The Wingham Times, 1908-12-31, Page 2Anowd for yearn wi#il. a ®i:owd 1.1m. Mr. L. R. Devitt, Berlin, Ont., bettor known, perhaps, as "ISmallpox Ben," has MILBUR 'S LA A -L I V R PILLS . He his also used them for his patients when nursing thorn, and h is a well-known fact that small -pox sufferers must keep the bowels well regulated. Read what he eaye :—"I have been afflicted for years with a diseased liver, anti have tried all kinds ref medicine, but of no avail until about four years ago I tried yourLa.xa- Tivor Pills,aud got instant relief. Since then I have nursed diflerantpatients! afflicted with small -pox, and in each ctise 3 have uaod your valuable pills. t° My wisllea am that all persons suffering with stomach or liver troubles will try MR - burn's Laxa-Livor Pills. I will advortise :hem whenever and wherever I have as opportunity and I hope that if at any time I cannot get thepills, I will bc+!ortunate enough to get the formula:." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents par vial or 5 vials for 1$1.00, at all dealers or will ba mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out, TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left At this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for Changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 13STABLISHHD 1872 THE WINNAN TIMES. H. B.RLLIOTT, PUBLISITY.R ANDPROPRIL^TOR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1908 PURE BRED DAIRY CATTLE Vine River and North Klnloss charges Will be visited to the interests of the Eingmentation committee betero next meeting of Prosbytory, Mr.. Perrin rek.orted re Systematio BeniSoenoe, and the Forward Movement in Missions, and on motion it was agreed to hold a Laymen's Banquet in Wingham with a view to forwarding the interests of Forward Missionary movement. A committee was Appoint- ed to make arrangements. Mr, Dnnoan reported for the commit- tee on Evangelista, and recommended that advantage be taken of the week of prayer, and that "meetings be held wherever possible, This recommeudd. tiou was adopted. The Clerk reported re statistics, Call - lag attention to the reoommendations of the General Aasombly's Committee, Mr, Radford made A statement re• garding supplier prepared by the As- sambly's Oommiktee on Y. P. S., and their desire that as far As possible societies avail themselves of these. A disousaton took place regarding the supply of studseata looking forward to the ministry, Iu future, regular meet- ing held in Wingham will commence at 10,30 a. In. (Owing to pressure of space, report of Presbytery has to be condensed,i To the Editor, -Report No. 1 of the UanaOau Record of Performance for pure bred dairy cattle has been issued by the Live Stock Branch, Ottawa. This report contains a brief history of the Record of Pert ormnnoe work which wan undertaken about three years ago for the purpoao of securing official re- cords of pure bred cows for full milk- ing periods. The work is carried on no - cording to the rules and regulations laid down by the Minister of Agrioul- tnre and agreed to by the several Record Associations intereated. The Report gives the rule© and regn- lations, quantities of milk and fat for registration as set by the different Re- cord Associations, copies of the se4eral forms used. It also contains the re. cords of animals that had qualified for official registration up to July, 1908. This recorded list includes 42 cows and I heifers of the Ayrshire, French-Oen• adian and Holstein -Friesian breeds. This report will be of great service to progressive dairy farmers who are desir- ous of securing reliable information as to where sires from regular brooding and high producing ancestors may be secured. A large issue of the report has been printed and will be Bent to those who apply for it to J. G. Rutherford, Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa. Yours faithfully, J. B, SPENCER, Acting Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa, December 15, 1908. PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND. Regular meeting held in Wingham on December 15th, with Rev. 0. M. Rutherford presiding. A unsnimons call from St. Helens and East Asbfield, to Rev. S. H, Moyer, a recent graduate of Knox College, was sustained and arrangements made for the induction to take place on January 5th, at 2 p, m. The stipend is $900, with mauee and four weeks holidays. It was agreed to congratulate these eangregationa on incronsing the stipend by $50 and it was felt that owing to the increased cost of living, other congregations in the Presbytery should follow their example. The treaanrer's and auditors reports showed the Presbytery's finances in Rood condition. , N • THE WiNQUAM TIMES, DECEMBER $1, 1908 'A a ascen62on? What is today the Chief work of in the way we desire? FUBLIo LIBRARX---Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will H. B, HLLIOTT, Proariotor and Publisher TOWN DIRE' GTORY. . INTABLISHETI 187'2 ......� International o al ---� TuE WINank Tins. Farm Bible udy Course, BAPTIST LiHurtou--sabbath services At 11alnAnd 7 p m. Sunday School at IS PUBLISHBI) is aD a garde ourselves, or our country? t0 9: SO J OlOOh. Miss Ethel E11iotE, librarian, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING given as to the cause.- The complaint tures to Mr, G. A. Stimson, of Toronto, 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting —AT_ Is it wise, or otherwise, for Chris. Salient Points 1111L the Lesson for SSalt'. alt. 3r4, on Wednesday evenings. Rev, H. Edgir Allen, pastor, B.Y.P.u, meets The Times Office,Beaver Block �� den Given in a Series of Questions by Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Oosens WIN(sHAM, ONTARIO, TOwN QOFNtlIL—W. Holmes hfagor; ° Dr: A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, $15,000 ton year $ebenturea to Hansen S.S. Superintendent. ._-. Get from any preecri tion pharmacist P p following: ]Rev. ]Dr. Linscott. METHODIST CIIURca—Sabbath services At 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 7,aums or suBsouipTIoN-41,00 per annum in advance, $1.60 if not so paid. No paper discon• HENS VERSUS INCUBATORS.' (Rogistored in accordance with the Copyright Act.) 2:80 p m. Epworth League every Dion• daued till all arrears are paid, except at _ The Ascension of Our Lord. -Acte Is this same "promise of the Father" (lay evening. General prayer meeting option of the publisher. RATI — L gal and Anpadve iNo RATs10 - Legal and other Result of Some Recent Experiments i 1-14. still standing for All of God's Children? on Wednesda evenings. Rev. W. y oasD"UTISINGr (I Bo line for eeeil enbsegnent In Chicken Raising. Golden Text -It came to pass while Why is it that so few Christians y G. Howson, pestor. F. Buchanan, S.S. Superintendent. first insertion, per insertion, in local oelmmus are charged I3y JAMES DRYDEN. Artificial incubation in recent yearM He blessed them, He was parted from are COnSCiOUs tlliSt the are indWelt y 'and ,•, PRxsBYTH$IAN OHUrcu—sabbath ser- Advertisements to ots. per line for :trot insertion, and 5 cents has assumed large proportions. Large th9m, carried up into HBRvOIi, and enveloped by God the H01y Luke axiv:51, vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale numbers of incubators and brooders Spirit? (This question inast ile school at 2:30 prayer p �, General ,to Rout, and similar, $1,00 for first three are purchased in every community, en, Verse 1. -What former troatiae to answered in writing by members of meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. weeks, and 35 ceno for cash subsequent In- tailing in the aggregate a large invest+ here referred to? the club.) D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, S.S, Superintendent, serttou, CONTj%ACTRATAa--The followingtsbleshowa rent of capital, It is admitted that losses ` What did Jeans do and what did , 'Verse 5,-VYhst if any, rssemblauoe he teach? ' Sr. P.LuL's CHuaon, EFxscoPAL--sab- our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods;- there are great �n the artificial Incubation of eggs and brooding of s Does it in any way limt our idea of is there between water baptism, and bath services at 11 am and 7 p In. SPACA, 1 ", s eco. quo. luo• chicks, and many explanations ai* . the teaching of Jesus, if we seminar, the gift of the holy Spirit? Sunday School at 2:30pIn. Rev, C, E. OneOolumn.------$70,00 $40.00 $22.50 $8.00 Half Column to.00 25.00 16.00 0100 ry What are the conditions for A Ohrie• ize it, by saying that, he taught the tian to receive the baptism of the Holy Jeakws, B, A., B. D., Rooter ; Ed. Nash , S, S. Superintendent ; Thos, E ,-_-.•_ Quarter0olumn---. 20.00 12-N 7.50 3.00 One Inch - _---_ 5.00 8.00 2.00 1,25 certain prescription ever written to Baokaohe, Kidney Trouble, people only two things, viz„ to do Spirit? Robinson,, ssistant Superintendent, Advertisements without specific directions Drug Store. Nlghtoallsanawaredattheoffioe, righteousness, and to see God? Ve�nes 6.7, --What knowledge is the SALVATION Altar—Service At 7 and 11 will be ineorted till forbid and oharged accord. ingly. Transient advertiaomente must be paid - ... Which class of persons are aeogm- most desirable? a In. and 3 and 7 p m on Sunday, and for in advance. i plishing the greater good, the workers Can you give an example of some, or the teachers? every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Tnw Jon D:sPAnTXvNT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print - .tA ` I w_ ' Verse 2. -What was the chief ob• gneetians upon which it is useless to POST OFFICE—OfflIII hours from 8a Ing, affording facilities not equalled In the County for turning out first class work. Large V 9 jeotive commandment, which Jesus t!Q¢Culate?type to 6: ,0 p m. Open to box lzolders from and appropriate oats for all styles of Post. ere, Band L'ills, etc., and the latest styles of gave to his apostles, just prior to his Would It be a good thing for no, if 7 a m. to 9 p m, P. Fisher, postmaster. choice fancy type for the finer elaeeee of print• ;• ,. - ''--;;�. God were to answer all our questions 1'r-7510IAN and SURGEON. Ing, »-•a. , a ascen62on? What is today the Chief work of in the way we desire? FUBLIo LIBRARX---Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will H. B, HLLIOTT, Proariotor and Publisher of Toronto. Mr. Thomas Fairbairn retires from GOOD HOME RECIPE. the Christian Church, and of each Would it be a blessing, or a curse, to ne to know the iatnre, either Aa re- be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;30 o'clock and d every OVOAing from 7 ICY P KBNNHDY, M. D„ M.C.P. A, J Member the British l INCUBATOR Housr, Mr. A. McKinnon, Iot 28, con. `, was the Baptist church last Sunday. member of that Church? Verse 3. -What was the nature, and a garde ourselves, or our country? t0 9: SO J OlOOh. Miss Ethel E11iotE, librarian, • of e. As ecia• tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special dio attention paid to diseases of Women and Child. given as to the cause.- The complaint tures to Mr, G. A. Stimson, of Toronto, Infix This Simple Helpful Recipe at number of the proofs that Josue gave Is it wise, or otherwise, for Chris. Mr. J. H. Marshall, M, P. for East ron, Office hours—I to 4 p. m.; 7 to 0 p. m. is that the chicks either fail to hatch Agricultural snd Arts' Association of Home and Try It Anyway. y y' of his resurrection from the dead? brans to speculate, or teach, or oven p TOwN QOFNtlIL—W. Holmes hfagor; ° Dr: A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, $15,000 ton year $ebenturea to Hansen or, hatching, they fail to live. Wily •' Bros., of Montreal, at I per cent. Get from any preecri tion pharmacist P p following: Can you refer to any historical fact, opinions, concerning the time of form o intone , Thos. Grego..y, D, E McDonald Wra , R. MACDUNALD, � the embryo should live through the in - atch cubation period and die before hatch- „� the Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half better attested with proofs than the better the second Corin o! Christ? g Yeree B, --What fa s prime necessity Nioholaon,Geo. Spotton,Geo. C. Senna, Coanoillola; .J. B. P'er son, Clerk and t3T1 Centre Street ins; is a problem that bothers the ,^ ounce; Com onnd Kargon, one ounce; p resurrection of Jesus, fur Christiane to know and experience, Treasurer; Anson Dnlmaga, Aseosnor. Wingham, Ontario, cubator operator more proUrqtb than - f.� Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three "the Verse 4, -What was the promise of fn order to have power to live right, Board meets first Mondtsy evening in any other. It is a keen disappoint- new house about completed, It will ounces.the father" referred to in this verse? each month at 8 o'clock. 1iARRIED Jaokson-McGuire.-At the residence ment to the incubator user to find of the bride's brother, Wingham, n" - ,,, Shake well r A bottle and take a teaspoonful dace after each meal and (See Luke xxiv:49, John xiv:16, et and to testify effectually of Josne? HiGuSouooL BOARD, -John Wilson DR. AGNEW, after the eggs apparently have pro- ` at bedtime, seq.) Verse 9 -Did Jesus appear to them Pp (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. y, Physician, Surgeon, sic. gressed satisfactorily up to the time 1 The above is oolusfdered as the most What, fn present day vernacular, is to ascend into the olouds, much as a Macdonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. A. Offioo-Macdonald Block, over W.MoMbbon's of hatching that 25 per cent of them, have failc(i t0 hatch. p( certain prescription ever written to Baokaohe, Kidney Trouble, precisely the gift of the Holy Spirit? balloon ascends? Morten 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone. MorDudton Holmes secretary, A. Osseus Drug Store. Nlghtoallsanawaredattheoffioe, more or less, This means a large loss to the poultry- ; I relieve Weak Bladder and all forms of Uri- there more than one God, and if Verses 10.11. -What is the Import of p treasurer. Board meets second. Mondaqman, and if there were no other prob- nary diflicnities. This miaEere sots not, is not the holy Spirit God himself, what these two men said to,them, con- evemng in each month. R. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. R.C:S. (Eng) L: R. 0. P. London, lem involved in incubation than that promptly on the eliminative tissues so to speak becoming incarnate to oernin the return of Jesus? g PUBLIC SarooL BOARD. - T. Hall, of the chicks dying in the shell it of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter each person, localizing himself, and Would the coming of the Spirit of (ohairman), B Jenkins,ll, E. Isard,A.E. 1'r-7510IAN and SURGEON. would warrant extended investigation. ' and strain the uric acid and other Cause matter from the blood which accommodating himself to the indivi. Jesus on the day of Penteoost be the Lloyd,fi. Kerr, Wm. Moore,Alex. Ross, Office, The testimony is very conflicting as oanaea Rhenmatisul, dual soul? � return of Jesus as theca men meant? 0• N. Griffin. Seo.otary, John F. B. with Dr, Chtsholw. to the efficiency of incubators, Batches. Some persons who suffer with the - Had these apostles up to this time, Verses 12.14. --What did the wait y Groves; Troosurer, J. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveninpi n e*o" as high as 90 to 95 per cent of "for- a. afflictions may not feel inclined t4 received the Holy Spirit ittto their confidence for and , pray about, in this upper' month. VANSTONH, tile" e s are eggs frequently made and as pince much in this simple room? • low as 25 per cent or less. Some claim r I,.fa•ure, yet those who have tried it natures, in this particular sense? a HIGH StlHOOL TRAgIINCRS-J. A. Tay• BARRISTEn, SOLICITOR, 13TC that the fault is in the Stock that laid y say the results are simply surpising, Have all the Christians to -day re- Lesson for Sunday, ;Jan. 10, 1909. - lor, B,A., principal; J. 0. Smith, B,A., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest the eggs. Others claim that the man ,,4 tae relief being affected without the cefved the Hol Spirit, in the Pente- y p The Desoeut of the Hol Spirit. Acts y p classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A,, rate of interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold, who runs the incubator is usually to ; 6lighteat injnry to the stomach or other orga)ls, costal sense? ii:l-21,' mathematical master ; Miss $alone Dodson, B.A., Eenehes of English and Office, Beaver Block, Wingham blame in failing to folIow instructions,' Mix some sad give it a trial. It Moderns, and this is very often the case. 'fir certainly comes- highly recommended. It fe the of an eminent PUBLIC SCHOOL TreAOa'y,'a.-A. H. A. MORTON, � An even more serious problem is W,, . hatch the chicks well, Some claim that - prescription authority, whoaa eatrre reputation, 1t i6 cs ,.y Mus oye, Prinoinal Miss Brook ' BABRISTI£R, tea, it is easy to hatch the chicks, but hard eels, was entahbghed by it, Mise Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Miss Onmmings, and Miss to raise them. Some reports are made, A druggist here at home, when Bg G Local History of the 809. Fraser, Wingham, Out, to the effect that within four weeks , ++ asked, atated that he could either sup- the ingredients or mix the pre• I TWENTY YEAS Ttems 'lroin the "Mmes" Yyle9. BOARD OF HEALTH-- olmos,At after hatching every chick has dicd.,ply acliption for oar readers, also recom. (ohairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- H. L. DIc&INsom DUDLEY HaLatus certain seasons of the year pa abs-ife bly .,0 per cent of the incubator, chicks �. mends it no haimlecs. cry, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson, �g isllCli\1 ��� 0 & w����s i „ die. The cause of this great mortality (From the TIn1Es of Dec. 28, 1888.) boundary line, was sold by auction by Secretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald Medical Health Officer.BAYiRISl'ERS SOLIOITOBS Etc. is usually ascribed to faulty methods Penis of the Aged ARE OVERCOME A Popular Holiday Number Among the Christmas Numbers, that have come to hs.ud, the "Canadian Pic- torial" (fifteen oents; published by the Pictorial PnblW-#g Co., 142 8t. Peter St., Montreal) dowrves special mention. Its unique and very charming cover appeals at oDee to everyone, and it contents, from the bright Christmas Stories and wealth of Christmas pio• tures to the Swot Old English Carols, words and music complete, are full o Ohristmaa spirit. Yet even the Christ• mac number, true to the motto "New by Viewa" of the "Canadian Pictorial' shows some splendid pictures dealing with the stirring events of the month the world over, The "Catiadian Pic- torial" has woa fav itself an enviable p'.aoe among Canadian publications, for its exquisite photogravures and fine workmanship throughout stands unex- celled and is wonderful value for the money. (One dollar a year, Including all speoial numbers.) The New Feature "Unknown Old Favorites" is meeting with hearty appreciation. This give words and music complete each month one or more of the old favorites the moot people think they know and know they love, yet that only a few can fol low right through. A rollicking and apillted old English ballad will appear In the, January issue. Short stories have recently been added, the numerous departments are well sustained and further improvements are contemplate for the coming year 1909. Three seleot ed back numbers as samples will be supplied from office of publication fo ten cents in stamps. Liberal clubbin offers are announced. The "Pictorial' clubbed with the Tlnlxs for only Sl 80. s f a ' g t d r Mr. Peter Deans, 'on Wednesday last. By using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- The purchaser was Mr. Dawson Kerr, LOCAL NEWS. of Toronto. Mr. Thomas Fairbairn retires from - the Teeswater Nowa after conducting it OULRoss. for fifteen years. On Saturday, the 50 acre *Arm of Mr. Wm. Pocock preached twice in Mr. A. McKinnon, Iot 28, con. `, was the Baptist church last Sunday. sold by Mr. P. Deane, to Mr. John Mo- Mayor Inglis has disposed of the last Kinnon, for $1,070. j $8,500 isene of consolidated town deben- daring the early" winter months, it has tures to Mr, G. A. Stimson, of Toronto, Bi�LGRAVE. at 1031.16. Mr, Thos. h. Wilkinson hos been Mr. J. H. Marshall, M, P. for East awarded his veterinary diploma by the Middlesex, was buying cattle in Wing- Agricultural snd Arts' Association of ham and vicinity this week. Ontario. Mayor Inglis has lately disposed of the Mr. Jas. Johnston, formerly a teacher, $15,000 ton year $ebenturea to Hansen but now attending the London Medical Bros., of Montreal, at I per cent. School, is -home on a vacation. premium, -----•a---. s The East Huron Conservative As- MORRIS. sooiation, at their annual meeting in Mr, Wm. Isbister has purohnged the Brueaela, elected the following officers,. 50 acre farm of Mr. James McGee, P. Kelly, president; J. J. Denman, whicii adjoins his own for $2550. secretary; E. L. Dickinson, treasurer, +k i7ae� a sio.e., 25 cents a at all dealers os Bata & Co., Toronto, There were about 80 visitors present Mr. Michael Robertson leaves for at the examination of S. S. No. 8, Nebraska this week. Morris, on Friday week. Mr. Chipuum Lewis, Salisbury, bt. B., 'I TURNBERRY, BIRTHS, Mr. Then, James, 11th, con„ has his MoBurney.--ln Turnberry, an the 24th, Inst„ the wife of Mr. Adam Ala - new house about completed, It will Burney; A daughter. make a snug Cage for somebody. Mr, Ben Holmes, 11th, con., has'pat 1iARRIED Jaokson-McGuire.-At the residence imp A now verandah to his otherwise of the bride's brother, Wingham, n" - ,,, tasty residence, which adds greatly to 19th. inst., by the Rev. H. MaQaarrie, the looks of the ctrncture, Mr. Silas Jackson, of Brussels, to MiEB Mr. Robt. Jenkins, 19th. con„ has Sarah McGuire, of Wingham, mold a part of his swamp to McLean & DEATHS. Son' of Wingham, Rome. -At Belmore, on the 16th, tnet„ The 50 -acro farm of Mr. John Fowler, Sarah Ross, aged 81 years. B r ,Vtotect the Lubes. Almost daily we bear of people of advanced `" By using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- yeart whose pert and aches have been over. teed and Turpontine at the Brat indioa- comr„ and whose life has been made more comfoitabtebythetneofDr.Chase'sKidney- To Empioystr:t of Labor. tion of throat irritation you overcome the cold before it gate a hold on the Uver Pills. In order to relieve the intense •ftua. bronchial tubes or lungs. No treatment Because the liver, kidneys and bowels be. tion of the unemployed of this Province, has eves proven so snooesufnl as a care come sluggish in action, ononout waste mat• fox is left in the bt and this brings the Cha seem to ctathbr to the largo centres for bronchitis, amthma, croup and severe , chest colds, xhla is why Dr, Chase's pains and aches, the stiff joints, lame back daring the early" winter months, it has Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is a snd rheumatism. been decided by the Associated charities standby in most homes. Dr. A. We Chase'S to open a free 609116yment bureau in Toronto, This tspp#.al is being sent Yds �.1Ve� Bilis broadeaat through the Province to the `i�`.`,. manufaotnrers, farmers and all people help most promptly and cure rhoA thoroughly who employ labor to co-operate in this on account of their direct and combined action work, and is is earnestly hoped that any. F'T on liver, kidneys and bowels. They are the most popular rod the famous Receipt one needing help of any kind, skilled or introduced, ever introduced, and are ever BookI, ran -box. unskilled, will apply direot to the "'for rise bureaus," 71 ''Vio. ;a,uthor he teed *'J fait portrait and signafoYe on the box. box, onto employment j +k i7ae� a sio.e., 25 cents a at all dealers os Bata & Co., Toronto, toric 5t, The bureau already has hun- a araoa, ereds of capable men willing to under, G Mr. Chipuum Lewis, Salisbury, bt. B., take work of any kind that may be IT PAY TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES ♦vritea r offered thein, who prefer work rather Breaks ug a. cold at the atarL I Foe yaw I "I i6viiiat aiti, kiditey trouble than Charity. The help of this ill t'rI i 'mei c*n Six year` xga 1 ixgaa will oonttderably lessen the ilacesttty of At the first sneeze or chin, take Carilpho-Quinine, rrt l}ra and now Cures in 24 hour$. A# your dealer's --260. t oft. 1. I Is being n oAo for large sums, of Y I rt o *Ad In inoub era Komi. I a acvcatl yarn mousy to betimedfir oh�tr#fy. a ,� •+ •.• _ _.n2 ' . of brooding or feeding. The fact that MONxy To LoAN. the chick may be hatched with im- OrrIar!: Moyer Block, Wingham, paired vitality has not been recognized i TAKE NQ'li"10E. fully, The evidence of vitality should : _ not be merely that the chick survives i That J. S, Jerome, Dentist A RTHUR J. 1B,WIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. the brooding pe!iod, but that it comes j is malting beautiful sets of tDDoctor of DeataiSurgeryofthePennsylvania to maturity with vitality equal to that tooth for eight dollrra, Sud Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal of the parent stock and is capable of inserting the Patent Airehamber. All College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office transmitting the same vigor and health in Macdonald Block, Wingham. s work guaranteed, to the second generation. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. A. series of carefully conducted in- 'fir WW . J. PRIOR, B. S. L. D. D. D. S. ; �T vestigations at the Oregon Agricultural :: f.:• '` A., S., WW college has brought out the following Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental facts as to the comparative efficiency Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. of hens and incubators: Gov- 5 Office ; Beaver Block. from 879 eggs set, incubators hatch- ed 538 chicks, or 60.6 per cent. f �4�. LEX. KHLLY, Wingham, Ont. rom 279 eggs liens hatched 218 C�'�t ;r�1t`..,� chicks, or 78.8 per cent i W4 LICHXSSD AIICTIONHHR Eliminating eggs broken in nests,' + For the County of Huron, 'Sales of an kinds the hens hatched 88.2 per cent of eggs conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at Synopsis of Canadian Northwest �thoTrr. m office will receive prompt attention, set. he incubators hatched 78.5 per cent'' Homestead ReCulptions. of "fertile" eggs, and the hens hatched 96.5 per cent. IS NY even numberedManitoba, auction of Dominion i ii{A1Vg Mo00NN}JLL, Eggs incubated artificially tested out L'i LancLa in 1�an1ii0ba Saskatchewan and h { Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not msorved, may Licensed Auettoncer for the 22.7 per cent as infertile, while those l f be homesteaded by any person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years of County of IIarott incubated by hens tested out 11.8 per ' ° ago, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 Is prepared to conduct auction sales of all des - Cent. acres, more or less criptions, especially farm stock and triple- The Incubators showed 16.6 per cent j Application for entry must be mado in per- meats, in any part of the country, on reason - t son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands able torins. Orders left at the Timns offioo of chicks "dead in the shell" and the Agency or Sub-age=for the district in which will be promptly and cheerfully attended to, y hens 2.8 per cent. the land isYituate. T nary by prow may, how- ever, be mT� at nu Agency on certain condi- Chicks hatched under hens weighed '"f i. i. tions by his fattier, mother, son, daughter, heavier than, chicks hatched in in - brother or sister of an intending homesteader. :� The homesteader is required to perform the ctlbator9. homestead duties under one of the following4Q" The mortality of hen hatched chicks plans: 11 �ngl� m General Hospital a, (11 At least s,!% months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three (finder Government inspection) years. (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform the regniredresider) oe duties by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less Pleasatltly situated. Beautiful fur - than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity nished. Open to all regularly licensed �* " of his homestead. Joint ownership in land h sicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS— will not meet this requirement. p y nursing), $3.50 (8) It the father (or mother, if the father is (which include board and deceased) of the homesteader has permanentresidto $15.00 Dor week according to location him, of l ss farming Ions owned solely by of room. For further information him, not less than nighty (80) notes in extant, , f..•� � � r in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a address`,' homestead entered for by him In the vicinity,r such homesteader may perform his own resi- UISS J. I:, WELSH, dence duties by living with the father (or Superintendent, mother.) Box 223, Wingham Ont. (4) The term "vicinity" in the two preced- Ing psragraphs is defined ns meaning not more y �, than nine miles in n direct line, exclusiveof fill the width of road allowancos crossed in the RAILWAY TIME TABLES. COOT TOA SII G aI•ats, measurement. ------ brooded ill brooders was 10 8 pe* centss (5) A homesteader Intending to perform his RAND TRIlNIC RAILWAY SYSTEM, residenoe duties in accordance with the above _ In four weeks and of intubator hatched while living with parents or on farming land TRAINa LEAV1 TOE eislcks 2U) r Cent. owned by himself must notify the Agent for London ....- 0.40 a.In—.- s wp,m, the district dfsuch Intention. Toronto &Hastll.0;ia,m., 6.48a.m t.40p.m. The mortality In hen hatebcd chickft Six months' notice in writing must The given Rineardine.-11,57 a.m... 9,08 p -m,... 9.I5p.m. brooded tinder hens was 2.2 per Ce0j: to the Commissioner of Dominion Landa et sxuivn rxox Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, $ineardiub ..,4.40 a,m_.i1,00a.m.. M 9.40 p.m, and of incubator chicks 49.2 per cent. W. W. CORY, London....-•,.. ,- ..,._. 11.54 a.m- 7,85 p.m, In other tests the mortality was 46.0 Deputy of the Ministor of the Interior. Palrtlerston.... " _ ..... 10.80 a,m. Per hent for incubator chicks broodegl ; N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad. Toronto & Hast.........,. 2.08 p.m.... 0,15 p.m. vertleement will not be paid for. L, HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. by hens and 58.4 brooded In brooders.. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Hen hatched chicks made greatat , dd /� TRAINS LBAVir TOS $'tin in weight than incubator cblck — Toronto and Haat..... -- 8.87 a.m..— 8.16 p.m. whether brooded by hens or brooderxr Teoswater --. 1.07 p.ra.,_10,00 p.m. ARRivll rnoY . `� � Teoswater................8.87 p.m-- ,00 p.m. Keep Sowing. x: +�rir Toronto and Hast _....1.07 p.rn..-,10.00 p.m. J, H. BSRMRR. Agent,Wiugham, Sow something 'whenever the groll4A , to cleared. Nature abhors bare ADVERTISING r D E RT I S I N G grounds. Crimson clover Is e r o s at /`�l!„J �/ for sowing among all garden crops 3s>r the last cultivation, This will IIYW �� iJlill�j�4e�Q!lLl49 through the winter and may be turned ` Orders for the insertion of sines l bona m ' las [finder in Spring, thus addinginechahum li such As teachers wanted, business ahnnobe, any kind wanted, articles for tale, or in foot Cough Remedy d� find rill"gen to the 'S011. lige may any kind of an papers, i n the of the Toronto orV town for a cover crop, used for isprl tithes city papers, may be lett at the TIMIa office, Tkiswork will•reoelvbpreimptattention feed or be turned under as green iiia` and will este people the trouble of remittin lg yl It KgUAbRC` MO11 fol• and forwarding advertiaementm. Lowes tum. Rape or turnips May be,,S0` * oaten will be quoted oilo ahis kind to Leave Coughs, Colds earl Crotid• for fall growth and re beneficial tO ' or eend;yoYir next work of this kind to Elie 16%. 4A,Y t'f�YltfrlTCl..��►s'7''slr+rrtx. wYrr�i.�..r .._,., i