; , ..•.. r• ,... ...., .k , gitei,*Klyq.:..,. , ' ' . ,. ''' ,., ...; .•;..,/i;', )1'1' , , , . • I, ,.. fracturing her skull-. He then wont '• • ..„ ,i.,..„,„,3 .. ...I.L,„,•,„,, ' 3: ' • -..44,..' t, "'. ' ' •'`,41 ''" .1'0 . --'• .' '.• ''',14 ' ' ''''''' • --' , '.' ' . ..,,-- ,..,-.„-• - ' - .e„ , 1 rl-mtro:'-si.3-1.v2ttP.t--t1-;,7•-ttil•--1,4,-6:t•-- - imet:-O447-iiik-oti•ti, , *‘,3_ .°-'''''''.:4L .*-----11-.---' -°""" •*?'''-''''''''• • k !VAL'. 11.'."'"; • in,' -'1 4° ,'°: 67° 1."741311).„"..., "... ,i4 •,13`;.ci41i;' -"It' ft.3,>. unr l' I f•i'•-::.>,•!;-. ;.:, : , .4.1.:-;tari,i .3 1....;:,;31't • •y.14.3 '1111 \i'C .4,4onO. .. . ,.. . Cooper .informed- • hpii .'..of ,what lte -• .- • • • :, . , 00.-., • t 4",-44:,;:t4(',",..?,•No:. q.,,',''..01 • tn. ci.,10 ...,•,•.-,Vo ."'.4 •, 4. 34 i . ' , .t ,...,• • . - • . 46 .i„ . ,. • ,...0.,,r -; (. • .7 . . • ,,, ..i.A nlr'!, li,t,l'••••47:43! V, • 3Pa ..: • ,44411.•;.....,4; -3,!, :,..4 .1.34,43':' '3:3';'ff.i.:Ant.-.TinV;'1;";i146;i," hi;n3,..:;-' .ba(1,40.0...' Searr, .Wis...kef0„,tintlet..,....-:. --mt-i!teilliint,e'for.:-.ii•---firaii-.hon-6--nutt,f-Ati,'si-d-"..1141(ifti;.--:-.4-,..,,y,), ;-7,‘,if,li1,11-.4-,1'-, : ---:!'...••:•,:.:, ,:,.. ,. .1.. ; ., , ' - . , f:' , ': : 0.4 1...,: 1).‘ • ,1:7': 1/1 ill 'Pr . •..1`1'...‘ 11.1 k ‘.;'1'4' • .4, MICI.:At•Ith 4.!T ., re rv 11,, then, :tirri.:Ated:' and. plaeOd in a; bo.:x.;,:bx,rii.I.31411i1(3.,t, i3.0,..........,.. 014 e ',..3.1, . ! .. : .::''' LI S.''''''.'' . i,"*.':•..).‘(:':t';, .::: i',.‘ ii:TOP 7 ':*. • ' " '''' k.'L 41•" 1-'1'6'1 'a r'''''" -t ' - ' I ''"" "•"1"17 ' . AI' 1143'•,1. ,IT,-)-sillli' n 'ile'-• P01 ;I:Ataitio'g tratiool‘tatioil to .jail c01).44-04'.' ' * ' '1.4.' ': '; ' '' ' * -• 4% ..' ' : .: ' ' . ' ' t' :t *r" '. ' .... -'1'' 'i.a. t1'1''''.1'1... tiT.41% 41'w''.': 1.'" '; ''1 'IlilUi :ill."Qt.';'''".1111‘ 14'.'"il ' rIdIs0.: ' , 1: ''. • .-.2.. 1,11ii•rtior,i3i i':.f;,:,, .: , ... 01,•!, , ., ,. 4 ..,.. 1,,..„ , ! 41,,..e.......,4 4,.1 :,:4•.4..-4.1..,i,..'41, (kr ,,:•',"."''; T•114.P1 t'''.'t :::3.'''.! 4-d. ,,ir:c..,,,,. - i..... 1e,,,....,.,,,,,71;.,.,,,...,1,; l''*. li4.' '11'. (`:11 '1'.i':.‘ii. . . • • .4-I ' , • • • . , tj., 1 4443s . " 3 . , : • ...., ,_ nee Of the rush ot. orders .ie.T-0,2L-MinagTeo to'. Concern in thecity am% C'e•ry bn3 season,. and. have': their shops rnn.' theflollest .capacity iiia s..-!rhi relations betw ,arkers 'andmUlderS tni r1K4oia rett nt v , 'of liiec1 Man 1 liteb 121 ikes '.the ,";6fiti6ok A.,,tfotatori frin Brandon, Ma i payA • 0 wife .01' a -well ,k311oWn.7faimer II*. near,Orkdtvardine, .„ . ing iiehi ' an wednadAy 'Wag dt- witnioir sup vc, tacked by 'the:, hired nnn named' 8•-irry,,,•Scarr,, an )44-igli tishmm;. .18 .40nlY Tau aVe41.4 • .; , ;years Of Age.' -Armed; with., a, 'ham.- ten ':froiff: Odess'it .'says Sviatosla ew b'f. •313. 4013.1.kied 'hear ik with ,1111141.4. Alr.Mrio.sdity, The „Milk° wi three:. Min,- e"a 411iiiilattett 041d the Tascidon ttnd ,The thirty -Nor .POter the' tr.e.34, . ware 1O3t..,.. • , . Vi • -4- s • &taker- esid. o-iblllgI-cie tend,the in.-114to' the pest-officeni. - • • • RONTo,?`"9/5° ear aIl o. Attgliad'e gni ticirt.:Qwin4 tha,,,positi.ons.; ' /fee. 4 Col% P„dor Sts; IA.11.01V, • Prin,L; ' , up-tOYe7ouC' da t ,i 3- 14 , send' te -W. . , m• t Pays to LATER 11 . .;COS't 5oii 1itt141 in:40 4 ipt, ' • .• •titi6 yon 11 ovtt b ; 1t'6••• ' sqleS,and 41,etils • §11414,a, oalrAtirnied sef,i. • leat :4*::**tde" ',hr.. *ill you 'aye, thttt ''./T•alnPri..-'im, or ze. otail ,on;tira .;01>) •• ,41)° •